The Islands of Ecestrim

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Re: Graham & Rogan!

Unread postby Kai » Sat Mar 19, 2005 8:39 pm

Quinn heard nothing for a moment but stampeding prisoners. Then, as the feet rushed off in the wrong direction, Quinn slowed her pace.

Shit. I’m too late. Well… maybe I can get one or two of them. I don’t know about three, though… What is this? Me? Shy of a fight? Screw that.

Quinn dropped to all fours and waited for a chance. A man in black passed in front of her and she took her chance. With the element of surprise most definitely on the side of the vicious demon leaping out of the dark, she landed on his back and toppled him to the ground.

The armored man turned away from Azuka. “What the-- Rogan, just kill her!”
“Will you--urgh--give me a second, here?” Rogan reached around and pressed the end of his lit cigarette into Quinn’s shoulder. The ash slipped off of the dark scales of her back and the cigarette went out, seemingly without any effect. “Guess I’ll try something else then!”
Rather than trying to escape, Rogan tried to reach for Quinn’s eyes, hoping to blind her. She caught his wrist in her teeth, breaking it with a rather unsettling crunch from the inside of the woman’s mouth. “AGGH! Graham, get her off of me!” As Graham made his way over, Rogan drew a knife from inside his clothing and drove it into Quinn’s thigh.

Quinn screamed in wordless rage. She was injured, and she was angry. Releasing his hand, Quinn pinned his arms to his side and kissed him so hard he couldn’t move his head away. His eyes widened and bulged out of his head as the lifeforce began to leave his body. He quickly became pale, his hands even taking on a shade of blue. A moment later and he’d be dead.
Graham came to his rescue. Shoving his sword into Quinn’s back, he managed to throw her off of his colleague. She rolled into the wall, skidding in her own blood on the tile floor.

Oh well now I’ve done it, Quinn thought. Now I’ve really done it. She grimaced, and her teeth were covered in blood, which she spit out onto the floor. She managed to get an arm under her, and was bringing herself to her feet when Graham slammed her across the side of her head with the flat of his sword. She collapsed where she was and didn’t get up. She was obviously still alive, because she was still bleeding.

Rogan was still incapacitated on the floor, conscious but not by much. Graham picked him up and slung him over one shoulder. He spit on the floor next to Quinn’s face. “Don’t you be going anywhere, now.” He turned to Azuka. “Or you. I’ll be back and believe me, you better hope that this--” he pointed at Quinn’s still form on the floor next to him “--is all you get!”

Edited by: [url=>Kai</A] at: 3/19/05 21:34


And For Just One Scene

Unread postby kiduf » Sun Mar 20, 2005 3:48 am

[OOC] It brings me great joy to see you play around with Azer. Really, it does. I don't know why, though. [/OOC]


Ramsus got up to go 'accomodate' the waitress, leaving Azerbarth stunned at how easily the corrupted, yet still borderline decent, lad had come up with what appeared to be a pretty complete plan. He watched as Ramsus walked with the waitress towards the door to the second door, thinking about another peaceful night's rest in his 'double' bed at the Inn. Azer got up to leave right around when Ramsus got to the door, but was interrupted by the sight of him getting knocked back and onto his ass as it was powerfully shoved outwards from the other direction.

Smoke billowed from the room, blocking his view of whoever had rudely smashed the door into his new friend's face. However, Azer could make out multiple figures, in a vaguely familiar shape. Too familiar...

When the veiling smog finally lifted itself slightly, Azer was sure of his suspicions, and was now utterly panicked.

"Oh, crap... what the hell am I going to do now? Hmm, I wonder if Ramsus is okay..." When the smog cleared more once again, to the point where facial features could be noted, Azer's panic was slightly subdued, for he recognized the face of the lead Dragonian as that of his fellow DRA trainee, Hunter. However, he was now dressed in a lieutenants suit of armor, as opposed to the simple tunics supplied to cadets of the army. "Well, I guess graduation went alright for him. I guess I never noticed. Hey, Hunter! Hunter! It's me, Azerbarth!"

His friend, Hunter, looked in Azerbarth's direction, and his look of mockery, which was directed at the horrified form of Ramsus on the floor, glared him right in the eye and quickly changed to one of confidence.

"Ah, Azerbarth... how good to see you again... unfortunately, we won't have time to catch up."

"... what are you talking about, Hunter?"

"You see, Azerbarth... well... let me explain this to you... okay, nevermind. You know what? The gist of it is this: By order of Chief Advisor Denskrae, you are hereby arrested and held under the conditions of the Dragonian Army. My orders are to take you straight to Terra Fester, where you are to be tried and found guilty of attempted murder, treason, theft, and damaging Dome land."

"But Hunter... don't you remember? We're allies. Me and you, working our way through training camp. You can't be doing this to me."

"My loyalty lies with the DRA, the Dome, and Dragonia. Not with treacherous scum like you. I'm sorry Azerbarth, but I willingly allowed myself to be put into potential situations like this by choosing the military life. I bid you well in your new life. Go ahead, men."

Azerbarth noticed that Hunter's eyes were not focused on him anymore, rather, behind him. Spinning around quickly to see what he meant by 'go ahead', Azer managed to catch nothing but a large club to the head and the electrocuting sensation of electro-cuffs being placed around his wrists and ankles. By this point, Ramsus had already gotten up from his pained, yet comfortable spot on the ground.

"Hey, what are you doing to Az-"

Whoomph. Hunter's swift paw to the side of Ramsus' head; he would definitely be out for a good 2 or 3 hours. Meanwhile, Azerbarth finally slipped into unconsciousness, in his head cursing to all that was good and Holy, and the Dragonians had already moved his flacid body into the DRA transport frigate that they had taken on this search and arrest. The frigates were powerful, but amazingly slow. It would be a good 3 days before it would get to Terra Fester. Not that it would make a big difference to Azer. In this state, it might as well take 3 years.


