Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

For all RPs taking place in other settings.

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby AngelOfDeathIX » Thu Jul 24, 2003 10:34 am

As Amanda had run, Stephanie was hesitant to follow. Her eyes turned back to the crowd - the blood bath happening but feet away - and she backed slowly to the wall beside the door Amanda had entered moments ago. The smell of rotting flesh was heavy in the air, and she fought to use her shirt to cover her mouth and nose..

Her eyes wandered nervously over the crowd, and not seeing Clay, see pushed her way past the door behind her.. in tears.

She fought to regain composure as she saw Bart and Amanda. She released her shirt, breathing shakily as she leaned against the door, a hand grasping at the crucifix about her neck..

Her voice was reduced to a murmur, as if not meant to be heard..

"Hell. We're in.. Hell."

Edited by: [url=>AngelOfDeathIX</A] at: 7/24/03 10:35 am

Wishbone Ash

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Wishbone Ash » Thu Jul 24, 2003 11:07 am

In the lower east hallway...
Stephanie found herself in the hallway with Bart and Amanda now. She suddenly jumped -- someone, or something, was banging at the door. They now had a choice... open the door and risk being attacked, or barricade it and risk locking out someone who was still alive.

Celeste of Elvenhame

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Celeste of Elvenhame » Thu Jul 24, 2003 11:55 am

"Mine is Carissa." She looked in both directions and then shrugged. "I haven't been inside here before either." She grabbed his hand and tugged lightly on it. "Let's go this way." as she started heading left.

Celeste of Elvenhame

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Celeste of Elvenhame » Thu Jul 24, 2003 12:52 pm

(yay for double posting)

Edited by: Celeste of Elvenhame at: 7/24/03 1:46 pm

Kuro Kodomo

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Kuro Kodomo » Thu Jul 24, 2003 1:03 pm

Amanda yelped and stumbled backwards and fell to the floor. She stared at the door her eyes wide, "They're gonna beak in..."

She brought her knees up to her chest and clamped her hands to the sides of her head, "I don't wanna die..." she whispered.

Wishbone Ash

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Wishbone Ash » Thu Jul 24, 2003 1:27 pm

Lower east hallway...
It was now apparent that zombies were at the door. Several moans could be heard from just behind the door. Behind the door, one of the zombies grasped the doorknob with a rotting hand. Slowly, the doorknob began to turn...

Upper West Hallway
As Carissa tugged Shadrick around the corner, a wave of anxiety washed over him. Standing before him was the strange man from the bus. He was still wearing his brown bomber jacket... but now he was also sporting a silver Colt .45 handgun. The barrel of the gun was smoking.

After a few moments, the man noticed the two and approached them. Carissa noticed that the man seemed... strange, like he was under the influence of something. His eyes darted around the hallway randomly and he walked with an odd sort of rhythm.

"Name's Jack. Don't think you want to be goin' that way." The man said with a hint of some foreign accent. Neither Carissa nor Shadrick could place their finger on what nationality it was. Without bothering to ask their names, the man walked past them towards the right side of the T-hallway. He walked passed the door to his right and swiftly opened the door in front of him and disappeared inside. This left Carissa and Shadwick the option of following the strange man or trying one of the other doors...


Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby AngelOfDeathIX » Thu Jul 24, 2003 1:42 pm

Stephanie, being the one leaning against the door, turned sharply to grab the handle as it started to turn. She forced her shoulder against the door, her voice shakey..

"T-Think you can.. bar the door with that pipe of your's?.."

Her eyes shifted breifly down the hall, falling on the secured windows, and the doors lining the walls..

".. It'll.. give us time to run, I think.. If you're willing to.. risk losing your weapon.." She yelped as the door shuddered against her, shoving her weight into a more secure position, with both hands on the doorknob.

"Start opening doors, either way.. We need a place to go.. - Hurry, please.." She whimpered.

Kuro Kodomo

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Kuro Kodomo » Thu Jul 24, 2003 1:50 pm

Amanda watched in horror as the door buckled against Stephaine. 'Get it together girl, to live, you gotta move!' A little voice said in the back of her head. She rubbed her eyes and using the wall as support, she stood up.

Realizing that she had been talking to Bart, she headed for the nearest door and tried the knob. It turned about a quarter of an inch, but no more, it was locked.

