The Armada Gauntlet

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The Armada Gauntlet

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Mon Oct 14, 2002 7:16 pm

Secured Sanctum, IAD Headquarters, Doma City.

1355 hrs. 4th day, 2nd Autumnal Section, 1311 AD.

Report of Agent Yvon Corell on Armada Gauntlet case

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp In the course of my career as an investigator, I've encountered many ... odd characters. From grizzled inustani pirates to Greparthian slavers. I even interviewed the "avatar of the g-cubes"once. But none of them held a candle in sheer arrogance to one Jansen Cade. It is surprising to find such that such a man came from the peaceful land of Baron. But of course, such a land filled with tranquility and beauty is bound to have a couple of black sheep.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Before I started my investigation, I was going over the paperwork of my last investigation regarding some local drug traffickers. It had been going slowly, and I felt that the day would be uneventful. Then it hit.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Before I knew it, my coffee had hit the floor and my paperwork was ruined. But, by then, I was on my feet. I grabbed my MBG and headed towards the disturbance. This was not uncommon. Explosions seemed to rock the castle bimonthly. One was like the other. I should have known not to think so calmly.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp As I arrived on the scene, there was a mass of confusion. Many guards ran back and forth, trying to perform some important task. I pushed past them to find out what was going on. And then I realized where I was.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The doors I saw in front of me were tall and regal. They were all one piece, carved from a single tree, and very ornately carved at that. They were as high as my own home, and most likely twice as expensive. It was a shame, then, that these doors were so severely charred.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Doors to the king's bedchamber, that is.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp My feelings of amazement, and fear, no less, were interrupted as two guards brought past me, in cuffs, a beaten, bloodied man. He had cuts all over his face, a black eye, and what appeared to be a huge hole in his right shoulder. And in all his pain, in all his agony, he managed to look up at me, smile and say, "Have fun figurin' this one out, pal."
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp That was my first encounter with Jansen Cade and what would turn out to be my biggest case.... <p>--------------------
</br><center><font size=-1>king (kng) n. 1. A male sovereign.
</br> 2. One that is supreme or preeminent in a particular group, category, or sphere.
</br>3. Image Major butt kicker.</p>

Uncle Pervy

Re: The Armada Gauntlet Part 2

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Nov 21, 2002 10:02 am

Interesting style.

I hope you intend to carry it on as crime reports. <p>Image Image Rum, White Magic, an' Cabbits. That's th' life fer me. Image Image</p>


The Armada Gauntlet Part 3

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Thu Nov 21, 2002 5:05 pm

Secured Sanctum, IAD Headquarters, Doma City.

1946 hrs. 4th day, 2nd Autumnal Section, 1311 AD.

Report of Agent Yvon Corell on Armada Gauntlet case

Segment 3

After the suspect was settled down and placed in an interrogation chamber, I decided to let him rest for a short while in preparation for the ensuing interview. Mr. Cade did not seem interested in rest. He simply kept demanding, loudly, that he see the little girl. Which little girl he spoke of was unclear. One might assume he may have been speaking about Princess Elle, but since she was safe in her father's care, that conclusion was in doubt. I decided to begin the interview early, as it seemed Mr. Cade was more than ready to talk.

Excerpt shown below.

Corell: Mr. Cade, are you ready to begin?

Cade: Of COURSE I'm f@#$ing ready, you sick little piece of s@#$! Where's Mirra?

Corell: Mirra?

Cade: Mirra, the girl they had! She has to have been around somewhere!

Corell: Mr. Cade, there were no little girls present at the scene of the crime.

Cade: THERE HAS TO HAVE BEEN! Aren't you listening? That kid could be in danger!

Corell: That child will be in more danger if you persist in this behaviour. Now calm down and we can sort this whole thing out.

Cade: Fine... fine! We'll play it your way. Just know this. If a little Nekonian girl winds up dead in the morning, her blood's on your hands, got it?

Corell: ... Mr. Cade, why were you associating with one Mr...?

Cade: Zatreize. Thaemariz Zatreize. I... ... I was...

Corell: Spit it out, Mr. Cade.

Cade: I was under his control, OK? He... put a spell on me, alright?

Corell: I see. How did you come to know Mr. Zatreize?

Cade: We met in Valth. We had done a few deals before.

Corell: Deals?

Cade: Weapons deals, OK? Valth's the only country in the world that sells decent firearms.

Corell: And you bought weapons from Mr. Zatreize?

Cade: Almost...

Corell: You mean to say you didn't purchase weapons from Mr. Zatreize?

Cade: Well, I would have... ||points to the Gauntlet|| If he hadn't slapped that thing on me...

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Re: The Armada Gauntlet Part 3

Unread postby Nick Shogun » Mon Dec 02, 2002 1:50 pm

Ooh! Like Law and Order! Spoooky!

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pd Rydia
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Re: The Armada Gauntlet Part 3

Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon Dec 16, 2002 9:02 pm



You know, Doug has a Valthi char named Zatriem...

Nice style. ^_^ I like how you're used it. <p><div style="text-align:center">
"On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to F.N.W.C.!"
-- VampireJesterJinx (VA by...Dia! :D!)</div></p>

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The Armada Gauntlet Part 4

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Fri Dec 27, 2002 4:01 pm

Secured Sanctum, IAD Headquarters, Doma City.

2002 hrs. 4th day, 2nd Autumnal Section, 1311 AD.

Report of Agent Yvon Corell on Armada Gauntlet case

Segment 4

The interrogation continued.

Corell: So, I am to understand that Mr. Zatreize meant to harm you with that weapon?

Cade: ||he smiles|| No.

Corell: He meant to... perform surgery?

Cade: ||smile increases by 28%|| Nope.

Corell: He meant to test it on you then?

Cade: ||increase of 12%|| Actually, I'm pretty sure he'd used it before.

Corell: Then what, Mr. Cade, DID he need to put the weapon on you for?

Cade: ||laughter|| There you go. Asking nicely like a good little agent. You'd probably get more outta me if you kept that up. ||more laughter||

Corell: Just answer the question, Mr. Cade.

