The Kingdom [join in the ooc]

For all RPs taking place in other settings.
JT Of Blades

The Ominousy Dark Cave O' Doom

Unread postby JT Of Blades » Thu Feb 06, 2003 7:30 pm

JT frowned. "Hm.. I don't want to expose myself in the dark. Maybe I can make this into a... personal test. I've studied for long enough. Maybe I can do it..."

JT focused, trying to pull the whole of his life essence together. He then tried to manifest it in physical form. In short, he was attempting to create a fireball... the first fireball, to light the way.


Re: A test?

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Thu Feb 06, 2003 8:48 pm

[OOC: First up Angel]

Angel's foot smashed into and through the wall. There was now a small drainage hole. The water problem was suficiently solved.


[OOC: Now Jou]

As Jou walked down the stairway and people noticed him. Gasps of astonishment could be herd around the room. Jou knew the sound all to well and it didn't startle him in the slightest.

Once he reached the throne with the Queen, King, and the person they were talking to, everything fell silent.

"What is the meaning of this. I thought slaves were for the arena only," the king said with with some malice in his voice.

"I do believe this man is here for the same reason I am," said the man who had been talking with the king ealier.

"Ohh... Well then. We do need all we can get so young sir please no longer consider yourself a slave as long as you are on this journy. Go with Thalamus, he will get you more proper atire, you," the king said. It may have sounded like the malice was gone, but the king still didn't like slaves.

A slightly older man stepped forward. Thalamus was his name, and he too was not fond of slaves but the kings orders were law. "Come this way you." Thalamus walked into a back door that had not been seen as of yet.


[OOC: Last but sertainly not least is JT.]

A small fireball was lit and cast down the hall, after about 100 feet it fizzled out. Nothing but wall was seen. JT herd some water trickle out of the trap door he had fell out of.



Unread postby PSLoyalist » Fri Feb 07, 2003 11:40 am

Angel stared confusingly at the still water.

"Um, lets see, Angel observed the room to see if he could use anything to get the hell out, maybe kick another wall.

Angel then repetedly kicked the east wall with a swift blunt end of his heel.

Edited by: [url=>PSLoyalist</A] at: 2/7/03 6:59:04 pm


Re: Saved...?

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Fri Feb 07, 2003 3:45 pm

[OOC: Angel you just kicked a whole in the wall the size of your foot. How are you crawling through it, let alone that it just goes in the other hallway. Edit your post please.]

The water level stayed about chest high, the whole was big enough to just keep equilibrium.

JT Of Blades

Re: Saved...?

Unread postby JT Of Blades » Fri Feb 07, 2003 5:02 pm

JT cursed. He was a good bit weakened from his casting, and also astonished that he had done---as far as he knew--- the only thing a normal person had done in hundreds of years. He had taught himself magic. He shook his head, and looked up at the trap door. He then turned to the hall. He then decided on a possible path of action: ask where the heck he is.

"HELLO? ANYONE HERE?!" He yelled at noone at particular. Up the trapdoor as well as down the hall.


Re: Saved...?

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Fri Feb 07, 2003 8:46 pm

It just echoed. Nothing of much happend. The water is still coming down, faster now.


Re: Saved...?

Unread postby PSLoyalist » Fri Feb 07, 2003 8:56 pm

Once again Angel observed the room.

(OOC: ahem? what does it look like)


Re: Saved...?

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Fri Feb 07, 2003 10:49 pm

Angel is standing in a room 6 x 6 with gold looking walls, a whole in the floor and water rushing out of it. Water is falling out of the cracks in the ceiling. You would expect an end to the water but it doesn't seem to stop. You note the ease at which you broke through the wall and think. Then you also think that the north wall would continue down the hallway you were originally in, but you would have to create a whole large enough to get through.


Re: Saved...?

Unread postby PSLoyalist » Sat Feb 08, 2003 12:47 am

(OOC: Thanks)

Angel Began to slam his shoulder against teh north wall, putting all his weight into it.


Re: Saved...?

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Sat Feb 08, 2003 12:58 am

It might have been the exitment of stopping the water from killing him, or it might have been the water destroying the walls. What ever reason it was the wall Angel had been slaming against fell down and Angel along with it. Water flodded the hallway, though the carpet seemed to absorb it like a fat person absorbs ice cream.

