Alchemy List?

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Alchemy List?

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Tue Dec 23, 2003 4:11 pm

Now, I believe a long time ago someone brought up a list of examples for items that could be made via the Alchemy skill.

I'd like to make those into a list and add other potential items, but I can't remember the original list of items. If someone would be so kind as to post some of those original items here, I'd appreciate it.

....also, this thread will be used for the alchemy list when it starts being updated. Unless someone else has better ideas.


Re: Alchemy List?

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Fri Jan 02, 2004 10:34 pm

EDIT: Bam. Lorr's great write-up of Alchemy stuff. Feedback?

Alchemy is a skill that takes a few common herbs and ingredients, mixes them together, and makes something very unusual. The skill relies on knowledge of ingredients and their properties, getting just the right proportions, and combining them flawlessly. As such, it has the base stats [Wis/Int/Dex].

Alchemy can be used to make a variety of items, depending on how many ranks a person has put into it. They are as follows:

Rank 1-
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Weak Healing Potion (20+2d6 HP restored)
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Weak Mana Potion (15+2d4 MP restored)
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Weak Restoration Potion (5+1d6 TP restored)
Rank 3-
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Antidote (Cures Poison)
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Cold Water (Cures Sleep, whether natural or magical)
Rank 4-
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp ~Poison (Apply to a weapon to give it Level 3 Poison for Rank/4 rounds)
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Healing Potion (30+2d8 HP restored)
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Mana Potion (25+2d6 MP restored)
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Restoration Potion (10+1d8 TP restored)
Rank 6-
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp *Astral Cleanser (Removes Mute Status)
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Hasting Potion (Gives the user the Haste status for Rank/3 rounds, but deals 8 damage to the drinker, as the potion is somewhat poisonous)
Rank 8-
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp *Nulling Potion (Removes ALL status effects, good and bad)
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Jolt Potion (Brings a character from negative HP to 1 HP, and awakens them)
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp ~Strong Poison (Apply to a weapon to give it Level 5 poison for Rank/4 rounds)
Rank 10-
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp *Strong Healing Potion (45+2d12 HP restored)
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp *Strong Mana Potion (40+2d8 MP restored)
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp *Strong Restoration Potion (15+1d12 TP restored)
Rank 12-
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp *Megajolt (Brings a character from negative HP to 25% HP, and awakens them)
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp *Cleansing Potion (Removes all negative status effects)
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp ~Killer Poison (Apply to a weapon to give it a Level 8 Poison for Rank/4 rounds)
Rank 15-
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp *Healing Elixir (Restores all HP)
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp *Mana Elixir (Restores all MP)
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp *Restoration Elixir (Restores all TP)
Rank 20-
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp *Omnijolt (Completely revives a character from negative HP)
Rank 28-
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp ^ Phoenix Water (This item will resurrect dead people. It must be made with the tail feather of a Phoenix, an alchemical ingredient nearly impossible to acquire.)

Items marked with (*) require half the required alchemy ranks in the skill [k] Potions to be made (round up). In other words, to make a strong healing potion, a character would need 10 ranks in Alchemy, 5 ranks in [k] Potions. Items marked with (~) require half the required ranks in [k] Poisons to be made (round up). Pheonix Water (marked with ^) requires 15 ranks in [k] Great Potions to be made.

Combat Alchemy-
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp We all know why people really become alchemists. To make things explode! Alchemists have a wide variety of things they can make, and then make go boom. Here are a few, listed by the necessary Alchemy skill rank needed to be made. (In order to make any of these items, half the required Alchemy rank is necessary in [k] Combat Alchemy.)

Rank 1- Fire Bottle: A bottle containing a little of this, a little of that, and lots of sulfur and oil. Detonates on contact, or can be set off with a fuse. Deals 4d6 non-magical fire damage to everything in a five-foot radius. Even if this item is dodged, the target still takes half normal damage. The attack must critically miss for damage to be avoided. Acc. = 12

Rank 3- Acid Bottle: A bottle containing a strong acid. It coats one target, and begins eating away at them for 4+1d8 damage every turn, until the victim is healed. Acc. = 14

Rank 4- Blazing Flask: A flask containing flammable liquid. When shaken, a reaction starts, causing pressure to build. The liquid sprays out, but it must be set on fire. If this can be done, everything within a ten foot long, 60-degree cone in front of the user is singed for 4d8 non-magical fire damage. No damage is dealt if this attack is evaded. Acc. = 12

Rank 6- Instant Earth: This bottle contains a bizarre, goopy mess that will begin coating its target and inhibiting movement. -2/-2 AT/PA penalty, and roll 1d10. On a roll of 10, the substance covers the face, and suffocation damage is dealt. Effects last for Rank/4 turns. Acc. = 10