2 and a half hours later, Ramsus awoke, noting three things. First, that the waitress (and all the other bar patrons and employees, for that matter) had abandoned him, second, that his head hurt like nothing else before, and third, that he would have to see about either getting to Azerbarth before he got to Terra Fester, or to meet him at Terra Fester and break him out then. But, as Ramsus, always found dear to his heart...

"First things first. I'll be needing some painkillers. Wonder what I missed out on with that waitress, too..."


[OOC] Wrote this while combating a wicked migraine. Sorry if some of it doesn't make sense. I sure hope that's not the case... [/OOC]

Edited by: [url=>kiduf</A] at: 3/20/05 3:51

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Unread postby FlamingDeth » Sun Mar 20, 2005 3:58 am

After some mutual winking had occurred between Ramsus and the waitress, she departed for their drinks. Ramsus turned to his Dragonian friend.

"Gotta love this place." he began. "They go through waitresses like water 'ere, never see the same one twice."

" don't?" responded Azerbarth. "Then who is 'get us brews'?"

"...figger o' speech. Nevermind, what were we talkin' about, again?"

"I believe it was a sort of 'adventuring troupe', and how I need one."

"Oh, right, right! See, here's the thing. Lotta ships stop by here. Problem is, they're all for tradin'. Unless something drastic changes, we gotta go elsewheres t' find anyone useful."

Azer didn't look particularly happy with this information. "What do you mean? Even as I entered, I saw--"

"Ye didn't see much." said Ramsus, cutting off Azer's current line of thought. "Anyone special usually finds somewhere else where they fit in better. Everyone 'ere is a merchant or an amateur."

"Why, then, haven't you left for somewhere to 'fit in better'?"

"I left somewhere where I fit in. From what I 'ere, so did you."

There was a solemn break in the conversation. He may have left for different reasons, but still, the sentiment was something that Azer could understand. The silence could have lasted longer, had the waitress not returned with their drinks. She whispered something unintelligible into Ramsus' ear, winked, and went on about her business. Ramsus turned back to Azer, a devilish grin on his face.

"Well then." said Azer, attempting to ignore his companion's antics. "Where would you recommend we begin?"

"Well, if I was a bettin' man, which I am..." Ramsus responded, letting the grin slip from his face. "...I'd probly start somewhere 'round Mageleron. Plenty o' people there that be suited fer fightin' off th' forces o' evil, and someone 'oo can throw magic around'd probably be useful. Maybe move on to Foreline or Agreshille after that, fer some muscle..."

The two continued on into the night, discussing, planning on how to create a grand force with which to help extract Azerbarth's revenge. As time passed, it got dark, and people left for the night. The few that remained in the pub either got there quite late, or worked there. Ramsus stood.

"Gettin' late. I best go, I got..." Ramsus peered over to the doorway, to see the waitress he had been conversing with earlier. The previous grin had found it's way back to him. "...I got some business to get to. Seeya in the mornin'."

(OOC: And, as they say, now's the time!)

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Just like Quintessa.

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Sun Mar 20, 2005 4:01 am

After looking around, however, Ramsus merely had one comment.

"...why are we on a boat?"

Edited by: [url=>FlamingDeth</A] at: 3/20/05 4:02


Re: Just like Quintessa.

Unread postby kiduf » Sun Mar 20, 2005 5:15 am

[OOC] Touché. [/OOC]


Azerbarth woke to the sight of Ramsus' big, goofy face staring him straight in the eye, whilst being slapped in the face repeatedly with his hands, which were (strangely) un-restrained.

"Azer! Hey, Azer! Wake up, buddy. WAKE! UP! *smack*"

"Smack me one more time and I'll bite your hand off."

"You're awake! Good show, man. Any idea wheres we at?"

Azerbarth looked around the general area. It was fairly obvious where they were at. He had spent a full two weeks living on one of these frigates, and one does not easily forget the cold, metal walls of the frigate, built for power and purpose. It wasn't the most accomodating of places, and it didn't help that they were being held in the tank room.

"We're in the tank room on a DRA frigate. The cadets used to call it the 'rank' room."

"Aye, tanks? Always wanted to see one o' them war tanks... wait, 'rank' room?"

Azerbarth yet again heaved a large sigh; something he suddenly found himself doing shockinly often. "Look around you, Ramsus. These aren't war tanks."

Upon closer inspection, Ramsus noticed that there were a number of large cylindrical containers dispersed around the room, with various pipes and valves protruding from them. Each and every tank had a large sticker on it that said 'Septic Tank'.

"Jesus Christ, Azer, we've gotta get outta here."


[OOC] Well, I suppose that means that Christianity exists in Ecestrim. =/ [/OOC]

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This is probably a terrible plan.

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Sun Mar 20, 2005 5:54 am

"...and I'll take that one, and you'll take that one. That'd be all of them." After a few minutes, it seemed that they had a plan to get to all of the tanks in what seemed to be the fastest, most efficient manner possible. "Remember, we need to work fast, unless you enjoy swimming."

"Roit, roit." responded Ramsus idly. "Ain't like I need a reminder to go fast. I think there'll be plenty o' reason to move fast right quick. Ready?"

For his part, Azerbarth was already at his first tank. "Just waiting for you."

Ramsus made his way to the tank. In preperation for the gruesome task ahead, he retrieved a handkerchief from a pocket and folded it over. If he could help it, he wasn't going to touch these things with bare skin. "...ready. Count o' three."

Azer nodded.

"One..." Their hands moved towards the valves.

"Two..." They grabbed ahold of the valves. Quite hesitantly, in the case of Ramsus.

"THREE!" Simultaneously, the valves whirled open.

