This is Relevant and Important

RP-related discussion otherwise not covered in the Character Closet.

This is Relevant and Important

Unread postby Archmage144 » Mon Apr 11, 2005 1:41 am

After much consideration and a "oh shit, that's kinda neat" moment, I've determined that the D&D campaign I've been running all through the school year in Gaera is actually going to be part of Gaeran canon. This means, hypothetically speaking, that I should tell people what happened, because they might want to know, especially since at least some of the things that happened might have been noticed by their characters! The reason that I decided that it could be canonical, incidentally, is that while a lot of stuff happened, none of it would have actually interfered with any of the plotlines anyone else was doing to my knowledge--most of it was, oddly, rather self-contained. That was somewhat inadvertent, to be honest, but it works out to be convenient, since some of my friends involved in the campaign might be coming here to continue RP (and other people would of course be invited to participate in such).

This means I have to describe 16 D&D sessions' worth of plot events. Or, at the very least, describe everything that took place in Doma, Riva, Nekonia, and the surrounding areas that anyone would have noticed, because someone would've noticed at least some of the things that happened.

The good news is that the first nine sessions are already summarized in full on my weblog. If you're curious where that's at, I'm archmage_brian on livejournal. Obviously, those entries are public, and anyone can read them (apparently, some people already have--I've linked them before). The bad news, depending on your attention span, is that those are a lengthy read, and I don't want to force everyone to deal with that. Therefore, I intend to summarize the important stuff that would be noticed or affect the vast majority of RPers (unless you happen to live on Ka'thalar, in which case you might've noticed New Nekonia being completely razed by black dragons, but otherwise, most of the damage done was to fringe communities in northern Doma and western Riva).

I intend to summarize that stuff here, in this thread. I will likely do that tomorrow, because it is comparatively late at night. I also intend to finish the full summary in my weblog in case anyone cares.

My plans are to resume chat GMing at RPGWW over the summer, which for me will begin in a matter of three or four weeks. I'll likely have a job, but it's highly improbable that it will consume every spare moment of my vacation, so I'll have time to do some GMing. As I mentioned, part of why I'm making these events canon is so that my friends involved in the D&D campaign (Kai you already know--one other expressed interest as well) can include them in their character backstories when they RP here. This means that I'm going to be looking for volunteers that might potentially want to be involved in chat RPs that I would be running. At present, I'm vacillating as to what system I should use--a patched up Philsys is one possibility, but I'm leaning heavily towards sticking with d20 for the ease of those friends I mentioned. If you know D&D 3/3.5, I'd gladly consider your participation in these Gaeran chat RPs. If you don't, it's easy to learn, and I'm willing to teach people how the system works. Interested parties should keep in mind that specific character talents and abilities will not translate well to D&D. Because of where my game left off, the characters involved would be fairly high level--something like level 15. This means that any character you create can have a lot of power and would allow for flexibility with multiclassing, prestige classes, and races with level adjustments (dragonhalves are a prime example). Obviously, character personalities can translate 100%, but things like special Philsys spells or techs would have to be ignored and the character's abilities would have to be melded into the d20 system's list of available spells or whatever.

Anyway, I'm just posting this here as a placeholder for when I include actual summary, to let people know what the hell is going on, and to recruit potentials for what will likely be a set of relatively high-level D&D RPs this summer.

Game on!

Edit: I mispelled "relevant." How embarrassing! <p>
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</p>Edited by: [url=>Archmage144</A]&nbsp; Image at: 4/11/05 20:29

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Re: This is Relevent and Important

Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon Apr 11, 2005 2:39 am

I'm all over this like starving otaku over free pocky.

Let it be known that I've talked with Brian about this over chat and IM, and I fully support the "making all this shizzat canonnical" and whatnot. <p>
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Re: This is Relevent and Important

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Mon Apr 11, 2005 2:56 am

I'd prefer to see what's actually going down in summarized form before I truely accept anything as canon, myself.

I'd read the LJ entry, but my eyes burn and I've been beating refugees far too long.

Edit: It was pointed out that looking for "Codex" brings up something that just about anyone who has any way of knowing anything about it would kill their own brother to get to, which makes me very sceptical about the whole thing. <p>
<div style="text-align:center">What's wrong with this ring?!</div></p>Edited by: Shinigori V2&nbsp; Image at: 4/11/05 4:43

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Re: This is Relevent and Important

Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon Apr 11, 2005 4:40 am

Someone asked me a long, long while back how things got accepted into Gaera Main. Basically, if it works or can work with the setting, and if it offers potential for RPers and GMs, then it becomes canon. That's how it's been since Cha named it Gaera, and I started the Gaera Guide ages back--which, incidentally, I'm beginning to regret.

At any rate, this accomplishes those objectives.

I might as well bring this up now. Y'see, less and less people RP these days because of how hard it is to fit new ideas and RPs into "canon" Gaera.

And you know. It's kind of stupid.

