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Re: The Four

Unread postby wkz » Fri Dec 31, 2004 12:53 am

"Removing us?" Theodarus said, inwardly still trying to calm himself. "What good will it do to remove a few nameless....... oh"

"Yes, I think Adarl DOES have a point: 'The best way to catch a rabbit is to lure it out with a carrot'. Of course the rabbit will be careful, and fast, but well" he looked at Zachary, "between me and you, that's 2 Zodiacs down. Wonder when will the rest fall..."

(OCC: And yes, I know Adarl's kill, but Theo did not...)

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Re: The Four

Unread postby Molokidan » Fri Dec 31, 2004 2:37 am

"Adarl has a point indeed." Kamome said, running Theodarus's words over in his head. "And you're right. . .they are luring a rabbit out with a carrot. However, instead of one rabbit, they attracted hundreds, and they're waiting for the rabbits to kill each other off until there's nothing left."

Kamome's eyes widened, and he stared at Theodarus. "Are you saying that the Committee has some other purpose for running this whole tournament?"

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The plot thickens, like cooking pastry =O

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Fri Dec 31, 2004 12:10 pm

"I suppose the question now is, who is the larger threat. The Committee, or the Zodiacs." Adarl states, taking another sip out of his glass.

The Great Nevareh

Zachary explains away!

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Sun Jan 02, 2005 1:11 am

"Unless they're in the process of working together, the Zodiacs. The Committee does not seem like something that would make moves without a true motive, yes, but also remember the sheer amount of power and resources we have seen in the running of this tournament. That Momo person has performed tricks that could outdo us all without much effort, if any of you saw the show at the very beginning. There is high technology and high magic at work everywhere in the workings of this set-up to the point that it would be kind of pointless for them to put forth this much effort if all they sought to do was have us kill eachother. They could have spared themselves the expense and the problem by just trapping us in the initial labyrinth that we couldn't get out of without their help. If the committee's goals are annihilation, they are very, very bad at it strategy-wise."

Zachary munches on a piece of chicken.

"So the problems we might have in worrying about the Committee itself is that the Committee is not necessarily bound by the inherent rules of the tournament and they most likely aren't going to get someone else coming down and telling them they've broken a rule. So, going after the Committee would be kind of fruitless so long as we are in their power. The Zodiacs, on the other hand, hold no power over us, so they would be the easier targets. This whole thing might be a sting operation to catch them, except for the fact that waaaaaay too many unwitting accomplices have died in the process of this entire tournament for the group running it to be legal or governmental in nature. Since they're either very poorly organized or very cruel in their methods, we can rule out extermination of us all by virtue of either ineptitude or meritocracy. If they wanted us dead, they're either too disorganized or poorly managed to pull it off. However, I think it would make more sense for them to want the best of us alive so they could proposition us to be allies, or try to subvert us to be tools. That would make more sense, if they have any ulterior motives in running this tourney, than that they want us all dead."

He eats some more chicken.

"The Committee also has access to resources that the Zodiacs are temporarily going without- distance, explosives, time, secrecy, home turf, weapons variety, a whole lot of advantages that the Zodiacs just don't have so long as they're here. I'm unfamiliar with their assassination tactics, but I am assuming that they don't always bust inside wide open and then overpower their foes, especially since they themselves have been overpowered by single entities while here in mostly fair combat. They must usually have intricate plans and intelligence information before going in and doing something, and they must also have access to equipment and the like- Bruce may have been strong, but against a fireproof armored suit he'd be useless and he'd get killed by a reasonably strong concusson or explosion. The way they're successful is that they not only knew the rules of engagement, they also knew exactly how to avoid these rules and thus do their thing without any harm coming to themselves. Here, they might know the rules of engagement, but they can't retreat and re-arm and they don't know how to avoid a fair fight in this setting. Trying to do what they're doing is foolish since they can't use assassination tactics. Though that's only if they don't usually use brute force to accomplish their goals. If they DO use brute force to accomplish their goals, then there's something going on here that's dampening their powers or their resistances. That's the way I can explain why essentially random fighters from around the world are succeeding one on one where highly trained governmental agents en masse have not. Why this would be the case I won't know unless I can somehow gain insight into the workings of the Committee and their goals."

