MAC Igala A 3092 (GURPS RP)

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MAC Igala A 3092 (GURPS RP)

Unread postby Archmage144 » Sun Oct 26, 2003 12:50 pm

"And that's it for today's lecture. Remember, class, a well-oiled mecha will triumph where rusty joints and lack of lubrication will lead to a pilot's downfall."

Students rose from their seats, shuffling about as the crowd moved in the general direction of the MAC Igala Academy A auditiorium's double doors. The morass of people pushed and shoved through the room, all seeking to pass the threshold clearly marked by the neon "EXIT" sign mounted on the wall--it would be a shame, after all, if any unfortunate student had forgotten the way out of the room during another of Instructor Richfield's excessively boring lectures on mecha maintenance. No one had actually died during any of such lectures, but there were rumors floating around about how one student had managed to actually bite off one of his fingertips during an intense nail-biting session during the class.

Among the students was a taller-than average drow with long, white hair that extended down to just above his waistline and soft features that could be made to harden on command--in fact, when Makura Kuragari's face wasn't an arrogant smirk, it was a stony reflection of inner distate and contempt. The drow's emerald eyes narrowed as he disdainfully stamped out of the auditiorium, his high-cut boots making the metal floor echo quietly. Pushing his way through the crowd, the drow blinked sharply at the harshness of the light piercing his sensitive eyes as he stepped outside, inhaling sharply to savor the fresh air.

Waste of time, waste of talent, the drow scoffed inwardly. He was a skilled mecha pilot, and he knew it. His reputation, however, more surrounded his questionable activities and supposedly dirty hands. Makura had never been assigned a roommate--this was, most students supposed, because Makura's older brother, who had become a part of the space program after graduation, had three roommates in his time at MAC Igala A--and all of them died, these deaths eventually ruled to have been suicides. Makura, however, never worried about this, nor questioned the fact that he had no roommate--it was his preference.

However, even cold, bloodthirsty drow are not free from the limitations of mortality, and as such, Makura's next destination was the school cafeteria, his intentions wholly self-serving yet understandably so--after all, everyone has to eat, and sitting through an hour and a half lecture on mecha oiling takes a significant bite out of anyone's stamina.

(From here, everyone is free to introduce their characters, and then we'll get going!)

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Re: MAC Igala A 3092 (GURPS RP)

Unread postby NebulaQueen » Sun Oct 26, 2003 1:14 pm

The drow was not the only one in need of sustenance, as there were other students making their way to the cafeteria as well. One of them was a human teenager by the name of Leopold Spobert Nueva (or, just plain Leo for short). While he was about to get in line, he noticed Makura walking in.

Now, Leo may be one of the newer students at the academy, but he's been here long enough to hear some...interesting rumors about the drow upperclassman. While he didn't take too much stock in school gossip, he still would rather not to find out how true the rumors are the hard way.

And lo, Leo makes his way away from the drow and towards a line to get some processed food stuffs.

Edited by: [url=>NebulaQueen</A]&nbsp; Image at: 10/26/03 2:18 pm

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Re: MAC Igala A 3092 (GURPS RP)

Unread postby Zemyla » Sun Oct 26, 2003 1:56 pm

Another person had been listening to the lecture with interest. Or at least trying to. Mecha maintenance is indeed a laudable goal. However, that doesn't change the fact that this guy is boring enough to override Volt Cola.

So when class ended, Merwyn was headed straight out the door with the others. Having no immediate plans, he set out for the lunchroom.


Re: MAC Igala A 3092 (GURPS RP)

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Sun Oct 26, 2003 11:05 pm

'Nick' Resh had succeeded where many in the class had failed: He had actually fallen asleep during the lecture, and awoken to find most of the people already gone. Realizing what had happened, he grabbed his books, shoved them in his shoulder bag, and ran at full speed towards the cafeteria. On his way, he spotted a familiar face from a stint in the gym about a week ago. A moment later, the half drow slid up next to Merwyn. "Heya, bud, how's it goin'?" He asked.