Wishbone Ash

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Wishbone Ash » Thu Jul 24, 2003 1:53 pm

In the lower east hallway...
Suddenly, the banging on the door stopped just as suddenly as it had started. There was an eerie silence that now permeated the area. Something was not right...


Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Ruinth » Thu Jul 24, 2003 1:55 pm

(OOC: Sorry for being such a lazy ass, people. I've been busy. )

As his hand was on his pistol at the time, reaction held him as he released it from its hold, and shot two bullets blindly at the on-coming creature's chest as he walked sideways, his mind acting out the repeated floor plans they once held as he raced for the door in haste.


Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby AngelOfDeathIX » Thu Jul 24, 2003 1:58 pm

Her eyes turned, wide-eyed, to the doorknob - all movement of the door against her ceased, as well as the noise. She shifted lightly at the silence, filling the void with a prayer, murmured desperately beneath her breath..

Minutes passed, and she finally straightened, taking her weight off the door. Her hands remained on the doorknob..

"Try to find a room with a lock.. Getting us cornered won't help much, either.."

Wishbone Ash

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Wishbone Ash » Thu Jul 24, 2003 2:06 pm

Ruinth's a dead man! No, just kidding...
The two shots fired at the zombie's chest were surprisingly damaging. The Five-Seven's armor piercing capabilities did wonders against the monsters decomposing flesh. Both shots flew out the back of the zombie, spraying blood everywhere. The zombie fell down to the ground, but only for a moment. It'd begun to stir and would probably be getting up soon.

Despite this, Clay opened the door and stepped inside. He now found himself in what he remembered was the reception lounge. To his right was a long counter. Behind that was the receptionist's office. To his left was a rather open space with comfortable furniture lining the wall. Clay had begun to experience nostalgia from his old time in the office, but that was cut short when he saw two zombies lying face down on the ground in front of the only other door in the room.

"Urggh..." Groaned one of the zombies as it slowly rose to its feet. It turned around slowly, its head tilted at a peculiar angle. Three decent sized gunshot wounds covered its chest. After a moment's hesitation, it began to stagger its way towards Clay...


Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Ruinth » Thu Jul 24, 2003 2:10 pm

He took in a shrill breath at the surprise, raising his gun slowly. He stepped aside toward the counter, keeping his gun poised at the opening to the next door where the new figure arose. He narrowed his eyes slightly to focus his shot accordingly, aiming one for the face of the thing as he backed up..

Kuro Kodomo

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Kuro Kodomo » Thu Jul 24, 2003 2:11 pm

Amanda looked up, her hand still on the locked door, "This one has a lock, but we won't get in." She looked around and pointed down the hall, "Maybe down the hall?" She asked, her voice was still shaky and her face still pale.

Wishbone Ash

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Wishbone Ash » Thu Jul 24, 2003 2:16 pm

The zombie continued to lurch towards Clay, adjusting its direction accordingly as he moved towards the counter. Just as he was preparing to fire, another moan resounded through the area.

It was right next to him.

From across the counter, another zombie had risen. Startled, Clay fired a two round volley at the zombie he'd been aiming at and stepped away from the zombie that had risen behind the counter, which was slowly lurching its way around the counter to get at him.

The zombie he'd shot at had taken both bullets in the face. One slammed into it just above its left eye and the other hit it in the side of the jaw. The monster's jaw shattered from the impact, causing it to go slack jawed. The monster made one final gurgling noise before it fell to its knees and slumped over onto its face. Blood began to pool up around its head and it made no sign of movement.

Celeste of Elvenhame

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Celeste of Elvenhame » Thu Jul 24, 2003 2:18 pm

Carissa blinked rather stupidly at the man. Then with a shrug she decided to follow him, but keep a close eye on his strange behavior. She whispered to Shadrick "Let's keep an eye on him, but maybe if we follow him we can find our way out."

Wishbone Ash

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Wishbone Ash » Thu Jul 24, 2003 2:28 pm

In the upper west hallway...
Shadrick followed along reluctantly as Carissa lead him down the hallway, where the stranger had gone. She opened the door to reveal a stairwell. Jack was waiting on the stairs, casting them a strange look.

