The Islands of Ecestrim

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Re: You know what to do, so come on, bring it on!

Postby Archmage144 » Sun Apr 17, 2005 5:13 pm

Zeke blinked. Huh. Not really a surprise. I figured he was a strong, incoming! A trio of guards, launched into the air as a result of Azer's efforts at repelling them, sailed toward Zeke at high speed. For some reason, the flying guards made Zeke think of clay pidgeons. Clay pidgeons made of flesh, but their function was still the same at this point--target practice. He almost chuckled as he drew the parallel.


Before the already-unlucky guards had a chance to crash into Zeke (or anything else, for that matter), the mercenary began rapidly twirling his sword around by the center grip. Within a second, the speed of its spinning had accelerated on its own, obviously no longer powered solely by Zeke's muscles. Producing a propellor-like buzzing noise as it whirled about, Zeke's weapon produced a whirlwind effect, generating currents powerful enough to reverse the direction of the flying guards just a split second before they would have collided with his spinning weapon. Sent away by the windtunnel effect, a loud popping noise echoed in the corridor as Zeke's spell destroyed the air in his makeshift tunnel, air rushing in to fill the vaccuum. The unfortunate guards caught in the blast, aside from the bone-shattering impact against the wall, likely suffered significant damage as a result of the sudden compression of air slamming into their already battered bodies.

That just about takes care of it, thought Zeke. "We've got to keep moving!" he called out. "If we stand here all day, they'll just bring down reinforcements forever! I've gotta find my mark and get our asses out of this place!"

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Re: You know what to do, so come on, bring it on!

Postby Molokidan » Sun Apr 17, 2005 5:29 pm

"Nice job, Zeke!" Azuka called, coming out from his hiding place around the corner and flashing Zeke a hearty thumbs-up. "You're the man!"

Azuka moved up to fall in line behind the others. "Carry on! All's secure back on my end, anyway!"

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Re: You know what to do, so come on, bring it on!

Postby Kai » Sun Apr 17, 2005 11:10 pm

Quinn whirled around to face the last guard in her field of vision. She thrust her arm forward, hand bent into a rigid claw complete with long talons. Her arm made it nearly all the way through him, spraying with blood whatever parts of her that managed to remain clean up until now.

She turned to Zeke, covered in blood from underneath her eyes to the tips of her fingers. "Zeke, we'll go after your mark and they can finish here. Which way?"


Re: You know what to do, so come on, bring it on!

Postby Archmage144 » Tue Apr 19, 2005 11:33 pm

"Past those guys, up the stairs, to the right, and..." Zeke paused for a moment, realizing that he ought to be moving while he explained which way he and Quinn should go. Disassembling his sword quickly and hanging the ends on his belt, he took the momentary breather to slide fresh clips into his handguns, expelling the spent magazines onto the floor and readying himself for whatever might come. "Follow me, and let's hope these guys can keep up!"

Dashing past the downed guards surrounding Quinn, carefully avoiding tripping on any of the prone bodies, Zeke darted up the stairs and whirled to the right, facing down the currently-empty hallway. Somewhere, an alarm was sounding, but if anyone was responding, they weren't doing so by coming this way. Continuing to run down the corridor, he glanced left and right at the cells as he passed by. Some prisoners, having long given up hope of being freed, lay quietly in their cells, not even begging for release. Others rattled their bars and screamed at the passing mercenary, demanding he stop and release them immediately "or else." Or else what? Zeke mused as he ran. You'll stand there and yammer? The mercenary paused at the end of this hallway, trying to remember whether to turn left or right.

Left, he recalled. Left and down the stairs. Down there's the cell where they're keeping that guy, whatever his name is. Red, spiky hair, thin face, grey eyes. Family wants him out, I do the job, no big deal. Could've been a little more subtle about it, I suppose...

"He's over there!" cried a voice from down the opposite corridor to the right, breaking Zeke's momentary pondering. Shit. Before the enemy could reach his location, he took off again, heading down the stairs to the left, not sure if anyone was following him, and not looking back to check...and hoping he wasn't going to get ambushed this time...

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Graham Returns

Postby Molokidan » Wed Apr 20, 2005 9:46 am

"Move it! Outta my way, you retards!"

Not far from Zeke and the others, Graham dashed through the hallways, knocking his own toadies out of the way as he tried to navigate through the labyrinthine passages of the jail.

"Alright, they should be heading this way..." he said, leaping down a flight of stairs and landing with a thud on the bottom. "The deepest holding chamber in the entire jail...they should be moving through here."

His bastard sword gleamed on his back as he moved lightly through the cells, looking for any signs of others. His eyes fell onto Geoffrey, the sad waste of life that had been in here even before Graham joined the emperor's Elite Guard. He didn't even know what the guy was in for, anyway.

"You're lucky," he snorted to Geoffrey, as he positioned himself in the middle of the hallway, waiting. "You may just get some personal entertainment today!"