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Re: MAC Igala A 3092 (GURPS RP)

Unread postby Kelne » Sun Oct 26, 2003 11:07 pm

Resisting the temptation to sneak out of the lecture hall had taken every ounce of self-control Jamie Kerin possessed. Unfortunately, whoever had designed the lecture hall had obviously understood that urge. There had been no decent cover anywhere, and the exits were located well within range of the lecturer's eyes.

This wasn't what she'd signed up for, damnit! Why not let one of the people who enjoyed that sort of thing do all the insanely boring maintenance stuff? Well, at least she was free now. The cafeteria first, and then something to make up for the sheer mind-numbing boredom she'd had to endure.

Finding that most of the others had the same idea about the food, Jamie grabbed a tray and found herself a place in line.

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Re: MAC Igala A 3092 (GURPS RP)

Unread postby Taiar » Sun Oct 26, 2003 11:19 pm

Sharp, narrow eyes glanced between Makura, who had just disappeared somwhere into lunch room, and Leo, who had given his place in the ever so busy cafeteria at first sight of the Drow. The pair of Lanese pupils blinked once or twice at the little incident, but shruged his shoulders overall and got into line behind the drow.

As was usual, he didn't care much for the school uniform. A brown shirt covered by a dull pine colored coat was his preference of clothing. Black pants, matched by black hiking boots, was his preference of leg ware.

He knew well the legends and rumors surrounding the blue skinned person who stood in front of him, but he didn't really mind really. In fact, it comforted him a little to know that he wasn't the only man in competition for the catagory of "Most Often Talked Of." The rumors surrounding his life were also far from "far and few." Hundreds probably existed, and many more spawned like rabbits.

He didn't mind too much however. Like any academy student, he still had his group of close friends, mostly fellow Lanese humans or dragons. And, all the rumors surrounding him also allowed him to land a room without a roomate. Afterall, no one wanted to have to replace their computer every week.

Well, what was left of it after the week anyways.

In his best efforts to ignore any harsh words, side glances, giggles and whispers about him, he faced everyday with a fairly optimistic attitude. These rumors would not be the end of him! But these rumors these rumors...what were they?

Siyun Yuendai Badoa, the master of the art of accidental property damage! And of course, being the number one person who could accidently leave you in stitches...if there was enough to stitch together.

And so he waited, in the lunch line.

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Re: MAC Igala A 3092 (GURPS RP)

Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Mon Oct 27, 2003 12:21 am

A well-lubricated mecha might do better than an unlubricated one, but damnit, aren't the the techies the ones who are supposed to care? Why do we have to sit through this class as well?

Also out of this classroom strides one of the newer students to the academy. Zerev Hizuko. A tall figure with purple hair falling a little below his shoulders in the back and sides, and long bangs obscuring his red-violet eyes in front. He easily stood out for his bishounen appearance, and because of his pair of black wings and blue-silver tail. The strangest thing about him, though, was that he always seemed confident in everything...maybe a bit too confident...and he had that smirk that would not go away 90% of the time...

Zerev coolly walked into the cafeteria from The Most Boring Lecture in the World (TM), looking around for those he recognizes in his currently short stay at the academy, while making a face of disgust at the cafeteria's selection of slop to ingest....

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Re: MAC Igala A 3092 (GURPS RP)

Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Mon Oct 27, 2003 9:30 pm

Meanwhile, at a table somewhat close to the lunch line, an attractive blonde woman sat at a table, surrounded by other girls, chatting up a storm and munching on the blue plate special. The blonde had quite a noticable cowboy hat on her head, odd looking finned ears poking out from underneath it colored a sandy light brown.

"..and then Ah punched him in the face! Gave 'im a nice shiner! He shoulda known better than to call Mimi Admoda a hick!"

Some of the other girls seated with her laughed, another shook her head.