Cade: He was using it to enslave me.

Corell: To what end?

Cade: Did you hear about Rowra?

Corell: Yes... the village razing in Nekonia. What about it?

Cade: That was us. Or rather, me.

Corell: You alone razed the entire village of Rowra?

Cade: Not by choice, mind you. I didn't get a dime from it. And you know us mercenaries... all about the bottom line...

Corell: Of course. Tell me about the Rowra incident.

Cade: Well, after Zatreize tricked me into putting that... thing on, he decided to have a little ||indicates quotation marks with index and middle fingers|| "fun" with me.

Corell: What kind of fun?

Cade: ...He made me shoot my transport. ||shifts in chair||

Corell: Your transport?

Cade: ... Chobeck.

Corell: Chobeck is your...

Cade: ||cuts him off|| My chocobo, yeah. ||pauses|| Had him for 5 years now.

Corell: And you had an emotional connection with this chocobo?

Cade: ||stands, angered|| OF COURSE I HAD A CONNECTION WITH HIM, YOU STARCH SHIRT MOTHER ||expletive||!

Corell: Zatreize is dead, Mr. Cade. Getting mad at what he did does no one any good. Now sit down.

Cade: ||glares, then complies||

Corell: Did Mr. Zatreize have any more "fun" with you?

Cade: Yeah, I mugged a few people, shot dogs, ||expletive|| like that.

Corell: And then what happened?

Cade: He told me I was ready.

Corell: Ready for what?

Cade: For the next big score... <p>--------------------
"Life is pain. Anyone who says otherwise is selling something." - The Dread Pirate Roberts</p>[i]Edited by: [url=>KingOfDoma</A] at: 12/30/02 12:13:45 am

Teh Jade Dragon

Re: The Armada Gauntlet

Unread postby Teh Jade Dragon » Fri Dec 27, 2002 4:48 pm

Hm. The % smile increases are kinda funky, and silly.

The rest is good stuff. ^_^ Good action, yup.

And about damn time. :P

Uncle Pervy

Re: The Armada Gauntlet

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Fri Dec 27, 2002 6:12 pm


The Smile increase was kinda funky.

KEEP GOING e\/e <p><div style="text-align:center">Image Image Image Image Image</div></p>

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The Armada Gauntlet Part V

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Sun Jan 05, 2003 10:10 pm

Secured Sanctum, IAD Headquarters, Doma City.

2344 hrs. 4th day, 2nd Autumnal Section, 1311 AD.

Report of Agent Yvon Corell on Armada Gauntlet case

Segment 5

Final section on initial first interrogation.

Corell: The next big score?

Cade: You're acting dumb.

Corell: Eh?

Cade: You're acting as if you don't know what that is...

Corell: Ah. The castle. But what did you want there?

Cade: First off, I didn't want diddly ||expletive|| from the ||expletive|| castle, Zatreize did. And second, I didn't know at the time.

Corell: Your point? You know now.

Cade: Oh, come on, Corell. You don't expect me to spoil the best part of the story half way through, do you? Anyways, they stuck me back on their boat...

Corell: Boat?

Cade: Oh, didn't I mention? That's how we got to Rowra from Valth.

Corell: ... interesting.

Cade: Yep. They stuck me in the cargo hold.... ||expletives referring to the deceased parties||. Dark and wet and ||expletive|| smelly as hell... good thing it wasn't that bad.

Corell: Are you a fan of dank cargo holds?

Cade: Nope. Not in the ||expletive|| least.

Corell: So how was it enjoyable.

Cade: Simple... we had a stowaway. ||yawns|| Well, I'm pooped. Where are the beds in this ||expletive||?

Corell: Aren't you going to continue the story?

Cade: Not tonight. You think I don't need to rest after the ||expletive|| I've been through today?

Corell: Very well. We'll retire until 0900 tomorrow.

Cade: Fine by me.

At this point the interrogation ended. Mr. Cade, however, had one additional comment.

Cade: Hey Corell?

Corell: Yes, Mr. Cade?

Cade: Don't say "retire". It makes you sound kinda... gay. ||laughter| <p>--------------------
"Life is pain. Anyone who says otherwise is selling something." - The Dread Pirate Roberts</p>[i]

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pd Rydia
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Re: The Armada Gauntlet Part V

Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon Jan 06, 2003 11:18 am

You forgot the last | at the end there. Also, the censoring of the expletives is getting kinda overdone. Personally, I don't think they should be censored, really. o.o <p>
<span style="font-size:xx-small;">Barge: *raises his sword* Game... *twirls it* Set... *smirk*
Big Fat Chocobo: *a big fat chocobo falls on the demon Barge* ^)-(^
Rydia: ...and...squish?
Hakaril: .......Dia? Did YOU do that?
Rydia: *stares* o_O ...I think so.
Hakaril: ...that's great!
Richard: O.O WOAH. Remind me NEVER to get YOU mad, Dia. O.O;;;;
Idran: So remember everyone. Crushing works good on demons.</span></p>

Uncle Pervy

Re: The Armada Gauntlet Part V

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Mon Jan 06, 2003 5:08 pm

It is, really, given how much Cade likes to curse. <p><div style="text-align:center">Image Image Image Image Image</div></p>

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The Armada Gauntlet Part 6

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Mon Jan 13, 2003 8:20 pm

Secured Sanctum, IAD Headquarters, Doma City.

0759 hrs. 5th day, 2nd Autumnal Section, 1311 AD.

Report of Agent Yvon Corell on Armada Gauntlet case

Segment 6

First section of second interrogation.

I woke Mr. Cade at approximately eight hundred hours this morning, and was greeted with excessive cursing. Apparently, Mr. Cade felt that another three hours sleep was warranted. Procedure, of course, dictates otherwise. Mr. Cade took this as an affront and proceeded to wreck his sleeping area and constantly demand what he described as "Baronian Hills" brand coffee. More acrimonious responses were received when we told him we had nothing but Smiildale's Best brand. Accompanying officers had to sedate him. Mr. Cade, in a roundabout way, appropriated his initial request of three hours extra sleep.

