Riding upon inspiration... The Creation of Enlil

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Uncle Pervy

Re: Thank you, RRC ^_^

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Apr 16, 2003 4:18 pm

Emerging from the Elevator, I pause, as a sight unlike any I have seen greets me.

Everywhere, there are People! Hundreds of them, all milling about in a massive Gallery that is so... different than anything like the Core! It is so large that I could fly freely in here, without a worry of hurting myself.

This must be a marketplace; I can see booths along the walls, where people form lines to attain the wares they sell. I recall seeing such when Lord Aliester first spoke to me, and showed me some of the universe.

A hundred different odors come to my nose, making my water a little. Food; things that I've never sensed before, yet I know that they are to be eaten. For a moment, I ponder whether or not I should seek something here to eat, or perhaps bring back something for Lord Aliester. Then I notice that people near me have stopped moving, and begun to stare at me.

"Rei," I say, looking at the people, dressed like that odd man before at whom Caesar laughed. "Have I done something wrong?"

"You're wearing clothes covered in dried blood, Enlil," Rei says. "People are going to think that you were the one who shed it. And given how much there is on those robes of yours, most people are gonna think the person who it came from died."

"What?" I say, "But I didn't... Why would they...?" But, how are they to know I did not. I would never do such a thing... but they cannot be expected to know. If they are unaware of Lord Aliester, then how are they to know of me?

"Don't worry, folks," Rei announces to the people, making a dismissing wave with one hand. "She just got out of the Medical Bay, some important to her was hurt, she helped carry him, and we were going to get her some new clothes."

The people mutter among themselves and begin to disperse, but I can only hear a few scattered words. "Another one of her crazy friends,"; "I shouldn't be surprised by this anymore,"; "I wonder if I'll get in the paper this time?" I don't really understand what they are talking about.

“This way,” Rei says, walking away before I can ask her anything. I have to hurry to catch up with her. We walk along side the wall, which quickly gives away to a number of alcoves, each containing a shop of some kind.

“Welcome to the RecDeck,” Rei says. It is a little difficult to hear her over all the voices. “This is where everyone who works for MacinTech come to relax. Here you can get all kinds of food, shop, talk with friends, or try out some of our latest virtual reality simulations.”

“What are virtual reality simulations?” I ask. I believe I understand what she is saying; people come here to enjoy themselves. But that word, I don’t understand it.

“Well, um…” Rei says, scratching the back of her head. “Did you see any of the illusions that Aliester made?” I nod, and she continues, “Virtual Reality is essentially like that, but we use technology to do it, rather than Magic like he did.”

“I didn’t know that a machine could do something like that,” I say. It is… curious to think about. But, in a way, I suppose it makes sense. Illusion is just the manipulation of light or sound to make an effect. If one knows enough about how magic does it, then I suppose that it is possible to make a machine that can do it as well.

“I’ll show you one, sometime,” Rei says with a smile. “You would be surprised how lifelike it is.” Se looks over toward the shop fronts, and says, “Here we are.”

She walks in, and I follow. The store seems to deal in clothing, but it is not quite like the clothing that everyone I have seen in this place wears. Rather than grayish garments that look more or less identical, here there are brightly colored robes covered with insignias of cherry blossoms, stylized dragons, and other things.

A small woman with straight black hair stands behind a counter, wearing one of the garments that she seems to be selling. Her eyes widen as she looks at me, but I know now it is because of blood that stains my own robes. “Don’t worry about that,” Rei says, nodding to the woman, “She didn’t do anything, but she needs new clothes.”

"Alright," the woman says, Sighing. She walks toward me, and asks, "What size are you, Miss?"

"Size?" I asks. Lord Aliester never made it a point to tell me how tall I am.

"She doesn't know," Rei tells the woman, before I can say more, "That's custom work she has, from a guardian. Just measure her and put it on the record."

"Yes, Miss Kinezono," Replies the woman, as she takes a strip of what looks like a pliable form of plastic from her pocket and unrolls it. Looking up and me, the woman says, "Raise your arms, please. And, umm... move your wings back if you could. I've not worked with any winged demihumans before, so I'll have to alter something on the spot."

"I'm not a demihuman," I tell the woman, "I am an angel, created by Lord Aliester."

"Wha-?" the shopkeeper says, looking up at me again.

"Just accept what she says," says Rei in a tired-sounding voice, "I don't want to explain right now, and we don't really have time for it, anyways."

"It's really quite alright," I point out, as the shopkeeper kneels down and holds the plastic against my shoulder. "I would be happy to explain."

"Wait until we see what Aliester has to say, alright?" Rei prompts. "I'm not sure what he's going to do yet, or what he wants to do."

"That makes sense, I suppose," is my answer. I have to shift for the shopkeeper, as she places the strip on my leg. I notice that the length of plastic is marked by a variety of lines and numbers; I think that it is a measuring device.

The next few moments are rather quiet. Rei says nothing, and just watches. Aside from the occasion request to move a certain way, or shift and spread my wings, I just stand and wait. I look outside as I wait, and watch the people there.

There are some many of them, milling around out there. I wonder who they are? They talk and eat; some seem to be shopping at the stores. But, who are they? What to they think, what do they feel?

“I’ll have to alter something for you, Miss,” says the shopkeeper, as she stands and takes a step back. “It will take me a few moments. But we do have something in stock that should fit you very well.”

“Alright,” I tell her, “I’ll wait here with Rei.”

The woman goes through a door past the counter, and I walk over and, spreading my wings a little so they don’t get in the way, sit beside Rei. She doesn’t seem to notice; instead she stares at the floor. “Are you alright?” I ask softly.

“Huh?” She looks over at me, then sighs a bit. “I’m just thinking about something.”

“What is it?” I ask. What consumes her thoughts? Perhaps I can help her, after Rei has done so for me.

The red-haired woman sighs again, and says, “Mellewyn came.”

Oh no… “What happened?” I ask.

“He wanted to kill Aliester, while Aliester was down.” Explains Rei. “I knew I couldn’t stop him, not after he broke the Seal that Aliester placed on his powers.”

“But Lord Aliester still lives,” I answer.

“Well, I told him that he owed us,” Rei explains. “We helped him stop Aliester; without us, he would have been defeated. So, he owed us a debt of honor, and that I intended to collect. My sister had worked with his people, the Dark Sidhe, you see, and she said that honor was more important than anything to them.”

The Dark Sidhe… Lord Aliester had lived among them. He has told me much of that He had learned about them. They are a hateful people, convinced that the universe belongs to them. And immortal people, they shun and look down on the mortal races. Their own society, He said, was a model of utopia, built upon honor and fellowship. If they are Mellewyn’s people, and given the power and the hatred I felt from him, he must be their leader. Or, possibly, he is their deity.

“What happened?” I prompt.

“I’m not sure,” Rei answers. “He placed his hand on Aliester’s head. Then, he summoned that sword again, and placed both their hands on the blade. They were both cut, and he drew the sword away and held Aliester’s hand to his own. After that, Mellewyn said ‘Five years’, then vanished.”
<p><div style="text-align:center">Image Image Image Image Image ImageImage</div></p>


Re: Thank you, RCC ^_^

Unread postby viator22 » Wed Apr 16, 2003 5:43 pm

o.o Foreshadowy


2. What did the good guys do to stop Aliester? I realize that Enlil's view of Aliester's power is skewed, but they did something drastic to stop him. <p>-------
THENinjaRabbi: So..if I ate the baby, I'd be more sane?</p>

Uncle Pervy

Re: Thank you, RRC ^_^

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Apr 16, 2003 10:35 pm

1. Oh yes

2. Image

If you think back, it did end with Mellewyn impaling him; and I say no more.

NOR WILL ANYONE ELSE. <p><div style="text-align:center">Image Image Image Image Image ImageImage</div></p>Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=unclepervy@rpgww60462>Uncle]&nbsp; Image at: 4/16/03 10:39:07 pm

Rei AyanamiEva00

Re: Thank you, RCC ^_^

Unread postby Rei AyanamiEva00 » Wed Apr 16, 2003 11:41 pm

Image *assumes an accent* Goot! Very goot!! Vee see more, jes? Image <p><span style="font-size:xx-small;">_________________
Walk softly...and pilot a big mech...

"To see a world in a grain of sand...
...And heaven in a wild flower.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand...
...And eternity in an hour."
--William Blake/Lara Croft

Uncle Pervy

Re: Thank you, RCC ^_^

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Fri Apr 18, 2003 2:34 am

I ponder this revelation. If he and Lord Aliester mingled blood...

"You know what it means, don't you?" Rei says, looking at me. "I can see it in your eyes, you know what that pale bastard did!"

"Lord Aliester taught me a great deal about the Sidhe," I say to her. "I think that Mellewyn and He have undertaken a Blood Oath."

"An oath... with an unconscious man?" Rei says, frowning, "How does that work?"

"Well," I say to her, "It doesn't work like that. A Blood Oath cannot be forced. Mellewyn must have been able to speak with Lord Aliester somehow, and He must have agreed to the oath. And if he did, then Mellewyn will abide by it. Honor is the most important of a Sidhe's life, as you said."

"Are you sure?" Rei asks. I can see in her eyes that she wants me to reassure her. She is also afraid of Mellewyn, even though she doesn't want to admit it. "He despised us all. He said the only reason that he worked with us was because he'd rather sacrifice 'mortals' than his own people."

How horrible... Mellewyn, why is it that you hate everyone so? "I cannot say if that was the truth or not," I tell her after a moment. "But, I think it's the truth as Mellewyn saw it. But, he would not break a Blood Oath, not even at the cost of his own life."

"I guess Tiff was right, then," She says, more to herself than to me, "They're worse than the samurai ever were."

Samurai... Lord Aliester has told me of them as well. A horrible people, adhering to a creed of "Slay evil immediately", never realizing the vile atrocities their wars created made them just as evil as the ones they slew. Without regard, they cheated people of their redemption, all in the name of a code that had been perverted to have more value than life itself...

Perhaps, in the end, the comparision is a good one.

"Miss Angel?" comes a the shopkeep's voice from the back. "I think this Kimono should fit you nicely now, if you would come and try it on."

**** <p><div style="text-align:center">Image Image Image Image Image ImageImage</div></p>

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Jak Snide
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Re: Thank you, RCC ^_^

Unread postby Jak Snide » Fri Apr 18, 2003 8:37 am

And then Mellewyn got AIDS and died. It was very tragic.

