Open Poll: Why Don't You RP Anymore? (NO SPAM!)

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Re: Jason-san has a point. And I change subject lines!

Unread postby Banjooie » Fri Sep 12, 2003 11:57 pm

Meh. I still don't like second gen. At all. <p><Chat> <Matto says, "What's up?"
<Chat> <Prince_Herb says, "Angst."
<Chat> <Prince_Herb says, "Drama."
<Chat> <Prince_Herb says, "Betrayal."
<Chat> <Prince_Herb says, "Plushies."</p>

Uncle Pervy

Re: Jason-san has a point. And I change subject lines!

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sat Sep 13, 2003 3:45 am

Then don't RP in it. ^^ <p>------------------
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Re: Jason-san has a point. And I change subject lines!

Unread postby Nekogami » Mon Sep 15, 2003 12:19 am

Same old, same old.

CI=boring as all get out, unproductive

2nd gen=fairly pointless for me and as entertaining as 1st gen CIs.

DF= never done it but I'm interested nowadays

I like campaigns. All the fun of CI only structured and the feeling of accomplisment is there. So I RP just with a small group of selected few. <p>

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Re: Jason-san has a point. And I change subject lines!

Unread postby Aldaglad » Tue Sep 16, 2003 3:49 am

Well, I'm new here, so I'm relatively unaquainted with terms such as "second gen" or DF, but here are my two cents anyways:

1) Too many of you whine about not finding old characters to RP with. Give new characters, and sometimes RPers like myself, a chance!!! You don't always have to have a life long story to RP with someone. You may, for example if your character is too advanced and/or well developed, find a niche in acting like a master/guide/leader of a given party (just an idea). Granted, it requires that you make a little effort to start with, but as it progresses things find their own flux.

2) Another bunch complain about having a hard time coordinating with others. If you have this problem you should dedicate yourself mostly to board RPs. While arguably they don't have as much interaction as chat, and sometimes seem to go in slow motion, is a great way to at least keep in touch.

3) I myself haven't done any CI, but I think what makes it good is the situations the characters create. In other words, if all you do is introduce yourself and whine whine whine about your life it's partially you own damn fault.

4) Starting RPs is, in my view, not really encouraged. And I'm not saying every noob that gets to this boards should start splurting RPs all around. But sometimes lack of interest from other people will make the GM of the unrequited RP not want to post anymore. This doesn't imply that every wacky idea should have 200+ RPers, but sometimes stuff that deviates a bit from the established should be worthy of "old guard chars" exploration.

5) Older members should try to make this a more noob friendly board ^__^. The reasoning behind this is that new blood makes the whole idea flourish: more members and regulars yield more RPers and more Chars, wich in time give place to more interesting situations and a richer enviroment. Plus, in time, more RPers will give birth to more GMs. As an example, I proposed a creation of a noob RP. This should be lite RPs, as proposed before, that will help to the introduction of the newbie into the mechanichs of this board. As another example, I took me about 1 week or so to be able to get into my first RP (special thanks to Banjooie, who considered me for the RP =P). Not that I'm complaining, but it seemed discouraging at first, and the fact is two other posters started out at roughly the same time as me, and haven't posted ever since (I think).

So those were my two (or 5) cents. I hope I haven't stepped on anyone's toes or crossed any boundaries. I love this forums and the whole idea of RPing by just logging in is superb.

Edited by: [url=>Aldaglad</A] at: 9/16/03 3:54 am

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Re: Jason-san has a point. And I change subject lines!

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Tue Sep 16, 2003 4:57 am

Man's got a couple of damn good points. I'll follow up on this later. <p>

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Re: Jason-san has a point. And I change subject lines!

Unread postby Nekogami » Tue Sep 16, 2003 9:32 am

I give Aldagad some mass respect. Where did I get Jason...OH the topic thingy. <p>

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OMG PRIAM: each would just suddenly need a smoke
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Why don't I arpee anymore? I do! *third subject line change*

Unread postby Koneko » Tue Sep 16, 2003 11:12 pm

Indeed. Can we keep him?