"But was he cute?" the girl implored.

"Cute? Well Ah've seen better, much better..." Mimi laughed, taking a bite of a pulled barbeque chocobo sandwhich. "He was a smarmy bastard he was, acting like he was a king or something...Hah!"

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Re: MAC Igala A 3092 (GURPS RP)

Unread postby NebulaQueen » Mon Oct 27, 2003 9:54 pm

Just as Leo makes his way out of the line (processed food in tow), he passes by Mimi's table.

"..and then Ah punched him in the face! Gave 'im a nice shiner! He shoulda known better than to call Mimi Admoda a hick!"

He takes a quick glance at her, and notices that she is, indeed, that girl who punched in the face. (What was his name again?, Leo wandered offhand.)

While being vaguely amused by the memory, Leo scans the room for an empty table. Finding one that's close to the line as well, Leo makes his way over there and sits down.

Edited by: [url=>NebulaQueen</A]&nbsp; Image at: 10/27/03 10:02 pm


Re: MAC Igala A 3092 (GURPS RP)

Unread postby Archmage144 » Mon Oct 27, 2003 9:58 pm

Given the time of day, the crowd in the lunchroom has hardly unusual--in fact, it was quite ordinary. Everything had been proceeding as planned for the day, classes, lectures and even the lunch break running on schedule. MAC Igala A functioned, ironically enough, like a well-oiled mecha, flexible when necessary but always on a smooth course.

Then again, to continue the metaphor, MAC Igala A students were occasionally loose cannons.

Makura, having an intent to satisfy his craving for Inustani cuisine, carefully selected a rather large and tightly wrapped burrito from the cafeteria's broad array of food choices, yoinked a can of Volt Cola from a refridgerated display, paid the cashier wordlessly, and found himself a seat in the back of the room, inwardly hoping to avoid the obnoxious and tedious chore that was peer socialization. Peer, after all, implies equal, and Makura Kuragari, at least in his own mind, had no equals. The only time communication between soldiers was critical was on the battlefield--all else was larglely extraneous. There were, of course, rare exceptions, but today Makura seemed as patterned as everything else, true to his usual characteristics.

The public address system buzzed noisily, and heads turned in the direction of the speakers mounted on the walls as the voice of one of the academy directors blared sharply before mellowing out as the transmission's frequency normalized.

"There will be an optional hands-on firearms training session for those interested at the marksmanship range," the voice announced. "In addition, a reminder to all students that they are cordially invited to attend tomorrow night's Annual MAC Igala A Academy Gala and Ball, which will begin at 1900 hours and end at approximately 2200 hours. Hopefully no one has forgotten and everyone who desires to do so is prepared to attend. That is all."

Makura snorted disdainfully. Balls were silly things, wastes of time for trained soldiers who should be learning the fine art of decimating enemy forces quickly and efficiently. Shooting practice, however, was more to his style. He would, of course, have to conceal his current proficiency with weapons to some degree, but not so much as to avoid being noticed altogether.

The rest of the trainees of MAC Igala A, however...


Re: MAC Igala A 3092 (GURPS RP)

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Mon Oct 27, 2003 10:09 pm

Nick looks up at the speaker as the announcement is made, then looks back at Merwyn. "Planning on goin'?"

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Re: MAC Igala A 3092 (GURPS RP)

Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Mon Oct 27, 2003 10:25 pm

"Oooh! The Ball! Too bad I don't have anyone to take..." Mimi muttered, shaking her head.

"Hey but what about Enrico?" one of her friends, an inujin girl, piped up, "You two were so totally mackin on each other at that last party..."

"We're through." Mimi stated coldly, "Sonovabitch just wanted a one night stand!" Dumping a used napkin on her tray, Mimi rose and trotted over to the nearest garbage can, dumping her trash within was then she noticed him, Makura, that incideous drow she heard rumors was a part of the mafia. Shuddering inwardly, she quickly turned away.

