RPGWW stored freestyle and MAC characters

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pd Rydia
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RPGWW stored freestyle and MAC characters

Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon Nov 17, 2003 12:14 am

I will no longer store freestyle or MAC character sheets on the website, as it's much easier for people to store them here on this forum. I'm deleting the relevant pages from the site, but here's a copy of everything before I delete it all.


Akai Kuu:

Name: Akai Kuu ("Red")
Race: hanyou (1/2 demon; 1/2 human)
Age: 103 (equivalent of little over 16)
Height: 5'5"
Eye color: hazel
Hair color: simple brown
Build: slightly muscular

Red's mother was a tiger demon; her father was a soldier sent to kill said demon. She can remember little about her young childhood, but in true form to demon habits, when Red was old enough, her mother abandoned her.

Red chose the world of humans, as opposed to that of demons. She became a bandit, but really could do well in the class of assassin: her natural, cat-like grace made martial arts a second nature to her. Technically, she is of the ninja class, using daggers and shurikens, her main weapon being a short oriental sword called the kodachi.

Though half of her blood is demonic, you really wouldn't guess it from Red's disposition. She has a rather odd habit of sitting, perfectly still, a mystical figure; then, in the next moment, she bounces up and begins rambling like a small child. She's really a not-so-serious wanderer, as her race is typically shunned. However, she can be serious and deadly, if required to be so.

What mainly discerns her from being human is her long, flame-tipped tail. However, less noticeable are her very slightly pointed ears, her cat-like pupils, her fingernails, which are sharp claws, and her small fangs. Her senses are quite acute, and she is extremely agile.

She has an almost unhealthy, giddy fascination with shiny and/or pointy objects, and occasionally exhibits signs of pyromania.

Other notes:

Akai's skills: Akai can steal, throw weapons or items, perform martial arts combos, and also use a bit of support magic. Outside of battle, she has feline-like acute senses,and is fast, agile, and stealthy...when she can shut up for more than five seconds. She can fight with tooth and nail as well as with the Demonic Kodachi.

Aleks Dru:

Name: Aleks Dru
RPer: JediAl11
Race: human
Age: 27
Height: 6’0”
Eye color: green
Hair color: chestnut

Aleks Dru is a clone of a once-powerful Sith Lord. The actual Aleks Dru was born about 30 000 years before Star Wars Episode I. He was discovered among the smoking remains of the Sith citadel, shortly after the Jedi army has won the first of Sith wars. Suspected to be the son of Ulic Quel Droma, the leader of the Sith Force, he was adopted by the Hapes family.

The Hapes were a matriarchal pirate clan, and the authority of the Queen Mother did not sit well with the young Aleks. He ran away at the age of 17, stealing the prototype of the “Wasp” class fighter, the first non-tactical ship to be equipped with a hyperdrive. Having no experience navigating in space, the very first jump, burned out Aleks ship’s engines leaving him stranded in the arm of the galaxy belonging to the Consortium. His ship was discovered by a group of Sith refugees, seeking shelter from the Jedi forces in the neutral Consortium space. The quickly discovered Aleks’s latent Force powers, and proceeded to tutor him in the ways of the Dark Side. Ten years later Aleks manipulated the clan to help him slip past the Jedi blockade and return to the Sith homeworld. In the process the clan was wiped out, leaving no traces of Aleks’s passage in the galaxy.

Once on the homeworld Aleks contacted the lingering spirit of Deomodus Kun, grandfather of Exhar Kun. The spirit of the Dark Master finished Aleks’s education. Aleks then began assembling the spiritual remains of the slain Sith Lords, hoping to be able to finish their work in the universe. During that time he discovered a hidden cloning laboratory, miraculously untouched by Jedi. He made several copies of himself and placed them on his ship. Soon after He began his plan of galactic conquest, but he did it too soon. When confronted with the Jedi Council, his body was slain, but in the process he finally was able to assemble all the latent Dark Side power on the homeworld.

Without a body to contain it the power erupted, ripping a hole in time-space continuum. Using what remained of his powers, Aleks brought his ship through the resulting tear and activated a clone revival sequence. He hoped that the clone would be able to finish his work. As it goes in fantasy genre, not all went according to plan. The clone was born, with exact ambitions of his predecessor but with the power of only a regular Sith Master. With no Dark Side sources in the vicinity to draw upon, and with no way to leave the RPGWW world, Aleks Dru wanders about, hoping to accomplish his goals at least on such limited scale.

Other notes:

Aleks’s skills: Force Powers, lightsaber fencing.

Azhreia Andrade:

Name: Azhreia Andrade (Violet, Azzy)
RPer: AbbaTerra
Race: human
Age: 21
Height: 5'10"
Eye color: violet
Hair color: black

Azhreia was conceived in the village of Dale where her mother was a white mage. Her mother became infatuated with a merchant who often passed through the village and finally decided to marry him and move to the city of Doma with him.

Azhreia grew up in a large house, but she was never allowed outside and she often spent most of her time in one of the tallest towers because she liked the height and the view. She was often ignored, but when she got older, her father abused her sexually, and this affected the girl's developing mind and psychic abilities, which she had inherited from her father. This continued, and her mother died when she was 11. Azhreia, called "Violet" by her father, a nicknamed based on her eyes and aura of power, hated being used, and not having control.

When Azzy was 17, Azzy finally escaped from her father. She believes she fried his mind because he fell and stared blankly. She also believes he can never harm her again. For the last two years, Azzy has been developing her abilities to their peek, manipulating people to her will, and recently became Dark Fanrico's ('Rico as she calls him) girlfriend.

Also for this period she was living with him in hell, but she wanted her high place, so one day she snuck off and started to make her own "Lair."

Other notes:

Azhreia's Skills: psionics (telepathy, telekinesis, pyrokinesis, etc.)


Name: Besyanteo
RPer: Besyanteo
Race: human
Age: 75
Height: 5'4"
Eye color: yellow
Hair color: dark blue

Besyanteo has been stumbling around the world since he was 17, when it was decided he was a man and could make his own decisions. In that time, he's experimented with many different forms of combat, and has settled with magic. At first it was just something on the side, that extra edge during a duel of the sword. However, as his sword arm grew weaker, his magical prowess increased. As time passed, he began to use spells to fortify his body, extend his life and protect him from physical harm. The side effects are visible in a glance at his skin, eyes and hair; he used to have a mild tan, brown hair and light blue eyes.

Other notes:

Besyanteo once toyyed with necromancy, and came off the worse for it. He was scarred for life across the front of his right shoulder by a blast of stray mana, which will randomly cause him severe pain, such as to be debilitating.

Daniel Hyral:

Name: Daniel Hyral
RPer: FF Fanatic 80
Race: human
Age: 20
Height: 5'11"
Eye color: blue
Hair color: brown

Obsessive fan of the "Final Fantasy Chronicles", a book containing stories of heroes from many lands. One of these heroes includes Daniel's idol, King Cecil of the Kingdom Baron. Beneath this quirk, though, lies a past of sorrow and regret. When he was a young child, Daniel lost his father, Alexander, to the 'Necromancer War' of Baron. His mother, Shelia, was too lost in depression to console him during his grief, so Daniel chose to leave his home, Ordana Village. He decided to fulfill a dream he had discussed with his father many times, to become a Paladin just like his idol. He spent three years training under The Mysidia Academy of Light, a school for those who wished to learn of the Goddess of Light, Ishtar. Those who graduated would be permitted to challenge Mount Ordeals, in order to gain the blessing of the Goddess, and be deemed a true Paladin. Daniel found it hard to keep to his studies, often taking time out of school to pursue his obsession with the "FF Chronicles" stories. Eventually, due to his lack of attendance and the poor performance that followed, Daniel was expelled from the school. When he returned home, he found out his brother, Stephan, had left home to take up the dark sword. Daniel blamed himself for many years. He felt he had not been around when Stephan needed him, and still feels some guilt to this day. Fortunately, the brothers were able to reconcile some of their differences years later, when they crossed paths again.

Currently, Daniel is a resident of the Kingdom of Doma. He lives in Castle Hyral, a gift from King Charles, for helping in a brief war with another world.

Other notes:

Weapon: The Phoenix Pinion -- An ordinary looking 'phoenix down' quill, which can change into a large, spear-like weapon. Daniel had the weapon made back during his earlier, more fanatical days obsessing over the FF Chronicles. He'd always be on the lookout 24/7 for people to sign his 'mint' copy of the story collection. When he missed an opportunity for his hero King Cecil to sign it, due to their being no writing instruments available, Daniel lost it for a brief time. He spent several months seeking a legendary blacksmith, said to be able to make any kind of weapon imaginable. When he found the smith, Daniel asked that he make a weapon that could function as both a weapon, and as a quill pen. When asked for materials to make the weapon, all Daniel had to offer was an old spear he'd found on his journey to the smith, and a single phoenix down feather.

Originally, the Phoenix Pinion was only intended to let Daniel have a writing utensil on hand at all times. Though he no longer looks for signatures now, the weapon's unique characteristic allows it to take up less space and weigh less when in quill form, being less of a burden on the Paladin during long trips.

Daniel's Skills: Healing and Support Magic (medium), Lancer Weaponry (high), Bartering (high), Geography (basic), Survival Skills (Ropes, Climbing, Herb Gathering, Treating Wounds, etc. -- medium), Final Fantasy Chronicles (grand mastery)

Diikoi Suzukun:

Name: Diikoi, Dii
RPer: pd Rydia
Race: half drow, half high elven
Age: 71
Height: 5'5"
Eye color: red
Hair color: black
Most favorite things: nice people, bells which dingle, chatting, working
Least favorite things: mean people, crying, messiness, broken bells

Diikoi is a halfdrow who currently works at the Ivory Horn Inn as a server. She enjoys working there, gets along well with her coworkers, and is always eager to please her customers and become a better employee. She is always full of energy, questions, and comments, and her friendly nature allows her to get along with many people. Dii is very loathe to distrust orthink poorly of anyone.

She originally hails from the drow city of Isil, near Enchufa in Doma. Her family was a highly respected family until the incident which caused her mother to become pregnant with a half high elven child -- Diikoi herself. When she was born, her family was disgraced and at birth Diikoi had earned the personal hatred and disgust of almost all of her family and the drow community. In her early life, the only two exceptions to this were her sister Allie and the drow Kage.

At the request of her mother, Diikoi spent a short time studying how to become a priestess of Lolth. However, Diikoi was bored and distracted in the school, and was kicked out shorly after she joined. At this time, she came to meet Kage, a lower class, ambitious dragoon and necromancer. In exchange for carrying out various errands for Kage, Diikoi received something she'd never had before from anyone besides Allie -- approval and acceptance of her "fault" of being half high elven. During her time working for Kage, her loyalty to and trust of Kage caused her to soon adopt many of his philosophies and ideas about life, the world, and 'inferior races.'

On one errand for Kage, however, Diikoi got lost above ground. She eventually wandered into the capital of Doma, and met up in time with Choark and Kyra, and began learning about the vast intricacies of the people of Doma. Later, these two people helped her get her job at the Ivory Horn.

Through the influence of friends, Diikoi is very slowly learning how to reason and form opinions which are truly her own. However, the fact that people might lie and cheat, that people can hurt others willingly, and that people even may claim to know what they don't, are very bewildering ideas to Dii, and leaves her with much conflict and confusion. While she has finally come to reject the belief that non-drow are all inferior and need 'purification,' she has yet to conclude that Kage is wrong or what many consider a 'bad' person. One day, she'll have to come to a resolution, and being torn between old and new friends is going to be a very traumatic experience to her.

Other notes:

Diikoi's skills: Diikoi's main skills are in magic, and most notably psionics -- including telepathy, telekenesis, and teleportation. She also has under her control fire, shadow, and holy magics. She prefers not to use her holy magic, however, unless absolutely necessary, since it reminds her of the reason why her family suffered so much at home, and why she was so hated.

When not using magic, Diikoi fights with an oversized, cast iron and spiked bell which 'Mister Choark' bought her. Outside of combat, Diikoi is able to remember names, faces, places, and long series of items or numbers with surprising accuracy. She is also good at balancing many items -- a result of being a waitress at a very busy restaurant.


Name: Sarah Deeum, DragonMistressSCV, DMSCV, DM, or SCV
RPer: DragonMistressSCV
Race: star dragon
Age: roughly over 10,000
Height: 5'7" (human); 45' (dragon)
Weight: 130 lbs (human); 35 tons (dragon)
Eye color: sapphire
Hair color: golden blonde
Astral form: two times bigger than a star dragon, with midnight blue scales, and an endless space in the inner part of the wings, hair very pale yellow, and eyes DARK blue.

(SCV is from the Slayers universe)
DM was born roughly 10,000 years ago to a race which controlled the astral plan. The race was wiped out but its Creator, L-O-N, which thought that they were a holy mistake and didn't think they belonged in this world. L-O-N had pity to keep just a handful alive -- to let them know what and why it happened. Throughout the years DM wandered aimlessly though out the land , trying to figure out why she was there and why she hasn't met anyone else like her if indeed More were spared.. (cliché!)

Other notes:

Weapon: bare fists
Magic: holy, air, ice
Strengths: holy
Weaknesses: shadow, silver
Clothes: pink tank top, pink choker, jeans, black sneakers, metallic headband, fingerless gloves (human); dark blue scales, light blue inside the wings, yellow main (dragon)


Name: ESE53-H2
RPer: EKDS5k
Race: robot
Age: 2 years
Height: 6' even
Eye color: dull grey
Hair color: varies

Created by the same company responsible for the rogue combat robot EKD5-5000, ESE53-H2 (Esese for short) was built for more low-profile work. As such, he was designed in the same form as a human, with soft skin, and a constant external temperature comparable to that of a normal human. He's also quite a bit quieter than the combat robot. And lighter, too. He's not composed entirely of battlonium, only his skeleton, and it's quite thin. This causes it to be not quite as strong as solid plates, but allows him to keep his weight in the same range as that of humans. His skin is a malleable, "smart" polymer, which can alter its colour (as can his hair), as well as close slashes and whatnot, though this does nothing for any circuitry underneath. Concealed in his body, he had many different tools for observation installed, though very little was given to him in the way of combat abilities.

Esese was out on a routine espionage mission, infiltrating the main fortress of the Dae'khan (a different dimension), when he was found by none other than the infamous robot, EKD5-5000. Realizing that they were both from the same creator, the combat robot abducted the espionage one, and quickly dimensional jumped into the world of Gaera (randomly, of course), where he hacked into his main CPU, and removed all allegiences to their creators. Why? Spite, mostly, coupled with a big dislike for those who created him. He also upgraded his hardware a bit, installing a few weapons and a force field, as well as the programs and subroutines necessary to use them, so he might be able to defend himself in the case of an attack. After he had finished modifying the espionage robot, he simply took off, having struck his blow against his creators.

After being reactivated, and told of his current situation, Esese started wandering the world of Gaera, doing what he did best: collecting information. Whenever he needed organic matter for fuel, he took on a job or two, using his newfound resiliency to work as a mercenary, defending caravans from the likes of goblins and what have you.

Other Notes:

His espionage systems are what one would expect of a spy. Infrared/UV scanning, extensive memory banks, the ability to keep very quiet so as not to be spotted. He can hack into just about any computer system (though admittedly, these are rare in the world of Gaera) with little effort, too. Perhaps his most important ability is his cloaking shield, which renders him nearly invisible when standing still, less so when he's moving around (think "Predator"). The downside is that he can't have his force field up while cloaked, which leaves him open to attacks.

His combat systems are...not quite outstanding. He can hold his own against moderately powered enemies, but he's no match for outstandingly powerful people. He does have a laser installed in his hand, but his skill with it is nowhere near that of EKDS5k. An equivalent to a magnum pistol has been grafted onto his right arm should he encounter something immune to the intense heat of the laser. He carries with him a sword he took off of some warrior, but after analysing it, it turns out that it's not magical at all, just very ornate, and long. He's quite skilled at using it, as being programmed for it was child's play for the combat robot. The only other weapons he possesses are his hands, which make for quite good ones, when you consider that his bones are metal, and he's got the strength of about 20 men.

The most important combat tool he has is his force field. He keeps it up throughout the majority of his fights, because he's quite frail without it (yeah, his battlonium is extra strong, but the downside of having an endoskeleton is that all his sensory equipment is OUTSIDE of it, and thus vulnerable to attacks). While it's deactivated, moderately strong blows tend to scramble circuitry temporarily, and heavy blows damage them permanently. While it's up, heavy blows can still scramble and damage him, but to a much lesser extent.

Fenn Foxfire:

Name: Fenn Foxfire
RPer: Archmage144
Race: elf
Age: 31
Height: 5'6"
Eye color: green
Hair color: blond
Weight: 120 lbs

Fenn is a Druid, an elven follower of the "Great Mother," Tunare. He tends to be calm, and speaks in a very polite, though at times enigmatic, manner. Fenn was born in a small city in Kalshana, but soon after, disaster struck. Dark Elves from the nearby hills raided Fenn's hometown, and after a long and devastating battle, Fenn and his family were forced to flee. While making their escape, Fenn, a mere child at the time, encountered the bloodthirsty and sadistic Dark Dragoon, Kage Sentan. Fenn, separated from his parents, stood his ground, prepared to die. Just as the Dragoon lanced forth with the killing blow, a smile of pure malice illuminating his face, a grey wolf appeared on the scene, bounding out of the bushes to attack and distract Kage. Telepathically informed to run, Fenn escaped the scene, forced away from his hometown and apart from his family.

He later took up residence in a small, almost completely unknown of grove on the Forbidden Plains, but to this day, Fenn considers no permanent home. Instead, he wanders, seeking neither revenge nor reconciliation, but simply answers.

Other notes:

Weapon: Runed wooden staff. Fenn uses this "weapon" more as a spell focus than a tool for physical combat.
Fenn's skills: Druidic Magic (very high), Animal Affinity (very high), Survival (high), Staff Fighting (basic), Knowledge of Elven Religions (high), Knowledge of Runes (average), Instrument: Flute (basic).

Jak Snide:

Name: Jak Snide (Real Name "Jack Soloman")
RPer: Jak Snide
Race: human
Age: 22
Height: 5'11''
Eye colour: blue
Hair colour: light blonde (But only known to a very select few)
Favourite spell: meltdown.

Jak comes from the far North. His hometown was a small village in the middle of the snowy wastes, the name of which he hasn't divulged to anyone. He was the son of an architect, and also trained to fight with a dagger by a member of the militia until age 9. At this point his village was attacked by a drow raiding party and burnt to the ground, Jack being the sole survivor. It was then that he discovered his outstandingly high affinity for magic, being able to ignite a drow elf with nothing more than his willpower alone. It was due to this that he escaped the drow, making his way South, severely traumatized by the event. Previously a happy, cheerful and kind child, Jack came to despise non-humans, especially the dark elves. He lost his cheerful attitude, becoming a twisted mirror image of what he once was. It was fortunate that he was found by one of the caravans traveling the area, for without aid he would have perished in the wastes.

He came to a town, the name of which he has not yet disclosed, where he learnt to refine his natural talents, the words of power and hand gestures helping channel his innate abilities. He became more and more interested in magic, convinced that warriors were fools by his quick defeat at the hands of a drow back at his village. His study of the arcane arts became almost all consuming, his attitude to others being derogatory and condescending. Eventually the local mage guild revoked his scholarship due to his behaviour, forcing him to find funds for his studies elsewhere. This is where he came to know of the ways of the mercenary. The North is fraught with danger, and Jak earned many gold pieces from guarding caravans from goblinoids and winter wolves. As the level of his studies elevated, so did the danger, and pay, of the jobs he took. Slowly the urge to study gave way to the joys of combat, the hate and rage in his heart having found it's place. Rather than calculating the risk of a job against the pay, he would take the most dangerous job. Eventually this lead to one job, where in his rage, he incinerated his entire party, led by a priest of a goodly deity, which he quite rightly doesn't want anyone to know about.

Fearing for his life, he fled South across the mountains, joining up with a caravan, his identity concealed by the green robes and the hat he adopted. It was also here where Jack Soloman ceased to exist, and Jak Snide was born, although it is arguable Jack died in the drow attack.

Eventually the caravan came to Doma, where Jak undertook a small number of bounty hunts before joining up with the revolution led by End Reshiki, seeking pay from the rebels. It was during this adventure, which ended up in the defeat of the demon "Dark Fanrico", that Jak came into contact with the first of the people he now calls his "comrades", although he judges them as his friends. It was also the adventure that brought him into contact with Kotoki, the land lady of the inn he was staying at. She showed compassion and care for him, feelings which had been absent from Jak's heart for quite some time. He fell in love with her, and now works as the protection and fund raiser for her inn, a hot spot for adventurers.

Over the years he has spent in the South, Jak has regained some of the feelings he lost up North, although he is still quite snide in his dealings with others and generally uncaring to those not associated with him. His skill in magic has also increased greatly, even having taking a small sidetrack from his focus on destructive magics. He developed a small affinity for protective magic from his desire to protect Kotoki, even though such fears are mostly not needed, the half-vampire summoner more than capable to defend herself, as well as being able to transform into a powerful fighter.

While normally throwing out drunks and blasting troublemakers at the inn, Jak sometimes goes after bounties and takes mercenary jobs, mainly to provide funds for the nigh-on constant repairs to the inn, but also to kindle the ever present desire to fight and kill. One day he hopes to be able to destroy the drow who destroyed his life, and has a strong hatred for all of their species.

Other notes:

Jak's Skills: Fire Magic (grand mastery), Ice Magic (high), Lightning Magic (high), Malediction Magic (medium), Protection Magic (basic), Dagger Skills (basic), Architectural Knowledge (very basic), Adventure Lore (mediocre)


Name: Karu
RPer: Dark Xia
Race: see below
Age: 7 years past awakening
Height: 5'5"
Eye color: red
Hair color: raven

Karu is a loner, plain and simple. He has no ties to anyone or anything save himself. He will do something because he is bored, or he'll just sit around and watch an event. He won't raise a finger to stop a thief unless he "feels like it," and will go into a burning rage and kill innocents only when he "feels like it." He'll smile when it's totally inapropriate to smile, and cry for no reason either. He doesn't know what he is, some people have called him a "Dragonian" others "Demon-child," and deciding that he couldn't come up with anything better, he uses them when people ask him what he is. He's been called these names because he has the wings of a small dragonling mounted on his back, scaley tail, and "burning red" eyes.

He awakened in the desert, half buried in sand and about to become a sandworm's next meal. After a lot of dodging and eventually disposing of the worm with a tear (see below) he took off in the oposite direction of the sun. He seeks to find some enjoyment in life, some meaning, knowledge, wisdom, and whatever else he can find on his way.

Other notes:

Karu uses emotions as his source of energy for his magic. In a battle he might appear weak or pathetic, but once he cracks a smile, or sheds a tear, he is able to draw upon his powers. The only weapons that he can use without emotion is his hands, fists, and feet.

Kotoki Michiyasu:

Name: Kotoki Michiyasu
RPer: Kotoki
Race: human
Age: 20
Height: 5'9''
Eye color: grey
Hair color: brown

Kotoki was born in a small town she doesn't want to identify and into a very old family. Very old, as she found out, due to the fact that they were vampires who had given up their thirsts for blood and started to reproduce naturally. Kotoki decided that this explained a lot, but didn't give the matter much thought - she had a great older brother, parents who'd given her a talisman to control her thirsts for blood, and many friends in the town...what could go wrong?

Plenty. Jidai's girlfriend, deciding a bit late that she hadn't wanted to go *quite* so far last night, spread the rumour that his family were vampires. The town had had trouble with bloodsuckers in the past and threw them out via the 'flaming torch and wooden stake' method. Before she died, Kotoki's mother used the last of her strength to teleport her and Jidai to safety. They were seperated and Kotoki woke up alone on the streets of Doma.