Apart from that, you know what I'd say in this space, so I won't bother typing it out. :p

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pd Rydia
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Re: Thank you, RRC ^_^

Unread postby pd Rydia » Sat Apr 19, 2003 11:14 pm

- "Everywhere, there are People! ...milling about in a massive Gallery..." -- people, gallery
- "making my water a little" -- my eyes?
-"Another one of her crazy friends,"; "I shouldn't be surprised by this anymore,"; "I wonder if I'll get in the paper this time?" -- from what I understand, the semi-colons are unnecessary; if they aren't, they would go inside the quotation marks, and replace the regular commas
- "...the woman says, Sighing." -- sighing
- "What size are you, Miss?" -- I don't think miss is capitalized without a name
- "Perhaps I can help her, after Rei has done so for me." -- was that supposed to be 'after all' instead of 'after'? If so, then a dash or ellipsis would be more appropriate than a comma.
- "while Aliester was down.” Explains Rei." -- I think that should be a comma after down, and 'explains.'
- "And immortal people, they shun and look down on the mortal races." -- that'd be better as "As immortal people..." or "And immortal...they shun and look down..."
- "“I’m not sure,” Rei answers. “He placed his hand on Aliester’s head. Then, he summoned that sword again, and placed both their hands on the blade. They were both cut, and he drew the sword away and held Aliester’s hand to his own. After that, Mellewyn said ‘Five years’, then vanished.”" -- that read...too quickly...I would slow it down by description of Rei's voice, tone, tempo, etc., pause it, break it up a little. It might add a bit of suspense/emphasis. Just a suggestion, feel free to ignore it.


- ""I can see it in your eyes, you know what that pale bastard did!"" -- I'd use a dash instead of a comma.
- ""I guess Tiff was right, then," She says, more to herself than to me," -- she...me (period, not comma).
- ""Slay evil immediately"," -- comma should come before the quote mark
- "I think this Kimono" -- kimono


Melly's a bastage. ={ Now I wish I'd seen you RP him in chat some... <p>
<span style="font-size:xx-small;">-=- "Careful wit' that blade, th's innkeep's a cranky sort when folks start fightin' Ye dun wanna know how many rowdy drunks she's ate" -- Uncle Pervy
-=- "I'm sorry, but there are rules to uphold here. No nakedness is one of them. Along with no suicide and no fighting." -- Will Baseton
-=- "Maybe... or maybe you're just not drunk enough." -- Nakibe</span></p>

Uncle Pervy

Re: Thank you, RCC ^_^

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Mon Apr 21, 2003 4:16 pm

The robe that Lord Aliester made for me is taken as I change. Rei promises that it shall be returned once it is cleaned. I trust her to return it, so I do not protest.

The garment that the shopkeeper selected is a robe of light blue cloth; she called it a kimono, I believe. It is a little heavier than my robes, and it pinches little bit around my wings. But, it is a little softer on my skin. I did not really feel how Lord Aliester's blood had hardened the cloth, and how it scratched at my skin, until I removed it. It is rather nice to have something less uncomfortable, but I feel a little guilty. Lord Aliester did give my robes to me, I hope He is not upset that I let Rei take them.

The red-haired woman leads me across the Recdeck as we leave the store, my old robes in her hands. "I'm going to get these cleaned, alright?" She says, not really looking back as she weaves through the people "I'll let you talk with another friend of mine in the meantime. He’s in one of the VR Sims right now."

"Alright," I answer, as I follow the wake she makes. I notice that people are still staring at me, but it is not quite like before. There is no longer a lot of astonished muttering and pointed looks. Still, they watch me. The shopkeep had said that winged demihumans were rare, and I know angels seldom walk this world. In retrospect, I suppose I should get used to this attention.

She leads me to one of a series of doors on the wall opposite of the elevator. These doors, spaced perhaps seven yards apart, are all featureless. I suppose they too slide open, like most of the other ones in this place. A lit sign over the door simply says, ‘In session’.

“Just walk on in,” Rei says. She takes the card from her belt and hands it to me. “If Aliester wakes up before I come back for you, just use this to call the Elevator; you remember how to get there, right?”

“I think so,” I say, as I take the card in my hands. “Is it alright for me to have this? Don’t you need it?”

“I know my PIN,” Rei answers, giving me a dismissing wave. “Um, that’s Personal Identification Number before you ask. Just don’t worry about things; I can get around alright.” Rei starts to leave, but she still speaks. “Just walk on through those doors and try to have fun.”

I nod, although she doesn’t see it, and walk toward the doors, which slide open to admit me. Beyond them, as I walk in, lies what may as well be another world…

Bright sunlight illuminates a warm beach. The ocean stretches out before me, as soft blue waves lap against the sand. I want forward, feeling the pleasantly warm sand beneath my feet; slipping under the sandals that Lord Aliester gave me. I pause for a moment, and remove them, and feel the curious sensation of the sand shifting under my steps. It feels rather nice.

The door closes behind me, and vanishes completely. Looking back, I see only empty air. And past it, there is a line of buildings; seemingly with more stores like there are out this place.

“It's just like Heimdal," I say to myself in wonder. I know this place is not real, not as the world that Lord Aliester had made was. But, the similarities are still amazing. Still, I wonder how I'm supposed to leave?

"Hey!" Comes a voice from my right. Looking over, I see a man with short blondish hair walking toward me. All he wears are a pair of short pants, made of an odd material and colored like nothing that could exist in nature.

"Hello," I say to him, bowing my head him politely

”Rei told me about you,” he says. “Codename’s Meltdown," the man says, as he extends a hand toward me; I don’t quite understand the gesture. "What's wrong?” he continues, frowning a little. “It looks like you've been crying lately... And it's a shame to see a winged woman in tears."
<p><div style="text-align:center">Image Image Image Image Image ImageImage</div></p>

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pd Rydia
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Re: Thank you, RCC ^_^

Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon Apr 21, 2003 5:34 pm

Foom. o.o This segment moves almost annoyingly slow for the first half, for some reason. You also use Recdeck instead of RecDeck (not sure which one is proper, as I'd use rec-deck myself) at one point.

Also...I recognize that name! =D <p>
<span style="font-size:xx-small;">-=- "Careful wit' that blade, th's innkeep's a cranky sort when folks start fightin' Ye dun wanna know how many rowdy drunks she's ate" -- Uncle Pervy
-=- "I'm sorry, but there are rules to uphold here. No nakedness is one of them. Along with no suicide and no fighting." -- Will Baseton
-=- "Maybe... or maybe you're just not drunk enough." -- Nakibe</span></p>

Rei AyanamiEva00

Re: Thank you, RCC ^_^

Unread postby Rei AyanamiEva00 » Tue Apr 22, 2003 1:14 am

Much more goodness! Image Hehe... I still love this! More please!

Dia - Pervy used RecDeck, because that's what it's officially called in MTI...~_^ Image

Even though it isn't actually a deck as all, but rather a floor in a building. ~Bitter Old Man <p><span style="font-size:xx-small;">_________________
Walk softly...and pilot a big mech...

"To see a world in a grain of sand...
...And heaven in a wild flower.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand...
...And eternity in an hour."
--William Blake/Lara Croft
</span></p>Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=unclepervy@rpgww60462>Uncle]&nbsp; Image at: 4/22/03 2:57:29 am

Uncle Pervy

Re: Thank you, RCC ^_^

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Apr 23, 2003 4:24 pm

In"My name is Enlil," I say to this man. "I am Herald... to Lord Aliester." My words trail off as I ponder: Am I still His Herald? Have I the right to say that now? I have left Him behind when He needs me, I shouldn't be here...

"Herald..." he says, looking away from me. "Then you are that angel Rei told me about. She said that Aliester created you."

I can hear the doubt in his voice. No, he wants to doubt. Its not that he does not accept, it is that he does not wish to accept. “He did,” I say to Meltdown. “And, I feel I have to get back to Him. So, if you would please show me the way out-“

”Aliester can wait a little while,” he interrupts, giving me a smile. “There’s not a lot you can do for him anyway.”

“I know,” I say as I look a downwards. If only I could do something to help him… “But, I must be by his side. If there is anything I can do, I have to be there to do it.”

"You must really love him," Meltdown says, arching an eyebrow toward me. "Hmmm... I don't know what to think about that... Reminds me of my niece, really."

Love him? I do. I love Lord Aliester for what he desires to achieve? How is it that one cannot a man who desires to do such? But, is this man speaking of the same kind of love? “Lord Aliester is the heir to creation," I say to him, hoping he will understand. "He is to ascend and take control of the universe, bringing an era of peace and harmony to all."

"That's not the way I heard," Meltdown counters. He sighs, and adds. "From what Rei tells me, he tried to kill my friends up there."

"They tried to oppose peace," I say after a moment. “They tried to keep him from unifying existence.”

"Did they?" Meltdown asks, "I'm not so sure about that. But I'm told Aliester's better now, so it’s not worth worrying about now."

"No, he isn't," I correct. It hurts a little, as I keep talking. "Something has happened to him, he was hurt very badly in that battle... He hasn't recovered his power, and he spoke of dying..."

"Maybe," Meltdown says after a minute, "Or maybe he just realized something else."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Don't worry about it," Meltdown says to me, placing a hand on my shoulder for a moment. "I think Aliester will be okay after this is all said and done."

As he takes his hand from me, I begin to walk, just so that I am not standing in front of him, so I don’t have to see Meltdown’s eyes. I don’t understand, what does he mean by realized something else? Lord Aliester would not abandon his ideals; he has struggled for them throughout his entire life. But, I don’t understand how his was stopped. Why did he not heal himself then? Why did he accept it?

Is this too part of your plan.

Suddenly, something hits my shoulder heavily, causing me to jump with a bit of surprise. It is meltdown’s hand again, I feel.

"Didn't you hear the computer, angel?" he says, "You just got your wish. Aliester woke up."


Leaving the simulation as swiftly as possible, I fly over the RecDeck’s pavilion. The Elevator comes, and I step in, pressing the button that Caesar did earlier. As it descends, I put my sandals back on and wait. Soon, I’ll know.

As the doors open, I waste no time. I run through the corridor as fast as my legs can carry me. The halls are empty, no one is there to slow me down, I am thankful for this. As the medical bay doors slide open, Caesar and Crystal walk outside.

"Hey, a change of scenery!” He says. “Looking good." I do not understand what he means, and I haven’t the time to find out. I walk past him, and toward Lord Aliester’s bed. I don’t hear what he says as the doors close behind me.

Lying on the bed, Lord Aliester looks toward me. He seems… so very weak now. What has happened to make Him so? I can see His hand; there is a cut on it just as Rei said. Still, I can see the light in His eyes. Though hurt, I can see that He is not defeated.

I kneel before him, spreading my wings so that the pinions touch the ground. “ord Aliester,” I say, not looking at him, “I apologize for leaving you, and for taking so long to return upon your awakening.”