Doug, Dave, Shaun, Brian, Amanda, Adam, Kate. Who all else doesn't RP or GM anymore? I've heard a lot of folks tell me that they find the RP environment--if not outright unfriendly--boring and repetitive. *I* find it that way.

Gaera has a lot of potential, and worrying about whether or not Dia Rai's age works out on the timeline (by the way, it doesn't--neither does Jak's, if I recall correctly) really doesn't matter. I'd say if a continent up and disappeared, that'd be fairly important. Did Dan Hyral accidentally mention Empress Rydia to King Charles? Oops, Empress Rydia doesn't *exist*. Big deal. It's happened. It's been smoothed over. We can deal with it.

Gaera is not going to be a perfect world. It's going to be messy and in places, inconsistent, because so many people have worked on it. If you want a perfect world, go for one that is worked on, or at least headed by, by a single author. Gaera isn't controlled by a single author...not Brian, not me, not Pervy.

And it's alright like that. <p>
<div style="text-align:center">"Pants are bad!!! We should wear pants only on our head you conformist bastard!!! Pants are the devils work!! Run freee!! And pantless!!!" -- Vulture</div>


Re: This is Relevent and Important

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Mon Apr 11, 2005 8:09 am

The reason that I decided that it could be canonical, incidentally, is that while a lot of stuff happened, none of it would have actually interfered with any of the plotlines anyone else was doing to my knowledge--most of it was, oddly, rather self-contained.

Since it wasn't mentioned until now, I will admit this is probably the main reason I'm immediately accepting this as canon. I haven't actually read it, but I can probably adjust once I learn of what happens.

As for participating? I'm likely to be interested - I would actually be more interested if it were d20. However, we will need to talk about a few things first. <p>

<span style="font-size:medium;"> Quotes of the Moment: </span> <span style="font-size:xx-small;">

=="....and I must have missed a step or two - or five." - Fuzzfas, Trynnie Alchemist (from Wizardry 8)
=="Great work, Prof! Now find me something to punch." Reese, from the comic 'Dinosaurs for Hire'

View my online journal here.
Also, if you have a question about my characters, look here.
And I've been having image trouble, so those are out for a while. </span></p>

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Re: This is Relevent and Important

Unread postby Zemyla » Mon Apr 11, 2005 1:12 pm

AM knows how I love the D&D. And I'll try to make a plausible character. :D

Anyway, what's your stance on psionics for this? <p>-----
Do not taunt Happy Fun Zemyla.

<span style="font-size:xx-small;">I think boobs are the lesser of two evils. - Inverse (Pervy)
Dammit, Dan, I'm not dating a damn NPC! - OOC Will (Will Baseton)
Of course! Anything worth doing is worth doing completely wrong! - Travis English
Ultimately, wizards and clerics don't say, "Gee, I want to become a lich because weapons hurt less and I don't have to worry about being backstabbed; that whole 'eternal life' thing is just a fringe benefit."-Darklion
But this one time I killed a walrus with my bare hands, and I suddenly understood spherical coordinates. - KnightsofSquare
Also, when you've worked a 36-hour shift as an intern you too just might pour yourself a catful of coffee and sit down to cuddle with your travel mug. -eirehound

Brotherhood of Elitist Bastards</p>



Unread postby Archmage144 » Mon Apr 11, 2005 2:14 pm

The other reason I think that this isn't going to have any problems becoming "canonical" is that it flat-out isn't going to interfere with anything. Obviously, people are going to want to know what happened that their characters might have heard about to some extent, so a summary of some of the things that happened is definitely in order.

Myrnal, Rildyn, and Corrigan convene at the Jade Dragon and meet up with Hakaril, who is seeking adventurers for an investigatory mission. He hires them to check out a suspicious wizard's tower on the western outskirts of Doma City. The group infiltrates the tower and recovers a stolen artifact. They also meet up with Ardam, a holy knight of sorts. This would have appeared in Hakaril's reports, records, and other official paperwork, but would likely have gone unnoticed at large.

Since the four have proven themselves to be competent fighters, Hakaril decides to trust them with a somewhat more important mission. Reportedly, groups of celestials have been razing communities more or less at random on the outskirts of northern Doma and western Riva. The party is sent to investigate and attempt to determine the cause. This would have been noticed by at least a few people, and word would have travelled rapidly--Hakaril was working to cover it up as best possible, but it's highly probable that at least a few people got wind of what was going on. As far as interfering with other RPs, no major settlements were damaged--if someone had a reason to retroactively write in one of their characters attempting to solve the problem themselves, that's absolutely fine, but they obviously didn't. In any case, these attacks only continued for about a week and a half, a brief enough time period that by the time most people knew about them, they were probably over.