Working in the order that they had determined before, the pair ran from tank to tank, opening valves with as much speed as they could muster. All the while, the raw sewage spilled onto the floor.

"For the love of..." Ramsus muttered, as he opened the last valve.

The pattern had worked out as well as could be expected. The two ended up right next to each other, with a mere eight inches of grime on the floor. Ramsus jumped to Azer's back without hesitation. Anything was better than being on the floor at this moment.

"Well then..." Azer began, taking off. "That wasn' bad."

"Speak fer yerself!" responded Ramsus, making certain that he had a decent grip. "We best get out this time, cause I ain't doing that long till that door opens?"

Edited by: [url=>FlamingDeth</A] at: 3/20/05 5:54

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Re: Just like Quintessa.

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Sun Mar 20, 2005 6:10 am

Ramsus took several steps backwards, reeling from the experience of getting too close to one of the tanks. Sanitation was bad back in Crooklin, but this was something else.

"For the love of..." Ramsus covered his face with the collar of his shirt. "What do they feed ya in here?"

"Well..." began Azerbarth, thinking for a moment. "If memory serves, it was some sort of nondescript meat. It was difficult to tell what it even was."

"Wonderful." the disgruntled Crooklinite muttered. "Well, I dun s'pose you can just blast a hole in the wall so we can get out?"

"Not the case, I'm afraid. That's the reason they put us in here. If I tried that, the gasses would ignite and we'd both die, either from the explosion or the fire afterwards."

"Great. So yer sayin' that there's no way fer us to get out? Not that we have any idea how far away we are from any islands, but it's always good t' have options, y'know?"

"Getting out of here would pose a problem. It would probably be easiest to wait until they get us out of here, and into the open air, where I'd have a chance to fly away..."

"'less they throw us in a cell right away, an' don't ever let us see daylight in between. Y'know, I here Fester's nice this time o' year..."


"'kay, so that was a lie. Fester ain't ever nice."

Ramsus paused and looked around the room. It didn't seem that there was any useful equipment to take advantage of. Even if there was, he wasn't certain that he'd want to touch it.



Unread postby kiduf » Sun Mar 20, 2005 6:23 am


"...... Ramsus...... I have an idea. You're not going to like it, though. Not one bit."

"Oh? What exactly wudja be thinkin'?"

Azerbarth pointed towards the tanks. "See those valves?"


"Well, they're all used for emergency release, in case the tanks ever overload. Each pivot is mechanically linked to a safety mechanism that opens all doors on this floor...."

"So? That's not so bad. Rightey, then, let's get to it!" Ramsus headed towards the closest tank with a determined stride.

".... 30 seconds after all of the valves are released."

That stopped Ramsus right in his tracks.

"Oh, you've got to be kidding, Azer. You've gotchur scales and such, but look at meh," Ramsus whined as he gestured to the rest of his body. "I'm just skin. Del'cate, del'cate skin. I ain't wading through... through... that stuff," as he motioned towards the tanks. "For 30 seconds. Nuh-uh. No way, Mr. Dragon, sir."

"Calm down, Ramsus. Jeez... You seem to be forgetting that I have these..." Azer unfolded his wings and stretched them out far. "Ahh... that feels good. Anyways, yeah, I have these. Feel comfortable riding on another male's back, Ramsus?"

"Well... I guess that's alright, then..."

"We've gotta be FAST, though, Ramsus. The overload release works insanely fast. There could be a foot of that on the ground before we're even half done. Not to mention the sprat is kind of... unpredictable..."

"So you're saying we're not even safe with your WINGS?!?! This is ridiculous!"


[OOC]Alright, I have to go to bed. I'll post more tomorrow. Just make a reply tonight if you won't be on. [/OOC]

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Re: This is probably a terrible plan.

Unread postby Kai » Sun Mar 20, 2005 11:47 am

The sound of Azuka sitting on his bed woke Quinn. Damn. Did he heal me? He did, didn‘t he?

Quinn cleared her throat. “Hey, Azuka.” She looked up at him. “You don’t have to look so worried. I’ll be fine in another couple of hours. Thanks for the healing, though. A little magic goes a long way with my people… not like a human body where it gets a little battered and whoops! Dead human. Demon body works with you.” Quinn smiled, a laugh turning into a few short coughs. “Anyway, this might have taken days to heal if you hadn’t had my ass covered back there.”

Quinn laid her head back down. So… we’re back in a cell. Guess that means he didn’t kill the other two professionals, kill all the prison guards and drag my ass out into the woods, huh? I figured. “I don’t even have to check the doors this time, do I? I may be ridiculously strong --and I am, Azuka-- but this cell looks a little too ridiculous even for me. I do have a question, though… why put us in one cell? Just to see what we do, or what?”
Maybe they’re waiting to see if I suck out Azuka’s soul or something… I haven’t done that in a while and man did it ever feel good. When we get out of this cell I need to find myself another snack. She paused, glancing over at him with a look of total confusion. “… Seriously. What’s your problem? You don’t look hurt to me.”

Edited by: [url=>Kai</A] at: 3/20/05 11:48

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Re: This is probably a terrible plan.

Unread postby Molokidan » Sun Mar 20, 2005 12:29 pm

Azuka had crawled over to the crumpled body of Quinn, and had tried his best to heal her wounds in his weakened form. He had gotten minimal results when he was suddenly interrupted by yet another visitor.

This time, it was not a sadistic swordsman but a pair of single guards.

"Those two fit the description." the first said, holding a sword out shakily.

The second one pointed to Azuka. "Don't try to resist, alright? You have to come with us. We have orders to move you to the Terra Fester maximum security prison, which lies underneath the palace."

Azuka stared at the guards for a moment. "If I promise not to resist..." he said gravely. "...will you see to it that she gets proper medical attention?"

The guards looked at each other, and then turned back to Azuka, confused at his request. "Uh...sure, sure."