I prepare to say more, but fall silent as He speaks. “Enlil,” he says, his voice quiet, but strong. “You need not bow to me anymore. Nor should you call me Lord Aliester.”
<p><div style="text-align:center">Image Image Image Image Image ImageImage</div></p>

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pd Rydia
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Re: Thank you, RCC ^_^

Unread postby pd Rydia » Wed Apr 23, 2003 9:54 pm

- "In"My name is Enlil,"" -- ??
- "ponder: Am " -- I think 'Am' should be 'am'
- "I love Lord Aliester for what he desires to achieve?" -- should be a period I think
- "Is this too part of your plan." -- question mark, and 'your' might be better off as 'his,' unless that's thought dialogue, which ought to be italicized or something to indicate it better
- "It is meltdown’s hand" -- Meltdown's

Also: more or I bite ={ <p>
<span style="font-size:xx-small;">-=- "Careful wit' that blade, th's innkeep's a cranky sort when folks start fightin' Ye dun wanna know how many rowdy drunks she's ate" -- Uncle Pervy
-=- "I'm sorry, but there are rules to uphold here. No nakedness is one of them. Along with no suicide and no fighting." -- Will Baseton
-=- "Maybe... or maybe you're just not drunk enough." -- Nakibe</span></p>

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Re: Thank you, RCC ^_^

Unread postby Endesu » Wed Apr 23, 2003 10:00 pm


“Lord Aliester,” I say, not looking at him.. <p>

DB(Z) Manga Shrine -
RPGWW MB - Da Tower -
ADV! MB - Dave Kelly's Purple Pussy</p>Edited by: Crawling Reshiki&nbsp; Image at: 4/23/03 10:01:10 pm

Uncle Pervy

Re: Thank you, RCC ^_^

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Fri Apr 25, 2003 4:06 am

What? I... am not to call Him Lord? I do not understand, does He not want me to show respect for Him? His lips quirk into a smile, I know He can feel my confusion. I can see a sort of sadness in his expression.

"Unburden your troubles unto me, my angel," He says.

I close my eyes, as the warm wetness gathers around my eyes again. "How, My Lord?" I ask. "How could they have defeated you? How... how is it possible that you have failed? How is that mortals, that anyone could have hurt you so?"

He sighs, then says, "Arrogance. I was arrogant, Dear Enlil. I allowed myself to believe I was right to try and wrest the power of Creation toward my own ends."

"How?" I ask. How could He be saying this? That... He was wrong? How could He have been? "How could You have been wrong? You were to reforge existence as it should have been How is that wrong?"

"Because," He says, looking away from me. "I am not the one with that right."

"That..." I try to say, but I stop. Right? Does it matter? I don't understand; He could bring peace, and show the people the truth. I don't understand how He couldn't have the right to end the atrocities, when the potential to do it is in His hands? What stops him? I cannot find the words to say it! “How is it…? My lord!”

“I know it seems impossible to you, my angel,” Lord Aliester says to me. “But it is simply not to be… I was defeated at the hands of my fellow mortals. And, conversely, I owe them my life for it.

"Enlil, I was wrong. I had no right to usurp the power of Creation. I was not worthy of it…”

The are His words... Yet, He contradicts everything. Everything he has told me... That I have hoped for. He tells me they are lies. Yet, He is Lord Aliester, why would He deceive me? “But you created Heimdal, my Lord,” I say at last. “The stars danced at your command. There was nothing that you could not do! How could you not be the one, Lord Aliester? How could you not be the one who would bring peace to the universe, who would undo the horrors that plague existence?”

“Because I was in error,” Lord Aliester answers. At first, he does not look toward me. But as he speaks, his eyes connect with mine. “I had power, Enlil, but my course was not the true one. My ideals were pure, but my intentions were not. That, Enlil, is why I was not worthy. I am not worthy for you to call me Lord. This you proved when you disobeyed my word to come to my side as I laid dying, and why you were able to leave me.”

I... broke his word... As I look into his eyes, I know it is true. I violated Lord Aliester's wishes. The duties he had given me, I had failed to uphold! I...betrayed Lord Aliester.

My heart aches with renewed fervor; I feel more tears gather in my eyes. I betrayed Lord Aliester! I cannot look at Him now! It hurts too much! I was created to serve Him, and I failed!

I cannot stop the sobs that tear themselves from my throat, I cannot hold back my tears. I cannot stop myself, as I run. It hurts so much to be around Him now. I cannot stand it! I betrayed him!

And... it was all a lie. He said so.

The doors of the elevator slide open in front of me. Dimly, I realize that I have run out here. I walk in, and press the only button I recognize. As the doors slide shut, I am alone.

Another sob runs through my body; my heart aches. How could it all be a lie? How could it be wrong? Everything I believe in...wrong. How can the Universe survive if Lord Aliester does not bring peace to it? How could this be wrong? How?

Why am I? If it was all a lie, why am I here now? What purpose do I serve; why do I exist? I was to herald the coming of Lord Aliester! But it was a lie… What do I do now; after all that I am is gone?

If your intentions were not pure, my Lord, I am also impure? <p><div style="text-align:center">Image Image Image Image Image ImageImage</div></p>

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pd Rydia
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Re: Thank you, RCC ^_^

Unread postby pd Rydia » Fri Apr 25, 2003 4:32 pm

- "You were to reforge existence as it should have been How is that wrong?" -- '...should have bee. How is...'
- "The are His words..." -- 'They'? 'Those'?

I also suggest going through the entire story with find '... ' and replace '...' to get rid of superfluous spacing.

Also: More. =D <p>
<span style="font-size:xx-small;">-=- "Careful wit' that blade, th's innkeep's a cranky sort when folks start fightin' Ye dun wanna know how many rowdy drunks she's ate" -- Uncle Pervy
-=- "I'm sorry, but there are rules to uphold here. No nakedness is one of them. Along with no suicide and no fighting." -- Will Baseton
-=- "Maybe... or maybe you're just not drunk enough." -- Nakibe</span></p>

Uncle Pervy

Re: Thank you, RCC ^_^

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sat Apr 26, 2003 3:29 am


I do not remember the path I have taken to get here. I cannot recall crossing the RecDeck, nor coming back here. I am in the Sim again, surrounded by the beach. Meltdown is gone now, and I am alone. I sit on the end of a pier, and look down into the water.

"What... am I to do now?" I ask myself. Closing my eyes, I sigh. "Lord Aliester, how could you have been wrong? Why did you have to be wrong?"

I do not know if He can hear me. I pray that he does... but... I cannot speak with him, it hurts too much. "My Lord... You created me to be Your herald. You, You showed how the Universe is destined to tear itself asunder, unless someone stopped it. It was your place to do so, Lord Aliester. You had the potential; You wielded creation itself. An entire world, a perfect world, was created simply by Your will.

"...You created me, as well.

"How was it wrong? It was all so simple: Your apotheosis, and my place as your herald. The Universe was to be reshaped as it was meant to be. we were to bring everyone harmony. My Lord, how was that wrong?"

I watch the waves again for a moment. "And, if You had the power to do this... how were You defeated? You could create and destroy at a whim, and You were defeated. I don't understand"

There is no answer. Can He even hear me now? I can still feel that He is nearby; below me. But, I can no longer feel anything else. Another tear tracks down my face, and falls into the water. In the distance, I can hear people reveling, while music unlike any I have heard plays. A part of me wants to listen to that music, and sing along. Yet, I cannot help but pity those people.

"How could they have defeated my Lord? How could they doom themselves? How, Lord Aliester, could they have truly stood against the harmony that you were to bring?"

I look around the water, and to the horizon. The sun is setting, now, casting a variety of colors over the sky. It is fitting. This is the end. Lord Aliester is defeated, beyond all logic and all reason. All that is left now is the decline, and the end.

"What can I do, my Lord? What is my purpose now? If you were wrong, my Lord, how can we stop the universe from tearing itself apart? Without You, who is to guide them? Who will show them the path?"

I close my eyes again. I don't want to see the sunset anymore. I don't want to see anything, I don't want to feel anything. I just want this pain to end... "What is my path now?" I ask Him, still hoping that He hears me. "I am your Herald, my Lord, but what can I do now? What is to happen to me, to everything...?"

"Are you okay?" comes a soft voice from behind.

I start, then look back suddenly. Standing behind me is a dusky-skinned man with dark hair and a goatee. Behind he stands a woman with purple hair. "Caesar?" I ask, "Why are you here?"

"You look like your about to cry again," says Crystal, as she comes and sits beside me at the pier. "What's wrong, Enlil?"

"I," slips the from lips, even though I don't mean to speak. But...why does it matter now? "I don't understand why Lord Aliester was wrong."

"Well," Caesar says, as he sits at my other side, "That is a very good question."

"I'm not sure that we can explain it in a manner that you would truly understand," Crystal says. I look into her eyes as she speaks. "After all, you were created by Aliester himself for the purpose of his ascension, but we'll certainly try."

I say nothing, waiting for them to speak. <p><div style="text-align:center">Image Image Image Image Image ImageImage</div></p>

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pd Rydia
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Re: Thank you, RCC ^_^

Unread postby pd Rydia » Sat Apr 26, 2003 8:46 pm

- "meant to be. we were to bring" -- We were... (capitalization)
- "I don't understand" -- understand. (period)
- "You look like your about to cry again" -- you're (homonym)
- ""I," slips the from lips," -- slips the word from my lips (missing words)

You know what we readers want. >={ <p>
<span style="font-size:xx-small;">-=- "Careful wit' that blade, th's innkeep's a cranky sort when folks start fightin' Ye dun wanna know how many rowdy drunks she's ate" -- Uncle Pervy
-=- "I'm sorry, but there are rules to uphold here. No nakedness is one of them. Along with no suicide and no fighting." -- Will Baseton
-=- "Maybe... or maybe you're just not drunk enough." -- Nakibe</span></p>

Uncle Pervy

Re: Thank you, RCC ^_^

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sun Apr 27, 2003 4:00 am

"Well," Caesar begins, "I don't think any of those of us who opposed Aliester were necessarily opposed to his ideal of harmony among the races... well, except perhaps for that jerk Mellewyn. I can't speak for everyone, but I'm fairly certain it was the fact that his plan entailed so much destruction that we were opposed to. He wanted to, essentially, destroy everything society has made up until this point."

"But," I say after a moment, "Wouldn't that have been a small price to pay? Things can be rebuilt, and knowledge relearned. I don't understand. Is that really so much to lose, to gain harmony?"

Caesar strokes his goatee a little. "Hmmm... well..."

Crystal interjects, "Well, think of it like this. Suppose I told you you didn't need your wings to fly. And then, suppose I told you that I was going to rip off your wings to prove it. That's kind of how we felt."

What a terrible thing to say; why would she speak of that? I haven't tried to hurt her at all!

"Oh, no, I didn't mean that literally!" She suddenly says, perhaps sensing my revulsion. "I was just trying to help you see how the rest of us felt about Aliester's plans."

"I am not sure what you are saying," I reply, a little relieved that she wasn't actually considering it. "How would Removing my wings be like Lord Aliester bringing harmony? All the former would do is hurt me; but nothing is gained. Lord Aliester wanted to bring something greater in return for the loss."

Crystal rubs the back of her head. "Well... it sounded good in my head, but I guess it really doesn't help explain things very well... I suppose the benefit would be learning to fly beyond physical means... I was trying to illustrate the magnitude of the pro vs. the magnitude of the con..."