Some investigation reveals that the source of the celestials' insanity was an extradimensional book called the Codex of Infinite Wisdom. The party begins to search for it, but they are beaten to the punch by a necromancer named Elaith, who acquires the Codex for his own purposes. The Codex is effectively a very powerful divination tool with a sense of humor--it contains more or less any information a reader might wish to know, but one cannot simply peruse pages idly. To find out some piece of information, the reader must ask the Codex a specific question. If the reader is not strong-willed enough, the Codex will give inaccurate information, psychically ravage the reader, or worse. Also, the Codex's sense of humor means that readers asking stupid questions will get stupid answers. A classic example was when the party asked how they could kill Elaith and the Codex listed an infinite number of suggestions, most of which involved various places that they could stab him and a list of hundreds of offensive spells. Therefore, the Codex can hypothetically tell you just about anything, but the reader has to know very specifically what he's looking for to get any useful information, and even then, may regret asking. As far as the notion of other people being interested in finding the Codex--sure, there's no reason why other adventurers, antagonists, or whoever can't also have been looking for it at the same time. The important part is that they didn't find it--Elaith and the PCs of my plotline did, and Elaith took it for himself. It's currently in Hakaril's possession, but it tends to get lost of its own accord, and will likely vanish into the astral from his office sometime relatively soon.

The events after the finding of the Codex involve stealing it back from Elaith and then preventing it from projecting onto the celestial plane, solving the problem of the insane celestials (and in short order, too). At this point, the party begins to pursue Elaith, because the reason he wanted the Codex in the first place was to locate an artifact called the Orb of Prismatic Dragonkind, which can be used to wholly subjugate prismatic dragons and grants the wielder many of their powers (again, an artifact that anyone might have been looking for, but the point is that they didn't find it before the characters of my plotline did). In the interest of preventing disaster, Myrnal, Corrigan, and Ardam trekked across Igala hunting the necromancer. At this point, the group does nothing that would be noticed by the world at large unless everyone in existence has access to Hakaril's records--of note is the fact that the illithilich Xzar'il is dead, but that's not likely to be known by the general public, seeing as how most of them didn't know he existed to die in the first place, though Hakaril might have informed some of his close associates.

In the search for Elaith, the group travelled to Nekonia to try to find Genevive before skipping off to Ka'thalar on an airship. AT that point, there's obviously nothing that would affect any events on Igala, so I'll leave that part out for people who want to read it on my weblog.

Regarding actual RP taking place this summer and participation thereof--I haven't planned much yet. Also, I think I'm going to go back to the old style of mission-based RP where anyone can create a character sheet and characters can rotate in and out as they please, so more than three or four people will be able to participate. I don't know about psionics or other rules questions yet (but due to my being somewhat liberal at the end of my campaign with treasure, expect higher-than-average starting wealth). I also intend to provide racial templates for Gaeran races not covered in the handbook and racial variants if necessary (one thought I had was an altered half-dragon template that favored dragonhalves that inherited a dragon's willpower [high CHA adjustment] instead of raw strength). I will worry about those things later!

Edited by: [url=>Archmage144</A]&nbsp; Image at: 4/11/05 15:29

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Re: Stuff

Unread postby NebulaQueen » Mon Apr 11, 2005 4:32 pm

This intrigues me, and I wish to learn more.

Which means that I'll be reading over the RP summaries soonish. Summaries would still be nice, though.

AS FOR PREFERENCE! I'd rather use PS/Patched up PS instead of d20. But, I'm familiar enough with d20 to go either way. <p>

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Re: Stuff

Unread postby Molokidan » Mon Apr 11, 2005 6:08 pm


Oh, how I have longed for such a thing to happen! I haven't had a good D&D campaign going for quite some time, and I'll actually have free time this summer.

I'd love to be in on this, in any way or if there's still slots open, hooray!

By the way, about the canon thing...what Brian mentioned above about it not interfering...that makes perfect sense! I mean, who really cares as long as it's plausible and doesn't alter any existing data? That's just my opinion, though.

Anyway, Brian, you rock. <p>---------------

"Well slap a dead fish on me and call me Molokidan!"</p>


Re: Re: Stuff

Unread postby Archmage144 » Mon Apr 11, 2005 7:45 pm

As far as the subject of "slots" goes:

What I would love to have happen would be a large group of frequently active-on-AIM people to have characters/sheets on hand so that whenever a group of my RPers was online I could poke them and go "hey, got time for an RP?" Not sure how often it'd happen, but I'd estimate that I'd grab people with sheets for semi-spontaneous RP about once a week. This would allow for a lot of rotation of characters, participation by a large group of people, etc. If I got enough interest, it might be neat to coordinate a few plotlines with other GMs that would want to be involved.

Therefore, I would encourage anyone interested in participating to work on a sheet--but not yet. I haven't finalized several details, and I really want to get some of the oldbies who used to RP all the time and don't do so as often anymore involved if at all possible. People I would really love to have involved in this include Dia, Kate, Squintz if I can get ahold of him and he's interested, Nama, Shaun, DM, Dave, Dan...but anyone is welcome, and I'm certainly not going to turn people down because they weren't part of "the old crew" as long as I have some familiarity with you as an RPer. In any case, stay tuned for potential updates about character creation rules, and if anyone who doesn't know d20 needs some sort of tutorial, I'm available to answer questions whenever. Watch this spot for more info!