"Are you goin' to follow me or not?" Jack said, one eyebrow quirked at them in a quizical manner. With that, he bounded up the stairs... then began retreating back down them a moment later. Not one, but several unearthly moans filled the area.

"Don't want to go up there... nope..." The delusional man repeated. Carissa could clearly hear the soft, plodding sound of footsteps up the stairs. Carissa looked around in desperation and had spotted a glimpse of a doorway to the side of the staircase.

The group now had two choices. They could try to fight the zombies as they slowly marched their way down the stairs, or they could hide in the room underneath the stairs and risk being cornered. The clock was ticking...

Celeste of Elvenhame

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Celeste of Elvenhame » Thu Jul 24, 2003 2:54 pm

Carissa dragged Shadrick with her as she ran towards the door. "Come on, let's hide. I don't think they are too smart. If nothing else they will only be able to come at us from one side."


Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Ruinth » Thu Jul 24, 2003 3:04 pm

He gritted his teeth against his fright, backing up against the wall from the zombie that had arisen as the other fell. He rose his gun to the thing's chest, and fired out two more shots, blood droplets on his garb and face, at this point. He figured it'd be best to kill the thing before it got around to him.

Wishbone Ash

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Wishbone Ash » Thu Jul 24, 2003 3:11 pm

In the east stairwell...
Carissa flung open the door and ran in, Shadrick following close behind. The strange man, however, didn't follow them. Instead, he disappeared from sight. Neither Shadrick nor Carissa had any idea where the stranger had gone. So.. they slammed the door shut. Looking at the door, Shadrick saw a small bolt mechanism so he locked the door shut.

They were now in a dimly lit room. The only source of light was a dirty, flickering bulb on the ceiling that threatened to go out at any time. The small room looked like some sort of parody of an office. In the corner, there were various cleaning supplies such as a mop and a vacuum cleaner. Next to that was a shoddy desk and a foldable chair. On the desk, there were some papers.

The papers were in fact some sort of a diary. The diary read something like this (dated from the earliest to the latest).

"Dear George,
How's it been goin' pal? Sorry I haven't had much of a chance to write lately, the boss has been keepin' me busy keepin' this damn place clean. Lousy bastard's making me work overtime tonight! That guy's got balls, keepin' a man from his woman..! Oh well, I could use the money anyhow. Gotta go!
- Fred"
"Dear George,
You won't believe what happened last night! I was workin' the late shift and when I was goin' out to the parking lot to get my truck some jackass drunk popped outta the shadows 'n bit me! Took a good bite out of my hand, crazy bastard... the nurse my boss made me see has been givin' me all these shots since then. I hate shots! Ah well, the old bastard's calling for me... until another time.
- Fred"
I been feeling under the weather lately. Dunno why, but I had a high fever last night. I got this rash where that guy bit me, too... and my head won't stop pounding. Ugh... I can't stand it.
Fr e d"
"Stuff happening. My arm itchy. Itchy itchy. Dead man walking outside. Me scared... but me itchy. Itchy hungry. Hungry... more hungry than scared. Me go find tasty..."

Wishbone Ash

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Wishbone Ash » Thu Jul 24, 2003 3:13 pm

In the reception lounge...
Both of Clay's shots hit the monster in the chest, within two inches of eachother. This didn't seem to do anything to stop the zombie, though. It continued to lurch its way towards Clay. It had now rounded the corner and had a clear path towards him. Looking around, Clay didn't see anything he could duck behind to protect himself.

Meanwhile, the other zombie by the doorway was making some strange noises...

Edited by: Wishbone Ash at: 7/24/03 3:17 pm


Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Ruinth » Thu Jul 24, 2003 3:26 pm

He growled out, half in fear, half in annoyance, as he let out another two experimental shots at its neck, backing up as the creature made its way toward him.. His focus seemed to be undaunted by noise at this point.


Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby AngelOfDeathIX » Thu Jul 24, 2003 3:33 pm

She gritted her teeth in fright, turning her head to glance to Amanda sharply from over her shoulder.

"Don't talk to me, woman! Just keep trying the doors! Anywhere is good, as long as we get out of this alive.. - Check down the hall. Call to me, when you find one.."

