Diane's characters

Character sheet archiving. Help with characters can be solicited here. This is also the place to talk Philsys or other RPing systems.
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pd Rydia
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Diane's characters

Unread postby pd Rydia » Wed Oct 27, 2004 5:30 am

This is totally a post with my characters in it. Totally. Mostly just to compile notes, and to keep myself from forgetting things. Again.

As a note, all weights are without equipment. Yeah.

<hr noshade size=7 width="74%" align=left>
Current characters:
<small>first character, avatar, whatever:</small>
Dia [below, unlinkable] (PS)

<small>[currently] completed sheets:</small>
Aerin (PS), Brandon (PS), Diikoi (freestyle), Jared (PS), Migi (PS), Pink (freestyle), Rai'm (PS), Rune (freestyle), Robert (freestyle), Sizreina (freestyle)
<font color="#ccddee"><center><small><small><small><small><small><small><small><small>http://p068.ezboard.com/frpgww60462frm9.showMessage?topicID=93.topic</small></small></small></small></small></small></small></small></center></font>
Other characters (unfinished/incomplete sheets):
Timmy the Bonsai (as used by Phil, for records; freestyle), "Lil' Rob" Kliyy, III (Risus)

<hr noshade size=7 width="74%" align=left> <p>
<center><small>"We are just poor, wandering corn farmers..."
</p>Edited by: pd Rydia&nbsp; Image at: 3/10/05 0:18

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pd Rydia
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Dia Rai

Unread postby pd Rydia » Wed Oct 27, 2004 10:49 pm


<li>name: <font color=teal>Dia Rai</font></li><li>RP world: Gaera Main</li><li>race: cursed dragonhalf (bunny-eared, bunny-tailed, human/shadow-aligned forest dragon)</li><li>birthdate: 1 Kazerora 1293</li><li>birthtown, hometown: unknown</li>current residence: Jade Dragon Inn, Doma City, Doma</li><li>drunk type: the whole spectrum, baby</li><li>family: Robert C. Kliyy, III (adopted son; RPer--pd Rydia), Alexander Maxilan (father, deceased; NPC--pd Rydia), Mikan Rai (half-brother; RPer--Nekogami), Ellyn/"Rai" (mother; NPC--pd Rydia), Kadalni (half-brother; RPer--pd Rydia), Pink (half-sister; RPer--pd Rydia)</li><li>typical clothing: <ul><li>in general -- <font color="#8b8b8b">grey</font> shirt, <font color="#008a81">green</font> pants, dark <font color="#4d4d4d">grey</font> belt--from which hangs a dagger, a wooden spoon, and a decoy money pouch--and a real money pouch enchanted by Mephistopholes to appear as a very worn, <font color="#ffdddd">pale pink</font> bunny plushie--if stolen, it is enchanted to cause the thief crushing guilt, until they: (1) get it back to its owner, or believe they have, or (2) the enchantment is dispelled</li><li>for combat/travel -- <font color="#8b8b8b">grey</font>-colored, magically-shielded robes, <font color="#008a81">green</font> belt, vorpal dagger, the enchanted money pouch tucked inside hidden pockets, and potions/other supplies as needed by job and/or situation</li></li></ul><li>physical characteristics: <ul><li>dragonhalf form -- 5' 6" tall, ~160 lbs; <font color="#cceeff">pale blue</font> eyes; <font color="#885500">brown</font> hair usually pulled back in a ponytail; human appearance aside from stubby, <font color="#ffffcc">ivory</font>-colored horns and <font color="#004004">dark green</font> wings; wings are as tall as Dia, have a span of 7'8" when stretched, and are too frail and small for flight; bleeds, blushes, and flushes <font color="#006633">green</font>; may appears lighter in weight than she is, if one doesn't take the wings into account (as a human might)</li><li>dragon form -- 12' foot to shoulder, 16' snout to tailtip, 26' wingspan; <font color="#004004">dark green</font> scales, <font color="#cceeff">pale blue</font> eyes; small head, shaped like a narrow cone, muzzle ending in a short hook; series of stubby, <font color="#fffcc">ivory</font> horns ring either side of the face, pointing towards the wings--two longer horns towards the top, and smaller ones curving along the side; stubby tail; dragon form looks misproportioned and not fully grown to Gaeran dragons</li></li></ul><li>personality: if you don't already know, RP with me, strumpet. :[]</li><li>religious beliefs: Now, given that Dia's first experience with 'religion' was with Rivan dragoons--a group generally fond of twisting Ishtarian texts to justify the hunt and murder of dragonkind--Dia has never been too keen on worship. Even upon learning the 'proper' Ishtarian teachings from Daniel Hyral, she was still pretty wary about the whole religion thing. Now, when deities started popping up randomly into her life? That was probably the straw that sprouted a mouth and legs before proceeding to jump up and down shouting: "Holy shit, Loki totally just animated a straw to have legs and talk to you! Why should you worship any damn god if they just spend their time screwing around with people's lives like this?" So, yeah. Dia doesn't really worship anything, and that's about her reasons. She does, however, curse in Ryuugami's name a fair bit.</li><li>other: Suffers from teleportation sickness and a somewhat manageable fear of heights. Dia has a shadow-alignment, for those who can sense such a thing. She also has an atypical aura due to her nature--for those with characters who check auras as a matter of course (and you should do this anyway), be sure to mention it when you're RPing with me. :o</li>

Image Image Image

artwork by DMSCV (slight tweaks to colors), VampireJesterJinx/Lex, and Choark respectively


Dia wound up an orphan at the age of 9 when her father, a Rivan mercenary, finally met his end in a tavern brawl--not the timeliest of deaths, or the best testament to his abilities, but a taste for alcohol seems to run in the family. Not very interested in staying at the place where her father had been killed, Dia took off and fairly much ran, not paying a great deal of attention to where she was going. Other things were on her mind. By the time she calmed down, she had travelled to the nearby town of Lowangen. Not finding the general populace very sympathetic to a strange, beggar child, the girl found herself wandering to an alley, hoping to find something...

What she wound up with was a small, dark green lapdragon with yellow eyes and a pair of drunken dragoons who were bent on torturing it to death, for ye olde shits and giggles. Dia being Dia...she told them off. Naturally. Aaand lost control of spell which disguises her dragonhalf traits. Things might have gone very badly, if in her anger she hadn't inadvertantly cast a harmless spell. It didn't do anything--hence the harmless part--but it was enough to attract the attention of Dragan (RPer--DogshamanPhil), a travelling sorcerer who had settled in town to perform healing and other magical services. Being nearby, the Valthi investigated into the matter quickly...

Well, after taking care of that little situation, and learning the events which brought had led the girl there, Dragan took it upon himself to raise and educate the dragonhalf. She soon proved to possess some amount of magical talent, as it happened--though she seemed completely incapable of casting even the most basic of healing spells, she took to summoning and illusion especially. While not having the greatest temperament for studying, with the rules Dragan set there wasn't a great deal Dia had to do but sit around and practice magic. So, that's what she did.

However, grateful though she was for everything Dragan had done for her, Dia was juvenilely stubborn in many ways, and determined to honor her father by being the next great mercenary in the Maxilan line. By the age of 14 she began earning her living as a mercenary magician, travelling around much of the eastern side of Igala, from then on until the age of 20. A great deal of consequence happened during that time--enough to keep Dia talking for days, if you could actually get her to talk about it--but it is arguably most important to note how her mercenary days came to an end.

One day in 1313, Dia was approached by Pheryl (RPer--Nekogami)--a woman who'd once or thrice threatened her life. Imagine Dia's surprise when the bastet, in much distress, announced that she had to leave Doma very soon, and would be honored if Dia would take care of her inn for her. Being all at once confused and confronted with a distraught woman, and having no idea how to handle either matter, the dragonhalf did the only thing that came to mind--she agreed.

Since then, Dia has been the innkeep of the Jade Dragon Inn, a position she treats with progressively less reluctance and increasing competency each year. While she would still prefer to be traipsing about the continent doing merc jobs--and sometimes, she will still sneak out to do so--since adjusting to the idea of staying in one place long enough to make, and keep, friends...and since officially adopting Robert...she can't deny the advantages in her new job. To herself, anyway.

--Board RPs--

<li>While the Hit Reaches its Conclusion: [thread--UBB] | [archives]</li><li>Rise of the Guild: [thread--UBB and Keenspace] | [archives]</li><li>In Pursuit of the Darkness: [thread] | [archives]</li><li>Ryuugami's Temple: [thread] | [archives]</li><li>Wedding Day in Doma: [thread] | [archives]</li><li>Trouble Hatching: [thread] | [archives] (non-canon)</li><li>Grand Reopening: [thread] | [archives]</li><li>The Colosseum (Phil Sys Combat Tests): [thread] | [archives] (non-canon)</li><li>An Interview with Timmy: [thread] | [archives] (non-canon)</li><li>School Daze: [thread] | [archives] (non-canon)</li><li>To Cure a Cabbit: [thread] | [not yet archived] (on-going)</li>

--Related Stories/Fics--

Threads may not have the final version of the stories, but they're easier to leave feedback/C&C to (always welcome) . Listed chronologically, accordingly to in-story events.

<li>untitled Ellyn fic: [final version; not yet available] - [thread]</li><li>Dear Ayra: [final version; not yet available] - [thread]</li><li>Readiness: [final version; not yet available] - [thread]</li><li>untitled: [unfinished] - [thread]</li>

<li>vorpal dagger (+1/+1, capable of damaging incorporeal beings)</li><li>money pouch enchanted by Mephistopholes to appear as a very worn, pale pink bunny plushie--if stolen, it is enchanted to cause the thief crushing guilt, until they: (1) get it back to its owner, or believe they have, or (2) the enchantment is somehow dispelled. Dia doesn't typically carry more than 140-300 gil on her around Doma, or 5000 on trips, unless she has a very good reason to bring more.</li><li>equipped items (see below)</li>

Name: Dia Rai
RPer: pd Rydia
Race: dragonhalf
Level: 6
XP: 730/3250
Max HP: 94
Max MP: 124
Max TP: 43
Initiative: 8 + 2d6 (10-20)


Courage: +5
Wisdom: +6
Intuition: +4
Charisma: +1
Agility: +3
Dexterity: +1
Strength: 0
Stamina: +2
Magic Aptitude: 5

Base AT/PA: 12/12
Modified for Daggers skill: 18/14
Modified for equipment: 18/14

Body=Shielded Robe (13, 0/0), Arms=Leather Bracers (10, -1/-1), Misc=Father's necklace

Weapon Damage: Vorpal Dagger (+1/+1)
Thrusting: 5+1d6 (6-11)
Slashing: 8+2d4 (10-16)
Chopping: 11+2d6 (13-23)


Daggers: 9 <Cou/Str/Agi>
Unarmed: 4 <Cou/Str/Agi>
Dragon Magic: 4 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Illusion Magic: 12 <Int/Mag/Mag>
Mental Magic: 5 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Shadow Magic: 9 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Summon Magic: 14 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Pickpocketing: 3 <Cou/Dex/Dex>
Trading: 4 <Cou/Int/Cha>
[s]Dragon Affinity: 4 <Mag/Cha/Cou>
[s]Drinking: 3 <Sta>
[s]Bullshit: 4 <Cha/Wis/Int>
[s]Deception: 4 <Cha/Cha/Dex>
[s]Stealth: 3 <Dex/Agi/Agi>