At approximately eleven hundred hours the sedative wore off and Cade was more than happy to answer our questions. Questioning began at eleven oh six hours.

Corell: Tell me about Mirra.

Cade: Ooh. You figured it out, huh?

Corell: Yes. Who else could have been your company in a cargo hold than a Nekonian stowaway?

Cade: Hey... you're smarter than you look, Corell.

Corell: I am not here to impress you, Cade. I am here for the facts. Please continue.

Cade: OK... well, as you can imagine, little Mirra was...

Corell: Quite perturbed?

Cade: Pissed was how I was going to word it. Anyways, she was hissin' and spittin', saying, "I'm gonna kill you, mister! Wabuhbahbuhbaaaah!" ||smiles|| I tell ya, it was the cutest thing...

Corell: She was threatening your life?

Cade: Oh yeah. She had her mom's kitchen knife and everything... ... I imagine she musta found it in the rubble of her house...

Corell: Why do you think that?

Cade:... well... for one, I ... I destroyed almost every house in that town, and burned any that were standing... and... it had... plaster on it. The blade was a bit melted... you'd figure it out as easy as me...

Corell: Mr. Cade, if this is too taxing, we can always...

Cade: No. I'm good, OK? It's just... the bite of killing so many people is startin' to hit me, y'know? I'm a bounty hunter. Usually, I just subdue my bounties. I'm not used to... that much... death.

Corell: I understand, Mr. Cade. It's a hard thing to see. I was even present at the Uprising of 1299...

Cade: Would you just shut up and let me finish?

Corell: Of course.

Cade: Now... as I was saying... Mirra was pretty friggin' pissed. She was swingin' that knife good 'n' fast, and comin' pretty close to cuttin' me open.

Corell: Obviously you avoided serious injury. How did you subdue her?

Cade: Simple. I put a gun to her head.

[i]Edited by: [url=>KingOfDoma</A] at: 1/14/03 1:02:58 am

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pd Rydia
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Re: The Armada Gauntlet Part 6

Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon Jan 13, 2003 8:30 pm

It doesn't seem very proffessional for an interrogator to start talking about himself... o.o

It's very good to see you keep working on this. ^_^ <p>
<span style="font-size:xx-small;">-=- "Got Dragonale?" -- Richard Storm (Nakibe)
-=- "Bah, my past was full of drinking and polymorph spells." -- Hakaril (Archmage144)
-=- "I REJECT YOUR PRESENCE!" -- CaptainPervy (UnclePervy)
-=- "What. In. The. @#%. Are. You. Two. Doing?" -- Hzar (Banjooie)</span></p>

Uncle Pervy

Re: The Armada Gauntlet Part 6

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Mon Jan 13, 2003 10:04 pm

Seems to me he's playing one part interogator and one part Psychoanalyst.

It's a good way to get info, though.

Well done, Chuck. <p><div style="text-align:center">Image Image Image Image Image ImageImage</div></p>

Vampire Jester Jinx

Re: The Armada Gauntlet Part 6

Unread postby Vampire Jester Jinx » Sun Jan 19, 2003 3:07 am

Abby will not be pleased at how bad her cousin behaves nope. Image

Other than that, the style is unique charles, and it really adds to the story line. I like how you keep a little humour in with the odd notations about his behaviour. Anyhow....I like it alot....keep writing or a bite you.

now sleepy time for lex. *rates* <p>
<div style="text-align:center">
I died for beauty, but was scarce
Adjusted in the tomb,
When one who died for truth was lain
In an adjoining room.

He questioned softly why I failed?
"For beauty," I replied.
"And I for truth, - the two are one;
We brethren are," he said.

And so, as kinsmen met a night,
We talked between the rooms,
Until the moss had reached our lips
And covered up our names.


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Re: The Armada Gauntlet

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Mon Jan 20, 2003 1:18 am

Secured Sanctum, IAD Headquarters, Doma City.

1117 hrs. 5th day, 2nd Autumnal Section, 1311 AD.

Report of Agent Yvon Corell on Armada Gauntlet case

Segment 7

The interrogation continued.

Corell: Excuse me, Mr. Cade? You mean to tell me you aimed a weapon at a child?

Cade: Man, you know how to put a negative spin on things. You ever consider becoming an advocate for Doman High Court? ||snickers||

Corell: Mr. Cade, how would you put a positive spin on it?

Cade: Easy. It was an accident.

Corell: Go on.

Cade: Well, when she was swinging at me, I put my left hand on her forehead to stop her from hitting me.

Corell: And your left hand...

Cade: ||interrupts|| Was my Gauntlet arm. You catch on quick.

Corell: So how'd she react?

Cade: How do you think she reacted? She had the weapon that destroyed her village resting between her eyeballs. She flipped out. Cowered in the corner, begging for her life.

Corell: And then what happened?

Cade: Well, I couldn't let a kid be afraid of me, so...

Corell: Wait, wait. You have a softspot for children?

Cade: Don't you? What kind of stupid question is that?

Corell: Forget it. Continue the story.

Cade: ||pauses|| Well, I put my hand behind my back, then I approached her, try to calm her down. But damn, she was just inconsolable. Just... totally beyond herself with fear and grief.

Corell: Did you eventually succeed in calming her down?

Cade: Not before getting pissed.

Corell: I thought you said you liked children.

Cade: To a point.

Corell: Continue.

Cade: ... well, I told her, "Well, come on! If you're so sad, why don't you... ||pauses, eyes redden slightly|| Why don't you cut me? That's... that's what you're here to do, isn't it?"


At this point Cade's emotional state was heightening, so this quote is most likely slightly innaccurate.


Corell: And then?

Cade: She... she looked up at me with her big ||expletive|| neko eyes, just barely holding onto that knife, and then...

Corell: And then what?

Cade: ||eye redness increases, tear droplets form|| She dropped the thing, started hitting me with her fists, and saying...

