(Fanfic) Dear Ayra....[completed!]

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(Fanfic) Dear Ayra....[completed!]

Unread postby Nekogami » Thu Dec 26, 2002 12:06 am

Jes, I'm a fanfic writing wombat

Deer Airah,

Is that how you spell her name? Damn I shoulda stayed in school...

I am <s>riting wrighting </s> WRITING this letter to tell yo<s>o</s>u that i love you. You are da bomb. You have a big, fine booty.

I am so cool. She's gonna read this and just fall straight in love!

I want you 2 hang at my crib and b my homegirl. I will protekt you with my sweet ass magick and ninja skillz. Shout me a holla, shorty.

Yo stud,
Kodi Rae Tymmisonne

Damn I got a lot of letters in my last name....

Kodi looked out the window. "HEY, Tugboat!"

"SHIP!!" A boy with short purple hair and two horn like curls replied. He was playing with a toy carriage and scowled up at the misnomer.

"Yeah, yeah. Sorry, dawg. Hey, can you give this to Ayra?"

"The catgirl???? Ewwww, is this a love note?"

"Shut it,foo! Just give dis?"

"Ew." Ship pinched the letter between two fingers and held it at arms length. "Gross...."

"Make sure she gets it or ...."

"Yeah, I know. You'll bust a cap in my ass...." Ship waved dismissively and went on his way.

Ship dropped the letter off to Ayra, finding her in the castle gardens tending to a dead bird.

<imh src="http://zeke.tzo.com/rpgww/misc/yalogank/zznonrpgww/zmisc/htmlshirt.jpg"> <p>

Words to live by:
OMG PRIAM: ninja sex would be neither felt nor seen by either partner
OMG PRIAM: each would just suddenly need a smoke
Holiday Love:
Don't eat the yellow, red, black, brown, green.....If the snow at white don't eat it.</p>Edited by: [url=http://p068.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=pdrydia>pd]&nbsp; Image at: 6/10/05 18:17

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pd Rydia
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Re: (Fanfic) Dear Ayra....

Unread postby pd Rydia » Thu Dec 26, 2002 1:12 am

BEST FIC EVAR. <p><div style="text-align:center">
"On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me...an F.N.W.C.!"
-- VampireJesterJinx (VA by...Dia! :D!)</div>
<span style="font-size:xx-small;">Barge: *raises his sword* Game... *twirls it* Set... *smirk*
Big Fat Chocobo: *a big fat chocobo falls on the demon Barge* ^)-(^
Hakaril: .......Dia? Did YOU do that?
Rydia: *stares* o_O ...I think so.
Hakaril: ...that's great!
Richard: O.O WOAH. Remind me NEVER to get YOU mad, Dia. O.O;;;;
Idran: So remember everyone. Crushing works good on demons.</span></p>


Re: (Fanfic) Dear Ayra....

Unread postby Archmage144 » Thu Dec 26, 2002 1:17 am

*LAUGHING* <p>--------
The Archmage: Sadistic GM or handsome bishounen? You decide!
RPGWW! Beware of GM!

"I disapprove of what you say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it." ~Voltaire
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Re: (Fanfic) Dear Ayra....

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Thu Dec 26, 2002 1:17 am

*starts chuckling*

*won't stop until he reads the last part of this fic* ^_^ <p>--------------------
"Life is pain. Anyone who says otherwise is selling something." - The Dread Pirate Roberts</p>

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Re: (Fanfic) Dear Ayra....

Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Thu Dec 26, 2002 11:35 am

Man, that is a nuts fic. Hilarious, cute, yet has a personality all of its own. I love it! Keep up the good work, Amanda! <p>"I've overlooked a lot of prosecutable offenses recently. Tricking poor drunken Largo into coming to Japan, maxing out your credit cards. Taking advantage of your friend Tsubasa. Spending Dom and Ed's money on toys not tickets. But I can't overlook you pursuing high school age girls."-Seraphim, Megatokyo</p>

Uncle Pervy

Re: (Fanfic) Dear Ayra....