"You know the drill girls, meet outside the Fanrico building before the ball! We enter together!"

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Re: MAC Igala A 3092 (GURPS RP)

Unread postby Kelne » Tue Oct 28, 2003 2:04 am

The ball! Of course! All thoughts of mecha lubrication and maintenance (limited to how mind-numbingly boring it was to begin with) immediately fled Jamie's mind.

This was going to be great. A chance to dress up, to dance, and to socialise in a setting other than that of the typical academy environment. Not that the types who really needed to unwind every now and again would come, of course. Honestly, you couldn't prise some of them away from their studies with a crowbar...

Well, more fool them. This evening was going to be great. She had the perfect outfit picked out and everything. No date, though. Well, you couldn't have everything.

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Re: MAC Igala A 3092 (GURPS RP)

Unread postby Zemyla » Tue Oct 28, 2003 3:26 pm

Merwyn looked back at Nick as he selected a fried chocobo sandwich and lime jello. "I was considering it. The upside is that it's a chance to unwind from the stress of mecha design and building. The downside is that it'll be quite crowded, most likely.

"I was thinking more about the marksmanship traning at the moment. It'll give me a chance to test my plasma cannon."


Re: MAC Igala A 3092 (GURPS RP)

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Tue Oct 28, 2003 3:32 pm

Nick nodded as he grabbed a sandwich for himself, then reached for a bowl of fruit. "It's something to do while you wait for stuff to happen, I guess. How can you eat that stuff?" He nodded towards the jello, disgust obvious on his face.

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Re: MAC Igala A 3092 (GURPS RP)

Unread postby Zemyla » Tue Oct 28, 2003 5:03 pm

Merwyn smiled. "It's not that hard. The hard part is making sure you eat it before it runs away."

Merwyn went to sit down at a table close to the wall, hoping Nick would follow.


Re: MAC Igala A 3092 (GURPS RP)

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Tue Oct 28, 2003 5:10 pm

Nick did indeed accompany Merwyn, grabbing a glass of lemonade along the way. Once they were seated, he asked, "So you're not going out of your way for a date, huh?"

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Re: MAC Igala A 3092 (GURPS RP)

Unread postby Zemyla » Tue Oct 28, 2003 5:13 pm

Merwyn looked over at Nick bemusedly. "No, not really. I barely know most of the people here."


Re: MAC Igala A 3092 (GURPS RP)

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Tue Oct 28, 2003 5:17 pm

Nick laughed in response. "True enough. But then again, it might be a good chance to actually meet some people. On the other hand, I'd have expected you to already be in the know with the tech staff. Could probably teach mister wax and grease a thing or two."

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Re: MAC Igala A 3092 (GURPS RP)

Unread postby Zemyla » Tue Oct 28, 2003 5:33 pm

Merwyn nodded. "Actually, I thought his lecture was quite fascinating."

This was certainly not the truth, but he said it just to see the expression of shock and horror on Nick's face.


Re: MAC Igala A 3092 (GURPS RP)

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Tue Oct 28, 2003 5:38 pm

Shock and horror was delivered on scheduel. "THAT boring-as-hell pile of steaming crap? THAT was informative? HOW?"

Clearly, the idea is beyond Nick's comprehension.

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Shock and Horror on demand!

Unread postby Zemyla » Tue Oct 28, 2003 5:40 pm

Merwyn laughed at Nick. "Actually, I was kidding. It may have been informative, but it was boring. But the look on your face was classic. You should have seen it."

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I'll Missing some of YOUR Fields, EZBOARD!

Unread postby Taiar » Tue Oct 28, 2003 6:32 pm

Siyun dropped his tray of Leviathan Chow Mein on a table where a few people sat. The noodles probably weren't actually made out of the beast, as he would have been mightily pissed, but it made for a good name, the same way 1000 year old eggs weren't 1000 years old.

...I hope so anyways.

