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I'll convenience *your* ass. *shakes fist*

Unread postby NebulaQueen » Sat Feb 26, 2005 1:53 pm

Meanwhile, Pamela leaped down, (hopefully) out of the Boomer's line of sight. If Ryu missed, they'd need to take it down the old fashioned way.

Edited by: [url=http://p068.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=nebulaqueen>NebulaQueen</A] at: 2/26/05 16:23

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I've got your ass right here, assholder. *Shakes fist*

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Sat Feb 26, 2005 5:16 pm

Sam also moved into a position beneficial for attacking the Boomer, opposite of the position Pam was taking, so both sides could be attacked at once, rather than allowing the boomer to know both were coming at the same time.

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We'll see just who's ass gets held!

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Sun Feb 27, 2005 6:45 pm

The weapon fired, the recoil pushing Ryumi back, her anchoring claws tearing a short gash in the concrete. A nearby window shattered, as the rather large shell passed the speed of sound, and a clean hole appearing through the boomer.

Unfortunately, it seemed that part of the rogue process had shifted the location of the core. It would take a few moments for their sensors to pinpoint exactly where it had moved to. In the mean time, the hole had already started regenerating and patching itself, a side effect of the rogue process.

It seemed that the shot, while powerful, ended up having little effect other than getting the monster's attention. It turned away from the crowds, and charged Ryumi, ripping her out of her rooted position and against a wall.

Luckily for Renetta, someone had left some money in the machine. A few minutes after recieving an ice cold Amp energy drink, she managed to hit the proper combination of buttons. The machine slid back on it's rails into an alcove in the wall, and a platform came up in it's place. There was a railing surrounding most of it, with a control panel housing ten identical buttons mounted on said rail.

Edited by: [url=http://p068.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=flamingdeth>FlamingDeth</A] at: 2/27/05 18:55

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Re: We'll see just who's ass gets held!

Unread postby Jak Snide » Sun Feb 27, 2005 8:00 pm

Success and a freebie. Alright.

She opened the can and took a sip of the not quite tasty beverage as walked onto the platform. Suddenly things were looking alot more upmarket. Not that she'd even encountered a secret base before, but she had a rough idea of what was classy.

She hit one of the buttons at random as she casually inspected the colour of her soda, trusting luck to guide her to something juicy.

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Unread postby NebulaQueen » Sun Feb 27, 2005 8:25 pm

Noticing her comrade in peril, Pamela rushed towards the mad Boomer while charging the fists on her hardsuit. As soon as they were ready, she leapt forward and attempted to deliver a powerful punch to a weak spot in this monstrosity.

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Re: We'll see just who's ass gets held!

Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Sun Feb 27, 2005 9:28 pm

Bullseye...was Ryumi's initial thought as the shell hit home and punched a massive hole in the Boomer, and where its core WOULD be. Well, WOULD be, if it weren't for how the mutation shifted the core's location.

Of course, in logical progression first came Goddamnit!, as the realization hit, and then Oh SHIT! as the Boomer did, sending her into the wall.

If she wasn't armored, that impact would've ended her life then or there. Hell, she probably would've been dead if she were wearing one of those all-too-bulky K-Suits that are used by police forces for Boomer control. Fortunately, hardsuits were meant to take that. Retracting her claws and letting the nonfiring end of the rifle swing forward now, she pulled herself out and onto the floor, now prepared to smack the boomer with that thing, if only to distract it.

Edited by: [url=http://p068.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=namagomimk0>NamagomiMk0</A] at: 2/27/05 21:40

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Re: We'll see just who's ass gets held!

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Mon Feb 28, 2005 2:06 am

As her comrads charged the boomer, Samantha triggered the release of the blades in her suits wrist, preparing to follow suit, until one thing crossed her mind-

Before charging, she quickly took a scan around to make sure that every civilian was well clear of the area, while letting the others know what (In her oppinion) the top priority should be- "Make sure all the civilians make it away! We don't want people caught in the fight!"