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Fri Dec 27, 2002 1:58 am



GOOD WORK NEKO. <p><div style="text-align:center">Image Image Image Image Image</div></p>

Vampire Jester Jinx

Re: (Fanfic) Dear Ayra....

Unread postby Vampire Jester Jinx » Sat Jan 11, 2003 10:42 pm

XD hahahaha! more kodi more kodi! tis much greatness amanda. <p>
<div style="text-align:center">
I died for beauty, but was scarce
Adjusted in the tomb,
When one who died for truth was lain
In an adjoining room.

He questioned softly why I failed?
"For beauty," I replied.
"And I for truth, - the two are one;
We brethren are," he said.

And so, as kinsmen met a night,
We talked between the rooms,
Until the moss had reached our lips
And covered u


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Re: (Fanfic) Dear Ayra....

Unread postby Nekogami » Sun Jan 12, 2003 1:00 am

Dear Kodi,

You can't have my shinies but maybe you can come see them. Acutally, maybe I'll give you one for your birthday or Ishmas. I'd love to hang at your crib but aren't you a little old for that? And I don't know about being your homegirl. Oneane says that I shouldn't hang out so late. So maybe I can be your homegirl part time? Also, I didn't think that I was all they short. Are you really taller than me?

Ayra Du Mythril

Ayra looked at Ship, who was playing in the pond.

"Excuse me, Mr. Demon boy."

"Call me, Ship."

Ayra smiled. "It's a pleasure to meet you Ship. I'm Ayra. I wreap souls."

"...." Ship stood up and looked Ayra over a little. "Heh! I guess Mophead DOES have good taste."

"Who's Mophead?"

"Nevermind that. You got a letter?"

"Yes could you send this to Mr. Kodi?"

"I'd be delighted....and by delighted I mean that I'm totally grossed out."

"Why? Are you sick?"

".....I got to go."


Ship found Kodi hiding behind Kotoki's munching on some sushi undoubtedly stolen from Dae. <p>

Words to live by:
OMG PRIAM: ninja sex would be neither felt nor seen by either partner
OMG PRIAM: each would just suddenly need a smoke
Holiday Love:
Don't eat the yellow, red, black, brown, green.....If the snow at white don't eat it.</p>

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pd Rydia
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Re: (Fanfic) Dear Ayra....

Unread postby pd Rydia » Sun Jan 12, 2003 1:10 am

Amused muchly. This is one of those few fics that I forgot I'm reading when I do so.

That's a good thing.

A note: Ayra calls Reshtaha Mr. Mophead. <p>
<span style="font-size:xx-small;">-=- "Got Dragonale?" -- Richard Storm (Nakibe)
-=- "Bah, my past was full of drinking and polymorph spells." -- Hakaril (Archmage144)
-=- "I REJECT YOUR PRESENCE!" -- CaptainPervy (UnclePervy)
-=- "What. In. The. @#%. Are. You. Two. Doing?" -- Hzar (Banjooie)</span></p>

Uncle Pervy

Re: (Fanfic) Dear Ayra....

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sun Jan 12, 2003 1:15 am


I was wondering how that was going to go ^_^ <p><div style="text-align:center">Image Image Image Image Image ImageImage</div></p>

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: (Fanfic) Dear Ayra....

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Sun Jan 12, 2003 4:25 pm



That is all.


Re: (Fanfic) Dear Ayra....

Unread postby Choark » Mon Jan 13, 2003 11:43 am

*laughs* eheheheheheh

I approve of this fanfic! YEAH! ^__^

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Re: (Fanfic) Dear Ayra....

Unread postby Nekogami » Mon Jan 13, 2003 1:42 pm

Dear Ayra,

I don't want your shinies. i want your booty.You got some junk in the trunk and I think it's fly. Wen you shake that thang, my hart skips a beat.

Your weave is tight. i think red heads are da shit. Your hair remines me of Fire or Flare. We could keep it hot twogether if you know what I mean.