And so, he had been handcuffed, and loaded into a wagon, along with Quinn. He had tried his best to keep her warm and stop her bleeding, even with his shackled hands and feet, and he had ended up passing out on the way to the new prison.

When he woke up, he was in a cell, lying on a dirty, worn mattress. From the looks of the place, it didn't look too much cleaner than the old prison, except that the locks looked much, much tougher.

Across the room, he was surprised to see the bandaged-up body of Quinn...he didn't know what had driven them to place the two in the same cell, but he was glad. And they had done good work on her, he couldn't argue. Doctors of the emperor really were skilled after all.

Still feeling exhausted, he sat down on his bed, and placed his chin in his palms, watching Quinn. Why did they keep us alive...? he thought to himself. And why are we here...?

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Re: This is probably a terrible plan.

Unread postby Molokidan » Sun Mar 20, 2005 2:01 pm

"I'm not hurt, really." Azuka said, picking up his head from his hands and smiling weakly. "Just a little shaken up. I've been trying to figure out, Quinn...why are we still alive? And like you said...why did they place us in the same cell together? So far, this prison seems vastly different from the one we were in before. Why aren't we being executed or something?"

He stood up and looked through the cell bars. All of the other cells were vacant. As far as he could tell, they were alone. No one was moving down the halls, nothing -- it was ominously quiet.

"What's going on here..?" he said. "I don't know, Quinn, I just don't like the feel of this place. It's as if we're more than prisoners here."

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Re: This is probably a terrible plan.

Unread postby Kai » Sun Mar 20, 2005 3:13 pm

“More than… hm. I don’t know,” Quinn said. “It’s possible they’ll just execute us later. There’s might be a lot of bureaucracy involved with an execution. ‘How do we kill them, when, where, what to do with the bodies…’ You know, that sort of thing.”

More than prisoners… meaning they might want something? It is a little odd that there’s no one else here… I have to wonder what they’ve got to hide. We’re apparently more important than I thought we were.

Quinn turned her head to face him again. “And as for why we’re in the same cell… who cares? They’re not lacking for space or anything so they must have a reason, but does it matter? Knowing why doesn’t change anything,” Quinn stopped to laugh a little, and she didn’t have any trouble this time. She was definitely healing quickly. “Unless you think we should kill each other just to foil their plans, which is probably not the most productive course of action for us.” She shook her head. “I don’t know. Doesn’t seem important right now.”


15 Seconds

Unread postby kiduf » Sun Mar 20, 2005 7:31 pm


Despite his immense height, the 8 inches of muck had managed to make a right little mess on his legs. Azerbarth kicked them out violently, to try and shake some of it off, achieving nothing but giving Ramsus a nice heart attack.

"'ey! 'ey! Oy, watchit there, Azer! Now, I said, how long 'til them doors open up?"

"Oh, I'd say about 15 seconds, give or take. There may or may not be some guards waiting for us when the doors open, though, so we'll have to rely on our best friend there," as Azer pointed towards the swirling sea of excrement and other unmentionables below them. "To distract them for long enough. You'd best hold on tight, Ramsus."

"As I wasn't holdin' on toit 'nuff? Just... just stay focused, Azer."

Azerbarth glid towards the door and hovered there for the remainder of the time until a bright red light blinked into existence above the nearest door, and the sound of a flooding rush blocked all incoming sound. Praying to dear God that there weren't any guards out there, and if there were, that they were currently pre-occupied, Azer flew full-speed out of the door and made his way to the top of the frigate.

Or so he thought.

Azerbarth took a wrong turn and found that his head had a date with cold, hard steel. In other words, the Dragonian flew head first into a wall and was, once again, knocked out. Luckily, he had at least managed to get one floor above the tank room, saving him from spending his unconsciousness floating in a sea of... stuff.

"Good God, Azer. You roit screwed up on that one! ... Azer? Aww, crap."

Ramsus looked around. They were in a long hallway with a dead end. He could hear footsteps approaching from around the corner of the other end of the hallway. Multiple footsteps, at that. Suprise, surprise; it was Azer's "friend", Hunter.

"Good evening, captive. It's nice to see that you and Azerbarth have woken," and then noticed Azer's unconscious form. "Or rather, had awoken. Come with us. We were planning on interrogating you upon your wakening. Do as we say, and your safety is certain. Otherwise..." Hunter brandished his long-sword.

Ramsus got the idea.

"What 'er ye gonna do with Azer, though? He'll be safe, roit?"


[OOC] I actually have nothing to say OOC-wise this time. Amazing. [/OOC]

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Gone in 60!

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Sun Mar 20, 2005 9:33 pm

Mere moments later, Ramsus found himself being escorted through twisting hallways by a batch of Dragonians. He had seen them carry off Azerbarth, and it at least seemed that he was going to be safe. That was one worry gone.

Looking around, Ramsus spotted four guards. It seemed a little excessive for little old him, but then, they likely didn't have anything else to do for the duration of the voyage. They turned another corner on the giant ship.

And saw it. The room. It was a little hard to tell what all of the equipment in the room was, but suffice to say, none of it looked at all pleasant. Ramsus decided that he really didn't want to go into that room.

As such, he simply turned the other direction and started walking away. Naturally, he didn't get very far.

One of the guards instinctively whirled around and grabbed him by the collar, jerking him back in the desired direction. Ramsus rewarded his effort by headbutting him as hard as he could, and when one is of Agreshillian decent...

Suffice to say that for a moment, the guard was grounded. Ramsus turned to make a run for...somewhere. He paused momentarilly, to attempt to figure out where exactly he was going to go. Perhaps he should have thought slightly more about his escape plan.

Unfortunately, his hesitation was met with the flat of a sword to his head. Collapsing to the ground, Ramsus turned to see Hunter pointing his weapon at him in quite the threatening manner.

