The Next Crisis OOC Thread

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The Next Crisis OOC Thread

Unread postby Seethe347 » Mon Dec 22, 2003 7:28 pm

This concept came to me in a dream a few nights ago, so I thought, "Eh, let's make an RP out of it."


The Order of Daigal, a circle of magi based in Daigal Tower, near Doma's border with the Forbidden Plains, had been conducting an experimental investigation of the mana stream when, by chance, they detected a buildup of magical energy in the mountains to the north of Valthi. At first they had thought it was not worth their attention, due to the fact that the resonance from the buildup was very weak. However, the archmage of the order, Jeshua LaVonton, eventually became concerned with this, as he had felt something... dark about it.

By sending a scrying spell through the mana stream, they were able to take a closer look at this buildup, and they did not like what they saw. A field of auric energy, which normally surrounds living organisms and prevents them from suffering mana poisoning, had been somehow altered. Now, instead of blocking the mana stream, it was channeling it in, causing it to build up and form something which the order named a "mana pool." This pool was showing no signs of venting or dispersal, meaning that it would continually draw in mana until it could hold no more. At that point, and event which they named a "mana volcano" would occur, releasing a massive wave of highly concentrated mana across Igala, killing or seriously damaging almost all known lifeforms on the continent.

Stating that the release of this information could cause a widespread panic, LaVonton commanded that this matter be kept secret from those outside the order until his attempt to deal with it personally had failed. However, as he would have to travel to the location of the mana pool, he knew that he would have to enlist the aid of a few mercenaries. And so, he came to Doma City.


This will be a Gaera Main board RP in Freestyle, and it will start in Doma City. I will need three other people on board. I will be using Kilisha as my character and will have her sheet up in this thread after a while. Jeshua LaVonton will also be tagging along as an NPC.

Edited by: [url=>Seethe347</A] at: 9/9/06 15:34

Blackwind Isao
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Re: Your Next Crisis

Unread postby Blackwind Isao » Mon Dec 22, 2003 8:36 pm

Jesiah Black would be more than happy to help out with this.

- Blackwind.

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Re: Your Next Crisis

Unread postby Spleen » Mon Dec 22, 2003 9:16 pm

I may put up Seryntas, depending how much time I turn out to have over the next few weeks or months or whatever. Can't promise anything, but I'd appreciate it if you saved me a spot. <p>"Especially when you put them up to your eyes and said, 'Look at me, I have chocobo testicles for eyes!'"
-Nezetta (Shinigori)</p>



Unread postby Seethe347 » Tue Dec 23, 2003 1:01 am

Sheets please. =)


Name: Kilisha Sorinia
RPer: Seethe347
Race: succubus
Age: 23
Height: 5'7"
Eye Color: dark green
Hair Color: black


Kilisha was born as a human to a poor family in Uiridio, Riva. She idolized her older brother, Tairn, and followed him everywhere, even on his hunting trips. Partially to indulge her and partially hoping to help his family, Tairn taught her his skill. The rest of Kilisha’s family was thrilled about this, now expecting that Kilisha would help alleviate their hardship. Unfortunately, this would not be so.

In the winter of Kilisha’s fourteenth year, what seemed like a normal trip changed Kilisha’s life forever. As he was tracking his prey one morning, Tairn encountered the succubus Tristil who was looking for prey of a different sort. When Tairn did not return to camp, Kilisha went in search of him. She found him only moments before he would have lost his soul. In a panic, she quickly raised her bow and shot an arrow at the demoness. However, Tristil quickly pulled Tairn into the arrow’s path. The moment the arrow drove into Tairn’s throat, Kilisha's heart collapsed. The succubus rushed forward and attacked, and Kilisha was subdued without any difficulty. The demoness decided not to kill Kilisha, though, for if both humans died, she would gain nothing. So she instead returned with Kilisha to the underworld and sold her to a small cabal of demon magi known as the Circle of Zahlzath.