<li>[Innate] Shadow Alignment (no cost): Dia is shadow aligned. She recieves a 50% base damage reduction from shadow-based attacks; as she increases in level (5, 10, 15, 20) this bonus increases (by 25% pre increment). However, she recieves double damage from holy attacks, and cannot be healed by holy elemental spells.</li><li>[Innate] Dragon Form (12 TP): My OTHER vehicle is a dragon. Dia transforms into a 12 foot tall dragon, her clothing and equipment melding into scales until she returns to "human" form. While transformed, her Shadow Magic rank increases by half her level and her HP rises by 30%. She gains +3 to her strength, but suffers a penalty of -3 to her dexterity. Her normal armor is disregarded, and she gains a natural AC of 24. There are several RP precussions of this transformation as well, both in the way other react to her and Dia's personality.</li><li>[Innate] Breath (4 TP): Shadow-based magical attack which deals 46+3d6 damage to any creature within range of its blast (6 hexes long, 4 hexes wide). Can only be used in dragon form. No mentos is large enough for this job.</li><li>[Unarmed=2] Boot (to tha Head) (3 TP): Improves Dia's unarmed damage by 1.5x</li><li>[Unarmed=4] Luck of the Brawl (2 TP/round): All those fights with the goblins have to amount to something. Dia has developed something of a sixth sense in a fight, allowing her to guess what attacks are coming before they come, a skill she can tap into with the right concentration. Plus 4 to PA rolls.</li><li>[Dragon Mag=1, Dragon Affinity=1, Summon=1] Dragon Spirit (5 TP, 15 MP): Dia gives all allies a physical shield of AC=3*rank, for 3 turns.</li><li>[Dragon Mag=2, Shadow=1] Dragon Fangs (2 TP, 15 MP): Dia's astral dragon form chomps down on an opponent. Tasty! Deals 20+1d10 (21-30) damage, and deals 1.5x damage to shadow creatures.</li><li>[Dragon Mag=3] Dragon Drain (10 TP): Drains 6+rank*2+1d6 MP from an opponent and gives it to Dia.</li><li>[Dragon Mag=4] Soul Flame (10 HP, 10 TP, 75 MP): Dia sacrifices part of her life force to deliver 74+1d20 (75-94) points of shadow damage to all enemies within a 15 foot radius.</li><li>[Mental=1] Telepathy: It's talking...IN YOUR HEAD.</li><li>[Mental=3] Guarded Telepathy: It's talking...IN YOUR HEAD. Only this time, with a guard around the conversation to keep out prying 'eyes' and 'ears.'</li><li>[Mental=4] MindLash (14 MP): Dia uses a forced telepathic link to attack a single opponent. If it's not forced, it's easier! Deals 10+rank*5+2d6 and requires no chanting.</li><li>[Shadow=1] Shadowball (5 MP): Forms a ball of compressed shadow energy which deals 7+rank+1d6 damage to one target.</li><li>[Shadow=4] Shadow Heal (18 MP): Eat this, white mages! Heals one target, restoring 15+rank*4+2d6 HP. Can be used to heal anyone --including the undead, demons, etc.--except holy-aligned creatures (such as certain divine celestials, or celestial dragons). In order to cast this spell, Dia has to be bleeding from a wound.</li><li>[Shadow=8] Dark Explosion (50 MP): Deals 14+rank*4+2d6 points of shadow damage to all targets within a 20 foot radius of the target.</li><li>[Illusion=5] Improved Distraction (8 MP): Hey, look over there! A more complex illusion spell, this spell can create an illusion with up to two dimensions (fools two senses), as well as an illusion of greater complexity.</li></li><li>[Illusion=6] Mimic (10 MP): This spell enables the caster to create an illusion which makes them resemble someone else. The caster can make themselves to appear to be anyone or look however they so desire, so long as they can clearly imagine it.</li>--(all of Dia's summons stay in effect for 5 turns except where noted; summons are unarmoured, have Dia's PA, and all damage directed toward summons go to her)--
<li>[Summon=1] MegaImp (5 MP)- Dia calls upon her first summoned monster! A rather large imp annoys the enemy for 1d6 HP and MP damage. Can cause a a -3/-3 penalty to AT/PA, which can be disregarded at the GM's discretion, depending upon how the target would respond to the imp.</li><li>[Summon=1] Goblinsquad (11 MP): Dia calls out to a pair of northern goblins she befriended as a child. Cletus and Billy Bob come and bop the crap out of an enemy for 10+1d10 (11-20) damage/turn. On a critical success, the whole clan comes to town, a-hootin' and a-hollerin'.</li><li>[Summon=2] Territorial Chocobo (17 MP): Dia summons a chocobo from a distant forest. A cute lil' chocobo pecks the holy bejeesus out of an enemy for 16+2d8 (18-32) damage/turn. On a critical success, a very large, very fat chocobo falls out of the sky to squish the target.</li><li>[Summon=3] Sylph Drain (27 MP): Aw, they're so pretty...OW FUCK. Drains 16-2d8 (18-32) HP from an enemy, and transfers it to an ally of Dia's choice.</li><li>[Summon=5, Dragon Affinity=2] Fluffy (24 MP): Dia's dragon companion Fluffy materializes to maul a chosen target. Deals 14+rank(of dragon affinity)+2d8 (20-34). Only works in this manner if Fluffy is sufficiently distant.</li><li>[Summon=5, Shadow=3] Shadow Beast (25 MP, 10 TP): Conjures a beast from the shadowplane to attack the enemy for 20+rank(of both subskills)+1d20. Stays in effect for [SUMMON RANK]/3 turns, rounded to the nearest whole.</li><li>[Summon=7] Cactrot (40 MP): One thousand needles of fun! Deals 15+3*rank+2d8 damage to a single target.</li><li>[Summon=10] Meph (20 MP): Meph is called away from the Grinning Cat to play a prank on a target of Dia's choice. Casts a random --and as Meph is an intelligent creature-- useful negative status; at GM's discretion, "little girl" can be one of those. If the opponent is successfully inflicted with the status of "little girl," Dia turns into an part-usagijin with pink robes for the duration of a week.</li><li>[Summon=12, Shadow=8] Cerebus (50 MP, 15 TP): And for Dia's next trick, she will summon a lesser demon from the underworld! It's amazing some of the things you can pick up as a barmistress in Doma, with a little bit of the right skills. The only thing this sweet-tempered three-headed puppy asks for in return for doing Dia's bidding is a little taste of flesh of the innocent...of course. Deals 45+2*rank(of both subskills)+3d8.</li></small></ul> <p>
<center><small>"We are just poor, wandering corn farmers..."
</p>Edited by: pd Rydia&nbsp; Image at: 2/12/06 21:36

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pd Rydia
Posts: 5269
Joined: Mon Apr 22, 2002 4:12 pm
Location: Temple of Fiends

Rai'm Abrillynn Tymisonn

Unread postby pd Rydia » Thu Oct 28, 2004 2:04 am


<li>name: <font color=maroon>Rai'm Abrillynn Tymisonn</font></li><li>RP world: Gaera Main</li><li>race: human</li><li>birthdate: 1 Luciara 1291</li><li>revived: somewhere between 27 of Nekora and the 16 of Tzelara, 1313
<font color=red>(if anyone has the exact date, please let me know!)</font></li><li>city of birth, home town: Doma City, Doma</li><li>current residence: various, Doma City, Doma</li><li>drunk type: apt to be broody</li><li>family: Ak'Zhis Tymisonn (father, deceased; NPC--KingOfDoma), Jenna Tymisonn [Pinya] (mother, deceased; NPC--KingOfDoma), Ak'Zhul (grandfather, deceased; NPC--KingOfDoma), Daenj'r Tymisonn (older brother; RPer--KingOfDoma), Jazz Ann Tymisonn [Lillyn] (sister-in-law; RPer--VampireJesterJinx/Lex), Kodi Rae Tymisonn (nephew; RPer--Nekogami), Jenna Tymisonn (niece; RPer--Choark), Hakaril Tymisonn (nephew; RPer--KingOfDoma), Ak'zhul Tymisonn (nephew; RPer--VampireJesterJinx/Lex)</li><li>typical clothing: <font color="#555555">grey</font> shirt, <font color="#991111">faded red</font> jacket, black or <font color="#000055">navy</font> pants--all baggy, but the pants are a good several inches too short to trip over; has three sets of earrings, two sets in the cartilage, one set in the lobes; usually hides a number of daggers on her person; will dress up when 'going out,' and might otherwise change shirts or pants, but always wears the same jacket, barring its destruction (in which case, she will buy a duplicate)</li><li>physical characteristics: 5'6", ~110 lbs; <font color="#9d0500">reddish-brown</font> eyes, <font color="#722200">deep-brown</font> skin; very thin build, which she tries to hide within her clothes; black hair, almost always styled in some manner or another</li><li>personality: moody is a good word to keep in mind--manipulative is another; however, generally, Rai'm can be pleasant to get along with, so long as you don't set her off; suspicious, superstitious, curious; generally likes to appear friendly, whether she is or not--though when she isn't, she's apt to drop the act at whim to give a piece of her mind as she likes; as her moods swing, so she bounces between cynicism and idealism, trusting and untrusting, and her old way of lawlessness and her new way as an on and off again worshipper of Mithra.</li><li>religious beliefs: Originally, Rai'm had no great interest in religion one way or another. Upon rediscovering Dae, she was distinctly turned off by it. Now, she has taken an interest in studying the god of justice, Mithra--particularly the order surrounding him.</li><li>other: Rai'm, having had a moderately successful career on the streets, may be known around Doma City by some of the criminal elements. For those who have access to such records, there are no warrants out for Rai'm's arrest; Rai'm, in fact, has had a full, royal pardon for all of the past crimes that she has been caught for; there are no stated reasons for this. The date for this is sometime late in 1312. It should probably be noted that Rai'm was killed by General Arnast in the Malachian Invasion in 1313, was revived by the god Mithra, and was one who helped take Malachias down, along with Ara du Mythril, and Hakaril Silvar, Jak Snide. Bears resemblance to the distant relative to the king, Princess Reese, who made a brief appearance in Doma spanning around late 1311 to early/middle 1312.</li>

Image Image
both artwork by Nekogami


Rai'm is one of those people who can make herself either extremely pleasant or unpleasant to be around--and can change at the drop of a hat. Within her element, she is outgoing and talkative; not many people, however, see her take off on her own to spend time alone, in introspection. Having grown up on the streets in the capital of Doma as first a street rat and later a more successful thief, she's equipped with a fair bit of knowledge about Doma City: among other things, it's main streets and avenues, and a good deal of the better back routes and alleys; which shops you can buy what types of things at; and increasingly more dated knowledge of its important figures in the crime scene. She arms herself with a switchblade, a motleyglot of magic she has learned from various--only sometimes shady--acquaintances, a little bit of deceit, and all the information she can gather. When all else fails her, she can run like hell.

There is a saying in the Tymisonn family to the effect of 'hero blood' running in the family. Rai'm, now, didn't greatly care for this--she had an older brother, you see, that she looked up to greatly while she was little. Daen was such a great thief and swindler...in his little sister's eyes, anyway. But one day he disappeared, and given her alcoholic father and deceased mother, Rai'm felt greatly betrayed; she basically felt that he brother had left her to fend for herself. She soon left her 'home,' with no small amount of hatred of her father and some amount of fear she would never admit, and continued her own--education, of sorts.