Y you gotta play like dis? Dese games are clownin'. Be my girl and we can rule the world. Tomorow nite I'll meet you in the kassle garden. Peace outside!

Your boo,

Kodi grinned and sighed as he sealed up the later. Ship was lying on his bed coloring one of Daenj'r's porno mags.

"Chip! I'm in love!"

Ship didn't bother to look up. "Oh, gee, that is so great," she said monotonously.

"Foo', you jus' jealous cuz you don't attract dem fly honies."

"Yep, you caught me. I want me some fly honies...Yep."

"Shut it and go deliver dis!" Kodi got up and snatched away Ship's crayon.

The demon boy sighed and took the letter, looking like he was going to be sick, and climbed out the window. "Am I getting paid for this," he inquired.

"Yeah, I'll owe you two ass whuppin's! Now get t' steppin, homes!"

Ship growled and took off to the castle. He found Ayra in the street along the way hovering over a dead cat. <p>

Words to live by:
OMG PRIAM: ninja sex would be neither felt nor seen by either partner
OMG PRIAM: each would just suddenly need a smoke
Holiday Love:
Don't eat the yellow, red, black, brown, green.....If the snow at white don't eat it.</p>

Uncle Pervy

Re: (Fanfic) Dear Ayra....

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Mon Jan 13, 2003 1:50 pm


Well, his spelling is improving ^_^

and the bit with Ship coloring the porno mags was great! Based on an incident from reality, yes? <p><div style="text-align:center">Image Image Image Image Image ImageImage</div></p>

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Re: (Fanfic) Dear Ayra....

Unread postby Nekogami » Mon Jan 13, 2003 2:09 pm

Oh good heavens no. Daenj'r's notorious for having pornomags and Ships has a penchant for finding them. <p>

Words to live by:
OMG PRIAM: ninja sex would be neither felt nor seen by either partner
OMG PRIAM: each would just suddenly need a smoke
Holiday Love:
Don't eat the yellow, red, black, brown, green.....If the snow at white don't eat it.</p>

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pd Rydia
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Re: (Fanfic) Dear Ayra....

Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon Jan 13, 2003 3:39 pm

One important typo:

"Ship didn't bother to look up. "Oh, gee, that is so great," she said monotonously."

That should be he unless I'm mistaken.


Image Ohohohohoho! Dia approves!

I continue to be amused by this fic quite a great deal. ^_^ <p>
<span style="font-size:xx-small;">-=- "Got Dragonale?" -- Richard Storm (Nakibe)
-=- "Bah, my past was full of drinking and polymorph spells." -- Hakaril (Archmage144)
-=- "I REJECT YOUR PRESENCE!" -- CaptainPervy (UnclePervy)
-=- "What. In. The. @#%. Are. You. Two. Doing?" -- Hzar (Banjooie)</span></p>

Squintz Altec
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Re: (Fanfic) Dear Ayra....

Unread postby Squintz Altec » Mon Jan 13, 2003 4:42 pm

This gets the Squintz seal of approval.


Well, just pretend there was an image there. <p>

<div style="text-align:center">Image
People, the edit button is your friend. Use it.</div></p>

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Unread postby KingOfDoma » Mon Jan 13, 2003 7:48 pm

*continues to chuckle*

Vampire Jester Jinx

Re: ^_^

Unread postby Vampire Jester Jinx » Mon Jan 13, 2003 8:49 pm

XD *laughs hysterically*

<div style="text-align:center">
I died for beauty, but was scarce
Adjusted in the tomb,
When one who died for truth was lain
In an adjoining room.

He questioned softly why I failed?
"For beauty," I replied.
"And I for truth, - the two are one;
We brethren are," he said.

And so, as kinsmen met a night,
We talked between the rooms,
Until the moss had reached our lips
And covered u


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Re: ^_^

Unread postby Squintz Altec » Mon Jan 13, 2003 9:12 pm

Here we go...I now have a seal of approval.