"Keep in mind, mammal..." he sneered. "You are expendable. If not for any information you may or may not have, the only reason you're still alive is courtesy. Do not reject it."

The guards picked the dazed man off the ground, and drug him into the room, dropping him unceremoniously on the floor. Hunter soon followed, dragging him up on to what appeared to be some sort of chair, or possibly a table. It was hard to tell. Regardless, Ramsus found himself strapped down quite securely.

"Now, human." began the Dragonian. "You will tell us exactly what you were doing with the traitor Azerbarth, and you will tell us the truth. Or, you will die slowly, and you will die painfully."

The pointed instruments that the guards were handling drove the point home.

Azerbarth came to a rudimentary amount of conciousness to the echoing sounds of a painful scream. It sounded...human.

Several noisy hours later, there was a period of silence. Then, there was the sight of two guards dragging the limp form of Ramsus down the hall. They opened the door and threw him on to the floor of the room.

"Enjoy your stay at Fester, pathetic human." a guard barked at him, closing the door.

(OOC: I have no idea if there's actual cells anywhere on the ship. I'll let you decide what the room is like! :D!)

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Re: Gone in 60!

Unread postby Molokidan » Mon Mar 21, 2005 1:25 am

"Hmm.." Azuka listened to Quinn's words, absorbing every piece of them, but he still wasn't content. This didn't seem right at all!

"Well, I'm sure as hell not going to try to attack you." he answered, finally. "Although, that is a good question...what are we gonna do? There's no one else in here but us, and we can't get out. I can't stew in this cell forever! I'll go nuts!"

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Re: Gone in 60!

Unread postby Kai » Mon Mar 21, 2005 3:32 pm

There are still some things that aren’t quite adding up. Quinn sat up on her bed and turned to face Azuka. “I have a question. If you healed me, where did the bandages come from? I can’t imagine you had time to run into the exam room and grab them before we were taken here.”

Quinn delicately lifted herself off of the bed and touched her feet to the floor. She winced a little and tensed her wings with the pain of the last wound left to heal—the one on her back. It hadn’t hurt while she was lying on it but now that she was moving around, she discovered that the injury wasn’t totally gone yet. However, finding she was still more than capable of walking, Quinn approached the door and tried to look down the hallway.

This is not good. Reminds me a little too much of what I heard about Damnitarian correctional facilities. I’ve never seen one, but supposedly prisoners are about this isolated.

“Also Azuka,” Quinn said in a carefully calm tone. “How long have you been up? Have they brought any food by for us or anyone else that might be down the corridor a ways?”

I have a bad feeling about this. Damnitaria doesn’t have many prisons, because a building full of oubliettes is a pretty effective deterrent to crime, and vigilantes usually handle most of the enforcement. Still… there are rumors. At any rate, if they haven’t fed us… they might just plan to starve us to death. I’d better not mention that to Azuka until I’m sure. No sense scaring the boy over an unfounded suspicion. I just don't put much faith in the altruism of any real prison facility.

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Re: Gone in 60!

Unread postby Molokidan » Mon Mar 21, 2005 4:13 pm

"Oh...I didn't heal you." Azuka said. "These guards came and found us, and I asked them if they would give you medical attention...I guess they wanted us to live for some reason."

"Quinn..." he said, after a moment's silence. "Have you ever met anyone like...those guys, before? I mean...I've never experienced such utter hopelessness in my life before. They were...they were too frighteningly powerful, too skillful. How can that be?"


4 Walls Are Your Best Friend

Unread postby kiduf » Mon Mar 21, 2005 8:38 pm

The cell was, for all intents and purposes, just as a cell designed for captives would be. Two simple mattresses, a toilet and sink in the corner (which, incidentally, flowed to the tank room), and four bare steel walls to enclose it all. It was comfortable enough. Better than the tank room, that's for sure. For the past 4 hours, Azerbarth was doing nothing more than staring at one of the walls, waiting for some food. He had been trying to keep track of how long it would be until Terra Fester, and it would appear that there would be about 2 days left, possibly 1 and a half. After a while, he moved on from blank staring to a series of involuntary motions.

Azerbarth was rubbing his temples to try and release some of the tension from this whole ordeal when Ramsus was thrown into the cell, and though he welcomed his ally's company, he wasn't quite in the mood to listen to his incessant jabbering.

"Don't explain what happened to you. I know the procedure. I've even had the pleasure... or rather, displeasure pf seeing through the procedures myself."

Of course Ramsus, being Ramsus, didn't exactly hear what Azer had said and was thinking of nothing but re-telling the tale of his interrogation with Hunter to him and making a big show of his personal discomfort. By all means, he was entitled to it, though, considering the interrogation tactics put into use by the DRA, but he was in the presence of a seriously peeved Dragonian, and it probably wasn't the smartest idea to begin. Alas, never one to falter in his ways of carelessness, Ramsus started anyways.

"Huh? Oy, whatever. You've gotta hear what them guards did to me, Azer! T'was a roit little mess! I swear I messed me pants twice! An'ways, they started by..."


Edited by: [url=>kiduf</A] at: 3/21/05 20:42

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Re: Gone in 60!

Unread postby Kai » Mon Mar 21, 2005 10:54 pm

“It’s not a big deal. I got my ass kicked. Anyone can lose one fight,” Quinn began. “You’re right to worry, but hopelessness is probably not the order of the day. We won’t be in here the rest of our lives, because while I don’t know how long that would be for you, it’s a hell of a long time for me to sit in a box… no matter how charming the company.” Quinn winked at Azuka, obviously feeling well enough to harass him.

They did do a pretty good job on me back there. The boy can’t even defend himself, apparently. He’s lucky he didn’t end up with a sword through his back. I doubt he’d have survived it no matter how nice the medical treatment here is.

