Kaze Miyamoto

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Enzeru Sky

Kaze Miyamoto

Unread postby Enzeru Sky » Tue Jun 08, 2004 9:34 pm

I thought I would start off my RPG World RP experience by posting a tidbit on one of my most beloved characters, Kaze Miyamoto.

I have used her in other forums, but they where mostly art forums. So I guess this is her debut as a RP character Image

NAME: Kaze Miyamoto
AGE: 17
HAIR COLOR: Dark blue
EYE COLOR: Jade Green
OCCUPATION: Wandering ninja
WEAPON:Various ninja weapons, mainly uses her sword, Fuuko
PERSONALITY: Kaze has seen wandering many places. as her clothes show, she seems like a typical ninja girl (except the hanging part of her top), but very few know she has been wandering for nearly 3 years now. Her experience is more advance that most of her peers, and her 12 year training doesn't hinder her either.

A cheery girl of sorts, she is very social, and doesn't like to lie. In fact, she hates frequent liars. If there is ever a quarrel or danger, you can bet Kaze is one of the people trying to mend the situation. Quick to act, and thinks little of selfishness (Maybe she ought to think about her actions more often...) Kaze is a very kind, and open hearted person.

As a ninja, her stealth and attacks are very impressive. Although her attacks are very fast and effective, she is weak strength wise. Don't count on Kaze carrying any wooden crates. Her back attacks are where she makes up for this lack in strength. Her back attacks are almost twice as effective as her normal attacks. But since back attacks

Here is a little picture of her to help you guys get a feel of who she is:
If your wondering, about the Mahoro in the picture, Kaze is cosplaying as Mahoro, and the "Over Soul" refers to Shaman King

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Aa, cracked glass!
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Unread postby Capntastic » Tue Jun 08, 2004 9:46 pm

She looks like an Angelfire hosted by image?

Also, this isn't a character so much as it is a conglomeration of tangible "OMFG EPIC HARDCORE! NINJA KAWAII!" nonsense. Does she do anything besides travel and Ninja-fight? Does she, say, have a skill that is practical in a practical world? Wandering ninja isn't an occupation; it's "Hobo with a sword"

In essence:
Less Don Quixote (IE - Fight! And travel! And adventure!)
More Sancho Panza (IE - Practical skills that can be applied to various situations!)

I'm sure you'll enjoy it when your character can do more than walk around and sneak attack.

EnzerU Sky

Re: Scathing!

Unread postby EnzerU Sky » Tue Jun 08, 2004 9:50 pm

I was hoping people would catch on and do a copy paste on the properties of the image... I guess not.

Anyway, just right click it, grab the proper link, and paste the link in a new page Image

EDIT ARGH! Stoopid ANGELFIRE! Now I need to find a new direct link file server. Anyone have any suggestions? Image <p>------------------------------------------------------
"They say money talks... mine only says goodbye!"
I h8 deviantart... stop posting your art there, horrible pic host.</p>Edited by: EnzerU Sky&nbsp; Image at: 6/8/04 9:53 pm

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Aa, cracked glass!
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Unread postby Capntastic » Tue Jun 08, 2004 9:54 pm

There was more to my post; did you read and consider what was written?

EnzerU Sky

Re: Lalala~

Unread postby EnzerU Sky » Tue Jun 08, 2004 10:00 pm

yeah I read it, but im trying to figure out a better file server for my images Image

I'm going to edit my previous post to add a more in depth explanation on the character, thanks for the info btw Image <p>------------------------------------------------------
"They say money talks... mine only says goodbye!"
I h8 deviantart... stop posting your art there, horrible pic host.</p>Edited by: EnzerU Sky at: 6/8/04 10:28 pm

EnzerU Sky

Re: Lalala~

Unread postby EnzerU Sky » Tue Jun 08, 2004 10:54 pm

Ok, I believe my images work better now.

Try this link since Angelfire is t3h c12@pX0rZ

The Image was re-sized so it won't look as good as it should have.

Ok, now for a more detailed explanation on our character here, Kaze.

Kaze (as explained earlier) is a Ninja wanderer. But since she had started training at the age of 5, she had known nothing but her training until she had left her clan for a "Coming of Age" Journey, (She left at the age of 14, but was still being trained by her teacher for 2 years during her journey) During the time of her Journey, she had adapted well to surviving alone. Hunting for her own food, cleaning her clothes, cooking her food, etc.

I suppose we could classify her as a Mercenary for an occupation. She runs errands for people. For a price. But she doesn't kill people for money.

I'll add more as I think of it Image <p>------------------------------------------------------
"They say money talks... mine only says goodbye!"
I h8 deviantart... stop posting your art there, horrible pic host.</p>

Uncle Pervy

Re: Lalala~

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Tue Jun 08, 2004 11:05 pm

Even Ninja have things they do that aren't ninja-ing or Adventuring.

In fact, a Ninja would be trained not to stand out. They would blend in and look like normal people. With Jobs. And Interests. <p>
NebbieQ: After all, nothing says romance like fighting the forces of Cobra and Druggies with a Rocket Launcher of 80s Justice.</p>

Elementalist Daien

Re: Kaze Miyamoto

Unread postby Elementalist Daien » Fri Jun 11, 2004 11:13 am

A note, though.

I DO like the fact she, unlike most first characters, doesn't like to fight. Hopefully that could carry over in RP, ya? Ya.

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Unread postby Banjooie » Fri Jun 11, 2004 1:51 pm

Diran: Alright, time fo....

Nagan: Not...really...enough. Is there.

Diran: No, not really. But it doesn't seem too eye-rendingly horrible. Continue on!

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