Also, I'm not sure what you're asking for, NQ. Are you asking for a summary of the summary o_O?

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Re: Re: Stuff

Unread postby Spleen » Mon Apr 11, 2005 8:02 pm

A summary of the summary of the summaries, you say? I can oblige.

"Stuff happened."

Anyway. Tomfoolery aside, I'd love to participate in this over the summer, assuming I have time...I plan to be working two jobs (one at the camp where I volunteered last year, the other at Best Buy) and am probably going to be doing stuff with at least one brass ensemble or community band or something in lieu of high school concert band.

My sheet will be easy, at least...Ake (third post down)would be no challenge at all to convert to D20, because pretty much everything he can do is covered at some point in the core rulebooks. <p>__-__-__-__-__-__

"I'm just a guy with a boomerang. I didn't ask for all this flying, and this magic..."
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Re: Re: Stuff

Unread postby NebulaQueen » Mon Apr 11, 2005 9:23 pm

Sorry about that Brian, I misread something you said. Just ignore that comment. <p>

"My naturally quivering state makes any display of fear deliciously arbitrary" - Manowar Leader, Scary-Go-Round</p>


Re: Re: Stuff

Unread postby Archmage144 » Mon Apr 11, 2005 10:16 pm

Notes regarding characters for this sort of thing:

I am very irreverent regarding the actual rules of d20. I am willing to ignore many of them with good reason, alter existing races and classes, invent spells and items, whatever. Because of that, if anyone wants any of the following, please ask (politely).

Races. (Nekojin, Inujin, specialized demons, whatever, ask and I'll hack up a racial template)

Prestige classes. (Really want to convert a specific character, but none of the character classes seem to work? Maybe one of these might help!)

Spells. (Got a signature spell your character casts that just isn't replicated closely enough anywhere in D&D? I'm willing to translate it)

Magic items. (Self-explanatory. Need something goofy that just isn't covered?)

If you want any of this stuff done for you, please, ask!

Also, you will use this template for charsheets or die. Save it to your hard disk and edit the text file to contain information about your character. Feel free to precalculate things like your attack bonus with specific weapons and whatnot to make your life easier.

Edit the second: D&D ruleset and stuff available free online on the WotC website at this address. Unless I say otherwise, 3.5 rules supercede 3.0 rules.

Edit the third: Psionics are fair game unless I decide I hate you.

Edit the fourth: If you want to look at prestige classes from Sword and Fist (all about fighters and monks), Oriental Adventures, Tome and Blood (wizards and sorcerers), Defenders of the Faith (clerics and paladins), or any of the new classes in the Miniatures Handbook (favored soul, healer, marshal, warmage, or any of the prestige classes), let me know and I'll hook you up if at all possible. If you're interested in the blackguard base class, Valthi hunter base class, red mage base class, dragoon prestige class, Disciple of the Fatal Paw prestige class, or Ninja of the Fatal Claw prestige class, ask!

Edit the fifth: Starting gold is 250,000 GP. Have fun buying equipment!

Edit the sixth: Use the following character creation method for generating stats if you are creating a new character or want random statistics--roll 4d6 seven times. Drop the lowest of each set of 4d6 and the lowest of the seven numbers. Distribute as desired amongst your abilities. Roll 1d6 and add 1 to that number of ability scores.

If you want to attempt a rough PS to D&D conversion for stats, talk to me.

Edit the seventh: This looks like fun! -Dia-

Edit the eighth: Your XP total as a 15th level character, if you care, is 105,000/120,000!

edit the ninth: You guys left me with admin powers, so I shall abuse them! No, seriously. If you also have d20 questions or whatever, you can talk to me too. My IM is still TheNinjaRabbi and I'm usually around to talk or something. - Squintz <p>
<div style="text-align:center">Image</div>

</p>Edited by: Squintz Altec&nbsp; Image at: 4/12/05 17:05

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Re: Re: Stuff

Unread postby Kelne » Tue Apr 12, 2005 12:13 am

Well, I'm certainly up for it. Just need to work out who to use, since my usuals don't seem appropriate. Anyhow, a lot of thought to be done. <p>KnightsofSquare: DarkLordKelne is a tomboy bunnygirl, jealous of the business successes of her 37 older brothers, she is pursuing her own business degree in hopes of someday initiating a hostile takeover against her brothers' corporations.</p>


Gaera Races

Unread postby Archmage144 » Tue Apr 12, 2005 12:20 am

At Molo's request, I present the following racial template! More to come as requested!


Stat Adjustments:
+2 DEX and CON.

Racial Specials:
Amphibious (Ex): A sushijin can exist equally well on land or in water, and can breathe in either environment.
Spell-like Abilities (Sp): Obscuring mist 1/day. Caster level is equal to the sushijin's HD.