It was in 1312 that she rediscovered her brother. Daenj'r had since become a white mage of the Temple of Ashura; which came as a great shock to his sister, and further compounded the sense of betrayal she felt. She was quite determined to leave him alone from there on, but as chance would have it, he caught her while she was trying to relieve a drunk mercenary (RPer--Shirinai/Seaniel) of a few of his possessions.

Of a necessity, an alliance promptly formed between the two, but it was uneasy. Even though her brother wanted Rai'm to give up thieving, Rai'm stubbornly refused. Nevertheless, she did begin to sporadically keep in touch with her brother--perhaps partially motivated by a desire to mooch off his temple, before its complete and utter destruction (in which she had a...small part, she would admit). Rai'm now stays in more reliable contact due to her brother's marriage to Jazz and the birth of their three children. She and Daen more or less get along now--when they don't talk for very long. Daen still has an amazing ability to send Rai'm into furies, by trying to control her life, read her thoughts (literally), and generally not respect her as an individual.

Known only to the King and to anyone with whom he may have confided, Rai'm briefly spent time masquerading as Princess Rees'n (Anita Kaela Vivian Domanada) of Doma, at the request of the King; however she gratefully left the castle following the birth of a real heir, Elle. She has spent some time traveling around Doma at the suggestion of a friend, funding traveling expenses with mercenary jobs. Not finding the latter to her liking, but enjoying the former, she has been looking into other ways to raise money for travel.

What, with how her mood is always changing, Rai'm has a hard time settling on a philosophy--the nature of Doma City doesn't really help so much, either. However, recently, she has become quite interested in the Gaeran god of justice, Mithra. It is an understandable interest, given his role in her resurrection in 1313.

--Board RPs--

</li>Little Bells: [thread--UBB, Keenspace] | [archives]
</li><li>Coronation Day: [threadUBB, Keenspace] | [archives]
</li><li>The Book of Three Kings: [thread] | [archives]
</li><li>The Chosen One: [thread] | [archives]
</li><li>A Wash of Anger: [thread] | [archives]
</li><li>An Interview with Timmy: [thread] | [archives] (non-canon)</li>

<li>-=- switchblade (pocket)</li><li>-=- two throwing daggers (hidden in left shoe, right sleeve)</li><li>-=- mage masher (belt)</li><li>-=- jacket</li>

Name: Rai'm Tymisonn
RPer: pd Rydia
Race: Human
Level: 6
XP: 100/4000
Max HP: 124
Max MP: 82
Max TP: 52
Initiative: 7+2d6 (9-19)


Courage: +4
Wisdom: +3
Intuition: +3
Charisma: +3
Agility: +3
Dexterity: +5
Strength: +1
Stamina: +4
Magic Aptitude: 3

Base AT/PA: 11/11
Modified for skill: 12/20
Modified for armor: 13/24

Body=Jacket (AC 3)

Weapon Damage: Mage Masher
( 1/ 1, 6/9/11)
(+4 to hit on mages (5 or 6 Mag), and max damage. Also decreases Mattack by 4 for 1d2 rounds. Also has Light of Law, see below)
Thrusting: 7+1d6
Slashing: 11+2d4
Chopping: 14+2d6


Daggers: 12 <Dex/Dex/Agi>
Mediation: 4 <Cha/Cha/Int>
Climbing: 2 <Str/Agi/Dex>
Throwing Weapons (non-aerodynamic): 4 <Str/Dex/Int>
[S]Stealth: 4 <Dex/Agi/Agi>
[S]Limb Defense: 6 <Dex/Dex/Agi>
Fire Magic: 2 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Healing Magic: 7 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Holy Magic: 7 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Ice Magic: 1 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Malediction Magic: 6 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Mental Magic: 1 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Time Magic: 3 <Mag/Wis/Int>


<li>[Innate] Luckout (2 TP): It's a family skill... (contact for table)</li><li>[item granted] Light of Law (18 MP) When striking with a slash attack, if the target is a demon, they immediately make a magical resist roll against <Mag/Wis/Int> Rai'm's level. Failure causes the spell to be cast on them, which causes an extra 14 Rai'm's level * 4 2d6 damage. This ability does not activate if the MP cost cannot be met using just MP.</li><li>[Mediation=1] Flatter (4 TP): Charm a non-hostile target.</li><li>[Mediation=3] Wheedle (2 TP): Ability to find out information from people that otherwise might not be shared.</li><li>[Fire=1] Hungry Flame (4 MP): A small ball of fire eats at the enemy: does 6 rank 1d6 damage to one target.</li><li>[Fire=2] Human Torch (3 MP): Causes the caster to glow for RANK hours, unless they will the effect to stop beforehand, providing illumination equivalent to the average torch.</li><li>[Heal=1] Heal (15 MP): Recovers 10 rank*2 1d6 HP to any target. 2x-4x damage against undead.</li><li>[Heal=4] Purge (14 MP): Cures the abnormal statuses of berserk, confusion, magically induced paralysis and blindness, and cures up to 3 levels of poison.</li><li>[Heal=4] Revive (30 MP, 4 TP): Revives an unconscious ally to 10% of their total HP (round up). The target suffers no disorientation penalty (besides some penalties for burdening injuries such as crushed bones) and can take actions right away (as in, their next turn in the normal initiative order).</li><li>[Holy=2] Holy Blast (8 MP): Rai'm fires off a ball of holy energy to one target, dealing 8 3*rank 1d6 damage.</li><li>[Holy=4] Justice (17 MP): Justice hits one enemy with a sword of light that Rai'm creates then fires off, dealing 12 6*rank 2d6 damage.</li><li>[Ice=1] IceSpear (4 MP): A small ice shard stabs the enemy: does 6 rank 1d6 damage to one target.</li><li>[Malediction=1] Poison (8 MP): If successful Does 5 rank 1d6 damage, and poisons on 50%.</li><li>[Malediction=1] Cramp (8 MP): Stuns an opponent for a round. Stunned opponents suffer a -4/-4 penalty and cannot act.</li><li>[Malediction=5] Sleep (16 MP): Causes a target to snooze until hit. Sleeping targets are considered totally defenseless (a -10/-10 penalty)</li><li>[Mental=1] Telepathy: conversing telepathically with others</li><li>[Time=1] Slow (10 MP): an enemy of choice is slowed for 2 RANK turns (max of 5 turns), or a group of enemies is slowed for RANK/2 turns (rounded down)</li><li>[Time=2] Haste (10 MP): an ally of choice is hasted for 2 RANK turns (max of 5 turns), or the group is hasted for RANK/2 turns (rounded down)</li></ul></small> <p>
<center><small>"We are just poor, wandering corn farmers..."
</p>Edited by: pd Rydia&nbsp; Image at: 11/4/04 11:55 pm

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Aerin Nicole Marra

Unread postby pd Rydia » Thu Oct 28, 2004 4:41 am


</li><li>name: <font color=navy>Aerin Nicole Marra ("Dee")</font></li><li>RP world: Gaera Main</li><li>race: human</li><li>birthdate: 1 Reshtara 1346 (alternate dimension Gaera; was 15 upon arriving in Gaera Main in 1311)</li><li>city of birth, hometown: Narshe, Doma</li><li>current residence: <font color=red>??</font>, Solasia--however, spends most of her time traveling with Adele</li><li>drunk type: unknown</li><li>family: Justin Marra (father), Abigeal Marra [Baird] (mother), Tara Marra (younger sister), Kathleen Marra (younger sister), Addan Marra (younger brother), Maeve Marra (younger sister), Donny Marra (younger brother)
<font color=navy>--none RPed, all currently not in Gaera Main; open to being RPed, if interested, but they would have to be brought into a setting that is still used</font></li><li>typical clothing: simple pants and a shirt, that will not attract attention; wears them loose enough to allow for movement and to hide the armored vest she wears underneath as best as she can; coat lined for flying, and goggles when necessary; prefers blues, greens, silvers, greys, whites, browns</li><li>physical characteristics: <font color="#8f9CC2">blue-grey</font> eyes, <font color="#b7b7b7">silver</font> hair, <font color="#f2e2cc">"fair"</font> skin, freckles; 5'4", slightly toned muscles; often has a nervous or stressed appearance</li><li>personality: poster child for social anxiety; easily nervous, stressed, intimidated, and sometimes paranoid; will often keep quiet when she shouldn't, if it means less social discomfort for her; will often lose her anxiety around children, her friend Tayr'or, and sometimes, her Solasian knight companion ; enjoys spending time alone, traveling, and reading; is slowly learning better social habits from Adele</li><li>religious beliefs: Whatever happened to the gods of her world, Aerin did not know--she had never once heard of them; she was shocked upon hearing of such things. Just about everyone treated the gods as fact--the king, queen, most of Doma, Adele, and the entire Solasian council. She was finally convinced by a fire dragon mother--a Paladin of Ryuugami--who had met the goddess in person, and received a blessing on the clutch she had been carrying. Having thus been talked past her misgivings, Aerin is being enthusiastically tutored by Adele in Ryuugami's Holy Texts and the proper ways to honor and worship Ryuugami...although, Aerin is not so sure Adele really knows what she's talking about, so much.</li><li>other: Farsighted. Aerin was a resident at the castle for a good year, as the guest of Cardinal, starting at sometime in 1311 when she arrived in Gaera Main.</li>
by Nekogami


Both Justin and Abigeal Marra were born and raised in Narshe, Doma--and that is where they raised their family, on a self-sufficient farm on the outskirts of town. Aerin was their eldest child, and...different, somewhat, in a way they couldn't place, but loving, mindful of her chores, and a great help with her younger siblings. Considering the general state of the magic-locked, turmoil-ridden world, the Marras couldn't ask for a great deal more.

Aerin, herself, was rather pleased with her set-up. She was quite close to her family, and life at home was a great deal more peaceful than what she heard about when she was sent into the center of Narshe on various errands. Indeed, her trips into central Narshe were probably the only major part of her life that she regretted; she had no particular fondness for the boisterous and often violent ways of the city folk. It was amazing how quiet she could become upon entering 'their territory.' Nonetheless, she managed to make some friends from off the farm--such as Tayr'or Complin (RPer--KingOfDoma).

Among her other chores, Aerin was responsible for doing some hunting for the family; for this, she was trained in the use of the crossbow. Conveniently, she took extra time in this activity to explore some of the uninhabited area around the farm--an activity her parents would forbid, if they had known about it, given the stories of monsters in the area. She was investigating a set of ruins with curious runes set in the walls...when the world around her seemed to turn liquid, then suck her through the air and into nothingness before dumping her into a surprisingly solid Doma Castle. The mage Cardinal (RPer--KingOfDoma) was standing in front of her, looking a bit surprised himself.

It took a while for Aerin to understand what had just happened, who Cardinal was, and why Doma Castle was in one piece. Once it was established that she had been pulled out of her proper world and brought into another, she rather desired to return to her own. However, upon attempting this, Cardinal only succeeded in displacing no other than Tayr'or, as well. Needless to say, the explanation process had to be repeated.