Also, on that subject, it seems that if roleplaying was the stock market, I'd be short-selling like mad. ^_^

Meaning, of course, that as more people stop RPing often, I start. As they start up again, I stop. Typically, that is. Not always. o_o

As such, as much as I hate to admit it, the low roleplaying amount's been a bit of a windfall to the Yari.


Re: Jason-san has a point. And I change subject lines!

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Wed Sep 17, 2003 2:38 pm

As Ian said, lack of intrest. I rarely come here anymore, I've more or less shifted over to other boards. =\


Re: Jason-san has a point. And I change subject lines!

Unread postby Ajil6 » Wed Sep 17, 2003 4:45 pm

I'd RP more if I knew when it was going on. x.x And I knew my RP's would be long, and nifty, I'd join in more. Since I'm not on AIM much, if anyone (Pervy, Reshiki) has an RP plot that they think I might be interested, you could drop me an email. n.n Though, I do check the boards about once every day, so it's mostly my own fault. AJIL IS OPEN.

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Lord Hatsuma


Unread postby Lord Hatsuma » Mon Sep 22, 2003 4:34 pm

I almost RPed here, once. Almost two years ago, I guess. The reasons I don't?

This place isn't newbie friendly. At all. I've been in places like it. All of the old timers here put forth their sweat and tears to make this great comic/forum/RP world *thing*, and now they assume (rightfully, of course) that it's theirs. So here I come, just some guy invited here from the RPG World forums, and what do I get? First, everyone tells you to go read EVERYTHING you can possibly find on the website. A bit impersonal, but okay. Then I quickly discover that people have a long history and world and characters already developed. And nobody would want to see something they put so much work into scrambled about.

So I don't do anything. How could I, really? I have no authority here to try and , oh, 'save the world' or something. Looks like I'm right on that count, from the posts here. The place is stagnant, because the people who've been here are too tired to change it and don't want anybody else messin' with their stuff. I suppose there does remain the option of making your own place off somewhere new, but that kind of defeats the point of being a part of this community, doesn't it?

So if anyone with the authority will give me the permission to actually change the world, I'll gladly RP here. But I won't just be a bit character on someone else's stage.


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Unread postby Banjooie » Mon Sep 22, 2003 6:05 pm

Pfft, Hatsuma. Any idiot could have told you that much. Of course RPGWW has anti-newbie tendencies. It's the exact same thing that happened to But nobody wants to hear about it when -I- say it. :D


Re: .

Unread postby SuperRube » Mon Sep 22, 2003 8:50 pm

So if anyone with the authority will give me the permission to actually change the world, I'll gladly RP here. But I won't just be a bit character on someone else's stage.

I see. So you don't want to RP because you won't get to be the center of attention? <p>

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Lord Hatsuma


Unread postby Lord Hatsuma » Tue Sep 23, 2003 10:05 am

No, I won't RP here because my characters aren't allowed to have any kind of lasting impact.

Coincidentally, this is also why I don't play MMORPG's. I can get 'generic social interaction' without having to pretend to be somebody else and following rules for my statistics. In a RP situation, I want to play a character with some kind of goal besides racking up time/levels/glomps.

~Lord Hatsuma

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Re: .

Unread postby Idran1701 » Tue Sep 23, 2003 11:36 am

No, I won't RP here because my characters aren't allowed to have any kind of lasting impact.

...What are you talking about? I'd recommend you look at Squintz's Malachias storyline, End's ongoing Saga storylines, or even The Hit, to go really far back. Heck, even minor RPs can have a lasting impact on Doma/Baron/whatever country they might be set in, if not the entire continent. <p>

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Unread postby Rube » Tue Sep 23, 2003 7:04 pm

I stand by my previous statement. I'll wait for someone who actually gives a shit about RPing to explain it to you, Hat-boy.

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Re: .

Unread postby Mechanisto » Fri Sep 26, 2003 4:22 am

I agree with Banj.

Actually, that's pretty much a blanket statement.