The Circle of Zahzath had devoted itself to magical experimentation, particularly in the field of transformations. Their most recent experimental attempt was to develope a way to transform mortals into demonic races other than mazoku. As the race of succubi was the most similar to that of humans, that was the form which the demons chose for Kilisha. The physical alterations were a simple matter and took no more than a week to complete, although they left Kilisha in a coma for almost a month, which was normal for the technique they were using. The magical alterations, giving Kilisha the soul consuming trait of the succubi, were more complicated, requiring an entire year of painful treatments to complete and requiring two years for recovery, but were still quite successful.

Finally, the circle began the most dificult phase of the transformation, the transformation of Kilisha's soul. Although she had never recovered from the loss of her brother to an arrow that she herself had fired, and the torments that she had endured since then had scarred her mind even further, she still fought against this transformation with all of her being. For four years, she endured brutal tortures and demonic possessions that pierced her to the core. At the last, with her mind completely exhausted and overrun, her spirit was consumed by darkness.

Although the Circle was delighted with its success, a Mazoku Daemon Master by the name of Selnu was not. Perceiving Kilisha’s transformation as a threat to the honor of the Mazoku race, he commanded that the Circle of Zalzath and its creation be destroyed. As the forces of Selnu razed the lair of the demon magi, Kilisha was finally able to escape and flee to the overworld. At first, she thought of returning to Uiridio, but she soon realized that agents of Selnu were pursuing her. Since then, she has been running from them, killing a few of them from time to time, but knowing that she would not be safe for as long as their master lived.

Unarmed combat
Soul sucking

Other Notes:
Kilisha has the appearance of a human female, but can, unfortunately at times, be recognized as a succubus without much work due to her unnaturally strange but also unnaturally attractive appearance. Her hair, which she wears loose and keeps at shoulder length, is pure black and straight, her eyes are dark green, and she is about the average height of most human women. Her lips and clawlike nails are also black. Finally, her skin is very pale and slightly bluish.

Kilisha's main concern is her own survival. She will kill if she has too, but for the most part, she will avoid any actions that would bring the ire of others upon her.

White Charisma
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Re: ...

Unread postby White Charisma » Tue Dec 23, 2003 4:10 am

Here it is in Philsys. For future reference I will appear as either White Charisma or Blackwind Isao for posting purposes.

Name: Jesiah “Jessie” Black a.k.a. Gylvain Aurealis
Rper: White Charisma / Blackwind Isao
Race: High Elf
Level: 1
XP: 0 / 1000

Character Background
For an elf born in this century Jessie is, perhaps, the biggest internal controversy the elves of Kalshana have had since the Three Hundred Years War. Born Gylvain Aurealis 142 years ago, Jessie was quickly singled out by both his elders and peers as one of the most intelligent things to come out of Kalshana in centuries. Jessie showed his natural intelligence and magical aptitude at an age that was unheard of, even by human standards; by the age of four he was reading text books for students beginning in the magical academies and was already beginning to master some more basic spells. Jessie did not read information however, he devoured it and yet it became absorbed in his brain; something people likened to a sponge.

It was inevitable that Jessie make his way to the Greater Kalshanese Academy of Magic for a more formal education in the magical arts. Much to the surprise of all he did not subscribe to the standard illusion, divination and holy magic regimen, the focus of the elves of Kalshana since ancient times. Jessie instead opted for a much darker and far wider path, taking courses in shadow, time and astral magic and an advanced course dedicated to counterspelling. While these choices were not widely appreciated at the time they may have lead to the eventual fall of what may have been the elves most useful asset in ages.

It was inevitable that as Jessie absorbed his way through whole libraries of knowledge that he would eventually come to a topic the elves of Kalshana were not fond of; he found religion and in the finding he found Lolth. For his part Jessie was not interested in the worship of Lolth nor did he endorse her disturbing dogma. He was however, fascinated with the philosophy of all religion in general and found the details of worship all the more interesting; this was to be his downfall.