Corell: Saying what?

Cade: ... "Why did you kill my mommy?" ||wipes face||

Corell: Mr. Cade... how did you then respond?

Cade: ||additional droplets form|| I need to go to the washroom.


At this point, the interrogation paused for 8 minutes for Mr. Cade's restroom break.

No guards reported hearing weeping.

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Re: The Armada Gauntlet

Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon Jan 20, 2003 1:21 am

Mew. o.o A stir.

*gives thumbs up* Keep writin'. <p>
<span style="font-size:xx-small;">-=- "Got Dragonale?" -- Richard Storm (Nakibe)
-=- "Bah, my past was full of drinking and polymorph spells." -- Hakaril (Archmage144)
-=- "I REJECT YOUR PRESENCE!" -- CaptainPervy (UnclePervy)
-=- "What. In. The. @#%. Are. You. Two. Doing?" -- Hzar (Banjooie)</span></p>


The Armada Gauntlet Part 8

Unread postby kingofdoma » Mon Jan 27, 2003 6:48 pm

Secured Sanctum, IAD Headquarters, Doma City.

1146 hrs. 5th day, 2nd Autumnal Section, 1311 AD.

Report of Agent Yvon Corell on Armada Gauntlet case

Segment 8

Once Mr. Cade returned from the bathroom, the last question asked was posed again.

Cade: I told her I did it. That I killed her mother. ||breathes noticeably deeply||

Corell: And did you?

Cade: Yeah, I did. I... remember one family just... ||expletive|| begging for their lives... Mirra was there... But Zatreize... Zatreize...

Corell: What did Zatreize do?

Cade: He made me. Made me shoot them.... most of them, I guess...

Corell: Let's discuss the nature of how the Armada Gauntlet for a moment. How did Zatreize "make" you do anything?

Cade: Simple. It's magic.

Corell: Excuse me?

Cade: You heard me. He uses magic.

Corell: You mean to tell me that Zatreize uses magic? I thought you told me he was Valthi.

Cade: He is Valthi. Guess he's an especially rare ||expletive||.

Corell: Do you know how Zatreize gained this power over the gauntlet?

Cade: The runes on it are Rivan, right? My guess is that he took a little trip and figured out how adept he is. ||chuckles|| Some ||expletive|| get all the luck, don't they?

Corell: I see. Alright, let's get back to the girl. How did she react to this news?

Cade: Well, obviously, the kid was tearing up. Actually, make that full on bawling. And caterwauling, too. There's a reason why "cat" is the first three letters in that word. Anyways, I gave her a hug, said I was sorry, and told her I'd nail the ||expletive|| that did this to her. And then the big question.

Corell: Which was?

Cade: She said, "Isn't that you?"

Corell: How did you respond?

Cade: Actually, I said, "No, it's him."

Corell: In reference to Zatreize?

Cade: Yep.

Corell: Why did you state it in that matter.

Cade: Because I heard someone coming into the cargo hold...


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pd Rydia
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Re: The Armada Gauntlet Part 8

Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon Jan 27, 2003 7:40 pm

<blockquote style="padding-left:1.0em; margin-left:14; margin-right:17; margin-top:0; margin-bottom:0; border-left:solid 2">Corell: Let's discuss the nature of how the Armada Gauntlet for a moment. How did Zatreize "make" you do anything?[/quote]

Awkward wording, looks like something got missed somewhere...

Either way, good addition. o.o Good place to drop off, from the prospect of wanting to keep people hanging onto the story. >.> *bap* Now write more. <p>
<span style="font-size:xx-small;">-=- "Got Dragonale?" -- Richard Storm (Nakibe)
-=- "Bah, my past was full of drinking and polymorph spells." -- Hakaril (Archmage144)
-=- "I REJECT YOUR PRESENCE!" -- CaptainPervy (UnclePervy)
-=- "What. In. The. @#%. Are. You. Two. Doing?" -- Hzar (Banjooie)</span></p>

Uncle Pervy

I think this says it.

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Mon Jan 27, 2003 8:50 pm

Corell: Let's discuss the nature of how the Armada Gauntlet for a moment. How did Zatreize "make" you do anything?

Awkward wording, looks like something got missed somewhere...

Either way, good addition. o.o Good place to drop off, from the prospect of wanting to keep people hanging onto the story. >.> *bap* Now write more. <p><div style="text-align:center">Image Image Image Image Image ImageImage</div></p>

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Re: The Armada Gauntlet Part 8

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Mon Jan 27, 2003 9:01 pm

*wonders two things*

Pervy, can you edit that line to read...

Let's discuss the nature of how the Armada Gauntlet actually works for a moment.

And the second thing I wonder is...

Why did Pervy write the same thing as Dia? o.O <p>--------------------
"Life is pain. Anyone who says otherwise is selling something." - The Dread Pirate Roberts

... frik, that's morbid.</p>

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Re: I think this says it.

Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon Jan 27, 2003 9:17 pm


Good question. <p>
<span style="font-size:xx-small;">-=- "Got Dragonale?" -- Richard Storm (Nakibe)
-=- "Bah, my past was full of drinking and polymorph spells." -- Hakaril (Archmage144)
-=- "I REJECT YOUR PRESENCE!" -- CaptainPervy (UnclePervy)
-=- "What. In. The. @#%. Are. You. Two. Doing?" -- Hzar (Banjooie)</span></p>

Uncle Pervy

Re: I think this says it.

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Mon Jan 27, 2003 9:47 pm

Dia said everything I needed to. *Nods:* <p><div style="text-align:center">Image Image Image Image Image ImageImage</div></p>

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Re: I think this says it.

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Mon Jan 27, 2003 10:13 pm

Huh. Works for me. <p>--------------------
"Life is pain. Anyone who says otherwise is selling something." - The Dread Pirate Roberts

... frik, that's morbid.</p>

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The Armada Gauntlet Part 9

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Thu Feb 06, 2003 2:32 pm

Secured Sanctum, IAD Headquarters, Doma City.