The young Kotoki had no means of making a living, or, for that matter, survival. She pawned her talisman to a wealthy collecter in return for what was according to him a top class operation. This is how she got her inn - run down, falling apart, and empty save the rats...but hers. The loss of the talisman prompted cravings for blood and occasional periods of total surrender to her vampire side, but she quickly settled into a routine of controlling herself while charging next to nothing for rooms and trying to save up enough money to buy it back. And eventually enough to find her older brother.

Kotoki found it harder and harder to attract customers as End Reshiki's hotel on the other side of Doma grew classier. One day, however, a man named Jak Snide checked in and triggered the events that changed her life forever. They led to her, and some other people, managing to save the world from total destruction. Kotoki's inn grew in popularity after that. She also ended up making quite a few friends and falling in love with a certain pyromaniacal black mage.

Kotoki currently lives in her inn and does an extremely brisk trade. She no longer has problems with her vampire side too much - Jak lets her feed off of him when it gets too hard to stand. The inn used to blow up very often, but so much recently with him protecting it for her and providing money for repairs. She's a very kind and high energy person, and while she occasionally suffers fits of anger or depression, she keeps an optomistic outlook on life.

Other notes:

Kotoki's Skills: Sailorsenshi Magic (grand mastery), Normal Magic (basic), Historical Knowledge and Lore (high), Innkeeping (grand mastery), Vampiric Skills (basic), Cooking and Brewing (medium), Crossbows and Firearms (high)

Maki Diamond Fang:

Name: Maki Diamond Fang
RPer: CaptainCommando
Race: nekojin (human blood)
Age: 19
Height: 5'1"
Eye color: green
Hair color: dark brown

Maki Emerald Fang is a cheerful, friendly, demi-human that has enjoys nothing more than adventure and jewels and gems of any kind. Born in the relatively peaceful Nekojin village of Fenai, he had an average life, for by Nekojin standards anyway. At the age of eighteen he was stricken with wanderlust and decided to make his way off into the world, seeking adventure, friends and shiny treasure!

Maki hasn’t really found much adventure as of yet, and has not really made many friends. (Due to the fact that the Nekojin from his village are looked down upon because of their tendency towards laziness and the fact that many of them are thieves.) Still, Maki is positive and eager to win people over and to enjoy himself whenever he can.

Maki is something of a crybaby and is easily offended, an unfortunate thing for him considering he’s usually poking fun at people and being a pest. Maki is also quite lazy at times, and is easily distracted by food or shiny objects. Maki stands out in a crowd, his body is covered in a thin layer of golden fur like that of a lions, he has a tufted tail and pointed ears, he is very short, and wears a lot of silver jewelry.

Other notes:

Weapons: Maki carries a thin steel great club that looks something like a four and a half foot long, slender baseball bat with a six inch steel spike on the end. He can also use his claws if need be.
Faults: Crybaby, annoying, easily offended.
Strengths: Cheerful, friendly, extremely quick and agile, cat-like senses.
Skills: Lock picking, escape artist, sneaking, hiding, and unarmed combat.
Clothing: Maki wears a dull blue tunic and a pair of baggy white pants. He also wears two silver bracelets on each forearm, two silver bands around each upper arm, two thick silver anklets, a silver collar with a blue gem set in it, two silver earrings in each ear, and one more ring around his tail.

Numair Nazou:

Name: Numair
RPer: NeoPhoenixTE
Race: human
Age: 27
Height: 5'10"
Eye color: brown
Hair color: black

Born in Riva, Numair grew up with the Rivan Dragoons. He trained as he grew up, learning the tactics and the ways of the Dragoons. However, he was always uneasy with the cause that the people around him fought for.

He even heard rumors of a forgotten goddess of Riva. He began doing some investigation, but his intents were soon discovered. He was attacked by a group of Dragoons, and was forced to leave his home behind, a marked man in his people's eyes.

Considered an enemy by the Rivan government, and an outcast to his own people, Numair fled to Baron where he learned the ways of the Baron Dragoon. It is here he began learning more about magic. He would sometimes observe Dark Knights, and their abilities. He soon began to combine the two classes into his own abilities.

He has also learned to combine both magical energies, and weapons. He has used this knowledge to create a sword that shines like gold, but cuts like diamond. He's taken up the sword instead of the spear because of his experiments, as well as an admiration of knights and their abilities. He has not pledged any allegance to Baron though. He would much rather be a wandering warrior.

Numair enjoys the thrill of battle often, and will go any which way he can to find that thrill. He'll take mercinary jobs, for the right price of course. Numair's relatively cold exterior doesn't earn him many friends. Looking upon him can sometimes be frightening, especially when his eyes are hidden under the shadow on his armor. He can strike with quick and deadly effiency. He focuses on fire spells mostly when he does use magic.
Rick Dwyer:

Name: Rick Dwyer
RPer: The Duelist
Race: human
Age: 25
Height: 6'1"
Eye color: hazel
Hair color: dark brown
Random quote: "Evaluate your opponent at all times, always watch how they move. Which hand is dominant? What stance do they prefer? Have they chosen one that is ill-balanced…is there a chink in their armor or guard? Watch closely, and look before you leap."

"Rick Dwyer, The Duelist, blade-for-hire and adventurer at your service. Yeah, that’s what I always end up saying at some point or another. Well, being as I don’t know if others of my order still exist, that pretty much sums it up. So okay, you want to know about me, fine, here’s the story. Ever since I was about ten I learned sword combat from the masters. I was going to be a Knight of Vrai…yeah, that’s what I wanted. To protect the innocent, to help the needy, to defend all that was good against the ever encroaching forces of evil…what a load of crap. When I was about 20, fully trained, close to my goal, in came a certain sorcerer by the name of Noir Mort decided to take over. Now, Noir wasn’t the subtlest Dark Wizard around, no, he preferred sending in enormous undead armies with undead sorcerers to back them up. We never stood a chance. Lets face it, each and ever knight there was master with a blade and knew the magic that went with it…but against ten to one odds…my last order was to see the women, elderly, and children out of the fighting and to sneak them out of the battleground. I got them out…and now I intend to go back. Everyone vowed on their sacred honor that they would protect Vrai to the death…and so did I. I owe a debt, and I intend to pay it in full. Until I can get enough people I will be The Duelist, a wandering hero for hire. Okay, enough brooding, lets eat! I don’t know about you, but I’m starving…"

Other notes:

Rick adheres to a code of honor -- he does not kill opponents who are incapable of fighting, or innocents.

Rick's Skills: Rick is a master with a sword, knows some unarmed martial arts, and is a tactician trained and tested. He is a moderately skilled escape artist, and also has basic acrobatic skills. He does not have magic.
Rick's Equipment: Smoke bombs, 1 Rapier, 3 Daggers, Thick Cloak (Designed as a sword trap), Backpack, torches, grappling hook and rope, miscellaneous currencies

Robert Kliyy, III:

Name: Robert Kliyy, III (Rob, Bob)
RPer: pd Rydia
Race: human
Age: 9
Height: 4'2"
Eye color: gray
Hair color: muddy brown
Favorite word: TRICKERY!

Robert's home town, Middith, lies in Doma, directly below the Narth River which separates the country from Riva. However, nearby Rivan dragoons have decided that the town really belongs to the country of Riva, and raid the town once every few months to collect "taxes." If that were not bad enough, the town also has to content with the Shango (a widespread network of gangsters linked to a few religious fanatics), who demand "tithes" for "protecting" the town from the Rivan menace, once or twice a year.

Rob has grown up being terrorized by both groups. While he doesn't fully understand the politics behind it, he does understand that strangers regularly bring trouble to Middith. Because of this, he has partially taken it upon himself (and partially been made to take it upon himself) to work as a sentry for the town -- for ten hours each day for four or five days a week, Rob watches the area surrounding the town. He and a few others who are recruited to do the same thing hope to be able to bring warning back to town before a raid, or even scare strangers away from Middith altogether.

Because of the situation in his home town, Rob is generally untrusting of strangers, and he lives in virtual poverty with his mother, Mayra Kliyy. His father, on the other hand, spends most of his time in Doma City, living rather well-off (for a successful thug). The elder Robert only visits the two of them from time to time, (not-so-)coincidentally between raids of the Shango. While whether or not his mother knows of this situation is questionable, it is a fact that little Rob doesn't. In fact, Robert thinks of his dad as something as a hero; on a couple of occasions, the elder Robert Kliyy has scared off dragoons with a gun. Rob doesn't know that said gun is a symbol of his ranking among the Shango, who he hates -- he only knows that they are rare and his dad "protects" him whenever he's around.

Other notes:

Rob's Skills: Rob's preferred method of fighting normally involves either biting or running away. Where he lacks the ability to fight, however, he is particularly good at tracking, staying hidden, remembering conversations and names, and other things useful to being a little spy. Also, his small size and childish build allows him to crawl into and hide in places too tiny for the average person.

Sher' Khan:

Name: Sher' Khan
RPer: DragonSage007
Race: lion
Age: 42 in cat years
Height: 4'1"
Eye color: brown
Fur color: light blonde

Sher' Khan was once a leader of a very large pride, but was kicked out for being too smart and sociable with humans. He now travels with Sorune under certain 'circumstances' (He likes to read books. He is a lion. He cannot read books. Sorune is the only druid he knows who can read). Sorune:

Name: Sorune
RPer: DragonSage007
Race: quarter-elf
Age: 42
Height: 5'8"
Eye color: brown
Hair color: brown

Sorune was just a normal druid living in a peaceful world with his family, poor but happy, when an idiotic summoner accidentally summoned him from his home (while in the middle of a cookout, no less!) and couldn’t send him back, due to an enchantment a wizard put on his world to preserve peace. He now travels to find his way home, if any, and possibly have some steak from that cookout.

Back in his home, Sorune was a Sage, protector of his world, Gela. He has a small medal to prove the fact, but in Gaera, well, the medal is worth zilch. The fact that he is a sage makes him want to go home even more so that Gela does not fall into disorder.

Name: Tenkei
RPer: pd Rydia
Race: "angel"
Age: 31
Height: 5'9"
Eye color: pale blue
Hair color: light brown

Despite her underlying determination and tenacity, Tenkei is a rather quiet person, and in larger gatherings, she is exceedingly reticent. In crowded or densely populated places, she is downright nervous, due to problems arising from her blood magic (explained below). Tenkei has her opinions and but unless asked keeps them largely to herself, and although she likes to keep peace around her when possible, she will not always step in to break up a potential (or actual) fight. She has both a mild fascination with and a prejudice against non-angels, which doesn't very often show, since she is not often engaged in conversation.

Tenkei hails from a village in the westernmost reaches of Doma, which lies in lands claimed but not actually governed or regulated by said country. While in modern day Gaera, most Domans have forgotten the existence of this village, in the past the village has been dubbed as the 'Village of Angels.' It received this name due to the appearance of its inhabitants; most individuals from this village share pale skin, hair, and eyes, as well as have large white, feathery wings. The inhabitants themselves leave the village unnamed, as it is custom with these "angels" to not name anything that cannot name itself. Tenkei herself, after earning the right to choose her name in a rite of passage at age 19, chose her name from a human legend she once read. Before this time, she was given the name Is'Misora, or child of Misora, who was her mother.

In contrast to their common name, angel mages have the unique ability of being able to draw mana from the energy of spilled blood, and for this reason their magic is often referred to as blood magic. Sometimes, the entire race is referred to as the Blood Mages, even though that name wrongly implies that all angels can use magic. Still, most angels avoid living in densely populated settlements, since the unexpected and numerous crimes and accidents which can occur in larger cities can "flood" mages with too much mana. In instances of mana overflow, excess mana is not only oftentimes damaging to the mage's body, but also is dispelled via uncontrollable, unpredictable, and oftentimes very dangerous wild mana casting.

As a result of this curious means to fuel spells, most angels worship Lucio. However, Tenkei's village has long worshipped Ryuugami, as a result of the past protection and aid of dragons during its founding and early days. Although now it is no longer common for angels to actually meet dragons, as a result of dragons migrating and hiding, dragons are still highly respected. Many young angels will journey out in times of trouble to consult with dragons, ask for advice, or request blessings.

Tenkei was sent from her village to embark on such a mission, to ask for advice about a recent, mysterious series of attacks on neighboring villages, when she herself was nearly killed by a rampaging shadow dragon. Promptly thereafter she ran into a group of Domans who were hunting this dragon; it didn't take her long to learn that the same dragon who had attacked a nearby Doman town and torched the house of one of its families was in fact the same dragon that was attacking the angel villages. Sickened to learn that these crimes were committed by a dragon, Tenkei joined their group to help them locate and dispatch it. Unfortuantely, after being led a slightly less than merry chase, the dragon managed to elude them, and in time the discouraged group had to break up and go their separate ways.

Tenkei has been searching for the dragon ever since. She has ventured even into the Forbidden Plains and Doma, looking for information about the dragon. She has since learned that its name is Rai, but has not had a great deal of luck beyond that. Still, she keeps at her mission, hoping to one day meet up with her and slay Rai, ridding the world of her evil once and for all.

Other notes:

Tenkei's Skills: Tenkei has a variety of magics, including illusion, wind, water, and malediction. She also "has" blood magic, or the ability to synthesize mana from the energy released when blood is spilled. She carries a longstaff that doubles as a walking staff, and wields it with some proficiency.

Terra Rose:

Name: Terra Rose
RPer: AbbaTerra
Race: human
Age: 19
Height: 5'8"
Eye color: blue
Hair color: light brown

Terra grew up in a small village called Dale. Her mother, Margaret, was a devoted wife to her lumberjack husband, Tim, until he died when Terra was 5.

Margaret made the decision to move to get away from the memories of her husband and moved to Doma. Terra was forced to leave behind her best friend, an aspiring black mage named Aaron Drake.

In Doma, Terra went to school and got an education, but her greatest passion was singing. When her mother let her loose, Terra started traveling with her magical singing voice, but as of yet, she hasn't traveled too far from Doma.

Other notes:

Terra's Skills: Singing (can have magical effects), Rage (a submerged personality surfaces and takes out anger on the offending person{s}), reading and writing, old lore & the means to find it (some), old languages (basic)


Name: Vex / Male DMSCV, MDM
RPer: DragonMistressSCV
Race: star dragon
Age: roughly over 10,000
Height: 5'7" (human); 45' (dragon)
Weight: 145 lbs (human); 35 tons (dragon)
Eye color: sapphire
Hair color: golden blonde
Astral form: two times bigger than a star dragon, with midnight blue scales, and an endlesspace in the inner part of the wings, hair very pale yellow, and eyes DARK blue.

Vex showed up due to a freak summoning accident of DMSCV's. He was identified as DM's male self from a different reality. (short but to the point...he basically has the same past as DM, but, as you know, is male).

Other notes:

Weapon: bare fists
Magic: holy, air, ice
Strengths: holy
Weaknesses: shadow, silver
Clothes: blue tank top, jeans, red/white sneakers, metallic headband (human); dark blue scales, light blue inside the wings, yellow main (dragon)


Name: WhiteShadow
RPer: WhiteShadow
Race: Motavian (otherworlder)
Age: 24
Height: 5'8"
Eye color: red
Hair color: white

Motavia - AW 2285. The world is still recovering after the destruction of the Profound Darkness, but in Paseo, something else is causing concern. A local rumour of a thief known only as the "WhiteShadow" have spread far and wide, a trail of break-ins in its wake. The few witnesses to this creature have only caught a glimpse before it sped away, it’s afterimage leaving an almost white shadow in the area.

In truth, the WhiteShadow has no name. He is instead a motavian outcast, shunned at birth for his white, rather than blue, fur. Raised by wolfangs in the forests of Tonoe, Shadow speaks little and rather lets his actions do the talking. Weilding two scimitars scavenged from a sand worm’s horde, Shadow was living a normal, thieving life until he fell into the Edge… (the transplanar lair of the Profound Darkness)

And found himself staring at the rubble of the Jade Dragon Inn…

Other notes:

More detail is at http://takeoff.to/WS800 - although of course in that version he doesn’t end up anywhere near Gaera. He just has a bunch of wacky adventures, and stuff.


Gengara Shindougo:

Name: Gengara Shindougo
Mecha: NightWalker Brigada Custom
Rper: Nick Shogun
Race: Grey Elf
Age: 18
Height: 5'11'
Eye color: green
Hair color: white

Gengara was adopted from a shelter and raised in Igala by a pair of intensely military parents. His father spent the basis of his off time training Gengara to be the ultimate tek warrior. At age 12, Gengara made his first successful run in a mecha, his father’s standard Halcon. His father found him extremely gifted, and desired to send him to Igala Academy as soon as possible. Three years later, however, Gengara’s parents were killed. Gengara, respecting his father’s wishes, enrolled in Igala.

Gengara is massively seclusive, overly arrogant, and extremely confident in his skills. But he makes up for his brazen behavior on the field, where he proves his worth. He keeps a cool head in battle.

Despite the fact that he can use magic, he prefers to fight without it. His attack patterns are wild and unpredictable, though Gengara always seems to know where he’ll end up. His defense is strong where it needs to be, but his major power lies in his offensive strategies.

* Mecha details:
o NightWalker Brigada Custom
o stats: [M.ATK: 4 - M.DEF: 8 - C.Eff: 8 - E.Aff: Ice - MP: 26]
o spells:
+ [Death Aura] - x 6 END -=- Increases damage done by spells.
+ [Ice Needles] - x 4 -=- Splits energy attacks into numerous ice-enchanted beams.

Hayako Usagitsuki:

Name: Hayako Usagitsuki
Mecha: Shadowcat Basic
RPer: Nekogami
Race: nekojin
Age: 16
Height: 5'5"
Eye color: light blue
Hair color: golden-red

Born and raised in the small merchant/farming town of Kiskele, Hayako has energy to spare. Her mother was a fashion designer and her father was a teacher at a machinist techinical school. Her older brother was a Tek in Valth Elite and she hardly saw him.

Though estranged from her brother physically, she often communicated through letters and developed a kind of worship of him through his accomplishments in the prestigious school. One day he recieved a letter that sent him and her father into a horrible fight, his final words to her were "Maybe if you become a good enough pilot, we'll meet one day again..." She hasn't heard from him since. That was 5 years ago..

Now, she strives to be the best pilot there ever was. She doesn't bother with the books, much to the teachers chagrin, but excels on the field, paired with her Shadowcat. She decieves her opponents with childishness then strikes when the least expect it.
Karune Seimitsu:

Name: Karune Seimitsu
Mecha: FASDGX213-J NightWalker
RPer: Daien
Race: human
Age: 17
Height: 5'8"
Eye color: brown
Hair color: blonde

Karune was raised from a normal middle-class family within a village close to the capital, however, he was always interested in the world of machines. Always fiddling with machines, Karune was picked on for being a nerd and whatnot, which is why now he avoids fights, and tries to stop them like they're the end of the world. Karune has continued on his love for machines, and joined M.A.C. to make his skills useful. He is otherwise a pretty normal person of his age, who likes to have fun, but also spends a lot of time on mechs, improving, repairing and modifying.

In fact, his mecha was one of an almost original design. The NightWalker is a human-type, with some traditional weaponry, and some original, devised by Karune himself, a mech aimed at beating varied types of enemies.

In battle, Karune's one which relies on tactical advantage rather than power, and, believing that nothing can be perfect, exploiting the enemy's weakness to the maximum. In the battlefield, he uses his understanding of mechs to the maximum. If he is afraid, you know there IS something to be afraid of.
Mimi Amoda:

Name: Mimi Amoda
Mecha: Inferno
RPer: dragonclawsedw
Race: human with a slight bit of dragon blood
Age: 18
Height: 5'8''
Eye color: golden brown
Hair color: blond

Hailing from south Doma, Mimi is the only child of the business tycoon Steven Amoda, a name well known in the construction and production of magitek armor. Steven Amoda has been divorced for several years, so Mimi rarely sees her mother, whom would rather stay away from Mimi. Outgoing and happy, Mimi strives to become a great magitek pilot with the hopes of making Daddy proud. Generally performing at a B level, Mimi can certainly handle a mech well, but has trouble understanding it all. She studies quite a bit, but would rather be out partying or gossiping.

Mimi uses the Inferno, a dragonlike mech custom modified from the Shadowwalker model. Mimi is able to work her mecha well, compensating for her low speed by using obstruction techniques, such as smokescreens to hide the location of her mech. On various parts of the Inferno she has painted gold markings which act a lot like runes, which she believes helps modifiy her magic (but really do no more than look pretty). Mimi uses fire and very limited earth magic in battle.
Nadie Marronterra:

Name: Nadie Marronterra
Mecha: Halcón
RPer: pd Rydia
Race: bastet
Age: 16
Height: 5’4”
Eye color: green
Hair color: black

A bastet from the plains in the south of Doma, Nadie is a Tek student at the magitek academy in western Igala. Nadie is the epitome of an introvert, normally too shy to be able to string more than a few words together around most people. She is convinced that she needs to hide her bastet nature to avoid persecution and prejudice. The girl obsesses over her grades and overall school performance, spending way too much time studying and overstudying, and not nearly enough time out socializing or having fun. The few times she does take time out for herself is normally to go spend time out in the school grounds or gardens, or to take time out to write stories or poetry.

Nadie's mecha is the Halcón, and older model. Dull brown and plain, Nadie does little to deck out her mecha -- in fact, she does the bare minimum maintainance necessary to take care of it. She has something of a grudging acceptance of the mecha, and still thinks she 'should have chosen to be a mage.'

While her strength lays in the tek field and navigating the cyberplane, Nadie has an mild affinity for earth spells and some skill with rune magic. The latter is a necessity for keeping her bastet changings under control.
Ranma Sensai:

Name: Ranma Sensai
Mecha: Stryfe
RPer: Shadow Watcher/Nakibe
Race: wood elf
Age: 18
Height: 5' 7"
Eye color: blue
Hair color: blond

Born in the Solasian mountains and raised in Doma, Ranma is the quintessential ladies man. Many of the ladies at the western Igala academy look up to him, and he sometimes fancies himself a ladies man, impressing them with his tales of mecha prowess. Teachers don't think so highly of him, as he is by no means an exceptional student. At least, off the battlefield. On it, he is calculating, and although his strategies may be some what simple, they are usually fairly effective. He takes great pride in his skills, and will not accept less than the best he can do on the field. Currently he has his sights set on two things. Being the best Mech pilot in MAC Igala... and the two ladies that DON'T seem to think he's so cool... Nadie and Hayako.

His mecha is a fairly plain human-type that he has named the Stryfe. It's a somewhat older model of mech which he has revamped the computer systems for. When in battle, he is notorious for his use of a heavy shield in combination with a weapon of his own design, the TekBlade. The Tekblade is a boomerang-like weapon that he has modified to be useful for any type of work. And many students have found that, when he loads an explosive charge into the blade, he is capable of surprising people time and again with this seemingly simple combination of weapons.

Under fire, Ranma is cool and calculating, and perhaps his mix of style and substance can actually win him a place in the ranks. </small> <p>
-=- "Spammers are people too." -- SuperRube
-=- "And then the pixies of doom ate her brain. It was very tragic." -- White Knight
-=- "If it smells like a discussion, walks like a discussion, and talks like a discussion.. it's a.. duck" -- Crawling Reshiki<p><center>Image</center></p>Edited by: pd Rydia&nbsp; Image at: 11/6/04 1:54 am

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Re: RPGWW stored freestyle and MAC characters

Unread postby Zemyla » Mon Nov 17, 2003 7:06 pm

EDIT: I am dum. :{{ <p>-----
Do not taunt Happy Fun Zemyla.