Edited by: Shinigori V2&nbsp; Image at: 2/28/05 2:09

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Cinematizing the fight for the convenience of all!

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Mon Feb 28, 2005 4:56 am

Given that none of the buttons were labeled in any way, Renetta ended up pressing a button somewhere in the middle. As could be expected, the platform descended into a dimly lit tunnel, and the vending machine slid back overtop of it. After a few meters, the platform began to descend diagnally down into the darkness...

Before too much longer, the platform stopped in what Renetta would guess to be the middle (given that she pressed a button in the middle). A door slid up behind her, and she stepped off into a junction of metal corridors. Forward, left, right, or back onto the platform...a difficult descision to be sure. She was able to see doors to each side, and an unlit atrium of sorts directly down the hall. Regardless of which direction she decided to take, she was able to tell quite quickly that building this place couldn't have been cheap.

Coming down fist first on the boomer, Pamela delivered a massive blow to the thing's shoulder. Her feet soon followed, kicking her off of it, and allowing her to gracefully backflip out of it's immediate arm's length. While her blow didn't look to be to a vital area, it did trigger some of the servos in the arm of the abomination, forcing it to drop her comrade.

Taking advantage of this, Ryumi swung her arm in a wide arc, knocking away one of the boomer's feet out from under it, and then rolling out of the way. It would be off balance for a moment -- if only they knew the location of the core, they could take advantage of it. Just one more moment...

Samantha, as she feared noticed that several of the civilians seemed fixated in place. They could be scared witless, staring in horror, or enjoying the once-in-a-lifetime situation to see the Knight Sabers in action. Who knows. What was significant was that no one that was still there was running.

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Re: Cinematizing the fight for the convenience of all!

Unread postby Jak Snide » Mon Feb 28, 2005 2:39 pm

Once again, Renetta's mind reeled with the possibilities of what this place could be. It could be a military installation, but security was surely too lax for that. Must be privately owned, then. But that left a whole load of possibilities.

And to narrow those down, she'd need to explore some more.

She carefully placed the can down at her side and begun to sneak forward toward the unlit room.

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Re: Cinematizing the fight for the convenience of all!

Unread postby NebulaQueen » Mon Feb 28, 2005 6:29 pm

Realising that she could do nothing to the Boomer until they picked up the location to the core, Pam leapt further back and looked for a clear exit.

Once she spots one, she'll be gesturing towards it while shouting to the crowd. "Everybody, get out of here!"

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Re: Cinematizing the fight for the convenience of all!

Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Mon Feb 28, 2005 9:50 pm

Meanwhile, while the boomer was off-balance, even for a bit, Ryumi decided then would be a good time to reload. Ejecting a shell from the ammo compartment on her left hand, and loading it into her rifle, she prepared for when the core of the boomer would be located...

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Re: Cinematizing the fight for the convenience of all!

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Tue Mar 01, 2005 2:02 am

Samantha took a similar route to the one her teammate was using, directing them twards the nearest exit- That is, the nearest that wouldn't put them anywhere close to the Boomer. "Everyone, get out of here! We'll take care of this!"

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Unread postby FlamingDeth » Tue Mar 01, 2005 10:32 pm

There were a few constants in life. One was that if left alone, Ryumi could reload her weapon relatively quickly. Another was that humanity was stupid. So very, very stupid. Samantha and Pamela found this out, as every single one of the civilians still remaining where they were.

Another constant was that a mad boomer never remained stationary. This fact was made excrutiatingly clear to Pamela, who found herself on the recieving end of it's giant, mutated vacuum cleaner. It would have been quite comical in appearance in any other situation. Being the one under attack drained all the humor out of the situation, though. Pam was able to avoid several of it's clumsy, sweeping attacks...however clumsy it was, though, it was surprisingly fast, and so on one last sweep she was able to do naught but brace herself, as she skidded across the room.