Information, as it has a tendency to do when young, belligerent and vindictive people are concerned, flowed like water in the political circles and cliques of the academy. Jessie’s studies were of increasing concern due to his delving ever deeper into forbidden areas. The final straw was an essay assignment from Jessie’s own teacher in Shadow magic asking him to compare and contrast the usage and philosophy of shadow magic and the more predominant holy magic. Jessie far outdid himself, as was often the case on this essay. He held nothing back here, but it was his comparison of Ishtar to Lolth that ultimately did him in; he knew far too much about a subject that was forbidden.

Undone by his own cleverness and the jealousy of his race, Jessie’s case was tried before a full tribunal of magistrates. The proceedings raged for days, many of Jessie’s defenses even went so far as to challenge the very ideals the elves held dear; this only served to further dirty him in the eyes of the public. The tribunal on the other hand was faced with a hard choice: it was clear that death was out of the equation, Jessie was not attempting to establish the worship of Lloth in Kalshana. The fact remained however, he knew too much, not to mention bruised too many egos and challenged the moral ground they all stood upon. After one of the longest deliberations in the history of the court system the verdict came down, Jessie was to be exiled.

That incident was almost fourty years ago. The elves of Kalshana have moved on, most have forgotten his name and even his legacy. For his part Jessie has also moved on, though not in a positive light. He has thrown his elven heritage away, leaving only a seething hatred for his own kind. Ultimately, over the course of his fourty years of wandering, this hatred has started to color more and more of Jessie’s character. It has leaked into his humor and leaked its way into his observations, making him seem a bitter person indeed.

Character Demeanor
Jessie exudes dark and mysterious in almost every manner possible. From his scathing cynicism to his slanted, black humor his very presence seems to set most people on edge; most wouldn’t touch him with a ten-foot pole unless they absolutely had to. Jessie however, tends to stick his nose where it does not belong, using his incredible knowledge to make various suggestions to random people based on conversations he’s just eavesdropped on; all laced with heavy sarcasm as well as a health dose of cynicism to boot. More often than not this genuine want to help others combined with his arrogant personality gets him into trouble.

Jessie maintains his normal elven views on all races save his own. With members of his own race (High Elves) Jessie is abnormally annoying or quiet dependant on the situation. In most cases Jessie will attempt to make a fool out of, embarrass or even pick a fight with members of his own kind. This behavior stems from an underlying hatred of his people (see character history for details) as well as the honest belief that he did not deserve the sentence the elves passed down upon him.

Character Statistics

Max HP: 60
Max MP: 110
Max TP: 20
Initiative: 4+2d6

Courage: 2
Wisdom: 6
Intuition: 4
Charisma: -2
Agility: 2
Dexterity: 2
Strength: 0
Stamina: 1
Magical Aptitude: 6

Base AT/PA: 8/8
Modified for skill: 10/10 (base), 10/14 (vs physical), 10/14 (vs missile)
Modified for equipment: 10/14

(s) Physical Evasion: 4
(s) Missile Evasion: 4
(s) Observant: 4
(s) Improved Magical Resist: 4
(k) Strategy: 4
(k) Religion: 3
(k) General Chemistry: 3
(k) Physical Science: 3
(k) Mathematics 3
(k) Arcane Lore: 4
(k) Temporal Theory: 3
(k) Spatial Theory: 2
Time Magic: 4
Astral Magic: 4
Counterspell Magic: 4
Shadow Magic: 4
Weapon (Piercing): 4

(Innate) Force of Will: Jessie has learned to cast his spells without the need to chant while casting them. All other components of casting (somatic and/or material) must still be adhered to.

(Counterspelling=4, Arcane Lore=4, TP=1) Opportunity Counterspell: Jessie may use a free action to attempt to counter (with any form of counterspelling magic) one spell as it is being cast.