I think boobs are the lesser of two evils. - Inverse (Pervy)
Dammit, Dan, I'm not dating a damn NPC! - OOC Will (Will Baseton)
Of course! Anything worth doing is worth doing completely wrong! - Travis English

Brotherhood of Elitist Bastards</p>Edited by: Zemyla&nbsp; Image at: 11/17/03 7:13 pm

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pd Rydia
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Re: RPGWW stored freestyle and MAC characters

Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon Nov 17, 2003 7:11 pm

We aren't. You should post that in your separate thread of characters, or make one if you don't have one. This thread is solely to log the characters I deleted off the website, in case someone wants to retrieve their sheet. <p>
-=- "Spammers are people too." -- SuperRube
-=- "And then the pixies of doom ate her brain. It was very tragic." -- White Knight
-=- "If it smells like a discussion, walks like a discussion, and talks like a discussion.. it's a.. duck" -- Crawling Reshiki<p><center>Image</center></p>

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Re: RPGWW stored freestyle and MAC characters

Unread postby pd Rydia » Sat Nov 06, 2004 2:02 am

Amanda's PS sheets ganked off the wayback machine:

-=- Mahou
-=- Nekoko
-=- Sirvix

[edit] Oh yeah, I also ganked character biographies. I'll post those at the bottom.

<small>Mahou (Nekogami) - Lvl 1 - (60) HP, (80) MP, (25) TP


name: Mahou Wyrd - age: 21 (converted--won't admit her actual yearage) - eyes: green - hair: light blue - height: 5'9" - weight: 125-135 (estimate--wouldn't say exactly)

Mahou is the daughter of a professor of the Heraldic College. Her mother was Murda, a close to demonic class of elf. Being pressured by her bloodlines to do good, she often has a short temper and low tolerance for others. She took acting classes so she could fake her way into society.

Name: Mahou Wyrd
RPer: Nekogami
Race: Elven
XP: 200/1000
Max HP: 55 (60)
Max MP: 75 (80)
Max TP: 20 (25)
Initiative: 6+2d6 (8-18)

Courage: +4
Wisdom: +3
Intuition: +2
Charisma: +2
Agility: +2
Dexterity: +1
Strength: +2
Stamina: 0
Magic Aptitude: 5

Base AT/PA - 10
Modified for skill - 12/12
Modified for armor - 11/10

Body=High Quality Robes (AC 5), Head=Crown (AC 5), Magic=Amulet (AC 2)
[+5 HP/MP/TP bonuses granted by Power Armbands]

Weapon Damage- Ninjato
Thrusting - 13+1d6 (14-19)
Swinging - 19+2d4 (21-27)
Chopping - 24+2d6 (26-36)
Flame Magic - 3 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Earth Magic - 3 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Wind Magic - 3 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Energy Magic - 4 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Thunder Magic - 3 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Mental Magic - 2 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Swords - 3 <Cou/Str/Agi>
Rods - 2 <Cou/Str/Agi>
Cooking -2 <Int/Int/Cha>
Pickpocketing - 2 <Cou/Int/Dex>
[s]Bunny Affinity -2
[k]Heraldry - 4 --Spells/Techs--

* [Innate]Starlight (5 TP) - Gives 10 MP to an ally.
* [Innate]Call Bunny (1 TP) - Summons a bunny.
* All of the following are open to Mahou at element rank 1, but require [k]Heraldry=rank being cast.
* Firebolt (8 MP) Does 5+(rank*3)+2d6 Fire damage to one enemy.
* Thunderbolt (8 MP) Does 5+(rank*3)+2d6 Lightning damage to enemies in a line.
* Windslash (13 MP) Does 5+(rank*3)+2d6 Wind damage to one enemy group.
* Energy Bolt (17 MP) Does 15+(rank*5)+2d6 Energy damage to one enemy.
* Requires [k]Heraldry=(highest rank cast)+1 -- EX: Eruption cast at Fire rank=3, Earth rank=2 requires Heraldry=4.
* [Earth=1, Fire=1]Eruption (7 TP/40 MP) - Does 20+(fire+earth rank)*4+2d6 Fire/Earth damage to one enemy group.
* [Thunder=1, Water=1]Thunderstrorm (7 TP/35 MP) - Does 20+(thunder+water rank) damage to one enemy group.

Nekoko (Nekogami) - Lvl 1 - 65 HP, 0 MP, 20 TP


name: Nekoko Kitiwai - age: 15 - eyes: purple - hair: white and black - height: 5'4 - weight: 120

Nekoko is princess of Nekonia. A rambunctious child and sometimes uncontrollable, Nekoko did not find her way until she ran into a martial artist by the name of Ua Rang. Ua Rang taught her an ancient style of martial arts and turned her into a responsible princess. Despite this, Nekoko knows little of the outside world but is very book savvy.

Name: Nekoko Kitiwai
RPer: Nekogami
Race: Cat-person
Level: 1
XP: 0/1000
Max HP: 65/65
Max MP: 0/0
Max TP: 20/20
Initiative: 5+2d6 (7-17)

Courage: +3
Wisdom: +4
Intuition: +3
Charisma: +2 (+1)
Agility: +4 (+0.5)
Dexterity: +1
Strength: +2
Stamina: +2
Magic Aptitude: 0

Base AT/PA - 12/12
Modified for skill - 16/12
Modified for armor - 16/12

Body=Figher's Gi (AC 10), Arms=Wrist Bands (AC 2)
Head=Silver Circlet [boosts Mag Def]
Feet=Fighting Slippers [boosts Agi]
Tail=Tail Ring [boosts Cha]
Misc=Ribbons [boost Cha]

Weapon Damage - unarmed
Punching - 6-16
Kicking - 9-20
Barefisted/ Gloves - 4 <Cou/Str/Agi>
Ambidexterity - 2 <Dex/Dex/Agi>
Combo - 2 <Cou/Str/Agi>
Martial Skills - 3 <Cou/Str/Agi>
Climbing - 4 pd Rydia&nbsp; Image at: 11/6/04 2:08 am

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cleaning out the /RPchars/ directory...

Unread postby pd Rydia » Sat Nov 06, 2004 2:46 am

old post


pd Rydia
Dryad Pi
Posts: 8811
(11/17/03 10:41 pm)


<small>subject: cleaning out the /RPchars/ directory...

And I found the following files:


Now, I don't know who put them there, but they don't belong there, seeing as how only HTM files should be in that folder. So here's copies of the information before I delete them.


Name: Fresca Dantir
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Level: 1
Max HP: 65
Max TP: 20
Max MP: 80
Initiative: 3+2d6

Courage: 1
Wisdom: 4
Intuition: 2
Charisma: 5
Agility: 2
Dexterity: 1
Strength: -1
Stamina: 2
Magic Aptitude: 5

Base AT/PA - 8/8
Modified for skill - 9/9
Modified for Equipment - 7/11

Armor - Robes (AC:5, 0/0)

Weapon Damage
Staff (-2/+2)
-Thrusting - 4+1d6
-Slashing - 7+2d4
-Chopping - 11+1d6

White Magic - 4 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Benediction - 4 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Enchantment Magic - 4 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Malediction - 4 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Chocobo Riding -4 <Dex/Agi/Int>
Staves - 2 <Agi/Dex/Str>
[s]Skill Focus: White Magic (Healing Spells) - 4 <Mag/Wis/Int>
[s]Chocobo Care and Handling 4 <Wis/Int/Cha>
[k]Guard Tactics: 3 <Wis>
[k]Chain of Command 3 <Wis>
[k]Castle Layout 3 <Wis>
[k]Doman Laws 3 <Wis>

[White=1]Cure (7 MP) - Heals one target, restoring 8+rank*2+1d6 HP. Some targets may be damaged for the same amount instead (undead, for example) and some may not be affected at all (powerful shadow-based creatures).
[White=4]Cure 2 (18 MP) - Heals one target, restoring 15+rank*4+2d6 HP. Some targets may be damaged for the same amount instead (undead, for example) and some may not be affected at all (powerful shadow-based creatures).
[White Magic=4, [s]Skill Focus: Healing Spells=4]Group Cure (24 MP) - Restores 10+rank*2+1d6 HP to up to rank specified targets.
[White Magic=4]Heal (14 MP) - Cleanses target of any unnaturally-caused affliction, such as poisoning, induced paralysis, induced insanity, ect. May not work against particulary strong versions of such, nor upon those wrought but natural causes; such as paralysis induced by a broken back (GM's discretion).
[Ben=3]Protect (10 MP) - Reduces Physical Damage by Rank+1d6 Points
[Ben=3]Shell (12 MP) - Reduces Magical Damage by Rank+1d6 Points
[Ben=4,White=4]Wall (15 MP) - Adds Rank+1d4 to Resist Magic
[Enchanting=4]Dispel Enchantment (10 MP) - Attempts to forcefully dispel magical enchantments of various types.
[Malediction=1]Pain (8 MP) - Stuns an opponent for a round. Stunned opponents suffer a -4/-4 penalty and cannot act.
[Chocobo Riding=4, [s]Chocobo Care and Handling=4] Mounted Combat (4TP for invoked ability) This allows Fresca to fight on Chocobo Back with no Penalty. Or she may sacrifice her attacks and allow the mount to use its natural attacks (Peck for 18+1d6 with Blindness on a crit due to hitting eyes, or kick for 26+2d6) . For 4 TP, assuming her mount has room to run, she may do a charge to strike for double damage with her weapon, or allow her mount to trample a smaller foe or throw itself against a larger foe for 30+3d6 damage. Tramples require her to make a riding check to stay mounted.


Godfrey was born into a regular elven family. His childhood was as normal as wood elves go: a little magic training, but mostly singing, dancing, reading and in general having fun. Despite all the comforts he had, his feet were always aching to explore the land, so he could learn stories and legends of yore, and later impress the other youngsters back in town. All was fine while he wandered in the nearby areas, but one day he strayed to far and reached Felthria. Being merely a child (only 20 years old at the time) he became fscinated with the culture and the myriad different activities taking place there. He returned to his hometown one last time, where he announced his family he would depart his home in hopes of exploreing the world and studying the stories and legends that permeate it.

name: Godfrey Greenoak - age: 112 - eyes: brownish green - hair: brown -
height: 5' 5"-

Name: Godfrey Greenoak
RPer: Aldaglad
Race: Wood elf
Level: 1
XP: 0/1000
Max HP: 65 (55 + 2*5)
Max MP: 60 (3*10 + 3*5 + 3*5)
Max TP: 20
Initiative 3+0+2d6

Courage 0
Wisdom +3
Intuition +3
Charisma +6
Agility +2
Dexterity +2
Strength 0
Stamina +2
Magic Aptitude: 3

Base AT/PA - 6/6

--Armor and weapons-

Weapon: Hand Crossbow : Accuracy: 18; Damage: 16+2d4+3
Armor: Heavy Robes: AC:4; Mods: 0/0

Weapon Damage - Hand Crossbow
Piercing? (???)


[k] Bardic Knowledge - 4 ( information about histories and legends of a certain region the bard is used to live in, like Kalshana)
[k]Magical Creature Knowledge - 2
[k]Negotiation - 2
[s]Bullshit - <Cha/Wis/Int> - 2
[s]Musical Talent - <Cha/Cha/Dex> - 4
Access - <Cha/Cha/Int> - 2
Bluff - <Cha/Cha/Int>- 3
Crossbow - <Str/Dex/Dex>- 2
Diplomacy - <Cha/Cha/Int> - 2
Etiquette (Articulate Speaker) - <Cou/Cha/Int> - 1
Singing - <Cha/Cha/Dex> - 3
Instruments (lute) < Int/Cha/Dex> -2
Inspiration < Cha/Cha/ Int > - 2 (Uses music or some sort of performance to inspire allies in whatever task they are undertaking, be it battle or some skill intensive activity)
Illusion Magic - <Mag/Int/Wis> - 4
Musical Magic - <Mag/Int/Wis> - 4


[Singing=1, Inspiration=1] Ode to my friends (5 TP) - While in battle this tech inspires courage (+2 )in all allies, until the end of the battle. Can't attack or move while using it.

[Inspiration=2] Nerves of steel (2 TP) - Inspires a single target using a non-combat skill, improving one stat selected by the target (+2)

[Illusion=1]Distraction (5 MP) - The simplest of all illusion spells, this creates a very basic, single dimension illusion (which can be any dimension the caster has access to). This may be used to fool observers or targets as desired, and the actual effects should be left up to common sense.

[Illusion=3]Disguise (8 MP) - This illusion allows the caster or a target to take the appearance of any object which the caster is familiar with and can imagine clearly. However, the target is NOT transformed into the object in actuality, and a physical inspection (touching the target) will make this obvious.

[Illusion=4]Invisibility (10 MP) - This spell makes the target invisible by bending light around him or her. Invisible targets still project themselves astrally, so this ability will not fool mages scanning the astral plane or reading auras. Invisible targets recieve a +10 bonus to attack any foe who is unaware of their presence. This spell lasts for a duration of rank*4 minutes out of combat, or rank rounds in combat. Taking an action, such as attacking, breaks this spell early.

[Illusion=4]Smother Sound (8 MP) - This spell creates the "illusion" of silence, preventing all sound.

[Musical Magic=1] Soothe (5 MP)- Using an instrument as focus, calms a rational target (target with some level of comprehension), making it less prone to violent reactions and more agreeable.

[Musical Magic =2; Illusion=2] Ventriloquism (8 MP)- Fools any number of targets to believe music or singing is coming from a direction of the caster's choice.

[Musical Magic= 3] Calm beast (8 MP)- Calms a beast of low intelligence, preventing it from undertaking any hostile actions, as long as the caster's party shows a non threathening disposition. If cast twice in a row, beast takes a friendly disposition.

[Musical Magic=4] Slumbering sleep (X MP)- Anyone that is within hearing distance of the caster feels exhausted, and becomes slower and finally asleep. This spells costs 5 MP to cast in the first round, in wich case the targets feel a slight somnolence. Then it costs 1 MP per target affected, and the effects are as follow: round 2: targets feel increasingly drowzee, and are penalized in any actions they may undertake; round 3: targets feel heavy and drop any weapon or item they might be carrying; round 4: targets falls into a light sleep (if casters stops any loud noises will awake the targets); round 5 : targets fall into a deep sleep, being awaken only after hit). This spell cannot be ignored by covering ears past round 2 (i.e. if targets didn't forfeit actions to cover ears before round 2 they can't do so in round 3 and thereafter).


Inverse Stanovski

Hair: Blue-Green
Eyes: Blue
Age: 19
Build: Thin
Appearance: Rather Bishy (When human)
Race: Slimehalf

Inverse is a success story in many ways. He hails from Barius, but was driven out by the increasing cruelty of Vaniyakna's reign. Fleeing to Doma, he sought employment in a local potion store. To suppliment his income, he took to adventuring. during one of his early adventures, he found a centuries-old library, and sold its contents to a number of scholars for almost 200,000 gil. Since then, he has bought the potion store where he once worked, and a number of other businesses. His net worth is now several times what the library brought him.

The secret to Inverse' stunning success lies in his obsessive desire to know essentially any rumor that he can hear. Using his newfound wealth, he has hired a small corp of professional information gatherers and pays then very generously for the information they bring him. He uses what information that he considers noteworthy to determine what move he makes next with his businesses. He is also willing to take a short loss for long-term gain, letting the other businesses cover it. So far, he owns several potions stores, one import/export service (OCP Importers), a number of provision stores, and two tenament complexes.

Though coming to Doma has brought him money, it is rare that he is truly happy. He still pines for his homeland, feeling guilty for leaving it behind to Vaniyakna's clutches. A recently failed realtionship has not aided these feelings. As a result, he can be a harsh person to those who upset him. He also tends to follow the law as closely as he can, knowing his rumormonging puts him in a tenenous position sometimes, and looks down on those who do not. The final key to this lies in a deep-seated feeling of inferiorty and alienation that stems from his race. He has a hard time shaking the feeling that others hate him for being part slime, and that he'll never truly be accepted. As a result, he tends to seclude himself. Ironically, it is his own desire for rumors that brings him out of hiding.

Cou 2
Wis 5
Int 3
Cha 2
Agi 1
Dex 2
Str 0
Sta 3
Mag 3

HP = 70
MP = 70
TP = 20

Init = 3+2d6
AT/PA = 6/6

AT/PA w/Rapier 8/7 (8/10/X , +1/-1)

AT/PA w/Thrown and Splashed attacks 10/6 (Lesser Acid: 10+2d6 1st round, 6+d6 2nd round. Aqua Regia: 12+3d6 1st round, 8+2d6 2nd round, 4+1d6 3rd round. Acid puts victims in a lot of pain.)

Equipment: Robes, Rapier, 2 Tubes of Aqua Regia, 3 tubes of Lesser Acid (Tubes enchanted to withstand extreme Pressure) 2 Healing Potions (Heals 20+1d10 HP), 1 Mana restore (10+d10 MP) 1700 gil (Not all in Doman Currency)

Electromancy 4
Pyromancy 2
Cryomancy 4
Metamorphics 4
Rapier 3
Throwing/Splashing (Non-Aerodynamic) 4
[s]Rumormonging 4
[s]Attentive 4
[s]Potion-making 4
[k] History of Barius 4
[k]General History of Igala 4
[k] Doman Law 2
[k]Secrets of Doma/ns 4
[k]Business Sense 4

[Fire=1]Fire 1 (4 MP) - Does 8+rank*2+1d6 fire damage to a single target.
[Ice=1]Ice 1 (4 MP) - Does 8+rank*2+1d6 ice damage to a single target.
[Ice=4]Ice 2 (12 MP) - Does 14+rank*4+2d6 ice damage to a single target.
[Lit=1]Lit 1 (4 MP) - Does 8+rank*2+1d6 electric damage to a single target.
[Lit=4]Lit 2 (12 MP) - Does 14+rank*4+2d6 electric damage to a single target.
[Cyromancy = 3] Freezeover (8 MP) This spell creates a sheet of ice on the ground at the feet of one target (Assume 1 hex if there is no target). This sheet lasts for 3 rounds, and forces the victim to make an agility check (Agi*3+d20) vs 25 or Slip, losing their PA and action for the round. If the roll succeeds by 8 or more, the victim's feet are frozen to the ground. The victim cannot move or defend from rear attack. Each round, they may try to break free as a standard action; Strength (Str*3+d20) vs 30. Those that break free still have to deal with the slippy ice until the duration is up.
[Metamorphics=3] Cosmetical Alterations (15 MP) Use small amounts of shapechanging magic to change the target's basic appearance for up to three days. Can change hair length and color, eye color, skin color or texture, facial shape, and so on. No statistical benefits can be gained. Inverse cannot use this on himself.
[Metamorphics=4] Humanform (16 MP) This allows Inverse to take the shape of a human. The appearance is set and cannot be changed. However, the spell is not particularly stable. A critical hit, or a hit doing over thirty points of damage, break the spell if he fails a Metamorphics Roll [Int+Wis+Mag+(Rank *2)+d20] vs Damage taken.
[Innate] Shapechange Immunity: The circumstances of Inverse's birth and lineage have left him immune to all shapechanging magicks below the divine level save for his own. A particularly powerful shapechanging effect may force him to make a Metamorphics roll to avoid being knocked into his true shape (GM Ruling).

Rumormongering: This allows Inverse to do one of two things. He may try to see if he's overheard rumors on a particular subject (applicablity and accuracy is GM's call) with a successful check, or he may spend an afternoon seeking information on a particular subject.(Modified by how low a profile he keeps and how much he has to spend).
[Innate] Slime shape: Inverse's natural form, a nine-inch tall slime. As a slime, he cannot wield weapons of any kind, nor carry anything heavy. He may bite for 2d6 crushing damage a round. Spellcasting is possible as a slime. He lacks bones as a slime, and can slip into some very tight places. Generally, he prefers to avoid this form unless there is no real recourse.


Name: Neb Nueva
RPer: NebulaQueen
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Hazel
Height: 5’2”

Courage: 2
Wisdom: 5
Intuition: 4
Charisma: 2
Agility: 0
Dexterity: 1
Strength: 0
Stamina: 1
Magic Ap: 6

HP - 60
MP -- 105
TP -- 20
Initiative -- 2+2d6
Base AT/PA - 6/6

AT/PA adjusted for weapons & armor: 6/6

Enchanted Vest-AC: 13, 0/0 AT/PA Penalty

Other Equipment:
Age Choker- An enchanted choker that looks like it's made out of black velvet ribbon, with a grey gemstone on it for decoration. Turning the gem like a knob activates an illusion spell, making the wearer look either younger or older than they appear to be.


[k]Applied Magical theory - 3
[k]Artifacts - 3
[k]Astronomy - 3
[k]Formal Magical Theory - 3
[k]Nature of Dreams - 2
[k]Trade & Business - 4
[k]Spacial Theory - 2
[s]Bullshit - <Cha/Wis/Int> - 3
Astral Magic - <Mag/Wis/Int> - 4
Bartering - <Cha/Cha/Int> - 3
Dream Magic - <Mag/Wis/Int> - 1
Spacial Magic - <Mag/Wis/Int> - 4
Time Magic - <Mag/Wis/Int> - 4


[Innate] Great Fortitude - Neb is one tough mother-fu (shut yo’ mouth!). While she can be bent, twisted, etc, it’s actually quite difficult to truly break her emotionally. As a result, she tends to be quite determined when she puts her mind to it, and has a greater stamina for emotional and psychological pain. This also gives her somewhat of an immunity towards devolving into one of those annoying, whiny, stereotypical angst-ball characters.
[Time Magic=1] P’tos (Slow) (6 MP) - Disrupts the flow of time, slowing down a target's metabolism, aging, and movement. If successful, a target enemy's turn is delayed until the end of the combat round for 1d2+rank rounds, and they will move as though they had -rank AGI, as well as suffering a -2/-2 AT/PA penalty.
[Time Magic=2] D’nepsa (Speed/Haste) (10 MP) - Blesses a target with increased speed. The target's metabolism, aging, and movement rates increase. This character may move as though he had +rank AGI and gains one extra action per round for rank rounds. Being under the influence of a Haste spell for more than a few minutes tends to make one VERY hungry as a result of all the energy they burn.
[Time Magic=4] Ez-aref (Freeze) (18 MP) - If successful, the target is completely frozen and until the end of the round, as if they were stuck in time. It’s pretty much a more effective version of the slow spell or a less effective version of the stop spell. While it’s more powerful than the former, it isn’t as effective as the latter.
[Space=2] Ria Si-tra (Stuck/Gravity Well) (7 MP) - Creates a gravity well over a 4-hex radius. Anyone within the well must succeed in a strength check vs. the casting power in order to resist the effects. Those who fail to resist receive a -3/-3 penalty to AT/PA, and movement is cut in half. Flying creatures who fail to save are grounded by this spell.
[Astral=1] Paz-Shathra O’vo (Astral Jolt 1) (10 MP) - Deals 12+rank*2+1d6 damage to a single target.
[Astral=4] Paz-Shathra T’vo (Astral Jolt 2) (16 MP) - Deals 16+rank*4+2d6 damage to a single target.
[Bullshit=1] Flattery (2 TP) - Adds a bonus equal to rank/2 in Bullshit to Charisma rolls. The limit is +6. The flattery must be RPed accordingly for it to be effective. </small> <p>
<center><small>"We are just poor, wandering corn farmers..."

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pd Rydia
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Re: RPGWW stored freestyle and MAC characters

Unread postby pd Rydia » Sat Nov 06, 2004 2:50 am

more /RPchars/ cleaning...

A copy of Adam's and Brian's sheets remain in your respective folders on zeke. Speaking of which, I have no idea how to give you access to those, but I'll be able to upload things to them for you.