By way of apology, Cardinal made a request of the king, and Aerin and Tayr'or were allowed to stay in the castle until such time that Cardinal would be able to find a way to send them home. However, Tayr'or seemed to disappear shortly after, and after waiting for over a year as a guest in a luxurious castle, on someone else's gil and doing nothing to earn it, Aerin began to feel guilty. She informed Cardinal that she would return periodically to check on his progress, and left to see what she could do to support herself.

After floating around a few jobs of varying kinds, Aerin discovered--with the help of others' knowledge--latent magical abilities. She visited Gunnir Academy, and was even briefly tempted to enroll, despite her desire to return home, where magical training would mean little. She also briefly spent time under the tutelage of Mahou Wyrd, a bounty hunter.

Eventually, she wound up along the coast of Riva. Here, she was approached by a young dragon in human form named Adeletheniarisil (RPer--Nekogami)--who mercifully allows herself to be addressed as Adele. After some conversation, Adele enthusiastically asked Aerin if she wanted to be her dragon knight; thinking this was some sort of game, perhaps, Aerin agreed...

Adele then promptly transformed into a dragon, and stuffâ„¢ happened. It didn't take long for Aerin to find out she had just made a life-long commitment to an adolescent dragon to be her partner in the service of the country of Solasia and the goddess of dragons, Ryuugami.

Well, shit.


Name: Aerin Marra
RPer: Rydia
Race: Human
Level: 1
XP: 0/1000
Max HP: 65
Max MP: 80
Max TP: 20
Initiative 1+2d6 (3-13)


Courage: 0
Wisdom: +2
Intuition: +4
Charisma: +2
Agility: +1
Dexterity: +3
Strength: +2
Stamina: +2
Magic Aptitude: 5

Base AT/PA: 7/7
Modified for skill: 10/8
Modified for armor/weapons: 9/7

Body: Armored Vest (AC 15, -1/-1)

Weapon Damage: Light Crossbow (2H)
[15 accuracy, +6 damage, 5 weight, +1 str requirement]
Shooting: 28+2d4 (22 2d4 base)


Missile Weapons (crossbow): 4 <Dex/Dex/Str>
Ice Magic: 4 <Mag/Int/Wis>
Water Magic: 4 <Mag/Int/Wis>
Lock-picking: 3 <Dex/Dex/Wis>
Tracking: 3 <Int/Wis/Sta>
[k]I am a Farmer: 4
[k]Stealth: 4
[k]Survival: 4
[k]Solasian Lore: 4
[s]Mounted Fighting (dragon): 4 pd Rydia&nbsp; Image at: 11/3/04 4:57 pm

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Jared Kerlyn L'Mahreen

Unread postby pd Rydia » Thu Oct 28, 2004 3:42 pm


<li>name: <font color=red>Jared Kerlyn L'Mahreen</font></li><li>RP world: Gaera Main</li><li>race: dragon (pure elemental, shadow)</li><li>birthdate: 1 Falisara 1226</li><li>city of birth, current residence: series of mountain lairs with concealed entrances/exits, between Hell's Peak and Szezle, northeastern Riva [currently traveling Doma in search of his sister]</li><li>drunk type: stupid</li><li>family: Kovi L'Mahreen (father), Julea L'Mahreen [D'Myrrhe] (mother), Jaan L'Mahreen (older brother; RPer--White Knight/KnightsOfSquare), Joseph L'Mahreen (older brother; RPer--LDC), Joy L'Mahreen (younger sister; RPer--pd Rydia)</li><li>typical clothing:<ul><li>in general: varies; goes for reds and oranges in particular, and has no small fondness of finer clothing...even if he rarely has the money to buy them, or chance to wear them</li><li>for combat/travel: various old traveling clothes under light chain mail</li></li></ul><li>physical characteristics:<ul><li>human form: black eyes and hair, tanned skin from traveling; 5'11" tall, 170 lbs; wiry build, some muscle from doing the types of chores needed to be done around a dragon household</li><li>dragon form: black eyes and scales; 10' tall foot to shoulder, 18' snout to tailtip, 35' wingspan; small head, shaped like a narrow cone, muzzle ending in a sharp hook--the edge of the muzzle, which is hard like a beak at the tip, is serrated; the tail is thin and whip-like, unadorned at the end</li></li></ul><li>personality: [coming]</li><li>religious beliefs: "Why was Ryuugami not there to help us? Look at the situation we are in now..." Julea asked her mate, voice irritated and distressed. A deeper rumble answered, slowly. "Ryuugami did not make us so that she would have to eggsit us all the time--we are supposed to be intelligent beings--not Rai." Jared has kept this conversation in mind ever since. He's not sure, to this day, which side of the argument he's on...he does know that the patron goddess should help out her followers...but he also knows that Ryuugami is...was?...a daughter of Ishtar and Primaer... Research--Jared definitely wants more research, before coming to a decision about Ryuugami, and Solasia.</li><li>other: Like Dia, Jared has a shadow affinity and an atypical aura.</li>

When the nation of Solasia was beginning its descent, the first citizens to come under suspicion for the poisoning of Council members were the shadow dragons. Foreseeing the direction the nation was taking, the L'Mahreens fled from the capital, heading south to take refuge in Riva.

However, as Solasia gave way to infighting and crumbled into ruin, anti-dragon sentiment amongst the Rivan dragoons grew to a feverish height. Soon, the L'Mahreens found themselves in a dangerous situation. They were caught in the land between Hell's Peak and Szezle, which was newly seized by Riva, now in a country severely dangerous to travel in. Fearing for the safety of their two sons, Jaan and Joseph, the L'Mahreens decided to risk settling in the land, rather than traverse it. They made a home in the edge of the mountains, sufficiently distant from most human settlements, hoping to be able to lie low and wait out the hostilities--or, at the very least, live in isolated peace, undisturbed by humankind.

Soon after settling in the northern reaches of Riva, the L'Mahreen's third son, Jared, was born, and later, their daughter, Joy. The four children were raised and kept in isolation from the rest of Riva during their young childhood. Later, only the oldest, Jaan, was allowed to travel any length of distance away from home. When the L'Mahreen family needed supplies that could not be gathered immediately around their lairs, Jaan was the one sent out to obtain them. Any other errands which involved travel fell on his shoulders, as well.

One day, however, Jaan injured himself in one such errand, and was too crippled to move. Jared--deemed more responsible for the task than his older brother Joseph--was sent out on an errand to contact the new Rivan government. Supposedly, the new government was opposed to the Rivan dragoons of old...and a segment of Rivan dragoons had taken camp dangerously near to the L'Mahreen's home. Jared was sent out to inform the government of this situation, and--with luck--obtain their help in ousting the dragoons.

After completing this task--successfully, although with questionable personal success--Jared returned home...only to be sent out to search for his younger sister, Joy. She had, once again, decided to sneak away from the homelairs and go traipsing about dangerous lands without a care in the world. However, not completing this task in a timely enough manner for his parents, he soon ran into his brother Joseph, who was sent to find the two of them...

Then, through some great twists of logic, and with no little help from a traveler named Chandler (RPer--Archmage), Joy managed to convince her brothers that traveling to Doma City was a very good idea indeed! Or, at least, in the case of Joseph, a trial of manhood.

And so, Jared <small><small>the MIGHTY</small></small> found himself within Doman borders!

--Board RPs--

<li>An Interview with Timmy: [thread] | [archives] (not canon)</li>

<li>-=- chemist bag</li><li>-=- mortar and pestle</li><li>-=- box containing glass bottles with stoppers</li><li>-=- bag of herbs


Name: Jared L'Mahreen
RPer: pd Rydia
Race: dragon (pure elemental, shadow)
Level: 2
XP: 125/1250
Max HP: 84
Max MP: 51
Max TP: 24
Initiative: 2+2d6 (4-14)


Courage: (-2)
Wisdom: +3
Intuition: +2
Charisma: (-1)
Agility: +4
Dexterity: +2
Strength: +5
Stamina: +4
Magic Aptitude: 4

Base AT/PA - 9/9
Modified for skill - 11/13
Modified for armor - 7/9

Body=Light Chainmail (20, -3/-3)

Weapon Damage - Traidam (-1/-1)
Thrusting - 14+5+1d6 (20-25)
Slashing - 18+10+2d4 (30-36)
Chopping - 23+15+2d6 (40-50)


Polearms - 6 <Str/Dex/Int>
Unarmed - 4 <Str/Dex/Int>
Shadow Magic - 5 <Mag/Int/Wis>
Mental Magic - 2 <Mag/Int/Wis>
Potion Mixing - 6 <Dex/Wis/Mag>
[k]Dragon Lore - 4
[k]Languages - 4
[k]Survival - 4
[s]Missile Evasion - 4
[s]Stealth - 4
[s]Two Handed Weapons - 6


<li>[Innate] Shadow Affinity (no cost) - Jared is a shadow elemental dragon. Thusly, he recieves a 50% base damage reduction from shadow-based attacks. As he increased in level (5, 10, 15, 20) this bonus increases (by 25% pre increment). However, he recieves double damage from holy attacks, and cannot be healed by holy elemental spells.</li><li>[Innate] True Form (10 TP) - Jared reverts to his shadow dragon form. Any clothing and equipment melds into his scales until he returns to "human" form. His HP rises by 30%, he gains +3 to strength, but suffers a penalty of -3 to dexterity. Any normal armour is disregarded, and he gains a natural AC of 15. There are several RP precussions of this transformation as well, as dictated by Common Sense (tm).</li><li>[Innate]Concentrate (5 TP) - Jared concentrates on forgetting his fears in battle by blocking out distractions. His Courage raises 3 but his intuition and wisdom drop 1 each. Concentration takes one turn to implement and lasts 1d4 turns.</li><li>[Languages]Jared is fluent in both Dragonic and Common, as well as proficient in Griffonic and common Elvish.</li><li>[Shadow=1]Dark Arrow (8 MP) - Shoots an "arrow" of shadow energy at a single target. Deals 8+rank*2+1d6 damage.</li><li>[Shadow=4]Dark Flare (22 MP) - A flare of shadow energy deals 10+rank*2+1d6 shadow damage to all targets within a 10 foot radius of the target.</li><li>[Mental=1]Telepathy - conversing telepathically with others.</li><li>[Potions=1]Weak Health Potion - If successful, makes two potions that will restore 10+1d10 HP each. Requires one part heartroot and two parts water, and a skill check that beats 12.</li><li>[Potions=2]Weak Mana Potion - If successful, makes two potions that will restore 8+1d6 mana each. Requires one part Elvish Ivy berries and one part Elvish Nettles, and a skill check that beats 15.</li></ul></small> <p>
<center><small>"We are just poor, wandering corn farmers..."
</p>Edited by: pd Rydia&nbsp; Image at: 11/5/04 12:07 am

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pd Rydia
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Brandon Ralhi

Unread postby pd Rydia » Thu Oct 28, 2004 5:25 pm


<li>name: <font color="#804000">Brandon Colby Flint Ralhi</font></li><li>RP world: Gaera Main</li><li>race: cursed human ('fluffy chimera')</li><li>birthdate: 1 Nekora 1286</li><li>city of birth, hometown: Aegir City, Baron [coastal city, tourist trap]</li><li>city of residence: none [travels]</li><li>drunk type: rowdy, friendly, and/or nostalgic</li><li>family: Darrel Ralhi (father), Carol Ralhi [Deanne] (mother)</li><li>typical clothing: whatever's around, serviceable, and mostly clean to slap on under the armor for a job; when otherwise spending time, some clean and preferably nice-looking clothes, whatever's to be had--preferably something that doesn't wrinkle too much when shoved into a bag and carted across Igala</li><li>physical characteristics: </li><ul><li>uncursed: 6'4", 230 lbs; green eyes, black hair, tanned skin; broad frame with the muscles to fill it out</li></li><li>cursed: same size, build, and eye color; fur of all shades in random, patchwork patterns; appears as a chimera of many "fluffy" races, but primarily neko-, inu-, and usagijin--has standing ears somewhere in appearance between that of an usagijin and that of an Aleman tribe (German shepherd-like) inujin; has a tail which resembles that of a lion--with a very furry tuft at the end--but is shorter and curls around like a Chou's (Chow's) tail; has a muzzles that is something between that of a fox and a rabbit; and has retractable claws</li></li></ul><li>personality: extroverted, sometimes laid-back, often willing to do a good turn when the situation allows for it, generally just out for a good time or excitement; doesn't have many attachments or "real" goals</li><li>religious beliefs: pays lip service to Ryuugami, and occassionally to other deities at appropriate moments</li><li>other: <font color=red>[brb lolz]</font></li>

Brandon grew up as the precious, spoiled, and only child of a proud Baronian couple. Loud and boisterous from day one, Brandon shunned taking over the family tea shop in favor of the "glamorous" life of a mercenary, much to his parents' chagrin. Conveniently nipping the family's ancestral sword in the process of his leave-taking, Brandon struck out on his own at age 16 to make a name of himself.