Caesar speaks, and I look at him. I'm not sure what Crystal is trying to say, but I hope he can help me understand. "Let's try this another way. What did Aliester tell you when you visited him?"

It hurts, as I think about what He said, how everything I was made to be was for naught... My eyes seek the water, I can't look at Caesar's face. "Well... He said that His ideals were pure, but His intentions were not..." I look to the dusky-skinned man once again. "He said that He was in error... that He was arrogant! I don't understand it! He called Himself unworthy of my devotion, and that I proved it by disobeying His word to be with Him... but... how could I not be with my Lord? How could He have been arrogant, when He was to bring harmony?"

Caesar blinks, "Wow. That's exactly how I feel. Well, except maybe for the devotion thing. Well, he told me much the same thing... although he elaborated on it a bit. He likened his state in that ship to being "drunk" on power. In that state, he believed himself to be worthy of that which he wasn't quite yet. He did say that eventually everything he said then shall come to pass. However, and this, I think, is the most important thing: he told me that he saw that harmony cannot be forced if it is to thrive as it should"

Cannot be forced? Sorata once said something like that. I hardly remember him now,it seems so long ago.
"But, how could He have not been worthy?" I ask. "It was all within his grasp; all was in place for him to ascend. How could Lord Aliester have not been ready to do so? How could he have wrought Heimdal, how could he have drawn so deeply on the power of Creation.
"How could He have created me if He were not to ascend?"

"Well, you see, I think it was his drawing so deeply on that power the first time that caused him so much trouble," Crystal says, not really looking at me. "You see, even with all his knowledge, power, and experience, Aliester was, and still is a mortal. That power was not designed for mortal use, maybe not even divine use. I'm amazed that he didn't kill himself in the process. However, the flood was too much for even him to handle, and it twisted him. Even Aliester himself has admitted to this."

Caesar adds, "I think now that he's had experience with it, he realizes that he's not quite worthy of it yet. In fact, he told me as much himself. As for as mortals go, I think Aliester probably is, in fact, the most worthy to take it. He just needs some time to sort things out, and forgive himself for his actions. Then again, it's really not what he wanted to begin with." <p><div style="text-align:center">Image Image Image Image Image ImageImage</div></p>

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pd Rydia
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Re: Thank you, RCC ^_^

Unread postby pd Rydia » Sun Apr 27, 2003 1:13 pm

- "Removing" -- removing

Mew mew mew. I mean, go on. ^_^; <p>
<span style="font-size:xx-small;">-=- "Careful wit' that blade, th's innkeep's a cranky sort when folks start fightin' Ye dun wanna know how many rowdy drunks she's ate" -- Uncle Pervy
-=- "I'm sorry, but there are rules to uphold here. No nakedness is one of them. Along with no suicide and no fighting." -- Will Baseton
-=- "Maybe... or maybe you're just not drunk enough." -- Nakibe</span></p>

Uncle Pervy

Re: Thank you, RCC ^_^

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Mon Apr 28, 2003 4:07 am

"He sought Harmony," I say.

"Even more than that," Caesar corrects. "I've know hom since I was little, and what he really wants in knowledge. He believes that Harmony is how things should be, but Aliester wants to learn more about the true nature of the universe even more than that. That's how he got all that power to begin with."

He... sought the truth. This much I know. But, did he not achieve this already? "Then...what about me?" I ask. "I was created to herald Lord Aliester's ascension. But it is no longer to be. What is to become of me now? My purpose is gone... All that I was created for has been swept away. Without Lord Aliester to rule over existence, how can there be harmony? What is to stop the people from destroying themselves blindly?" I sigh. "What am I to do, now that my purpose is gone? How am I to carry on when existence is doomed to destroy itself?"

"Oh, come on now. We're not that bad." says the Dusky-skinned man. " Things will remain pretty stagnant for quite awhile yet, I imagine. I don't forsee armageddon coming anytime in the near future. Plus, you must remember, Aliester has said that he hasn't forsaken his ideals, he's not trying to force them. I'm sure that if anything too volatile stirred up, he'd try to the best of his ability to bring it to a not-too-bloody close. As would I."

I feel Crystal's hand on my shoulder, as she speaks. "As for what you are to do... that's really up to you. Aliester may have created you to herald his ascension, but he also gave you free will. That which you demonstrated by disobeying him, and by thinking on your own. Keeping that in mind, I don't think he would be too happy to see you live your life in constant sadness."

"I am not quite sure I understand," I say, speaking my thoughts once more. I stand, stepping away from them. "There is no balance, nothing to keep people from suffering at the hands of the selfish and the bigoted. How could such a universe continue to exist? How can everyone stand divided? How could I hope to find any sort of... happiness in such an existence?"

"Well..." starts Caesar, before his voice trails away. I close my eyes, ignoring the gathering ahead.

I hear Crystal stand, and walk after me. "Such is the challenge of life, really. There has been bigotry and selfishness since the dawn of the concept of 'value', really. There are those that want, and those that have... those that struggle and those that leech off of others. But the world is not evil, Enlil. There are just as many, if not more decent, caring people as there are those that put themselves before all else."

Are there? But, so much happens...

Caesar comes to my other side and adds, "We've lived in such conditions all our lives, and we have been able to remain more or less happy. Of course some sadness is inevitable in an imperfect world, but you can't let that keep you down. You have to be strong enough take the bad along with the good, and come out on top. What's the point on dwelling in what's wrong with the world when there's fun to be had, and love to be shared? You can't find happiness if you don't look for it."

I have to be strong.

Once, I was strong. When Lord Aliester was there, I felt his strength, and the strength he gave to me. But without it... what strength do I have? Everything I had been created for is gone. I no longer have Lord Aliester to herald; His vision is no more... What have I left? What happiness can I find?

I have to look for it, Caesar tells me. Perhaps they are right. Lord Aliester spent centuries searching for the truth...

"Where would I find it?" I ask them, my voice soft. "I cannot see it."

"It's not surprising that you cannot see it," Crystal says, "when there is so little that you have seen. Since your conception, all you have truly witnessed is Aliester's plan and the lot of us fighting him. You're going to have to look for more than that.

She smiles at me, as Caesar puts his arm around my shoulders. He points in the direction of the gathering ahead, "Look around you! Surely all of us have concerns and woes, but we have also found things in which to take joy! It needn't necessarily be something big, it could just as easily be several small things. And remember, you'll always have Aliester. So come, why not enjoy yourself with us, rather than drowning in your sorrows in solitude?"

"Well..." I say. "I suppose that I can trust you... " I can try to be strong. I try to smiles at them, but it is weak. "Alright..."

A slow smile spreads across Caesar's lips. Cystal says, "That's the spirit!" as she leads me forward, taking my arm. "Well, then, what are we waiting for?" <p><div style="text-align:center">Image Image Image Image Image ImageImage</div></p>

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pd Rydia
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Re: Thank you, RCC ^_^

Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon Apr 28, 2003 5:46 pm

- "wants in knowledge" -- 'wants is knowledge'
- "Dusky-skinned" -- 'dusky-skinned'
- "I try to smiles" -- 'I try to smile'

Mew! ^_^ I am pleased. <p>
<span style="font-size:xx-small;">-=- "Careful wit' that blade, th's innkeep's a cranky sort when folks start fightin' Ye dun wanna know how many rowdy drunks she's ate" -- Uncle Pervy
-=- "I'm sorry, but there are rules to uphold here. No nakedness is one of them. Along with no suicide and no fighting." -- Will Baseton
-=- "Maybe... or maybe you're just not drunk enough." -- Nakibe</span></p>

Uncle Pervy

The End comes ever closer...

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Apr 30, 2003 5:50 am

"Sure,"Caesar says, "Just walk on in." He the runs, and leaps into the water, getting it all over me.

"Okay," I say to him, as I walk in to water. Instantly, the cold washes over my feet, but I try not to let it bother me. I take a few more steps, and the chill water climbs to my knees and my hips, drawing away the heat swiftly. I shiver, as the water imparts its chill to me. I try not to let it affect me too much, though. If Caesar can endure, so shall I. The waves tug at my feathers, so I close my wings tightly to keep it from pulling my feathers out.

The water itself feels odd. The constant pressure is strangely soothing. It tries to push me upward, resisting my steps. It is different that flying, where I have to work to stay aloft.

"Don't worry," Crystal says, as she walks beside me. "It won't hurt you."

"I know," I say to her, as I take a few more steps forward, wince as the water rises up to my shoulders. The water holds me aloft, now. My feet hardly touch the sand anymore, I have to spread my wings to keep my balance.

"Just relax," Caesar says, as swims past me, "Don't let it bother you. Just enjoy it!"

I'm not sure what I am doing wrong, but I try to relax, as I adapt to the chill. "So how does it feel?" comes Crystal's from behind; as she swims closer.

"A little cold," I say. "This is very different than flying. I don't have to work to stay afloat here, the water holds me up itself. It's...rather nice."

"I told you you would like it," Caesar says with a chuckle, as he and Crystal make their way to the right, talking softly to each other.

I take a small step back, letting the water climb up to nip at my chin. It's not so cold now. The water holds me up, its constant pressure wrapping around me like a robe. Tipping my head back, it draws my hair outward, and seeps through my hair to caress the back of my head. The motion of the waves rocks me gently.

It feels calm here. So blessedly peaceful...

"Gotcha!" Caesar exclaims, followed by a splash.


I open my eyes to see Crystal, and see that her hair is completely sodden and dipping wet. Blinking water from her eyes, she suddenly scythes her hand across the surf, sending a sheet of water flying at Caesar! Caesar ducks aside, and retaliates the same.

I watch them, as they duck and weave and splash each other, laughing merrily. Finally, Crystal dashes forward, grabs Caesar and dunks his head under the water. Caesar responds with his mental abilities, picking her up telekinetically, and lifting her from the water. Then he lets drop face first into the water, not far from me.

Water washes over me suddenly, as the half-elf plummets into the surf! What little of my hair and face that was dry is left sodden in Crystal's wake.

She splashed me. Am I to respond in kind? I don't understand why, nor what it is to achieve. It's not combat, but... they treat it so. I don't entirely understand. Still, so little makes sense anymore. Why not try it?

I wrap my left wing around my body, and unfurl it with a swift motion. It sends a wave racing at Crystal. She is watching Caesar, and doesn't see the swell coming unto it breaks over her. She cries out, clearly caught off guard.

"A new challenger, eh?" Caesar says, flashing a toothy grin. "Well then, enguarde'!" He kneels down, and disappears under the surf. I can see him tense his body beneath the water; he's about to come after me! I leap back, flapping my wings instinctively to take me away. Pushing again the water, they carry me several feet away. Yet, I feel nothing beneath my feet.