No babies were harmed during the making of this seal. ^_^


This (fic/art/post/monkey [circle appropriate]) earns the Squintz Seal of Approval! <p>

<div style="text-align:center">Image
People, the edit button is your friend. Use it.</div></p>Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=squintzaltec>Squintz]&nbsp; Image at: 1/14/03 1:13:11 am

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Re: ^_^

Unread postby Nekogami » Mon Jan 13, 2003 9:47 pm

The Chip thing was intentional. I ran out of sea faring vehicles to call Ship. ^_^;; <p>

Words to live by:
OMG PRIAM: ninja sex would be neither felt nor seen by either partner
OMG PRIAM: each would just suddenly need a smoke
Holiday Love:
Don't eat the yellow, red, black, brown, green.....If the snow at white don't eat it.</p>

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Re: ^_^

Unread postby Nekogami » Fri Feb 07, 2003 9:58 pm

Ayra smiled at Ship. "Do you have another letter?"

Ship shrugged and held it over. "Yeah."

Ayra cheered and grabbed Ship's wrist. "Come on, let's go read it at Dia's. That way I can get some paper and answer back."

Caught off guard, the demon had no choice but to follow Ayra. Dia's was slightly busy as it was lunch but they found her pouring some ale to a dwarf.

"Dia! Do you have any paper and a pen?"

The dragonhalf looked over to them and smiled. "Oh, hey Ayra, hey, Ship is it?" Dia looked around and pulled out a writing pad she used to take orders and gave Ayra a charcoal pencil. "Will this do?"

Ayra took it and drew a line. "Hey, thanks!" The catgirl then proceeded to a table. She read the letter then seemed to be deep in thought. "What should I say back?" Ship leaned back in his seat. He really didn't want anything to do with this. He was only 6, he had more important things to do than ogle girls.

The wai reaper scribbled down some things. She took out the papers and handed them to Ship. "Here. I didn't understand him really but I think it's okay." She frowned.

"Right, right. He can barely read anyway so whatever you say he'll probably make up anyhow." Shrugging his shoulders and wings he left the confused catgirl.

Dia walked over with some milk and tuna sandwichs. "Is Ship gone?"

Ayra giggled. "He's Stupid, the Angel of Love." Dia quirked an eyebrow at this.

Meanwhile, Ship was doing his best to read Ayra's letter....

Dear Kodi,
You must really be a ninja to see what I have in my trunk. That's so cool. I'm glad that you like my hair. Does it really look like fire? I don't think I've ever been on fire though....And I don't really understand what you mean, sorry.

I don't know what games, you think I'm playing. Or do you mean when I play kickball with the other kids? Aww, don't be jealous! You can play too! And I don't know about any clowns. Maybe you should as Solis. He has some really neat cards and I think one is a clown.

You want to meet me? Really?! Okay, I'll try to be there but it's so hard being the Reaper of Souls. I get called away a lot but as long as no one says the D word, I'll be there.

Boo to you too!

Words to live by:
OMG PRIAM: ninja sex would be neither felt nor seen by either partner
OMG PRIAM: each would just suddenly need a smoke
Choark: Good luck there. You'll have to shit out darkness and send people into oblivion.</p>Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=nekogami>Nekogami</A] at: 2/12/03 11:12:35 pm

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pd Rydia
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Re: ^_^

Unread postby pd Rydia » Fri Feb 07, 2003 10:07 pm


Yay, my avvy's in a ficcy! ^_^

Oh, and Ayra's innocence is great. :P I love this fic. *nods* You must finish it. <p>
<span style="font-size:xx-small;">-=- "Bah, my past was full of drinking and polymorph spells." -- Hakaril (Archmage144)
-=- "I wanna get so drunk that I start seeing my friends as cows." -- Aya (LadyDragonClawsEDW)
-=- "If you're still able to see in colors and not in scents...you're CERTAINLY not drunk enough." -- Nakibe
-=- "LET'S ALL RUN FREE, NAKED, AND DRUNK!" -- Shirinai</span></p>