As Renetta walked into the room, she determined that the lights had to be controlled by a motion sensor. Not a hard deduction, really, since as sooon as she had entered, the room lit up. As it lit up, her eyes were greeted by the sight of immense volumes of computing equipment. She spent some time walking around the room...it was easily as large as the garage above it.

She stopped, though, as one particular set of consoles caught her eye. Several of the monitors appeared to be showing something from the vantage point of the security cameras that she had seen in the local mall, where some mechanical things were fighting some other mechanical thing. Nearby, a monitor seemed to show the schematics for one of the mechanical things, with the words "CORE LOCATED" at the bottom. Overtop, however, in large flashing letters, were the words "Communications Error: User Intervention Required".

On the other monitors, it seemed that the thing that had it's schematics displayed was busy knocking one of the more colourful things through a jewelry display.

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Re: Redux.

Unread postby Jak Snide » Tue Mar 01, 2005 10:59 pm

Renetta had no idea what those colourful ones were. She quickly figured out what the other thing was. It sent a shiver down her spine and, for once, she allowed herself to show it outwardly. She'd thought these things were only a rumor; lies told by a disgruntled and unemployed working class. But there it was. A rogue boomer; a biomachine of superhuman strength gone mad. And those images certainly didn't look like fabrications to her.

Her mind raced as she took in the situation. Rogue boomer is bad, therefore things fighting it are good. Bad seems to be pasting good, quite possibly because of this "communications error."

Any hesitation she may have had was eliminated by the fear she was feeling. She began looking for an microphone, keyboard, transmitter, or anything that would allow her to fix the problem. She wasn't a computer expert, but only a fool didn't know their way around a system in this day and age. And she intended to do what she could to aid those she'd singled out as the good guys. She'd think about the consequences of making her presence known later.

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Sorta discussed with FD. MORE ACTIONS TO COME!

Unread postby NebulaQueen » Wed Mar 02, 2005 12:44 am

A lot of things passed through Pamela's mind as she practically went sailing through the air. Mostly they were words that would make her mother blush (before promptly smacking her daughter up the head) if she heard, as well as unspeakable things she would do to the Boomer.

However, one can't let one's mind be clouded by anger, especially in a situation like this. As a result, as Pam got up, she also got her bearings straight, before implementing a new plan.

She quickly leapt out of the Boomer's line of sight, hoping that it's acts of carnage would distract it too much to notice her. As soon as she landed, she raised her fists, and began charging up one of her suit's most useful attributes; her shocking "gloves", specifically designed to to help disable Boomer machinery.

However, time wasn't on their side, so once again, Pamela was off. She charged at the Boomer once more, and, now properly equipped so to speak, attempted to grapple and electrocute the arm currently wielding the vacuum.

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Re: Sorta discussed with FD. MORE ACTIONS TO COME!

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Wed Mar 02, 2005 6:39 pm

While Pamela was distracting the boomer, Sam came up with a different plan. The people weren't moving. She could live with it. It just meant she'd have to be more careful.

And do something about the boomer's ability to get to them.

As Pamela moved in from one direction, Sam steeled herself while moving behind it, preparing her katar blades. Here goes nothing...

She charged the boomer, going low- And shoving her blade right into the back of it's knee, attempting to lop the lower part of it's leg off in one blow, hoping to at least slow it down and hinder it's movement for a bit.

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Re: Sorta discussed with FD. MORE ACTIONS TO COME!

Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Wed Mar 02, 2005 9:42 pm

Where is the core...WHERE IS THE CORE?! was the first thought that went through Ryumi's mind as she reloaded her gun. Still in her "mobile" mode, the rifle was still nonfiring end first as she kept on the defensive for the moment, waiting for the time to get the core info in order to kill this boomer ASAP.

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Sorta awesome, you mean!