Racial Skills:
+8 racial bonus on Swim checks. A sushijin can take 10 on any Swim check, even if threatened or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided the sushijin swims in a straight line.

Favored Class: Rogue.
Level Adjustment: +1.


Stat adjustments:
+2 DEX, +2 CHA, -2 CON, -2 STR.

Racial Specials:
Small size. +1 size bonus to AC and attack rolls, +4 size bonus on Hide checks. Uses smaller weapons than humans use. Lifting and carrying limitations 3/4 that of medium-sized characters. Base land speed of 20 feet.
Low-light vision.
Automatic Languages: Common, Moogle.
Weapon Proficiency: Moogles recieve the Simple or Martial Weapon Proficiency feats for the shortspear, spear, longspear, lance, and greatlance.
Weapon Familiarity: Moogles can use any spear or lance made for a creature within one size category of their own without penalty.
Moogle Wings: A moogle's wings are too small to allow for normal flight. However, they can be used to aid a moogle attempting to make a difficult leap. For the purposes of Jump checks, a moogle is considered to have a base speed of 30 feet.

Racial Skills:
+2 racial bonus on Spot, Listen, Jump, Move Silently, and Perform (dance) checks.

Favored Class: Bard.


Stat Adjustments:
+4 DEX and +2 CHA.

Racial Specials:
Base speed 40 feet.
Low-light vision.
+1 Natural armor bonus.
Automatic Languages: Common, Nekonian.

Racial Skills:
+2 racial bonus on Listen and Move Silently checks.

Favored Class: Rogue (if female), samurai (if male).
Level Adjustment: +1. <p>
<div style="text-align:center">Image</div>

</p>Edited by: [url=>Archmage144</A]&nbsp; Image at: 4/12/05 22:38

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Re: Gaera Races

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Tue Apr 12, 2005 4:11 am


A racial plate for Tareen.

No, I have no idea how this would work. I just want to see it done. <p>
<div style="text-align:center">What's wrong with this ring?!</div></p>

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Re: Gaera Races

Unread postby pd Rydia » Tue Apr 12, 2005 5:04 am

I want to be punched in the face!

Although it sure would be interesting.

Both the punching, and the plate.

And the plate punching. <p>
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Re: Gaera Races

Unread postby Endesu » Tue Apr 12, 2005 5:15 am

I support the punching.

Oh,a nd whatever else is going on. <p>


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Re: Gaera Races

Unread postby The Dark Gun » Tue Apr 12, 2005 5:21 am

I would potentially be interestead if you'll have me and if I'm active over the summer. Due to the fact that I'll be at home sharing an internet connection with three other people, some of which dislike my insane computer usage time at times, my activity may go down (sadness!) in which case I suppose I'd remove myself. Elsewise I would be quite happy to participate in any start up games or what have you that might happen, and if anything becomes scedualed... Well we'll burn that bridge when we find it. <p><div style="text-align:center">Image
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Re: Re: Stuff

Unread postby Kelne » Tue Apr 12, 2005 5:25 am

On a serious note, I request the red mage base class. <p>KnightsofSquare: DarkLordKelne is a tomboy bunnygirl, jealous of the business successes of her 37 older brothers, she is pursuing her own business degree in hopes of someday initiating a hostile takeover against her brothers' corporations.</p>

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Re: Re: Stuff

Unread postby Spleen » Tue Apr 12, 2005 7:33 am

As I mentioned in chat, I'd appreciate it if you'd show me whichever Fatal Paw prestige class you think would be appropriate for a guy who dabbled a little in it while travelling through Nekonia.

Also: Does someone with Monk classes need to be a full balls-on monastery resident, or can he just fight like he is? <p>__-__-__-__-__-__

"I'm just a guy with a boomerang. I didn't ask for all this flying, and this magic..."
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"Screw normal, because if you're normal, the crowd will accept you, but if you're deranged, the crowd will make you their leader."
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Re: Re: Stuff

Unread postby Zemyla » Tue Apr 12, 2005 8:12 am

Kelne: It's called a "bard". <p>-----
Do not taunt Happy Fun Zemyla.

<span style="font-size:xx-small;">I think boobs are the lesser of two evils. - Inverse (Pervy)
Dammit, Dan, I'm not dating a damn NPC! - OOC Will (Will Baseton)
Of course! Anything worth doing is worth doing completely wrong! - Travis English
Ultimately, wizards and clerics don't say, "Gee, I want to become a lich because weapons hurt less and I don't have to worry about being backstabbed; that whole 'eternal life' thing is just a fringe benefit."-Darklion
But this one time I killed a walrus with my bare hands, and I suddenly understood spherical coordinates. - KnightsofSquare
Also, when you've worked a 36-hour shift as an intern you too just might pour yourself a catful of coffee and sit down to cuddle with your travel mug. -eirehound

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Re: Re: Stuff

Unread postby Molokidan » Tue Apr 12, 2005 9:20 am

Or a battlemage. <p>---------------

"Well slap a dead fish on me and call me Molokidan!"</p>


Re: Re: Stuff

Unread postby Archmage144 » Tue Apr 12, 2005 2:20 pm

Shini: No, unless you need it to participate. Too busy to make shit "for the hell of it" in a sense that prioritizes actual necessities.