There were, naturally, some hardships for the Baronian along the path he had chosen for himself. However, Brandon had a few things going for him; friendliness, bravery, and ye olde brute strength. Sure, he may have started his illustrious career hefting heavy crates for merchants--but how else will you get to know the mercenaries who will teach you to use that sword of yours? That is, in exchange for a bit of zante, or whatever the local currency might be.

Though he hasn't been home since the day he's left, Brandon has sent letters home from time to time to let his parents know how he's doing. With no return address, of course. His fear is coercement into returning to the family business; by no means is he ashamed of his family. On the contrary, Brandon takes to bragging about his lineage quite frequently, perhaps even ill-advisedly so.

The Ralhi family's claim to fame is the assertion that the surname comes from a fire dragon who married into the family many generations ago. Brandon, though he looks like any other simple human, is quite boastful of his supposed draconic blood, saying that his sturdy build and extraordinary strength comes from this. He wields the sword that supposedly belonged to the original Ralhi, the two-hander Alexander.

Brandon's most recent 'job' has involved investigating an old set of ruins at the western edge of the Forbidden Plains, at the behest of a curious mage. Wealthy and thoroughly steeped in the superstition that many nekojin are about the area, the mage offered a fair sum for a simple job, afraid of ghosts and monsters...

Well, the mercenary found no such thing. He didn't find much in the way of the treasure the mage was hoping for, either. All that seemed to be left was a tarnished round disc of metal, a scrap of grey cloth, and the remains of a book. When Brandon touched the cover, it crumpled away at his touch--and a most curious, tingling sensation spread from his fingers to the rest of his body.

And he found himself quite...fluffy.

Oh my.

Fearing for his reputation and credibility, Brandon is now seeking for a remedy. To fund his research and travels while not actively working, he is using money paid by the nekojin mage--compensation for the unfortunate turn of events, which the mercenary was able to raise a fair bit through negotiation and sheer intimidation. The latter more than the former, given his state of mind at the time.

And so he searches.

--Board RPs--

<li>The Mercenary RP: [thread] | [archives]</li>

-=- tarnished metal disc
-=- travel bag with supplies


Name: Brandon Ralhi
RPer: pd Rydia
Race: cursed human (fluffy chimera)
Level: 1
XP: 0/1000
Max HP: 80
Max MP: 20
Max TP: 20
Initiative: 6 + 2d6


Courage: +4
Wisdom: 0
Intuition: +2
Charisma: +1
Agility: +2
Dexterity: 0
Strength: +6
Stamina: +5
Magic Aptitude: 1

Base AT/PA - 14/14
Modified for swords skill - 18/14
Modified for armor - 15/12

Body=Studded Leather (11, -1/-1), Arms=Leather Bracers (10, 0/0)

Weapon Damage - Alexander, two-handed sword (-2/-1)
Thrusting - 19 + 1d6
Slashing - 31 + 2d4
Chopping - 43 + 2d6


Swords - 4 <Cou/Str/Agi>
Unarmed - 4 <Cou/Str/Agi>
[s]Athletics - 3 <Str/Sta/Agi>
[s]Fire resistance - 4 <Mag/Mag/Sta>
[s]Treat Wounds - 4 <Int/Wis/Dex>
[s]Two Handed Weapons - 4 <Str>
[k]Business Saavy - 2
[k]Dragon Lore - 4
[k]Geography (Igala) - 3
[k]Survival - 4
[k]Tea Connoisseur - 4


<li>[innate] Fire resistance (no cost) - reduction of RANK to fire-based damage</li><li>[innate] Taunt (3 TP) - target becomes angered and attacks Brandon exclusively, but at a -2 AT/PA penalty</li>
</ul></small> <p>
<center><small>"We are just poor, wandering corn farmers..."
</p>Edited by: pd Rydia&nbsp; Image at: 11/5/04 12:09 am

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pd Rydia
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Migi Kuro

Unread postby pd Rydia » Fri Oct 29, 2004 2:17 am


<li>name: Migi Kuro</li><li>RP world: Gaera Main</li><li>race: nekojin (pureblood)</li><li>birthdate: 1 Nekora 1294</li><li>city of birth: Hotte Springs, Nekonia</li><li>hometown: Nekonia City, Nekonia</li><li>current residence: Kuro Mansion, Nekonia City, Nekonia--however, spends the vast majority of her time traveling</li><li>drunk type: incredible lightweight</li><li>family: Benjiro Kuro (father), Chiko Kuro [Akakane] (mother), Hidari Kuro (twin brother)
<font color=navy>(all characters are open to be RPed; I have RPed Hidari in the past, but very little of that needs to be canon, including the vast majority of his personality; also, there might be older siblings--contact meh if interested :0)</font></li><li>significant acquaintances: Kat Sarasa, enchanter and owner of Kat's Bar and Grille in Nekonia City</li><li>typical clothing:<ul><li>when traveling or adventuring: will always wear her armor over typically black, dark grey shirt; always wears about 30-40 bracelets of varying quality on her left arm, and a bracer on her right arm; double katana, attached to her belt above each hip--the grip of the sword is wrapped in some sort of scratchy black hide, which grips to nekojin hands well, and at the bottom of the hilt is an inlay of amethyst in the shape of a dragon--the Kuro family crest<li>during spare time at a city: just about anything bright, anything at all; still got those bracelets, and will always carry the katana around, even when lacking her armor</li></li></ul></li><li>physical characteristics: purebred nekojin [link to concept art forthcoming]; 5'2", 130 lbs; green eyes, dark grey fur; black hair usually drawn up into a fluffy ponytail toward the top of the back of her head, where it falls down to the nape of her neck; while diminutive, Migi does indeed to look her age...to those familiar with nekojin--others may be confused based on how she decides to act at the time</li><li>personality: hyperactive, exuberant, friendly, a bit simple-minded, + many other adjectives; Migi is often confused by others to be much younger than she actually is, due to the way she acts; Migi is slow to both anger and offense, partially due to a combination of denseness and naïveté, and partially due to the nature of her temperament--even when angered, she prefers not to direct her anger at a person; on the other hand, upon taking offense, it is not uncommon to find the nekojin suddenly in tears, trying to figure out why someone was being so mean, or what she had done wrong</li><li>religious beliefs: Migi is a dedicated worshipper of Nekogami--she praises the goddess as the creator and protector of the nekojin race, and as a beloved daughter of Ishtar and Primaer. Secretly, she also dearly wishes to be deemed faithful enough to one day meet one of Nekogami's Inkaaneto--the 'angels' created by the goddess to better distribute her power to followers in need. Migi performs formal rites to honor her patron goddess whenever she encounters the proper temples or shrines during her travels, but generally, rarely gets to carry out these duties twice a year; both when she returns home to Nekonia--once during the Kitiwai Festival in Nekora, and once for the new year in Ishtara. However, every other month, Migi will engage in semi-formal worship of her goddess, and frequently gives in to spontaneous informal worship. Scattered praising of various deities is not incredibly uncommon, and once a year Migi pays formal homage to Ishtar and Primaer in a special temple in the Shumans west of northwest of Nekonia. Like many Nekonians, Migi was taught that religion was a private thing, and as such, she tries to keep her religious thoughts to herself. However, occassionally her exuberance gets the better of her.
</li><li>other: <font color=red>[brb lolz]</font></li>

Image Image
artwork by Shirinai/Sean and Nekogami, respectively


"For the simple mind, the simple pleasure." This common Igalan saying certainly holds true for Migi. For all the world, it would seem that all she wants out of life is life itself--oh, look! Just like that, a dream fulfilled!

Yes, life is certainly wonderful to Migi--she has her brother, Hidari, all of Igala to travel--maybe more, one day--places to explore, people to meet, things to learn, food to eat...and her goddess to thank for everything. There are some great things in the world...the Kitawai Festival, for instance. Fish. Bracelets and plushies. Inkaaneto. Music, bright colors...

Yes, well. Hailing from one of the most prestigious and affluent merchant families of the capital of Nekonia, Migi found herself well-prepared for venturing out into Igala...well, at least as far as equipment and such goes. Even after gathering experience, it's arguable whether or not she has the right mindset to be traveling--or, Nekogami forbid, adventuring--around Igala.

<li>An Interview with Timmy: [thread] | [archives] (not canon)</li>

<li>medium healing potion</li><li>weak healing potion</li>

Name: Migi Kuro
RPer: pd Rydia
Race: nekojin (pureblood)
Level: 1
XP: 0/1000
Max HP: 70
Max MP: 0
Max TP: 20
Initiative 8+2d6


Courage: +3
Wisdom: +0
Intuition: +0
Charisma: +2
Agility: +5
Dexterity: +3
Strength: +3
Stamina: +5
Magic Aptitude: 0

Base AT/PA: 11/11
Modified for skill: 13/12
Modified for armor/weapons: 14/14

Body=Obsidiman Skin (AC 20, 0/0), Arms=Enchanted Bracelets (AC 1, -1/+2)
[boosted resistance to status ailments, magic attacks]

Weapon Damage - 2x Katanas (12/15/16, +1/0, +1 damage)
Thrusting: 12+3+1+1d6
Slashing: 15+6+1+2d4
Chopping: 16+9+1+2d6


Swords: 4 <Cou/Str/Agi>
Ambidexterity: 4 <Dex/Dex/Agi>
[k]Navigation: 3
[k]Foreign Languages: 3
[s]Two weapons: 4 <Dex>
[s]Limb Defense: 4 <Dex>
[s]Stealth: 2 <Dex/Agi/Agi>
[s]Distance Running: 4 <Sta>
[s]Parrying: 4 <Cou/Agi/Dex>