More chicken is eaten!
Zachary gains status effect: Delicious!

"In theory, really, the greater threat is, was, and always will be the Committee, but in terms of scale it's just smarter to go after the known enemies before we determine that we HAVE to fight the Committee. The Committee is a threat, yes, and a very large one at that, but it has yet to show itself as hostile. And who knows? Maybe they're looking for new hirees as an ulterior motive. If they wanted to kill us, really, they've had the chance so often that it doesn't make sense that we're still alive."

Zachary begins to munch on the bones. Sweet, sweet marrow!

"My biggest worry, really, is whatever it was that killed all those army soldiers back in the first preliminary. Whoever that is either doesn't have their powers damped down like the Zodiacs might or they're so powerful that even with dampened powers they're still of godlike strength and skill. That person is probably the most powerful being here, by far, and I'm almost positive that he/she/it has nothing to do with neither the Committee nor the Zodiacs just because it doesn't fit any of the patterns I've seen coming from those two groups. Maybe that third entity is the overall greatest threat to everyone, and I certainly don't want to fight it in the ring."

Zachary, finally having finished his meticulous process of eating the chicken, gulps down some orange juice with citrusy finality.

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Nice Speech!

Unread postby Molokidan » Sun Jan 02, 2005 7:14 am

Kamome nodded as Zachary spoke, listening to every word and processing it in his head.

"You know. . ." Kamome said, beginning to speak a bit after Zachary had finished talking. "Funny you mention the massacre of the first round. . .because I saw who did it." he said, his voice low and serious. "It wasn't anyone I could recognize, and I only saw his back as he was leaving. He was wearing a long black coat, and he had long black hair to match it. That was all I saw of him, though. . .he didn't seem to be holding any weapons on him. I'm almost positive that whatever he used to kill them was something magical, and not like physical strength at all. I wish I could have caught him, but at the time I was being pursued by a different Zodiac."

Kamome turned back to Zachary. "What you said makes a lot of sense. If the Committee really did want everyone dead, they could do it easily, since we're inside their own tower. They do have an alterior motive, I believe, but killing everyone is definitely not it. Likewise, I've seen some strange patterns of the Zodiacs myself -- call it 'internal disorder', if you will. This, in a sense, puts us solo fighters at a temporary advantage." He rubbed his chin for maybe the fiftieth time this night. "But have any of you ever seen that dark man I'm talking about?"

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Re: Nice Speech!

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Mon Jan 03, 2005 9:16 pm

"I cannot say that I have, unfortunately." Adarl tells him, "But if I might add to what you said, about the Zodiacs being disorganized. There are still some loyalties between them, such as you observed with the spouses. I too have seen evidence of such as well, so we must still be very cautious."

The half drow holds his cup between his hands, looking down at the little milk remaining at the bottom. He thinks about all that has been said thus far, pondering his options.

He still holds little trust for his current company, Saffron and Jemyle's earlier actions still fresh in his mind. Kamome seemed trusting, but the half-drow couldn't help but wonder if there was something he was not telling them. He knew little of Theodarus and Zachary, save their abilities in combat. For all he knew, either of them could be some power hungry madman.

On the other hand, there were few other people who knew of the Zodiacs, or alive even after encountering them. If he hoped to survive them, or get to the bottom of what was going on, he would need help, trusting or not.

"It seems it would also be in our best interests to work together, for now at least." Adarl comments.

Edited by: FF Fanatic 80  Image at: 1/4/05 11:57

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Re: Nice Speech!

Unread postby Molokidan » Tue Jan 04, 2005 7:18 pm

"I think that's a very good idea." Kamome said, nodding at Adarl. "The only problem is. . .we need to figure out some way to prove that each of us are trustworthy. No offense, but I'm sure all three of you have learned that this place is not the best place to look for a true blue companion. This is just an idea, though, since I really don't have any idea how we would go about proving it. . ." he looked to Zachary and Theodarus. ". . .any thoughts?"