1222 hrs. 5th day, 2nd Autumnal Section, 1311 AD.

Report of Agent Yvon Corell on Armada Gauntlet case

Segment 9

The interrogation continued for a time.

Corell: So Zatreize was coming into the hold?

Cade: Yep. And I'm sure he wouldn't have approved of my little travelin' buddy.

Corell: So what did you do?

Cade: What else could I do? I told her to do what Nekonians do best.

Corell: Which is?

Cade: Hide.

Corell: Mr. Cade, isn't that a little racist?

Cade: Back on track, Corell...

Corell: Mr. Cade, if I decide to ask you what your favorite candy was when you were a child, you will answer me, do you understand?

Cade: ||mock salute, "bucktooth" grin|| Sure as shootin', Ranger Ee-vahn! A-hyuck!

Corell: That's enough, Cade! Now, back to the matter at hand.

Cade: THANK YOU! That's what I've wanted all along... ||whispered expletive||

Corell: Mr. Cade, if this behaviour doesn't stop, I will have you thrown in the hole and I will throw away the key. Do you understand?

Cade: ||smarmily|| Yes, mother.


At this point it became clear that disciplinary action was necessary. I had Mr. Cade confined to solitary confinement until such time as I saw fit to continue the interrogation. This was unfortunate, because I was trying to find out some clue as to where the girl Mirra was. It now seemed even bleaker that we would find her.

And all thanks to Cade's arrogance... <p>--------------------
"Life is pain. Anyone who says otherwise is selling something." - The Dread Pirate Roberts

... frik, that's morbid.</p>

Uncle Pervy

Re: The Armada Gauntlet Part 9

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Feb 06, 2003 2:49 pm

One complaint.

I would say placed in solitary confinement. It sounds less repetative.

NOW WRITE MORE EACH CHAPTER YOU GIT. <p><div style="text-align:center">Image Image Image Image Image ImageImage</div></p>

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Re: The Armada Gauntlet Part 9

Unread postby pd Rydia » Thu Feb 06, 2003 7:28 pm

Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee...more. <p>
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-=- "I wanna get so drunk that I start seeing my friends as cows." -- Aya (LadyDragonClawsEDW)
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The Armada Gauntlet Part 10

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Tue Feb 18, 2003 9:04 pm

This post will be edited entirely. You will get more ficcage by the end of the night.

[edit] Yay! -Rydia-

{edit 2} CHA IS A GODDAMN LIAR ~The Shadow Government.

<edit 3> Yes. Yes I am. And for that you will be rewarded.

Secured Sanctum, IAD Headquarters, Doma City.

1433 hrs. 7th day, 2nd Autumnal Section, 1311 AD.

Report of Agent Yvon Corell on Armada Gauntlet case

Segment 10

Personal Segment

It's the second day since Cade has been in the hole, and the IAD has failed on two fronts. I have been unable to get Cade's cooperation, and the Nekonian girl Mirra is still missing.

I'm worried.

I've never had as much bad luck with a suspect before. Usually most are quite cooperative after a while. But Cade is incredibly stubborn. Absolutely nothing gets in the way of him... well, getting his way. He's the nut I can't crack.

Perhaps I've been going about this the wrong way. I don't think Cade can trust me anymore. I need to find out his weakness. Crack his shell.

Now let's think. His biggest fault is his stubbornness. So how would I handle a man who is that darn stubborn.

Wait. Of course. It's been sitting in front of me all along. I just hope I won't be too late to save that little girl.


After this segment was written, I pulled Cade out of solitary and began the interrogation anew.

<edit 4> And now, here's the reward.



Joeseph Relkin's eyes fluttered open. "Uh... what?" He mumbled. He was a lot... fuzzier on things than usual. But of course, he knew the reason for that. Hoo boy, did he ever.


Joe looked around him. Where... was was he? Oh... now he remembers. His house. He had passed out on the couch. After... was it last night's party? So hazy... that night was so hazy...


A furious shake of the head put enough cogs into place for Joe to realize that someone was at the door. He pushed some of his long, stringy blonde hair out of his face. "Wh-... who is it?"


K?... Kay?... KAE! "Oh, Kae, dude, I'm sorry... hang on..." Joeseph lifted himself off his couch, and waded through the trash from the festivities last night, and opened the door.

Angry black greeted him. That was the best way to describe Kae'Oss Tymisonn. He wore black, he was black, his soul was black. His darkness penetrated to his core. "Joe... how the f@#$ are you, man?" He smiled, and shook hands with Joe, turning into a standard "barely any touching" embrace. He was the only one he'd do this with. After all, Joe seemed to be the only one that cared about him at all.

"Dude, I'm a little foggy, but other than that, I'm totally stoked! Come in, man! You gotta be cold!" Joe happily responded, as Kae entered the doorway and plopped himself where Joe had been earlier. "What brings you to my humble abode?" he said as if the regality of the words had been washed from existense.

"F@#$ing cousin's on my back again, bruh," he replied. "And... things sorta got outta hand..."

"Outta hand, dude? Please, relate."

"Well, my f@#$in' cousin comes into MY bar, right? And she's all Miss High and Mighty Hero of Gaera, right? Comes in, kicks me off my damn stool! F@#$in' made me spill my tequila!"

"Dude... harsh..."

"And after THAT, she tries to make me sober up, and AFTER that, ruined my chances wit' dis hottie..." The memory made Kae grumble with discontent.

"Dude, you can't tell me that's all."

"It ain't. I had it with puttin' up with her s$%^, so guess what I did."

"Uh... dunno, dude. What?"

He smirked. "I beat the s#$% outta her, that's what I did!"

Joe's face was one of shocked amusement. "Dude... you're kidding!"

"Nope... damn bitch had to know she don' mess wit' the KayTee!" Kae'Oss raised his fist, and Joe did likewise, connecting them in a celebratory gesture. "Heh heh... sucks her boyfriend found out so damn quick, though..."

"Dude, you mean..."