Rank 7- Acid Rain Bomb: Yet another bomb, which spreads the effects of an acid bottle over a small area. All targets in a five foot radius, if effected, suffer 6+1d8 acid damage until healed. Acc. = 10

Rank 8- Seafoam Bomb: This is a round, ceramic container roughly the size of a football. It contains water, and a few other things. When it shatters, it mixes the ingredients contained within. The result is a blast of water being thrown out from the center of the blast. This deals 3d10 non-magical water damage to everything in a ten-foot radius. Even if this item is dodged, the target still takes half normal damage. The attack must critically miss for damage to be avoided. Acc. = 8

Rank 9- Fire Bomb: Another bomb, which acts much like a bigger version of the fire bottle. It deals 4d10 non-magical fire damage to all targets in a ten-foot radius. Even if this item is dodged, the target still takes half normal damage. The attack must critically miss for damage to be avoided. Acc. = 8

Rank 10- Crush: Bomb variety number four. This contains a large amount of Instant Earth, which is hardened by the blast that releases it, forming a large, heavy rock. Getting caught under it will deal the targets in a five-foot radius a total of 5d10 non-magical earth damage. Predicting exactly where the rock will be tossed by the explosion that forms it is hard to predict, so this weapon is inaccurate. Acc. = 6

Rank 15- The Big One: A bomb of truly epic proportions. It mixes fire and earth to make shrapnel and throw it around with lethal force. 5d12 non-magical damage will be dealt to all targets in a 15 foot radius. Even if this item is dodged, the target still takes half normal damage. The attack must critically miss for damage to be avoided. Acc. = 10

Rank 18- Earthen Cage: This is a special, very difficult to make bomb. It coats its target in liquid earth, which hardens the unfortunate target into a stone effigy. They are immobilized, and dealt suffocation damage until 80 HP damage is dealt to the stone. The stone has an AC of 30, and absorbs all physical damage instead of the imprisoned target. Magic damage will affect both the stone and the target. Acc. = 9

All these items are ranged throwing weapons, which use the same skill, Thrown Alchemy [Dex/Dex/Agi]

Great Potions-
Great Potions are legendary potions with special powers. They are like normal potions, except it is taken as a given that at least 8 ranks in [k] Great Potions will be necessary to make them. Certain specific ingredients are needed for these, which typically cannot be acquired through normal means. If a Griffon’s Claw is needed for a formula, the person making it will most likely have to go out and kill a Griffon, they won’t be able to simply go buy one.
Only one Great Potion, Phoenix Water, is known to exist, but others may be discovered. (In other words, feel free to make your own.)
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp
Making Items-
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Making an item is a fairly simple, painless process. A skilled alchemist can generally gather and buy the ingredients he needs at a cost of roughly Necessary Rank*5 gold (a smart alchemist carries enough ingredients to replace everything he carries twice). No roll is necessary, but a preparation time of 10+Necessary Rank minutes is usually necessary. (To determine the prep time of a Great Potion, use the same formula, but rather than being the number of minutes necessary, take the number as the necessary number of hours.) The prep time may be cut by 50% if the alchemist hurries, but a 75% chance of failure will be incurred.

Useful Alchemy Stuff-
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The Belt- Many alchemists have a belt for bottled items. It usually has room for four to eight bottles, full or empty.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The Bag- A padded bag for bombs. Without this, if someone is jostled/falls/ect while holding bombs, there is a 25% chance the bomb will accidentally explode. It can hold a good three bombs within its pouches.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The Pouch- Pouches on the belt for separate alchemy ingredients make prep time less.
&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp Fire Starters- Twigs and other such stuff, mixed with a little gunpowder, which ignite when struck against something hard. Useful for starting a fire to boil water with, and perform other essential alchemy tasks. Any alchemist can make one. <p>

Things you learn from working at Burger King-

- "Bum Rush" refers to when the bar next door closes.
- A raw egg will explode if microwaved.
- The local Police Department considers 'Dire need of a Chocolate Shake' an emergency situation.
- Yes, the grease in the frier is hot.
- Always believe a manager when they tell you the grease is hot.
- Do not use your hand to see if the grease in the frier is hot.
- Do not curse in front of customers.</p>Edited by: [url=>JoshuaDurron</A] at: 1/3/04 3:11 am

Uncle Pervy

Re: Alchemy List?

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sat Jan 03, 2004 6:21 am

I dislike making heal potions at rank one, and especially making mana restores at that point.

Seems to be something that should be rank 8 or so for the weak ones, making permanent stuff like that, with the following stuff getting an equal rank boost.

Also, later, I'll post up Inverse's acids for consideration. Presumably, he spends a lot of time distilling them; as well as abusing wealth to get what he needs for them.