(Shadow=1, MP=8) Minor Ray of Midnight: A thin ray of shadow energy strikes one target for 8+rank*2+1d6 points of shadow damage and cause a check for curse.

(Shadow=4, MP=12) Greater Ray of Midnight: Jessie hurtles a bolt of pure shadow energy at one target dealing 12+rank*4+2d6 points of shadow damage and causes a check for curse.

(Shadow=4, MP=22) Lesser Cone of Midnight: Jessie sprays an area of 30 feet long and in a 120 degree arc in front of him with pure shadow energy. This causes 10+rank*2+1d6 points of shadow damage to all in the area of effect and causes a check for curse.

(Shadow=3, MP=10) Siphon Life Force: Drawing on the powers of shadow Jessie drains the life force of one target and absorbs in into himself. This causes 6+rank+1d6 points of shadow damage to the target and causes a check for curse. Jessie then gains HP equal to the damage dealt to the target.

(Astral=1, MP=10) Lesser Astral Force: Jessie hurtles a thin ray of astral energy at one target dealing 12+rank*2+1d6 points of astral damage and causing a check for astral drain.

(Astral=4, MP=16) Greater Astral Force: Jessie summons a beam of astral energy and strikes one target with it. This deals 16+rank*4+2d6 points of astral damage and causes a check for astral drain.

(Astral=4, MP=10) Hurtle: Jessie manipulates both spatial forces and the astral plane producing a thrusting force sufficient to forcefully move objects and/or people. No more than 20*rank pounds may be moved at one time. Being thrown laterally incurs ½ falling damage should a solid object be struck while in flight.

(Time=1, MP=6) Sloth: Jessie slows the metabolic rate of one target, delaying its action until the end of the combat round for 1d2+rank rounds and causing a –rank penalty to agility and a –2/-2 penalty to AT/PA for that target.

(Time=2, MP=10) Haste: Jessie increases the metabolic rate of one target for rank rounds. This target receives a + rank bonus to agility and one extra action per round. Targets affected by a haste spell are normally are both hungry and tired from the increased metabolic rate this spell causes.

(Time=4, MP=16) Metabolic Decay: Jessie increases one target’s metabolism to such a high rate that the body’s Immune system begins to deteriorate. This leave the target feeling as under the after effects of a haste spell as well as 12+rank*4+2d6 points of direct damage and draining 1d2 points of temporary Stamina. Stamina points lost in this manner can be regained by resting for one day.

(Counterspell=1, Arcane Lore=4 Time=4 MP=8) Delay Arcane Might: Jessie temporarily disrupts the flow of arcane energy in an opponent’s spell as it is being cast. This delays the spell effect from happening for one round.

(Counterspell=4, Arcane Lore=4 MP= 1/2 of spell to be countered) Dismiss: Jessie attempts to disrupt the arcane energy of one opponent’s spell, forcing a Mag+Int+Wis+rank (of spell being cast)+1d20 versus Mag+Int+Wis+4+1d20 check to be made. Should Jessie’s check exceed or tie that of his opponent’s their spell fizzles, without effect. Should the opponent’s check exceed Jessie’s the spell effect occurs normally.

(Counterspell=4, Arcane Lore=4, MP=10 ) Dispel Magic: Jessie attempts to snuff the magical force of one permanent or semi-permanent spell forcing a Mag+Int+Wis (of the caster at the time of casting) +rank (of the target spell) +1d20 versus Mag+Int+Wis+4+1d20. Should Jessie’s check exceed that of the spell its effect immediately ends.

Equipment T/S/C or AC AT/PA Durability Weight Str Qual
Short Sword 7/10/13 0/0 - .75 -
Shielded Robe 13 0/0 25 1 -
Leather Bracers 10 0/0 10 1.5 -

Character Description
Eye Color: Arctic Ice Grey
Hair Color: Midnight Black
Age: 142
Gender: Male
Other: None

edit: 2+2=4

Edited by: White Charisma at: 1/24/04 9:10 am

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Re: ...