<small>Semiru (WhiteShadow) - Lvl 1 - 75 HP, 0 MP, 20 TP


name: Semiru of the Three Blades - age: 19 - eyes: brown - hair: orange - height: 6'

Born in the seaside town of Kohlingen, Semiru grew up as a the blacksmith's son. Having no knowledge of his mother, and his father never speaking of her, left Semiru with no curiosity about his birth. Instead, as he grew, he helped his father diligently. His father, Radlin, loved his work. He would tell Semiru many legends about ancient blades, about the great dwarven forges and the works of art they could make out of basic iron. But the story that stuck in Semiru's head most, was the tale of the "Three Blades". Basically, Radlin believed that anybody could be undefeatable provided they mastered the three weapons Radlin held most dear. The cutlass (they were by the seaside, after all, pirates came and went), the mighty axe, and the long-range throwing knives. Semiru was trained in all three of these weapons, as his father hoped he could protect his son best by giving him mastery of these three. But as time went by, and Semiru grew into a teenager, he tired of the blacksmith's life, oftimes finding himself down at the local bar due to his familiar face and his major weakness: beer. This all came to a head on his 18th birthday, when half the town gathered to celebrate. Semiru, it seemed, was a popular lad. He doesn't remember much of that night, but he awoke in the morning with a splitting headache to find himself on the outskirts of town, his father glowering over him. "Boy, until you redeem yourself in the eyes of me and this town, then you are no longer my son and no longer a townsman. Seek your way in the world and don't come back until you think you are worthy of forgiveness!" Just as Semiru was about to ask what exactly he did, his father tossed down a pile of weapons and armour and stormed back into the town. Not wanting to risk the ire of the rest of the townsfolk (all that shouting…) Semiru collected his gear and went in search of some water… A year has passed and now Semiru has grown to be 19. From his former popularity he has fallen into disrepute, not knowing anyone, and finding his blacksmith's skills unwanted. He has become more anti-social and cynical, cast out of the only home he ever knew for a crime he was unaware of. Still, he makes his way as a warrior, finding himself at the bar of Kotoki's Inn many an evening, an ale in hand and a need for money in his eye. Calling himself Semiru of the Three Blades, he offers his services as a mercenary to any who will have him. His lack of respect for authority and the government leaves him with no qualms about getting up other people's noses, but he shies away from any mission that he finds too insulting to his moral code.

Name: Semiru of the Three Blades
RPer: WhiteShadow
Race: Human
XP: 0/1000
Max HP: 7
Max MP: 0
Max TP: 20
Initiative: 5+2d6 (7-17)

Courage +3
Wisdom +3
Intuition +1
Charisma +1
Agility +2
Dexterity +2
Strength +5
Stamina +4
Magic Aptitude: 0

Base AT/PA - 11
Modified for armor - 8/5
Modified for skill (cutlass) - 10/7
Modified for skill (hatchet) - 10/7

Body=Hide Armor (AC 15, -3/-3), Shield=Small Shield (AC 40, -1/-3)

Weapon Damage - Cutlass (X/8/13, -2/-1)
Thrusting - N/A
Swinging - 18 + 2d4
Chopping - 28 + 2d6

Weapon Damage - Hatchet (X/12/18, -2/-3)
Thrusting - N/A
Swinging - 22 + 2d4
Chopping - 33 + 2d6

Weapon Damage - Throwing Knives (30 count)
Damage - 11 + 1d6
Accuracy - 12
Swords - 4 <Str/Agi/Cou>
Axes - 4 <Str/Agi/Cou>
Throwing Weapons (aerodynamic) - 4 <Str/Dex/Dex>
Craft (Blacksmithing, swords) - 4 <Int/Wis/Dex>
Etiquette (Inn/Hotels) - 4 <Cou/Cha/Int>
Trading/Haggling - 4 <Cou/Int/Cha>
[k] Survival - 4
[s] Drinking - 4 <Sta> --Spells/Techs--

* [Innate, axe must be equipped] Fury Slash (8 TP) - Semiru let's loose with a double swing of his axe, increasing his attack but lessening the chance of hitting his target due to the blind rage style of attack. The chance to hit is reduced by -6, as a chop attack, but on a hit, this attack automatically criticals, dealing 2x chopping damage.
* [Innate, cutlass equipped]Piracy (2 TP) - Gives Semiru a +4 bonus to his accuracy with a cutlass due to his familiarity with the weapon. Tech must be "called upon", however.
* [Innate, throwing knives equipped]Belter (1-6 TP) - Semiru grabs his Throwing Knives and hurls them at the enemy. Roll a 1d6 die to see how many he actually throws (TP cost dependent on number thrown). To hit is -3 due to the randomness of the attack, but multiple knife hits acts as a combo.
* [Innate, needs a weapon with a blunt edge/handle]Blunt Force Trauma (3 TP) - Semiru calls upon his experience at the blacksmith's forge and bashes the opponent over the head with the blunt end of his weapon. This attack deals damage as Slash, but without the penalty to hit.


Kerov (Squintz) - Lvl 6 - 112 HP, 119 MP, 46 TP


Name: Kerov – Age: unknown – eyes: You can't see them anyway, why do you care? – hair: Ditto that. – height: 6’ 4” - Wingspan: 6' 6"

Kerov is the name of an Archangel, the "brother" of Malachias. Long ago, Malachias was known as Karov, before he fell. Kerov was his first victim, and his death made him what he is today. Kerov is said to be dead, but his reappearance is outstanding. Some don't believe that he is who he says he is, but nontheless, his identity remains a mystery.

Kerov keeps a shimmering aura surrounding his face at all times. Nobody knows why he hides his face, though some believe he is terribly scarred. Others say it is because he is not really the Kerov that died. Kerov keeps a sword by his side, Goel. This sword is highly intelligent, and is probably the only other one who actually knows Kerov's secret. However, though he can (and WILL) blab about everything, it keeps quiet about this.

Name: Kerov
RPer: Squintz
Race: Archangel (seemingly)
Level: 6
XP: 100/3250
Max HP: 112
Max MP: 119
Max TP: 46
Initiative: 5+2d6 (7-17)

Courage: +4
Wisdom: +4
Intuition: +4
Charisma: +1
Agility: +1
Dexterity: +1
Strength: +4
Stamina: +4
Magic Aptitude: 6

Base AT/PA - 13
Modified for skill - 20/16
Modified for armor - 19/15
Final for Goel - 21/17

Body= Shielded Robe (AC 12)
Misc = Amulet of Mithra

Weapon Damage- Goel (11/15/18, +2/+2, adds level to damage)
Special Powers: See below, under "Goel"
Thrusting - 21+1d6
Swinging - 29+2d4
Chopping - 36+2d6
Swords - 11 <str/cou/agi>
Ambidextery - 5 <dex>
Holy Magic - 15 <Mag/Int/Wis>
Enchanting Magic - 10 <Mag/Int/Wis>
Fire Magic - 4 <Mag/Int/Wis>
Metal Forging - 4 <Int/Wis/Dex>
Lightning Magic - 2 <Mag/Int/Wis>
Healing Magic - 5 <Mag/Int/Wis>
Benediction Magic - 1<Mag/Int/Wis>
[k]Applied Magical Theory - 4
[k]Foreign Languages - 4
[s]Magical Shielding - 4 <int/wis> --Spells/Techs--

notes: Goel is a magical sword, which was said to be created by Kerov himself. All damage it deals is counted as "Holy" elemental damage. However, Goel also has several separate powers. Each power uses "Charge Points," or CP. The number of CP Goel has is equal to Kerov's level - 1. Goel recovers CP after his master rests.

* (0 CP) - Floatation: Goel can hover about, move about, dance about, all in midair. This is free of charge.
* (0 CP) - Sight: Goel can "see," even though he has no eyes.
* (0 CP) - Speech: Goel can (and will) talk in Common. It is not really speech, but more of an audible telepathy.
* (0 CP)- Attack: Goel can attack on his own, though he doesn't gain the bonuses related to STR and level. (use basic damage.)
* (1 CP) - Partial Mimic: Goel normally deals all Holy type damage. However, with partial mimic, he deals half holy damage, and half elemental damage of his choice, for one round's attack. It is used as a free action. (Example: Goel can deal half Holy, and half Ice.)
* (2 CP) - Full Mimic: As Partial mimic, except Goel can completely change his elemental properties, dealing full damage of another element.
* (3 CP) - Minor Spell: Goel can cast any spell that Kerov knows, which basic requirements are rank 4 or lower. (He cannot cast Mithra's Justice, for example.) However, he must be COMPLETELY the element of the spell. (Example: He must be using Full Mimic: Ice in order to cast an ice spell Kerov knows.) In this case, Holy and Healing are considered the same thing. All damage dealt (or healed) is equal to Kerov's ranks in that spell, and uses Kerov's Mattack for that spell.

* [Innate] Cover (3 TP) - Kerov, if possible, moves between an ally and an opponent, taking all damage to that ally until his next turn.
* [Holy = 8 Swords = 8]Smite Evil (10 TP) - Kerov attempts to smite evil. This attack is +(swords/2, max of 10) to hit, and it deals (Holy Rank + 1d6) extra damage. However, this attack is only able to be used on evil creatures. If it is used on a non-evil opponent, the cost is still deducted, but it only counts as a normal attack. This attack can be any of the three main physical attacks.
* [M-Theory=4]Focus (5 TP) - Focuses for a turn, then his next magical attack deals 2x damage.
* [holy=2]Holy Blast (8 MP) - Kerov fires off a ball of Holy energy to one target, dealing 8+3*rank+1d6 damage.
* [holy=4]Justice (17 MP) - Justice hits one enemy with a sword of light that Kerov creates then fires off, dealing 12+6*rank+2d6 damage.
* [holy=6]Mithra's Justice (36 MP) - Mithra's Justice is an Area of Effect spell that damages enemies in the blast radius of 6 feet, and causes 18+rank*3+2d6 damage when used in this way.
* [Holy=10]Judgment (44 MP) - Kerov creates a storm of Holy energy, blasting all enemies for 20+rank*6+2d6 damage. All those whom Kerov deems to be fighting for his cause are unharmed, so all allies will not feel this spell.
* [Holy = 12] Avatar (All TP, must be more than 40) - Kerov momentarily gains all of Mithra's powers. He gains 5 ranks in Holy Magic, and +5 AT/PA. Goel becomes a flaming sword, and deals *1.5 times the damage, only in Holy. In addition, he gains x2 more CP. Holding in all this magic is dangerous. If Kerov stays in this form for more than (level + Stamina)/3 turns, he immediately takes Holy Magic Rank * 2 damage per turn, until he is dead, or ends the trance.
* [fire=2]Blaze (8 MP) - Kerov fires off a small fireball at an opponent, dealing 10+2*rank+1d6 damage.
* [lightning=2]Lightning (9 MP) - A bolt of lightning hits two random targets, dealing 12+3*rank+1d6.
* [lightning=4]Storm (19 MP) - A storm appears, hitting five random targets with lightning (currently unusable).
* [heal=2]Heal (7 MP) - Kerov heals a small portion of HP, restoring 8+2*rank+1d6 HP.
* [heal=4]Healmore (18 MP) - Kerov heals a larger portion of HP, healing 10 + rank*6 + 2d6 HP.
* [enchant=4 and up]Metamorph Clothes (35 MP) (Permanent: 90 MP, 24 TP) - Kerov casts a spell on an article of clothing(ring, mask, shirt, etc.) that changes the appearance of the wearer. This spell lasts for 24 hours, unless it is cast permanently. Wearer retains the skills that they had before (unless they can no longer hold their equipment that enables said skills, or unless it would not be possible for them to use their skills. Skills that can be used are up to the GM.). If the article of clothing is removed, the wearer reverts to normal.

Kerov can change the wearer to:
[Enchant=1]Usagijin (bonus +2 to AGI, -2 to STR)
[Enchant=2]Human (bonus +1 to STR, -1 to INT)
[Enchant=3]Elf (bonus +2 to WIS, -1 to STA)
[Enchant=4]Drow (bonus +2 to COU, -1 to CHA)
[Enchant=5]Lizardman (bonus +2 to STR and AGI, -2 to INT)
[Enchant=6]Incubus/Succubus (bonus +2 to INT and CHA, -1 to STR and STA)
[Enchant=7]Angel (Limited flight powers)
[Enchant=8]Dwarf (bonus +2 to STR and STA, -1 to CHA)
[Enchant=9]Masujin (bonus +2 to AGI and +1 to DEX, can breathe underwater, -1 to CHA)
* [Enchant=12]Tzel'toah (undetectable by normal means and most magical means, -1 to CHA) [enchant=4]Strengthen (15 TP, 35 MP) - Kerov makes a weapon stronger, allowing it to deal 5 more damage with all types of attacks. Length is rank/2 rounds, with a maximum of 5.
* [Ben=1, any element=1]Increase (8 MP) - Increases a weapon's damage by +rank for (rank) rounds. This cannot exceed +10 damage or 5 rounds. If an element is used, it costs 10 MP, and the damage increase is an elemental damage.
* [Enchanting=1, any elemental spell]Enchant Weapon (X MP/round, X*5 MP/day or X*10 MP) - Imbues a nonmagical weapon with a magical spell. This spell can be any offensive elemental spell known by the caster. These enchantments can be removed by means of a Dispel Magic spell or similar effect. This spell's chance of success is based on the strength of the spell to be placed on the weapon. Multiply the required skill ranks of the spell to enchant the item with by 3--this is the target difficulty rating. Make a spell check vs. this difficulty to determine success or failure. Enchantments can also be temporary, and the cost will be paid per round of effect or per day of effect. X is the cost of the spell being used to enchant the item. Permanent enchanting does not have to be done all at one time, but using the item in between enchanting sessions will undo all magical work put into it. When the weapon hits, use the Mattack of the spell when it was enchanted onto the weapon, but if it hits, the spell only does 3/4 normal damage. (ex. Kerov enchants blaze onto his sword. Whenever he attacks, the GM also rolls 15+d20 [The Mattack of Kerov with that spell at the time] against the opponent's Mblock, just like a normal spell. However, if it hits, it only deals 3/4 of what it would deal normally.)
* [Metal Forging = 1] Forge (gil cost, forge) Kerov can work metal given a forge, time, and the right materials. Forging is not easy work, making a sword would take months. Forging works as follows: Kerov takes raw materials, goes to a forge, and creates an item. How difficult the item is to make shows how long and how much it costs to make.

Easy Item (ex. a ring)
Moderate item (ex. a small dagger)
Difficult item (ex. a shortsword)
Very Difficult Item (ex. armor)
An easy item has a difficulty of 1, and a Very Difficult item has a difficulty of 4. To determine the time, use this formula: (100 days * difficulty - (skill ranks + Int + Wis + Dex). The time is in minutes for easy items, hours for moderate items, days for difficult items, and weeks for Very Difficult items. A skill roll is made at the start, middle, and end of each project. If this roll fails, it extends the project for the same length of time, whereupon another roll is made. If that roll fails, the project fails, and all materials are lost. Costs are determined by the GM, and modifiers apply for inverse conditions (using fire magic as a forge, no tools), or harder metals (mythril, other metals).

Quick Stats:
Dhargun (Squintz Altec) - Lvl 2 - 83 HP, 80 MP, 24 TP


name: Dhargun Torias - age: 190 (technically is 90) - eyes: red - hair: silver - height: 6'1

Dhargun is the half-brother of Squintz Altec, but that's where the similarities end. Dhargun is brash where his brother is kind, he is rude where Squintz is polite, and he's a master of the Necromatic and Shadow arts, wheras Squintz uses Holy powers. However, this does not mean he is incapable of these things, it's just that he doesn't do it that much.
His story starts with his birth, like many other stories. His father was the great warrior, Lotherial Torias. Now, one may ask how a full drow was born with a High Elven father, but there is a reason. Lotherial was known for his boozing and womanizing, so his wife cast an enchantment spell on him, turning him into a drow. While like this, he exiled himself, and eventually bedded a drow woman, Dhargun's mother. Well, Dhargun had an unremarkable childhood, and he was reunited with his father, who no longer had the enchantment on him, and was trained in the art of swordfighting. A few years later, he was possessed by a demon, and he was eventually killed by Squintz. 100 years later, he managed to return. Dhargun has shaken the demon from him, and now tries to make up for the evil that he commited, only he is better at insulting and being generally annoying rather than making up for it.

Inventory- Shadow Symbol of the Dragoon(Burns draconic people, absorbs Shadow magic cast by and cast at the holder)(not on his person), Vial of Dragon Blood(+4 to Strength, Stamina and Courage for 5 rounds, one use only), 243 gil

Name: Dhargun Torias
RPer: Squintz
Race: Drow
Level: 2
XP: 500/1250
Max HP: 83
Max MP: 80
Max TP: 23
Initiative: 6+2d6 (8-18)

Courage +4
Wisdom +4
Intuition +2
Charisma (-1)
Agility +2
Dexterity +1
Strength +2
Stamina +4
Magic Aptitude: 5

Base AT/PA - 10
Modified for skill - 15/11
Modified for weapon - 13/10

Body=Shielded Robes (13 AC) Magic=14 (Magic Shielding)

Weapon Damage - Xel'shana (11/16/20)
Thrusting - 13 + 1d6 (12-17)
Swinging - 20 + 2d4 (18-24)
Chopping - 26 + 2d6 (22-32)

Swords - 6 <str/agi/cou>
Dark Magic - 6 <mag/wis/int>
Fire Magic - 2 <mag/wis/int>
Lightning Magic - 2 <mag/wis/int>
Necromancy Magic - 7 <mag/wis/int>
Malediction Magic - 1 <mag/wis/int>
Intimidation - 4 <cou/cha/int>
Deception - 4 <cha/wis/int>
[s]Magic Shielding - 4
[s]Drinking - 4
[k]Forgien Languages - 4 --Spells/Techs--

* [innate] Magic Ring (8 TP) - Dhargun has a ring that was enchanted by his brother. While wearing it, he becomes a High Elf in appearance. His Charisma becomes +3, but he cannot cast his Shadow or Necromatic spells. He instead gets the spell Light of Chaos. He can remain in this form indefinietly.
* [innnate]Light of Chaos (17 MP) - This is an offensive spell that deals 12+(dark magic)rank*6+2d6 damage. Though it is technically a dark magic spell, it can damage undead for twice the normal damage. He can only use this spell while in his High Elven form.
* [Deception=2]Flirt (3 TP) - Dhargun attempts to distract his target. If she sucessfully makes a deception roll the target's AT/PA rating against his attack is halved. This attack may be used as a free action.
* [Fire=2] Blaze(7 MP) - A fireball is thrown at a foe, dealing 10+rank*3+2d6 damage.
* [Lightning=2] Shocker(7 MP) - Sends lightning at 1 enemy, and deals 10+rank*3+1d8 damage.
* [Dark=2]Darkwave (8 MP) - Dhargun throws a ball of darkness energy at a target, dealing 8+3*rank+1d6 damage.
* [Dark=4]Anarchy (17 MP) - Dhargun's strongest current spell, he forms the sword of darkness to strike a foe. 12+6*rank+2d6 damage. Anarchy can become an Area of Effect spell that damages enemies in the blast radius of 3 hexes, but it only deals 6+3*rank+2d6 damage.
* [Necromancy=2] Drain Life(10 MP) - Deals 12+rank+1d6 points of shadow damage, which is then absorbed by Dhargun as HP. Using this against undead creatures reverses the effect.
* [Necromancy=4] Command Undead (25 MP) - If the spell suceeds, Dhargun can control a undead creature for rank+1d4 rounds. Stronger undead may ignore the spell completely. Dhargun can only command one undead creature at a time.
* [Necromancy=4] Turn Undead (20 MP) - if this spell suceeds, Dhargun can make rank/2 undead creature flee and become unable to attack for rank+1d2 rounds. Stronger undead may ignore this spell completely.
* [necromancy=6] Raise Dead (30 MP) - Dhargun raises a corpse to fight for him. This corpse loses all flesh and becomes a skeleton. The skeletons have 60 HP, 13/12 AT/PA, and an MBlock of 10. On a hexboard, they can move 4 spaces per turn. Their initiative is 2+2d6, and they deal 22+2d6 damage with their attack. Dhargun must have a humanoid corpse, and the skeletons last until destroyed or dispelled.
* [malediction=1 necromancy=2] Drain soul (15 MP) - Deals 12+(mean rank, rounded down)+1d6 damage to the target, and drains 1 temporary STA from the target. All damage and Stamina drained is given to Dhargun. The temporary STA boost lasts 1d4 rounds.


Quick Stats:
Kyle (Capntastic) - Lvl 6 - 104 HP, 46 MP, 44 TP


name: :::REDACTED::: - age: 22 - eyes: green - hair: blonde (with copper streaks) - height: 5'10" -

Name: Kyle
RPer: Capntastic
Race: Gecko-jin
Level: 6
XP: 500/3250
Max HP: 104
Max MP: 46
Max TP: 44
Initiative: 11+2d6 (13-23)

Courage +5
Wisdom +2
Intuition +3
Charisma +1
Agility +6
Dexterity +3
Strength +2
Stamina +3
Magic Aptitude: 1

Base AT/PA - 15/15
Modified for skill - 19/21
Modified for equipment - 21/20
Final AT/PA - 21/20

Body=Travelling Coat (AC 4)
Other Gear= Ice Ring (reduces damage from fire attacks by 8 points)
Ring of Healing Amplification: Cast one White Magic spell at +4 once/day
Grappling Hook: 8+1d6 Damage - Accuracy of Agi+Dex+3 - Hooks enemy if Critical

Weapon Damage - Edged Rapier 11/15/X, +2/-1 AT/PA)
Thrusting - 13+1d6
Slashing - 19+2d4
Chopping - (26+2d6) (20+2d6)

[s]Advanced Parry - 12 <agi>
[s]Evade physical - 4 <agi>
[k]Travel Survival - 2
[k]Geography:Igala - 2
[k]General Knowledge:Doma - 2
[k]Weapon Knowledge - 2
[k]Metals and Metal Properties - 2
[k] Explosives/Pryotechnics -2
Treat wounds - 4 <int/dex/dex>
Cooking - 2 <int/int/dex>
Improvisational Weaponry - 2 <str/agi/cou>
Rapier - 10 <str/agi/cou>
Natural attacks - 4 <cou/agi/str>
Fencing - 6 <dex/agi/cou>
White Magic - 2 <Int/Wis/Mag> --Spells/Techs--

* [Item-Granted] Gecko-jin form - Kyle's true form is that of a gecko-jin, a subrace of lizard people. In this shape, his Stamina and Strength increase by one, while his Dexterity and Agility decrease by one.
* [Rapier=4, Fencing=2] Distesa (2 TP) - Kyle attacks the foe with a fencing style thrust attack that does Slashing damage.
* [Rapier=4, Fencing=3] Fendente (2 TP) - Kyle attacks with a powerful downward fencing slash that does chopping damage. (Since a rapier does not normally HAVE Chopping damage, 20 is the base number used here when a rapier is the weapon being used, and the chop damage is listed in parentheses in the damage descriptions.)
* [Advanced Parry=4, Fencing=4] Riposte (2 TP) - Kyle skips his turn and has (Advanced Parry/2) added to his PA until his next turn. If he parries any physical attacks, he gets to instantly attack back with the same type of attack (T/S/C) with (Fencing/2) added to his AT
* [Rapier=4, Fencing=4] Zero Strike (10 TP) - Kyle dashes about the enemy, slashing at an incredible speed. Deals 1d6+1 Slashes, with -2 Damage for each slash.
* [Fencing=3] Dis-arm (3 TP) - On a successful fencing roll, Kyle disarms the opponent of their melee weapon.
* [Improv Weapons=4] Hilt Crash (2 TP)- Kyle attacks with the hilt of his rapier, a subdual attack dealing thrust damage -4. Target suffers -2/-2 and cannot cast for d2 turns.
* [Rapier=6, Fencing=4] Cross Slash (4 TP) Kyle makes a quick double slash; the second retracing the first path, making for a deep cut. Works as a normal slash dealing double damage.
* [Rapier=10, Fencing=6] Ace Impale (6TP) Kyle rather fiercely runs the target through, or in the case of large beasties, forces his rapier a good ways in. Used mainly in desperate situations, and rarely against humanoids. Thrust Damage + 50%, and leaves the enemy with a -3/-3 modifier until the wound is properly dealt with.
* [Rapier=10, Fencing=6] Tendon Slayer - (7TP) Kyle slashes at a precise part of a target's arm/leg muscles. Works as a normal slash along with -3 Str to arm on normal, unusable on crit/ -2 Agi on normal, -4 on crit to leg.
* [E&P=2, Improv Weap=2] Shock-Raze (5TP) Kyle lights a firecracker, waits a few seconds, and throws it directly above the enemy. The resulting explosion's force is quite painful, disorienting, and near deafening! -3/-3 to the target, and -1/-2 to those next to it. Lasts for d2 rounds. The effects and duration is double for those with highly sensitive ears.
* [White Magic = 1] Curo (5 MP) - Heals one target, restoring 5+rank*2+1d6 HP. A weakened variant of the Cure spell. While not as powerful, is easier to cast, and extra sparkly! Damages undead.