Edited by: [url=>Molokidan</A]&nbsp; Image at: 4/20/05 17:55

Lauritz Melchior

Re: Graham Returns

Postby Lauritz Melchior » Wed Apr 20, 2005 1:25 pm

"Entertain me, then," Geoffrey responded softly with a cracked voice. "You know, there was a time when young blood like you knew how to act, how to live. What are you living for? Your ambitions mean nothing. In the end, you'll die no better than you are now. Don't deceive yourself, you are nothing but a toady. You think that you're important. You think that you have power. You do. But only compared to these worthless excuses for life that you surround yourself with. And there is no advancement. Kielruth doesn't even know that you exist! You're just a number to him."

Geoffrey paused for breath. After his years of solitude he was unused to speaking. It felt good to talk, to complain, to demean. Geoffrey barely even knew what he was saying or why he was saying it. He didn't care. If the man laughed and walked off, Geoffrey wouldn't resist. However, he almost half wished upon Death that the man would be hot-headed enough to come into Geoffrey's cell and end his life. Because Geoffrey's life didn't seem very important at the moment. What had the past fifty years been for? Nothing would ever change. He would remain stuck in this prison cell until his days ended. Geoffrey realized that almost everything that he had just told the man applied to himself as well. Only Geoffrey had no power. He would be here forever. Kielruth was probably so far enwallowed in his corruption and hedonism that he had long ago forgotten about Geoffrey. What was the point?

((OOC: He's Geoffrey Fulmer, I'm Lauritz Melchior (=B.
Also, I just created a new word, enwallowed, because the right word isn't coming to mind. If I remember I'll go back and change it later.))

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Re: Graham Returns

Postby Molokidan » Wed Apr 20, 2005 5:59 pm

"Know how to live?! HA!" Graham threw his head back in a deep snigger, turning his vengeful eyes back to Geoffrey. "Don't waste my time with that crap. You think I really care about becoming powerful and making a name for myself?"

He stepped closer to the cell, pressing his forehead against it, and staring Geoffrey down at the same time. "All I care about is having a good, exciting fight with someone who's strong enough to take me on! That's my only ambition! Don't worry, though, Geoffrey, I won't even lay a hand on you. People like you aren't worth my time!"

He turned back and stared down the hallway, looking for any shadows of approaching escapees. "I'm just waiting for that single fighter...that one person that'll get my blood boiling in a fight to the death! That's all that's keeping me going, Geoffrey!! Can't you feel it? The excitement of knowing that your life hangs in the balance, knowing that the only thing that's keeping you alive is your own strength and blood! That's what living is to me!!"

Lauritz Melchior

Re: Graham Returns

Postby Lauritz Melchior » Wed Apr 20, 2005 7:00 pm

Without a word of response, Geoffrey hobbled up to the bars, took aim, and spit on Graham, hitting him in square in the eye. He hadn't brushed his teeth in fifty years and his saliva showed it.
With the slightest of smiles, Geoffrey looked Graham in the other eye. "How're you gonna live with that?"


Clean Up Time

Postby kiduf » Wed Apr 20, 2005 7:18 pm


Wasting no time after his instructions were recieved, Azer began to pick off the remaining guards.

"Ramsus, take this," and Azerbarth tossed him his sword, "You'll be a bit more effective with it, I think." Really, though, all that Azer wanted was to see how Ramsus could handle a sword. If he were Agreshillian, he'd have a natural ability. Azer didn't know why Ramsus' heritage intrigued him so much, but it did, and he wanted to see just how much of his roots he retained.

"Alright," Ramsus replied, as he went off on his own path.

"I'll check on him in a second... for now..." Azer made his way to the nearest cluster of guards and quickly (and efficiently) clawed through them, instantly killing all but one of them, and that one, he went back and finished. Just a mercy thing.


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Re: Clean Up Time

Postby Molokidan » Wed Apr 20, 2005 10:57 pm

Graham was silent for a moment, just long enough to swab the spittle out of his eyes with his fingers and flick it onto the floor, supremely disgusted.

"..." he wiped his hands on his jeans, and then turned to stare at Geoffrey blanky.

"YOU WANNA DIE?!?!" he shouted, after a few seconds, slamming his bastard sword against the bars and shaking them furiously with his other hands. "HUH!?!?!?"

Lauritz Melchior

Re: Clean Up Time

Postby Lauritz Melchior » Wed Apr 20, 2005 11:38 pm

Geoffrey stared back into Graham's eyes. Leaning his face up against the bar, next to the bastard sword, he hoarsely whispered, "I dare you." Still staring at Graham, Geoffrey slowly sat down on his hard bed. "C'mon toughie."

((OOC: I've just been kind of going with Geoffrey's character and right now he's trying to commit suicide. Or rather, to have Graham end his life. If Graham ends up doing that then I'm kind of hoping that Azuka will revive him later (i.e. Geoffrey isn't completely killed). This might be taking too much freedom with my character though.))

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Re: You clean, we sweep.

Postby Kai » Wed Apr 20, 2005 11:48 pm

Quinn turned the corner behind Zeke, running hard to keep up with him.