Unread postby Spleen » Wed Dec 24, 2003 12:40 am


name: Seryntas - age: 22 - eyes: brown - hair: short, black -
height: 5’10” – weight: 240 lbs.

Seryntas was born, thanks to the rather badly thought-out meddling of the Elemaeran God of Fire, Krad, on a farm in central Doma. Krad was – or was at least trying to – fulfill the mysterious Seventh Prophecy, which speaks of a warrior who will rise on another world to bring forth a new golden age for the humans of Elemaer. Krad decided that he should make sure the warrior was fit for the task, so the god decided to create the warrior himself, using a template he’d created based on Elemaeran DNA. This caused problems. The DNA makeup of no two species is exactly alike, especially when they evolve in parallel realities. Plus, Krad had never thought of one situation.


Seryntas and his brother, Sarakir, had a relatively pleasant early life in their rural home. Their amazing ability to build muscle mass at twice the speed of the average man helped them do hard farm work with ease. However, Sarakir began to shirk his chores, leaving Seryntas to pick up the burden. He also began to gamble, steal, torture animals, get in fights (where he didn’t fight fair), and constantly harass Seryntas for being the perfect little angel of the family.

(Rest of backstory totally under construction. Old backstory:
Seryntas was born on a farm in central Doma with his twin brother Sarakir. Sarakir, in time, grew to despise his family and their way of life. He killed their father and framed Seryntas for the crime. Seryntas was banished from the farm, which Sarakir set fire to while his brother was traveling to Doma City. In a rage, Seryntas took an oath upon himself to kill Sarakir and feed his spleen to vultures. He renamed himself Spleen to always remind him of his oath.)

Name: Seryntas
RPer: SpleenInfinity13
Race: Human
Level: 1
XP: 0/1000
Max HP: 80
Max MP: 25
Max TP: 20
Initiative 6+2d6

Courage +3
Wisdom +1
Intuition 0
Charisma (-2)
Agility +3
Dexterity +3
Strength +6
Stamina +5
Magic Aptitude: 2

Base AT/PA - 12
Modified for skill – 14/14
Modified for equipment - 6/5

Greatsword – T/S/C 13, 19, 25 – -2/-1 – Weight 6 – Strength Requirement +4
Mythril Plate – 60 AC – -5/-5 – Durability 100 – Weight 10 – Strength Requirement +2
Plate Bracers – 30 AC – -1/-2 – Durability 20 – Weight 2.5 – Strength Requirement +2
Pot Helmet – 15 AC – 0/-1 – Durability 10 – Weight 2 – Strength Requirement +1

Weapon Damage - Greatsword
Thrusting - 19 +1d6
Slashing- 31 +2d4
Chopping - 43 +2d6

Weapon (Greatsword) <Cou/Agi/Str>: 4
[s]Two-Handed Weapon Fighting: 4 (cost: 2)
Elemaeran Fire Magic <Int/Wis/Mag>: 4
[k]Agriculture and Farming: 4 (cost: 2)
[s]Drinking <Sta>: 2 (cost: 1)
Intimidation <Cou/Cou/Int>: 3
Wrestling <Str/Sta/Agi>: 3
[k]Combat Strategy: 2 (cost: 1)
[s]Parrying <Cou/Agi/Dex>: 4 (cost: 2)