Suddenly the water closes over my head! The liquid presses all around me, forcing its way into my mouth, and into my lungs! Burning agony follows; I can't breath; it won't let me breath! I cry out; more water rushes down my throat. I kick out my legs, I flap my wings, I flail with my arms; anything to force back this awful weight all around me!

Then the weight is gone. Still I struggle, agony racing through me. I feel solid ground under my kneels, and my palms. Coughs wrack my body, forcing disgustingly warm water through my lips. I feel a hand rub my back gently; I force myself to cough, expelling the burning pain from my chest.

As I get a few gulps of fresh air, I see that Caesar kneels beside me, his hand rubbing my back. "I'm sorry," he says softly. "I didn't mean to chase you into the deeper water like that. Are you gonna be okay, Enlil?"

"Yes, I think so," As I stand.

"Maybe we should find a more shallow place," Crystal says, as she emerges from the water. "Just in case she can't fly out next time."

"Or we could show her how to swim," Caesar replies, standing up and running a hand through his hair.

I flew out? I wasn't thinking of it; I just wanted to get away...

Wrapping my wings around me to ward away the cold, I listen as Crystal speaks. "I think we ought to give her a break and get some ice cream, instead, That would be a bad shock for anyone. and ice cream does wonders for that."

Ice cream? I wonder what it is? "...Alright," I agree. I don't want to go in the water anymore.

**** <p><div style="text-align:center">Image Image Image Image Image ImageImage</div></p>

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Jak Snide
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Re: Thank you, RCC ^_^

Unread postby Jak Snide » Wed Apr 30, 2003 9:48 am

Enlil needs a rubber ring halo.

Furthermore, the fic continues to please me muchly. Which means nothing has changed.

Oh, and "More!"

Uncle Pervy

Guess the band, win a Ficlet!

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Fri May 02, 2003 4:26 am

The pain in my chest fades away as we walk. I look to the water, wondering at what happened. I'll have to be more careful, I suppose. But, for a moment…it felt so nice to be in the water…

At a small shop by the beach, Caesar buys me some ice cream. A cold, greenish substance, it smells faintly of mint. I know it is food, and this intrigues me. I've never eaten before; I never needed to. Once, I had a sip of water while in Heimdal, to sate curiosity rather than thirst.

I regret it at first, when I bite directly into it, as sharp pain arcs through my teeth. Caesar tells me that my teeth must be too sensitive to do that, and councils me to lick it instead. I do so, and the sensations that follow... are unlike anything I had imagined. Sweetness; both the mint flavor of the ice cream itself and the richer flavor of the solid chips within; rushes over my tongue. I never knew that flavor was such... a pleasing thing!

Quietly, I enjoy this unexpected surprise as we walk further along the beach. As we do, I listen more and more to the background sounds. More and more, I hear a rhythm that seems to run throughout it all. It is simple hardly more than a handful of beats, yet oddly compelling. It lacks the sense of peace that the songs I sang for Lord Aliester contained. Rather, this rhythm seems to do just the opposite; inspiring me to move.

"Enjoying it?" Caesar asks suddenly, looking back at me.

"Huh?" I say, "What?"

"Are you enjoying the music," Crystal says, a hand on her hip. "You didn't seem to notice that you almost stepped on that hermit crab over there."

I look down, and see a small spiral shell with insectiod legs walk across a footprint I had just left behind. "I'm sorry," I answer, "My mind was elsewhere..."

"Well c'mon," Caesar motioning for me to follow, "we're just about there!"

They lead me to a pavilion of sorts not far from the beach front stores. The music grows from a background noise to almost dominating the noise here, as a number of the people dance to it. I also see the blonde-haired man earlier here. Also, I spy the other two who were at the Core, the Alchemist and the Bard.

I stop, as Caesar and Crystal start to fight their way through the crowd of dancers. Janda the alchemist departs, after a moment, leaving the pavilion and summoning the door back outside. Then, I spreads my wings, and fly over the dancers, rather than push through them as Caesar and Crystal.

"You cheated," Crystal says as she emerges from the crowd, giving me an accusing look. However, I don't think she means anything by it. Caesar quietly leads us toward a series of tables at the edge of the pavilion; wrought of thin wire and covered with large cloth tent-like structures.

"Just kick back and enjoy," Caesar tells me as we sit down, "If you feel like dancing, just get up and do it."

I'm not sure what he means, but I answer, "Alright."

Crystal and Caesar speak to each other, while I watches as several people on a stage of sorts manipulate machines that I cannot identify. But I can tell that they are the source of the music. There are four people, all with dark skin and black hair styled like a mass of snakes; each with a device of some kind. One man beats on a series of round metal things with sticks, while a tall woman plucks on the strings of a long board make of some kind of shiny material. A big man sits behind black table and pushes white buttons on it. A very heavy-set woman blows into a tube of twisted brass.

"Hey!" exclaims Crystal as she points over the table, "There's a karaoke joint over there!" Following Crystal's finger to the mass of beach front stores, I see one with a sign declaring 'Bubs' All Kinds of Crazy Karaoke!' featuring an image of a cartoon character dancing madly.

"A little crooning sounds nice," Caesar notes, "What do you say, Enlil, want to come with us?"

"Maybe in a little while," I answer, "I want to stay here for now." This music, I want to understand it

"Okay," Crystal says, "We'll wait for you in there."

"Actually," Caesar says, as he pushes his seat under the table, "It shouldn't be too hard to find her. If nothing else, we just have to ask around for the silver-haired woman with a white swimsuit and wings."

As they walk away, I don't hear her reply. It doesn't matter, really... What I desire to hear is before me, being played by those four people, with those devices <p><div style="text-align:center">Image Image Image Image Image ImageImage</div></p>

Uncle Pervy

Re: Thank you, RCC ^_^

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sun May 04, 2003 3:02 pm

"Humans never quite get the true power of music, do they?" comes a soft, yet confident voice from behind me.

I look back, and see the half-Elven bard whom I welcomed to the Core when Lord Aliester sent me to greet Mellewyn. His clothing is more like Lord Aliester's than anyone else's. What was his name? Aramilos, I think. He smiles as me, but I don't know why. What did he mean, not understand the power of music?

"I am not sure if I can," I say to him. "There's something in it I don't understand, some urge it draws from within me that I cannot make any sense of..."

Aramilos chuckles to himself. "You wish to dance; that is normal. But I don't think we should let these simulated amateurs continue." He walks toward the four on the stage, and says, "Uh guys can you stop?"

They stop, giving him an array of odd looks. One of them asks, "Hey mon, what's up?"

I walk to Aramilos' side and ask, "Why did you stop the music? I was listening to it."

The he cracks his knuckles. "As much as I would like these recordings continue, I cannot let their bastardization of music rape your fine ears anymore," The half-elf sighs, then says. "No, band, if you don't mind I would like to play a little tune myself."

"Sure thing, mon," Says one of the players, shrugging his shoulders.

Takes the pack that rested on his back and reaches into it. He withdraws another device I don't recognize; a long wooden object lined with strings. With it, he pulls out a stick with a string stretched along its length. "Now, my angel, feast your ears on this little tune... Anyway shall I begin?"

I watch, waiting. He grins, and declares, "I'll take that as a yes!"

He places the larger object at his shoulder, and rests his chin upon it to balance it. Taking the stick in his other hand, places the strings of the two together. A high-pitched musical note follows, a swift sound lasting hardly more then a second before another follows it, then another and another in a swift succession of music.

As Aramilos plays this furious and fast-paced song, mist begins to gather near him. I watch, while the dark-skinned people behind Aramilos mutter in amazement. The mist condenses into a shape, a ghostly pair of sticks that beat in time to his song. More mist appears a moment later, forming into a series of tiny strips that chime out with the music. More and more of these things appear, the sounds they make harmonizing with the fast and stirring song; I find my own voice wanting to join with it.

Then, the music suddenly changes. No longer is it swift and furious. Instead, it takes on a merry, relaxed pace that contradicts the the previous rhythm. Yet it remains true to the previous pace, blending into a harmonious whole. Instead of brief, clipped notes of before, each sound flows into the next with no pause. Another tone joins it; for a moment I am surprised to hear it is my own voice that hums along.

Them with equal suddenness, it shifts back to the earlier fast past, at once jarring and harmonious. The music is the same as before, I know its melody well. Slowly, I let my own voice blend in with it, singing for the first time since Lord Aliester asked me to share my music with him.

It feels good, an sensation entirely unlike the ice cream, or the water's embrace. It is not something from the outside, it isn't caused by anything. This joy comes from some I am doing, something that is a part of me. This music is something I help make, something that brings me pleasure...

All too soon, it ends. "See?" Aramilos asks. "That was true music, not the paltry simulations of this machine-made illusionary band."

"What!" exclaims one of the people on stage with him, a heavy-set woman. She glares at him, he face clearing showing that she is unhappy. "I know you didn't just say we were a bunch of holograms or whatever!"

"Your...not?" Answers Arimilos, wincing a bit and looking around with a few quick glances. His entire body tenses; is he about to run?

"Oh that's it!" Says another of the four, a thin woman, her face furious. "Someone take my earrings, I'm takin' skinny here to uglytown!"

"Now hold off there, Laquanda" says the man heavy-set man behind the black table in a booming and melodious voice, "That man made an honest mistake and I'm sure he didn't mean it. Ain't that right, my man?"

"Yeah," Answers Arimilos, still glancing about. He looks very uncomfortable. "Sorry about that!"

"Ja mon," says the man behind the metal objects, waving one of the sticks he strikes them with as he grins. I can hardly understand what he is saying through his accent. "Joo an' us should jam an' tear dis place apart! We work wit' dat fiddle real good!"

"Yeah, whatchu say?" asks the deep voiced man

They work together to create such a beautiful thing. Yet, Aramilos started alone, and could create something beautiful as well. Could I do this as well? I felt the impulse that all this music has inspired: The urge to move, the desire to sing... Could I create a song that would inspire people to seek peace? Could my music help them understand on their own?

I stand and begin to walk from the pavilion. I want to try and create such music by myself. If it helps bring Harmony, Lord Aliester. <p><div style="text-align:center">Image Image Image Image Image ImageImage</div></p>

Uncle Pervy

Re: Guess the band, win a Ficlet!

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Mon May 05, 2003 4:34 pm

I feel a light touch on my shoulder. "You enjoying yourself in here, Enlil?" comes Rei’s voice. I look back to see her, clad in a red garment similar to the one that Crystal was wearing.

"Oh, hello Rei," I say to her. "I believe I am."

Rei smiles at me. "So, how do you like the water?"

"It' was a little frightening at first." I tell her. "And a bit cold, but Caesar and Crystal helped me, and I found it to be rather nice in the end."

She chuckles a little, and then Rei’s voice becomes serious. "I wanted to tell you something important.”

“What is it,” I ask. A little knot of fear forms in my stomach. Please, no more bad news.

“I wanted to tell you that Aliester has asked me to watch over you."