Land speed is not my job. If we were outside, this would be different. I could probably carry both of us faster than this. But no. Prison. Quinn thought. Come to think of it, I hope Zeke can get us out of here again because as much as I wouldn't mind being stuck with him just about anywhere, I would like to have my choice of setting whenever possible...

Noticing voices from down the hall, Quinn began to pace herself to save energy in case she had to kill another crowd of guards. Then... Quinn heard a familiar voice.

"...knowing that the only thing that's keeping you alive is your own strength and blood! That's what living is to me!!"

She sped up again, not sure how far ahead the voice was, but knowing damn sure she wanted to remove its source forcibly from Graham's body. She outpaced Zeke, skidding to a stop around another corner at the sight of Graham savaging the bars of Geoffrey's cell. She hissed, flaring her wings angrily before snapping them back behind her body to protect them.

You. Quinn thought. I remember you.

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Re: You clean, we sweep.

Postby Molokidan » Wed Apr 20, 2005 11:55 pm

"Hey, guys!!" Azuka shouted, wandering blindly throughout the hallways. Quinn and Zeke had run off, and he had tried to keep up to them, but he had tripped and fallen halfway, and then his foot really hurt so he had to stop and take a break, and was far too behind by then to tell which way they had gone.

"If this is about the battle thing, I'm sorry! But you guys know I'm just not good with confrontations!"


"Eh?" Graham turned his head suddenly, as he heard a hiss and a bit of movement from his right.

His eyes registered immediately with one of the two who were standing in front of him. "Oh." he said complacently. "You're one of the weaklings I bashed up earlier. Didn't you learn your lesson yet?"

His eyes were slowly drawn to the man accompanying her, a man with a stern, confident aura about him, and an even more interesting expression on his face. On top of that, he seemed to be packing quite the artillery.

"Looks like you found a new bodyguard, eh?" Graham said, eyeing Zeke up and down. "I don't blame ya...the last one seemed like he was broken or something! Shahahahaha~!!!"


Re: You clean, we sweep.

Postby Archmage144 » Thu Apr 21, 2005 12:26 am

"Bodyguard? You've gotta be kidding," Zeke responded with a chuckle, surveying his new opponent. "She's strong enough to take care of herself. Just look at those claws! And those teeth! And those eyes! She wants to pounce on you and rip your flesh from your bones before she scrapes the bones clean with her teeth!" The mercenary grinned, flashing an overconfident smile. "I also get the impression that, if you were man enough, she'd tackle you to the ground, tear your clothes savagely from your body, and have her way with you until you either died from pleasure or never wanted to look at another woman ever again. If I had to guess, though, she's more interested in your jugular than your johnson."

Zeke quirked an eyebrow, pointing one of his guns at Graham and smirking. "Now. Do I hav'ta ventilate your internal organs, or are you gonna to step aside and get out of my way? Or perhaps you'd prefer to air out your guts?" He turned an eye briefly to Geoffrey in the adjacent cell, trying to wonder what the hell anyone would bother to lock up an old man that probably could count his remaining years on his hands. Waste of prison space. Wonder what he did to get pitched into the brig?

"While you're at it, let the geezer out. He probably can't handle solid food anymore, much less commit a crime."

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Re: You clean, we sweep.

Postby Molokidan » Thu Apr 21, 2005 12:40 am

"Wait, forget the old guy for a second," Graham said, staring at Zeke as if he was entranced. "I wanna fight you first. If you're one of those guys that spews mindless stuff for the sake of making himself look better, then it'll still be alright, since I make destroying dumbasses like you a regular habit! However...if there IS some truth to your words..." Graham said, pointing his bastard sword to Zeke. "...then there's no way I'm going to pass up this chance at having some fun!"

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Re: You clean, we sweep.

Postby Kai » Thu Apr 21, 2005 12:52 am

"Hn." Quinn narrowed her eyes and stroked the underside of her chin thoughtfully.

This bastard came up behind me and ran a sword through me. At least Zeke's fighting him face-to-face. Worst comes to worst, I get to kill him myself. Otherwise... watching Zeke handle him will greatly improve my mood.

"Zeke. I have a problem with this man. You boys can play all you want, but leave some for me if it's at all possible." She looked directly at Graham. "Do whatever you want to him physically, but I want his soul. I bet he tastes even better than his chain-smoking friend."


Re: You clean, we sweep.

Postby Archmage144 » Thu Apr 21, 2005 1:00 am

Zeke raised an eyebrow. "You know, I oughta just shoot you. It would save me so much time. But I guess you're in the mood for a 'real fight,' or some such equally stupid garbage. Fine."

Ceasing his usual stupid grin, Zeke stared at his opponent with a blank yet somehow patronizing look. "Um, let's do it. Kill me!"

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Re: You clean, we sweep.

Postby Molokidan » Thu Apr 21, 2005 1:09 am

"That's the kind of attitude I like!" Graham shouted, dashing towards Zeke. "Yes...let's go!! Show me something that lets me know I'm not wasting my time with you, alright?!"

As he came closer towards his target, he raised his sword, preparing to rip it down and slice through Zeke. "Do something exciting!!"