“So… about the food. Seen any?”

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Re: Gone in 60!

Unread postby Molokidan » Mon Mar 28, 2005 7:54 pm

"I couldn't even suggest cannibalism." Azuka stuck his tongue out. "There's no one else in here but us."

He moved back to his bed, turning what Quinn had said over in his head. "You said it'd be a long time for you...what exactly did you mean by that? How long can you live? I mean, you're just a human, aren't you?" he asked bluntly.

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Re: Gone in 60!

Unread postby Kai » Mon Mar 28, 2005 10:18 pm

He did not--
Quinn was stunned for a moment, and then laughed. For about a minute and a half. She sat down cross-legged on the floor to avoid collapsing in a fit of hysterics.

“I’m--” Quinn began, laughing. “I’m not human.” Wiping away tears, she stood and walked over to where he was sitting on his bed. She put both hands on his shoulders. “Humans don’t have wings.” She ducked her head to stifle more laughter. “Humans do not have claws or scales, and however small and inoffensive mine may be, that’s what they are. Humans don’t do what I did to that man back there. None that I’ve ever seen, anyway. So… um…”

She crouched down in front of him and looked up at him, her eyes still laughing though the rest of her had stopped. “I hope this doesn’t change your feelings about me. I would like us to be friends. What else is there to do in here?” She tilted her head, waiting for his answer.

He really did ask me that, didn't he?

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Re: Gone in 60!

Unread postby Molokidan » Tue Mar 29, 2005 1:08 am

"Oh." Azuka shrugged. "I dunno, I figured you were some weird offbeat type of human or something. I've been around elves all my life, so I dunno. Of course, you're still my friend!"

He scratched his head as she asked her last question, and he looked around frantically. There had to be something to occupy their time, something to keep them busy so that they didn't worry about things like starving....or being left for dead....or worse....

After a few minutes of intense thinking, Azuka had lost his patience. He jumped up from the bed and began shaking the bars as best he could. "LET US OUT!" he shouted. "THIS IS TOO BORING!"

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Re: Gone in 60!

Unread postby Molokidan » Tue Mar 29, 2005 1:15 am

"You're right!" Azuka said to himself. "Your wounds haven't completely healed yet. I'm sorry for disturbing you."

He set her back against the bed. "You need your rest. I won't be so noisy again, I promise."

Azuka paced back towards his bed and sat down, tapping the sheets impatiently. Actually, now that I think about it, this is more boring than before...but I have to let Quinn get her sleep! What if we have to fight again? I have to leave her in her top condition so that she can protect me...

Edited by: [url=>Molokidan</A]&nbsp; Image at: 3/29/05 20:59

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Re: Gone in 60!

Unread postby Kai » Tue Mar 29, 2005 1:38 am

He never ceases to amaze me. Do I have to knock him down and take off his pants for him?

As Azuka fiercely attacked the bars of their cell, Quinn shook her head and sighed. "Azuka. What the hell do you think that's going to accomplish? Once they notice you're bored they'll realize the error of their ways and release us both back into the wild?" Sighing again, she said, "Azuka, what am I going to do with you?" Well, I have a list, but I probably left it in my bedroom at home...

She stood and joined Azuka at the front of the cell. Removing his hands forcibly from the bars, she turned him around to face her. "Now will you just pay attention for one minute? If you're really that bored, I'm sure we can find ways to amuse ourselves until we think of a way out of this." She pulled him an inch or two closer to her. "Okay?"


Helloooo, Terra Fester

Unread postby kiduf » Tue Mar 29, 2005 7:59 pm

[OOC] Since FD hasn't really been on, I might as well just continue the story. You two can't drag this cell scene on forever. =P [/OOC]


Despite the fact that Azerbarth was about ready to kill something when Ramsus began his tale, he still listened, and really was not surprised at all at the contents. The topic of castration came up multiple times, and Azer winced each time. That's not a pleasant topic. However, there was one thing that caught him off guard.

Hunter's method of carrying out the interrogation.

If Azer was hearing correctly, then it would appear that Hunter had yet retained some of his decency. His methods of of interrogation were exponentially more civil than the way they were taught back in Military Training. Interesting... Ramsus indeed was lucky he didn't have someone else interrogating him, especially if he made this big a fuss about this "toned down" process. However, Azer wasn't going to let him know this, as the last thing he needed was more rambling from Ramsus. He could already hear it inside his head...

"WHAT?!?!? Yer sayin' he tookit easeh on me? He coulda... aghhhh!"

Azer shuddered at the thought.

"That's horrible, Ramsus. Really, I sympathize. Now shut up and go to sleep."

"Wha? Z'that any way 't treat summin' just been vi'lated?"

"GO TO SLEEP, Ramsus."

"Foin, foin... stupid Dragon'uns..."

As Ramsus nodded off into the land of dreams, Azer was having thoughts of his own.

"If Hunter is indeed kinder than he seems... perhaps there is hope for him... I must speak to him. Perhaps during the walk onto Terra Fester. This is all too much, though; I need to sleep." And at that, Azer joined his friend Ramsus in the world of bliss that is sleep.


The pair were awoken by the grating of the cell gate against the ground as it was being opened. Azer, in anticipation of recruiting Hunter for his purposes, and also regaining an old friend, woke earnestly and ready to work. Ramsus, on the other hand...

"Ugh... nah, nah... 5 minu-... I need me sleep! Agh..."

"Wake up, captive! We've reached Terra Fester!"

Azer did not think that they had already reached Terra Fester. They couldn't have slept that long, could they? "What? Terra Fester? No... we just fell asleep."

One of the guards turned to Azer, "You bet your ass you slept, Azerbarth. For a good two days, at that. Come on, we have to take you to court."

Ramsus had finally woken, but he was still in a state of dreary stupor, so he wasn't putting up the fight that he usually did.