Quick Stats:
Dercius Sharpe (KraKeN) - Lvl 1 - 65 HP, 40 MP, 20 TP


name: Dercius Sharpe, AKA Kraken - age: 24 - eyes: dark brown - hair: grey - height: 6'

Dercius was born in Doma 24 years ago, the son of a whore. He was brought up in the city slums and "trained" as a thief, although he has always been more inclined to a straight out fighting he wasn't really cut out for. Dercius was well liked but extremely protective of his mother which was bad for business, and unfortunately proved to be his downfall.

At the age of sixteen his mother was attacked, raped and murdered like many women in the slums everyday, Dercius walked in at the last stage in the unfortunate proceedings and thus was faced with 4 armed men. As rage washed over Dercius like a wave of calm, a mocking half smile settled on his face as the world slowed down. Dodging to the side to avoid a couple of crossbow bolts launched at him from across the room he lashed out with amazing speed at his closest opponent, and he felled him in a single blow. Next to face him was a brute of a man armed with a club, a previous battle had left him with a scar down the side of his face cruelly disfiguring the left hand side of his upper lip, he swung heavily at Dercius's legs aiming to knock him down. Dercius saw the club moving towards him in slow motion and deftly jumped over it, at the same time bring his sword arcing down to lay open the mans face to the warmth of the room. Last were the two crossbowmen hastily fumbling to reload their crossbows. Too late, Dercius was on them in less than a second kicking one sharply in the groin and thrusting his sword through the other mans throat before turning again to slash at the man bent double on the floor clutching his groin...

The world sped up again, sounds of merry making began to filter back into the room from the bar downstairs but Dercius continued to slash and pound the man he had just killed with his sword. He hacked at the man, tears pouring down his face, grief consuming him there was nothing left for him now but the worse to come. For the first man he had killed had been one the leaders of the loosely formed gangs that lived in the slums, who pimped out women like his mother for their own personal gain and Dercius could expect reprisals from other gang members.

After what seemed like an age Dercius stood up, dry eyed, he had to act fast, sooner or later the bodies would be found and it wouldn't take a genius to put two and two together and realize who had murdered them. Grabbing his cloak, leather armour and sword he turned around and was about to leave when he was hit by a superstitious anxiety. Examining the bodies of the men he had just killed he picked up the two hand crossbows lying in the twitching hands of his last two victims. A look at his mothers bed confirmed his assumption these were the weapons which had ended his mothers life, the source of all his grief at the present and grief to come. Powerful weapons, he reasoned, to cause so much with so little effort required, weapons I would want by my side. Dercius turned and left the room.

Dercius left the slums which had been his home for so long, taking the alias Kraken, a monster which his mother had told him of when he was little, a time when she still tucked him up at night and made up stories of heroism and adventure. It was those stories which Kraken wished to make a reality; he would leave the sorrow and hell of the slums and make his own way in the world become better than his life in the slums could have ever lead to, he as determined to create something good out of the bad that had left him afloat without his anchor, his mother. And so Kraken wentout travelling the countryside and visited a few other settlements along the way.

For 8 years he travelled perfecting (or so he thinks) his fighting and thieving skills and has now finally decided to return to Doma where he hopes to make a living from his abilities. He is currently staying in Kotoki's Inn, looking for work or just generally anything of interest. He is easy going and often jokes around but he is quick to become serious when the need arises.

Name: Dercius Sharpe
RPer: KraKen
Race: Human
Level: 1
XP: 0/1000
Max HP: 65
Max MP: 40
Max TP: 20
Initiative: 6+2d6 (8-18)

Courage +2
Wisdom +1
Intuition +3
Charisma +2
Agility +4
Dexterity +3
Strength +2
Stamina +2
Magic Aptitude: 2

Base AT/PA - 11/11
Modified for skill - 12/13
Modified for armor -


Weapon Damage - Short Sword
Thrusting - 9 + 1d6
Swinging - 12 + 2d4
Chopping - 15 + 2d6

Heavy Crossbow
Accuracy - 8
Damage - 20 + 2d6

Hand Crossbow
Accuracy - 10
Damage - 10 + 1d4
Long Sword - 3 <Str/Agi/Cou>
Crossbow - 4 <Str/Dex/Dex>
Illusion Magic - 1 <Int/Wis/Mag>
Acrobatics - 3 <Agi/Agi/Str>
Backstab - 2 <Dex/Str/Agi>
Pick pocket - 1 <Dex/Dex/Agi>
Lockpicking - 2 <Dex/Dex/Int>
Rope skills - 2 <Agi/Agi/Str>
Stealth - 3 <Agi/Agi/Agi>
Bluff - 3 <Cha/Cha/Int>
Guitar - 1 <Cha/Cha/Dex>
[s]2 weapon style (ranged) - 2
[s]Melee Evasion - 4 --Spells/Techs--

* [Weapon=3, Stealth=3 Backstab= 1] Backstab (4 TP) - Add DEX an extra time to attack and damage (must be concealed) and adds backstab skill to damage.
* [Bluff=1] Look over there! (2 TP) - Attempts to distract the enemy. If successful, the target's turn is delayed until the end of the round.
* [Bluff=2, Illusion Magic = 1] Minor Illusion (2 TP, 4 MP) - Creates a very brief illusion which improves the chance of distracting the enemy. Add +5 to the chance of success.
* [Acrobatics=3, Weapon=2] Moving shot (1 TP) - Enables a character to attack while performing acrobatic attacks, such as jumping, without reduced accuracy. (If rope skill=2 can attack while on rope with one hand).
* [Bluff=3] Feign Death/Injury (4 TP) - In an act of pure self preservation the character plays possum, hopefully convincing enemies he's no more of a threat. If successful, enemies will ignore the user until the user takes action (ending the effect), or someone spots the trick and makes it known.
* [Illusion Magic=1] Dancing Gnome (4 MP) - Creates the Illusion of a dancing gnome. Effects on observers vary.
* [Illusion Magic=1] Friends (6 MP) - Boosts a target's Charisma by rank levels for a duration of rank hours.
* [Crossbows=4] Sniper Shot (10 TP) - Improved accuracy and damage to shot, but is always the last action of the round. Adds a +8 to hit and a +5 to damage.


Quick Stats:
Estyn D'Fei (Shiranai) - Lvl 1 - 70 HP, 10 MP, 20 TP


name: Estyn D'Fei - age: - eyes: - hair: - height:

Name: Estyn D'Fei
RPer: Divine Wind/Auron
Race: Human
Level: 1
XP: 0/1000
Max HP: 70
Max MP: 10
Max TP: 20
Initiative: 8 + 2d6 (10-20)

Courage: +4
Wisdom: +1
Intuition: (-1)
Charisma: +1
Agility: +4
Dexterity: +4
Strength: +4
Stamina: +3
Magic: 1

Base AT/PA - 11/11
Modified for skill - 15/11
Modified for armor - 11/7

Body=Treated Leather (AC 13), Gloves=Leather Bracers (AC 10)

Weapon Damage- Longsword
Thrusting - 14 + 1d6 (15-20)
Swinging - 22 + 2d4 (24-30)
Chopping - 29 + 2d6 (31-41)
Horse riding/Equestrian - 2 <Cou/Dex/Agi>
First aid - 2 <Int/Dex/Dex>
Swords - 4 <Cou/Agi/Str>
Animal handling/training - 1 <Cou/Cha/Wis>
[k]Etiquette (Noble) - 2
[k]Arms lore - 2
[s]Holy resistance - 4 <Cou>
[s]Weapon parrying - 4 <Dex/Agi/Agi>
[s]Weapon evasion - 4 <Dex/Agi/Agi>
[s]Faith - 3 <Cou/Cou/Int> --Spells/Techs--

* Faith - more bravery over the outcome of things, divine intervention chances
* [Innate]Bravery (3 TP) - Raises Courage by 1d4 points for 1d4 rounds.
* [Swords=2]Zeal (3 TP) - Three quick thrusts.
* [Swords=3]Ray Stinger (6 TP) - Five swings, each half damage, followed up by a chop.
* [Swords=4]Braver (4 TP) - One double damage chop, with reduced accuracy (-8 to hit rather than -6)
* [Swords=1, Faith=1]Healing Touch (4 MP) - A blessing that restores 8 + 2d6 HP (10-20) to a target, or deals 8 + 2d6 damage to any undead target.
* [Swords=4, Faith=3, Innate]Holy Shock (5 MP, 4 TP) - A blast of holy energy, powered by strong faith and a courageous soul. Deals 18 + (Sword rank * 6) + 2d8 (44-58).

Quick Stats:
Shiranai Yuki (Shiranai) - Lvl 1 - 70 HP, 20 MP, 20 TP


name - Yuki Shiranai - age: 20 - eyes: forest green - hair: white, spikey - height: 5'10" - weight: 162 lbs. - dob: 5/13 - blood type: AB-

Name: Shiranai
RPer: Divine Wind/Auron
Race: Human
Level: 1
XP: 850/1000
Max HP: 70
Max MP: 20
Max TP: 20
Initiative: 10 + 2d6 (12-22)

Courage: +4
Wisdom: 0
Intuition: 0
Charisma: (-1)
Agility: +6
Dexterity: +4
Strength: +3
Stamina: +3
Magic: 2

Base AT/PA - 13/13
Modified for skill - 15/15
Modified for armor - 12/12

Body=Tenjyu Robe (AC 8, -1/-1), Arms=Chikai Bracers (AC 15, -2/-2)

Weapon Damage - Fushicho (Fine Katana), (12/16/20, +1/-1, +1 to damage)
Thrusting - 16 + 1d6
Swinging - 23 + 2d4
Chopping - 30 + 2d6
Kenjutsu - 4 <Cou/Agi/Dex>
Ki Usage - 4 <Int/Cou/Mag>
Acrobatics - 4 <Agi/Cou/Str>
Breath Control - 2 <int/Agi/Sta>
[k] Katana Art - 4
[s] Advanced Parry - 4 <Agi>
[s] Athletics - 4 <Agi> --Spells/Techs--

* [Kenjutsu=3, [s]Athletics=3]Atokataken (4 TP) - A rapid succession of very fast thrusting attacks, which deal a total damage of half Thrust damage*12. Only roll for one to hit roll.
* [Kenjutsu=3, [s]Athletics=2, [k]Katana Art=2]Tsukiritsu (2 TP) - A slashing attack which is faster and more likely to hit. Deals Slash damage, but add (Kenjutsu/2+[s]Athletics/2) to the AT roll.
* [Kenjutsu=3, Ki Usage=2]Jigoku no yo Masatsuken (3 TP, 5 MP) - An attack which deals Slash damage, but adds Ki Usage*3 points of Fire/Lightning damage.
* [Kenjutsu=4, Ki Usage=4, [s]Acrobatics=4, [k]Katana Art=4]Rakka no Hoshi (5 TP) - A very fast falling vertical chopping attack. This attack deals Chop damage plus a bonus of (Acrobatics+Athletics+Ki Usage)/2, and has a bonus of Acrobatics/2 to hit.
* [Ki Usage=4, Breath Control=2]Takameru (8 TP, 10 MP) - Intuition, Agility, and Strength are all raised by ((Ki Usage+Breath Control)/ 2) for 1d6 turns. This ability is a standard action, and no active defense skill rolls may be made this turn, but AC is *1.5.

Quick Stats:
Taryn Braddoc - Lvl 3 - 79 HP, 39 MP, 32 TP


name - Taryn Braddoc - age: 42 - eyes: one light blue, the other red and black - hair: moderate length, dark brown, bangs cover left eye. - height: 6'4" - weight: 246 lbs. - dob: 10/30 - blood type: O+

Name: Taryn Braddoc
RPer: Shiranai
Race: Human/Storm Dragon/???
Level: 3
XP: 800/1500
Max HP: 79
Max MP: 39
Max TP: 32
Initiative: 9 + 2d6 (11-21)

Courage: +4
Wisdom: +1
Intuition: +2
Charisma: +2
Agility: +5
Dexterity: +1
Strength: +5
Stamina: +3
Magic: 2

Base AT/PA - 16/16
Modified for skill - 18/20
Modified for armor - 16/17

Body=Tanned Hide (AC=15, -2/-2), Arms=Wing Guards (AC=18)

Weapon Damage - Shadzard (8/15/18, adds +1d4 lightning and +1d4 shadow when slashing)
A Slashing attack with a Shadzard or other doublesided bladed weapon allows for two attacks, both at the standard -3 penalty. However, if the wielder misses the target, or the target parries the blow, the wielder must make a DEX check (DEX*3+1d20 vs. difficulty 20). If they fail the check by more than 10, they fumble their weapon, dropping it (picking it up again is a full round action and sacrifices the wielder's parry roll for the round). On a critical failure, the wielder effectively makes a (single) slashing attack against his or her own legs.
Thrusting - 13 + 1d6
Swinging - 25 + 2d4
Chopping - 33 + 2d6
Swords- 6 <Cou/Agi/Str>
Dragonhalf-style Karate- 3 <Agi/Str/Cou>
Lightning Magic- 6 <Int/Wis/Mag>
Wind Magic- 4 <Int/Wis/Mag>
Lightning Immunity- 4 <Sta>
[s]Flight- 2 <Str/Agi/Agi>
[s]Stormdragon Bladeart- 8 <Agi/Dex/Dex>
[k]Meteorology- 2
[k]Wilderness Survival- 4 --Spells/Techs--

* [Innate]Telepathy- As any storm dragon, Taryn is born with the ability to speak telepathically.
* [Innate]Lightning Immunity- Lightning damage is reduced by (Rank+Sta)+Level*5%. No absorption allowed.
* [Innate]Dragon Form (12 TP)- In Taryn's normal dragon form, he is a theropodal, 25-foot long, winged raptor-like creature. All of his equipment is disregarded, and he gains instead a natural AC of 30. His Str, and Sta increase by 4, however his Cha, and Dex decrease by 4. Taryn may only speak draconic or telepathically in dragon form.
* [Innate, Level=5]Lightning Breath (10 MP, * HP)- Usable only in dragon form. This is any form of exhaled burst of electricity, and may have devastating results on both his opponent and him. Damage is mod+3d6. Differing amounts of damage may be dealt, however if the damage modifier is above HP/10+Sta, Taryn sacrifices HP equal to mod-15. 2 MP may be spent to prevent losing each HP sacrificed this way.
* [Innate]Black Dragon- Catalysed by extreme anger or desperation, Taryn's past comes back to haunt him. He changes into a winged, dark, reptile-like humanoid whos equipment is disregarded. In this form, he gains an uncontrollable inclination to kill and destroy, and loses almost all compassion and consideration, including what becomes of those close to him. His actions are taken only to suit these urges. While in this form, Taryn's stats become the following regardless of base: MaxHP 100+20/level, MaxMP 75+10/level, MaxTP 20+5/level, Cou 6, Wis 2, Int 3, Cha 0, Agi 5, Dex 2, Str 4, Sta 4, Mag 4, AC 30, Punch Damage 30+2d6(32-42), Kick Damage 35+1d10(36-45). In addition, all skills except flight are disregarded, and he instead may float as he pleases, has Shadow Magic- 6+2/level, and an AT/PA of 18/18. HP, MP, and TP are considered seperate from his normal stats, and when he reverts they are what they were beforehand. His spells are listed at the bottom. He may only be returned to normal when in contact with the amulet Ryuugami gave him, being defeated in battle, or if Ara/his parents have been/are going to be hurt by his actions and he passes a roll of 7+ on 2d6.

* Black Dragon Spells: Underhammer (12 MP)- A burst of shadow magic rising from the ground in a collumn. Deals 12+rank*6+1d6 points of shadow damage to one target.
* Chaos Void (30 MP)- A large dome of oscillating darkness. Deals 14+rank*4+2d6 points of shadow damage to all targets within a 20 foot radius of the target.
* The Drowning (60 MP)- A complete saturation of a target with shadow magic. Deals 48+rank*8+4d6 points of this type of damage to one target.
* Pain of the Fallen (20 TP)- Slain and damned spirits of ancient black dragons emerge and rampage, taking out their anguish on any living things. Deals 1d250 to each creature within a 35 foot corridor in front of Taryn.

* Normal magic: [Lit Magic=4]Quicksilver (3+1MP/10 feet over 15)- Taryn propels himself on a bolt of lightning at blazing speeds. Movement in this way may only be straight, and must be at least 15 feet. Any obstacles in the way will be hit. This may be used as an attack with a sword (for 2 TP) or without (for 1 TP). Adds +8 to damage.
* [Wind Magic=4]Full Sails (2+1MP/2 feet over 5)- With this spell, Taryn uses wind magic to propel himself by shooting wind into his wings. Minimum distance is 5 feet.
* [Lit Magic=1]Cynergy (4 MP)- A two-handed electrocution. Does 8+rank*2+1d6 electric damage to a single target.
* [Lit Magic=4]Storm Bolt (12 MP)- A common, megavolted, bolt of lightning. Does 14+rank*4+2d6 electric damage to a single target.
* [Lit Magic=12]Mjollnir (32 MP)- An ungodly instrument of electrical fission. Does 20+rank*6+3d6 electric damage to a single target.
* [Lit Magic=4]Static Field (10 MP)- An ionic charge field. Does 5+rank*2+1d6 electric damage to targets within a 120 degree arc in front of Taryn.
* [Lit Magic=8]St. Elmo's Fire (29 MP)- A sheet of heat lightning. Does 10+rank*2+3d6 electric damage to targets within a 120 degree arc in front of Taryn.
* [Lit Magic=16]Luminaire (68 MP)- An orb of intense electrical energy. Does 16+rank*4+4d6 electric damage to all creatures within 10 feet on all sides of Taryn.
* [Wind Magic=1]Harsh Helm (10 MP)- A violent gust of straightline winds. Deals 5+rank*2+1d6 air damage to all enemies within a 10 foot corridor in front of Taryn.
* [Wind Magic=4]The Shredding (24 MP)- Winds so sheer and rapid, they cleave through a row of foes. Deals 10+rank*4+3d6 air damage to all within a 10 foot corridor in front of Taryn.
* [Wind Magic=12]Neptunian Gale (62 MP)- Brutal winds that can blow a large dragon over. Deals 20+rank*6+3d6 points of air damage to all within a 10 foot corridor in front of Taryn.
* [Lit Magic=16, Wind Magic=12]Raijin's Onslaught (128MP)- A hellish storm of cataclysmic proportions. Deals 20+lit rank*3+6d6 electric damage and 25+wind rank*3+4d6 wind damage to all creatures within 30 feet of Taryn.
* Dragonhalf-Style Karate:

* Each punch deals Str*2+1d4 damage. Each wing deals Str*2+2d4 damage. Each kick deals Str*3+1d6 damage. The tail deals Str+2d6 damage. The head deals 10+str+1d4 damage. Each blow requires a seperate parry roll. No limb may be used more than once in a single turn, only punches may follow one another. Kicks, wings, tail, and head get -3 to AT. Chains over two hits cost that much TP. Dragonhalf Blade-art:

Taryn may chain sword strikes of any kind until his blow is interrupted (miss, evade, parry, etc.). The TP cost per swing incriments by 1 from 1 for each swing after the first, and his AT drops by 1 after each hit. Max number of hits is stormdragon bladeart rank.

Quick Stats:
Corantir Alithiel (Shiranai) - Lvl 1 - 70 HP, 80 MP, 20 TP


name - Corantir Alithiel - age: 18 - eyes: amber, rimmed with black - hair: Dark Red - height: 5'8" - weight: 119 lbs. - dob: 3/8 - blood type: B+

Name: Corantir
RPer: Divine Wind/Auron
Race: Human
Level: 1
XP: 0/1000
Max HP: 70
Max MP: 80
Max TP: 20
Initiative: 4 + 2d6 (12-22)

Courage: +2
Wisdom: +4
Intuition: +4
Charisma: +1
Agility: +2
Dexterity: (-1)
Strength: +2
Stamina: +3
Magic: 4

Base AT/PA - 10/10
Modified for skill - 11/11
Modified for armor - 7/9

Body=Leather Plate (AC 15, -3/-3), Dark Robe (AC 3)

Weapon Damage - Trident (2H), (14,x,x -1/+1)
Thrusting - 16 + 1d6
Pole Arms - 2 <Str/Agi/Cou>
Fire Magic - 3 <Int/Wis/Mag>
Ice Magic - 4 <Int/Wis/Mag>
Lightning Magic - 4 <Int/Wis/Mag>
Holy Magic - 3 <Int/Wis/Mag>
Healing Magic - 2 <Int/Wis/Mag>
Shadow Magic - 2 <Int/Wis/Mag>
Malediction - 2 <Int/Wis/Mag>
[s] Two-Handed Weapons - 2 <Str>
[s] Meditation - 4 <Int/Mag>
[s] Spell Resistance - 4 <Int/Mag>
[k] Magic Theory - 4
[k] Light Magic - 2
[k] Cooking - 2
[k] Writing - 2
[k] Wind Instruments - 4
[k] Sales Tactics - 2
[k] Item Lore - 2 --Spells/Techs--

* [Pole Arms=1]Skewer (3 TP)- A double damage thrust with an AT penalty of 5.
* [Pole Arms=4]Planet Divide (8 TP)- A double damage chop with an AT penalty of 6.
* [Pole Arms=8]Sky Calibur (26 TP)- Starts with a rending thrust, follows into a side sweep, and finishes with a powerful cleave. Deals a double damage thrust, swing, and chop. The thrust has an AT penalty of 8. If it fails, the rest fail. If it suceeds, the rest do as well.
* [Meditation=1]Recharge- By concentrating deeply, Corant may recharge MP at a rate of Int+rank per 10 minutes.
* [Magic Theory=4, Spell Resistance=4]Barrier (5 MP, 3 TP)- A magic barrier that may be used at any time to boost PA by Magic Theory rank, or to block magic damage up to Theory*Resist.
* [Light Magic=1]Light Origin (*MP)- An entirely aesthetic magic art, Corant has learned to create light sources. For 1 MP, a single point of light equivolent to a 100 watt bulb may be created. This cost will increase by an additional 1 MP for each point of light beyond the first and/or 100 watt brightness equivolent. The maximum amount of MP able to be used at a time is light magic rank.
* [Fire=1]Torch (4 MP) - Does 8+rank*2+1d6 fire damage to a single target.
* [Fire=3]Ignite (10 MP) - Sets a target ablaze. These flames persist until the target "stops, drops, and rolls" (a standard action) or is doused by water or large quantities of dirt/mud. These flames deal 12+1d6 points of damage each round.
* [Ice=1]Ice-sickle (4 MP) - Does 8+rank*2+1d6 ice damage to a single target.
* [Ice=4]Ice Bolt (12 MP) - Does 14+rank*4+2d6 ice damage to a single target.
* [Ice=4]Crystal Cross (29 MP) - Does 10+rank*2+3d6 ice damage to all within a 10 foot corridor in front of Corantir.
* [Lit=1]Zap (4 MP) - Does 8+rank*2+1d6 electric damage to a single target.
* [Lit=4]Shock (12 MP) - Does 14+rank*4+2d6 electric damage to a single target.
* [Lit=4]Voltage Field (10 MP) - Does 5+rank*2+1d6 electric damage to targets within a 120 degree arc in front of Corantir.
* [Holy=1]Purity Beam (6 MP) - Deals 6+rank*2+1d6 holy damage to a single target.
* [Shadow=1]Dark Drop (8 MP) - Deals 8+rank*2+1d6 shadow damage to a single target.
* [Lit=3]Static Pulse (12 MP) - Deals 10+rank*3+1d6 points of damage plus 30+2d6 points of subdual damage (this cannot kill, but if it is enough that it WOULD drop an opponent below 0 health, were it regular damage, they are knocked unconscious).
* [Shadow=3]Drain (10 MP) - Deals 6+rank+1d6 points of shadow damage, which is then absorbed by the caster as HP. Using this against undead creatures reverses the effect.
* [Malediction=2]Berserk (8 MP) - On a sucessful spell check, the target gains 2 temporary points of STR, and temporary AC equal to STA + (The New) STR added together. And last but not least, magical attack ability is decreased by 4. This all lasts for 1d2 rounds.
* [Heal=1]Cure (7 MP) - Heals one target, restoring 8+rank*2+1d6 HP. Some targets may be damaged for the same amount instead (undead, for example) and some may not be affected at all (powerful shadow-based creatures).
* [Heal=1]Purify (5 MP) - Cures poisoning. The maximum amount of levels of poison that this can cure is equal to Healing Rank/2, with a minimum of 1.
* [Heal=2]Restore Vision (6 MP) - Cures blindness to those who have been made blind by magical effects or spells. Does not cure blindness caused by injuries or other causes (this cannot restore sight to one who is missing their eyes, for example).