Thram: With the way I intend for participation to work, if you make a sheet and are online when I feel like GMing, you're fine--so if you're semi-active you'll have a chance to be in something every once in a while at least.

Kelne: I will post that as soon as I get the chance. Which will be soon--right now I'm in a hurry.

Spleen: I will either post that or IM it to you.

Zem: No, it isn't--bards are nowhere near magey enough for my tastes, so I hacked up a new character class. =P

Molo: Actually, there's a class called that that does something entirely different altogether! <p>
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Re: Re: Stuff

Unread postby pd Rydia » Tue Apr 12, 2005 2:30 pm

You know, it just -now- occurs to me that I wouldn't be able to use Dia for quite a while. What with her being tied up in Pervy's board RP and all.

I'm........half tempted to pull something up for Siz. Who's not much in the way of a combatant. Hm. >.> Mebbe! <p>
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Re: Re: Re: Stuff

Unread postby Archmage144 » Tue Apr 12, 2005 2:57 pm

Information about several base classes and several prestige classes is in this document. The document contains:

Base classes: Blackguard, Red Mage, Valthi Hunter
Prestige Classes: Dragoon, Iaijutsu Master, Ninja of the Fatal Claw, Disciple of the Fatal Paw

Information about a few custom spells or spells that are not in the SRD/main books is available in this document. It contains several astral magic spells if you want to be Hakaril. It also contains a couple of other spells various other people might find interesting!

If the links don't work, it's because Dia hasn't uploaded them for me yet. :(

Edit: In these documents, ignore the fact that I have an odd tendency to mispell "sorcerer" as "sorceror." Furthermore, if anyone wants to play a sorcerer, I have an alternate template for their character class that makes them not suck quite so badly compared to wizards by giving them a few free feats and a couple more spells known to balance things out a bit. <p>
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</p>Edited by: Archmage144&nbsp; Image at: 4/12/05 15:20

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Re: Re: Re: Stuff

Unread postby Idran1701 » Tue Apr 12, 2005 3:28 pm

I want to be Hakaril. He's awesome. :( <p>

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Re: Re: Re: Stuff

Unread postby Zemyla » Tue Apr 12, 2005 4:59 pm

You need to post the description of the Iaijutsu focus skill.

Also: I want to make a character who casts "Name" all the time. <p>-----
Do not taunt Happy Fun Zemyla.

<span style="font-size:xx-small;">I think boobs are the lesser of two evils. - Inverse (Pervy)
Dammit, Dan, I'm not dating a damn NPC! - OOC Will (Will Baseton)
Of course! Anything worth doing is worth doing completely wrong! - Travis English
Ultimately, wizards and clerics don't say, "Gee, I want to become a lich because weapons hurt less and I don't have to worry about being backstabbed; that whole 'eternal life' thing is just a fringe benefit."-Darklion
But this one time I killed a walrus with my bare hands, and I suddenly understood spherical coordinates. - KnightsofSquare
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Brotherhood of Elitist Bastards</p>Edited by: Zemyla&nbsp; Image at: 4/12/05 18:02


Re: Re: Re: Stuff

Unread postby Archmage144 » Tue Apr 12, 2005 6:16 pm

That's my copy and paste template. STFU. :(

Iaijutsu Focus (Cha): Use this skill to gather your personal energy (ki) in an iaijutsu duel.

Check: If you attack a flat-footed opponent immediately after drawing a melee weapon, you can deal extra damage based on the result of an Iaijutsu Focus skill check. In addition, if you and your opponent both agree to participate in a formal iaijutsu duel, your Iaijutsu Focus check replaces your initiative check for the ensuing combat.

In an iaijutsu duel, you and your opponent make opposed Iaijutsu Focus checks, and the winner accumulates extra damage dice according to the following table.

Check result / Extra Damage
10-14 / +1d6
15-19 / +2d6
20-24 / +3d6
25-29 / +4d6
30-34 / +5d6
35-39 / +6d6
40-44 / +7d6
45-49 / +8d6
50+ / +9d6 (maximum)

You can also use Iaijutsu Focus in preparation for striking an inanimate object, assuming no distractions. Your extra damage is halved, just like your ordinary damage. This is the technique martial artists use to shatter objects.

Iaijutsu attacks in normal combat You can use your Iaijutsu Focus bonus damage in normal combat too, but only when you are attacking a flat-footed opponent and you draw your weapon in the same round you strike.

This means that a character with Quick Draw can use Iaijutsu Focus in a surprise round, either to strike someone standing within sword reach, or to strike an opponent at the end of a partial charge (using Quick Draw to draw her weapon first). A character without Quick Draw cannot strike an opponent in a surprise round if he begins the round with his weapon sheathed.