Re: Nice Speech!

Unread postby wkz » Tue Jan 04, 2005 11:09 pm

"Well...." Theodarus spoke up, "Remember that contract I wanted to pass to you earlier? The one based on friendship and goodwill?"

He paused for a moment to allow both Zachary and Adarl to remember, then continued, "I must confess, that Binding Contract is a bit like my other abilities, in that once anybody has his name on it, he must follow the terms of the contract."

"It has its disadvantages, like not being able to break the contract during its effective time of three months, not even me myself, and the fact you can only sign it willingly and knowingly... "

"But then again, that depends on your point of view. I don't use this often because of the ease a target" he purposefully avoided looking at Adral and Zachary, " a target can avoid the trap, but in this case, it would be the perfect way to ensure 'loyalty', even if that loyalty is a forced one. Friendship can always come later..."

"Well? How about it?" he took out a parchment and a pen, ready to start writing the contract, "Should I make one such agreement right here and now?"

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Re: Nice Speech!

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Wed Jan 05, 2005 12:46 pm

"Forgive my bluntness, but how can we know what you say is true?" Adarl comments to the man, "For all we know, you are lying, and will not be effected by your own contract."

The half-drow thinks for a moment, then looks at the contract maker again.

"To give an example, suppose I told you if I swing my blade at your neck, I can make it pass through without harm at will. Would you believe me?"

The Great Nevareh

Re: Nice Speech!

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Thu Jan 06, 2005 7:41 pm

"Working together sounds wonderful and all, but the main problem with that assessment is how. If the tournament fights from now on are one-on-one, we can't gang up against our opponents, and Theodorus' contract thingies work a bit too well in his own favor unless there's a clause in the contract about it being breakable by any one person at any time, in which case the entire point of the contract would be moot. So, the only thing we could REALLY do is share information with one another freely, if not about ourselves then about our potential opponents. There is only one of us that has admitted to a known history with the Zodiacs, and so, Kamome, if you really want to be of assistance to any of us, whatever information you can share would be invaluable. That, and I woould like to know the circumstances under which you discovered what you did about the Zodiacs, Adarl, as well as some elaboration as to what it is you know. Pardon me for not seeming trusting, but you are the most recitent of us four at the moment."

Zachary continues to sip at his O.J.

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Re: Nice Speech!

Unread postby Molokidan » Thu Jan 06, 2005 8:26 pm

Kamome nodded. "Fair enough. I'll let Adarl go first, because I'm kind of interested myself to know what's happened to you so far."


Re: Nice Speech!

Unread postby wkz » Thu Jan 06, 2005 9:45 pm

"Ah well... I see what you mean..." Theodarus said as he put away the paper, and took a meal packet out of the fridge. "I guess it can't be helped..." He proceeded to put and open the packet on his knees, while listening to what Adarl has to say...

Edited by: [url=>wkz</A] at: 1/6/05 21:46

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Re: Nice Speech!

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Sun Jan 09, 2005 6:58 pm

(OOC: *thud* x.x; Sorry folks)

Adarl pondered a moment, considering his words carefully before he spoke.

"As I said prior, I have come across four members of their order thus far. One of them, a woman, I believe Kamome knows better than I. One is dead at my hands, a man-made monster that drew power from spilled blood.

Then there are the other two. One is a man named Winslow, a wielder of two scythe like weapons he can throw from great distance. He seemed somewhat subordinate to the other Zodiac I encountered, though he seemed reluctant. And finally there's..."

The half-drow seemed hesitant a moment, then continued.

"There's Saffron, who wields a bastard sword just as I do. He seems to have his own plans for the prize of this tournament, plans which differ from his master's. Other than that... I know about as much as the rest of you."

...of course, Adarl left out some information, for obvious reasons. Their evening together, feelings they had for one another, the swordsman's offer to join them, and his refusal to do so. The last thing he wanted to do was give them reason to distrust, or ask questions he did not wish to answer.