Re: You clean, we sweep.

Postby Archmage144 » Thu Apr 21, 2005 1:27 am

"Something exciting? I don't really swing that way, pal!" retorted Zeke, deciding that there was no way he would have time to draw his blades to parry--instead, a little bit more magical trickery would have to suffice. Raising his handguns as if he were going to use them to block the incoming sword cut, Zeke focused briefly on the surrounding mana flow. It was something he did relatively rarely, if he could help it--he much preferred using his physical talents to calling on his arcane knowledge, but every once in a while, it seemed like the logical choice to be proud of his spellcasting. Magic was a talent, too, even if not his favorite.

A tremendous gust of wind cleaved the air between Zeke and Graham as the spell triggered the creation of a vaguely coherent barrier of rushing current. Graham's sword, unable to go down against the hurricane-force winds, instead reversed upward, almost causing the warrior to lose his balance as his sword struck a more or less solid object that previously only existed in Zeke's mind. Ceasing his concentration and dropping the barrier, Zeke levelled both pistols at the overgrown brute and pulled the triggers.


WHAT!? screamed Zeke inside his own mind, heart nearly stopping from the shock. I reloaded! They must've jammed...but simultaneously!? Maybe I damaged the firing mechanism when I dropped them earlier? While Zeke stood stationary, stunned, his opponent managed to recover from his earlier disorientation and came at him again with his weapon. Zeke's eyes widened as he realized that he neither had time to conjure another barrier, nor functioning weapons until he could get his swords ready. Reacting quickly, he hit the ground in a roll, hoping to tumble back into a standing position after dodging his attacker. True to form, he evaded Graham's attack, dropping his pistols as he rolled and pulling his swallow together in a fluid motion as he stood. Holding the weapon by the hilt with both hands, he prepared to repel his opponent's next attack and wait for an opening...

He's bigger than me, Zeke cursed. Gonna have to wait for an opening...

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Re: You clean, we sweep.

Postby Molokidan » Thu Apr 21, 2005 1:36 am

"Shaaaaahahahahaha~!" Graham guffawed, watching the recent turn of events. "That's why I've never liked guns! Far too unreliable! There's nothing that beats pure, flesh-searing steel! Nothing! And I'll prove it to ya!"

i]I'd been surprised at the guy's little magic tricks, but this is just too funny![/i] He thought to himself. I hope he'll at least draw blood from me soon!

He continued forward, slicing madly, his yellow mane of hair dancing oddly with his movements. Zeke easily dodged all of them, as the man's style was far too sloppy and unrefined to pose any real threat.

Finally, Graham had Zeke cornered (or so he thought.) He had backed Zeke up against the prison cage, and prepared to thrust forward into the man, a victorious smile on his face. "Just like a knife through butter!" he shouted, bringing it forward towards Zeke's midsection.


Re: You clean, we sweep.

Postby Archmage144 » Thu Apr 21, 2005 1:45 am

"Problem with that," replied Zeke as he twisted sideways to avoid the blow, "is that butter holds still when you're cutting it!" The forward-thrusting attack while Zeke was backed up against the bars left Graham with his blade wedged between them--and while pulling it straight back out would ordinarily have been no problem, as soon as the warrior was recovering from his lunge and Zeke had dodged the attack, the mercenary threw all his weight against the side of the blade, pinning it against the cell bars and hoping that the mesh vest that he wore would prevent him from being nicked by the blade. At this angle, it was unlikely, assuming he managed to prevent the sword from moving, but Graham's being much stronger than he was, it seemed as though his only option was to take advantage of the opening.

Having temporarily trapped his opponent's weapon, Zeke whirled his dual-bladed sword around to point one of the ends at his opponent's neck, stopping just an inch or so away from the swordsman's skin. "Give me the keys to all the cells on this floor and I'll let you live. Otherwise, you'll be breathing from a new hole in your neck!"

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Re: You clean, we sweep.

Postby Molokidan » Thu Apr 21, 2005 6:09 pm

"WHAT!!?" Graham screamed, not moving, but still screaming his head off. His veins pulsated on his neck, inching them closer to Zeke's blade.

"How dare you!?! That's cheating!! I can't believe you would go so low, you stupid dirty cheater!! Why are you using two weapons!? That's a crime! In a duel you're supposed to pick one straight weapon, and keep it with you through the entire thing!! What's wrong with you; didn't your parents ever teach you manners? Huuhhhhh!?"

All in all, the fact that he was about to be decapitated seemed to be on the bottom of Graham's list of priorities.

Lauritz Melchior

Re: You clean, we sweep.

Postby Lauritz Melchior » Thu Apr 21, 2005 6:46 pm

From out of nowhere, a dead rat sailed out from the cell in which Geoffrey was imprisoned. Unfortunately, Geoffrey's aim, as well as strengh had greatly deteriorated with age and isolation. Instead of hitting Graham in the face as Geoffrey had intended, the abused rat's body landed unceremoniously against the small of Zeke's back. Muttering curses, Geoffrey returned to his hard bed and resumed the role of spectator.