"Yep. Bitch-Boy. I swear, Jenna's gotta smear peanut butter down there to get him to pay any attention to her!" They laughed sickly at this. "Anyway, Bitch-Boy comes in right after I'm about to ghost, right? And, of course, he's gotta come after me about it, right? So guess what I do."

"What, dude?" Kae smirked, letting Joe's anticipation grow. "Well, c'mon, dude! Don't keep me waiting!"

Kae chuckled to himself. "I ducked into the guard station!"

"Dude! You didn't!"

"I did, dude. And I dunno, dude must not have all his leash laws. He left me alone after that. Shame.... I was hopin' he'd come in and the guards would tranq 'im... aw well..."

"Dude, that is awesome..."

"All in a day's work f'Kae Tymisonn, Professional Bastard..." The two laughed together again. "Hey, I was wond'rin', Joe... you got any...?"

"Comin' right up, dude... but that'll be..." Kae shut him up with a few wrinkled bills from his pocket. Joe smiled, and pulled out a small plastic baggie from his pocket. In it were some powdered purple crystals. On the street it was called Purple Haze, Powdered Power, or just Rain. But its real name was kryl. The Shango had discovered it in Argovia, and found it to be very addictive. It was like crystallized magic. Solidified power. And it corrupted just like power should.

"Hit me up, bruh..." Kae said as Joe sprinkled a small portion in his hand. Joe sprinkled some in his own hand as well. They looked at each other, nodded, and tilted their heads back, pouring the crystals down their throats.

Kae swallowed. "... wwwWWWWWW<span style="color:purple;font-size:medium;">WWWHHHHHHOOOOAAAH....."</span>


About an hour later, Kae and Joe came down, their bodies still crackling with the power they had ingested. "Dude... that was frikkin' sweet..." Joe near-mumbled.

"S$%^, Joe, where you gettin' this sweet stash?"

"Far North, man. They found a mountain full of the purest s$%^ since Argovia..."

"Damn. Gotta love the Shango..." They slowly raised their hands in celebration.

Then all heaven broke loose.

The door of the house exploded off its hinges. It slammed itself against the opposite wall, never to be used again. Floating into the room was power. It was surrounded by a humbling, spectacular aura, and all that could be told of the person inside was that he was human.

And he was outraged.

The figure stared hard at Joe. Its eyes blazed with the power of a god.

<span style="color:white;font-size:large;">"RUN,"</span> was all it said. Joe obeyed.

The glowing demigod then turned to Kae. With a hand that was holiness, it grabbed him, and slammed him against the wall. The figure floated close to the slightly intimidated Kae. The aura was blown away by an unfelt wind, and a face was revealed. It was aged, dark. The short hair was salt and pepper. The goatee was trimmed. And the glower was unmistakable.


Kae rolled his eyes. "DON'T INSULT ME, BOY!" He slammed Kae again. "You are in REAL trouble this time, Kae! Really, TRULY deep trouble! And I am not going to let you off the hook. I am NOT going to give you a second chance. And I am NOT going to show any mercy! This is the end of the line!"

"Oh really, old man? It's the end? Well what are ya going to do, huh? HUH? Kill me? You can't do that, can you? You're too damn interwined with that damn Ashura to do s@#$ like that!"

"Oh really, boy? Well let me remind you of something. Not only am I a father in the church of Ashura, I am a paladin in her service. That means I can kill if I wish." The god-hand Dae projected from himself cast Kae onto the couch, roughly, and dissipated. "But I won't. You know why?"


"Because you're family, Kae. And family doesn't hurt family," Daenj'r said condemningly.

"Oh, really? Well, news flash, 'Unca Dae', I'M NOT FAMILY! I'm just your bastard nephew who Mom dumped on ya cuz she couldn't handle me herself!"

Dae growled. "Kae... whether you like it or not, YOU ARE FAMILY. You bear the Tymisonn name..."

"No I don't! Or at least, I shouldn't! My name should be Smith... Jones... or something! The point is, I'M NOT A TYMISONN!"

"YES YOU ARE!" Dae shouted back. "You have centuries of heroism in your veins and you can't deny that any longer!"

"Damn! Don't you get SICK of being wrong? I have the blood of some damn pervert my mother made a mistake with 17 years ago running through my veins! I'm a nothing!" He added begrudgingly, "... you f@#$ing retard..."

"... you think so? Well, this may change your mind..." Daenj'r reached out, and grabbed Kae'Oss with the hand of Ashura, lifting him from his spot. Something... something deep inside Kae... brought a tear to his eye as the spell continued. "Ashura, hear my plea..." Daenj'r's eyes glowed again. "Banish this one from his kin... and let him lay his eyes on his beloved no longer!"

The spell ended. Kae landed on the couch roughly again. And Daenj'r walked out, leaving with these words...

"Let's see how you like being officially disowned..."

Kae stared at the open doorway for what seemed like hours. Through it he could see all of Doma Square. People laughing, hugging, shopping. Being happy. And all the while, he was hoping. Hoping, beyond all hope, beyond all anyone could ever know or feel... that he wouldn't miss his family.

Edited by: [url=>KingOfDoma</A] at: 2/21/03 1:18:09 am

Uncle Pervy


Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Fri Feb 21, 2003 2:34 am

KoD: I just updated my fic. With an extra.

Enlil: *Yay!*

KoD: You'll be saying more than that in a second...
Enlil: *Mine got a an update yesterday*
Enlil: *::Goes to see :D::*
Enlil: *Cousin = Rai'm?*
KoD: Keep reading.
Enlil: *::Nods::*
Enlil: * Comin' right up, dude... but that'll be..." Kae shut him up with a few wrinkled bills from his pocket. Joe smiled, and pulled out a small plastic baggie from his pocket. In it were some powdered purple crystals. On the street it was called Purple Haze, Powdered Power, or just Rain. But its real name was kryl. The Shango had discovered it in Argovia, and found it to be very addictive. It was like crystallized magic. Solidified power. And it corrupted just like power should.


KoD: ... man, you really know how to put a fun twist on substance abuse!