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Thu Mar 03, 2005 10:24 pm

The boomer didn't slow down quite as much as Pamela and Samantha had hoped. In fact, shortly after grabbing the thing, Pamela had to leap away to avoid getting bludgeoned with a vacuum, barely delivering any of the high-voltage she had prepared. Samantha, on the other hand, found that it's knee healed almost as soon as she attacked it, as if it's rate of regeneration had increased.

It didn't take long for Renetta to figure out the system. It seemed to be quite use friendly, for a top secret supercomputer. Hesitant for a moment, she pressed what she had determined to be the correct sequence of keys, and spoke into the transmitter...

"Uh, hey there. Just so you know, core is in the middle of the thing's lower back..."

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Re: Sorta awesome, you mean!

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Thu Mar 03, 2005 10:40 pm

Samantha slowed for a minute, confused. ...Who the hell is that?...Oh, forget it. Later! Taking the chance, she moved into position, and attempted her attack once again, this time on the thing's lower back- rather than on it's knee. "I've got it!" She hoped to have her Katar through the core, chopping it clean. She figured Ryumi would still be a moment or two getting ready- A moment or two they didn't have.

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Shocking First Bu---wait. That's not my first bullet.

Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Thu Mar 03, 2005 10:53 pm

With a general idea of where the core is from Renetta's surprise report, Ryumi, well, tried to waste no time in acting, though she was taken aback by the new voice...

Odd...Gomez must have installed a voice to the computer to change things up or somesuch... was her thought for the time. Nonetheless, she again tried for a killing shot, this time attempting to leap up on the Boomer's back, anchor, and point-blank the core with the rifle...

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Re: Sorta awesome, you mean!

Unread postby NebulaQueen » Fri Mar 04, 2005 5:22 pm

Who the hell is that?

However, she couldn't concentrate on that fact for long; they had to take out the Boomer first. Seeing that her two comrades were literally on it already, she dashed ahead of the machine, ready to play interference and stop it should it escape from their grasp alive.

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Re: Sorta awesome, you mean!

Unread postby Jak Snide » Fri Mar 04, 2005 6:52 pm

Her message sent, Renetta stepped back from the transmitter and watched the camera feeds. She knew what she'd just done would probably land her in a world of trouble, but she knew that she couldn't have done otherwise.

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This is not a subject line.

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Fri Mar 04, 2005 9:46 pm

While Pamela cut the boomer off to keep it from going any closer to the civilians. Samantha took the opportunity to dash towards it, intent on a fierce stabbing. And it would have worked, too, but she had to swerve out of the way as someone in a hardsuit happened to rudely leap over her.

Ryumi's anchors cut into the boomer, securing her in place. A loud bang. Had the anchors not been there, she would have likely been thrown into a wall, but as it stood, Ryumi merely skidded to a stop several meters away, as the monstosity crumpled to the ground, motionless.

In the mean time, Renetta found that what appeared to be a security camera had focused directly on her. It seemed she had missed it before...

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Re: This is not a subject line.

Unread postby Jak Snide » Fri Mar 04, 2005 9:52 pm

Any satisfaction she had at seeing the mad machine go down was quickly snuffed out as she realised she'd been detected.

Oh well, game's up.

Suspecting she would be apprehended any minute now, Renetta did what she thought was best. She gave casual wave to the camera, pulled out a cigarette and lit it, and then began to make her way back to the elevator. She didn't expect to get far, but it was worth a shot, right?

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Re: This is not a subject line.

Unread postby NebulaQueen » Sat Mar 05, 2005 12:14 am

"Check the core, and make sure it's completely destroyed," she said to her more nearby companions. If they payed attention, they might note a hint of annoyance in her voice.

Ryumi's gotta be more careful... she thought to herself, as she moved closer.

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Ryumi:1, Boomer:0

Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Tue Mar 08, 2005 4:45 pm

The hardsuited figure looked at the boomer that didn't look like it was getting back up...or seal that hole in it. She then turned to her comrades

"Let's get out of here before our energy runs out. I don't want to get stuck here."

