Birthright: The Twin Blades (Modified PS AU RP)

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Elementalist Daien

Birthright: The Twin Blades (Modified PS AU RP)

Unread postby Elementalist Daien » Sun Jan 08, 2006 6:57 pm

After a loooong hiatus, I have decided to attempt to start to GM a new RP in a new setting! While this is originally a D&D setting, this will be a modified Birthright setting, working on a PS system, with a number of small differences.

(Note: Even the setting is modified. Some things may not agree with the original setting.)


Six hundred years ago, the Empire of Anuire, in the continent of Cerilia, was united under the great Emperor, Michael Roele. Michael Roele had ruled the Empire for many years, having beforehand united it himself, leading his troops in battle. Under him, the Anuireans became one of the most powerful people in Cerilia. However, this was not to last.

It was in the Great War that all this changed. Azrai, the corrupt Lord of Darkness himself, led an army of gnolls and orks to destroy the human and dwarven kingdoms. The elves, angry at the humans, who destroyed the forests to build and produce, joined this army. Together, they ravaged the armies of the six human tribes- Anuireans, Khinasi, Brecht, Vos, Ryurik, and Masetians.

During the battles, the elves realized the error of their ways, and the true evil that Azrai represented, and switched sides. However, it was too late. The human tribes had one final battle for their destiny- a battle at a stronghold upon Mount Deiismar, in the Masetian territory. It was in that battle that Azrai himself materialized. Realizing the danger to their followers, the gods themselves all appeared, all attempting with all their might to stop Azrai.

At the end of the battle, all the gods had died.

It was then that the blood of the fallen gods rained upon the people, imbuing them with their power. These gods thus blessed the heroes of the battle with their powers. These heroes became known as the Blooded. However, the Blood of Azrai also spread...

Thus were born those known as Awnsheighlen. Elven for "Blood of Darkness". Azrai's corrupted blood tends to twist its bearers, turning them into monsters.

His champion was none other than Prince Raesene, Roele's half-brother. Turning into a gigantic monstrosity known as the Gorgon, Raesene killed Roele, and retreated into the northeastern area of Anuire, which he claimed for his own.

Roele left no heirs. Thus, the land split into many segments, each ruled by a blooded regent. Six hundred years have passed since then, and still, Anuire lacks a true leader...



Humans- These can be split into the various cultures, the six tribes. While the Birthright setting is held in Anuire, the land of the Anuireans, the tribes are in no way seperated from each other.

Anuireans: These are the people of Anuire. They are as varied as their countries, however, they all hold a medieval system, both of government and technology.

Brecht: A bit more advanced than their Anuirean cousins, the Brecht are a trading people first and foremost. (Their technology is more similar to that of the renaissance.)

Khinasi: The Khinasi are an interesting race. A dark-skinned, intelligent people, the Khinasi are a mostly scholastic and philosophical people, tending to favour education, although their warriors also tend to be fearsome. While tending to be almost fanatical in their beliefs, they do not tend to persecute nonbelievers. (Their architecture and clothing, as well as mannerisms, tend to be arabic)

Vos: The Vos' land is almost uninhabitable, and their people are constantly hounded and corrupted by evil. This led to a race of hardy, violent people. Even those uncorrupted fight said corruption with a great ferocity. The Vos are mostly nomadic due to the state of their land.

Ryurik: The Ryurik tend to live a lifestyle close to nature, as well as a carefree one. In such, they are usually the closest to an elven lifestyle, although their society can be better defined as druidic.

Masetians: These people now seem to be almost extinct from the Great War. Few of these remain, and mostly, their Masetian blood has been diluted. Few know if any Masetian settlements yet exist.



While mostly similar to the usual high and wood elves, it is worthy to note that these elves tend to loathe humans with a passion, being more than simply arrogant. In fact, it is not uncommon for humans to never leave the woods of the elves after they enter. They believe that humanity shall destroy everything with its methods, and in the more extreme cases, are ready to take up arms to stop this percieved threat.



These dwarves are very similar to the usual D&D dwarves. Having fought the great war with humans, they tend to like them more than most races, although some do not trust them completely.



The parties shall start in the country of Ghoere, in the rather prosperous and mostly peaceful grasslands of Ghiere. The country of Ghoere is a strong one in the middle of Anuire. However, the ruler, Gavin Tael, leaves much to be desired. While being mostly a good ruler, Lord Tael is obsessed with losing his power, believing many are coming to dethrone him. Thus, to prevent this, he is prone to heavy-handed punishments and unwise decisions, to the point of seeming like a tyrant.

Still, the people of Ghiere are mostly happy, living away from the southern and eastern warring borders. However, fairly recently, this country has been attacked by gnolls from the north. The troops being too busy to help, it is up to the people and the militia to take care of this, although mercenaries are being offered good amounts of money for help...