Enlil: *Comes from growing up around Cheech and Chong humor ^^*

KoD: ^_^

Because you got disconnected, let me say here what I was going to say there.

This is so fucking groovy I nearly wet myself.


PERVY IS PLEASED <p><div style="text-align:center">Image Image Image Image Image ImageImage</div></p>

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Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon Feb 24, 2003 10:48 pm

Good job. ^_^ <p>
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Unread postby KingOfDoma » Sun Mar 30, 2003 11:03 pm

The fic is done. Written. Ended.

But you won't know how it ends until 2 people post in here. ^_^ <p>--------------------
"The only thing that makes the daily tedium bearable is knowing that I have power over life and death." -Chancellor Usurper, 8BT</p>

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Unread postby pd Rydia » Sun Mar 30, 2003 11:09 pm


Rune: ... <p>
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Re: The Armada Gauntlet Part 11

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Sun Mar 30, 2003 11:17 pm

Secured Sanctum, IAD Headquarters, Doma City.

1800 hrs. 7th day, 2nd Autumnal Section, 1311 AD.

Report of Agent Yvon Corell on Armada Gauntlet case

Segment 11

I had Cade removed from confinement. The interview continued.

Corell: Are we ready to go?

Cade: Yeah. What's next on the ||interrupted||

Corell: She's dead.

Cade: ... ||expletive that implies a fabrication on the investigator's part||

Corell: We found her in an alley. Apparently whoever was working with Zatreize caught up with her.

Cade: You're lying.


At this point I laid the report on the table.


Corell: Read it, if you like. It's all in there. Place of crime, time, evidence inventories, pictures of the victim. Everything we know pertaining to the case.

Cade: What the ||expletive|| do you want to know?

Corell: Start from where you left off. What happened when Zatreize came in?

Cade: ... gimme a ||expletive|| minute here, OK?

Corell: Alright.


We paused the interview for 4 minutes, 12 seconds to let Cade regain himself.


Cade: OK... when he came in, I thought Mirra was going to be dead. Then and there. And then I looked around and she was gone. Except...

Corell: Except for what, Mr. Cade?

Cade: Except for this little bit of fuzzy tail... slipping itself into a barrel. Damn nekojins and their sneakiness... he never even saw her.

Corell: Alright, back to Zatreize. What did he come down to the cargo bay for?

Cade: Pep talk. Damn pompous blowhard. First, like an ||expletive||, he asks me if I liked my accomodations. I told him to go ||expletive|| himself.

Corell: How did he respond?

Cade: He... made me put the gauntlet to my head. First he drew out the knife, made me... slide it blunt side across my neck. He cocked the pistol, pointed it right up my nose... and the machinegun he shoved in my mouth. Nearly gagged.

Corell: And then what?

Cade: Then, he said, "Living and dying are the only two things we can do in this world. Do you really wish to choose the latter so quickly?" From then on I shut up.

Corell: Did he say anything else?

Cade: Yeah. I sort of zoned out, but he said something about opening the doors of riches by stealing the key from the crown. Real cryptic ||expletive||.

Corell: Is that all?

Cade: All you'd be interested in, unless you want to know the exact location of the ||expletive||hole in the cargo hold of a Valthi barge.

Corell: What happened on the rest of the voyage?

Cade: Not much. I shared my food with Mirra. Hell, gave it. Not much I could do if I was starved so bad I couldn't stand. We hit Kohlingen Harbor, and in less than 4 hours, we were in Doma City. Damn impressive ||expletive||, doin' stuff like that.

Corell: Were you in the castle soon after that?

Cade: Try fifteen minutes after that.

Corell: Indeed, that is impressive. But, the question remains: how did you gain access to the castle?

Cade: Apparently, Zatreize had a guy in his pocket. In your organization. He had some very good info for him.

Corell: Like what?

Cade: Your castle has a secret entryway. The king musta used it to sneak off and boink some prostitutes or something, cuz no one knew about it. 'Cept for the guy Zatreize knew...

Corell: A name. I need a name.

Cade: ... Vogel. I heard Zatreize call him "Mr. Vogel." Ugly ||expletive|| was standing right in front of the place, to guard it from others and to guide us...


At that point, I opened the door and alerted the guards by the door to pass on the message to the castle to find Simyan Vogel as quickly as possible.


Corell: Mr. Cade, there's still one thing that puzzles me. If you were going to raid the treasury, why were you in front of the king's bedroom?

Cade: You don't do very good criminal profiling, do you?

Corell: What do you mean?

Cade: Zatreize is a poet. He likes to talk in metaphors and riddles. What he says is never straight?

Corell: So what does "open the door to riches by stealing the key from the crown" mean?

Cade: Simple. We were going to kidnap the queen.


Vampire Jester Jinx

Re: The Armada Gauntlet Part 11

Unread postby Vampire Jester Jinx » Mon Mar 31, 2003 1:14 am

it's good charles, really good. but short. add the end! *shakes fist* although the expletitive thing gets repetitive. Image:"> {{ i like the story with kae the most though. <p>
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Re: The Armada Gauntlet: Conclusion

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Mon Mar 31, 2003 1:12 pm

Secured Sanctum, IAD Headquarters, Doma City.

1822 hrs. 7th day, 2nd Autumnal Section, 1311 AD.

Report of Agent Yvon Corell on Armada Gauntlet case

Final Segment

This is the last segment of the interrogation.

Corell: The queen? This was a kidnapping plot all along?

Cade: Yep.

Corell: But surely he knew that he could never get away with it. The king would never pay ransom without finding some way to free the queen and capture him.

Cade: Ah, but that's why he wasn't going to ask for ransom.

Corell: I don't understand. What's the queen's use unless for ransom?

Cade: Yvon, Yvon, Yvon... when was the last time you walked down the isles of the Black Market?

Corell: You mean... they were going to sell the queen?

Cade: Well, yeah. Think about it. She's not just the queen, but ||counts on his fingers|| she's a golden dragon, she's a damn good fighter, which goes to difficulty to catch, and she's one of 2 of her kind on this planet. She'd go well by the whole or in parts...

