Darkknight's Philsys sheets

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Darkknight's Philsys sheets

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Wed Apr 14, 2004 9:32 pm

OK, this is my first attempt at Philsys, so any criticism would be mighty appreciated.

Name: Treble Sacoor
Race Human
Height 5' 9"
Weight: 180 Lbs.
Age: 29
Level: 1
XP: 0/1000
Max HP: 70
Max MP: 70
Max TP: 20
Initiative: 2+2d6

Base AT/PA - 7/7
Modified for Equipment: 5/8

Treble comes from a long line of traveling musicians. His grandfather taught him to use melody magic, although his grandfather died before he could finish his training. When his grandfather died, he was given his grandfather's trumpet, which his grandpa thought heldp his very soul. Now, Treble has become an adventurer, hoping to use his different form of magic to help others in need.

Treble is a people person. He loves to be with people, and enjoys performing for people even more. He has slight ADD in that he always has to do something. Usually, he goes around tapping his legs, or humming. Most people find this very annoying, and Treble is aware of their annoyance and is making a conscious, but unsuccessful, effort to stop.

Trumpet (Weapon)
Heavy Dagger T/S/C 5,8,11- +1/-1- weight 0.5(Weapon)
Tunic (Armor)
Chain Mail 20 AC- -3/-2- durability: 28- weight: 9- str. req.:+2 (Armor)
Whistle Tuner

Cou: 1
Wis: 2
Int: 3
Cha: 1
Agi: 1
Dex: 3
Sta: 3
Str: 2
Mag: 4

Melody Magic: 4 <Wis/Mag/Int>
Instrument Playing: 4 (Trumpet)<Int/Dex/Sta>
[s] Circular Breathing: 4 <Int=3>: (Cost=2)
[k] Music Theory: 4 (Cost=1/2)
[s] High Retention Memory: 4 <Int=2 Wis=1>: (Cost=1)
[s] Perfect Pitch Hearing: 4 <Wis=1> (Cost=1)
[k] Double Tonguing: 4 (Cost=1/2)
[k] Triple Tonguing: 4 (Cost=1/2)

{Note: In melody magic, music is used in place of incantations. For some spells, there are two MP costs. Once means if he plays the song once through, while Continuous means if he continues to play the song, keeping him occupied and unable to do anything, except try to dodge incoming attacks. Continuous means that he continus to play the song, over and over, as if there was a repeat sign at the end of the song. The spell is over when he stops playing, or if magic resistance roll fails.}
{Note: Wen a song is played, GM must make a magic resistance roll to check if the song effected the enemy, or if Treble screwed up the song.}
[Music Theory= 4] Forte Piano (6 MP) - Blasts one enemy target with a loud blast of noise.
[Music Theory= 8] Szforzando (18 MP)- Blasts one target enemy with a loud, quick, but sharp blast of sound.
[Double Tonguing= 3 Instrument playing= 4] Presto in Bb Major (Once= 9 MP Continuous= 3 MP) - casts Haste on one or more targets.
[Triple Tonguing= 3 Instrument Playing= 6] Flight of the Bumblebee (Once= 15 MP Continuous= 6 MP) - Confuses one or more targets.
[Instrument Playing= 2] Lullaby (12 MP) - lulls two target opponents to sleep.
[Instrument Playing= 3] Silent Night (12 MP)- deals holy damage to all undead within ear shot.
[Instrument Playing= 4] Prelude of Protection (Once= 12 MP Continuous= 6 MP) - casts Protect on one more targets.
[Instrument Playing= 7] Prelude of Reflection (Once= 18 MP Continuous= 9 MP) - casts Reflect on one or more targets.

Again, anything you see wrong, I would love to know about it, because I would hate to have character with problems.

[Edit1: Redid the skills, becuse they were too high, and changed around the weapons. Also, fiddled with the spells and re did the AT/PA stuff. Thanks goes out to Archmage for really giving me a hand with this. Thanks.] <p>_____________
There are three kinds of people in this world...</p>Edited by: [url=http://b3.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=darkknight61189>darkknight61189</A]&nbsp; Image at: 4/15/04 11:04 pm

The Great Nevareh

Re: Darkknight's Philsys sheets

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Wed Apr 14, 2004 9:50 pm

Wow, a full support Bard! In haven't seen one of these since I've been here. But I've been here a week, so that doesn't amount to much. I like the concept.