Wishbone Ash

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Wishbone Ash » Thu Jul 24, 2003 3:33 pm

Ruinth's still a dead man..
The first shot to the neck produced especially bloody results. The bullet punctured the undead's jugular vein, which proceeded to bleed all over its tattered shirt. The second hit the side of the zombie's neck and passed through it.

The shots caused the zombie to stagger backwards and fall onto the reception desk. It twitched for several moments before straightening up and facing Clay once more, dripping blood as it made its way towards him.

Meanwhile, the zombie near the door continued to make some strange noises. If Clay were a more biblical man, he might have thought that the thing was some sort of a demon. It's breathing was low and ragged and its unearthly moans were much lower than the other undead's had been. Casting a quick glance at it, he noticed it had turned a red tinge...


Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Ruinth » Thu Jul 24, 2003 3:36 pm

" .. Shit. " Simply put, he bursted out about six shots at the suddenly uprisen creature in fear, backing up from both of the zombies' paths..

Kuro Kodomo

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Kuro Kodomo » Thu Jul 24, 2003 3:39 pm

Amanda glared at her and shook her head. She pulled out her pocket knife and flipped out the blade. She headed down the hall without sayng a word.

Wishbone Ash

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Wishbone Ash » Thu Jul 24, 2003 3:39 pm

Dum, dum, dum...
The zombie that Clay had unloaded almost a third of a clip into was still lurching its way towards him. The one by the door hadn't risen yet, but it was progressively getting louder. To make matters worse, Clay heard someone banging at the door he had just come out of...

Edited by: Wishbone Ash at: 7/24/03 3:46 pm

Wishbone Ash

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Wishbone Ash » Thu Jul 24, 2003 3:41 pm

In the lower east hallway...
Amanda now found herself in front of a doorway. Checking the knob, she found that it was unlocked. There was also another door a bit further down the hallway.

Everybody in this hallway could clearly hear gunshots, but they sounded distant.


Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby AngelOfDeathIX » Thu Jul 24, 2003 3:42 pm

( Ruinth, Nick? ^^; )

Posts: 1223
Joined: Tue Apr 23, 2002 1:47 am

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Thu Jul 24, 2003 3:43 pm

And Kenneth, having seen all of this happen....decided to take a careful walk to the door that Carissa went through....(And his RPer can't post anything more than that for now...)

Kuro Kodomo

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Kuro Kodomo » Thu Jul 24, 2003 3:45 pm

Surprised that this door was unlocked, she turned the knob all the way and pushed it open gently. Knife in hand, ready to attack if need be.


Well, goddamn..

Unread postby Ruinth » Thu Jul 24, 2003 3:48 pm

He cursed out loudly, backing up past the door, sending three shots at the reddened demon while he moved. He used the door simply as cover, at this point, knowing not who was there behind it.

"Get back! -Now-!" he shouted as he rushed into the open space, shutting it behind him.


Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Darkphoenixfri13 » Thu Jul 24, 2003 3:49 pm

"I'm Jason Phillips. You may have seen me on television. I'm just going to tell you this. I did not murder my best friend!. Ok.. now the door on the right leads to the coffee room... And the other one leads to another hallway. Neither one is safe. Which one should we take?"

Wishbone Ash

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Wishbone Ash » Thu Jul 24, 2003 3:52 pm

In the art room...
Amanda had now entered the art room. Several expensive looking paintings hung on the wall of the room. Underneath each one of them was an engraving.

"Hey guys... come in here!" She called to Bart and Stephanie. Moments later she heard the pounding of footsteps, then the two of them entered the art room with her. She shut the door behind her, but found that there was no lock. Bart stood and guarded the door, ready to use his pipe if need be.

The room itself was shaped like a donut. In the center of the room was a very large pillar. This pillar must have been roughly eight feet in diameter and was crafted out of what looked like marble. On it, there hung a picture of the night sky.

Around the room, there were several other paintings. Most of them were abstract and none of the three could figure out what they were about, exactly. There were only two that made sense, one of a young woman and another of a small boy. Both figures looked melancholy. Oddly enough, the pictures had been hung right next to eachother.


Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby AngelOfDeathIX » Thu Jul 24, 2003 3:57 pm

Stephanie reached a hand out tentatively, as if to touch the woman in the picture, but drew her hand back, turning to Amanda..

"Funny, how a room this beautiful lies within a police station.."