The other people of the table quickly scooted over to him and they began a small Lanese conversation over lunch, though quickly quieting down when the annoucement was made.

"<Ball Huh...? Count me out, you know everyone'll just be afraid I'll sprout trees in the middle of the refreshments like last time...>"

One of his friends, a female Lanese dragon, was quick to pipe up. "<Actually, that was the last last time. Last dance, you turned the dance floor into a Tundra on those Breakdancers.">

"<.......REGARDLESS. I'm not going.>"

And so they continued to bicker and banter over the topic...


Re: I'll Missing some of YOUR Fields, EZBOARD!

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Tue Oct 28, 2003 10:29 pm

Nick snorted. "Perhaps. But there's not doubt about the lecture: That will go down as a classic waste of time. I hope we're not tested over it, unless they ask questions about the softness of textbooks as pillows."

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Re: I'll Missing some of YOUR Fields, EZBOARD!

Unread postby Zemyla » Wed Oct 29, 2003 4:20 pm

Merwyn nodded. "Anyway, what about you? Are you going to that ball?"


Re: I'll Missing some of YOUR Fields, EZBOARD!

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Wed Oct 29, 2003 5:18 pm

Nick nods. "Probably for a change of pace, if nothing else. I'm considering renting a tux or something, just to see what kind of reaction I get. Of course, knowing my luck, a bunch of other guys will have had the same idea and I'll just look dumb, all dressed up with no girl. Maybe if it was a green tux..." His voice trails off, considering the idea.

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*pwns EZboard's gheyness*

Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Wed Oct 29, 2003 9:47 pm

Zerev rolled his eyes, groaning as the announcement came on...

What's the point of either? Chances are, there's nothing to do at the ball, and I don't need target practice anyway...but chances are, the food at the ball is not only free, but actual FOOD, unlike some of the shit here...don't need a tux, I'll just go in my interface suit...

His stomach grumbling, he headed over to the vending machines, and bought a Volt Cola to quell his thirst for the time being...He had a meeting with Nahema soon anyway, but that'd have to wait. The chimeraspawn wandered about the cafeteria with the Volt Cola, searching for somewhere to sit and converse--Unlike Makura, he didn't feel he needed to prove his superiority;He was already superior, so why prove it? To him, Makura's attitude was the one held by those insecure in their superiority...

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Re: I'll Missing some of YOUR Fields, EZBOARD!

Unread postby Zemyla » Thu Oct 30, 2003 2:46 pm

Merwyn smiles again. "I'd pay money to see you in a green tux. I was thinking more along the lines of having a top hat and cape, myself."


Re: MAC Igala A 3092 (GURPS RP)

Unread postby Archmage144 » Thu Oct 30, 2003 8:11 pm

As was typical for MAC Igala A, classes and lectures droned on throughout the rest of the day, interspersed with practical lessons and the previously announced marksmanship practice session. The next day, however, proved to be dramatically different.

Classes were cancelled or let out early, instructors seemed less than focused on teaching, and the hallways and common areas were abuzz with gossip and rumors regarding the gala to be held that night. MAC Igala A's annual ball was one of the few organized opportunities for students to relieve themselves of the drudgery of classwork and mecha oiling, a time-honored tradition that promoted social growth, a foundation for future relationships that could carry beyond MAC, and an opportunity for everyone to let off a little steam by competing to see who could design the most outrageous yet passable formal outfits. Green tuxedos, it seemed, were in vogue this year, followed closely by the ever-popular white tuxedos and the lazy or apathetic student's favorite, "come dressed in your pilot suit."

And so, the students prepared for the evening ball...

(You can do anything you'd like at this point, honestly--don't feel limited to being dragged along by my plot. Develop your characters!)