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Let the beat control your body!

Postby FlamingDeth » Thu Apr 21, 2005 10:16 pm

Ramsus blinked at the sword for a moment. Why was Azerbarth giving this to him? Sure, he knew his way around a dagger decently, but a sword? That was something else altogether. Oh well, just because he had the thing now didn't mean that he actually had to use it. With that in mind, he slipped it in his belt, and continued on his way.

And stopped, when he heard footsteps. It shouldn't have been any surprise, really -- this was a prison break, after all -- but Ramsus stopped anyways. It ended up working to his advantage. Had he continued forward, he would have been caught by surprise by the squad of guards that poured out of a side hallway.

They looked different from the other guards, Ramsus mused to himself. They had a more confident posture, they looked to have higher grade weapons, and their armour had silver trim. It seemed that some of the higher grade troops were being sent to recapture the escapees.

The squad of troops split apart, as a figure came between the two columns. Someone in black, and apparently, smoking. And if the other troops looked more confident, he appeared downright arrogant. He lookeed to Azerbarth and Ramsus. It was only then that Ramsus realized that he and his companion had been split apart by the newcomers.


"Yes, Sir Rogan?"

"Keepe the Dragonian occupied. The runt isn't important, so I'll kill him, then join you."

"Yes, Sir Rogan."

With a few quick hand motions, the new guards, numbering roughly a dozen, rushed towards Azerbarth, leaving the Rogan and Ramsus facing each other, alone. Remaining motionless, Ramsus waited for his opponent to say something. After all, didn't his type always gloat before doing anything?

The Agreshillian was to be dissappointed, however, when Rogan, instead of bragging about how much better he was, simply dropped his cigarette, then smirked and rushed forward, kneeing him in the stomach, then grabbing his head and slamming him into the wall, throwing him to the ground, and kicking him in the ribs.

Ramsus shook his head and got to his feet. THAT was not expected. He would have to take this 'Rogan' more seriously from now on. With that, he charged towards his opponent, fully intent on punching him in the stomach. Failing that, the face would do nicely.

He was rewarded by having his first blow blocked, and getting a palm to the temple before he could get the second off. Ramsus staggered back.

"Amazing. I would think you'd be able to put up more of a fight than that." said Rogan, making his way towards the disoriented Crooklinite. "They really weren't joking when they said you were worthless."

Rogan made his way towards Ramsus. Along the way, he picked up a sword that had been dropped by one of the less living of the guards. By the time that Ramsus's eyes had cleared, he barely had any time to react to someone trying to skewer him through the stomach. He dived to the side, getting away with merely have his side sliced, with the unexpected followup of the flat of a blade to his back.

"For the love of..." Ramsus mumbled, grabbing on to the bars of an empty cell next to him, and hoisting himself back to his feet. "That's gettin' kinda old, y'know?"

"Hmph." responded Rogan, turning around to face him. "If you're getting tired of it, you can always just die. It'll make it easier for both of us."

He's...he's going to kill me...thought Ramsus to himself as his opponent approached. I'm bleeding, sore, and half-unconcious. I haven't gotten a single hit off! He's invincible! And now he has a sword! A sw--

Ramsus's thoughts cut out right there, as he found his hand almost instinctively reaching for the sword on his belt. He had completely forgotten that it was there.

"Oh, so now you're actually going to fight, now? A pity. You'll only humiliate yourself."

Ramsus wasn't particularly familiar with the usage of swords, having always used daggers for anything of this sort. In fact, he had only even held a sword a few times in his life. Regardless, as Rogan dove at him, Ramsus found himself not only blocking his blow, but swinging the pommel around, connecting it with Rogan's face.

Rogan stumbled backwards. He had been hit. HIT. This whelp, who he had been just been beating on flawlessly, had just managed to hit him. Rogan felt the sore spot on his head, his hand coming away with blood on it. Just how hard did this kid hit him? No matter, he could only get lucky so often.

He looked up from his musing just in time to see Ramsus leaping towards him. He managed to parry the Agreshillian's blow, and counterattacked, which to his surprise, was also proptly blocked. Another attack, and they locked blades.

"Humiliate, eh?" Said Ramsus. "I don't think I'm doin' too bad 'ere!"

"We'll soon see!" responded Rogan, throwing some extra weight onto the blade. "Today will see you dead!"

"Izzat so!"

As if on cue, Ramsus headbutted his attacker, knocking him several steps backwards. Before Rogan could respond, Ramsus had already followed up the attack, plunging his blade through his shoulder, and pressing him against the wall. With a powerful lunge, the blade was wedged between two segments of the wall, sliding almost a foot inwards.

Ramsus stood back. Had he just...won? In a sword fight? As absurd as the idea was, it seemed that it had just happened. Too stunned to speak, Ramsus instead just turned to see how Azerbarth was doing with the guards.

"NO!" shouted Rogan, grimacing as he tried to pull out the sword, to no avail. "Get back here! We're not finished! If you leave, I will hunt you down! YOU HEAR ME?!"