(NOTE: All spells with two or more numbers, names, etc. separated by a slash are parts of the same spell group. The numbers do not refer to fractions, but to values for multiple spells of the same group.)
[Wrestling=1]Defense Breaker (2 TP) – Seryntas slams his armored, muscled bulk into an enemy in an attempt to knock them off their balance and decrease their ability to defend against his attacks. An enemy so struck needs a Stamina or Agility roll (whichever stat is higher) to not be knocked down. Not all enemies can be knocked down this way, and the GM determines what can or can’t, and the requisite rolls for what can.
[Intimidation=2]Battle Cry (2 TP) – Seryntas screams the battle cry of the Order of Fire, "Ji'il Krad turye az-darak!" ("By the fiery wrath of Krad!"). Enemies with low COU must make a check or take penalties from fear (of this huge armored man yelling like a maniac), as determined by the GM.
[Wrestling=3]Subdue (4 TP) – Seryntas uses his skill at wrestling to hold an opponent down long enough to, for example, bludgeon them into unconsciousness.
[Elemaeran Fire Magic=1/3]Lesser/Minor Burning Wrath (4/10 MP) – Fiery power awakens in the muscles of the caster, which temporarily increases his or her Strength and Agility. Minor Burning Wrath is more effective than Lesser Burning Wrath.
[Elemaeran Fire Magic=2/4]Lesser/Minor Burning Weapon (6/14 MP) – The caster’s weapon is engulfed in fire, adding flame damage to his or her attack. The weapon need not be flammable, and it is not consumed. It also produces light as though it were a torch. Minor Burning Weapon is more effective than Lesser Burning Weapon.
[Elemaeran Fire Magic=1/3]Lesser/Minor Fire Bolt (6/14MP) – The caster fires an exploding ball of flame from his or her hands. Lesser Fire Bolt has a 4-inch diameter, Minor Fire Bolt has an 8-inch diameter. Minor Fire Bolt is more effective than Lesser Fire Bolt.
[Elemaeran Fire Magic=3]Lesser Flaming Shell (10 MP) – The caster surrounds him or herself with a sphere of flames. This sphere seems almost solid (but not hard) to attacks from the outside, but the caster can still interact (and fight) with the world around him or her at no cost. Visibility is slightly hindered by the flames of the sphere. The flames can be damaging to wooden weapons and to body parts. The caster can create holes in the sphere at will.
[Elemaeran Fire Magic=1/3]Lesser/Minor Ignite (4/10 MP) – The caster channels heat through their body (which does no damage to the caster) in an attempt to light an object (such as a torch) on fire. The object must be flammable and touched by the caster’s hand to be ignited. The ignited object acts as though it had been lit through mundane means (such as coming in contact with a lit torch).

Yes, same Seryntas from the beginning of What is Lost. His Gaeran body is less powerful, and can only cast spells at about the level of a Flambar, and that's on a good day. <p>"Especially when you put them up to your eyes and said, 'Look at me, I have chocobo testicles for eyes!'"
-Nezetta (Shinigori)</p>

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Re: ...

Unread postby Blackwind Isao » Wed Dec 24, 2003 1:10 am

Ignore me... aparently the rules changed without being updated.

- Blackwind.

Edited by: Blackwind Isao at: 12/24/03 1:34 am



Unread postby Seethe347 » Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:24 pm

It's still freestyle. I should get it started on Friday.

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Re: ...

Unread postby Spleen » Wed Dec 24, 2003 10:52 pm

Of course, but that PS sheet is the only one I have for Ser. <p>"Especially when you put them up to your eyes and said, 'Look at me, I have chocobo testicles for eyes!'"
-Nezetta (Shinigori)</p>


Re: ...

Unread postby Seethe347 » Fri Dec 26, 2003 11:01 pm

As it turns out, I'm going to have to put this off until Monday. <p>That is the message.</p>

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Re: ...

Unread postby Spleen » Sat Dec 27, 2003 3:16 pm

Sure thing.

Also, you should go online more often. <p>"Especially when you put them up to your eyes and said, 'Look at me, I have chocobo testicles for eyes!'"
-Nezetta (Shinigori)</p>

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Re: ...

Unread postby Blackwind Isao » Fri Jan 02, 2004 11:56 am

It is now Friday. Is this going to happen?

- Blackwind.