"He…has?" I say slowly. Why would He ask something like that?

"Yes." Rei answers. "So why don't we go over to those tables over there and get to know each other better? I'm sure you have a lot of questions to ask me. And I might have a few of my own to ask you."

“Alright,” I tell her. I suppose my song will have to wait, now. Still, I feel a warmth in my heart. Rei, then one whom Lord Aliester held in such regard, desires to talk with me. There was a time when I prayed for this. It seems so insignificant now, surrounded by all these people. Still, I wonder why He was so interested in her?
<p><div style="text-align:center">Image Image Image Image Image ImageImage</div></p>

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pd Rydia
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Re: The End comes ever closer...

Unread postby pd Rydia » Tue May 06, 2003 12:09 am

post 5205:
- "He the runs" -- 'then'

post 5244:
- "I spy the other two who were at the Core, the Alchemist and the Bard." -- 'alchemist,' 'bard'
- "while I watches as several people on a stage" -- 'watch'
- "This music, I want to understand it" -- needs a period
- "What I desire to hear is before me, being played by those four people, with those devices" -- 'what', and a period

post 5265
- "This joy comes from some I am doing" -- 'something'
- "Your...not?" -- 'you're'
- "says the man heavy-set man" -- <strike>man</strike>
- ""Yeah," Answers..." -- 'answers'
- "deep voiced man" -- "deep-voiced man." (period, hyphen)

post 5296
- none! :D!

Mew. And this continues along nicely. As for the band...Chrono Trigger? <p>
<span style="font-size:xx-small;">-=- "Careful wit' that blade, th's innkeep's a cranky sort when folks start fightin' Ye dun wanna know how many rowdy drunks she's ate" -- Uncle Pervy
-=- "I'm sorry, but there are rules to uphold here. No nakedness is one of them. Along with no suicide and no fighting." -- Will Baseton
-=- "Maybe... or maybe you're just not drunk enough." -- Nakibe</span></p>

Uncle Pervy

Carrying Over...

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Mon May 19, 2003 4:54 am

I sit down in a thin, metal-frame chair by a table, as Rei takes the opposite seat. It is different than the others I have sat in; the arms bite into my wings; so I have to wrap them around myself.
"So, what's on your mind, Enlil?" Asks Rei, resting her chin on her hands.

"A lot of things," I say to her. "Too many things to think about all at once." I sigh. "So much doesn't make sense anymore."

"I heard you ran from the Medical Bay in tears," Rei says softly. "And according to Miko, you sat and cried on the edge of a pier for awhile."

"Yes," I answer at the moment. My throat tightens a little,but I keep speaking. I'm not going to hold this in any longer. I have waited to truly speak with Rei. "I could not, cannot, understand what has happened. Everything has gone wrong. Lord Aliester was defeated, and His apotheosis stopped. The Universe is now doomed to destroy itself. And, my purpose for being was lost with Lord Aliester's fall.

"Yet... everyone tells me that He was insane. And the more I think about it, the more right they seem. Yet, so many people have admitted that what he desired was a noble thing."

Rei is quiet for a moment, then says, "Enlil, why is it that you follow Aliester? Did he create you to obey him?"

"Yes," I say, "But it was my choice to follow Him. I knew what he said to be true. But..."

"But?" Rei says, shifting and leaning forward.

I sigh again. It hurts to even think this "...I know what Lord Aliester told me to be true..."

I fall silent, grasping for words. Rei quietly says, "...But you wonder if there isn't more to life than you thought."

That...is right. I never thought of it so simply. Lord Aliester showed me much as He created me, but there are things I haven't seen. "Exactly," I say to her. "I know that He hasn't lied to me." I close my eyes, thinking back. The music, the food, the water, this entire world. Everyone has shown me more. "But there is so much more than what I know, or imagined."

"Enlil," Rei says, sitting up and letting her arms lay on the table. "If I'm right, you're only lived to see a single day. It will take time for you to learn enough to be sure of what you believe. Aliester has been doing that for over seven hundred years. and even he is not entirely sure what to make of the things that have happened lately. Just take your time, it will all make sense to you eventually."

She shakes her head, then continues. "Until then, don't worry about it too much; just try to learn from everything that happens. I am sure that is what Aliester wants you to do. Just try to get used to everything for now. Learn what you can. I'll bet you'll make Aliester very proud of you, Enlil. I think he is already proud of you."

Proud of me? What have I done? I have to be strong, Caesar and Crystal said. I have to accept the good with the bad. I suppose this existence is not quite so bad. People whom I once pitied have shown me kindness. And there is more to their lives than violence, more than what Lord Aliester showed me. I have to be strong. If they can endure, so can I.

But how?

"Thank you, Rei," I say at length. "But what but am I supposed to do now? My purpose, the reason I was created, is gone. If I am no longer Lord Aliester's Herald, what am I?"

I look at her, hoping. Maybe she knows...?

Rei smiles a bit wistfully. "Well, I really can't tell you what you should do now. That's something that only you can figure out for yourself. And the only way you'll know is if you do it yourself."

"So, no one can help me?" I ask. I feel fear knot in my stomach; I need help! What am I supposed to do without it? There’s so much that doesn’t make sense anymore!

“Well, not quite like that,” Rei says, “It’s not that one can ever help you. What I meant is that in the end, it will be you who has to figure it all out.”

A man places two glasses of water before us without a word. Rei takes hers and sips from it, then continues. “Well, look at me, I guess. I was always in my sister’s shadow why growing up. She was a little older, and she always beat me at everything. You name it, she was better at it than me, from the swordplay she specializes in to finding the fastest way home from school. After awhile, I began to wonder why I bothered at all.”

“Then, Mom put me in the Mecha division.”

”Mecha?” I ask. I’ve never heard this word before.

“A kind of machine,” Rei explains. “Ummm… It’s hard to explain, but think of them as being like that ship that Crystal used to get you here. Big complex machine, right?”

I nod, thinking of what the inside of those things looked like. They did seem awfully complex.

”Well,” she continues, “I found my place there. It was something I could do, and that I was happy doing. Well, my Sister didn’t care for it, so I was able to do it on my own. And, when it came time for her to learn how to use them, I was way better. I wasn’t in her shadow anymore, you see?

”You are going to have to find something like that. A place like that, one that’ll make you happy and let you stand out as your own person. And you’ll have to find that by yourself, there is only so much others can do to help you.”

I take a drink of the water, and ponder. I suppose she is right. I don’t know what to do now. It seems so hopeless… But, I suppose I will have to find it. I don’t know where to look. Unless…

“May I see Lord Aliester?” I ask. I can feel he is still awake; resting, but awake.

Rei shakes her head. “Not right now. He said to be left alone, so he can rest and think about things. Later, he’ll want visitors.”

“Oh.” He doesn’t even want to see me now… Have I disappointed Him that much?

"Well, well. Look what we have here," Comes Caesar’s voice. I look back, and see him and Crystal approaching.

Rei looks up at him. "Hey there, strangers!" she says with a grin. "Have a seat. I was just talking with Enlil. What can I help ya with?"

"Thanks." Caesar replies as he and Crystal sit down. "We came to check on Enlil to see how she was doing."

"Oh." Rei states. "Very well then. I was just talking to her about what she should do, now that she's not Aliester's Herald anymore. And since he's asked me to watch over her, I was thinking of giving her lodging here. Or, at least a place to sleep."

"While we're on the subject," Crystal interjects, "Caesar and I, well we were wanting to know, since it's such a long way back to Darwin and we do not have any transportation, we wanted to know if we could..."

I don’t know what they are talking about, but I know that it will confuse me more than anything. I need to think clearly. I also want to talk to Lord Aliester. So I stand, and walk away from the Pavilion so they may talk and I can think.

“Hey!” Rei calls out, “Wait a minute!” I stop, and look back as she stands. “Before you run off, let me show you where you’ll be staying.”

“Alright,” I say. I suppose that I will need to rest sooner or later.

<p><div style="text-align:center">Image Image Image Image Image ImageImage</div></p>

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pd Rydia
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Re: Carrying Over...

Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon May 19, 2003 2:44 pm

- ""Oh." Rei states." -- '"Oh," Rei states.' -- it's possible that you might want to use a word other than states, because that sounds a bit odd following a simple "Oh"
- "Pavilion" -- 'pavilion'

More. :{ <p>
<span style="font-size:xx-small;">-=- "Careful wit' that blade, th's innkeep's a cranky sort when folks start fightin' Ye dun wanna know how many rowdy drunks she's ate" -- Uncle Pervy
-=- "I'm sorry, but there are rules to uphold here. No nakedness is one of them. Along with no suicide and no fighting." -- Will Baseton
-=- "Maybe... or maybe you're just not drunk enough." -- Nakibe</span></p>

Rei AyanamiEva00

Re: Carrying Over...

Unread postby Rei AyanamiEva00 » Wed May 21, 2003 2:53 am

Image Me very much liking! Especially how Rei relayed her analogy to Enlil.

MORE! <p><span style="font-size:xx-small;">_________________
Walk softly...and pilot a big mech...

"To see a world in a grain of sand...
...And heaven in a wild flower.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand...
...And eternity in an hour."
--William Blake/Lara Croft


Re: Carrying Over...

Unread postby RedCometChar » Fri May 23, 2003 2:50 am

*in a raspy voice, from being silent so long*

Great work! I'm glad to see you've been busy on this lately, with such high-quality results. I look forward to the finale, but dread the ending... (does that make any sense at all?Image ) <p>-------------

"Once an evil deed is done, it never ends! It goes on, and it will go on forever!" The Scorpion, Five Deadly Venoms</p>

Uncle Pervy

Re: Carrying Over...

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sat May 24, 2003 4:55 am

"Well, welcome to your new home," Rei says, as she leads me up a set of stairs from the office on the top floor. I walk inside, and try to look everywhere at once as I see a number of things that are only somewhat familiar to me now. There are chairs and couches like the ones I saw in the Medical Bay, though these seem softer and more inviting. I see lights, those I have learned to recognize very well. A shelf of books rests against a wall to my side. However, there are still a number of objects that I don't recognize. The large box with the glass face in particular intrigues me.

It is not a large place, but it is not cramped either; I could spread my wings if I wanted. Large windows let in the day's fading light, and let me see the city. A couple doors lead to other parts of this dwelling.

"Well, what do ya think?" Rei asks, patting me on the back.

"It seems like a nice place," I say to her. I'm not sure, but it feels like such. Something about it radiates a sense of home to me. Though it looks similar to the office below, it has something that the office lacks. I can't quite decide what. Perhaps the closeness? Maybe it is way things are arranged?

"Well, I'll have us some food brought up," Rei says as she walks inside, and toward one of the doors. "In the meantime, I wanna get cleaned off. I'll be in the shower. You just make yourself at home, here."

"Shower?" I ask, looking back at her. "What is that?"