Ramsus ignored him and continued down the hall, leaving his opponent pinned to the wall. As he walked away, he looked over his shoulder, and saw Rogan reaching for a cigarette with his good arm. It seemed that now he was waiting for someone else to pull the weapon out, so that he could move freely again.

Meanwhile, he continued on to check on Azer...

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Re: You clean, we sweep.

Postby Kai » Thu Apr 21, 2005 10:46 pm

Quinn chuckled watching Zeke. Damn. Look at him go.
"Zeke. You look good." She smiled. "Just kill him and we can leave."

As a rat flew out of an adjacent cell and hit Zeke, Quinn glanced over at its occupant. "You! Easy with the dead rats, if you please. Unless you want to stay here, I suggest you treat us with a little more respect."

Lauritz Melchior

Re: You clean, we sweep.

Postby Lauritz Melchior » Thu Apr 21, 2005 11:34 pm

"I... er... that is...." Flustered, Geoffrey scratched behind his right ear.

Had he heard right? Would they be letting him out? There was no doubt that the pair would win, but to free him as well? And only minutes earlier he had been wishing for death to end it all!

To show the succubus that he had heard her and would obey, Geoffrey made a show of kicking another dead rat against the wall of his cell. Sitting down obediantly, Geoffrey let his mind wander. Perhaps he could convince these fighters to help him against Kielruth....


Re: You clean, we sweep.

Postby Archmage144 » Thu Apr 21, 2005 11:51 pm

Zeke blinked innocently. "Aww. I don't fight fair, do I? Not fair at all! I guess that's why I stay alive, and in my business, staying alive is everything. Yours too, I suppose. Time to close up shop!" The mercenary softly poked one end of his sword at the guard's neck. Giving an enemy a spare moment to recover was always a mistake. Always. Honor was all well and good, but in a life-or-death situation, honor was irrelevant--only survival mattered. Zeke's personal codes mostly impacted his relationship with other mercenaries, not those who got in the way of his quarry. The guard never should have interfered.

"On the other hand...death's way too good for a bastard like you. Picking on the elderly and attacking sexy women means you're a coward, or an idiot, or perhaps both. Now, a suitable punishment, in this case..." Pulling the point of the blade back from Graham's neck momentarily, the guard had a moment to wonder precisely what Zeke planned to do before he spun the blade around, whipping the back end of the double weapon into the man's groin. From Zeke's perspective, Graham's life, at that point, would be better off over.

Guy's got balls, Zeke mused, glancing at the now howling in pain swordsman. Er, well. He did.

Refocusing his senses, Zeke edged around the bleeding Graham and scanned his foe for his keys. Pulling the ring off his belt, he unceremoniously walked over to Geoffrey's cell and popped it open.

"Don't say I never did anyone any favors. I'd ask you for payment, but I doubt the strength of your finances. Your wallet's probably thinner than your arms." Rubbing his neck, Zeke turned down the hall and proceeded down the row of cells. Somewhere down here, supposedly, was the man he was looking for...

Edited by: [url=>Archmage144</A]&nbsp; Image at: 4/22/05 0:43

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Azuka doesn't have Move Silently!

Postby Molokidan » Fri Apr 22, 2005 1:24 am

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAARGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!! YOU BASTARD!!" a scream pierced the entire jail, as Graham fell backwards in pain, slamming the back of his head against the stone cold floor and knocking himself out cold on the spot.

The swordsman lay on the ground silently, his body motionless. . .all parts of it. Graham was, to put it bluntly, out for the count.


"Doot doo doo..." Azuka hummed shakily to himself, trying to steady his racing heart as he tiptoed through the hallways. "Happiness, flowers, bunny rabbits...severed heads...argh! No! I mean...watermelons..."

He turned the corner to another hallway in the prison, and out of the corner of his eye, caught the flash of a moving figure. Azuka immediately ducked backwards, heaving up and down with his breaths. Crap!! he thought to himself. I knew I shouldn't have let myself get seperated from the rest of the group!! I'm like a sitting duck here!

He peeked out from the corner one more time, his long hair obscuring his face as he did so. He could see a tall man with black hair walking out of the room. After about two seconds, Azuka turned back around the corner, hoping that he wasn't seen.

I'll be damned if that guy doesn't seem familiar, though... Azuka thought to himself. But where could I have seen him before? Was he one of the guards?

Azuka decided to let it go, and slowly crept after the walking man, keeping his eyes fixated on him in case there was the possibility of danger -- so that he could run!

Edited by: [url=>Molokidan</A]&nbsp; Image at: 4/22/05 18:33

Lauritz Melchior

Re: Azuka doesn't have Move Silently!