This RP will be using PhilSys, although a few changes will be taking place. The one difference shall be Bloodline- The divine power that was transferred to the mortals in the battle of Deiismar.

Blood points:

Every person is born with their power. Hence, it is unchangeable from their inheritance, except by two methods-

1) A willfull Blood Ceremony from one person to another. The donor will become unblooded, while the recipient will gain all the abilities of the donor.

2) Usurpation. Wielding a Tighmaevril weapon, if one strikes a blooded in the heart with a weapon of such metal, and it slays the blooded, the one wielding the weapon will absorb all their powers. Because of this, wielding a Tighmaevril weapon alone is punishable by death.

All players will have 24 stat points to spend amongst their attributes. However, along with the normal stats, people will also possess a BP statistic. Each point of BP shall cost 3 stats at creation, and be impossible to raise otherwise.

Any Blooded will have to choose amongst the following Gods:

Andurias was the god of the Andu tribe, who today call themselves the Ainureans. He was a god of honor and bravery, the eldest of the old gods.

Spheres of Influence: Honor, Bravery, Air, Anuireans.

Mortal Heirs: Andurias' bloodline is strongest in Anuire. His heirs are usually warriors or clerics.



Azrai betrayed the old gods; he allied with the shadow and tried to extinguish the world.

Mortal Heirs: Azrai's followers come from no particular profession or area, although most tend to be evil, bearing the corruptor's blood.

Spheres of Influence: Power, deceit, monsters.



Spheres of Influence: Earth, Rjurik.

Reynir was an elemental god of the earth, a stable god of perserverance who cared little for the world.

Mortal Heirs: Reynir was the god of the Rjurik; most of his heirs are of that stock, warriors, chieftains and druids.



The goddess of the sun and of insight, Basaïa was a celestial goddess of nobility.

Spheres of Influence: Fire, Sun, nobility, Basarji (Khinansi), intellect, knowledge.

Mortal Heirs: The Khinansi honor Basaïa's bloodline the most, but it is common all over the world.


The goddess of travel, exploration and adventure, Brenna favored the Brechts.

Spheres of Influence: Travel, fortune, people, Brechts.

Mortal Heirs: Sera's bloodline is rare except in Brechtür. Or perhaps this is only because chroniclers and bards tend to miss the mercantile houses, where her line prospers?

The old goddess of water and the sea, Masela was a powerful and energetic lady and the champion of the first true civilization of Cerilia.

Spheres of Influence: Sea, law, civilization, crafts, women, Masetians.

Mortal Heirs: Masela's bloodline was most common among her children, the Masetians. Most of them perished or were absorbed by the Khinansi, so her bloodline is rare today.


Vorynn was the god of the Vos, a dreamer and introvert who could not prevent his people's corruption by Azrai.

Spheres of Influence: Dreams, moon, wisdom, Vos.

Mortal Heirs: Vorynn has few mortal heirs in prominent positions. Rather, his heirs are found among recluses, wizards and mystics all over the continent.

Every rank of Blood gives you a free passive bonus (think feats) related to the domain of the blood, and may be used as an innate ability stat, using TP. It must be noted that only Vorynn-blooded people can possess a MAG stat of more than 4.

Edited by: Elementalist Daien at: 1/8/06 19:19

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Re: Birthright: The Twin Blades (Modified PS AU RP)

Unread postby Kai » Wed Jan 11, 2006 5:51 pm

I'm looking at things. Don't know if I'll be able to help you out just yet, but I'm definitely going to see what I can do. <p>-------------------------
"It has always been the prerogative of children and half-wits to point out that the emperor has no clothes. But the half-wit remains a half-wit and the emperor remains an emperor." -- Sandman "The Kindly Ones" </p>

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Unread postby Nakibe » Thu Jan 12, 2006 5:32 am

In case you can't tell by Looking at this post here, or by me badering you with questions (possibly involving real badgers), I am interested in this RP, yes indeed.

I promise not to try to kill the plot for XP! ^^;;;

Elementalist Daien

Re: Birthright: The Twin Blades (Modified PS AU RP)

Unread postby Elementalist Daien » Thu Jan 12, 2006 3:48 pm

Upon request!


1-2 Tainted
3-4 Minor
5-6 Major
7-8 Great
9-10 True

That is all. =D

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The world is certainly full of things...

Unread postby Kai » Thu Jan 12, 2006 4:32 pm

Nice comprehensive Birthright site. Seriously. Just about everything is here.

A map our gracious GM linked to me. It might be helpful to someone else to know where things are. I wasn't too worried, but hey. If someone else can use it.

Also. Since this is based in D&D, some abilities and conditions affect stats with different names. I've linked one such example. The basic idea works in PS, but the stat names change. So as an example, when you receive a bonus to your INT in some way in D&D, translate it over to WIS in philsys to keep the basic idea the same.