In a normal first round of combat, a character whose initiative is higher the his opponent’s can draw a weapon, move to the opponent and attack using Iaijutsu Focus, as long as he has either Quick Draw or a base attack bonus of +1 or higher (so that he can draw his weapon while he moves).

I used google to find that so I didn't have to look it up myself. Hoorah!

It should be noted that if you want to play an Iaijutsu Master (prestige class), you should take levels in Samurai instead of Fighter, because Samurai has Iaijutsu Focus as a class skill and gets 4 + INT skill points instead of 2 + INT. You also get a free masterwork katana and wakizashi at first level, but you get fewer bonus Fighter feats. If you need a copy of the Samurai stuff, I can provide you with one. Does this mean you're going to want stats for Nekojin?
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Re: Re: Re: Stuff

Unread postby Archmage144 » Tue Apr 12, 2005 7:31 pm

Notes on buying magical equipment:

Just about anything is fair game with a few notable exceptions. You aren't allowed to spend more than 50,000 GP (that's 20% of your starting wealth) on any one item, unless it's something like a weapon that would cost 50,302 GP (a +5 dagger, for example) or whatever. I will be flexible in that sense. This basically just prohibits you from buying certain very expensive magical items and weapons with total bonuses greater than +5. If you want me to make a special exception for some reason, ask and I might allow it if it's not too ridiculous.

You are not allowed to buy any of the goofy-ass manuals that give you permanent bonuses to your stats. Do not ask me if you can have them, or I will eat your children.

No one is allowed to have a cloak of etherealness. Ever.

I will ignore the weight of your gear until it ceases to make sense. If you have a portable hole, or even a handy haversack, or any other bag of holding to a certain extent, I will be much, much more lenient about this. <p>
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The Dark Gun
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Re: Re: Re: Stuff

Unread postby The Dark Gun » Tue Apr 12, 2005 9:19 pm

I kind of want to make a Gloaming Shadowcrafter, but both of those are from the Underdark expansion book, is that cool or is that, umm... not cool? <p><div style="text-align:center">Image
Excalibolg! Bat that can do anything! </div></p>


Re: Re: Re: Stuff

Unread postby Archmage144 » Tue Apr 12, 2005 9:23 pm

What in God's name is a Gloaming Shadowcrafter? SPEAK TO ME IN THE QUEEN'S ENGLISH! <p>
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The Dark Gun
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Tee hee!

Unread postby The Dark Gun » Tue Apr 12, 2005 10:10 pm

Okay! I will!

A Gloaming is a Shadow Planetouched. They are pale skinned humanoids with catlike eyes, and dark, furry wings. (So says the Underdark expansion book!) They're all indevidualists and tend to sort of wander where they will, most commonly in the Underdark, but could be found just about anywhere.

Racial Traits:

-2 Str, +2 Dex, -2 Wis, +2 Cha

They are Native Outsiders (as are Assimar, Teiflings, Genasi, etc.)

Small Size: +1 bonus to AC and attack rolls, +4 to hide, 3/4ths regular maximum carrying amount.

Base Speed: 20 ft walking, 40 ft flying with average manuverability.

Light Blindness: If suddenly exposed to light blinds them for 1 round, and they take -1 to saves, attacks, and skill checks when in the light. Can have Daylight Adaptation feat.

Shadow Spells: Gloamings are adept with Shadow spells. They cast Illusion (Shadow) spells at +1 caster level.

Racial Bonuses: +2 save agains illusion (Shadow), +4 save VS Psionics and Psionic-like abilities. +4 on move silenetly checks.

Low Light Vision: Can see twice as far as a human in starlight or low light conditions. Can see color under such conditions.

Luminescence: As a standard action, a Gloaming can cause their skin to provide illumination equal to that up to, and including, a torch, or it can be muted totally. It lasts until it is constantly changed. When killed the glow fades over 10 rounds.

Gloaming has Portal Sense as a bonus feat.

Favored Class: Sorcerer

Level Adjustment: +2

And Shadowcrafter is a PrC that focuses on using Shadow Spells.

Requirements are: Spell focus and Greater Spell Focus (illusion)

Skill: Disguise, 4 ranks

Ability to cast 3rd or higher level spells with the illusion(shadow) descriptor.

And I could type the rest of the info on them up, but I need to go eat now before the local cafeteria type place closes on me.

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Re: Tee hee!

Unread postby GC130A » Tue Apr 12, 2005 10:26 pm

I humbly request for the posting and/or BSing of a Nekojin template.


Re: Tee hee!

Unread postby Archmage144 » Tue Apr 12, 2005 10:39 pm

Nekojin stats are up in the other post with racial stats.

Um, I dunno if those exist on Gaera, Thram, and I dunno if I want to arbitrarily drag one in, despite the presence of numerous offworlders. <p>
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The Dark Gun
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Re: Tee hee!