Quick Stats:
Andar Hatlaw (Chrono_Catfish) - Lvl 2 - 58 HP, 30 MP, 24 TP


name: Andar Hatlaw - age: - eyes: - hair: - height: ' "

Andar is half-elven, and a thief. Not just any thief, but a master thief. Or so he claims. Able to lie, argue, and sneak his way out of any given situation, the one thing that gives him trouble is his lack of combat skills. While being one step away from the priesthood of Olidamarra, he never delved into the art of magic. He appears to view magic as 'hardly sporting to someone in my profession', but find it to be a useful skill in others, preferably others on his side.

Name: Andar Hatlaw
RPer: Chrono_Catfish
Race: Half-elven
Level: 2
XP: 100/1250
Max HP: 58
Max MP: 30
Max TP: 24
Initiative: 4+2d6 (6-16)

Courage: (-1)
Wisdom: +3
Intuition: +4
Charisma: +5
Agility: +5
Dexterity: +5
Strength: +1
Stamina: 0
Magic: 0

Base AT/PA - 9/9
Modified for skill - 12/11
Modified for armor - 12/11

Body=Dycant Skin (AC 15)

Weapon Damage- Rapier
Thrusting - 9+1d6 (10-15)
Swinging - 10+2d4 (14-20)
Chopping - none
Rapier - 5 <Str/Agi/Cou>
Lockpicking - 2 <Dex/Dex/Int>
Drugging - 2 <Wis/Int/Wis>
Diplomacy - 2(+2) <Cha/Cha/Int>
Bluff - 5 <Cha/Cha/Int>
Stealth - 5 <Dex/Agi/Agi>
Pickpocket - 3(+1) <Cou/Dex/Dex>
Special Theiving Skills - 3 <Dex/Agi/Wis>
[s] Missile Evasion - 2
Escape Artist - 5 <Dex/Agi/Int>
Use Magic Device - 3 <Int/Cou/Wis> --Spells/Techs--

* [Innate]Elven Prowess (5 TP) - draw upon elven ancestry to gain +3 with weapon for 1-4 rounds
* [Bluff=1]Bluff - Rank/2 synergy to Diplomacy and Pickpocket
* [Weapon=3, Stealth=3]Sneak Attack (4 TP) - Add DEX an extra time to attack and damage (must be concealed)
* [Stealth=4]Hide - Well, how much TP do you THINK it'd need?
* [Weapon=3, Bluff=5]Feint (5 TP) - On a thrusting attack, subtracts 1d6+2 from the opponent's PA check against ALL enemies for that round.
* [Stealth=5, Bluff=5]Ventriloquism (2 TP) - Andar makes his voice sound as if it's coming from somewhere else.
* [Escape Artist=5]Great Escape (X TP)- Add X TP to an Escape Artist check.
* [Special Theiving=2]Tumble (1 TP) - Avoid fall damage
* [Special Theiving=3]Defensive Retreat (2 TP) - Keep DEF while escaping

Quick Stats:
Tharnik Angelsbane (Chrono_Catfish) - Lvl 2 - 59 HP, 89 MP, 26 TP


name: Tharnik Angelsbane - age: 15 - eyes: blue - hair: blond - height: 5' 1"

In the far past, a Celestial was cast out from the Celestial plane for loving a human woman. Unfortunately, the child that ensued, upon finding out about, this cast out on his own, filled with bitterness about his father’s folly. Arbin the Offspring eventually had several descendants, all wanderers. Tharnik’s mother was one of them. When in the middle of the Werewolf Uprising, she gave him to them to save her own life, and Tharnik was bitten. He escaped, though, and was convinced that he was cursed. Weak-willed, he could not stand up to the darkness inside him, and became an agent of Dark powers, surviving only as a peasant. He carries the dark power inside him as a burden, constantly on the verge of being consumed by internal turmoil, convinced that there is nothing he may do to dispel the darkness. He doesn’t suspect his ancestry, and sees himself as a wretched thing of evil, having resigned himself to that life.

Name: Tharnik Angelsbame
RPer: Chrono_Catfish
Race: Human/Lycanthrope/Part Celestial
Level: 2
XP: 0/1250
Max HP: 59
Max MP: 89
Max TP: 26
Initiative: 3+2d6 (5-15)

Courage: +1
Wisdom: +3
Intuition: +3
Charisma: +2
Agility: +2
Dexterity: +2
Strength: +5
Stamina: 0
Magic: 5

Base AT/PA - 11/11
Modified for skill - 13/13
Modified for armor - 13/13

Body=Dycant Skin (AC 13)

Weapon Damage- Longsword (-1,-1)
Thrusting – 14+1d6 (15-20)
Swinging – 18+2d4 (20-26)
Chopping – 21+2d6 (23-33)
Resist Lycanthropy - 4 <Cou/Cou/Sta>
Dark Magic - 5 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Longsword - 4 <Cou/Str/Agi>
Lute Playing - 5 <Dex/Dex/Cha>
Lycanthropic Control - 5 <Int/Sta/Cou>
Dark Prayer -3 <Mag/Int/Int>
[k]Applied Magical Theory - 4 <Wis>
Inanimate Mastery - 4 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Stealth - 4 <Dex/Agi/Agi> --Dark Prayer--
Explanation: Tharnik calls to the dark gods and demons for assistance. Should Tharnik openly renounce all connection with the demonic planes or some equivalent action, Dark Prayer is lost.

* [Dark Prayer]Call for Magic (4 TP) - Tharnik prays to the gods of darkness for a magic increase, and gains 1d6 + rank*2 MP that can only be used for Dark Magic.
* [Dark Prayer]Call for Power (4 TP) - Tharnik is able to add his Dark Prayer ranks to Dark Magic.
* [Dark Prayer=4, Dark Magic=2]Bleak Cleansing (10 MP) - Tharnik heals someone 4 + 4d6 + Dark Magic rank*2. The catch? It also indebts a part of their soul to a dark god.
* [Dark Prayer=4, Dark Magic=4]Dark Blessing (4 TP, 10 MP) - Tharnik embodies a weapon with bane properties, giving it +3 for 1d4 rounds.
* [Inanimate=4, Dark Prayer=4, Dark Magic=2]Demon Doll - See Dark Magic

--Dark Magic--
Explanation: Tharnik harnesses dark energy and puts it to use. It isn’t directly from the dark gods, so Tharnik would have to directly cause pain to a dark god or something equivalent in order to lose it.

* [Dark Magic=1]Dark Bolt (4 MP) - 8 + rank + 1d6 dark magic damage to one opponent. If multiple enemies are connected by some sort of dark magic means, it affects them all.
* [Dark Magic=4]Dark Blast (12 MP) - does 10+ rank*3+3d6 damage to a single target. If multiple enemies are connected by some sort of dark magic means, it affects them all.
* [Dark Prayer=4, Dark Magic=4]Dark Blessing (4 TP, 10 MP) - See Dark Prayer
* [Dark Prayer=4, Dark Magic=2]Bleak Cleansing (4 TP, 10 MP) - See Dark Prayer
* [Inanimate=4, Dark Prayer=4, Dark Magic=2]Demon Doll (25 MP) - Summon a dark spirit into a doll for Inanimate Ranks/2 rounds. The doll’s stats will be:
o HP: Combined ranks*3
o MP: Dark Prayer*4
o Able to cast Dark Bolt, Dark Blast, and Bleak Cleansing. Cannot be controlled by Tharnik, though is on the same side.
o AT/PA: Inanimate*2
o Damage: 2d6 + rank*2 Dark damage

Explanation: Tharnik is, to sum it up, a werewolf. This means that in the moonlight, he has to make resistance checks against:

Crescent: 5 DC
Half Moon: 10 DC
Gibbous: 20 DC
Full Moon: 30 DC

If Tharnik fails, he becomes a wolf with no control over himself unless otherwise mentioned. If Tharnik succeeds only barely, the GM will also have some control over him. Tharnik also has to avoid silver and wolfsbane. Wolfsbane acts as a poison, and silver weapons do double damage. However, if he is killed by normal means but has his body intact, he has a 75% chance to recover. As a wolf, Tharnik gains 4 agility.

* [Resist Lycanthropy=1]Resist Lycanthropy (X TP) - Add a bonus of X to the current roll for resisting involuntary lycanthropic change.
* [Lycanthropic Control=1]Control Lycanthropy (X TP) - Add a bonus of X to the current roll for controlling self during involuntary lycanthropic change.
* [Lycanthropic Control=1]Wolf Change (5 TP) - Tharnik changes to a wolf voluntarily, gaining +10 to Control Lycanthropy check. The +10 is not gained in moonlight of any kind.
* [Lycanthropic Control=4]Wolfman change (5 TP) - Tharnik, instead of changing into a wolf, changes to a wolfman, gaining 1d4 AC, STR and STA.

--Imanimate Mastery--
Explanation: Tharnik has also trained his sorcery towards manipulating the inanimate, and as such can breathe life into inanimate figures. Unbeknownst to Tharnik, his Celestial heritage plays a role in this.

* [Inanimate=4]Animate Doll (15 MP) - Animates a small figure for [Rank] rounds. The stats are as such:
o HP: ranks*5
o Base AT/PA: ranks*2
o Damage: 4d4 + rank*2
* [Inanimate=4, Dark Prayer=4, Dark Magic=2]Demon Doll - See Dark Magic

Quick Stats:
Skyth (Chrono_Catfish) - Lvl 1 - 60 HP, 0 MP, 20 TP


name: Skyth Airthief - age: 36 (That’s 23 in human terms) - eyes: Blue - hair: Brown - height: 4' 9"

Name: Skyth Airthief
RPer: Chrono_Catfish
Race: Hawkman:
Level: 1
XP: 0/1000
Max HP: 60
Max MP: 0
Max TP: 20
Initiative: 10 + 2d6 (12-22)

Courage +5
Wisdom +1
Intuition 0
Charisma +3
Agility +5
Dexterity +2
Strength +4
Stamina +1
Magic: 0

Base AT/PA - 11/11
Modified for skill - 13/13
Modified for armor - 13/13


Weapon Damage- Halberd
Thrusting – 20-25
Swinging – 30-36
Chopping – 40-50
Flight (Agi/Cou/Sta) – 4
Halberd – 4
Bluff (Cha/Cha/Int) – 4
Charge Attack –4
Hawkman Etiquette (Cor/Cha/Int) – 2
Raven Training (Time must be spent around Hawkmen in order to increase once a level is gained) (Int/Sta/Dex) – 4

* [Flight=1]Flying Technique (X TP)- Add X to Flight skill checks for the next rank rounds.
* [Raven=4] Thunder Arrow (5 TP, 5 HP) – Long range attack. Does 2d4 + 8 + rank*2. Attack roll is treated like a spell, only with the ‘Raven Training’ skill attributes instead of the spell-casting ones.


Quick Stats:
Hakaril (Archmage) - Lvl 6 - 101 HP, 148 MP, 47 TP


name: Hakaril James Silvar - dob: 21st of Kazerora, 1291 - eyes: brown - hair: blue - height: 5' 11"

Hakaril, as a young man, lived with his father, a respected blacksmith known throughout the area as Jameson Ironclad. Young Hakaril was to be apprenticed as a blacksmith, but he refused, finding the art of smithing to be too mundane for his tastes. His life changed, one day, when his father's shop was visited by a man in a red cloak and hat. This man, who Hakaril later discovered was a Red Mage, was easily the most knowledgable, interesting, and worldly person Hakaril had met to the time. He knew then what he really wanted in life; he wanted to be an adventurer. He wanted to travel, to see the world, not to be stuck in a smithing shop his whole life. Most of all, he wanted to realize his newfound dream--he wanted to be a Mage.

So at the age of 14, Hakaril ran away from his home, and from the oppression of his father's desires for his son. He renounced his family name, and the name of his birth, "William," and took the name of "Hakaril James Silvar." Why he retains the middle name as a tribute to his father is unknown, perhaps even to him.

In under 6 years, he graduated with top honors from the Gunnir Academy of Magical Arts, attaining the rank of Arch Magus, with a major in Holy Magic and a minor in Elementalist Skills. He trained himself in the ways of the sword to further develop all areas of his mind and body. Either way, his schooling was more than just book work.

He once witnessed the murder of his dear friend and collegue, Masahiro Katachi, who was killed by one of his instructors. He fears himself, and hates himself, for not trying to save his friend. To this day, he bears a hatred for authority--for the sole reason he stood aside and watched numbly as his friend was murdered was his belief in the infalliability of his masters. He later came to terms with his imperfections, and was determined to make them outer, as well as inner, intentionally slicing a deep scar in his face with his blade, embodying all the anger and frustration he feels inside.

A man of many varied talents, languages, mechanics, and various bits of practical and theoretical knowledge about magic and monsters alike, Hakaril prides himself on what he knows, and is continually eager to add to that knowledge.

Inventory notes: Sacrificial Sword (15/21/27, -3/-2): Can cast Shadowblast twice per day, use 6 as rank. +3 STR req.

Name: Hakaril James Silvar
RPer: Archmage
Race: Human
Level: 6
XP: 2750/3250
Max HP: 101
Max MP: 148
Max TP: 47
Initiative: 4+2d6 (6-16)

Courage: +3
Wisdom: +6
Intuition: +7
Charisma: (-1)
Agility: +1
Dexterity: +1
Strength: +2
Stamina: +3
Magic Aptitude: 6

Base AT/PA - 13/13
Modified for skill - 16/14
Modified for armor - 16/14

Body=Robe (AC 6), Head=Red Mage's Hat (Adds +1 CHA for purposes of first impressions for those who like Hak's style), Magic=6 point reduction (Spell Resistance), Misc=Amythest Ring (+4 against Lightning spells)

Weapon Damage - Mage-Blade (-1/-1, 12/17/21, enchanted with a 3rd rank Sharpen spell)
Thrusting - 14+1d6 (12-16)
Swinging - 21+2d4 (19-26)
Chopping - 27+2d6 (25-36)
Swords - 4 <Str/Agi/Cou>
Flame Magic - 2 <Mag/Int/Wis>
Water Magic - 2 <Mag/Int/Wis>
Lightning Magic - 4 <Mag/Int/Wis>
Holy Magic - 14 <Mag/Int/Wis>
Astral Magic - 12 <Mag/Int/Wis>
Summoning - 12 <Mag/Int/Wis>
Benediction - 3 <Mag/Int/Wis>
Enchanting - 10 <Mag/Int/Wis>
Mechanics - 2 <Mag/Int/Wis>
[k]Applied Magical Theory - 10
[k]Ritual Magic - 4
[k]Metals and Metal Properties - 2
[k]Monster Abilities - 2
[k]Foreign Languages - 3
[s]Elemental Melding -3 <Mag>
[s]Spell resistance - 6 <Mag/Int> --Spells/Techs--

* [Innate]Incubus Morph (8 TP) - As a result of various adventures and the acquiring of a ring from his fiancee, Sirvix, Hakaril is capable of becoming an incubus. As an incubus, Hakaril possesses limited flight powers (no more than 5*level feet in terms of altitude, and no faster than 10 mph) due to his set of wings. All of Hakaril's holy based spells (the Beam line) are instead shadow based spells (the Zero line) while Hakaril is an incubus--he cannot cast the holy versions, and he cannot summon Radeeni or use any other holy based summons. Hakaril's CHA score is +3 when interacting with other demons and the like, but is -1 when interacting with those who despise demons and their kind (which is quite a few people). While an incubus, Hakaril suffers damage from holy based healing spells. Hakaril can remain an incubus indefinitely.
* [Innate]Intimidate (2 TP) - Attempts to strike fear into an opponent with impressive looking magical acts.
* [M-Theory=4]Charge Spell (5 TP) - Empowers a spell for a turn, increasing damage by 2x.
* [M-Theory=6]Spell Penetration (2 TP) - Adds a bonus of rank/2 to a spellcasting roll.
* [Melding=4]Quicken Spell (6 TP) - Allows Hakaril to cast a spell as a free action--the cost of this ability is added to the cost of the spell.
* [Theory, Ritual, Melding, Enchanting=4]Enchant Blade (20 TP) - Empowers Hakaril's MageBlade. Hakaril recieves a +6/+2 AT/PA bonus, and any hits landed deal an additional 8+(mean rank) damage. This spell lasts for (mean rank)+1d4 rounds. Hakaril can use this as a permanent enchantment, but it requires 60 total TP be spent (3 times the cost), and during this time of enchanting, the weapon cannot be used or it is lost. Hakaril can do this with any bladed weapon, but no one other than himself may use it. If Hakaril enchants his weapon in this way, it only has half the bonus value of the ordinary effect--and may be stacked with it.
* [Fire=1]Fire 1 (5 MP) - Does 10+3*rank+1d6 fire damage to one enemy, possiblity of burn damage, dealing an additional 6+1d6 damage on a 4 or higher on 1d6 after hitting.
* [Water=1]Ice 1 (5 MP) - As fire 1, only in water damage to one enemy. Check for freezing--if this spell hits, roll a d6, and on a 6, the target is immobilized complet

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pd Rydia
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Re: RPGWW stored freestyle and MAC characters

Unread postby pd Rydia » Sat Nov 06, 2004 2:53 am



<small>Quick Stats:
Auxillion (Auxillion) - Lvl 1 - 65 HP, 25 MP, 20 TP


name: Auxillion - age: 42 - eyes: red - hair: white feathers - height: 2 meters - Beak: Yellow - Talons: black

Auxillion was a respected Birdman warrior from a mountain town on the outskirts of GwaAAAG. After a short misshap with the guarding of a caravan Auxillion was banished from his hometown. Disgraced and saddended from theordeal, Auxillion temporarily changed his name to Neoguy and went adventuring. He has recently rediscovered his faith in the world and has taken up his old name.

Name: Auxillion
RPer: Auxillion
Race: Birdman
XP: 0/1000
Max HP: 65
Max MP: 25
Max TP: 20
Initiative: 8+2d6 (10-20)

Courage +3
Wisdom +1
Intuition +2
Charisma +3
Agility +5
Dexterity +2
Strength +2
Stamina +2
Magic Aptitude: 1

Base AT/PA - 12/12
Modified for skill w/ Falchion or Machete - 16/12
Modified for armor -13/9
Final w/ Falchion - 12/8
Final w/ Machete - 11/7

Body=Hide Armor (AC=15, -3/-3)

Weapon Damage - Falchion (7/8/12, -1/-1)
Thrusting - 9 + 1d6
Swinging - 12 + 2d4
Chopping - 18 + 2d6

Weapon Damage - Machete (5/8/11 -2/-2)
Thrusting - 7 + 1d6
Swinging - 12 + 2d4
Chopping - 17 + 2d6

Modified for skill unarmed - 15/12
Modified for armor - 12/9

Weapon Damage - Unarmed
Punch - 10 + 1d6
Kick - 15 + 2d6 (-3 to hit)O
Weapon (Machetes and Falchions) - 4 <Agi/Str/Cou>
Weapon (Unarmed Combat) - 3 <Agi/Str/Cou>
Flying - 4 <Agi/Agi/Cou>
Wind Magic - 3 <Int/Wis/Mag>
Lockpicking - 4 <Dex/Dex/Int>
Siege weapons - 4 <Int/Int/Cou>
[k]General chemistry - 4
[k]Mathematics - 4 --Spells/Techs--

* [Innate] Focus - Draws on the energy that surrounds him, Auxillion increses his TP by 3. Can only be used a number of times per day equal to Auxillion's level.
* [Wind Magic=1]Wind Cutter (6 MP) - The caster calls upon the wind to concentrate on one point and slice apart the the target. If it kills the intended target, it can go right through it and hit an enemy behind the target. Does 6+rank+2d4 damage.
* [Wind Magic=1] Gust (2 MP) - The caster calls upon the air in the imediate area and forces it to blast the target with a huge pulse of wind, doing 1+rank damage, and pushing a medium sized target backwards 1d6 meters.
* [Weapon (Unarmed Combat)=2] Eye Rake (3 TP) - With his talons, Aux scratches at the opponent's eyes. The enemy must have exposed eyes. This attack deals damage as though it were a Punching attack, but blinds a target permanently 50% of the time.
* [Weapon (M&F)=2] Heavy Attack (3 TP) - Attacks with chop, and if it connects, the damaged enemy is stunned and cannot act next round.
* [Weapon (M&F)=3] Double Slash (5 TP) - Attacks with slash twice. Can only be used if Auxillion has less than 75% health remaining.
* [Weapon (M&F)=4] Butcher (10 TP) - Attacks with chop 3 times, can only be used if Aux is at 25% health or less.
* [Weapon (M&F)=4] Impale (5 TP) - Attack with thrust, but has a 50% chance of killing a medium-sized opponent instantly. Can only be used if opponent has 1/4 of maximum HP and cannot be used on very large (or very strong) enemies.


Quick Stats:
Mathias (Cyril Shinsei) - Lvl 1 - 65 HP, 80 MP, 20 TP


name: Mathias - race:elf - age: 74 - eyes:green - hair:silver

A tall elf dressed in an informal cloak, he is highly skilled in the realms of space and time magic, which have lead him to also take somewhat of an interest in the physical science theories as well. But for practical purposes, he has also adapted the use of technological weapons, and is surprisingly a adept with firearms, effectively shattering the normal elven stereotype. Were it not for the obvious physical features he could easily pass as a human, though his skill with a pistol is still surpassed by his skill and ability at spatial magic.
A unique feature of Mathias' magic is that he uses superb "mana threading" to cast his spells, and such skill in this has allowed him to innately use some techniques (thus, some of his abilities cost TP where most mages would use MP). It also allow for many interesting combinations of schools of magic to result in more enhanced spells (Mathias uses this to produce spells that interwine space, time and astral magic). Note that Mathias is one who believes firmly in the idea that there is a solution to every problem. This answer, of course, is supplied by a number of spells.