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Re: MAC Igala A 3092 (GURPS RP)

Unread postby Zemyla » Thu Oct 30, 2003 9:11 pm

Merwyn was neither lazy nor apathetic, and he was not interested in being in style. He instead picked the classic black tux, with a tophat, a black cape, and a lime green flower in the lapel. As an afterthought, he picked up a short driveshaft with a gearbox at the end, to use as a cane. (Fortunately, it was clean because it hadn't been used.)

Thus prepared, he walked down to where the ball would be.


Re: MAC Igala A 3092 (GURPS RP)

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Thu Oct 30, 2003 9:14 pm

Nick looked at himself in the mirror, admiring the outfit he had rented for the night. It had cost an arm and a leg to rent, but hey, what else did he have to spend his money on?

The green tux had originally been his idea, no matter how many people had stolen it after he had announced his intention to dress in it. But this tux... this one was special. The pants were a deep, forest green, with lime green stripes along the seams. He wore a leaf green cumberbund and vest. And topping off the whole assembly was a jacket (with tails) made of the same material as the pants, and covered in green sequins. It sparkled and flashed as he moved in the light, ensuring that Igala A's formost hero wannabe would also be the most noticalbe person in the crowd.

The outfit also came with a deep, black wood cane topped with some sort of elegantly carved handle, which probably cost as much as the tux itself did. He was currently debating whether to take it. Whith a shrug, he snatched it up and thumped it authoritatively on the floor. He threw another glance in the mirror. His seafoam colored hair seemed to be just another part of the outfit, and his light blue skin contrasted nicely to the rest of the ensemble. The half drow grinned mischeviously, fully realizing that most people who saw him would want to shoot him on sight. That was OK, he was used to it.

Taking the cane with him, Nick walked out of his room and headed toward the ball. Time to cause a stir...

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Re: MAC Igala A 3092 (GURPS RP)

Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Thu Oct 30, 2003 11:05 pm

"Nahema, I have to go now. The ball is starting at any moment."
"Why the hell would you go? You know there's nobody there to dance with, and you're the only person I get to talk to anyway!"
"...There's the possibility of there being food actually NOT shitty there...and for free, even!"
"But what will you wear, Zerev? I KNOW you don't have any formalwea---oh no. Zerev, Why do you like to wear that thing to any formal occasion possible?! I thought it was just for this place!"
"Nahema, could you please just let me go?"
"Okay, okay...Initializing life support and system shutdown in 5..."

The cockpit hatch to the Nephilim cracked open, spraying a red mist, effectively flushing any sealant fluid from the only entryway to the Armor. Out of this crawled Zerev, slightly covered in the fluid used for shock absorption inside the mecha, although some swear it looks more like he was inside something living...not really surprising, given how Nephilim is set up, but that will be another thing for another day...

Zerev was among the Pilot Uniform crowd, however different his uniform was. It was skintight, and a mix of black and varying grays in different spots. On verious spots, there were, for lack of a better word, metal...sockets...of sorts, in which the interface cables plugged into once the system was initialized. This effectively covered every part of his body but his head, and was definitely unusual to look at, to say the least.

The young chimeraspawn pressed a few buttons on the elevator platform's control terminal, returning him to floor level within the hangar. Zerev walked toward the exit to the cavernous, cold room with only the other mechas there to watch his exit...

Tracking a trickle of orange-reddish liquid out of the room, the Tek walked toward the ball, still wearing his Interface Coat, or ICt/Intercoat for short...

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Re: MAC Igala A 3092 (GURPS RP)

Unread postby Kelne » Fri Oct 31, 2003 8:55 pm

Jamie had gone with something a little unusual by Igalan standards. A sea green gown, with the shoulders swathed in foam. Here and there, small shimmers of light played, as of sunlight reflecting off water. As with any Taranian item employing magic, it required the wearer's attention to work, but the effect was well worth it.

Definitely a good look, she decided, surveying herself in the mirror. With her hair loose, it framed her face quite nicely, and a touch of makeup rounded things off.

After a suitable interval, she made her way towards the main hall. After all, there was no sense in arriving early if you wanted to make a grand entrance...