Uncle Pervy

Re: ^_^

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Fri Feb 07, 2003 10:40 pm





Excellent addition, our Neko. Ayra is amusing me greatly. ^^

<p><div style="text-align:center">Image Image Image Image Image ImageImage</div></p>

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Re: ^_^

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Tue Feb 11, 2003 8:30 pm

If Pervy gets a cameo, Dae really SHOULD get a cameo as well... if only to confiscate his defaced nudie mags... <p>--------------------
"Life is pain. Anyone who says otherwise is selling something." - The Dread Pirate Roberts

... frik, that's morbid.</p>

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Daenj'r's Cameo coming up

Unread postby Nekogami » Thu Feb 13, 2003 12:23 am

Kodi looked in the mirror the next day examining his dreads. He grinned to inspect his teeth and sniffed himself to inspect his smell. Ship was glaring at the blatant act of stupidity from the bed.

Sighing, the young Tymmison turned around and looked grave. "Ship...."

"Wow, that's my name."

"Shut it, foo! I need a bath. YOU'RE going to help me!" Kodi pointed at the demon.

"I'm going to what?! I don't get anywhere near water unless it involves...Okay I really don't see any reason to get near water, so sorry."

Kodi growled and pulled up his sleeves. Ship gulped. Kodi Rae had a mean streak in him and he wasn't opposed to beating the sense into people who failed to agree with him. It was one of the reasons he was kicked out of school.

Ship grabbed a pillow. "FINE! I'll help but I'm not touching the soap. Yuck...."

"You'll touch it if I say you will!" Kodi retorted, waving a fist. "Now....how does one bathe?"

There was a resounding silence for a while. Put water in a tub and get in. So simple but there in lay the deception.

"Maybe she likes guys who are smelly," Ship offered.

More silence.

"Yeah okay. I dig it." So it was determined that Kodi would go with the rustic smelly man look.

(Something I wanted to do before bed.) <p>

Words to live by:
OMG PRIAM: ninja sex would be neither felt nor seen by either partner
OMG PRIAM: each would just suddenly need a smoke
Choark: Good luck there. You'll have to shit out darkness and send people into oblivion.</p>Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=nekogami>Nekogami</A] at: 2/13/03 12:30:30 pm


Re: Daenj'r's Cameo

Unread postby Choark » Thu Feb 13, 2003 11:30 am

Such a cute little twit =P

Certainly a fun family member.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Daenj'r's Cameo

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Feb 13, 2003 1:51 pm

Heh heh...

Amusiing bit, Our Neko.

So simple, yet there in lay the deception. ^_^ <p><div style="text-align:center">Image Image Image Image Image ImageImage</div></p>

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pd Rydia
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Re: Daenj'r's Cameo

Unread postby pd Rydia » Thu Feb 13, 2003 3:02 pm


Indeed. ^_^ <p>
<span style="font-size:xx-small;">-=- "Bah, my past was full of drinking and polymorph spells." -- Hakaril (Archmage144)
-=- "I wanna get so drunk that I start seeing my friends as cows." -- Aya (LadyDragonClawsEDW)
-=- "If you're still able to see in colors and not in scents...you're CERTAINLY not drunk enough." -- Nakibe
-=- "LET'S ALL RUN FREE, NAKED, AND DRUNK!" -- Shirinai</span></p>

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Re: Daenj'r's Cameo

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Thu Feb 13, 2003 8:31 pm

*sees that there will be a Daenj'r cameo* WOOT! ^_^ <p>--------------------
"Life is pain. Anyone who says otherwise is selling something." - The Dread Pirate Roberts

... frik, that's morbid.</p>

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Re: Daenj'r's Cameo

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Fri Feb 14, 2003 2:06 am

...okieday.... *continues reading*


*or will, rather, when there is more written* <p><table border=0><td>Image</td><td valign=CENTER><table bgcolor=#FFFFFF border=1><tr><td>
<font color="maroon">I am an arrogant bastard.