Name: Mathias
RPer: Cyril Shinsei
Race: Elf
Level: 1
XP: 100/1000
Max HP: 65
Max MP: 80
Max TP: 20
Initiative: 5+2d6 (7-17)

Courage: +2
Wisdom: +4
Intuition: +4
Charisma: +2
Agility: +3
Dexterity: +2
Strength: (-2)
Stamina: +2
Magic Aptitude: 4

Base AT/PA - 7/7
Modified for skill - 7/7
Modified for armor - 7/7

Body=Grey Cloak(AC 4)

Weapon Damage - Standard Rifle
Damage - 10+3d6
Accuracy - 12

Weapon Damage - Mythril Pistol
Damage - 5+4d8
Accuracy - 8
Astral Sight - 2 <Mag/Int/Wis>.
Mechanics - 2 <Mag/Int/Wis>
Weapon (Guns) - 3 <Cou/Dex/Dex>
Space Magic - 4 <Mag/Int/Wis>
Time Magic - 3 <Mag/Int/Wis>
Astral Magic - 3 <Mag/Int/Wis>
[k]Applied Magical Theory - 4 <Wis>
[k]History of Magic - 4 <Wis>
[k]Mechanical Knowledge - 4 <Wis>
[k]Metamagic - 2 <Wis>
[s]Magic Resistance - 4 <Cou/Int/Mag>
[s]Observant - 2 <Int>
[s]Psionic Sensitivity - 2 <Int/Int/Mag>
[s]Mana Threading - 4 <Int/Wis/Mag> (2 points/rank)

* [Mag=1, Space Magic=2]Telekinesis, Minor (4 MP) - Mathias can perform simple tasks with telekinesis such as moving about inanimate objects. This is relatively minor and is mostly for moving about small objects such as pens, stones, jewelry and the like.
* [Space Magic=2, Astral Sight=1]Farsight (8 MP) - By carefully focusing the rifts of the space-time continuum in a centralized, focused area, Mathias can see far away places and objects if pinpointed to a specific locale. Farsight can reach approximately around a globe of thirty feet in any direction.
* [Mag=2, Space Magic=3, Time Magic=3, Mana Threading=2]Sense Rift - Mathias' attunity to the space-time continuum allows him to instantly pick up any noticeable disturbances in the generalbalance of space and time. Minor rifts can be picked up if roughly a few dozen meters away, and major rifts can be detected in well over a mile. Depending on the power of the rift and how close he is, he may also be able to discern the distance and direction.
* [Space Magic=1, Astral Sight=1, Mana Threading=1]Cloak (10 MP) - By twisting space and time around him, Mathias can create a simple distortion that blocks out all light from reaching him, causing him to be effectively invisible to observers, while still being able to see beyond the rift. This affords him a +10 bonus to attack any target who is unaware of his presence, but attacking or taking any similar action breaks the spell's effect early. The spell has a duration of around five minutes, but can be recasted--in combat, it lasts for Spacial rank rounds. Mathias is not invisible to astral scanning while cloaked this way.
* [Space Magic=4, Mana Threading=2]Airwalking (10 MP) - Mathias can effectively walk as if levitating, stepping on air as if it was solid ground. Similarly, he can fly in a limited way (with a maximum altitude of a few feet). Walking over a trapdoor is relatively easy, while scaling a cliff is drastically different--and impossible with this spell. A reflex version of the spell is possible at the cost of 8 TP (to avoid falling into a pit, for example), but if used in this manner, the spell has a 30% chance of automatic failure.
* [Space Magic=2]Cosmo1 (8 MP) - A blast of gravitational power is thrust upon the target as space is accelerated, causing both magical and physical harm. The target takes rank+1d6 points of physical damage and 4+rank+1d6 points of magical damage. Targets damaged by this spell may be stunned or knocked backwards on a critical hit.

[Astral=1]Astral Jolt (10 MP) - Deals 12 + rank*2 +1d6 astral damage to a single target. (When casting Astral Magic, check for Astral Drain. Roll a d6, and on a 5 or 6, the target suffers the negative status effect "astral drain" at a level equal to 1/3 the spell's rank, rounded up).
[Space Magic=3, Mana Threading=3]Barrier (12 MP) - A spatial rift is formed around Mathias, encasing him into a cube-like wall. This grants him damage reduction by 15 from
all physical attacks. Slashing and blunt weapons suffer a
-3 penalty to damage, while piercing weapons gain a +3 bonus.
The barrier can absorb up to 30 +4d12 points of damage
before collapsing. While the barrier is activated, it drains
3 MP every round. Mathias may choose to cast the barrier and
turn it on and off at will. Doing so is considered an action,
unless he makes a reflex activation/deactivation, which costs
6 TP at a failure rate of 30%. Magically enchanted weapons
and spells are unaffected by the barrier.

MBarrier - 12 MP
[Astral Magic=3, Mana Threading=3]
Identical to Barrier, except it absorbs magical damage
instead and has no penalties or bonuses in regard to the
type of magic damage inflicted.

Beacon - 15 MP
[Space Magic=2, Time Magic=2, Mana Threading=3]
A runic beacon is formed at the current location, which lasts
for the next two hours. At a time when Mathias can focus
enough concentration to activate the beacon, he and any nearby
desired targets are teleported back to the beacon. Both
forming the beacon and activating it is considered an action
and requires a turn. The range of the beacon is a circle
ten feet in diameter, the caster, consented creatures
within the circle and any objects they are holding.

Hyperdrive1 - 24 MP
[Space Magic=4, Mana Threading=3]
Gravity is accelerated by a factor of 30x in an area of 15x15
meters around Mathias, and may be increased more so a certain
focal point which Mathias controls. All creatures with a STR
of +0 or less cannot move and must make a d20 roll (DC=8) to
take any physical action. All creatures with a STR of +4 or
less suffer the following penalties: halved movement, slowed
reactions, and -2 STR (which does not apply to calculating
penalties). All creatures in the field take 5 +rank*1d4 damage.
Every round, Mathias may choose a focal point in which gravity
is amplified even further. A target in this focal point takes
an additional 10 +rank*1d6 damage. Creatures within five feet
of Mathias are not affected. The field lasts for three rounds,
and may be extended further for 8 MP every additional round.

Slow - 6 MP
[Time Magic=1]
Disrupts the flow of time, slowing down a target's metabolism,
aging, and movement. If successful, a target enemy's turn is
delayed until the end of the combat round for 1d2+rank rounds,
and they will move as though they had -rank AGI, as well as
suffering a -2/-2 AT/PA penalty.

Haste - 10 MP
[Time Magic=2]
Blesses a target with increased speed. The target's metabolism,
aging, and movement rates increase. This character may move as
though he had +rank AGI and gains one extra action per round
for rank rounds. Being under the influence of a Haste spell for
more than a few minutes tends to make one VERY hungry as a
result of all the energy they burn.


Teleport - 4 TP
[Space Magic=2, Time Magic=2, Astral Sight=2, Mana Threading=3]
This is a very quick and rapid teleport within line-of-sight,
which can be executed as a reflex action for 15 TP. It allows
Mathias to teleport five feet in any direction, including depth
and width. He may attempt teleporting out of this restrictional
sphere, but will most likely end up off-course, or fail
completely. Rapid teleportation causes very sudden disorientation
and ultimately unconsciousness.

Astral Punch - 4 TP
[Space Magic=2, Time Magic=1, Astral Magic=1, Astral Sight=2,
Mana Threading=3]
By increasing the gravitational forces around Mathias' fist, he
may essentially project a powerful punch, by accelerating space
in the appropriate areas to end up delivering a powered punch at
one spot and landing it in another. This may also be used to
deflect physical objects, seeing that it essentially creates a
minor spatial shield. As such, it is a ranged attack, and can
hit as far as Mathias can see. The punch deals 10 +rank*1d6
damage, and may be used as a reflex for 2 additional TP to
block the same amount of physical damage. For every fifteen
feet, the punch's damage is reduced by 1.

Metamagic: Empower Spell - 4 TP
By investing a turn in increasing the strength of a spell,
Mathias can respectively increase the spell's affect. All
fields (where applicable) are increased by 50% in both
potential and actual effect.


Quick Stats:
Darkwolf (|Darkwolf|) - Lvl 1 - 60 HP, 85 MP, 20 TP


Name: Darkwolf - age: 19 - eyes: steel/ice blue - hair: dirty-blond/light-brown - height: 6'1"

Personality: Impatiatent, comedic, witty, independent-minded, fearful of large groups, distrustful of strangers. Keeps his feelings to himself, an optomist when things are bad, but a cynic when things are good.

Notes: No Non-Psychic Magic Ability, has a dislike of cats, sometimes brooding, very loyal and defensive to those he trusts, when angry/nervous/drunk speaks with a thick Irish accent, doesn't talk about his past much, if at all.

Background: GMs: I'll send you the Background myself through your email.

Name: Darkwolf, Darkie, etc
RPer: |Darkwolf|
Race: Human
Level: 1
XP: 50/1000
Max HP: 60
Max MP: 85
Max TP: 20
Initiative: 5 + 2d6 (7-17)

Courage: +3
Wisdom: +4
Intuition: +3
Charisma: +3
Agility: +2
Dexterity: (-1)
Strength: +1
Stamina: +1
Magic Aptitude: 5

Base AT/PA - 9/9
Modified for skill - 13/9
Modified for armor - 13/9

Body=Leather Coat (AC 4), Legs=Jeans (AC 2)

Weapon Damage - Baseball Bat
Thrusting - none
Swinging - 16+2d4 (18-24)
Chopping - 20+2d6 (22-32)

Other items -
Duct Tape +1 - It's duct tape...with a +1 bonus.
Plaid boxers - Don't leave home without em.
Melee Weapon [Club] - 4 <Cou/Str/Agi>
Bluff - 3 <Cha/Cha/Int>
Intimidate - 3 <Cou/Cha/Int>
Mental Magic - 4 <Mag/Int/Wis>
Perform - 3 <Cha/Cha/Int>
Gambling - 3 <Cha/Int/Wis>
Instrument [Piano] - 2 <Int/Cha/Dex>
[s]Athletics - 4
[s]Magic Shielding - 4
[s]Charge Attack - 4
[s]Missile Evasion - 4
[s]Sense Motive - 4
[s]Spot - 2
[k]Math - 2
[k]Random Triva - 2 --Innates--

* Not really skills, but rather, innate talents possesed by Darkwolf.
* [Innate]Specialization (Mental Magic) - Choose a skill. That skill is at +1, but any other skills related to that are at -3. Once you choose that skill, you may not change it to any other skill.
* [Innate]Enhanced Senses -Because of his tainted blood, Darkwolf is able to find things and notice objects quicker than a normal person. +1 to all spot or search checks, and discount disadvantages of Darkness or Invisiblity. However, Darkie can be more easily be overcome from extreme light, sound, or smells (at GM's disgrestion).
* [Innate]Lunar Cycle - Darkwolf's magic abilities are marked by the fluxing of the moon, most likely because of his cursed blood. He is +1 to all rolls for Mental Magic during the Full Moon, -1 during the New Moon, normal otherwise.


* [Ment=1]Telepathy ((Rank - 4) MP) - The Pskyer is able to pierce the veil of the mind, giving the user a chance to spy on the thoughts of the subject.
* [Ment=1]Kinetic Bolt (4 MP) - The Psyker projects a burst of mental energy, which deals 6 + rank + 1d6 damage.
* [Ment=2]Relay Thoughts (2MP) - You may 'talk' to (rank-1) willing, thinking people and recieve their replies [Think AIM for the Brain].
* [Ment=2]Telekinesis (X MP (special)) - By focusing on an object or area, the Pskyer can lift up to (MP*10) pounds of weight, forcing the amount of matter to move as he chooses for (rank*10) feet per round.
* [Ment=3]Mind Blast (10 MP) - The Pskyer causes a shock of pain to be channeled into the target's mind, causing a seizure of great force and making them collapse into a comatose state.
* [Ment=3]Kinetic Sheild (X MP (special)) - By spending X MP, Darkwolf can increase his own AC by (rank * MP)/(7-MAG) points for 1d2 rounds.
* [Ment=4]Compel (5MP) - The Psyker forces their will upon the target, clouding their minds, and making them more vulnerable to being manipulated.
* [Ment=4]Hypnotize (10MP) - The Pskyer implants a command into the target's mind, causing them to think that they are a chicken, have certain memories, etc. However, they can only do this on a willing, unprepared, or resting mind, and the target still has a chance to resist.


Quick Stats:
Cantor Trinkett (Folx) - Lvl 3 - 74 HP, 78 MP, 30 TP


name: Cantor Trinkett - age: unknown - eyes: blue - hair: blond - height: 5' 11"

Name: Cantor Trinkett
RPer: Folx
Level: 3
XP: 150/1500
Max HP: 74/74
Max MP: 78/78
Max TP: 30/30
Initiative: 4+2d6 (6-16)

Courage: +2
Wisdom: +3
Intuition: +2
Charisma: +2
Agility: +2
Dexterity: +2
Strength: +5
Stamina: +2
Magic: 4

Base AT/PA - 11/11
Modified for skill - 16/11
Modified for armor - 15/10

Body=Light Elvish Iron Mail (AC 10, -1/-1), Head=Traveller's cap (AC 0), Legs=Leather Leggings (AC 2), Feet =Leather Boots (AC 2)

Weapon Damage- Belthazar
Thrusting - 13+1d6 (14-19)
Swinging - 19+2d4 (21-27)
Chopping - 27+2d6 (29-39)
Swords - 6 <Str/Agi/Cou>
Aura reading - 2 <Wis/Int/Int>
Enchanting - 4 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Fire magic - 4 <Wis/Int/Mag>
Ice Magic - 3 <Wis/Int/Mag>
Light Magic - 1 <Wis/Int/Mag>
Water Magic - 1 <Wis/Int/Mag>
Lightning Magic - 3 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Dark Magic - 1 <Wis/Int/Mag>
Earth Magic - 1 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Wind Magic - 2 <Mag/Wis/Int>
[k]Applied Magical theory - 4
[s]Magic Shielding - 4
Lute - 4 <Dex/Dex/Cha>
Singing - 1 <Mag/Cha/Cha> --Spells/Techs--

* [Lute=3]Music (3 TP, 1 MP) - Random effects on party or opponents...roll a die, even or odd to choose. Use either a random effects table or GM's choice.
* [Ench= 3, Mag Elem= 2]Elemental weapon (5 TP, 5 MP) - enchants weapon with magic for a stronger, elemental-based attack. All weapon attacks now deal 1.5x damage, and more if the foe is vulnerable to said element (GM's discretion).
* [Fire=1]Fire (6 MP) - Basic fire spell, throws a small fireball at opponent. This deals 8 + (2 * rank) + 1d6 damage to a single target.
* [Fire=2]Fire Spike (12 MP) - Create a spike that plants in the ground and explodes when stepped on, like a land mine. This attack deals 12 + (5 * rank) + 2d6 damage to a target.
* [Fire=4]Conflagration (16 MP) - Cantor's specialty spell, create an inferno on and around the enemy. This deals 10 + (5 * rank) + 2d6 damage to a group of targets.
* [Ice=1]Blizzard (6 MP) - Chills the air around the enemy, dealing 8 + (2 * rank) + 1d6 damage.
* [Ice=2]Ice Lance (12 MP) - Flings a spear of ice at the enemy, dealing 12 + (5 * rank) + 2d6 damage.
* [Lit=1]Lighning (6 MP) - Basic lightning spell, shocks the enemy with a small bolt of lightning, dealing 8 + (2 * rank) + 1d6 damage.
* [Ear=1]Rock (6 MP) - Flings a large rock at the opponent, dealing 8 + (2 * rank) + 1d6 damage.
* [Ear=1]Tremor (8 MP) - small earthquake around the enemy, setting them off balance. This attack deals 10 + (2 * rank) + 1d6 damage and stuns for 1 round.
* [Wind=1]Gust (6 MP) - The wind picks up and blows the enemy off balance, dealing 8 + (2 * rank) + 1d6 damage.
* [Dark=1]Blindness (6 MP) - Attempts to inflict blindness on a target.
* [Light=1]Invisibility (14 MP) - Bends light around the target, causing them to become temporarily invisible. Any other details are left to the GM.
* [Wat=1]Heal Physical Wounds (10 MP) - A healing spell which recovers 6+rank+1d6 points of health to a target. This spell cannot heal the target above 50% of their max HP.


Quick Stats:
Greywolf (Greywolf) - Lvl 1 - 70 HP, 40 MP, 20 TP


name: Greywolf - age: 180 (roughly equ. to late teens) - eyes: violet - hair: silver - height: 5'10" - weight: 120 lbs

NOTE: Skills taken off for improper stats.

Name: Greywolf
RPer: Greywolf_Immortal
Race: Elven
Level: 1
XP: 0/1000
Max HP: 70/70
Max MP: 40/40
Max TP: 20/20
Initiative: 12-22

Courage: +4
Wisdom: +2
Intuition: +2
Charisma: (-2)
Agility: +6
Dexterity: +3
Strength: +1
Stamina: +3
Magic Aptitude 2

Base AT/PA - 13/13
Modified for skill -
Modified for armor - (+1/0)

AC- Body=8 (Quilted Leather)

Weapon Damage- Bladed Gauntlets
Thrusting - 6+2d6
Slashing - 10+2d4
Chopping - 14+2d6
Gauntlets - 4 <Str/Dex/Cou>
[s]Dbl Weapon Fighting - 4
Ambidexterity - 4
[s]Chink Detection - 3
Climbing - 2 <Str/Agi/Dex>
Shadow Magic - 2 <Mag/Int/Wis>
[s]Stealth - 4 <Dex/Agi/Agi>
[k]Survival - 3 <Int> --Spells/Skills--

--Shadow Magic--

* Blur (8 MP) - makes the target appear hazy and adds +2 to defense
* Haste (7 MP) - Speeds up the target. Increases target initiative by 4, attack and defense by 2
* Slow (7 MP) - Need I explain?


Quick Stats:
Idran (Idran) - Lvl 4 - 79 HP, 109 MP, 33 TP


name: Idran - age: 25 - eyes: grey - hair: light brown - height: 6'0"

Citizen of Kohlingen since birth, began apprenticing in the art of Magi when he was 10. He was started in basic elemental magic, but his teacher soon realized that he was more skilled in Grey, or Cosmic, Magic. Once he was 16, he took a position on the "Talon," a freighter to the Southern Continent, to gain some money with his astronomy knowledge, and spend more time around the "elements" of Grey Magic, space (the stars) and time (speed/history). Continued to practice Grey Magic while a member of the crew. He got up to the position of Third Mate before deciding to put his magic to use, and set out for adventure. Wishes to gain more knowledge on the intricacies of space and time. He is usually cautious, unless it involves gaining knowledge he wishes to obtain. For this purpose, he tries to always carry at least a Hi-Potion, and usually also has a Fire Fang, Arctic Wind, and Bolt Plume. He tries not to use these last three, however, due to their rarity.

Name: Idran
RPer: Idran
Race: Human
Level: 4
XP: 725/2000
Max HP: 79
Max MP: 109
Max TP: 33
Initiative: 7+2d6 (9-19)

Courage: +2
Wisdom: +4
Intuition: +2
Charisma: 0
Agility: +5
Dexterity: +2
Strength: +2
Stamina: +1
Magic: 5

Base AT/PA - 10/10
Modified for skill - 14/10
Modified for armor - 14/9

AC- Body=Winter Coat (AC 6)

Weapon Damage - Full Moon (-2, -2)
Weak throw - 6+1d6 (7-12)
Medium throw - 10+1d6 (11-16)
Fury throw - 14+2d4 (16-22)
Spacial Magic - 7 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Temporal Magic - 5 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Gate Magic - 4 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Elemental Magic - 1 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Boomerang - 4 <Str/Dex/Int>
Quarterstaff - 1 <Str/Agi/Cou>
Knife - 1 <Str/Agi/Cou>
Boat Piloting - 3 <Int/Int/Dex>
Airship Piloting - 1 <Int/Int/Dex>
[s] Distance Running - 4 <Sta>
[s] Swimming - 3 <Sta>
[k]Kohlingen History - 4
[k]Doman History - 4
[k]Rivan History - 5
[k]Astronomy - 4
[k]Navigation - 4
[k]Cooking - 3
[k]Spacial Theory - 6
[k]Temporal Theory - 2 --Spells/Techs--

* [Spacial=1]Bomb 1 (5 MP) - Compresses the air around a target, dealing 8 + rank * 2 + 1d4 damage.
* [Spacial=2]Bomb 2 (10 MP) - Makes a series of air-compressions within a group, dealing 8 + rank * 2 + 1d4 damage to several targets within one hex of a target hex.
* [Spacial=2]Comet1 (16 MP) - Drops a rock from outer space, dealing 8 + (rank * 6) + 2d6 damage to a single target.
* [Spacial=2]Gravity Well (7 MP) - Creates a gravity well over a 4-hex radius. Anyone within the well must succeed in a strength check vs. the casting power in order to resist the effects. Those who fail to resist receive a -3/-3 penalty to AT/PA, and movement is cut in half. Flying creatures who fail to save are grounded by this spell.
* [Spacial=3]Hold (15 MP) - If successful, surrounds a target with ropes of spacial energy, holding them for (Rank*10) minutes.
* [Spacial=3]Phase Shift (17 MP) - Move to any location within (Rank * 2) yards, half for each passage through solid matter.
* [Spacial=4]Comet2 (28 MP) - Drops a group of rocks from outer space, dealing 8 + (rank * 6) + 2d6 damage to several targets within one hex of a target hex.
* [Temporal=1]Super Sprint (3 MP) - Triple running speed for (Rank * 4) seconds.
* [Temporal=1]Time Sense (5 MP) - Tells the caster the day and time in his own calendar. This spell is only as accurate as the average timekeeping device in the caster's culture.
* [Temporal=2]Haste (10 MP) - Blesses a target with increased speed. The target's metabolism, aging, and movement rates increase.This character may move as though he had +rank AGI and gains one extra action per round for rank rounds. Being under the influence of a Haste spell for more than a few minutes tends to make one VERY hungry as a result of all the energy they burn.
* [Temporal=4]Lesser Regen (14 MP) - Allows a target to regenerate health over time. The target recovers Target's Stamina + 3d6 HP per round for (rank/2) rounds.
* [Mag=5 Gate=2]Control Gate (30 MP) - Opens, closes, or locks a specific pre-existing gate within 10 feet. It will stay open/closed/locked for (rank ^ 2) seconds/minutes/hours. The lower the rank, the longer the casting time (About 8/4/1 hour(s) maximum)
* [Gate=1]Detect Gate (10 MP) - Find any gate within (rank / 2) miles. Spell lasts for 1 hour.
* [Gate=2]Analyze Gate (20 MP) - Allows caster to analyze any gate, and attempt to figure out where the other end lies. Roll against MBlock of the gate for success.
* [Elem=1]Create Element (21 MP) - Summons no more than (rank / 3) cu.ft. of any of the 4 elements into the casters hand or a container/torch/etc being held. Hence, the caster can create small amounts of flame, water, dirt, or air (gaseous oxygen/nitrogen/hydrogen mixture).


Quick Stats:
Mahou (Nekogami) - Lvl 1 - (60) HP, (80) MP, (25) TP


name: Mahou Wyrd - age: 21 (converted--won't admit her actual yearage) - eyes: green - hair: light blue - height: 5'9" - weight: 125-135 (estimate--wouldn't say exactly)

Mahou is the daughter of a professor of the Heraldic College. Her mother was Murda, a close to demonic class of elf. Being pressured by her bloodlines to do good, she often has a short temper and low tolerance for others. She took acting classes so she could fake her way into society.

Name: Mahou Wyrd
RPer: Nekogami
Race: Elven
XP: 200/1000
Max HP: 55 (60)
Max MP: 75 (80)
Max TP: 20 (25)
Initiative: 6+2d6 (8-18)

Courage: +4
Wisdom: +3
Intuition: +2
Charisma: +2
Agility: +2
Dexterity: +1
Strength: +2
Stamina: 0
Magic Aptitude: 5

Base AT/PA - 10
Modified for skill - 12/12
Modified for armor - 11/10

Body=High Quality Robes (AC 5), Head=Crown (AC 5), Magic=Amulet (AC 2)
[+5 HP/MP/TP bonuses granted by Power Armbands]

Weapon Damage- Ninjato
Thrusting - 13+1d6 (14-19)
Swinging - 19+2d4 (21-27)
Chopping - 24+2d6 (26-36)
Flame Magic - 3 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Earth Magic - 3 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Wind Magic - 3 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Energy Magic - 4 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Thunder Magic - 3 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Mental Magic - 2 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Swords - 3 <Cou/Str/Agi>
Rods - 2 <Cou/Str/Agi>
Cooking -2 <Int/Int/Cha>
Pickpocketing - 2 <Cou/Int/Dex>
[s]Bunny Affinity -2
[k]Heraldry - 4 --Spells/Techs--

* [Innate]Starlight (5 TP) - Gives 10 MP to an ally.
* [Innate]Call Bunny (1 TP) - Summons a bunny.
* All of the following are open to Mahou at element rank 1, but require [k]Heraldry=rank being cast.
* Firebolt (8 MP) Does 5+(rank*3)+2d6 Fire damage to one enemy.
* Thunderbolt (8 MP) Does 5+(rank*3)+2d6 Lightning damage to enemies in a line.
* Windslash (13 MP) Does 5+(rank*3)+2d6 Wind damage to one enemy group.
* Energy Bolt (17 MP) Does 15+(rank*5)+2d6 Energy damage to one enemy.
* Requires [k]Heraldry=(highest rank cast)+1 -- EX: Eruption cast at Fire rank=3, Earth rank=2 requires Heraldry=4.
* [Earth=1, Fire=1]Eruption (7 TP/40 MP) - Does 20+(fire+earth rank)*4+2d6 Fire/Earth damage to one enemy group.
* [Thunder=1, Water=1]Thunderstrorm (7 TP/35 MP) - Does 20+(thunder+water rank) damage to one enemy group.

