I'll also point out that any character you get applied for this will be level 1, as I believe I'm the only one who's run a 2nd gen PS RP at all, and it's a campaign which has yet to finish! So, yeah.
They don't
technically have to be, it's just convention for the most part, and the rules state that by default characters are level 1, because that just makes sense. Characters higher than level 1
have been created right off the bat (and as PCs, not NPCs)--Daenj'r (KoD), Charles Domanda (KoD), Dragyn (Phil-dog), and Gavron (Phil-dog) all come to mind. There might be others, but I forget them!
I will, incidentally, provide a sheet when I'm certain about what set of rules we're going to be using, particularly regarding the DEX/AGI merge. <p>
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Edited by: [url=http://p068.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=archmage144>Archmage144</A] at: 8/20/05 14:24