And now, since I want to be unique like everybody else, quotes:

"People don't seem to realize, it wasn't a powerful ass poke. It was a powerful poke, to the ass!" ~ Lord McBastard
"So what you're saying is that Nintendo and Sony are in league with each other, and possibly the Red Skull?" ~ EKDS5K</font>

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Re: Daenj'r's Cameo

Unread postby Nekogami » Wed Mar 05, 2003 4:56 pm

Ayra decided to get gussied up for her meeting with Kodi. She donned a pink dress and looked in the mirror as she brushed hair. "Mr. Timmy, do I look pretty?

"..." was Timmy's immediate response. Ayra giggled and gave him pat on the branches. "..."

Ayra considered herself. "Do you think that he'll like me, Mr. Timmy?"

A ladybug landed on Timmy, flicked it's wings and flew away. "I guess you're right." She skipped over to the door. "I'll see you later, Timmy!"


Ayra was skipping down the halls, light as a feather when she bumped into Captain Pervy giving a young soldier hell.


"Hello, Captain Pervy." Ayra was verythankful for the hair in her ears whenever Pervy got excited. He's was a loud white mage, much unlike Kyra who often fainted for almost no reason.

Pervy nodded to Ayra and gave her a little scratch on the chin. "Yer looking prettier than a bottle of rum today."

"Um....Sir..." ventured the soldier.

"DID I GIVE YE PERMISSION T' SPEAK?! NO!!! HOLD YER BREATH UNTIL I SAYS OTHERWISE!" Pervy turned back to Ayra. "So what have ye got planned fer today, lass?"

Ayra blushed and looked at her feet. Pervy's own cat ears drooped as his heart melted. "Awwwww, yer as cute as my Ushyu. Well, I'll not keep ye, lass." He gave Ayra another pat and pinch on the cheek.

"Okay!" Ayra skipped off once more.She stepped lightly over the prostrate soldier who seemed blue in the face. "You better be careful or I'm going to have to reap your soul soon." They soldier nodded.


Words to live by:
OMG PRIAM: ninja sex would be neither felt nor seen by either partner
OMG PRIAM: each would just suddenly need a smoke
Choark: Good luck there. You'll have to shit out darkness and send people into oblivion.</p>Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=nekogami>Nekogami</A] at: 3/7/03 10:02:15 am

Uncle Pervy

Re: Daenj'r's Cameo

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Mar 05, 2003 5:02 pm


Our Neko...

You know me too well ^_^ <p><div style="text-align:center">Image Image Image Image Image ImageImage</div></p>

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Re: Daenj'r's Cameo

Unread postby ValkyrieShan » Wed Mar 05, 2003 5:22 pm

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *coughs up something she'll probably need later*



Re: Daenj'r's Cameo

Unread postby Ryuugami » Wed Mar 05, 2003 5:32 pm

Woo! More ficcy goodness! ^_^ I can't wait to read more! >_> And I hope there's more dragons to be found in later installments. <_<

Two things real quick. You use "light as a feather" twice, and typoed "soul" as "sould" by mistake. <p>-=-=-=-
Have you hugged your dragon today?</p>Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=ryuugami@rpgww60462>Ryuugami</A]&nbsp; Image at: 3/5/03 4:35:49 pm

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Re: Daenj'r's Cameo

Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Wed Mar 05, 2003 7:29 pm

Ayra in a pink dress, wai! Great story! You misspelled soul near the end though. <p>
Image One hat to rule them all.</p>

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Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Wed Mar 05, 2003 7:50 pm

Heheh, nice story Amanda!

Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=fffanatic80>FF]&nbsp; Image at: 3/5/03 6:50:58 pm

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Re: *praise!*

Unread postby Nekogami » Fri Mar 07, 2003 11:26 am

Just as was about to Ayra leave the castle she felt something grab her. "EEEEEEK!" Ayra screamed but her screams soon turned to giggles as something started to tickle her.

"Oooo, what a sweet, little girl. I could just gobble her up!"