And besides, doesn't CI stand for "Character Introductions?" <p>---
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Unread postby Banjooie » Fri Sep 26, 2003 9:39 am

Since Hatty's saying it in a less..interesting way, I'll go about with it.

Let's see if I've got it down.

RPGWW has a well-established RP world.

RPGWW does not want people to rampantly mess about with it.

Both of these things are good.

RPGWW does allow people who have been about for a long time to mess with it, on the grounds they helped make it.

This, while good, conflicts with...

Newbies who read all these RPs want to do something as epic and neat because, let's admit it, epic RPs can be really damn neat.


Newbie gets complained at because he's messing with the world that only the priviledged oldbies get.

On a totally unrelated note, whatever happened to the nothingbie thing? Is it possible people realized that there is a gap between, say, the newbies, the regulars, and the Ryo-oh/ky group?


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Re: ...

Unread postby Squintz Altec » Fri Sep 26, 2003 2:55 pm

Banj, frankly, would you want people to come in, blow up...Riva, let's say, and then walk off? Frankly, people who have been around longer can get away with more, because generally they don't disappear into the sunset.

As for Hat, you must be thinking of impact in a purely physical sense. You impact the people you interact with, no matter what you do. Even if they remember you as an ass, you still had an impact on them. You don't have to have bards singing about your accomplishments, or how you singlehandedly crushed Ungrak the Smashiest with your Vorpal Sword of Furry Death to have an impact.

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Unread postby Banjooie » Sat Sep 27, 2003 12:57 am

I didn't say it was fixable. I said that's what the issue was. :D


Re: ...

Unread postby Biomess » Sat Sep 27, 2003 4:13 am

I believe that by impact Hatsuma's merely saying he doesn't want to feel like a background character. But if that's the case, Hat, you shouldn't worry, the impact you have in a closed RP depends mostly on your imagination (this sounds stupid-the management) and your ability to express it. It's not hard when you are in, what's hard is to get in in the first place. And I say to thee, be patient!!! That's the only way, you have to wait until something opens up, etc. As stated before, this is not Newbie friendly, but well, is not an easy thing to fix, mainly because is not perceived as broken. Besides it has the goal of mantaining the RPs here up to a certain level or standard. If some newbie's first post is "This is my RP: monsters are coming, OMG" then is sure to have a bad impact. So there, in the middle lies the answer to going from newbieless to newbie friendly. <p>---------------------
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Re: ...

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Wed Jan 18, 2006 9:43 am

*Topic Revive-aga!*

Let's see what else people have to say on this subject two and a quarter-year later...

Also, I may be regarded as a bad, bad man for reviving this, but I dun care. <p>
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Re: ...

Unread postby Archmage144 » Wed Jan 18, 2006 10:36 am

Yeah, you're officially a terrible person. Your punishment is to be banished to the 9th level of the Nine Hells of Baator, where you will become Asmodeus' personal foot massager and whipping boy.

This thread is so old that I'm tempted to lock it, but rereading it was pretty entertaining. It's remarkable what has (and hasn't) changed in two years or so, and it's even more remarkable to look back and see that even as far back as two years ago some huge percentage of the forum "no longer RPed." It's amazing there's still a forum at all.

On that note, I'd give reasons for my current lack of forum RP activity, but I'm technically in a couple. Semantics. I still don't consider myself an active RPGWW RPer.

Also, if anyone wants to lock this thread (or wants me to lock the thread) do it slash say so. If this discussion has some reason to be resurrected, go right ahead.
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Re: ...

Unread postby Capntastic » Wed Jan 18, 2006 10:56 am

Agism shouldn't apply to good topics, just old people.

Anyways. I don't RP much/ever at all anymore because it seems like whenever I am asked to RP in a CI, nothing has started yet, and I often have to help get things going. Which, apparently, I am not good at doing, since after I've pulled one or two people in actively, the rest of the lurkers still don't feel like the water's fine. It's frustrating.

As far as plotty stuff, I am still game, so long as it's with people I'm comfortable IMing constantly about stupid details.



Re: ...