As I think on it, stuff like weak heals could be rank one, but take weeks or months to brew. Higher levels = more skill in 'cutting corners' <p>------------------
Greetings, large black person. Let us not forget to form a team up together and go into the country to inflict the pain of our karate feets on some ass of the giant lizard person.

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Re: Alchemy List?

Unread postby Mechanisto » Sat Jan 03, 2004 2:25 pm

A mage can cast a healing spell at rank one for mana, but an alchemist expending pricey or hard to find materials to produce medecine... Whoa there!

Though I will admit the MP and TP recovery potions seem a little too versatile for my tastes. Actually, MP recovery should be one rank higher than HP recovery, and TP recovery two ranks higher.

How about this; the earliest potions work over a period of time; anywhere from one to six hours. And if you engage in combat before the hour is up, the entire effect is lost. <p>---
These powerful ships have a tremendous range of fire. Their cannons do enormous amounts of damage to other naval units.</p>


Re: Alchemy List?

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Sun Jan 04, 2004 12:10 am

I put healing potions at rank one because I figured weak potions were simply distilled essences of powerful healing herbs, which were fairly easy to find, if you know what you're looking for. Admittedly, looking back on it, MP and TP restoratives probably don't belong there, but keep in mind that I did all of this over a fairly short period of time around midnight last night/this morning.

On the issue of time to make: It would depend on what you want to make, I suppose. Potions would probably need time to brew, but probably not things like alchemical weapons, as those are based on more simple chemical principles. This is another area open to tinkering. Poisons, probably somewhere inbetween.

As for potions needing time to work: Absolutely not. I'm totally against it, simply because that defeats the whole point. The idea of having potions around has always been to have an easy, bottled healing spell you can access at any time, without a mage around. If it doesn't have speed, its practically useless, especially given that the person could simply rest for a little longer and be naturally restored to full health. <p>

Things you learn from working at Burger King-

- "Bum Rush" refers to when the bar next door closes.
- A raw egg will explode if microwaved.
- The local Police Department considers 'Dire need of a Chocolate Shake' an emergency situation.
- Yes, the grease in the frier is hot.
- Always believe a manager when they tell you the grease is hot.
- Do not use your hand to see if the grease in the frier is hot.
- Do not curse in front of customers.</p>

Uncle Pervy

Re: Alchemy List?

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sun Jan 04, 2004 12:57 am

Actually...It takes days of rest to equal what a weak heal can do.

Also...Powerful healing herbs are not common or easy to find. >_> <p>------------------
Greetings, large black person. Let us not forget to form a team up together and go into the country to inflict the pain of our karate feets on some ass of the giant lizard person.
</p>Edited by: Uncle Pervy&nbsp; Image at: 1/4/04 3:16 am

Posts: 327
Joined: Fri Apr 11, 2003 9:42 pm

Re: Alchemy List?

Unread postby Mechanisto » Sun Jan 04, 2004 3:22 am

Blarg... I hate picking character abilities from a standardized list.

Just make a standard list of Recipies to serve as examples, and people can base their own character's cookbook off of those, making adjustments as desired. Then just examine new character's recipies on a case by case basis, the way spells and techs are handled now.

How is it any different? <p>---
These powerful ships have a tremendous range of fire. Their cannons do enormous amounts of damage to other naval units.</p>


Re: Alchemy List?

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Mon Jan 05, 2004 11:12 am

That's exactly what this is meant to be, Mech, a suggestion list for Alchemy items, giving some recommended numbers. In fact, I'm pretty sure that somewhere on the site, there's a list of specific numbers for potions, how much is restored at what strength, ect, but I couldn't find it, else I would have used them here. I see no reason why this must be all the alchemy items there are, it's just a starting place. <p>

Things you learn from working at Burger King-

- "Bum Rush" refers to when the bar next door closes.
- A raw egg will explode if microwaved.
- The local Police Department considers 'Dire need of a Chocolate Shake' an emergency situation.
- Yes, the grease in the frier is hot.
- Always believe a manager when they tell you the grease is hot.
- Do not use your hand to see if the grease in the frier is hot.
- Do not curse in front of customers.</p>

Posts: 327
Joined: Fri Apr 11, 2003 9:42 pm

Re: Alchemy List?

Unread postby Mechanisto » Mon Jan 05, 2004 11:41 pm

*Bows appreciatively*

Points taken.

*Keeps trying to think of comments regarding balance issues, but has difficulty filtering out the stupid*

I look foreward to seeing a comprehensive list. <p>---
These powerful ships have a tremendous range of fire. Their cannons do enormous amounts of damage to other naval units.</p>

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Unread postby Banjooie » Tue Jan 06, 2004 11:20 am


What about allergic reactions to alchemy potions? I mean, there are a lot of herbs there...