Postby Lauritz Melchior » Fri Apr 22, 2005 1:30 pm

"Just because I'm old doesn't mean that I don't know when thanks are due. I don't often say this, but..." Geoffrey hesitated, uncomfortable, "thank you." He shuffled his feet. After a moment's pause, however, he returned to his garrulous self.
"You seem to be trying to find someone. I know my way around this dungeon. I was in charge of it more than fifty years ago before Kielruth, that disgusting pile of flesh, took over the island. This prison is still the same and I can guide you out. I didn't get to be Prison Master for nothing. I tell you , when I was in charge no prison break-outs would have succeeded. You'd have been ground to dust by our gaurds. They were the best; beyond well trained. Unlike this mess over here." Geoffrey tilted his head in the direction of the unconscious Graham. Seeing the two staring at him, Geoffrey realized that he had taken his conversation in the wrong direction. In an attempt to rectify this he complimented Zeke on his fight against Graham.
"That last move you pulled on him was testacular! Eh? Eh-eh?" This time, however, Geoffrey failed to realize his social blunder and continued laughing to himself.

((OOC: I know that this one sucks. I felt that I needed to get something out, but my brain's been dead today. I'll rework it later."))


Re: Let the beat control your body!

Postby kiduf » Sun Apr 24, 2005 5:46 pm


While Ramsus was dealing with Rogan, Azer had been picking off the small groups of guards that remained. By the time Ramsus had parried that first blow, he was about done with his clean-up. That allowed him to view Ramsus' battle with Rogan in its entirety, and it, quite simply, astounded him.

"Amazing... his speed almost rivals mine..." He was not surprised, however, when Ramsus did not kill his opponent, but rather incapacitated him. "In true Agreshillian manner..."

Ramsus began calmly walking towards him. He opened his mouth to speak, but Azer instructed him otherwise, as he started walking towards, and then past Ramsus. Back to where the fight was.

"Good fight. We'll have to talk about it later, though. You go on down with the others. I've gotta get my sword back."

"Oh, didja want that back? Sorry mate... oy! And don't kill 'im!"

Azer answered with a simple hand gesture, without even turning around. He wouldn't kill the guard. In any case, it was Ramsus' kill, and one does not take another warriors kill. No, he would simply get his sword back, and keep Rogan out of the way for a little while.

Rogan didn't notice Azer until he was a mere few paces away. The guard acknowledged him with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth.

"I hope you're not looking for a fight, Dragonian, 'cause as you can see," as he gestured to his shoulder, "I'm in no state to do so."

"I'm not. I just want this back," Azerbarth replied, as he reached towards Rogan's shoulder and pulled the longsword out. The guard winced in pain as the sound of steel on stone ground itself out throughout the room.

"... ah... and I suppose you're going to kill me now. You can't kill me. I'm a Knighted commander! Kielruth would never let-"

"Wrong again," interrupted Azer, as he dealt Rogan a blow to the side of the head with the flat of his sword, which was rather bloody. While the "Knighted commander" sank into a state of unconsciousness, Azerbarth made it a point to wipe his bloody blade on his leather skirt. "Ugh... that'll stain... now, let's catch up with the rest of them."


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Re: Azuka doesn't have Move Silently!

Postby Kai » Mon Apr 25, 2005 12:23 am

Quinn spent a moment rehashing Zeke's words in her mind. "Picking on the elderly and attacking sexy women means you're a coward, or an idiot, or perhaps both." She smiled. Zeke's got priorities I can appreciate.

She watched Zeke's punishment of the hapless guard with what can only be described as... apathy. Still nearly covered in blood from fallen guards she thought, Oh well. That's what he gets. Satisfies me at least. Not like I haven't done worse.

When Graham fell to the ground unconscious, Quinn knelt in front of him on the floor. "Weakling am I?" She put two fingers under his chin and lifted his face. "How much of this blood did you think was mine?"
She dropped him and stood again.

She listened with dulled interest as Geoffrey spoke. Could be useful. He seems to think quite highly of how things 'used to be done.' Hm. Fifty years from now we'll see if he can still say the same. Humans aren't made to live all that long. She resolved not to be a pain in the ass in another fifty years. With any luck, she'd still be having fun at a hundred or so years old.

"Sure, sounds like a good idea, old man. You get us out, I'll try to keep you from getting killed." She smiled at him, showing her fangs. "No worries. So, Zeke... shall we go on to find your mark, or track down the others before we keep going?"

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Re: Azuka doesn't have Move Silently!

Postby Molokidan » Mon Apr 25, 2005 1:08 am

Wait a second! Azuka thought to himself, seeing Azerbarth moving over to Ramsus. Now THERE'S a figure you can't forget! Those were the two in the cell from before!

"Hey! You guys!" Azuka shouted, running out from the hallway behind him and waving his hands madly. "Remember me? I'm one of the people who escaped with you earlier!! I got lost!! So, how are ya doing here? Pretty good? Yeah, looks like you got yourselves squared away pretty well. I'm really impressed! Not that I didn't have my scuffles on my way here, you know. I had to take down twenty guards single-handedly! Yeah, but it was no trouble for me, you know...I'm just strong like that."

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Re: Azuka doesn't have Move Silently!