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Re: ...

Unread postby Spleen » Fri Jan 02, 2004 12:05 pm

I...don't know, Blackwind. <p>"Especially when you put them up to your eyes and said, 'Look at me, I have chocobo testicles for eyes!'"
-Nezetta (Shinigori)</p>



Unread postby Seethe347 » Fri Jan 02, 2004 9:15 pm

It will. I've finally started working on the opening.

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Re: ...

Unread postby Justice Augustus » Fri Jan 02, 2004 9:42 pm

Wow, if I wasn't about to have to move back to Duke I'd join this rp, seems like a good idea.

I am just too damn British.

Uncle Pervy

Re: ...

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Tue Jan 06, 2004 4:58 am

Some things that I noticed, Seethe.

Kotoki's is gone, as it got destroyed in the war. Also, Doma uses Gil, not Dollars. 2 gil = 1 Dollar. And 15000, or even 7500 gil, is a fuckload of money. Not a bad thing, just an informative thing if you don't want to feel you're overpaying.

I hope this doesn't seem like I'm trying to pick you apart. Just trying to help you make it fit better, since i kow you aren't used to things. ^^; <p>------------------
Greetings, large black person. Let us not forget to form a team up together and go into the country to inflict the pain of our karate feets on some ass of the giant lizard person.
</p>Edited by: Uncle Pervy&nbsp; Image at: 1/6/04 5:05 am


Re: ...

Unread postby Seethe347 » Tue Jan 06, 2004 5:27 am

Finally. <p>That is the message.</p>


Re: ...

Unread postby Seethe347 » Tue Jan 06, 2004 6:03 pm

Okay. I changed a few things to make it fit. I'll let the 15,000 gil stay because LaVonton wants to get his mercinaries as quickly as possible. <p>That is the message.</p>

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Re: ...

Unread postby Justice Augustus » Tue Jan 13, 2004 6:21 pm

Seethe, is it too late to join this rp? I know you've only got three people so I thought that there could be one more.

I am just too damn British.


Re: ...

Unread postby Seethe347 » Wed Jan 14, 2004 12:24 pm

It's still open. It can hold one more person. You can join.


*clears throat and removes the OOC markings* <p>-Seethe Longnails</p>Edited by: [url=>Seethe347</A] at: 1/15/04 1:45 am

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Re: ...

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Wed Jan 14, 2004 6:36 pm

is there any way a new guy could join up for some experience with rping?


Re: ...

Unread postby Seethe347 » Thu Jan 15, 2004 2:42 am

Alright. I can handle five. But I need those character sheets. <p>-Seethe Longnails</p>

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Re: ...

Unread postby Justice Augustus » Thu Jan 15, 2004 3:15 am

Actually, would it be possible to talk about my character over AIM? IM me at Suicidal Sprite please.

I am just too damn British.


"The best research [for playing a drunk] is being a British actor for 20 years." - Michael Caine</p>


Re: ...

Unread postby Seethe347 » Thu Jan 15, 2004 8:23 am

Today's a school day, but I might be able to. If not, I'm pretty sure I'll be able to tomorrow. <p>-Seethe Longnails</p>

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Re: ...

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Thu Jan 15, 2004 9:24 am

Ok, now for a newbie question. Does it have to be Philsys? I have a whole character intro posted up in the spam forum, so I could just copy and paste it from there. If it has to be philsys, then ill make up a character sheet today.

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Re: ...

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Thu Jan 15, 2004 10:27 am

ok, here's my character sheet. The background portion is still a little shaky, but it kind of gives you a basis. I'll be working on it and revising it a little more.

Name: Xiao Long
RPer: Darkknight61189
Race: Wood Elf
Age: 16
Height: 3'4"
Eye color: sky blue
Hair color: mossy green
Gender: Female


Not much is known of Xiao Long, not even she knows of her past. Her memories only run back to when she was about 9. Past that, she can't remember a thing. The last thing she does remember, though, is waking up in a burning charred house. When she finally escaped the house, she found that one side of the house had been torn away, the ground under the house was ruptured, and half of what was remaining of the house was either charred and burnt, or frozen over.