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Re: Ryumi:1, Boomer:0

Unread postby NebulaQueen » Tue Mar 08, 2005 5:51 pm

"Not until we make sure that the core's completely destroyed," replied Pam, still holding her ground. Now that she was closer, she decided to investigate the boomer herself , to make sure that it was completely gone.

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Re: Ryumi:1, Boomer:0

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Wed Mar 09, 2005 2:07 am

Samantha sighed, somewhat irritatedly. She might give Ryumi a piece of her mind later, but for now, Pam was right. She made to rip the remains of the core out of the boomer's body, then if needbe, crush it under her foot. "You're both right. We need to leave before we run out of battery power, but we need to be sure about the core."

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This is also not a subject line.

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Thu Mar 10, 2005 2:46 am

Surely enough, those looking at the hole in the boomer found that there were some very, very minor remains of the core at the bottom of a two foot deep hole in the concrete floor. While Ryumi's weapon lacked subtlety, it certainly didn't lack power.

Renetta found quickly enough that her suspicions were correct. After she had left the room, a large baricade thudded into place behind her, sealing off the room. When she got to the elevator shaft, she found that the platform wasn't there anymore. Whether it went up or down was anyone's guess, but there were no apparent means of bringing it back in the immediate area that she noticed. It looked like she was stranded on this floor until whoever was in charge saw fit to come up and get her.

Incidentally, the Knight Sabers' radios crackled to life with the voice of their sponsor. "If you ladies are quite finished there, we have a minor problem back here."

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Unread postby Jak Snide » Thu Mar 10, 2005 11:38 am

Crap. Well, guess I should look around while I can.

There wasn't anything else she could do, besides press any "call elevator" button that she could find, fully expecting it to do no good. Regardless of the result she headed off towards one of those doors she'd been presented with a few minutes ago. With any luck they'd be unlocked.

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Re: Paradox!

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Thu Mar 10, 2005 5:33 pm

Sam looked to the other two and nodded. "Right. It's finished. Let's get going." Then, the message came through- "A problem..? What's up?" She began to move while talking. After all, battery power running out on you in the middle of a Boomer Attack scene would be bad. Very bad.

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Re: Paradox!

Unread postby NebulaQueen » Thu Mar 10, 2005 6:16 pm

Pamela began to move as well, while waiting for an answer to Sam's question.

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Re: Paradox!

Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Fri Mar 11, 2005 4:13 pm

Ryumi also moved to get out of the place, and return to HQ...current problems at base and making sure one has enough energy are the main concerns right now...

I just hope something like a mad boomer didn't get into the base, however doubtful it is
Annoyed, Ryumi quickly sped off to go to base.

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Don't stop, keep on doin' watcha doin'! Gotta keep movin'!

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Sat Mar 12, 2005 11:15 pm

"Not much 'is up'." Roldo replied. "It'd be easier just to show you."

Several minutes passed, with the Knight Sabers bouncing along the city's rooftops, making their way back to the shop. It was, for the most part, fairly routine and without incident, though there happened to be a kid on one of the roofs that mentioned wanting an action figure of Samantha. When they hit the landing pad, the ladies found Roldo waiting for them.

Giving them just enough time to remove their helmets, Roldo led them to a bank of monitors, on the opposite side of the room from the control center he was at before, and motioned to one in the corner. "See that?" he said, pointing to what appeared to be the woman that he was talking to before, leaning against a wall and smoking a cigarette. He pressed a few unidentified buttons. "She's contained, for now, but she's bound to have a few questions when finds her way down here."

Renetta had found, for her own part, that the doors were locked. It was getting rather boring down there. However, the sudden reappearance of the elevator platform broke the monotony of the occasion.