One thing I don't think you mention- If he is playing a songspell for one turn, do its effects dissipate when he stops? Or do they continue for a limited period of time? If they dissipate when he stops, I don't see why you need to have different charges for the spells, since all he is effectively doing is casting it over and over again.

Take anything I say with a grain of salt, though, because I'm a newbie, and am the embodiment of all the undesireable qualities of humanity. Or something like that. <p>I am currently inhabiting a world that is made up entirely of numbers. These numbers represent characteristics of creatures and beings that I pretend to be along with a bunch of other people. I work on them until I forget what the sky looks like, or what the feeling of the sun on my skin is...
Then I break and order chinese.</p>

Dark Xia

Re: Darkknight's Philsys sheets

Unread postby Dark Xia » Wed Apr 14, 2004 9:58 pm

unless I've been out of the loop too long, skills can't be over 4 ranks for level one in this place, so music theory and high-retention memory go down. <p>Image

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Re: Darkknight's Philsys sheets

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Wed Apr 14, 2004 10:59 pm

Wow, this is the worst name for a character I've seen in a really, really long time.

It almost hurts. <p>

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Re: Darkknight's Philsys sheets

Unread postby Spleen » Wed Apr 14, 2004 11:04 pm

He's quite right. Also, I don't think you should adjust AT/PA for his weapon, unless you intend to have him using his instrument to parry. If I were you, I'd have him carry around a dagger or something, too. Siphon off some of the excess skill points in your over-maxed skills and transfer them into a real weapon. Even mages have their staves, you know?

I also don't think it's a particularly good idea to have a brass rod that can change into "any form". It takes large amounts of magic to change something's mass even a little. Perhaps if you put some sort of a limit on it, like it can only gain such-and-such mass, or it takes way more than 2 MP for Treblendo to start the change. Or you could have it only change into instruments (but perhaps only small ones...not that he probably wants to be playing a sousaphone or bass clarinet in combat, anyway).

Also, you and I both know that it takes more than MP to play Flight of the Bumblebee. If I were you, I'd contact some Philsys expert or another and try to work out some sort of check to see whether you play it (or any of your other songs) correctly, possibly involving skills and maybe a STA check. I mean, who knows what would happen if you played a hasting song wrong?

Also, I think the drawbacks of continuous playing totally destroy the benefits - why bother dropping half the MP cost when you're effectively out of commision anyway? Give continuous playing some more bonuses...make the effects stronger, perhaps.

That's all I got right now. If I think of some more, I'll tell you in gym (assuming we both get weight training again). <p>_________________
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Re: Darkknight's Philsys sheets

Unread postby darkknight61189 » Thu Apr 15, 2004 11:05 pm

Ok, I redid the thing s you guys mentioned and edited the above post. Thanks for your comments. If anyone see anymore troubles, please post and let me know. <p>_____________
There are three kinds of people in this world...</p>

Uncle Pervy

Re: Darkknight's Philsys sheets

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Mon Apr 19, 2004 11:09 pm

It seems he casts Reflect and Protect for less than they cost a white mage, and reflect at two ranks lower than what it takes a white mage.

While they aren't skills he has yet, these should be addressed before you use them.

Also, what exactly are the limits of Melody magic? What can and can't it do? So far, it seems to be mostly Benediction under another name, which is groovy. But what are it's proper limits?

Also, I notice for a person who has travelled all his life, his skillset is really limited. All he does is music, and nothing else. While this isn't nearly so terrible as a total combat twink, it would be nice to broaden him a bit to have skills that reflect other things his does.

Lastly, I have to agree that Treble really is dumb as a proper name. Maybe make it a nickname?

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Re: Darkknight's Philsys sheets

Unread postby Besyanteo » Tue Apr 20, 2004 1:13 am

Problems I see:

Ok. You have a dagger, and no daggers weapon proficiency. This is perfectly allowed, but I'd advise against it. Simply on the premise that the dagger is less useful, and won't become much more useful until you have that skill.
Secondly, form what I can tell, since you have nothing to place on AT/PA to improved it, having no weapon skills, it shouldn't be 5/8, but rather 5/4. If you consider intrument playying as a weapon skill in this case, I can understand the mix up, but by the skill's definition it's still incorrect.

On a final note: Your only technical mistake is the AT/PA, which is understandable. All in all, especially for a first attempt, I like this sheet. Good luck and have fun with it. =] <p>

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