Unread postby Archmage144 » Wed Jan 18, 2006 11:31 am

It shall stay open, then!

Also, I have to giggle a little at Hatsuma from two years back.

Also also, my current primary reason for not being more RP active (aside from school) is the fact that I GM locally. Since I did so all last year and am starting to do so again after a brief hiatus, I would feel like I was betraying my friends slash players if I ran off to go GM on an online forum instead. The fact that I have been part of the forum longer than I have known them is inconsequential; I enjoy tabletop to the point where I'd much rather play with people IRL than via the net if it's possible and the people available don't totally suck. I also imagine that they'd feel rather betrayed as well if I abandoned GMing for them and then GMed elsewhere instead, given how much they seem to enjoy playing tabletop D&D.

And before anyone retorts with "do both," I don't have time. I just don't. GMing takes too much effort, requires too much planning, creates too much stress, and is too time-consuming for me to be GMing multiple campaigns every week or every other week on top of my classload.

Although given the opportunity (and that it doesn't conflict with my RL GMing [man that sounds weird] responsibilities/times) I can and will RP here as a player. I'm in a couple forum RPs, though at least one of them is unfortunately moving at the speed of molasses.

As a side note, something like 75% of the people I used to RP with on a regular basis are gone or don't RP at times or in places that are accessible to me. Some of them are still here, but there are neither lots of new people to RP with nor lots of old friends to RP with, which makes me wonder what is going on sometimes to keep this community alive. I guess that there are RPs going on both on board and in chat, and some people are doing less-conventional stuff that still definitely qualifies as RP (Idran's 2e D&D game, for example), even if they aren't technically "open to the general public."

So I guess I "don't RP anymore" because my real life has largely consumed me and because I'm a little out of the loop when it comes to who still RPs and what they're doing. It just isn't the same for me without the characters that have such dominating presences in my RP history. <p>
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Re: ...

Unread postby Besyanteo » Wed Jan 18, 2006 3:28 pm

I won't even bother lying.

World of Warcraft. Porn. Homework. Porn. Watching the Baby. Sitting at my computer, talking to people occasionally. Just spacing out.

CI is too hard to get going anymore. I can get a room with 8-12 people in it. 4 of them will offer to RP. 2 of them will actually do it. Those two are usually Chuck and Ashley. Love them as we do, their characters are fairly unfamiliar to me, and a 3 person CI with characters that don't know one another just doesn't move smoothly. If they had some objective to force them to work together, I could see that.

Bleh. Ironically though, I hear alot of good RPs happen while I'm on WoW. Maybe I'm just not good for RPs. =P Eh. Whatever.

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Re: ...

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Wed Jan 18, 2006 3:37 pm

I RP plenty. D: just happens to all be in World of Warcraft. <p>
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Re: ...

Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Wed Jan 18, 2006 4:43 pm

I feel like I RP a fuckload now, too, by comparison to earlier days. However, a significant amount of it is on another board, and the other major portion of it is in Idran's game. Both of these are much more fulfilling for me than CIs, because there is a purpose and a running, consistent history with each. I love the bejesus out of my character in Idran's game--this is not to say that I don't dig some of my other, Gaeran characters a lot, but without some sort of purpose to their existence then they lose a lot of meaning, just wandering from place to place (as is out of character for several of them). How many breaks do Milo and Kurt need from their project, anyway?

It also bears mentioning that since I don't CI *all the time* that my characters don't seem all that memorable. I know a lot of people have met Kurt and Milo and a number of players seem to really like them, but who knows who Anion is? Brian and Kai probably do, but I wouldn't wager anyone else knows about this guy, which makes my plans to have him disappear completely impactless despite his being tied to a significant figure in Doma. I suppose I could run an RP about it, but that would take a lot of planning that experience has taught me is outside of my general breadth of capability to do well. Point is, if you don't CI all the time, it feels like you may as well not CI, sometimes. This is not any person's fault; it's natural for this to happen. And I'm not sure it's 'fixable,' so to speak. But it's there anyway. <p><span style="font-size:xx-small;">"It's in the air, in the headlines in the newspapers, in the blurry images on television. It is a secret you have yet to grasp, although the first syllable has been spoken in a dream you cannot quite recall." --Unknown Armies</span></p>Edited by: [url=>PriamNevhausten</A]&nbsp; Image at: 1/18/06 16:56

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Re: ...