The half-drow turns to Theodarus once he finishes, gesturing toward him with a free hand.

"And what of you? What do you know of them?"


Another speech...

Unread postby wkz » Sun Jan 09, 2005 11:41 pm

"I ..... I've only met three of them. One is the old man I described yesterday, the one with the Rabbit tatoo... oh, you were not there...."

(Mr GM: Correct me if I'm wrong...)
Theodarus looked at Adral, and repeated some information: "He's an old man with a shaved head, a rabbit tatoo behind his head on that scalp. He was seen wearing robes and a heavy bead necklace."

"That necklace seems to be his weapon, and he could summon various beasts with it. So far, I've only seen a dragon at the first prelims, and a huge lizard at the bathhouse before the badge contest... who knows what else he could summon..."

While picking up a chunk of meat with a fork (IM: what is this meat anyway?) Theodarus continued, "Another is Bruce, deceased. He seems to have some kind of fire control powers, and his skin... well, you might want to ask Zachary about him, they seem to know each other before I met him..." (hmm... some kind of bird... tastes like chicken...)

"And last of all, Rose... deceased... she controls water... and... well... she seems to be brainwashed. The rest, I don't want to talk about it..."

He continued eating the packet, although all the taste of the food seemed to have bled away by his mood...

The Great Nevareh

Re: Another speech...

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Mon Jan 10, 2005 12:17 am

"I remember the necklace guy. He's a Zodiac? Interesting. That, and my previous meeting with Bruce Kamome was present for. A strange side-effect of my gravity skills popped up... Adarl, can I see you outside for a moment?"
Zachary, being a trained teacher, knows how and when to spot someone who is lying or omitting the truth. Quite helpful, really. And Adarl doesn't seem to be all that adept at covering up his own thoughts and feelings.

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Re: Another speech...

Unread postby Molokidan » Mon Jan 10, 2005 2:04 am

Kamome nodded at Theodarus' comments. "That's a shame. . ." he said. "I was hoping that one of you had met that cloaked man."

After that, he turned to Zachary, an eyebrow raised, but made no move to stop him or Adarl.

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Re: Another speech...

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Mon Jan 10, 2005 9:33 am

Adarl can't help but immediately grab the sword at his feet, sheething it to his back again. Afterall, the last person who asked to do this tried to kill him.

"...why, may I ask?" the half-drow asks him.

The Great Nevareh

Re: Another speech...

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Mon Jan 10, 2005 10:28 pm

"Well, considering your story, there are a few questions I'd like to ask you that might or might not be appropriate to ask in front of other people. But if you'd rather I ask them here, I will."

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Re: Another speech...

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Mon Jan 10, 2005 11:01 pm

Dammit Adarl thought to himself.

He knew this was a possibility, but had hoped to avoid it. Anything said to the man was likely to get spread to the others anyway, so he takes a breath before answering.

"...if you must, go ahead." the half-drow tells him.

The Great Nevareh

Re: Another speech...

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Tue Jan 11, 2005 11:47 pm

"All righty. First off, what aren't you telling us? Second, why aren't you telling it to us? And, finally, are you on our side? Not being so is perfectly acceptable, since all it really means is that there's information you won't share with us. After all, it IS a tournament- we might have to fight one another soon enough. I guess the last question should go first, though. If you're not necessarily interested in assisting Kamome and his ilk take down the Zodiacs, then the answers to the other two questions are quite suspect. Even if your true position is that you couldn't care less. And if you really aren't interested in proactively working against the Zodiacs, then I don't feel comfortable holding these kinds of conversations in front of you. You can understand my dilemma, can't you? You are an able warrior, far more able than myself in the martial arts. If we were to fight, I have few doubts about your victory. However, if I were to share information about myself that might further your own ability to mash me into the ground, I wouldn't like you to hear it unless both you and I are working towards the same goal. What say you, sir Adarl?