Re: .

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Tue Jan 06, 2004 4:42 pm

Most are taken to be benificial to humaniods, although I'd say that would really be a GM thing. I'm sure it could happen.

Somehow... <p>

Things you learn from working at Burger King-

- "Bum Rush" refers to when the bar next door closes.
- A raw egg will explode if microwaved.
- The local Police Department considers 'Dire need of a Chocolate Shake' an emergency situation.
- Yes, the grease in the frier is hot.
- Always believe a manager when they tell you the grease is hot.
- Do not use your hand to see if the grease in the frier is hot.
- Do not curse in front of customers.</p>

Posts: 900
Joined: Fri May 31, 2002 11:20 pm


Unread postby Banjooie » Tue Jan 06, 2004 10:51 pm

There are people allergic to sunlight and water. Let's not say 'humanoids' now.

Actually, mayhaps, at the GM's discretion, there could be an allergy roll made for healing potions if the alchemist is low-ranked or something.


Re: .

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Tue Jan 06, 2004 11:02 pm

People allergic to sunlight or water are exceptions, not the rule, which is why I say 'most'.

But it would be fun to see botched potions in RPs... <p>

Things you learn from working at Burger King-

- "Bum Rush" refers to when the bar next door closes.
- A raw egg will explode if microwaved.
- The local Police Department considers 'Dire need of a Chocolate Shake' an emergency situation.
- Yes, the grease in the frier is hot.
- Always believe a manager when they tell you the grease is hot.
- Do not use your hand to see if the grease in the frier is hot.
- Do not curse in front of customers.</p>

Posts: 327
Joined: Fri Apr 11, 2003 9:42 pm

Re: .

Unread postby Mechanisto » Tue Jan 06, 2004 11:35 pm

Would that really involve a roll?

I mean, people aren't usualy allergic to something 1 in 6 times. It's kind of a boolean setting, right? <p>---
These powerful ships have a tremendous range of fire. Their cannons do enormous amounts of damage to other naval units.</p>

Lord McBastard

Re: .

Unread postby Lord McBastard » Tue Jan 06, 2004 11:49 pm

A) If you knew you were allergic to a certain herb you would probably ask if that herb were in a potion before you tried it.

B) There are probably many many ways to make a healing potion not one set recipe.

C) Wouldn't the magical healing properties of the healing potion negate any allergic reaction? <p><div style="text-align:center">
"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wagh'nagl fhtagn"-Call of Cthulhu</div>
<div style="text-align:center">Lex: "You know I'm wanging this argument!"</div><div style="text-align:center">Me:" ....did you say wanging...?"</div><div style="text-align:center"> Lex: "WINNING!"</div></p>


Re: .

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Wed Jan 07, 2004 11:03 am

B) Yes. This is probably the biggest reason why I merely put numbers and ranks down as par numbers for stuff.

A) If you know you're alergic, yes, you would. But what if you didn't?

C (and Mech's question): Alergies would probably be something the RPer decided, although a roll might be useful to see if the potion contained something they were alergic too, due to the possibility of different potions recipies. Also, a GM could make a roll to see if a low level alchemist (say, rank 8 or lower) makes a helpful potoin or not. If the potion is botched (or if the user is alergic to it) then its healing proporties would be negated by the harmful nature of the potoin. <p>

Things you learn from working at Burger King-

- "Bum Rush" refers to when the bar next door closes.
- A raw egg will explode if microwaved.
- The local Police Department considers 'Dire need of a Chocolate Shake' an emergency situation.
- Yes, the grease in the frier is hot.
- Always believe a manager when they tell you the grease is hot.
- Do not use your hand to see if the grease in the frier is hot.
- Do not curse in front of customers.</p>

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Re: .

Unread postby Idran1701 » Sat Jan 10, 2004 5:20 pm

...Wait, there are people allergic to water? Sunlight I can kind of understand, but I'd really like to see a cite for the water-allergy, considering that most of your body is made out of that. <p>

"Never let your morals get in the way of doing what is right" - Salvor Hardin</p>Edited by: [url=>Idran1701</A] at: 1/10/04 5:21 pm

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Re: .

Unread postby Spleen » Sun Jan 11, 2004 11:09 pm

I don't see why it would only be low-level alchemists botching low-level potions. High-level alchemists can botch high-level potions, too. You should always have to make the check.

Also, Idran: I believe they may be talking about non-humans, but I could be wrong. <p>"Especially when you put them up to your eyes and said, 'Look at me, I have chocobo testicles for eyes!'"
-Nezetta (Shinigori)</p>

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