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Re: MAC 3092: Igala Under Fire

Unread postby Taiar » Sun Nov 02, 2003 12:55 pm

Wary of the costs of a fine polished dance floor, and snacks enough to feed the whole academy, Siyun decided not to report to the dance and enjoy himself that night. Guns weren't really his thing so he didn't take part in the firearms session either.

Seated in the computer chair of his dorm, which wasn't in too much of a mess, with the exception of a small burnt spot here or there, the Mage logged onto Igala Online to see if anyone else decided to skip the party...


Re: MAC 3092: Igala Under Fire

Unread postby Archmage144 » Mon Nov 03, 2003 3:59 pm

Meanwhile, in the central command hub of MAC Igala A, a very lazy, almost half-asleep crew of technicians pored over system readouts and closed-circuit television broadcasts, observing the ball and its events from afar.

"Hey, check out her outfit," one of the techs chuckled, pointing to an ostentatiously dressed girl on one of the monitors--she, whoever she was, had selected a crimson dress with a large crested frill that was reminescent of peacock feathers, and a crowd had formed around her to admire her unusual (and most likely expensive) decor. "Kids these days. They wear the craziest things."

"You want another Volt, Alex?" the blonde-haired tech asked, spinning his chair around on its swivels and reaching under the computer console to fish a soda out of the control room's minifridge. "We're gonna be up all night at this rate, and I can't say I have any idea if anything interesting is gonna happen."

"Personally, I'd prefer it didn't, if you know what I mean," replied the dark-haired Alex from across the room. He ran his fingers through his hair, tapping at the room's environmental controls. "Too damned cold in here...and yeah, I'll take another, Jenson." The soda can, hurled across the room in a projectile arc, slammed into the control panel as a result of Alex's lack of manual dexterity and poor reaction time, causing sticky, sugary soda to spray out of its compressed can and soak the instrument panel. Alex firmly planted his face in his hands while Jenson yelled and swore while he reached for a towel to clean up the mess.

"You know better than that!" spat the aggravated technician, wiping at the spilled soda and shooting Alex a death glare. Alex, rolling his eyes, noted a small blip on the compound's long-range radar system...

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Re: MAC 3092: Igala Under Fire

Unread postby Zemyla » Mon Nov 03, 2003 4:19 pm

Merwyn, despite what he had said before, actually didn't mind social interaction. He was actually having fun. He had a brandy in his hand that he was sipping at occasionally, and he was talking to a young machinist about the finer points of mecha design.

Then he noticed Nick entering the room. That wasn't that hard, since the outfit was bright enough to be seen from space. Excusing himself, he went over to his friend. "Those screams of agony you just heard are my eyes, trying to retreat to the back of my head."


Re: MAC 3092: Igala Under Fire

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Mon Nov 03, 2003 4:44 pm

Nick grinned back at Merwyn. "You like it! Excellent." He brushed down his glittering jacket proudly. "You wouldn't believe how hard this was to find. I'm surprised no one else rented it out before I did."

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Re: MAC 3092: Igala Under Fire

Unread postby Zemyla » Mon Nov 03, 2003 4:48 pm

Merwyn shook his head. "I'm not. Anyway, how are you doing?"


Re: MAC 3092: Igala Under Fire

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Mon Nov 03, 2003 5:37 pm

Nick shrugged. "I can't complain. No one's tried to shoot me for the costume yet." Here he indicates his tux. "So I figure it should be a good evening."

Nick's attention has been elsewhere since he came into the room, however, and he finally decides to ask the obvious question. Nodding to the group around the woman in red, he asks, "What do you know about her? She seems to have stolen my thunder..."

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Re: MAC 3092: Igala Under Fire

Unread postby Zemyla » Mon Nov 03, 2003 7:32 pm

Merwyn looked at her, then shrugged. "I don't know a thing about her. I think I have her for one of my classes, though."


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