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Wed Jan 18, 2006 6:26 pm

...who would've thought I'd still be playing DaoC two years later, heh. >_>;

So er, yeah, that's a biggie at the moment.

Another is, as much as I hate to say it, RPing feels a bit pointless to me now. A good chunk of people I liked RPing with have moved on with life, and it's basically why I'm playing DaoC now. When you go into the Rpgww chat and everyone's lurking, or into a CI chat and almost everyone but two people are lurking, that tells me no one else wants to bother with it either, to be blunt. I just get filled with this feeling of "Why bother? No one else is...".

So, meh. I guess I could try to actually start plotty crap myself, but that falls into the same cycle. Who would care? Who would bother if they're busy with WoW/College/*insert important RL shit here*

So to sum it up: feeling apathetic in general. =/

Also Also: Sometimes I wonder if being out of college has anything to do with it too. I was exposed to a lot of things I'd never learned about before there, but for the past few years I've basically just worked my job and gone home. With the occasional D&D sessions with a buddy from work. Maybe I've just lost some sources of inspiration, herego the apathy. *shrug*

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Chalk it up to newbie rage or something, I dunno.

Unread postby Kai » Wed Jan 18, 2006 8:33 pm

I know I don't technically have a right to post here, because I do RP when I can.

I would like to point out that established characters are not the only characters. Yes, I think it would be fucking awesome for my characters to actually interact with some of the people I've been reading about (and yes, I do read old RPs and logs), and even I get nostalgic about what I've missed. Yes, you all miss RPing with the people who were around before. Yes, we get it. We know. You say it often enough. What about those of us who don't want RP to come to a halt because the effective population of the setting might change? What about those of us who haven't been here for years and would still like half a damn chance to have a good time with you guys?

Seems to me that a lot of people have already given up on having any fun just because it won't be the same fun they were having eleventyhundred years ago on the board back when the same people still cared about the same plots. Maybe I haven't had time to get used to the idea that my characters know everyone else's and every player on the board knows detailed backstory and fun anecdotes involving my PCs. I will concede that my perspective on that is radically different. I meet new characters in CIRP all the time. Nearly every time I enter a chat RP, there are new people there.

Sometimes I get discouraged but not because this place isn't newbie friendly. Sorry, I didn't come to this board to be a newbie. I came to this board because I respect what's happened here and I want to be part of new things along those lines. I didn't come to this place to change the setting radically, (*ahem* despite the fact that the first thing I did as a gamemaster was burn down the Jade Dragon). I came because I love this setting at least as much as the people who created Gaera love it.

That's why I CI with Gaeran characters, of first and second gen. That's why I want to gamemaster here, even to the extent that I will give up opportunities to GM for people I actually know in three-dimensional space. That's why I make Philsys sheets even though no one seems to be all that interested in using the system anymore.

I want to be here. Sure, a few years ago people were surprised the forum was surviving a dearth of RP and maybe that hasn't changed. The fact that this forum has apparently reeked of death for the past few years will not deter me from enjoying it as much as I can in the meantime.

It seems odd to me that something would be important enough to complain about and not important enough to fix.
It's important that Gaeran RP be interesting.
It's important that Gaeran RP be open to new blood to replace people who have lives going on after these few years have passed.
It's important that people feel like their characters can have an impact on other PCs and on the setting.

It's important that we bitch about these things, because in my mind they are important.

I don't get discouraged because I'm new and will never be part of what actually attracted me to this forum/setting. What gets me is that if everyone knows what's wrong, and everyone is willing to put the time and effort into long and eloquent potential ramifications of these problems.... does it ever occur to anyone that the problem might be important enough to fix?