After this ordeal, she was a very happy, but lonely, person. She went off to live in the woods, where she felt most comfortable. She learned to survive on her own, and tried to avoid contact with others. Those who roamed the forst she had inhabited could hear her gleeful giggling echoing through the trees. One day, though, someone was sent by the local town to hunt her out. She was found playing in a clearing, and when asked to accompany them back to the town, she was at first reluctant, but after a bit of struggling, abliged, almost happily, and followed them through the woods. she was detained, and was to be executed, when someone came to rescue her.

Some of the locals had heard that someone was to be wrongfully excuted, so they came to try and bail her out of the execution. When they arrived at the execution site, though, they found the place burnt to the ground, the floor cracked and ruptured, parts of the city glassed over in ice, and the wind howling away. at the middle of the city they found Xiao Long, lifeless on the floor. One of the men, Tatylian, picked her up and took her home to raise her as his daughter. Although she knows she is not his daughter, she still calls him father, because he is the only father figure she knows.

One day, she realized her strange powers, and her father was able to figure out that it only happens when she is really mad. Thankfully, though, she is almost never angry. Then, one day when she was 15, her father died. She creid and wept, and then vowed to find and kill the people who had slain her father. She took her father's two precious Jians, which had saved her countless times when robbers and muggers had ambushed them. She also took her father's set of throwing knives, then left her home and began to wander around, working as a mercenary and trying to find information about her father's killers.

Unarmed combat
Double Jian fighting style

Two Jian
Seven throwing knives concealed on various parts of her body
Light bow; is usually unstrung and in this state can be used as a quarterstaff

Other notes:
Xiao long appears to be a normal human, but is short and has pointed ears, which give away her elvish heritage. She also has a Chuushiman appearance. Althoguh she does not know her own heritage, people believe she is of Chuushiman decent, but others disagree. She is also known to spout random words in a different tongue, unknown to most people. She has no knowledge of the world, or where Chuushima is. This leads some to believe that she may be from an alternate dimension. She has the ability to control the elements of fire, water, ice, electricity, and earth when she becomes very enraged. When she is in this state, her eyes cloud over, and her mind is unconcious. She is also in a great deal of pain when she is like this, and she can stay in this state only as long as she can endure the pain. She is very light-heartyed person and does not get mad very easily. To her, fighting is like play, and she toys around with her enemies, most times not even trying very hard. She is very fast, some say faster than the eye can see. although she is young, she is very skilled in her fighting skill, both armed and unarmed. Her achery skills, though, aren't as great. She leaves her bow unstring, and uses it as a quater staff or walking stick. She is also quite intelligent, for a girl so young. She may act immature, but when it comes down to it, she is very responsible and can be relied on.

Xiao long is very concerned about her own survival, but is a team player. She will always help a friend in need, no matter what the risk. She will also stop at nothing to find her father's killer, sometimes she may even turn homocidal when it regards her father's death.


Re: ...

Unread postby Seethe347 » Fri Jan 16, 2004 5:44 pm

Okay, Dark Knight. You can poste your intro in the thread. <p>-Seethe Longnails</p>


Re: ...

Unread postby Seethe347 » Sat Sep 09, 2006 3:33 pm

Alright. It doesn't look like I'll have time for AIM for a while, so I guess I'll go ahead and say it here:

Spleen! Post!


Edit: I probably shouldn't make another post, but you're up again.

Edit 2: And now it's Darkknight's turn.

Edit 3: And now it's Spleen's turn.

Edit 4: Spleen's turn again.

Edit 5: [Refer to Edits 1, 3, and 4]

Edited by: [url=>Seethe347</A] at: 11/29/06 18:01

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