<li>[Innate] Scratch (no cost): Migi's preferred unarmed attack; those who are allergic to cats will also have an adverse reaction to her scratches.</li><li>[Innate] Purr (2 TP): It takes concentration, but Migi has learned how to purr on command, really deeply...the sound is reassuring, and has a soothing affect on those around her.</li><li>[Foreign Languages] (no cost): While Migi natively speaks Common like most Nekonians, as the daughter of a well-to-do family she has received a classical education; part of that includes lessons in High Nekonian, and thus she is capable of speaking the language on a conversational level. Also, due to her relationship with her brother, she has begun to pick up some basic inujin--mostly pleasantries and basic queries.</li><li>[Swords=4] Brandish (4 TP): An impressive, rapid display of sword skill may intimate the target. Especially effective against non-fighters or those who previously appraised Migi as a 'harmless kitty.'</li>
--Board RPs--</ul></small> <p>
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Sizreina Yuo Baseton

Unread postby pd Rydia » Sun Oct 31, 2004 1:18 am


<li>name: <font face="Comic Sans MS" color=blue>Sizreina Yuo Baseton</font></li><li>RP world: Gaera Main</li><li>race: enchanted ryuujin</li><li>birthdate: 1 Phaedrio 2613 (was 3127 upon arriving in Gaera, 1313)</li><li>birthtown, hometown: Dologen, Draco/Terra</li><li>current residence: 66 Main Street, Doma City, Doma</li><li>drunk type: allergic to alcohol; will not drink</li><li>family: Reival Valerie Jewell (daughter; RPer--pd Rydia), Gain Baseton (father, deceased; NPC--Will Baseton), Valeria Baseton (mother, deceased; NPC--Will Baseton), Alex Baseton (older brother, deceased), Will Jonas Baseton (younger brother; RPer--Will Baseton), Van Baseton (Will kopii, RPer--Will Baseton), Ryuu Baseton (younger brother; NPC--Will Baseton), Alia Baseton (niece; RPer--Will Baseton), Jenna (former sister-in-law, disappeared/deceased[?]; RPer--BlazeYamatoSpirit)</li><li>typical clothing: bright, light colors--purples, pinks, blues, greens, yellows; fond of bloomer-style pants and loose, sleeveless shirts, heavily embroidered; in colder winter, will wear longer-sleeve jackets over the aforementioned or travel with family to warmer climates; sometimes wears a bandanna</li><li>physical characteristics:<ul><li>ryuujin form: delicate build and facial features; nondescript caucasian skin; navy eyes with an unsettling, often unblinking gaze--has a third eye in her forehead, usually closed except during times of intense negative emotion; waist-length, royal blue hair usually worn down, wavy at the 12-14 inches) (weight pulls the hair straight toward the top); enchanted to have fully functional cat ears and tail, furred in the same color as her hair; has a pair of silvery-blue, feathered wings that she keeps hidden at almost all times--can fly with these; wingspan 14 feet, 5'2 in height; weighs 110 but wears an enchanted ring which brings her weight down to about 22 (20%)--obviously this has drawbacks</li><li>dragon form: silvery-blue feathered wings, tuft of feathers at each cheek pointing outwards and down, framing the facing, and a tuft of feathers at the end of the tail; same colored eyes (all three, same deal with the third eye); otherwise, a generally nondescript, mostly-unadorned (smooth-scaled, no horns, frills, etc.), four-legged, western dragon--slender and long compared to Gaeran Aldrosians; 20' foot to shoulder, 50' nose to tailtip, 55' wingspan; if she does not remove her enchanted wing before morphing, she will still be under its effects</li></li></ul><li>personality: sparkles, a dash of kitty, shiny things, and pineapples; Siz generally figures that there's no reason not to make the most out of your situation, and to keep at things, until you make it work out; she has a strong sense of obligation; however, she has a problem with hiding her true feelings, and suppressing anything negative or too complex--as such, sometimes she can explode...more often than not, this simply keeps anyone except family from getting close to her or understanding she has any deeper feelings than "oh, pretty!"</li><li>religious beliefs: A twist on the usual, Siz will leave the gods alone--if they leave her alone. If, however, they show up in her life, she'll react to them; for instance, climbing up on their back, poking their stomach, asking them questions, biting them, and so on. Ryuugami makes her uneasy, and she doesn't care much for the dragon god of her homeworld, either. She has yet to run into a deity that impresses her, really, and as such doesn't think a lot about the gods in general--just views them mostly as really long-lived beings with a lot of power. Unlike most Gaerans, she doesn't doubt that the Gaeran gods will die one day--the gods of her world seem to kick the bucket eventually.</li><li>skills: singing, dancing, acrobatics, minor healing, telepathy with family, some spacial magic, linguistic skills</li><li>other: About the month of Phaedrio: it is the 7th month of 14 on Draco. The name derives from phaetre (a gem) and -drio (an ancient word meaning month of). Phaetre is a precious gem similar in coloring to peacock pyrite; in form, it is a crystal, such as an amethyst, and only the highest quality specimens are even semi-transparent.

A number of the races on Terra use this naming system with the months. The months once, a good long time ago, were named on a number of gods who may or may not have existed--however, at the time of the renaming, they were considered "false" and "pagan." Thus, there was a push to eliminate the mention them from such a prominent place; the less fanatic countered this by managing to get the months named after the birthstones for each month, rather than other gods.</font></li>

Image Image
artwork by VampireJesterJinx/Lex and SarahM, respectively


Siz hails from the planet of Terra, which her kind usually calls Draco--Siz isn't an exception. The oldest daughter of a wealthy, respected ryuujin family, Sizreina was spoiled...to an extent. She probably could have exploited her position more if she hadn't broken, hidden, or set fire to so many things. Playing tricks on the various servants probably didn't help, either. Or casting spells on her brothers. Or disobeying just about every single rule her parents set down...

Well, either way. She did settle down a bit each passing year. Threats to take away her lessons, particularly music and magic, soon proved to keep her in line, more or less. There were also ways, she discovered, of doing the things she liked to do without being quite so blatant about them.

Being a great deal caught up in her own little world of blissful youth, the young ryuujin didn't pay a great deal of attention to the politics of the world around her. Not so with her father. Gain Baseton did what he could to ensure that his three youngest children would be safe from the turmoil he saw coming...of course, that in itself caused its own problems...

Sizreina eventually recovers from her father's peculiar help, to the apparent discovery that her only living relative is her brother, Will. Who, as fate would have it, she has no idea how to contact or find. Thus, she began her search for him, which after many years, brought her to Gaera.

Now, she earns money as a singer and, occassionally, dancer, often performing at the higher end inns in Doma City, such as the Ivory Horn and the Jade Dragon. She enjoys dabbling in "cosmetic" potions, shopping, chatting, and irritating the gloomy and angsty. She has a great affection for all things kitty, the color pink, jokes, and music. She has also noted that 98% of just about everyone, everywhere, sorely need to lighten up. Nobly, she has decided to help them--starting with their hair.

--Related Stories/Fics--

Threads may not have the completed version of the stories, but they're easier to leave feedback/C&C to. Listed chronologically, accordingly to in-story events.

<li>"Who am I?": [final version; not available] - [thread]</li><li>In the Blink of an Eye: [final version] - [thread]</li><li>No End of Trouble: [final version] - [thread]</li><li>Pineapples: [final version] - [thread]</li><li>Sou da! We're Alive!: [final version; not yet available] - [thread]</li></small></ul> <p>
<center><small>"We are just poor, wandering corn farmers..."
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Robert Charles Kliyy, III

Unread postby pd Rydia » Sun Oct 31, 2004 9:58 pm


<li>name: <font color=olive>Robert Charles Kliyy, III ("Rob")</font></li><li>RP world: Gaera Main</li><li>race: human</li><li>birthdate: 1 Reshtara 1302</li><li>birthtown, hometown: Middth, Doma</li><li>current residence: Jade Dragon Inn, Doma City, Doma</li><li>drunk type: unknown</li><li>family: Dia Rai (adoptive mother; RPer--pd Rydia), Robert C. Kliyy, II (biological father; RPer--pd Rydia), Mayra Kliyy (biological mother, deceased; NPC--pd Rydia), Alexander Maxilan (adoptive grandfather, deceased; NPC--pd Rydia), Mikan Rai (adoptive uncle; RPer--Nekogami), Ellyn/"Rai" (adoptive grandmother; NPC--pd Rydia), Kadalni (adoptive uncle; RPer--pd Rydia), Pink (adoptive aunt; RPer--pd Rydia)

<font color=navy>NOTE: Due to Pink and Robert technically being the same age, and having known each other for a long time before the adoption, Robert does not treat her as his aunt--much to Pink's frustration. Also, both Robert and Dia ignore his adoptive relationship to Rai and Kadalni.</font></li><li>pets: Wiff: large, mixed breed dog, born c. 1312; mixed shades of brown, long-haired; friendly, loyal, often seen about the Jade Dragon; only seen outside the inn with Rob or one of the inn residents (not patrons); wears a collar with name and address</li><li>typical clothing: pants dyed various shades of medium to dark blue, of a durable material, and various plain white, grey, brown tunics</li><li>physical characteristics: 5'1" tall, 100 lbs; <font color="#999999">grey</font> eyes, <font color="#9d6d3d">muddy brown</font> hair kept short; clothes and hair are generally unkempt--not to mention liberally covered in dog fur--except when Robert is working in the inn</li><li>personality: imaginative, with a lot of high hopes; idealizes; has settled down over the three years since being with Dia, and has adopted a semi-professional attitude cultivated for work, that he can turn on for other uses--nonetheless, he is still a kid</li><li>religious beliefs: Robert thinks the goddess of dragons is neato. He traveled to her temple and all, and her high priestess was oh-so-nice. Richard (RPer--Nakibe) likes Ryuugami--he's like, a Paladin and stuff...so is Raptre (RPer--Nekogami), and Dia's brother, Mikan. Ryuugami herself is really neat--she's all dragonny and stuff. Oh, and she promised to turn him into a dragon when he grew up. How cool is that?

Rob actually knows a fair bit more about Ryuugami than many Gaerans, from having talked with High Priestess Ma'neechaman (NPC--pd Rydia), Ryuugami, and various Paladins. However, he knows little about Ishtar and Primaer, the difference between the greater and lesser deities, and so on and so forth. All he knows about gods is from...uh...meeting them. In person. Religion is a word he knows, but doesn't really click with him. Dia probably won't be explaining it to him.</li><li>other: Rob works in the Jade Dragon inn for two hours an evening--give or take a bit--about two or three days a week, depending upon business, mood, and negotiations with Dia. For this, he gets paid, and Dia is satisfied that he is learning to behave himself in company better. He studies history and Common (reading, grammar, composition) with a tutor, as well as a smattering of informal lessons from Dia, and any acquaintances she can con into giving them. In exchange for Robert doing this without kicking, screaming, and pulling the inn down around her ears, Dia teaches him survival skills when the opportunity arises. Rob also pesters Richard--amongst others--for combat training. He has no magical talent at all.

Robert has had a complicated relationship with his father, who is deeply involved with the Doman Shango. While young, the boy only saw his father rarely, and on occassion witnessed his father protecting his mother and himself from raiders with a gun; he was quite impressed with his father, and looked up to him. However, while in Doma, in 1312, he witnessed his father's detainment, and became very upset. His father, meanwhile, disappeared soon after this. finally, a warrant was issued by the Doman Guard for his arrest, in 1314, on the 25th of Gaerara. Whether or not Rob knows this isn't known...but he doesn't talk about his father anymore, and no longer asks Dia about looking for him.</li>

Image Image
artwork by Nekogami and Choark, respectively


Robert's home town, Middith, lies in Doma, directly below the Ridhon River which separates the country from Riva. However, nearby Rivan dragoons decided that the town really belonged to the country of Riva, and routinely raided the town once every few months to collect "taxes." If that were not bad enough, the town also has to content with the Shango (a widespread network of gangsters linked to a few religious fanatics), who demand "tithes" for "protecting" the town from the Rivan menace, once or twice a year.