"EEEE! Mrs. Sirvix that tickles!!!" Ayra was writhing on the floor, her sides beginning to ache.

The succubus eased up and hugged Ayra. Ayra turned around and grinned up at Sirvix. However, the clothes that Sirvix has chosen were very strange. She had on a black beret and a black suit; certainly, not the tight leather everyone at the castle was used to.

"Mrs. Sirvix, why are you dressed so funny????" The catgirls face crooked in a perplexed smile.

Sirvix gave a spin and a pose. "Do you like it? Hakki said that if I'm going to be a substitute teacher, I have to dress like an upstanding woman."

"Oooooooooh. Where's Precious??"

"Oh, I'm running late so I sent him to make sure that the children didn't get to rowdy. That in mind I better go before he eats someone." Sirvix kissed Ayra on the head and disappeared.

Naive and innoncent, Ayra saw nothing peculiar about the demon and the fact that she had employed another demon to strike fear into the hearts of third graders.


Kodi was trying on different clothes. "MAN! These duds is strugglin'." He had on a school uniform. "S-dawg, got any luck over there?"

Ship was pressed up against the mirror. He had on sunglassess, a black slacks and shirt, and a trenchcoat. "I like this. I makes me look scary. Grrr...I'm Ship Porte, Masterdemon, GIVE ME YOUR SOUL!!!!!!"

Kodi calmly walked over and looked at Ship. Ship looked at him. Kodi looked at Ship's reflexion and so did Ship. Silence.

"Does it make me look fat or something?" Ship quipped. This comment was rewarded with a bop on the head.

The ninja in training started to strip his companion. "I'm wearing those. Come on. Take 'em off." Once dressed, Kodi picked a pair of gloves to put on. "Yeah....I might this look goooood. S-dawg, you know the dilly."

"Um,yeah. Word up, K-money." They both made a peculiar sign. Ship zipped off and Kodi snuck behind the racks to the back of the shop.

Ship stood in front of the clerk. "LOOK I'M IN MY UNDERPANTS!!!" He began to wave his arms around. The clerk smiled at the 5 year-old and looked for the child's mother.

"I see that normal tactics won't sway you, mortal." Ship spread his wings and held his hands out of front of him. One hand rose above the other, palms facing. "I'll have to show you how demons get things done..." She reared back and with a cry, released a shadow ball at the clerk.

"AH!" The clerk duck and the chaos ensued. While the clerk, tried to contain the shadow-ball tossing angelus demon, Kodi slipped out the back. He proceed to an ally by a starfruit stand, where he would meet up with Ship.

Sometime later, the demon returned in his old clothes. He tossed Kodi his old clothes and plopped down, grin splitting his face. "That was fun. I"m a little out of breath but, man, I was too fast for him."

Kodi tossed a fruit at Ship. "So what will we do until tonight?"

"It's not far off. Maybe you should go over your lines...."

"Okay." Kodi gave a curt nod. "Ayra, I see you came. Have a seat...." <p>

Words to live by:
OMG PRIAM: ninja sex would be neither felt nor seen by either partner
OMG PRIAM: each would just suddenly need a smoke
Choark: Good luck there. You'll have to shit out darkness and send people into oblivion.</p>

Posts: 1090
Joined: Mon Apr 22, 2002 6:47 pm

Re: *praise!*

Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Fri Mar 07, 2003 1:26 pm

Oooo Servix likes to roleplay with Hak? Kinky...XD This fic is great Amanda! <p>
Image One hat to rule them all.</p>

Uncle Pervy

Re: *praise!*

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Fri Mar 07, 2003 1:48 pm

You know, I half expected that clerk to cast a hold spell on Ship, then say, "I told you that you had to pay for it. Now you'll pay the ultimate price!" before zapping him with a lotta lightning. Image

Amusing, Our Neko. ^_^

More Succubi should teach the young'uns. Then maybe they'd pay more attention in school ^_~ <p><div style="text-align:center">Image Image Image Image Image ImageImage</div></p>


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