"I do hate to change the subject, but does anyone know of any practice space that I can access, here? I could use some brushing up before the final push."

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Re: Another speech...

Unread postby Molokidan » Wed Jan 12, 2005 11:50 am

Kamome shrugged, after Zachary finished and abruptly changed the subject. "I haven't really looked around too much. Too tired..."

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Re: Another speech...

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Thu Jan 13, 2005 2:25 pm

Adarl just sat there for a moment, trying to process the massive speech Zachary gave. Then he simply stood up, sword still in tow, and headed for the door. From the look on his face, he was visibly upset.

"I have told you all that you need to know. And for all your longwinded talk, I could accuse you just as easily of withholding information, if I wanted. If what I have said is not satisfactory for you, then I'll leave. Because it is all I am going to say to you."

Adarl moves to open the door, appearing intent on leaving the room.

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Re: Another speech...

Unread postby Molokidan » Thu Jan 13, 2005 5:50 pm

Kamome eyed Adarl moving to the door, and opened his mouth to speak. ". . .if it was up to me, I would want you to stay. I do not have a problem with you withholding information. . .it seems that Zachary is the only one that feels that way. Also, do note that there are no other rooms available. But, if you must leave. . ." he shrugged. ". . .I have no reason to stop you."

The Great Nevareh

Re: Another speech...

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Thu Jan 13, 2005 7:14 pm

Talking won't work, and further chatter won't make him change his mind. He isn't with Kamome's effort to fell the Zodiacs, and since he reacted so harshly , I wouldn't be surprised if some kind of connection happened. He doesn't seem to be one taken to emotion. I really hope that he's not being manipulated, which is probably the case, since it would be a shame to fell an artist of the sword like he.
Zachary decides to reconcile the entire thing.
"Accuse me if you like. If you honestly thought that, you probably would have already done it. I'm not suggesting that you leave, I'm just saying that I don't feel comfortable sharing any kind of secrets in front of you. But, so long as you only tell us what we 'need to know' according to you and not what we 'need to know' according to us, you aren't part of this effort. No hard feelings or anything."

What's really ironic is that I'm chiding someone for disloyalty and yet my primary concern is winning, not defeating the Zodiacs. Quite technically, I'm not really part of the effort either. But I promised myself that I'd do what I needed to to win.
Zachary's thoughts are unreadable from his expression. He just looks mildly disappointed and exasperated, as though he expected more from Adarl than what he had recieved.
"Since this session is probably over, I'm going to do some reading. My ritual magic could use some brushing up and it might come in handy."

And so, Zachary takes a book from... somewhere? Where does he get these things? His coat was destroyed and he's not even wearing any of his own clothes! Wow, this guy's wierd. Anyway, he takes a book from the recesses of his clothes and flips it open.

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Re: Another speech...

Unread postby Molokidan » Fri Jan 14, 2005 2:11 am

Kamome sat back in his bed, at ease, rubbing his chin and watching Zachary read. He seems to be someone whose train of thought is on a different track than everyone else's... the Speed Phantom said thoughtfully to himself.

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Re: Another speech...

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Fri Jan 14, 2005 6:18 pm

Adarl leaned into the door a moment, then let out a soft sigh.

"I am going to relax outside for a bit. That should give you sufficient time to discuss anything I'm not 'trustworthy' to hear..." the half-drow says, looking right at Zachary as he says it, "When you are finished, feel free to let me know."

And with that, he stepped out, closing the door behind him. He walked a little ways from the door, leaning himself against the wall and shutting his eyes for a brief moment to think.

...despite what I have told myself I... I just can't trust these people... not after all that's happened so far... Adarl thinks to himself, Not after I was betrayed twice...


...still, I have no one to blame for that but myself. I allowed pity to outweigh my reason, and nearly lost my life because of it. And my earlier feelings may be the doom of me as well.

If Kamome speaks the truth, It would be wise to stay with him and his cohorts for now. Should Saffron view me as a threat, I have no doubt his surviving cohorts will make it a priority to end my life, knowing what I do. And if Kamome is seeking them out, it only makes sense to hang around. After all, even if he could prove untrustworthy later, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, as the saying goes...