Rob has grown up being terrorized by both groups. While he doesn't fully understand the politics behind it, he does understand that strangers regularly bring trouble to Middith. Because of this, he partially took it upon himself (and partially was made to take it upon himself) to work as a sentry for the town--for many hours each day, most days out of the week, Rob watched the area surrounding the town. He and a few others who are recruited to do the same thing hope to be able to bring warning back to town before a raid.

One day, Rob witnessed a group of strangers approaching town--an extraordinarily odd group of strangers. Wanting to get a closer look, the boy crept closer to the group...

Amongst the travelers was Hakaril Silvar (RPer--Archmage144), Dia Rai, and none other than the (in)famous Choark (RPer--Choark). Robert will forever maintain that he was discovered by trickery, but--by Ryuugami!--he could have taken down any one of them if they had the gall to have fought him. Later, through a series of events spanning the course of a couple months, Robert wound up under Dia's temporary care. And then under her semi-permanent care.

Finally, in 1314 <font color=red>[searching for exact date]</font>, Dia finally said "Fuck it" and adopted the kid. This seems to have done a great deal toward reassuring Robert and settling down his distrust and rowdiness. To an extent, that is.

--Board RPs--

<li>Ryuugami's Temple: [thread] | [archives]</li><li>Grand Reopening: [thread] | [archives]</li>
--Related Stories/Fics--

Threads may not have the final version of the stories, but they're easier to leave feedback/C&C to. Listed chronologically, accordingly to in-story events.

<li>untitled: [final version; not available] - [thread]</li></small></ul> <p>
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Diikoi Suzukun

Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon Nov 01, 2004 4:07 am


<li>name: <font color="#8000FF">Diikoi Suzukun ("Dii")</font></li><li>RP world: Gaera Main</li><li>race: half drow, half high elven</li><li>birthdate: 1 Proteara 1241</li><li>birthtown, hometown: Isil, Doma</li><li>current residence: Ivory Horn, Doma City, Doma</li><li>drunk type: unknown</li><li>family: Allie (older sister), <font color=red>[brb, lolz]</font></li><li>typical clothing: wears dresses with full and floor-length skirts, or blouse/skirt combinations in warmer weather; dresses almost exclusively in various shades of purple; often keeps her hair back using a purple headband or bandanna, or in a hair tie; wears an apron while working and often wears a large hat while outside on sunny days</li><li>physical characteristics: 5'5", 130 lbs; <font color="#D0DFF2">pale blue</font> skin, <font color="#B34D4D">red</font> eyes, black hair, wavy hair that falls just past her shoulders; meticulous about her appearance</li><li>personality: enjoys chatting and learning; empathetic and is easily affected by the emotions, concerns, and plights of others; childlike and naive, but learning; likes to think the best of everyone; often understands more than she gives herself credit for, due to self-doubt, second-guessing, and overtrusting others</li><li>religious beliefs: Since her arrival to Doma, Diikoi has been thoroughly educated about the evils of various drow deities and has, of course, been convinced of it with not a great deal of argument. She has since become moderately more critical about the things she hears, having learned that--what?--not everything people say is necessarily true--maybe they misheard? Living in Doma, she hears a great many stories about gods and goddesses who supposedly show up in bars and turn people into chickens, or somesuch. It's all very confusing. She's not very certain about it all.</li><li>skills: As a result of Diikoi's great obsession with bells--she owns an oversized, cast iron and spiked bell which 'Mister Choark' bought her. She knows how to use it, as well. She knows a bit of basic healing, a bit of basic shadow, and can speak Drow fluently; that's it. When fantastically upset, she is capable of some strange feats, but she has no control over this.</li><li>other: <font color=red>[brb, lolz]</font></li>

Diikoi is a half drow who currently works at the Ivory Horn as a server. She enjoys working there, gets along well with her coworkers, and is always eager to please her customers and become a better employee. She is always full of energy, questions, and comments, and her friendly nature allows her to get along with many people. Dii is very loathe to distrust or think poorly of anyone.

She originally hails from the drow city of Isil, near Enchufa in Doma. Her family was highly respected until the incident which caused her mother to become pregnant with a half high elven child--Diikoi herself. When she was born, her family was disgraced and Diikoi earned the personal hatred and disgust of almost all of the drow community, her family included. The only exception to this was her older sister Allie and the dragoon Kage who she was to meet later in life.

At the insistence of her mother, Diikoi spent a short time studying how to become a priestess of Lolth. However, Diikoi was bored and distracted in the school, having no real interest, and was expelled shorly after she joined. At this time, she came to meet Kage, a lower class, ambitious dragoon and necromancer. In exchange for carrying out various errands, Diikoi received something she'd never had before from anyone besides Allie--approval and acceptance of her "fault" of being half high elven. During her time working for Kage, her loyalty to and trust of the necromancer caused her to soon adopt many of his philosophies and ideas about life, the world, and 'inferior races.'

However, on one errand for Kage, Diikoi got lost above ground. She eventually wandered into the capital of Doma, and met up in time with Choark and Kyra, and began learning about the vast intricacies of the people of Doma. Later, these two people helped her get her job at the Ivory Horn. In Doma City, Diikoi has been bombarded with new information, confronted with evidence against 'her' previously held beliefs, and challenged to start forming her own opinions. Having come across Kage himself, once again, and heard the confession from his own mouth that he has abandoned his old philosophies has pretty much shaken up the way she thinks--or didn't think, however you prefer to view it.

Still, it is taking her a while to become her own person. Part of the problem is finally admitting all the cruel things people do, and that they do it willingly. She's still working out the fact that there aren't simple answers as to why these things are done...

--Board RPs--

<li>Howling at the Moon: [thread] | [archives] (non-canon)</li></small></ul> <p>
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Alicia Faye Rune

Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon Nov 01, 2004 10:35 pm


<li>name: Alicia Faye Rune ("Rune")</li><li>RP world: Gaera Main</li><li>race: human</li><li>birthdate: c. 1294</li><li>birthtown: unknown</li><li>hometown: Baron Capital, Baron</li><li>current residence: none</li><li>drunk type: boring</li><li>family: unknown</li><li>typical clothing: always wears her leather dragoon training armor--slightly modified--with the crest conspicuously absent, over simple traveling clothes</li><li>physical characteristics: 5' 9", 180 lbs; Image angular runes tattooed on her skin at her wrists, hidden under gloves, and at her ankles, hidden under boots</li><li>personality: by and large, Rune likes to give off an air of detachment and blandness--it's how she keeps control over her situations and controls who has influence over her; she values her independence and very much does what she wants to do, whatever others think about this; she will obey the law depending upon, firstly, whether she agrees with it or not, and, secondly, whether or not it is convenient; she does not often form friendships, but it is not an impossible occurrence</li><li>religious beliefs: Rune is a worshipper of Ryuugami, in the tradition of Baronian dragoons. This is largely influenced by a respected acquaintance, Matthew Verdante (RPer--pd Rydia), who was the one who inspired her to train as a dragoon.</li><li>skills: jumping, lance, basic wind magic, basic healing</li><li>other: [brb, lolz], Verdante, Leslie, Jansen Cade</li>


artwork by Bunnygirle


Rune is one of the orphans of unknown origins from the country of Baron; while not too terribly common, these cases are by no means unheard of. In Rune's case, the innkeep of the Ebony Hoof was distressed to find the infant, wrapped up in swaddling and deposited in a basket, left in the inn at closing time, when all patrons had left. Thus the unknown child--human to all appearances--came to live in the Bridarc Orphanage. Eventually, she came to be known as Alicia Faye Rune--her last name chosen due to the markings on her wrists and ankles.

Alicia was quiet and withdrawn for much of her youth; she didn't care to interact with others, and in her desire to be alone, often got in trouble for leaving the grounds without permission and supervision. By the age of ten, upon discovering that it was generally accepted among the faculty that she was an 'unadoptable,' she discovered the wonderful world of sarcasm, insults, and vandalization, and began to explore these new fields. She had a few tastes of her own medicine, but it didn't take her very long to discover an effective way to protect herself; a shield of detachment and a bland, superior attitude.

One day in 1306, the orphanage arranged a speaker to come to the orphanage to talk to some of the older kids about the Baronian dragoons. While Rune was not there for the speech, she was present to be caught by the dragoon as she attempted to steal his spear. Surprisingly, he took this in good humor. This being the first time she had encountered this, the two got to talking, and eventually, Alicia came to respect the dragoon--Verdante--quite a bit.

In two years time, she was impressed enough to have joined the dragoon forces as a trainee. From age 14 to 17, she spent her time training, and became known simply as "Rune." However, besides authority not sitting well with her, Rune found herself growing increasingly bored--and frustrated, although she would not admit that--with her position and decided, one day, to take off to Doma one day with Jansen Cade (RPer--KingOfDoma), someone she had just met that day. Thus is her whim.

Rune is not completely without aim, however. She enjoys travel, certainly, but she is specifically looking for information about her origins and the runes from which her name was derived.

--Board RPs--

<li>An Interview with Timmy: [thread] | [archives] (not canon)</li></small></ul> <p>
<center><small>"We are just poor, wandering corn farmers..."
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Re: Diane's characters

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Wed Nov 03, 2004 1:23 pm

Dia is to please stop making my sheets look inferior in comparison =[

...Seriously, daaaaaaamn, lotta info. o_o
And pretty handy info at that. *nod* =]

*Edited response to post below, to avoid clutteringness*

Heh, know the feeling >_>;
I may have to add stuff like this for my own characters at some point. That, and the drunk-type designation amuses me far more than it should =D

Edited by: FF Fanatic 80&nbsp; Image at: 11/4/04 1:25 pm

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Re: Diane's characters

Unread postby pd Rydia » Wed Nov 03, 2004 5:02 pm

No. Also, thanks, Dave. :P

But if you must know the motivation behind this...it's because of the fact I keep forgetting things about my characters. Actually, after one prolonged break from RPing, I had forgotten that Rai'm had died.

So yeah. Archiviness!