"Eh... we... going to Fesseh?"

No one replied to him. A short while after being led out of the cell, Azer noticed that Hunter was with the group. "Where's Hunter?"

The same guard replied to him, "He's in his quarters. Says he won't be damned to set foot on Terra Fester, 'specially after what they said just happened there."

Another guard overheard and smacked him upside the head. "Idiot! We're not supposed to say anything about that!"

This left Azerbarth intrigued, but also slightly saddened. Azer was not going to get his chance to change Hunter today. He would just have to see what had happened there that had scared Hunter out of setting foot on the island. Azer noted a number of rooms along the frigate where he and the other cadets had had some good times and also saw where he made the wrong turn a few days earlier, and silently cursed to himself at his stupidity. It was a long walk, and 10 minutes after they had begun the trek from their cell, Azer, Ramsus, and the guards had made it to the deck, where a ramp leading to the frigate dock was already set up.

By this point, Ramsus had already woken enough to become somewhat cognizant, and thought to take a whiff of fresh air; something that wasn't readily available in the ship. Baaaad mistake. The air on and around Fester was much, much worse than in the tank room, and Ramsus instantly found himself gagging and vomiting over the side of the ship.


One of the guards gave Ramsus a smack, just for kicks, and they continued leading Azer and him to the ramp, where they began the slow walk towards sweet, sweet ground. Or, in this case, festering grounds.


[OOC] Hooray, we're on Terra Fester! [/OOC]

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Re: Gone in 60!

Unread postby Kai » Wed Mar 30, 2005 1:27 am

Quinn sat on her bed for a moment, wondering what to do. He’s a nice boy, but I’ve never met anyone quite this oblivious. He can’t possibly not get it. Can he?

She sighed, shaking her head. “Azuka, Azuka….” She stood up. “You’re a very nice guy, and I hate to be too forward about this, but we’re stuck in a box and you have been missing my hints for a while now. It’s nice for you to be so concerned about me, but I assure you I feel perfectly fine. I’m sure we could both be feeling a lot better, though.” She paused, allowing him to attempt to absorb this.

Well, here we go. This is a question I don’t often have reason to ask.

“I’m going to ask you something, and there are several ways for you to answer.” She tilted her head and considered the ceiling with one finger on her chin. “However, there’s always a chance I won’t wait for you to answer, but I’ll try. Self-restraint gets harder and harder every day one goes without, you know.”
I’m getting frustrated with this. Why can't he just... ah damn it.

She bent to look him very attentively in the face. She studied him for a moment.

“Do you like sex, Azuka? Sex. Coitus. Do you like it?”

(OOC: *snickers* I’m sorry. I had to. Quinn made me.)

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Re: Gone in 60!

Unread postby Molokidan » Wed Mar 30, 2005 2:04 am

"" Azuka nearly paled as he said the line, blinking at Quinn. "Do I like sex?"

His eyes rose to his ceiling, and he began to play with his hair, as if he was deep in thought or making an important decision. After a moment, he lowered his eyes.

"Yes, I do I like it, I guess. What's your point?"

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Re: Gone in 60!

Unread postby Kai » Wed Mar 30, 2005 11:27 am

Well, then.
“My point, Azuka?” Quinn ran a hand over her hair. “I don’t like to go for very long without having certain… needs met. You’re a man, you can probably understand that.”
Or at least I certainly hope he would!
She put an arm around his neck and sat down on his lap. “My point is something that conceptually--” She put her other arm around his waist... “--I believe you are getting closer--” and slipped it into the back waistband of his pants. “--and closer to.” She smiled and looked at him out of the corner of her eye, raising one eyebrow. “Am I correct?”

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Re: Gone in 60!

Unread postby Molokidan » Wed Mar 30, 2005 7:57 pm

"Wait a second..." Azuka whispered, blinking. She means to do 'that' to me...phew, good thing I figured it out so early on! I mean, if she had thought I was clueless to this whole thing, what kind of message would that have sent?

Azuka leaned down and stared into Quinn's eyes, trying to ascertain if she was really being truthful of her actions, and not simply doing them in jest. "You want to do that...with me? Why me?!" he said, honestly and completeley shocked out of his gourd.

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Re: Gone in 60!

Unread postby Kai » Wed Mar 30, 2005 10:41 pm

“What do you mean ‘why’? We’re both young attractive people with nothing else to do for an indefinite period of time. Besides, you said we were friends. How well can you possibly get to know someone if you never sleep together?” Quinn asked innocently.

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Re: Gone in 60!

Unread postby Molokidan » Thu Mar 31, 2005 12:02 am

Azuka blinked. "Oh, okay. Sorry, I didn't know!"

As if in penance, he immediately rushed over to the bed, and began removing his robes, revealing his blindingly pale skin beneath it.

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Re: Gone in 60!

Unread postby Kai » Thu Mar 31, 2005 12:55 am

Remembering how difficult those doctor's uniforms could be to remove, Quinn offered her assistance.

Fantastic! I can't believe how hard it was to communicate this to him, but he certainly seems to understand me now. I believe this will help pass the time until we think of a way out. In fact, I know it will. I'll make sure of it.

As Quinn helped with the complicated robes, she asked, "You don't have many... close friends... do you, Azuka? You don't strike me as the gregarious type."

A little healthy socialization will be good for you, I think.

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Re: Gone in 60!

Unread postby Molokidan » Thu Mar 31, 2005 1:18 am

"Friends?" Azuka asked. "Hmmm..."

Well, none of the villagers were especially friendly to me...and they all called me names behind my back, according to my sister...

"I guess the old hag was really my only true friend..." Azuka stopped undressing himself, lost in thought. "Yeah, although she was kind of mean to me at times when I didn't understand what I was talking about. My sister was my friend, too, I think. But most of the villagers didn't really like me for some reason."