"Ah," Rei says, a mischievous light twinkling in her eyes, "You can have one later, and you'll like it. Trust me."

"Alright," I say, as I go to one of the chairs and have a seat. It cramps my wings a little, so I have to stand and shift them a bit, wrapping them around my shoulders like a cloak.

Alone again, I look out the windows. What will I do now? No longer His Herald, no longer destined to serve Him; what is my place now. Rei says I must find it on my own. Lord Aliester said their was no hope, yet those he called friends are full of it. People are so full of violence, yet I have seen Rei overcome it.

I've even seen Mellewyn overcome it.

I sigh. So full of hate, so full of desire to slay Lord Aliester. Yet, he did not, instead he stood aside and didn't try to slay Lord Aliester. What stayed his hand? What stymied his hate?

I only honor the angel's wishes by letting him die from his wounds and not by my hand, those were his words. I remember them all too well. Was it mercy that prompted him to say such? Was it understanding? No, not those, they are not like him. Sympathy, perhaps? But he has slain countless souls over time... What was it?

I only honor the angel's wishes... Lord Aliester told me the Sidhe are defined by their honor. Did that stop him? Was Mellewyn compelled by honor to stand aside, once Lord Aliester laid dying? I could feel how much Mellewyn wanted Him to die, but he didn't act. I know it was not fear that stopped him. Though I would have gladly given my life to save Lord Aliester, I know that Mellewyn would not have been stopped by that.

I wonder... if it was Honor that saved Lord Aliester from Mellewyn's hate, might it be honor that forces him to act as he did? Even with his hatred, honor seems to run stronger in him. Is Mellewyn a prisoner of it?

I hated him. When he spoke so coldly of what he has done, I wanted him to feel the pain that Lord Aliester had. No... I wanted him to feel my pain. But, now that I think back, I see that doing it would not have achieved anything. He might have felt my agony and my rage, even my hopelessness, but that would not have saved Lord Aliester. That would not have stopped him.

Forsake your ideals, then, Mellewyn said to me, as I challenged him. Toss them aside as the sorcerer did. Give into your hate; try and take my life. It will be amusing study of futility.

He was right. I sigh again as I ponder this. It would have been futile to given into that anger, and that hate. Lord Aliester might have died. But I did not, and he lives now. Had I attacked Mellewyn, would the others have helped me? Would they have tried to save me, and not Lord Aliester? Everyone has been so kind and so understanding, would they have helped me then, and forgot Lord Aliester? Might that have cost Him his life?

I overcame my desires and Mellewyn was able to restrain them. Those whom Lord Aliester once fought are now trying to save Him. I think back to the music I heard. It was so beautiful, and so joyous. I cannot deny that I liked it, that I felt happy while listening to it. Nor can I deny that brief moment of relaxation that floating in the water brought to me...

But what is my purpose now? There is hope, but what else? What do I do with it?

"WAAAAH!" comes a voice from outside, followed by a series of bumps and crashes. Jarred from my thoughts, I look towards the door and wonder what it was. <p><div style="text-align:center">Image Image Image Image Image ImageImage</div></p>

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pd Rydia
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Re: Riding upon inspiration... The Creation of Enlil

Unread postby pd Rydia » Sat May 24, 2003 3:48 pm

- "what is my place now." -- question mark
- "Lord Aliester said their was no hope," -- there was no
- "if it was Honor that saved" -- honor

Mew. o.o More. <p>
<span style="font-size:xx-small;">-=- "YOU SEE THE MIGHTY DAMARAMU'S BRAIN IS VERY COMPACT!" -- Damaramu
-=- "Don't worry Mink, I'll be good excess baggage!" -- Pia
-=- "But I'm a slime half!" -- Princess Vena
-=- "OH BY THE SEVEN GODS IT'S A MECHANICAL BIRD! But it's so...small..." -- announcer guy
-=- "Demons don't care about story continuity!" -- Doug Finn</span></p>

Uncle Pervy

Re: Carrying Over...

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Tue May 27, 2003 4:27 am

Everything goes quiet again, except for a sound that it like a rather brisk rainfall coming from where Rei went. I listen, but hear nothing else. What was that noise? It seemed to come from the stairway past the door.

Curious, I stand up, and walk toward the door. It opens easily, for it is not card-locked like many of the other doors in the building. Immediately, I hear the sound of someone groaning below, near the base of the stairway. It sounds like she; the voice is definitely feminine; is hurt!

I rush down the stairs, my wings folded as tightly I can. Still, they hit the ceiling painfully a few times. But I try not to pay the ache much mind, as I see someone in a the clothing of a MacinTech employee laying in a crumpled heap at the bottom of the stairs. Multi-colored... substance covers her, I have no idea what it is. She tries to move, but doesn't seem to be having any success

"What happened?" I ask, as I near her. She doesn't answer, as she languishes there, and groan in pain. A riot of strange smells come from the stuff covering her; it smells like... the RecDeck, somewhat. Is it food? It smells like it, but it makes my stomach feel funny, rather than hungry.

I kneel beside her, taking her hand in mine. "Let me help you up," I say.

"My leg," she gasps, "It hurts..." I look at her legs, and see that one is bent a little oddly. It's broken: what do I do now? Before Lord Aliester was defeated, I could have healed her; but now... nothing. The smell of that food it getting very bad; I don't think it was all supposed to be mixed like that. How do I help her?

"Let me help you sit up, at least," I say, putting my hand to her back, and trying to ease her up. I don't think staying like that is good for her. She groans a bit more, then leans on me. I stumble a bit under her weight, not expecting it. Easing myself to the floor, I sit beside the woman, and let her cling to me.

I feel her shuddering against me, and how rapid her breathing has become. Her eyes are tightly closed, and her face tensed. A tear tracks down her cheek. I don't know what to do, so I my wing around her, hoping the gesture brings some level of comfort. I want to ease her pain, but I don't know what to do. My heart aches, seeing her in pain like this; not even if Lord Aliester were successful would this have been stopped. "What happened to you," I ask at length.

"Stairs," she says, her teeth clenched, "I was coming up...with dinner... and Slipped. Fell... God it hurts!"

"Don't hold back your tears," I say to her, "I know that you're in pain, there is no reason to hide it." I tried to hide my pain, but it wasn't until others saw it that I was able to find any hope at all. Perhaps it is not meant to be held in? "Just let you pain express itself."

I don't know if is because she listens to me or because she can no longer hold in the pain, but she begins to cry. Softly at first; I can barely hear her. But they become stronger, and begin to echo through the small stairwell. I hold her, trying to provide some kind of comfort. There is not much else I can do, besides let her know she isn't alone.

"Enlil?" Come's Rei's voice from above, "Is that you?" At the top of the Stairs, I see Rei, wearing a robe somewhat like the blue one I was given earlier.

"No," I reply, "but this woman is hurt, badly! She needs help!"

Rei descends toward us, and says, "I didn't hear you fall, Ari; I'm sorry! But don't worry, I'll get help. You'll be okay, alright?"

The woman, Ari, just nods. "Thank you..." she says through a sob, barely audable, "both of you."

"I'll take over here," Rei says, as she kneels by Ari. "You go on back upstairs."

The injured woman leans on Rei now, freeing me to stand. I do so, and start up the stairs, a little more mindful of my wings than before. "Hey Enlil," Rei says. I stop, and turn to look back at her.

"Don't sit down or anything up there," she cautions, "We need to get you cleaned off first, alright."

For a moment, I am confused. Then I look at my robes, and see that some of the food that splattered over Ari has gotten on me as well...

**** <p><div style="text-align:center">Image Image Image Image Image ImageImage</div></p>

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pd Rydia
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Re: Carrying Over...

Unread postby pd Rydia » Tue May 27, 2003 2:06 pm

- "except for a sound that it like a rather brisk rainfall" -- 'that is'?
- "It sounds like she; the voice is definitely feminine; is hurt!" -- 'like a she'? Also, I'm not sure two semicolons in one sentence is kosher
- "smell of that food it getting very bad" -- 'food is getting...'
- "so I my wing around her" -- 'I put my'
- ""What happened to you," I ask at length." -- I'm pretty sure it'd be '"What happened to you?" I ask at length.' Commas only replace periods I'm pretty sure.
- "Slipped" -- 'slipped'
-"I don't know if is" -- 'it is'
- "Rei descends toward us, and says, "I didn't hear you fall, Ari; I'm sorry! But don't worry, I'll get help. You'll be okay, alright?"" -- that was rather sudden, somehow. Her assessment of the situation is implied, but I think it would do well to make it a bit more explicit. She seems awfully calm and unsurprised by Ari's injury as it is. <p>
<span style="font-size:xx-small;">-=- "YOU SEE THE MIGHTY DAMARAMU'S BRAIN IS VERY COMPACT!" -- Damaramu
-=- "Don't worry Mink, I'll be good excess baggage!" -- Pia
-=- "But I'm a slime half!" -- Princess Vena
-=- "OH BY THE SEVEN GODS IT'S A MECHANICAL BIRD! But it's so...small..." -- announcer guy
-=- "Demons don't care about story continuity!" -- Doug Finn</span></p>

Uncle Pervy

Re: Carrying Over...

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed May 28, 2003 3:23 am

Darkness reigns over the quiet chamber, as I look toward the gloom-covered ceiling. Rei told me to go to sleep, and that we would do something in the morning. I woke up a little while ago, but I can't go back.

The bed; Rei called it a Sofa-bed after unfolding it from a couch; is quite comfortable. My wings, though folded , take up almost all of it. I am fairly sure this bed was made for two humans to share. I lie on my back, and watch the ceiling for a few minutes. Then I look over at a display, showing a series of glowing green numbers. It reads four thirty eight. Rei said that was a measure of time, but I am not quite sure what they mean in that sense.

After a moment, I sit up and set aside the sheets. Taking a moment to stretch my wings, then the rest of my body, I stand up and walk toward the plate windows. Rei showed me a door set in them; I slide it open and step out to the balcony beyond.

Cold nighttime air cuts into the somewhat thin sleeping gown that Rei gave me. It feels rather nice, but I wrap my wings around myself until I can grow used to the chill. Looking out over the balcony. Before me is the city I saw before earlier, wrapped in darkness and illuminated by hundreds of tiny lights. It is quite beautiful, as though the people were trying to recreate the stars on the ground.

I wonder if that is their purpose, to recreate the night sky? I wonder if it would be alright for me to fly to one and see. Probably not, Rei might wonder about where I have gone. Above, I can see the moon has set; Dawn shouldn't be too far away. The stars are hard to see, the light below makes it hard to see them.

What should I do now? There were a variety of things that Rei showed me earlier. Perhaps the television? No... that makes too much noise and might wake up Rei. It didn't interest me that much, either. The books on the shelf might be intriguing to look through, but the light might also wake up Rei. Maybe another shower? I never imagined that heated water could feel so good...

A sensation passes behind me, like a warm breeze. Lord Aliester! I turn, but there is no one there. I cannot sense him anymore.