Adarl continued to ponder his situation, making the occasional glance up and down the hall, and listening for anyone coming from the room.

...but is Saffron really my enemy? Should I even consider they spoke the truth of mind control? Or will I die at Saffron's hand instead of Jemyle's, due to my feelings once more...?

...How I wish I could be sure....

Edited by: FF Fanatic 80&nbsp; Image at: 1/14/05 18:20

The Great Nevareh

Re: Another speech...

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Wed Jan 19, 2005 8:22 pm

Once Adarl is outside of hearing distance, Zachary plops the book down and starts talking again.

"Y'know, I really need to work on my technique. I guess I didn't motivate him, I just badgered him. Still, it would really be a shame if what I think will happen happens to him. If any of you want to talk turkey, feel free. I don't have anything to add at the moment."


Re: Another speech...

Unread postby wkz » Wed Jan 19, 2005 9:41 pm

You need to work on your technique??, the negotiator thought to himself, You need a bloody overhaul on your persuasive skills, that's what you need. Adral's not going to be talking anytime soon on the things he was hiding, that's provided if he even talks about it at all in our lifetimes... not if he was forced...

Bad mood or no, good negotiators are supposed to notice everything that needed notice, and even with the bad moody desposition, Theodarus had seen all that had occured while staying quiet in the background. There's something troubling him all right, and it is not what he's witholding... maybe its trying to trust people when he had never really done so?

"Adral... his opinions seems torn in different directions" he spoke up, "It is best to leave him alone for the moment... I'm going to sleep now, and I suggest you do the same. Who knows what new surprise awaits us when we wake..."

Edited by: [url=>wkz</A] at: 1/19/05 21:42

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Re: Another speech...

Unread postby Molokidan » Fri Jan 21, 2005 7:39 pm

If anyone was looking, they would have noticed that Kamome had already fallen asleep, and was snoring softly in his corner.

Outside, Adarl stood in the silent hallway, brooding, the arena just on the other side of him.

It was getting late, without a doubt. And who knows how things would fare tommorow. . .

(OOC: Okay, things are getting slow -- that is an understatement. But I'm back in the states now. I was wondering if any of you three would want to finish things in chat. If we could get all three of us together and do a session, that would be great, but even if you just want to take care of your fights individually, to get this RP over and done with, I'm up for that. We came so far, it just can't end without the ending that I've built up to!!)

The Great Nevareh

Re: Another speech...

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Fri Jan 21, 2005 7:56 pm

(Problem! WKZ is without AIM-usership. We are unable to do a chat with him.)

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Re: Another speech...

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Sat Jan 22, 2005 12:25 am

Having had enough of just his own thoughts to keep him company, Adarl moves back to the door, giving it a quick knock.

" my presence allowed now?" he asks through the door, with a slight sigh.

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Re: Another speech...

Unread postby Molokidan » Sat Jan 22, 2005 5:49 am

(Actually, I talk with wkz quite a bit on AIM. I won't give out his username if he doesn't want me to, but he is on, albeit on a totally opposite timezone from ours...)

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Re: Another speech...

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Sat Jan 22, 2005 8:48 am

(I can post a few times... but isn't this something we should post in the OOC forum about? ;-P)


Re: Another speech...

Unread postby wkz » Mon Jan 24, 2005 2:11 am

(Actually, yes, this should be over at the OOC forum...)

Giving Zachary a sharp look, and hoping he noticed both look and its meaning, Theodarus spoke in a raised voice to Adral, "Ya, I guess its over. There wasn't much to talk about in the first place... come in and get some sleep."

With that, Theodarus threw the remains of the packet in the bin, and prepared himself for bed...

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The Finals Begin

Unread postby Molokidan » Mon Jan 24, 2005 3:58 am

The top floor of the Tower was silent that night, as the contestants had a well-deserved rest. In the arena, five figures moved about in the shadows, preparing for the next day's festivities. . .


