El Bob!

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Squintz Altec
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El Bob!

Unread postby Squintz Altec » Tue Apr 23, 2002 4:30 pm

(this is an intro for a new character of mine. He uses telepathy completely for communication, because he can't speak Common. Why? You'll find out...)

Adam looked around. He was still stuck in this weird place. He didn't even know its name. He didn't speak the langauge, and he didn't think that the writing would be the same either. What he did know was that the experiment went wrong somehow. He wasn't in Conneticut anymore. He was kind of homesick, but...well...this place wasn't so bad. It had magic. MAGIC! This was like the holy grail of discoveries to Adam. He had always wished he could use magic, even when he was back in his home. He thought he would have had strong magical potential, too. He had discovered it by accident. He was angry that he couldn't speak to anyone here, so he mentally yelled at the nearest person. He was surprised when they jumped. Trying it again, he realized he was using telepathy. It was amazing! Adam then tried speaking. It worked, and he thought that the person could understand him, but they couldn't use telepathy back, so he couldn't tell. By asking around, he had figured out the name of the city he was in was Doma, because many people said that in reply to his question of "Where am I?" Hungry, Adam conjured up another burrito. That he had discovered by accident too. It was his favorite food back home, and he was glad to have it in this strange land. He decided that he would look to find a way back, but would also try to learn as much as he could about this place. Maybe even the langauge, so he wouldn't need telepathy. But he would need a new name. Adam might be too odd a name for someone here, so he would call himself... El Bob. That sounded like a nickname at least, so maybe it wouldn't cause any trouble. El Bob looked down. His birthday would have been in a few days. He was turning 18. He was filled with a sudden homesickness. This place had NO high technology at all. Except for guns. Odd. El Bob wished he could watch TV. Well...maybe he was stuck here. If so, he would learn to like this place.

(El Bob is a serious char, even though he doesn't seem like it. This fic won't be continued, it's just an intro. Still, what does everyone think of him? I tried to make him different. Now that he's been introed, I'm gonna start using him in RPs. Oh, and one more note. Whenever he speaks, he's using telepathy, unless otherwise noted. #this is an example of how he speaks.# So don't get weirded out.) <p>

<center>Image Well, the wedding's over. What's next?</center></p>

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Unread postby Animala » Tue Apr 23, 2002 11:52 pm

Paragraphs are your friends. XP

In regards to the content...well, I must confess I'm not fond of "Guy from real world dropped in fantasy environment"-style characters as they're so rarely done well, but that's just me.

However, I would like to take this opportunity to ask a very serious question.

What is it with you and burritos?

*cheerfully throws stones from within the confines of his glass house*

-White Knight

Edited by: White Knight Delta&nbsp; Image at: 4/24/02 3:55:39 am

E Mouse

Re: Hmm.

Unread postby E Mouse » Wed Apr 24, 2002 2:06 am

Jeremy's Author: My very appearing here should imply the question.
Jeremy: Of how similar El Bob is to you? Or maybe, to me, as he gets dragged from universe and situation to universe and situation by some sadistic Author?
Jeremy's Author: Both, now that you mention it.
Jeremy: Yay for deciding to skip subtlety. <p>
"Indeed." - Everybody



Squintz Altec
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Re: Hmm.

Unread postby Squintz Altec » Wed Apr 24, 2002 2:33 pm

Well, the whole deal is this. In case you haven't noticed, that character is ME. well, sort of. The thing with burritos...actually, I don't even normally like burritos. I was just in a chat, and they came up, and I thought it would be funny to have a char that summoned huge burritos. So, El Bob was formed. Now, I'm gonna try to the best of my ability to RP this guy well. If I can't...well...I won't RP him at all. <p>

<center>Image Well, the wedding's over. What's next?</center></p>

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Justice Augustus
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WAI! Fics! More fics!

Unread postby Justice Augustus » Wed Apr 24, 2002 5:09 pm

It's an interesting idea...but surprising that you would be able to develop telepathy so quickly...
<p>"On the same day I smoked my first cigarette and kissed my first woman. Since that fateful day I have never bothered with tobacco." - Tuscanini</p>

Squintz Altec
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Re: WAI! Fics! More fics!

Unread postby Squintz Altec » Wed Apr 24, 2002 5:20 pm

Well, I forgot to mention this, but it has been 3 months since El Bob was dropped into Gaera. He developed telepaty over those three months. <p>

<center>Image Well, the wedding's over. What's next?</center></p>

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Justice Augustus
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Unread postby Justice Augustus » Thu Apr 25, 2002 4:53 pm

That does indeed explain it...

Still, nice, original, let's see more!

I'm going to start "Fallen God" soon, so watch out!

Image <p>"On the same day I smoked my first cigarette and kissed my first woman. Since that fateful day I have never bothered with tobacco." - Tuscanini</p>Edited by: pd Rydia&nbsp; Image at: 6/8/05 20:28

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