I cannot feel Him at all! Not even floors before me! What... what happened to Him?

A cold fear creeps into my stomach, as my eyes fall upon a thin, rectangular object, sitting on the table near the center of the room. Bundled in cloth, it definitely was not there earlier!

Approaching it, I see a folded piece of paper, with the word "Enlil" written across it in a bold, precise script. My breath quickens, that is Lord Aliester's handwriting! I take the paper in hand, and sit down at a seat near the table. Unfolding it, Lord Aliester's exacting script draws my attention.

My Dearest Enlil,

I hope this missive shall find you well and happy. What I shall say next will no doubt pain you greatly, but it must be said.

I am leaving.

Leaving? Why? My eyes burn a little with tears; why is he going away? Is he going to leave me here? Can I stop him?

In fact, by the time you read this, I will have already left for another world. Dr. Higuichi's miracles have allowed me recover to the point that I have been able to restore myself. Worry not for my health.

The events of the past few days have been most revealing to me in a number of ways. The most important revelation has no doubt been the depths of my flaws. My angel, I know it does not seem so, but I what did in the ruins of that alien craft, what I wanted to achieve, was a mistake. No doubt others have told you this by now.

I tried to force something that was not yet ready to be. My ideals were pure, but not my intentions. I was not ready to assume the power I had, perhaps I never will be, Nonetheless, I tried to force myself to control it. Some day, the Universe shall be joined, and there will rein over a new era of prosperity. But that time is not now, my angel.

"I wish it were not so, my Lord," I say to myself; I don't know if He can hear me. "But it does not seem to matter what I wish, does it?"

[i]I know this must be hard for you, Enlil. You were created to serve a purpose, yet that purpose is no longer there. it must be devastating, to lose everything as you have.

However, perhaps we have both come to look at this the wrong way. Everyone, including myself, has seen this as a tragedy. But as I think more on it, I begin to wonder. This experience has taught me much. I have learned of my own limits, and seen through something that has bothered me for a very long time.

And, it lead me to create you.

Enlil, I have thought about you the most this past day. I told you I am not worthy to be called Lord, and now I know why. Enlil, you must not think of me as your creator and Lord. You are not my merely Herald; my servant. Your bond to me is much closer than that.
You are my child: My daughter.

I am not your Lord. No, our bond is deeper than that. You are not my handmaiden, I not your merely creat

I put the letter down, unable to continue. Daughter? Father? It doesn't make sense. Lord Aliester, please explain it to me... Taking the the letter in hand again, I continue.

You are meant to be more than my servant. You are not bound to me, not like that. Our bonds are of blood, not vassalage. I am responsible for your creation. I made you, and I wrought within you the ability to think and to feel. I cannot write you of as a mere tool, or a simple construct.

Sadly, this is why I must leave you. We must each walk our own path for awhile. I must come to terms with what I have done, and what I have learned. I cannot face the world until I do, until I can forgive myself for the mistakes that I have made.

You must learn to walk alone, to find your own path. That shall be your struggle, Enlil. You must learn to live your life without me, without my guidance. So long as I remain, you will never think of me as anything other than your Lord.You may know it to be true, but until you feel it, such is meaningless. But as the time passes while we are apart, you will see the truth.

I leave because I have faith that you can adapt, that you can walk on your own. If I did not, I would take you with me. But I know that you can brave and endure the trials to come.

I know that you can learn to walk on your own, that you will follow your own path. When it time is right, we shall meet again. And this meeting will not be between Herald and Lord. It will be a reunion of Father and Daughter. We are family, my dear Enlil. Know that, and be proud. I wish you luck, my daughter. Know that I love you, however harsh it seems that I am, and that I vow that I shall return to you once more. Have faith in that knowledge, I will return for you.

Do not disappoint me. I know you have the strength to stand on your own. I know you can live up to the ideals I have imparted to you. I am proud to know that you are capable of such, that you are my daughter. I want to be proud of you in the future as well.

Your Father, Aliester Purvis.

PS: You may unwrap the gift that I left for you. I occupied my time as I waited to recover creating it.

My own purpose. That is what everyone else has told me...

Reaching for the bundle, I gently seek the edges of the cloth. Then, I pull it away gently,to reveal an unframed painting.

It is a landscape, one that extend beyond the bounds of a single kind of terrain. It encompasses a mountain range, a beautiful and serene lake, forests, plains, even a city! The blue sky extends upward, fading to the blackness of space, brightened by the twinkling stars. Yet everything leads to the center of the painting. The branches of the forest, the roads of the city, the tall grasses of the plains, the ripples upon the pond, the clouds in the sky, even the stars twinkling above; all guide my eye to the center of the painting.

There stand two figures, in the center of all the many landscapes, as though they were in the center of existence itself. One is a brown-haired man with a blue cloak and dressed in clothing of an archaic design. The other is a woman with long, feathery, silver hair and wearing a white robe; feathered wings extend from her back. They are wrapped together in an embrace, the man's arms twined tightly around the angel,while the angel all but envelops him with her wings.

Written in the left corner is the title of the painting: "Reunion."

For a moment, I can only stare at it. It is... beautiful. Lord Aliester made this for me. No, He told me not to call Him that anymore. I shall call Him Father, as he desired

"Father... I shall learn to walk on my own. I will make you proud when you see me again."

Lifting the painting, I feel something underneath it. It doesn't seem to be a part of of the frame... Turning the painting around, I see a curious sight. Carefully wedged within the canvas frame is a sword...His sword. It is not the one I picked up when I stood against Mellewyn. This weapon is a different style of blade, oriental in style. It seems humble; I would not know this was His, but He told me of it, when he created it.

He left this for me, as well?

It slides free from its place in the frame easily. It is such a simple design, I wonder what the blade itself looks like? Some smiths etch elaborate patterns into the metal.

[i]Greetings En
[/i] says a voice in my mind suddenly!

"Ah!" The blade clatters to the floor, as I drop it from surprise. What was that?! Mellewyn? One of his people? No, this voice was different, more distant.

I did not mean to frighten you, says the voice within my thoughts again. Please, accept my apologies.[/i]

"Who are you?" I ask, looking around. Then my eyes focus on the sword that lies on the ground. Could it have been that?

My name is Maru, answers the voice, My spirit dwells within the blade you held moments ago. I once belonged to your father, and he asked me to remain with you. We agreed that I would of far greater service to you than to he.

"Why?" This sword intrigues me now. Lord Aliester never told me that this sword was sentient. How strange; I wonder why he left it.

Aliester wanted me to watch over you, as Rei has. He knew that you may encounter danger, and wished me to help protect you from it. He wished me to help guide you as well, so that even if Rei or his friends are not there, I shall be.

You heard my thoughts?

I did, but I need not if you. Shall I leave you in peace?

Please. I want to think.

Maru does not answer, it simply gives a sort of feeling like a nod, and falls silent.

I look at the blade, lying upon the floor. Lor- ...Father left it for me, something to help guide me. Even though He leaves, he does not leave me alone.

I am His daughter, then. And I am to find my own way. Even He has said such to me now. So many things have changed now, so many things don't make sense. Yet, I know that what he taught me to believe is not wrong. To strive for harmony, to help stop the violence and hatred that the souls throughout existence have let themselves degenerate to. He wants to be proud of me, and wants me to live up to these ideals. Then I shall.

Ari and the pain she felt; I was so helpless then. There was little I could do. She suffered, and I could do almost nothing about it. I tried, but there was little I could do. I didn't understand enough to help her, she had to suffer until Rei came. I know so little, that I couldn't even help Ari.

Lo-...Father, I will try to stand on my own. I will try to understand more, and to use that understanding to help others. I will make You proud of me. When You come back, I will have learned to live without You. I will try to stop the atrocities and the suffering. I don't know what I can do, but I will try.

I feel sad, but... I'm not sure. I know I will see Him again. I think I can carry on. I have Rei, still. I have Caesar and Crystal. And now I have Maru. I'm not alone.

I wish that You didn't have to leave me...Father, but I won't question You. I want You to stay, and to see me achieve this. But You cannot. I wish it were not so.

I reach down to pick up Maru. It remains silent, as I stand and walk toward the balcony. Looking upward, I still cannot see the stars very well. So, I look down toward the city again, letting my eyes rest on the lights found there.

Thank you, Father, for having faith in me. I will live up to it. <p><div style="text-align:center">Image Image Image Image Image ImageImage</div></p>Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=unclepervy@rpgww60462>Uncle]&nbsp; Image at: 5/28/03 9:42:11 pm

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pd Rydia
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Re: Carrying Over...

Unread postby pd Rydia » Fri May 30, 2003 12:53 am

- "The bed; Rei called it a Sofa-bed after unfolding it from a couch; is quite comfortable." -- I would use dashes instead of semi colons
- "though folded , " -- superfluous space
- "Looking out over the balcony." -- sentence fragment
- "Bundled in cloth, it definitely was not there earlier!" -- huh? I'm not sure those two clauses (I think that's the right term...) go together well
- ""I wish it were not so, my Lord," I say to myself; I don't know if He can hear me. "But it does not seem to matter what I wish, does it?"" -- this is italicized, I assume by mistake
- "You are my child: My daughter." -- should be another line break before this
- " I not your merely creat" -- if you meant to break off here, a dash would be a good indicator of such
- "My own purpose. That is what everyone else has told me..." -- italicized by mistake for several paragraphs
- "Please, accept my apologies.[/i]" -- not italicized
- "I did, but I need not if you." -- think a verb got eaten there

And...yay! ^_^ I am pleased. A nice ending, jes. <p>
<span style="font-size:xx-small;">-=- "YOU SEE THE MIGHTY DAMARAMU'S BRAIN IS VERY COMPACT!" -- Damaramu
-=- "Don't worry Mink, I'll be good excess baggage!" -- Pia
-=- "But I'm a slime half!" -- Princess Vena
-=- "OH BY THE SEVEN GODS IT'S A MECHANICAL BIRD! But it's so...small..." -- announcer guy
-=- "Demons don't care about story continuity!" -- Doug Finn</span></p>


Re: Carrying Over...

Unread postby RedCometChar » Fri May 30, 2003 2:07 am

Congratulations, on a story well done! It's been a long journey, hasn't it? Would you like a Tylenol, or a cold compress? <p>-------------

"Once an evil deed is done, it never ends! It goes on, and it will go on forever!" The Scorpion, Five Deadly Venoms</p>

Rei AyanamiEva00

Re: Carrying Over...

Unread postby Rei AyanamiEva00 » Fri May 30, 2003 7:18 am

WAI~! I love that ending... it's beautifully written!!! Well done Pervy! <p><span style="font-size:xx-small;">_________________
Walk softly...and pilot a big mech...

"To see a world in a grain of sand...
...And heaven in a wild flower.
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand...
...And eternity in an hour."
--William Blake/Lara Croft


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