Kamome awoke slowly, his sensitive ears picking up the sound of a slight rapping on the door, the next morning.

He sat up in bed slowly, quickly tying his thin braids back behind his head with his purple hairband, and stood up.

"This is the committee. The tournament shall commence in exactly 10 minutes." the voice from the other side of the door said. "Please open the door so that we may confirm that the contestants are still here, and so that we may show you the tournament bracket."

Kamome looked at his three sleeping companions. "Wake up, guys." he said, in a mildly-loud voice. "I'm going to open the door now, anyway."

He moved over and did so, coming face to face with the bat man that the three had met earlier in the 2nd preliminary round.

"Hello." he said, not recognizing the man at all.

"Here is your tournament bracket." the bat man said, handing a small scroll to Kamome. "Yes, Zachary, Adarl, Theodarus, are here with you, Kamome. Got it. Thank you, and please move to the stadium area in exactly 10 minutes." he said, turning around to leave.

Kamome didn't look back, and was busy studying the tournament bracket. "B. . .brother." he whisphered, sweat pouring down his face.

After a few moments, he spread it out and laid it on the floor, so that when the others finally awoke, they would be able to see it. It read:

#1: Averyl vs. Kaytie
#2: Caradoc vs. Azusa
#3: Mephistoclessia vs. Omane
#4: Negi vs. Theodarus
#5: Fwupo vs. Ginn
#6: Babuza vs. Ari
#7: Cable vs. Levine
#8: Seraphine vs. Winslow
#9: Zachary vs. Christopher
#10: Phoebe vs. Roufas
#11: Zander vs. Vince
#12: Pierre vs. Suzunosuke
#13: Saffron vs. Razor
#14: Lee vs. Kamome
#15: Margaret vs. Enkydaimaoh
#16: Adarl vs. Rall

(Note: It's a tournament bracket, so the winner of #1 and #2 will fight, etc. If anyone knows how to make an image version of this, do it, or teach me-- I can't think of any way to do it that won't take a few hours...)

The Great Nevareh

Re: The Finals Begin

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Mon Jan 24, 2005 4:51 am

"I see Chris DID make it. That's nice."
Judging from his tone, Zachary doesn't appear to notice or care that he's going up against Christopher. No banter about defeating him, no bragging of previous wins, no statement otherwise. He does, however, take his book with him towards the stadium as well as his weapons and his new clothes.


Re: The Finals Begin

Unread postby wkz » Tue Jan 25, 2005 1:53 am

(OOC: I think I can photoshop/paint up something in a moment. Wait for me to get off work or something...)

"Lesee now" Theodarus slurred, the sleep still in his eyes as he tried to wake up, "who am I up agai......."

The sleep suddenly gone from him, he bit back a curse, grabbing the contest bracket from the floor and holding it close to his disbelieving eyes. "Cra.... OF ALL people... NEGI?? dan...."

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Re: The Finals Begin

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Tue Jan 25, 2005 10:28 am

"...this is an interesting turn of events." Adarl comments aloud, more about Kamome's predicament than his own. He was certain Saffron had the skill necessary to proceed, a duel between them inevitable. But to fight one's own family, even Adarl had to feel some shred of sympathy for the combatant.

" not forget that he is your enemy. For if he is not the man you remember, he will surely use that bond of family against you." the half-drow tells Kamome, looking down at his own feet in thought, "Love can be as much a source of weakness as it is strength if you are not careful..."

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Re: The Finals Begin

Unread postby Molokidan » Tue Jan 25, 2005 10:57 am

". . .yes." Kamome nodded, surprised at the half-drow's sudden burst of sympathy. "I will. Thank you, Adarl."

With that, Kamome gathered up his things, and stood by the door. "If you're ready. . .let's all go together."

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Re: The Finals Begin

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Wed Jan 26, 2005 1:35 pm

Adarl places his armor on, ending with the bastard sword strapped to his back. Then he heads for the door to join Kamome, waiting for the others to get prepared.


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