<hr align=left size=7 width="74%">

Response 2:

Ah yes, the drunk type! I've had that since the beginning if I'm not mistaken! Just a little trademark thingy. :3 <p>
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Unread postby pd Rydia » Wed Nov 03, 2004 7:17 pm


<li>name: <font color=fuchsia>Pink</font></li><li>world: Gaera Main</li><li>race: half demon, half dragon (shadow-aligned forest dragon)</li><li>birthdate: 1 Tzelara 1301</li><li>birthplace: Ellyn Rai's lair, Shuman Mountains west of Doma</li><li>current residence: none (travels with Cossette, a Paladin of Stacey, the Goddess of Fluffiness)</li><li>drunk type: uncoordinated</li><li>family: Ellyn Rai (mother; NPC--pd Rydia), unknown (father, deceased; NPC--pd Rydia), Kadalni Rai (twin brother; RPer--pd Rydia), Dia Rai (half sister; RPer--pd Rydia), Robert C. Kliyy, II (nephew; RPer--pd Rydia)
<font color=navy>NOTE: Due to Pink and Robert technically being around the same age, and having known each other for a long time before the adoption, Robert does not treat her as his aunt--much to Pink's frustration.</font></li><li>pets: <font color=red>an as-of-yet unnamed yadrepuppy</font></li><li>typical clothing: <font color=fuchsia>pink</font>, frilly dresses; may occassionally be convinced to wear other types of clothing, but will insist on as much bright pink in the outfit as possible</li><li>physical characteristics:<ul><li>humanoid: has the appearance of a somewhat chubby 6-year-old; 4'6", 44 lbs, 5'2" wingspan (cannot yet fly); <font color=blue>bright blue</font> eyes, <font color="#885500">medium brown</font> hair, cropped short; stubby, <font color="#222222">dark grey</font> wings and black horns</li><li>dragon form: 6' foot to shoulder, 10' nose to tailtip, 12' wingspan; <font color=blue>bright blue</font> eyes, <font color="#222222">dark grey</font> scales, black horns; stubby tail, wings; pointed "beak" at the end of the muzzle; many sharpening horns stick out from under the muzzle, going all the way back and curving up to connect and meld into two short, curved, boney plates which extend from each cheek backwards a distance; from these jut a series of growing, gnarled horns--at the top are a set of larger, spiraling horns; short spikes on the outside of each joint; tail ends in a small ellipsoid</li></ul></li><li>personality: "agnsty teen"; in addition, quiet, observant, and cynical; tries her best to listen to Cossette and become anything other than what her mother and brother are</li><li>religious beliefs: Pink isn't keen on Ryuugami because of the existence of Rai dragons, and especially because of the greater prevalence amongst shadow dragons and halfbreeds. She is, on the other hand, interested in Fluffigami, due to what Cossette has done for her. She is not interested in other gods much, as they haven't done anything for her, with the notable exception of drow and demon gods, toward whom she has a particular hatred.</li><li>skills: (moderate) illusion magic; (moderate) mental magic, (beginning) shadow magic, transforming, hunting (in dragon form)</li><li>other: Pink is a self-chosen name; whatever Pink's mother named her, neither Kadalni nor Pink have shared. Like Dia and Jared, Pink has a shadow affinity and an atypical aura.</li>

Pink originally came to Doma in the company of her twin brother, Kadalni, in mid-1312. At the time, she had the appearance of a huggable, chubby little 4-year-old, and would not speak more than two words to anyone. The purpose in the two coming was to try to 'convince' Dia to come visit the mother of all three of them--Rai--out in the Shumans; Pink was, more or less, brought as a "See, you can trust me, this little girl does." Needless to say, it didn't work.

Events unfolded, and Pink wound up under Dia's care, in a manner of speaking. She began to talk more and more, playing up the "I'm a cute little girl" card for all it was worth, but nonetheless she would insist that she was older than she physically appeared, and mentioned that she and Kadalni--who appeared much older--were twins. A few comments here and there also hinted that she was capable of more intelligence than she generally gave the impression of.

It soon proved, through many attacks on Dia herself and various acquaintances, that Pink simultaneously had both a curious possessiveness and apparent hatred of her half-sister. A picture of the background Pink didn't speak about could be pieced together from her reactions to certain words and situations, and a questions she grew brave enough to ask as she felt moderately safer in Doma.

Pink and her half-sister, with a group of various acquaintances, had a final encounter with Kadalni on their way to the Temple of Ryuugami in the Shuman Mountains west of Riva. Neither have seen him since, and Pink was, for a time, under Dia's care. However, she was not happy--and she made sure Dia wouldn't be, either.

While Pink's problems were completely out of Dia's league, they were not out of Cossette's, a Paladin of Stacey and acquaintance of Dia's, who happened across Pink one day. After witnessing one of Pink's outbursts, Cossette and Pink did quite a bit of talking with each other. After some time, it was arranged with Dia that Pink would travel with Cossette.

Pink has made progress with Cossette's insight to help her, but she'll never forget what's happened to her. She is now making an effort to be a 'good' person, but is still struggling with what this involves, as well as unlearning the things taught by her mother and brother. It is not unknown of for her to fall back on old habits when stressed.

--Board RPs--

<li>Ryuugami's Temple: [thread] | [archives]</li></small></ul> <p>
<center><small>"We are just poor, wandering corn farmers..."
</p>Edited by: pd Rydia&nbsp; Image at: 11/4/04 11:52 pm

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pd Rydia
Posts: 5269
Joined: Mon Apr 22, 2002 4:12 pm
Location: Temple of Fiends


Unread postby pd Rydia » Thu Mar 10, 2005 1:08 am

• Timmy the Bonsai, as used by Phil

<small>(12:18:16) Empress Phil: Is it all right if I use Timmy the bonzai tree in an RP?
(12:18:16) Keeper of the Corn OOC thread][/b]

<small>ROBERT "Lil' Rob" KLIYY, III[/b]

About Rob:

Tall, wiry, and tattooed, Rob tops it all off with a mop of mud-brown scruffy hair and grey eyes. He always enjoys a good fight, physical or intellectual, even if his typical arguing style is to try to run his opponent out of breath. Rob really couldn't say what system he was born in, let alone anything more detailed than that; Robert the Second insisted upon custody of his son. Mayra, Rob's mother, knew better than to argue.

Due to the influence of his father, Rob is fairly laid back about the whole "law" thing, unless it effects him directly or through others. He's not quite as into exploiting the weaknesses in the systems as his dad is, but he makes sure to have the money--one way or another--to fund what he really enjoys doing: wandering aimlessly, and keeping an eye out for homeless animals. He also wouldn't mind running into his mother, who stopped contacting his father--and by association, him--when he was young. Unfortunately, he hasn't got her last name, and his father isn't very forthcoming. This is, perhaps, one of the reasons why Rob doesn't completely follow in his father's footsteps.

His wandering ways is what brought him to Enochus Three at such an inconvenient time. He is quite displeased about not being able to roam about freely, let me tell you. Another fear chills him...what about the pets? With all this rowdiness, all sorts of things could happen to them...they could be made hungry due to theft, stolen from loving homes due to value, or worse--made homeless due to the murder of those that take care of them.


Space Biker (4)

Yeah, you heard me. Lil' Rob's daddy got him his "bike"...a small, junked out, and heavily vandalized ship. A highly stylized, vicious-looking dog is painted along the side near the front, and the ship is cristened the...Wiff. After his most beloved pet mutt. Inside there are several pictures of the dog in question to be found, as well as other pets Robert has fostered (but never owned--he has been loyal to Wiff's memory ever since) throughout his life. Otherwise, the inside of the ship is cluttered if mostly clean, and free of small objects. Dog fur and other such 'sheddings' is to be found around and about the Wiff.

Likes His Gun (3)

Rob likes his gun--to his credit, he's fairly good with it, too. A Middith model 44, an oldie but goodie from the Gaera system. He always did like that place, and the gun's served him well. Acquired legally, usually used legally.


He uses custom bullets--they are decorated with the images of dogs. Why these are even sold is beyond most people, but well...novelty everything sells. Anyhow, aside from that, the bullets are your typical "Ow @#%$! (In the FYUCHAR!)" variety.

Surprisingly, the gun itself is not named anything canine-related--it is named Mayra.

Brawler (2)

Did I mention he likes to fight? Well, he may have picked up a few things.

Argumentative Bastard (2)

...like the fact that many people give up an argument if you just keep at it.

Freestyle Poet (1)

Due to a romantic jaunt with one of the ladies who worked at a critter shelter at a planet he stopped by, Rob is an amateur freestyle poet.


He likes critters. A lot. Especially dogs. He likes to pet them, scratch them, talk to them, feed them, play with them, and try to find them good homes. His tattoos are all related to this obsession. Also, this is the only topic over which he can argue capably.</small>

<hr size=8 noshade align=left width="74%">

This is not a really old character and you are NOT reading it. At all.
Go away.

• Chiere Draed

<font face="courier new">================================================================

Name : Draed, Chiere
RPer : pd Rydia
Age : 27
Height : 5' 2"
Weight : [Unknown]
Race : Tilan
Eye Color : Pink
Hair Color : White
Skin Color : Albino
Likes : [Unknown]
Dislikes : [Unknown]
Favorite Food : [Unknown]
Favorite Thing : [Unknown]
Background : Chiere is a wandering spirit, with a similarly
wandering mind. No matter how curious she might seem, trying
to extract information from her about her past can be an
enfuriatingly futile exercise. With her nearly perpetually
vacant expression, one has to wonder if, indeed, she really
knows anything about her past.

It is not too uncommonly speculated that she is an
outcast of Tilan society. She certainly has enough strange
personality quirks to warrant it...one would think she was
barely even aware of her surroundings. Chiere is also
cursed with a strange, unsettling appearance; her skin is so
white as to be almost transparent, her hair and feathered
wings lack any color whatsoever, and her eyes are a pale,
pale pink...

Chiere wanders from place to place restlessly. Perhaps
this is because no place seems willing to keep her for very
long. Or, perhaps, she is looking for something...

Courage : +1
Wisdom : +4
Intuition : +4
Charisma : +3 (+2)
Agility : +4 (+3)
Dexterity : 0
Strength : -2
Stamina : -3 (-1)
Magic : +8 (+7)

HP : 34 / 34
MP : 57 / 73
TP : 20 / 20
Init : 8 + 2d6 (10 - 20)
AT/PA Base : 7
* Other Bonus : 0

Staff AT : 10
* Armor Bonus : 0
* Weapon Bonus : -1
* Skill Bonus : 4

Knife AT : 8
* Armor Bonus : 0
* Weapon Bonus : +1
* Skill Bonus : 0

Actual PA : 9 Staff / 6 Knife
* Armor Bonus : 0
* Weapon Bonus : +2 / -1
* Skill Bonus : 0
AC : 4
MAtk Base : 16
MDef Base : 6
* Armor Bonus : 0
* Weapon Bonus : 0
* Other Bonus : 0

[Weapon]Small Staff
* 1/3/6, -1/+2, Weight 2
- (-1) + d6 / 1 + 2d4 / 4 + 2d6
* 1/3/5, +1/-1, Weight 1/2
- (-1) + d6 / 1 + 2d4 / 3 + 2d6
[Armor]Heavy Robes
* AC +4, 0/0 AT/PA, Weight 3
[Money]6,250 Dram

[P]Staves [AGI/DEX/STR] : 4 / 2
[P]Unsettling [CHA/CHA/COU] : 4 / 7
[P]Sculpt [DEX/DEX/INT] : 4 / 4
[S]Enchantment [INT/WIS/MAG] : 4 / 16
* +Rank to the skill roll for any magic with the
"Enchantment" type.
[S]Singing [INT/CHA/MAG] : 4 / 15
* +Rank to the skill roll for any magic with the
"Singing" type.
[S3]Blind Luck [MAG/INT/AGI] : 4 / 16

[Innate] Slow Healing
- Heals only 1/3 normal from any source, be it normal daily
healing, physical healing, or magical.
[Innate] Glide Wings [ 2 TP]
- Can ride updrafts or thermals with wings (usually rising
by 10 ft/turn).
- Can locate thermals in the area <INT/INT/WIS>.
- Make pd Rydia&nbsp; Image at: 4/22/05 1:03

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