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Re: Gone in 60!

Unread postby Kai » Thu Mar 31, 2005 1:26 am

"An old hag and your sister?"

He can't mean what I think he means. The sister thing I can deal with, and I suppose there is some appeal to women with experience... Meh. Makes no nevermind to me I guess.

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Re: Gone in 60!

Unread postby Molokidan » Thu Mar 31, 2005 7:14 pm

(OOC: I'm *trying* to keep this clean!)

Azuka finished stripping his undergarments, and turned to Quinn, apparently at a loss for what to do next.

"So, now what?"

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Re: Gone in 60!

Unread postby Kai » Thu Mar 31, 2005 10:46 pm

(OOC: I am as well. Believe it or not this is 'clean' Quinn.)

Quinn smiled.
What followed is best left unnarrated, but suffice it to say not even Azuka could have misunderstood it.

(OOC: We'll just leave the remainder of this to the imaginations of the other folk until the rest of the characters show up.)


Re: Gone in 60!

Unread postby kiduf » Thu Mar 31, 2005 11:24 pm

[OOC] IF we ever get to show up. >.< [/OOC]

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Egads! Finally!

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Mon Apr 04, 2005 1:02 am

Fortunately, as the guards led them deeper into the island, the smell eased up. Or they got used to it. Possibly both, it was dreadfully hard to tell. Either way, it was good for Ramsus, who had quite enough of it already.

Ramsus knew well enough by now that the guards really didn't like him much, and were merely tolerating his presence at this point. He kept his mouth shut, as he was quite tired of get smacked/hit/kicked for no apparent reason.

He looked about the land as they proceeded. It was...desolate. A flat expanse almost all the way to the horizon, with the only break in the monotony being a building at the end of the road -- still a small dot in the distance. Still, if there was nothing here, then where was the stench coming from?

Then, Ramsus looked in the ditch on the side of the road.

It seemed that someone used it not only as a means to deal with sewage, but also as a convenient place to dispose of corpses. Add in the ever-present heat of the sun, and it wasn't a very good combination.

After taking on a horrified expression, he looked around, trying to catch sight of Azerbarth, eventually spotting him just past two more guards. Perhaps he had a plan to deal with the situation. At the very least, he was likely more calm than Ramsus...


Re: Egads! Finally!

Unread postby kiduf » Tue Apr 05, 2005 6:18 pm


... and calm he was. Azerbarth had learned enough in his Dragonian schooling to know that once you had reached Terra Fester, you might as well not even bother trying anymore. There were TFG (Terra Festeran Guards) all over the island, very well concealed, and they were trained to take down any and all escapees. Most even had magical forces at their command, as the Guard was made up vastly of immigrant-Demonians.

Azer had noticed many of the same details as Ramsus had, but wasn't nearly as shocked by them. DRA training hardened one against the psychological threats of warfare and life in general. Upon closer inspection, though, Azer noticed that the land wasn't bare, per se, but rather that nearly all of the buildings on the prison ground had been blown apart by some unidentifiable force. Strange, very strange indeed.

As the caravan inched closer and closer to the building ahead, the immense heat on the island began to take its toll on Azer and Ramsus, and even the guards escorting them. All of them found their movements becoming sluggish and rather exaggerated. It appeared that the closer they got to it, the farther away they felt.

By the time the group had reached the large metal door of the building, all were nearly dead from heat exhaustion. Azer and Ramsus found relief in the fact that the building was air conditioned, and both immediately rushed for the chairs in the waiting room. No one paid much attention to the two of them in their mad dash for seating, for this was not a rare occurance in the court building. Once seated, Azer began to inspect the room they were situated in.

Despite his exhaustion blurring his vision, he managed to note the high ceiling of the room, and that it was a fairly well-made building, considering the location it was in. Fair lighting, and most of the walls appeared to be made of wood, though of what type, Azer couldn't tell. Their seats were nothing more than simple stools set against the wall to the left of the door that they entered through. Other than these obvious things, he could not make out any fine details on any of the walls. It was a rather plain room.

All of the guards that had led the two of them had been taken to another room for water and cold towels, as Azer had overheard. Lucky them. He was pondering as to what to make of the events of recent, and then noticed that Ramsus had not spoken for the longest time. Strange of him indeed. Azer turned to face his companion and found that he had passed out from the heat. He considered waking him up, but did not have the opportunity to, as a large club struck Azer in the back of the head, and he, too, was in the realm of the unconscious.


The pair awoke an unknown number of hours later in a dark cell. Azer became perceptive of the situation immediately, while Ramsus was back into his mumbling state, not lucid at all.

It was a fairly simple process, figuring out what happened. Azerbarth knew that they were on Terra Fester, an island with possibly the most corrupt judicial system in all of Ecestrim, so if they had already had their trial (as Azer suspected they did, considering their current location), then they had undoubtably lost. From there, they were taken to a dark cell in the depths of wherever, and left to wake themselves up. As Azer and Ramsus had already done, moreso in the case of Azerbarth.

"Of course. How would it go any differently?"

Deciding to let Ramsus have his sleep, Azer got onto all fours, so as to keep himself concealed, and explored the cell. For the most part, it was comparable to the cell on the Dragonian frigate, with one exception being the utter lack of lighting in their new habitat. He glimpsed towards the bars of the cell and noticed two forms shuffling about in the cell across from them. It was either that, or one large form; it was quite hard to tell.


[OOC] Okay, I'm sure that this was a bad post. >.< I'm not too sure about it now, but I think it's because it's repetitive. [/OOC]

Edited by: [url=>kiduf</A] at: 4/5/05 18:19

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Re: Egads! Finally!

Unread postby Kai » Tue Apr 05, 2005 8:09 pm

Quinn, noting movement from the new prisoners, covered herself and Azuka with her wings to give them some privacy.


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