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Re: Don't stop, keep on doin' watcha doin'! Gotta keep movin

Unread postby Jak Snide » Sat Mar 12, 2005 11:23 pm

Ah, salvation from monotony at last.

She stepped into the elevator once again and contemplated her options. She could try and press the button that'd take her to the exit, hopefully allowing her to amscray before getting caught. On the other hand she could try and find the people who she'd seen earlier, rather than avoid them. It'd certainly sate her curiosity and, seeing how these people seemed to be vigilantes of sorts they probably wouldn't kill her. Hey, she might even get the job she was being interviewed for.

In the end, though, she did exactly what she did earlier; hit a random button and hope for the best.

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Second prelude to "When Asians Attack"...

Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Sun Mar 13, 2005 4:39 am

When Ryumi was directed to this picture, Pam's prediction way back then was all-too true. The feeling of apocalypse to come suddenly became strong...very strong. Not such a feeling had occurred since that week after Ryumi joined the Knight Sabers, when she almost got fired over attacking that pimple-covered customer with thick-rimmed glasses who hit on her at Burger Emperor. Oh, how it felt so good to punch that nerd...

There's someone. In our headquarters. IN OUR HEADQUARTERS! HOW DID SHE GET IN?! was the first thought that went through her head...as the dialogue to follow reflected.

"WHAAAAT?! How did she get in?! How could she get past the security?! How much does she know?! How much will she tell the police? Let me at her!" with a good number of very colourful expletives thrown in was the response, as she went nuts over this info of a newcomer.

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Re: Second prelude to "When Asians Attack"...

Unread postby Deeum » Sun Mar 13, 2005 5:01 am

On the way back, Sam had been fairly quiet. When they got back, and she removed her helmet, the others would see she had a goofy grin plastered on her face- likely because of the kid's comment. When she was Renetta on the monitors, she went back into 'serious' mode once again. "This is...A problem. But I'd say we can probably get her to keep quiet..."

When Ryumi started, Sam gave her a harsh look. "No, no violence. One or two of us should talk to her, so we don't fluster her. I'd say Roldo and I should go and see how much she really knows, if anything. That is unless someone has a better idea-" She looked at Ryumi again- "One that doesn't involve knocking every tooth in her mouth loose."

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Re: Don't stop, keep on doin' watcha doin'! Gotta keep movin

Unread postby NebulaQueen » Sun Mar 13, 2005 12:59 pm

"Wait a minute," she said, after Ryumi and Samantha said their piece. "When we were fighting that last Boomer, we had a hard time finding its core. Then bam, some mystery voice tells us where it is.

I'm guessing that's our girl. Whoever she is, she must've known enough about this sort of stuff to work the systems."

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Yo, put the needle on the record, here we go again!

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Sun Mar 13, 2005 1:59 pm

Almost immediately after stepping on the platform, the elevator started moving down. It seemed fairly obvious to Renetta that it wasn't her hand that was guiding it at this point.

"Well, then, we can thank her when she arrives." said Roldo, checking his watch. "Which shouldn't be too much longer."

As if on cue, a few seconds later, the elevator doors slid open. Renetta was treated to the sight of three women in the most advanced armour she had ever seen, in addition to the old man who had been interviewing her for a job.

"I suppose..." began said old man. "...that it was too much to ask for you to stay put."

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Re: Yo, put the needle on the record, here we go again!

Unread postby Jak Snide » Sun Mar 13, 2005 4:41 pm

"Well, you'd hardly made the effort to keep people out," she answered matter of factly. "It was practically an invitation to explore."

Her eyes immediately drifted to those three peculiar suits of armor. Those were definitely the same suits she'd seen on the monitor a few minutes ago, and those three ladies were almost certainly the ones who'd all wandered into the back room with the old man. She certainly wouldn't expect a garage to act as a front for some high tech, secret, anti-boomer vigilante group. Maybe they were all counting on that to keep prying eyes away from this little base of theirs.


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