Postby FlamingDeth » Fri Apr 29, 2005 8:48 pm

"Sure, kid. Good job with that." responded Ramsus, giving Azuka a hearty pat on the back. Luckily, Ramsus was somewhat injured, so Azuka didn't go crashing to the floor as a result. "Too bad about that 'lost' thing, aye. No idea where'bout they gone off to? Cause I dun know my way around."

"OI! Azer!" Ramsus shouted behind him. "You comin' or what?"

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Re: Azuka doesn't have Move Silently!

Postby Molokidan » Sat Apr 30, 2005 2:47 am

"Hm..." Azuka began to survey their surroundings, as if he had any idea as to what direction to go in. "I appear to be stumped, as well! Maybe they found a secret passage?"


Re: Azuka doesn't have Move Silently!

Postby kiduf » Sat Apr 30, 2005 3:19 pm


As Ramsus and Azuka were trying to figure out just where they were supposed to head, Azerbarth walked towards them, not bothering to sheath his sword. He'd probably need it, anyways.

"Uhh, guys? There's a staircase right there," he pointed out as he nodded towards the wall to their right, "And hello, Azuka."


[OOC] *gasp* What's this??!?! A short post?!?!? From ME?!?!?!!!?? .... yeah. [/OOC]


Re: Azuka doesn't have Move Silently!

Postby Archmage144 » Sat Apr 30, 2005 8:27 pm

"This way," motioned Zeke, continuing down the hallway, halfway hoping Quinn was following him and not particularly caring one way or another if the old guy he'd bothered to spring from his cell was pursuing him as well. Right now, he was on a mission, and even though it was generally unacceptable to take a break from a mission for personal pleasure, he had no problem with a sexy woman tailing him if it were possible to still get the job done. So far, it seemed that unlike some of the women he'd run into in his day, Quinn was not only going to stand around and look good, but be an active aid.

"Alright." Zeke now stood at an iron door with its only apparent opening being a narrow, barred slit near the top. He thumbed idly through the keys he'd snatched from Graham's belt and began to search for the one that would match the door. The Terra Fester prison cell locks, he had discovered, were coded according to a simple numerical organization system, and each key was appropriately labelled as long as you were in the right sector. He was just going to have to assume that he was and give the key a shot. Jamming it into the lock and giving it a smooth turn, the door swung open without further resistance.

Crammed against the back wall of his cell was a dark-haired, bearded man wearing crimson robes with golden trim. Not exactly the usual prison uniform, Zeke mused. Wonder why they didn't gank his clothes. Those're some nice threads.

"You're Allen Pelm, right? I'm here to get you out of here. Your family sent me. You want to live, do as I say. I'd rather not have to tell someone you died because you didn't let me protect you." Zeke recited his typical little "warning" and looked Allen in the eye. The robed figure rose to his feet, crossed his arms, and nodded resolutely.

"Of course," replied the prisoner. "But I'll be much more helpful if you'll do me a favor." He lifted up his arms, pulling his sleeves back to reveal some bracer-like restraints fastened around both wrists. "These are sealing my magical powers. If you remove them, I won't be quite so useless in escaping from this hell." Zeke shrugged in response, walking over to the prisoner and trying a few keys on the bracers before one of them caused the wristguards to spring open and clatter to the floor.

"Excellent," the wizard rasped. "I was beginning to think I'd get stuck in there forever. Follow my directions, I believe I know the way out!"

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RECAP (now start posting damn you)

Postby Kai » Sat Jun 18, 2005 2:34 pm

(Okay. Recap, bitches.
It seems that RP is unlikely to continue unless someone does this, and if it’s going to be me than so be it. I haven’t got anything better to do anyway.)

Since releasing Pelm, Zeke, Quinn and Geoffrey decided to get the hell out of the prison. Because, well… they’re not stupid.
Azer, Azuka, and Ramsus made a similar choice because they too are not stupid. They were the first to come across a rather large chasm in the prison basement. As they considered possible avenues to overcome such an obstacle, the other group also found it.
Quinn ended up skidding into the hole as the floor collapsed beneath her. She found the others on a ledge below her and hung out with them.

Pelm cast a spell on those with him to allow them to fly down to the others rather than deal with less-direct modes of transportation. Geoffrey didn’t like the way these young people were operating, but secretly enjoyed being able to fly. Once everybody was together again, Quinn decided to hit on them all as usual. Azer seemed uninterested in interfering with the sexual chaos. She and Ramsus got along fine, causing much confusion for poor Azuka, who felt left out of any potential sharing of trade secrets.

Azer, all business, suggested that everyone move back up to the higher ledge. Zeke went first to scout things out and make sure they wouldn’t all get killed once back on the upper floor. Azer and Quinn would help with transporting Azuka and Ramsus. Ramsus would be riding with Azer, and Azuka would ride with Quinn. Zeke left to check the upper ledge, and then Ezboards was attacked by the forces of evil.

(I will edit this post to include further data if anyone believes I have missed something.

My AIM: Lithaladhwen or the slightly less-used: alias pending

If there are no further additions, I will continue posting as long as other people are still interested in continuing this. I can get us started up again if anyone else has any difficulty. I had a post ready before the attack anyway.)


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