Quick Stats:
Nekoko (Nekogami) - Lvl 1 - 65 HP, 0 MP, 20 TP


name: Nekoko Kitiwai - age: 15 - eyes: purple - hair: white and black - height: 5'4 - weight: 120

Nekoko is princess of Nekonia. A rambunctious child and sometimes uncontrollable, Nekoko did not find her way until she ran into a martial artist by the name of Ua Rang. Ua Rang taught her an ancient style of martial arts and turned her into a responsible princess. Despite this, Nekoko knows little of the outside world but is very book savvy.

Name: Nekoko Kitiwai
RPer: Nekogami
Race: Cat-person
Level: 1
XP: 0/1000
Max HP: 65/65
Max MP: 0/0
Max TP: 20/20
Initiative: 5+2d6 (7-17)

Courage: +3
Wisdom: +4
Intuition: +3
Charisma: +2 (+1)
Agility: +4 (+0.5)
Dexterity: +1
Strength: +2
Stamina: +2
Magic Aptitude: 0

Base AT/PA - 12/12
Modified for skill - 16/12
Modified for armor - 16/12

Body=Figher's Gi (AC 10), Arms=Wrist Bands (AC 2)
Head=Silver Circlet [boosts Mag Def]
Feet=Fighting Slippers [boosts Agi]
Tail=Tail Ring [boosts Cha]
Misc=Ribbons [boost Cha]

Weapon Damage - unarmed
Punching - 6-16
Kicking - 9-20
Barefisted/ Gloves - 4 <Cou/Str/Agi>
Ambidexterity - 2 <Dex/Dex/Agi>
Combo - 2 <Cou/Str/Agi>
Martial Skills - 3 <Cou/Str/Agi>
Climbing - 4 <Agi/Dex/Str>
Meditation - 3 <Int/Int/Wis>
Call Tonbo - 4 <Int/Int/Wis>
Cook - 1 <Cha/Cha/Int>
Etiquette (nobility) - 4 <Cha/Cha/Int>
Access - 4 <Cha/Cha/Int>
[k]Survival - 2
[s]Balance - 4 <Agi> --Spells/Techs--

* Balance - Be steady! Raises success level of attacks
* Access (1 TP) - Get into otherwise off limits areas. Success depends partially on charisma and etiquette ranks.
* Cook (1 TP) - Makes delicious food that can revive/restore or cure certain status ailments. The better the ingredients used and time spent in preparation, the more powerful the effect.
* Meditation (3 TP) - Cure status ailments/restore HP (self only). Effect varies with the amount of time spent in meditation.
* Call Tonbo (3 TP) - Summons Tonbo to claw and scratch the holy pulp outta the enemy. Tonbo stays for {rank}/2 (rounded down) turns and attacks once per turn for [??] damage.
* [Mar=1]Revenge (1 TP) - Counterattack opponent for half damage, successful with probability 5%*{rank}.
* [Mar=2]Face Off (2 TP) - Lowers target's defense with a meaningful glare.
* [Mar=3]Energy (x TP) - Manifest one's ki energy into a tangible attack, hits for {rank}*{courage}*{x/2}, rounded down to the nearest whole if necessary- no more than 10 TP can be expended at one time for this attack
* (varying TP) - Rapidly attacks in succession for a special combo attack. [First attack will succeed/fail with normal probability, the second will succeed if a die roll procudes a 1-3, the fourth will succeed if a 1 or 2 is rolled, and the rest will succeed if a 1 is rolled. Maximum of 2*{rank} successive attacks.]

Quick Stats:
Sirvix (Nekogami) - Lvl 1 - 60 HP, 60 MP, 20 TP


name: Sirvix Malone- age: 19- eyes: blood red - hair: orange - height: 5'7- weight: "A lady never tells!"

Sirvix is a succubus, a kind of evil fairy from hell. Her father is a master demon from Hell's Peak Mountain, where a portal to the Shadows exist. Being an only child, she has been spoiled to death and protected from the outside world and is kind of naive but in a strange evil way. She met Hakaril James Silvar at a resort and was swept off her feet by the handsome bishounen who did not find her name funny, as so many others (now dead) have. After convincing him to marry her, she set out to explore the world as her betrothed had so many times. She travels now with her pet cerbie, Precious.

Name: Sirvix Malone
RPer: Nekogami
Race: Succubus
Level: 1
XP: 0/1000
Max HP: 60/60
Max MP: 60/60
Max TP: 20/20
Initiative: 6+2d6 (8-18)

Courage: +3
Wisdom: +4
Intuition: +2
Charisma: +0
Agility: +3
Dexterity: +1
Strength: +3
Stamina: +1
Magic Aptitude: +3

Base AT/PA - 11/11
Modified for skill - 14/12
Modified for armor - 13/11

Body=Light Dress (AC 3), Arms=Silk Gloves (AC 4, -1,-1), Legs=Leather Boots (4 AC), Other=Demon Ring (provides a +4 vs. Holy and Shadow)

Weapon Damage - Heavy Dagger (-2, -2)
Thrust - 8+1d6
Swing - 14+2d4
Chop - 20+2d6
Flight - 4 <Agi/Agi/Cou>
Dagger - 4 <Cou/Str/Agi>
Fire Magic - 2 <Int/Wis/Mag>
Shadow Magic - 3 <Int/Wis/Mag>
Guardian (Precious) - 4 - Precious comes to Sirvix's aid.
Sing - 3 <Cha/Cha/Dex>
Teleport - 2 (Can teleport short distances and only to places she has been previously) <Int/Wis/Mag>
Musical Instrument (Violin)- 3 <Cha/Dex/Dex>
Cooking - 2 <Dex/Dex/Int>
[s]Musical Talent - 3 --Spells/Techs--

* [Shadow=1]Shadow Cloud (5 MP) - causes blindness in the target on a successful roll. Blinded targets cannot see and suffer a -6/-6 AT/PA penalty until cured. Blindness wears off in 1d4 rounds naturally.
* [Shadow=1]Serpent Strike (10 MP) - shadow coalesces into snake and strikes, poisons with a successful roll. This poison is level 3 poison, meaning it will deal 3d6 damage the first round, then 2d6, then 1d6, and then be removed from the victim's body.
* [Shadow=2]Showdown (16 MP) - a wave of shadow hits the opponent, dealing 12+rank*3+1d6 damage. Roll for added effect on a d6--even numbers cause blindness for 1d4 rounds, and on a 6, target recieves an additional 2d6 shadow damage.
* [Shadow=3]New Moon (15 MP) - A black moon meteor falls on the opponent, dealing 16+rank*4+2d6 damage

* to a single target. [Fire=1]Fire 1 (5MP) - deals 8+2*rank+1d6 fire damage.
* [Fire=2]Fire 2 (10MP) - deals 14+6*rank+2d6 damage.

The following characters are still in the works
Quick Stats:
Neko Adanamod (Nekogami) - Lvl 1 - HP, MP, TP


name: Neko Adanamod - age: 18 - eyes: green - hair: black - height: 5'5"

A simple Nekojin from the outskirts of Nekonia, Neko's a bit naive, kind, and always meddling in EVERYTHING. She's kind of an Oracle, able to talk to Nekogami, and also has a spellbook directly from Nekogami herself -- but the spells are a bit strange. Neko decided that it was her calling to be a blue mage and learn the ways of the world.

One fateful day on her journey's she created an evil clone of King Charles of Doma, Selrahc Adanamod. She fell instantly in love with the sinister king and has dedicated her life to ruling with him and journeying the world with him. Her goal now is to find a way of prolonging Selrahc's life, since the evil king is a clone.

Level: 1
XP: 0/1000
Max HP:
Max MP:
Max TP:
Initiative: #+2d6 (#-#)

Courage: +
Wisdom: +
Intuition: +
Charisma: +
Agility: +
Dexterity: +
Strength: +
Stamina: +
Magic Aptitude:

Base AT/PA -
Modified for skill -
Modified for armor/weapons -

AC- Body=4 (Black Dress [improves Cha])

Weapon Damage - Wooden Staff
Staves - 4 <Str/Dex/Int>
Blue Magic - 4
Healing Magic - 4 <Mag/Int/Wis>
Persuasion - 4
Learning - 4
Fire Magic - 4 <Mag/Int/Wis> --Spells/Techs--

* Oracle- Neko summons Nekogami to give her guidance. Roll determines how Nekogami feels like being.
* [Blue 1] - Pounce - Pounces enemy and stuns with given probability
* [Blue 1]- Scratch- Uses claws to scratch enemy
* [Blue 2]- Critical- Hits enemy for critical damage
* Cure 1- Heals minor wounds
* Fire 1- Summons a small fire ball and hurls it at enemy
* Fire 2- Summons a concentrated wave of fire at enemy

Quick Stats:
Raptre L'Sarithe (Nekogami) - Lvl 1 - HP, MP, TP


name: Raptre L'Sarithe - age:95 (19 converted to human standards) - eyes: yellow - hair: white with black tips (when in elven) - height: 5'9" (when in elven)

Born from an ice dragon bull (male) and a gryphonelle (female), Raptre was considered to be a very special lad in his home of North Solasia. Raptre's father was a dragon knight that followed the ancient code and paired up with humans to protect the small isolated territory of Solasia. When dark dragoons from Rivan found Solasia, peace was lost and a small war ensued. Raptre lost both parents and the honor of the Dragon knights. He assumes his elven form as he journeys the world, carrying a elven axe from his past.

Bold and courageous like his dragon father, he fights till the end but like his grypon mother he tends to be indignant and has put pouting into an art from. He's also a hopeless romantic. (o\/o+)

Name: Raptre L'Sarithe
RPer: Nekogami
Race: Draco-griff (halfdragon)
Level: 1
XP: 0/1000
Max HP:
Max MP:
Max TP:
Initiative: 7+2d6 (9-19)

Courage: +4
Wisdom: +3
Intuition: +2
Charisma: + 1
Agility: +3
Dexterity: +1
Strength: +4
Stamina: +2
Magic Aptitude: 1

Base AT/PA - 13-13
Modified for skill -
Modified for armor/weapons -

AC- Body=4 (Silk Tunic)

Weapon Damage - Elven Axe
Axes - 4 <Str/Dex/Int>
Ice Magic - 4 <Mag/Int/Wis>
Fire Magic - 4 <Mag/Int/Wis>
Griffonic Magic - 4 <Mag/Int/Wis>
Morph - 4
Fly - 4 --Spells/Techs--

* Morph - Raptre has
* [Innate]Astral Scan- Raptre concentrates his mental energy to search the astral plane.
* [Innate]Hawk Eye- Raptre is able to see far distances with intense clarity
* [Innate]Ice Breath- A skill from his dragon father-Raptre can exhale air cold enough to freeze. In elven it is a short range attack, in dracogriff it can be a medium-long range attack
* Morph- Raptre can change from Dracogriff to elven, or within dracogriff express certain traits in domancy. (i.e. more scales, more feathers)
* [Axe - Fly ] Razor Spin - Raptre flys into the air and
* [Ice 1] Ice Arrow- Raptre freezes the moisture in the air into a large solid mass to be launched at the enemy.
* [Ice 2] Ice Arrow Storm - Raptre creates numerous smaller ice arrows and rains them on his enemy
* Fire 2- Summons a concentrated wave of fire at enemy


Quick Stats:
Dragan Rahl (Phil-Dog) - Lvl 3 - 74 HP, 112 MP, 29 TP


name: Dragan Rahl - age: 38 - eyes: grey - hair: brown, with a little bit of silver - height: 5'11"

A 38-year old human magic user, is one of the few humans to have survived life essence draining. Has lived most of his life in the town of Lowangen, now given the unfortunate name of Blarg. Is the closest thing to family Dia Rai has left, considers himself her caretaker, much to her dismay. Is currently attempting to thwart Astyanax's plans to unleash Mu onto the planes. Can confuse just about anyone with complex and obscure magical theory.

Name: Dragan Rahl
RPer: Phil-Dog
Race: Human
Level: 3
XP: 1295/1500
Max HP: 74/74
Max MP: 112/112
Max TP: 29/29
Initiative: 2+2d6 (4-14)

Courage: +2
Wisdom: +5
Intuition: +3
Charisma: +2
Agility: 0
Dexterity: +3
Strength: +1
Stamina: +2
Magic Aptitude: 6

Base AT/PA= 7/7
Skill AT/PA=10/9
Modified = 10/8

AC- Body, Legs, Arms=5 (Grey Robe [Magical Threads=1])

Weapon Damage - Grey Staff [Magical Threads=3]
Water magic - 5 <Mag/Int/Wis>
Conjuring - 3 <Int/Cha/Mag>
Ritual magic - 3 <Wis/Wis/Mag>
Holy magic - 4 <Mag/Int/Wis>
Enchantment - 3 <Int/Int/Mag>
Astral Combat - 4 <Cou/Int/Int>
Polearms - 5 <Cou/Int/Str>
Benediction - 3 <Mag/Int/Wis>
Mental Magic - 4 <Mag/Int/Wis>
Illusion Magic - 3 <Mag/Int/Wis>
Alchemy - 4 <Dex/Int/Int>
[s]Spell defense - 2 - +1/rank to spell defense tests.
[k]Formal Magical Theory - 6 <Wis>
[k]Draconic lore - 4 <Wis>
[k]History - 2 <Wis>
[k]Spell Fetishes and Foci - 3 <Wis>
[k]Herb knowledge - 5 <Wis>
[k]Magical orders/societies - 2 <Wis> --Spells/Techs--

* Confound (4 TP) - Attempts to baffle target with complex magical theory. --Rank = (k)Formal Magical Theory, WIS/INT/MAG
* Disrupt (4 TP) - Banishes a defeated astral presence from the physical plane. --Always successful against defeated opponents.
* Banish Demon (8 TP) - Attempts to remove a purely evil entity from the physical plane. --Rank = Holy magic, WIS/INT/INT
* Siphon Magic (13 TP) - Siphons magic from bodies of water - restores MP. --Restores WIS+INT+2d10 MP.
* [Water=1]Wat (5 MP) - light water damage
* [Water=4]Giwat (12 MP) - moderate water damage
* [Conjuring=V]Conjure minor elemental - Water (28 MP, 10 TP), Light (30 MP, 10 TP)
* [Enchanting=V]Enchant object (15 MP), - Permenent (100 MP, 20 TP)
* [Holy=1]Light (2 MP) - create light
* [Holy=2]Tsu (7 MP) - small beam of holy power
* [Holy=4]Githu (14 MP) - large beam of holy power
* [Mental=1]Fear (9 MP)
* [Mental=3]Confuse (14 MP, 2 TP)
* [Mental=4]Stun (18 MP, 2 TP)
* [Ben=1]Aura (4 MP) - Improves AT/PA and AC by 1
* [Ben=3]Shield (10 MP) - Improves PA by 2*(Ben. rank)
* [Illusion=1]Silent walk (5 MP) - muffles sound, increases stealth roll by rank on relevant checks.
* [Illusion=3]Invisibility (15 MP) - As silent walk, but for purposes of sight.
* [Holy=3, Water=4]White Shards (33 MP, 5 TP) - Shards of holy ice
* [Water=5]Flood (40 MP, 7 TP)

--Spells marked with V are available from rank 1, but effectiveness is based on the caster's current rank.
--Effectiveness/Damage control is left to the GM.
--Permenent enchantment (magical threads) is questionable, can be removed at GM's discretion.
Quick Stats:
Gavron Krin (Phil-Dog) - Lvl 1 - 65 HP, 0 MP, 20 TP


name: Gavron Krin - age: 26 - eyes: brown - hair: light brown - height: 6'0" - weight: 180 lbs - drunk type: happy

Once a street urchin, Gavron was taken in and nearly brainwashed by the church of Ashura. Having turned his back on the church that betrayed him and left him for dead, he is now making a living doing what he did in his younger days - thieving. Once on the run from Guthrek III's soldiers for an assassination attempt, ended up spending time in Nekonia, where he got along surprisingly well with Migi, the hyperactive catgirl.

Name: Gavron
RPer: Phil-Dog
Race: Human
Level: 1
XP: 0/1000
Max HP: 65/65
Max MP: 0/0
Max TP: 20/20
Initiative: 7+2d6 (9-19)

Courage: +3
Wisdom: +4
Intuition: 0
Charisma: (-1)
Agility: +4
Dexterity: +6
Strength: +3
Stamina: +2
Magic Aptitude: 0

Base AT/PA - 10/10
Modified for skill - 14/10
Modified for armor/weapons - 10/7

AC- Body=13 (Treated Leather)

Weapon Damage -
Short Bow (Damage = 12),
Rapier (Damage = 11/16)
Bows - 4 <Dex/Dex/Int>
Light swords - 3 <Str/Dex/Agi>
Lockpicking - 4 <Dex/Dex/Int>
Stealth - 4 <Dex/Agi/Int>
Ropes - 3 <Dex/Dex/Int>
Disarm Trap - 4 <Dex/Dex/Int>
[s]Vital Striking - 1 <Int>
[k]Poisons - 2 <Wis>
[k]Traps - 4 <Wis> --Spells/Techs--



Quick Stats:
Seph Kellner (Seph) - Lvl 1 - 60 HP, 70 MP, 20 TP


name: Seph Kellner - age: 16 - eyes: blue - hair: brown - height: 5'10"

The latest in a long line of famous and respected Black mages, Seph grew up knowing only two things: power and wealth. At a young age he was sent to be apprenticed by Validus, a master of the dark arts. A fine student, Seph's powers grew under the watchful eye of Validus. As his training progressed, however, Seph began to discover dark secrets about his master, and distrust between the two grew. This distrust eventually led to Seph being nearly killed by Validus when he was ordered to use his powers to kill a helpless innocent as a test and refused.

Fleeing Validus and his family, Seph traveled nearly aimlessly, using any means necessary to support hismelf. Upon reaching Doma he met a Red Wizard who introduced him to her Order. Seph then realized that achieving true power requires a balance within one's own self. Forsaking much of his former dark power, Seph studied the ways of the Red Heraldry, and soon became a full-fledged Red Mage.

Name: Seph Kellner
RPer: Seph
Race: Human
Level: 1
XP: 950/1000
Max HP: 60
Max MP: 70
Max TP: 20
Initiative: 4+2d6 (6-16)

Courage: +2
Wisdom: +3
Intuition: +1
Charisma: +3
Agility: +2
Dexterity: +1
Strength: +3
Stamina: +1
Magic Aptitude: 5

Base AT/PA - 8/8
Modified for skill - 12/8
Modified for armor - 9/5

Body=Treated Leather (AC 13)

Weapon Damage - Short Sword (0,-1)
Thrusting - 10+1d6 (11-16)
Swinging - 15+2d4 (17-23)
Chopping - 21+2d6 (23-33)
Swords - 4 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Flame Magic - 4 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Lightning Magic - 3 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Ice Magic - 2 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Healing Magic - 3 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Support Magic - 2 <Mag/Wis/Int>
Etiquette (nobility) - 2 <Cor/Cha/Int>
Double Magic - 4 <Mag/Wis/Int>
[k] Applied Magical Theory - 4
[k] History of Magic - 4 --Spells/Techs--

* [Innate]Infusco (5 TP per turn) - Seph calls upon his former powers to increase his magic damage. While using this ability only elemental spells may be cast, and all spells deal 2x damage.
* [Dbl. Mag.=4]Double Spell (6 TP) - Any two known spells are cast, one immediately after the other.
* [Flame=2]Blaze (6 MP) - Seph extends his hands, palms up, and becomes a human flamethrower. This spell shoots a jet of flame up to 10+rank feet away from the caster. This attack deals 8 + (2 * rank) + 1d8 damage.
* [Flame=4]Fire Bolt (14 MP) - The generic fireball. Shoots a ball of flame at a single target, dealing 14 + (4 * rank) + 2d6 damage.
* [Lit=2]Jolt (6 MP) - Seph concentrates, throwing off bursts of static in all directions, sending a wave of electricity through all objects within 6 feet of the caster. Obviously, any metallic objects will become at least temporarily charged, and any other conductors (water etc.) will become hightly dangrous. This deals (normally) 6 + (2 * rank) + 1d10 damage.
* [Lit=4]Lightning Bolt (15 MP) - Seph projects a bolt of electrical energy, capable of leveling most foes. Any single target recieves 12 + (4 * rank) + 2d10 damage.
* [Ice=2]Icicle (10 MP) - By focusing on water vapor in the atmospehere, Seph can condense some of it into a long, pointed spear of ice. Throwing this icicle deals 8 + (3 * rank) + 2d6 damage.
* [Healing=1]Cure (6 MP) - Heals wounds by 10 + (2 * rank) + 1d4 HP.
* [Healing=3]Antivenom (10 MP) - Attempts to purge poison from a target.
* [Support=2]MBarrier (12 MP) - Creates a magical barrier that absorbs 1/2 magic damage and gives the beneficiary a +rank bonus vs. all spells.


Quick Stats:
Mavis Stoutfellow (SuperRube) - Lvl 1 - 70 HP, 0 MP, 20 TP


name: Mavis Stoutfellow - age: 19 - eyes: blue - hair: purple and very long - height: 7' 9'

Name: Mavis Stoutfellow
RPer: SuperRube
Race: Half-giant
XP: 0/1000
Max HP: 70
Max MP: 0
Max TP: 20
Initiative: 6+2d6 (8-18)

Courage +2
Wisdom (-2)
Intuition +2
Charisma +5
Agility +3
Dexterity +4
Strength +5
Stamina +3
Magic Aptitude: 0

Base AT/PA - 12/12
Modified for skill (Bastard Sword, one handed) - 15/13
Modified for armor (Bastard Sword, one handed) - 12/10
Modified for skill (Bastard Sword, two handed) - 12/14
Modified for armor (Bastard Sword, two handed) - 9/11

Body=Hide Armor (AC 15, -3/-3), Misc=Parrying Dagger (0/+2)

Weapon Damage - Bastard Sword, one handed (-2/-3)
Thrusting - 15 + 1d6
Slashing - 25 + 2d4
Chopping - 34 + 2d6

Weapon damage - BastardSword, two handed (-2/-3)

Thrusting - 17 + 1d6
Slashing - 27 + 2d4
Chopping - 36 + 2d6
Swords - 4 <Cou/Str/Agi>
Parrying Daggers - 3 <Cou/Dex/Agi>
Ambidexterity - 1 <Dex=3>
Pick Pockets - 3 <Cou/Dex/Dex>
Pick Locks - 2 <Dex/Dex/Wis>
Intimidation - 2 <Cou/Cha/Cha>
Charm - 2 <Cha/Cha/Int>
[s]Double Weapon Fighting- 3 <Dex=3> --Spells/Techs--

* [Swords=3]Run Through (2 TP) - Counts as a Thrusting attack, but if the attack is successful and hits, add 1d4 to the roll. If this causes the hit to become critical, apply damage appropriately.
* [Swords=4, [s]Double Weapon Fighting=2]Haymaker Slash (5 TP) - This attack deals Chopping damage, but multiples STR by 4 instead of 3. Reduce the penalty for such from -6 by Double Weapon rank. This attack may only be used when wielding a sword two-handed style.</small> <p>
<center><small>"We are just poor, wandering corn farmers..."

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