I don't promise perfect gamemastering. I probably don't deliver it, either. But it's all I've got and I'm trying to help keep a setting alive that, for all intents and purposes, had its glory days years before I got here.

People have lives. I have a life. I'm not always RPing, and I'm not GMing a hundred things at once out of some compulsive Duty to the Party. But I'm trying. All I want to know sometimes is that people will care enough to try, too. <p>-------------------------
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Re: Chalk it up to newbie rage or something, I dunno.

Unread postby Spleen » Wed Jan 18, 2006 9:36 pm

I do board plots, when the mood strikes me. Hence my D&D campaign. My schedule's always been a little on the weird side, which usually digs into my ability to do chat plots. I'm sure there's some of you here who remember my participation in Storm's Surge, where I had to leave halfway through all the RPs because I was, like, 14 at the time and bedtime was still 11 at the absolute latest.

The problem I have with CIs is that it always feels just a little unnatural for me to have my character to accost a stranger in the street, especially because most of my characters wind up being martial types anyway, and talking to strangers is that much weirder when the stranger has a sword loose in a sheath. I mean, think about how you met one of your friends in real life. You probably weren't sitting by them and struck up a random conversation (although that's happened to me at least once that I can recall; it's how I met my friend Mike). You probably knew them from some setting, be it school, work, whatever, and one of you made a friendly comment to the other, and then another time someone made another friendly comment, and eventually you were exchanging friendly remarks on a daily basis and now you consider yourself friends. Or a mutual friend introduced the two of you and sped things along a bit.

Now, of course, this is not necessarily true under the effects of alcohol or in a situation where men are trying to have sex with women, hence why barroom RPs are so archetypal. <p>-_-___-___-___-_-

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Re: Open Poll: Why Don't You RP Anymore? (NO SPAM!)

Unread postby pd Rydia » Wed Jan 18, 2006 10:24 pm

I RP more than I used to, which is less than I used to before that; in retrospect, I can see why, given certain important factors in my life (*cough<small><small>bipolar</small></small>cough*).

My interest in RP is pretty stable now, but I'm still working to get Thingsâ„¢ in balance where I can, say, sit down and have time to do This on This night, not having to worry about That which was supposed to be done on That morning--and so on and so forth. I have a hard time sitting down to enjoy RPs when I have unsettled business with plans, bills, and such. <p>
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Groxley Grunk

Re: Open Poll: Why Don't You RP Anymore? (NO SPAM!)

Unread postby Groxley Grunk » Wed Jan 18, 2006 11:21 pm

This thread is awesome. And reviving it has sort of 'reset the counter' on it, if you will.

See, it'll start with people actually listing the reasons why they don't RP. Then, it'll turn into 'well how the hell can we make people RP more' suggestions. After that, Banj will show up and talk about things using NO TACT WHATSOEVER. Then people will get angry and yell/be sarcastic at each other. Then Spleen will try to get actively involved in whatever conversation is going on, which will prompt everyone else to slowly stop talking about it. Then the thread will slowly float to the bottom of the boards and... if we're lucky, someone else will revive it in two years time. At which point, a few people will comment about being amazed by their still playing WoW, and things will begin anew.

It's a whole circle of life thing. Goddamn if it isn't fun to watch.

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Re: Open Poll: Why Don't You RP Anymore? (NO SPAM!)

Unread postby Besyanteo » Wed Jan 18, 2006 11:52 pm

Rube makes my soul hurt. <p>
<div style="text-align:center">Image</div></p>


Re: Open Poll: Why Don't You RP Anymore? (NO SPAM!)

Unread postby Wolfbelly » Thu Jan 19, 2006 12:22 am

1. I never RP'd much to begin with.
2. I find RP via AIM to be slow and clunky. <p>Image</p>

Groxley Grunk

Re: Open Poll: Why Don't You RP Anymore? (NO SPAM!)

Unread postby Groxley Grunk » Thu Jan 19, 2006 2:25 am

Rube makes my soul hurt.

That'll go down with time. You just need to develop a good amount of apathy.