Corell: But how would they catch her?

Cade: Didn't I tell you Zatreize had been to Riva? This was probably back when the dragoons ran the show. They know their ||expletive|| dragons. The guy even had a extra strong bag of dragonnip just in case all his other fancy tricks failed.

Corell: So what went wrong? Why did they all kill each other?

Cade: Well we got to the door, and some wiseass in Zatty's gang pipes up and says something about his twenty percent... ||smirks||

Corell: And another guy says something about his twenty percent, and another, and another...

Cade: Bingo. Pie chart didn't add up. Zatreize was going to cheat all of his men out of millions.

Corell: So the fireworks start, and eventually, they all wind up dead.

Cade: 'Cept for me.


At this point I ended the ruse. Or rather, someone did for me.


Mirra: And me. Mr. Corell, he didn't do anything bad. He protected me. Don't do anything bad to him. He didn't mean it.

Cade: ||balks, looks from Corell to Mirra|| You lying sack of... ||Mirra hugs him, with reciprocation||

Corell: Mr. Cade, judging by your testimony and the testimony of Miss Mewnem here, I can see no reason to keep you here any longer. You are free to go.


And with that, my business with Mr. Cade ended. We found Mr. Vogel, and informed the king of the discovery of his secret tunnel, which is being sealed off as this report is being logged. Despite my statement, I am still unsure if Jansen Cade really is free of any criminal guilt. But with all the witnesses dead, save one who corroborates his story, I can do nothing. Hopefully, this experience will keep him on the straight and narrow.

End report.


"Mister Cade? Mister Cade?" Mirra prodded him.

"Huh? Wha-?" Jansen jerked straight up in his seat, waking. He groaned, and tried to remember where he-Carriage. Right. Going to... Nekonia to drop off Mirra. A fuzzy hand began to tug on his jacket once more. "Oh, uh... yeah, what's wrong?" he said, rubbing his eyes.

"We're here," Mirra said, pointing out the window. Outside was a picturesque little Nekonian home, with flowers in the window and grass green as emeralds.

"Oh, uh... nice..." he responded, almost blankly.

"Thank you for coming with me... I know you don't like me after what I did..."

"Hey... don't talk like that..." Jansen looked to the floor. "If you can forgive me, I can always forgive you..."

"But it wasn't your-" Jansen put his finger to her lips.

"If you start talking about it, you're just going to get upset again." She nodded. And then sniffed. And then wrapped her arms around him, crying silently.

"I'll never tell, Mr. Cade, I'll never tell..." she whispered.

"I know..." he said reassuringly. "Now go see your auntie."

Mirra nodded, and opened the door.

"Oh, wait!" Jansen said. He reached into his pocket, and produced an amulet. "This is for you. ONLY for you, alright?"

She nodded, and he placed it in her han<span style="font-family:courier; ">"NOW, MIRRA!"

Shejumpsoutof nowhere and grabs at Zatreize'schestandthrows"GETBACK HERE, YOU LITTLE IMP!"

iCATCH. I catch... it falls from me. The golden holderofmybodyfalls to the marble floor. Thelast man otherthanHIM falls, dead.SHEIS gone. "You did a divinejob, my wielder of fire and-""S

Hut up." "What did yousayto <span style="font-size:xx-small;">me?</span>" Y"ou heardme. " It clamps to him.Imade him do this. MadeITdothis. It's thelittlebit of valuable metal on a wirethatlets me command it." It'syourturn""NOOO"it SLIDES ACrosshisthroat, sharp sideiTSHOvesitselfup HIS nose andtakesachunkITwedgesbetweenhisteeth.
"No one controlsme.<span style="font-size:;large;">"BLA</span></span>d. "I'll keep it safe, Mr. Cade." With that, she hops out of the cart, and into the arms of her new life.

"Back to Doma, please," he says. He peers out the window. The horizon is drawn as straight as the gods could make it.

And yet he knows, despite his locomotion...

He will always be stuck right here. <p>--------------------
"The only thing that makes the daily tedium bearable is knowing that I have power over life and death." -Chancellor Usurper, 8BT</p>Edited by: [url=>KingOfDoma</A] at: 3/31/03 4:04:05 pm

Uncle Pervy

Re: The Armada Gauntlet: Conclusion

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Mon Mar 31, 2003 4:13 pm

Methinks your Formating got a little funky toward the end.

Overall, I like it. Nice conclusion. But why did they take the little girl again?

*Forgot and is too lazy to read back*

Also, one last Gripe.


Any author worth their salt can end a story without The End or any of it's permuations. <p><div style="text-align:center">Image Image Image Image Image ImageImage</div></p>

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Re: The Armada Gauntlet: Conclusion

Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon Mar 31, 2003 4:31 pm


I think some line breaks and such got eaten somewhere...this still needs a good once over to fix little quirks of writing and such. Other than that, and what bro said...yay! ^_^ *skips about* <p>
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Re: The Armada Gauntlet: Conclusion

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Mon Mar 31, 2003 5:06 pm

The formatting weirdness at the end was not a mistake, but a choice.

And I took out the end.

Even though it's ended... XP <p>--------------------
"The only thing that makes the daily tedium bearable is knowing that I have power over life and death." -Chancellor Usurper, 8BT</p>

Uncle Pervy

Re: The Armada Gauntlet: Conclusion

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Tue Apr 01, 2003 5:03 am

The Formatting makes it really hard to read and know what is going on. I honestly have no idea what is happening. Thus, perhaps you should consider a different way of getting the effect? <p><div style="text-align:center">Image Image Image Image Image ImageImage</div></p>

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Re: The Armada Gauntlet: Conclusion

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Tue Apr 01, 2003 3:45 pm

Hmmm... well, I wanted to get the confusion of a rapidly remembered thought down... but, if it don't work, it don't work.

Any ideas? <p>--------------------
"The only thing that makes the daily tedium bearable is knowing that I have power over life and death." -Chancellor Usurper, 8BT</p>


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