Here are a few downloadable pdf things. I took a look at the Book of Regency, and the information on culture and government and things was moderately helpful.
"It has always been the prerogative of children and half-wits to point out that the emperor has no clothes. But the half-wit remains a half-wit and the emperor remains an emperor." -- Sandman "The Kindly Ones" </p>

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Re: The world is certainly full of things...

Unread postby Kai » Thu Jan 12, 2006 9:22 pm

Okay. I really need to stop spamming this thread.

I have a reason , I swear.

That reason is a preliminary sheet. <p>-------------------------
"It has always been the prerogative of children and half-wits to point out that the emperor has no clothes. But the half-wit remains a half-wit and the emperor remains an emperor." -- Sandman "The Kindly Ones" </p>

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Re: The world is certainly full of things...

Unread postby Zemyla » Thu Jan 12, 2006 9:33 pm

Ooh! And it's 3rd edition, too! :D <p>-----
Do not taunt Happy Fun Zemyla.

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Vampire Jester Jinx

Re: The world is certainly full of things...

Unread postby Vampire Jester Jinx » Fri Jan 13, 2006 3:04 am


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Re: The world is certainly full of things...

Unread postby Kai » Fri Jan 20, 2006 5:12 pm

Information about Elinie.


Consider the Mholien-Sendouras-Chalsedon region as deserty. And the Osoriene region as well. Hope's Demise swamp is pretty strange that it exists. No-one knows why, but they believe it involves magic.

The Ruling Folk:

Assan ibn Dauta is the ruler. He's a hands-off ruler, but an awesome fighter. The royal family is not dependant on seniority for heritage, but the children rarely fight each other. They know that if they do, Assan will quickly cut them both off the list. He has three sons and three daughters.

Rulers and People:

The nomads and the settled citizens have slightly different relationships with the ruling dynasty. The nomads technically owe their allegiance to the ruler of their country, which he earns by letting them do their own thing and not making many demands of them. "Yeah, he's a good king. We like him. He leaves us alone." It's hard to aid nomads, and it's hard to find nomads to aid the ruler... but that's the theory under which they operate.

Relationships with Other Nations:

Trade is generally pretty good and diverse in this country. There are raids by Markazor to the north, Ghoere to the west, Osoerde to the south. These countries are not too happy about a successful Khinasi dynasty in Anuire. They believe it's the doorway to more Khinasi coming and taking over. The Elinians are pretty happy with the way they do things, so such conflict tends to strengthen their resolve rather than discouraging them. <p>-------------------------
"It has always been the prerogative of children and half-wits to point out that the emperor has no clothes. But the half-wit remains a half-wit and the emperor remains an emperor." -- Sandman "The Kindly Ones" </p>Edited by: Kai&nbsp; Image at: 1/20/06 17:13

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Holy crap other people need to use this thread, too.

Unread postby Kai » Sat Feb 11, 2006 12:44 pm

I was asked for available times.

Wednesday nights I'm good after about 7.5e and I don't have to get up the next day. I'm available most nights after 9.5e, but Fridays and Saturdays I often have unlimited time, and when tabletop sessions are going to occur, I know beforehand.

In Malta time, these times are 1.5am on Wednesdays and 3.5am on other weekdays. Once again, weekends are good, as I'm available during the day when it's more of a sensible time in the land of Daien. <p>-------------------------
"It has always been the prerogative of children and half-wits to point out that the emperor has no clothes. But the half-wit remains a half-wit and the emperor remains an emperor." -- Sandman "The Kindly Ones" </p>

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Re: Holy crap other people need to use this thread, too.

Unread postby Nakibe » Sun Feb 12, 2006 1:55 am

Just in case this has been forgotten:

Currently I am available at these times

Sunday all day. Before Noon is a little annoying, but I can do it.

Monday after 10:30 PM EST. NORMALLY I get off from class at 7:45 and then go to Tae Kwan Do class afterwards, which is what's up with the late timing.

Tuesday and Wednesday, I'll be free after 8:30 EST. Again, I get off at 7:45, so the extra time is me making sure I'm actually HOME before things start.

Thursday, same as Monday.

Friday I'm free all day. As with Sunday I tend to sleep in given the chance.

Saturday I'm free after 2:45 PM EST. I have Tae Kwan Do class earlier again.

Note: the TKD class times are NOT solid, but I'd rather not move them since its harder to get there on the other days, and there's no class Wednesday. <p><span style="font-size:small;">

Currently idolizing - Roger Bacon, Shadow Hearts
Likes : Forbidden magics, Determined people, His teacher
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Method of Destroying the World : Feh. God can do it for me. >:{
Becomes Super Powerful When : ... well F***. When ISN'T he?</span>

"Lunatic? The sages of EVERY age were called that! Let HISTORY decide whether my actions were good or bad. For now, we must forge ahead!"</p>

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