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Re: Open Poll: Why Don't You RP Anymore? (NO SPAM!)

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Thu Jan 19, 2006 11:58 am

You know, my first instinct was to get pissed and ask how Rube can be apathetic and not try to help with things.

...until, you know, I realized that's exactly what Rube was alluding to, with the whole "suggest shit until someone uses no tact and people flame, ergo not accomplishing anything" bit.

Bastard. =[

It is kinda sad I have to admit, reading this thread over, and realizing everything I would suggest has been suggested before.

...And despite that, because I'm a stubborn bastard, I'll say more crap anyway. Feel free to blame me if this devolves into a flamefest. =P

I don't really think it's just one thing, since I've had some time to mull over it without feeling like Captain McAngstyson (see last post). It's just a combination of things from over the years:

*: Free time is no longer a luxury. (IE: Have to work/Go to school/Pay Bills/Make wedding plans =O)

*: Other things have captured the person's interest, and are a bit (read way) higher on the priority list. (IE: WoW/Other Hobbies/da ladies/gents)

*: Hurt feelings from past events. (Not always something that can be 'fixed')

*: Kitties

...ok, so the last one may not be true for many. Though I would accept it as a valid reason. =O

Anyway, for a good chunk of them, it's something outside of other people's control anyway. I can't magically give Dia, Cho, or others more free time. I can't force people to be more interested, if something else is more important to them. And I can't fix hurt feelings, if the parties involved can't reconcile it themselves.

So what the hell was the point of all that longwinded crap?

Make the best of things, as Kai already suggested.

Some folks don't RP as much.
This is Ok.

Some folks may never RP again.
As much as I'd like them to, this is also Ok.

So, for myself anyway, I'll just try to stop focusing so much on what's gone, and instead have some fun when I can.

...assuming I can be torn away from DaoC for a few nights =D;

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Re: Open Poll: Why Don't You RP Anymore? (NO SPAM!)

Unread postby NebulaQueen » Fri Jan 20, 2006 4:51 pm

*: Free time is no longer a luxury. (IE: Have to work/Go to school/Pay Bills/Make wedding plans =O)

*: Other things have captured the person's interest, and are a bit (read way) higher on the priority list. (IE: WoW/Other Hobbies/da ladies/gents)

These are the reasons why I hardly CI anymore. Either I'm busy, or just more interested in something else at the moment. While I still do planned plot RPs (if they catch my interest), impromptu stuff usually winds up low on my list of priorities. Besides, I used to spend a lot of time on random RP stuff. Now I want some more variety in my hobbies. issue isn't about being disenchanted or RPs not being fun. I just have more things to do in my spare time now. This doesn't mean that I'm out of RPs completely, just get used to me saying "no thanks" when I get invited to a room. <p>

"My naturally quivering state makes any display of fear deliciously arbitrary" - Manowar Leader, Scary-Go-Round</p>


Basic reply

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sun Jan 22, 2006 6:12 pm

Same, really. College isn't PWNing me, but I'm trying to actively keep it from doing so. I know that random chats and RPs are my major distraction, so I try to avoid them like the plague. But when I actually have free time, it tends to be at odd times where I might not be able to participate in things.

In summation, I do board RPs a lot more now. Usually D&D things. Sometimes a little MUDding.

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Re: Basic reply

Unread postby Ganonfro » Mon Jan 23, 2006 10:47 pm

Well, since I never really rp'd here to begin with, I'd like to state that my amount of participation still hasn't changed.

...I actually rp a table top Marvel game with some friends here at college, which strangely is the most fun I've ever had rping on table. That'd be why I don't rp here. Jerks. :(

Will Rennar

Re: Basic reply

Unread postby Will Rennar » Tue Jan 24, 2006 9:16 am

-Deleted due to no longer being accurate.- <p>--
<div style="text-align:center">This has been your daily interrupted moment of Zen.

Science Team is convinced Metroids can be trained.
After three days, I'm convinced Science Team has vapor for brains.
</div></p>Edited by: Will Rennar&nbsp; Image at: 2/4/06 1:01


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