Wishbone Ash

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Wishbone Ash » Thu Jul 24, 2003 3:58 pm

In the upper west hallway...
Kenneth had now entered the hallway that Carissa and Shadrick had just left a few moments ago. To his horror, Kenneth heard gunshots nearby in addition to several unearthly moans that seemed to be coming from all directions. Things did not look good for this pyro...

Ruinth's so dead!
Moving back into the main hall was definitely not the smartest choice Clay had made. As he backed out the door, a sudden stench overpowered him. He had backed into the arms of a zombie, who'd been trying to get into the door. Immediately, the zombie sunk its teeth into Clay's left shoulder, tearing through his shirt and into his flesh. With a yelp, he managed to thrust his elbow into the side of the monster. It startled the zombie, giving Clay time to turn around and give it a hard shove. The zombie fell down to the ground.

Ruinth saw that the door to the left of him on the same side of the hallway had just closed as someone had stepped inside of it. Ruinth couldn't tell whether the person was a zombie or not, however. Speaking of zombies... there were still a few of them moping around the hall. The dogs had strangely disappeared, though. He found both doors on the opposite side of the room unguarded, but he'd have to navigate the zombies to get to them...


Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Ruinth » Thu Jul 24, 2003 4:03 pm

Grasping his shoulder, he made sure to give a kick to the zombie's legs before dashing past it, and into the room that had just closed. This time, however, he kept himself low to the floor, so as not to bump headfirst into another bite. He hadn't much time to conclude as to what was to happen to him, with this bite. Adrenaline made him forget such fears.

Wishbone Ash

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Wishbone Ash » Thu Jul 24, 2003 4:09 pm

In the upper east hallway...

"Jason Phillips?" The name registered a blank to Vincent. He thought for a few moments, but still came up with nothing. Then, from nowhere, he remembered seeing a headline about a murder. Ah, now he remembered.

"You didn't? But I thought all the jury agreed that you were guilty... oh well, it doesn't matter now. I believe you, I guess. We need to get out of here though. I think we should check that coffee room and see if there's anybody in there that can help us." Vincent said, eyeing the man over a bit. He didn't seem particularly clean cut, but he wasn't about to ditch him just because of that. After finishing what he was saying, Vincent walked over to the coffee room door and swung it open.

He walked in on a zombie in the middle of a meal. The zombie was wearing a green uniform with a matching cap. On the back of it was an acronym... "VPD". Vincent realized that the man must be the janitor, since the police officers all wore blue or black.

"Bastard.." Vincent grunted as he raised his handgun and checked the sights on it carefully. Three shots rang out. Each 9mm slug buried itself into the back of the zombie's skull. Blood spurted from each wound, coating the back of the janitor's shirt with a fresh layer of crimson. Slowly, the janitor stood up and faced Vincent. It began to slowly walk towards him.

"I thought these bastards were supposed to die when you shot them in the head!? That's how it worked in the movies..!" Vincent said loudly. He fired twice more, hitting the zombie in the chest with both shots. The zombie now looked as if it was about to collapse. The teenager pulled the trigger one last time, putting the final round just below its right eye. The zombie fell to the ground with a loud thud.

Something shiny caught Jason's eye. A key had fallen out of the janitor's pocket. Vincent was busy looking over the victim in the corner, who was obviously dead, so he didn't notice the key.

"This isn't her... there's still hope." Vincent thought. His mind was set on finding Katelyn for now. Nothing else really mattered other than getting out with her.

Kuro Kodomo

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Kuro Kodomo » Thu Jul 24, 2003 4:10 pm

Amanda shifted uncomfortably, "I don't think it's funny...I'd an off kinda way." She glanced around the room.

She walked over to the pillar and examined the picture of the night sky. She couldn't shake the odd feeling she had about the room. Something was wrong.

Wishbone Ash

Re: Resident Evil: Midnight Crisis (Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Wishbone Ash » Thu Jul 24, 2003 4:11 pm

In the upper west hallway...
Clay would have bumped right into Kenneth, had he not been wary of being attacked by another monster. Kenneth turned around with a start as he saw Clay barge through the door, but relaxed slightly when he saw that Clay wasn't a zombie.

Nearby, they both heard several splintering noises. It sounded like a door was being broken through.


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