Unread postby The Dark Gun » Tue Apr 12, 2005 10:40 pm

I suppose that's true enough, though if there's some equivalent to the "Shadow" plane of Gaera they COULD naturally exist, due to their tendency to wander, and, if they interact with civilization, usually do so at the fringes, and a tendency to live underground (but again, they all do whatever they feel like...) I dunno if anyone would notice. Eh. No big deal, either way, though. <p><div style="text-align:center">Image
Excalibolg! Bat that can do anything! </div></p>


Re: Tee hee!

Unread postby Archmage144 » Wed Apr 13, 2005 11:33 am

I've gotten my first character sheet as of last night, courtesy of Molokidan! However, through no fault of Molo's, his sheet had a couple of relatively major errors--this isn't a big deal, it's just an indication that not everyone knows d20 quite as well as they might think they do. I'll gladly check sheets for errors--if I'm not around, Shaun and Adam both know d20 quite well and ought to be able to help you. I'm sure they won't mind, but if they do, they should smack me for recommending you to them.

Also, I'm going to upload a sample character sheet that uses the template that I want everyone to be using to show you how I want everything formatted. If I haven't given you the template, ask me--but I obviously plan to upload that, too, since I haven't yet.

Anyway, just a couple of rule notes that may or may not be clear from the SRD if you don't have a rulebook or don't feel like reading it thoroughly:

Ability scores are things like STR and DEX. These are also occasionally referred to as simply your "stats." Your stats modify your ability to do various things. However, your stats do not add themselves to your skills and whatnot at a one-to-one ratio. In other words, a STR of 17 does not add +17 to your to hit rolls, damage rolls, or STR-based skills. Each value for a stat has a modifier associated with it--whenever a stat modifies something, you add the ability modifier, not the number of the stat. For 10-11, the modifier is +0. For 12-13, the modifier is +1. For 14-15, the modifier is +2, and so on. There is a table in the beginning of the D&D player's guide (or in the "Basics" document in the SRD) that lists the ability modifier for each score.

Skills are things like Balance and Move Silently. Feats are things like Blind-Fight.

You get a feat every level that is a multiple of three. You get to add 1 to any of your stats every level that is a multiple of four. If you increase your INT, you get more skill points for that level.

Your base hit points at first level are the maximum for your hit die type. That is, if you are a fighter (d10 hit dice), at first level, you have 10 base hit points. Each level, you roll a hit die to determine how many base hit points you gain (for most of you, this will mean adding 14dn, where n is the hit die type). This is your base hit point total. This is modified by your CON modifier multiplied by your number of class levels (or, technically, total hit dice). If you are a 15th level fighter and have a CON of 15 (+2 modifier), you get a bonus 30 hit points. Of course, if you have a level adjustment, you will have fewer than 15 class levels (again, technically hit dice), so multiply your CON mod by that instead. Changes to your CON score increase or decrease your hit points retroactively--wearing a +CON item will potentially give you more, but taking damage to your CON score will potentially reduce your hit point maximum.

You get an extra attack for every six points of base attack bonus. If you have a base attack bonus of +5, you only get that one attack. But if your BAB is +6, you get an extra attack at +1. Basically, if subtracting five from your highest base attack bonus leaves you with a positive number, you get another attack. This does not factor in modifiers to your attack roll, such as your STR, DEX, or the weapon you are using. It only factors in your base attack bonus. This is why fighters, paladins, rangers and the like get more attacks than other characters, even if the character has the same to-hit bonus as a result of a high STR or a magic weapon.

On buying equipment--armor and weapons are nice, but don't forget about other miscellaneous stuff. Potions and rings (in Magic Items III in the SRD) are great for just about any character, wands and staves (again, Magic Items III) are good for characters that can use them, and wondrous items that boost stats, saves or armor class or that can be used as magical tools (Magic Items V) are also excellent. You have a lot of money, and if you're not sure how to spend it, keep those in mind. Also remember that you will need at least a backpack or something if you're carrying a lot of gear that you won't be wearing. If you want to be able to more or less ignore weight and carrying limits, get a handy haversack or a portable hole. <p>
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</p>Edited by: [url=>Archmage144</A]&nbsp; Image at: 4/13/05 11:50

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Re: Tee hee!

Unread postby Zemyla » Wed Apr 13, 2005 11:42 am

I found a class that looks interesting, though you'll probably have to look at it to see if you feel it's balanced.

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Re: Tee hee!

Unread postby Kai » Wed Apr 13, 2005 12:03 pm

That's cool. I was wondering a few months ago whether there was a class like that. Super keen. <p>-------------------------
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I reply in great justice.

Unread postby Squintz Altec » Wed Apr 13, 2005 1:35 pm

Actually, Brian already posted up the template. I'll link it again, it's at this magical link for your fun and perusal. It's not terribly hard to use, and it does give you several formulas to save time.

And yeah, I'm around for questions whenever, with the exception of whenever I'm not around. My AIM, as always, is THENinjaRabbi.


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