[OOC: I mean no offense to over weight peoples, I am friends with a couple. Just in case you didn't believe me.]


Re: Saved...?

Unread postby PSLoyalist » Sat Feb 08, 2003 1:07 am

(OOC: heh, nice description)

Angel stood up and shook himself off to the best of his abilities, but still drenched. With a loud sigh he continued down the hallway, hopefully towards teh kings chamber.

"Who ever the hell played this cruel joke is gonna get an ass-whopin," Angel said grinting his teeth and quickening his pace down teh hall.


Re: Saved...?

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Sat Feb 08, 2003 1:10 am

Angel takes a step and DOWN he goes. He stepped onto a trap door. He hits the ground below with a thud. He loooks up and sees another man standing around in the dark room with peices of a door on the ground. You notice that the walls are pink...

[OOC:He we go again, y'all should know where you are.]


Re: Saved...?

Unread postby PSLoyalist » Sat Feb 08, 2003 1:17 am

Angel gets up, rubbing his back in pain. The man in front of him turned around to met his face. He was a pale, robe-wielding, son-of-a-bitch, this guy probably has alot of money.

Judging by teh book in his hand, Angel could tell he was obviously literate, or at least like to look at the pretty pictures. Getting up with a smile, Angel approached the man, to see if he had anything...good, on him.


Re: Saved...?

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Sat Feb 08, 2003 1:48 am

[OOC: I'll let JT respond to that.]

JT Of Blades

Re: Saved...?

Unread postby JT Of Blades » Sat Feb 08, 2003 12:47 pm

JT slowly turned, to look at the person apparently trying to sneak up on him.

"Err... hi? I guess you heard my yell. Or something." He shrugged, and turned toward the hallway. "This is the only way out, as far as I can see. Probably FULL of exciting perils as well. I vote you go first. I don't trust a thief behind me."


Re: Saved...?

Unread postby PSLoyalist » Sat Feb 08, 2003 1:38 pm

Angel lightly chuckled to himself and walked in front of the man.

"by the way, i just fell in here." Angel said looking back at the trap door.


Re: Saved...?

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Sat Feb 08, 2003 2:26 pm

Besides the dark and spooky atmosphere of the long hallway. Nothing happend. They could hear the water come down the trap door faster than ever.



Unread postby Kyton » Wed Feb 12, 2003 1:38 am

Jou had to grind his teeth at the ghasps that came his way when he neared. They didn't surprise him in the slightest in their actions, though the blatant distaste was irksome. He only wished he would not have to continue to suffer the looks of disgust, as if he was no better than a rat. Especially when the king happened to glance his way. The malice and cold tones of hatred brought a steely glare to Jou's eyes even though he still did not raise them to meet the king's. Instead his vision was locked on a particularly ornate section of carpet.

"I do believe this man is here for the same reason I am," said the man who had been talking with the king ealier.

Jou glanced at the man that spoke in his favor, marveling that anyone would bother to do so. It seemed to change the king slightly though. The man visibly tried to bury his discust, though is words were still curt and to the point.

"Ohh... Well then. We do need all we can get so young sir please no longer consider yourself a slave as long as you are on this journy. Go with Thalamus, he will get you more proper attire, you."

Now this was shocking to him, and he couldn't help himself. His head snapped up, his eyes a little wide as he searched the king's expression. Surely he was joking. Free so easily?

He barely heard the words of the other man that bid him follow, and his body automatically put one foot in front of the other as his thoughts turned. It didn't take him long to realize it wasn't so simple after all. He was to be sent on a journey somewhere. And likely survival wasn't likely. Otherwise why send a mere slave? And as for the promise of freedom it would only last untill he returned. ... if he managed to return.

As Jou walked through the door he kept thinking though. After so many years he would have a chance to escape. This journey would take him away from the city, and he was allowed to go. And likely there would be at least one person sent to keep track of him. That meant he could try for a weapon, maybe use the forests after that. Even if it meant his life he couldn't discount the opportunity.

Jou didn't realise he had walked into the middle of the room and was standing there as he thought. Now he lifted his head to look around himself, and see what was within.


Re: hrm...

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Wed Feb 12, 2003 2:06 am

The room was also circular, and four storys high. The bottom floor was one huge closet. The only break in it was made for the door. Hanging in the closet were pants, lots of pants. Pants in every style imanginable. The next floor was the same thing except no break, no door. And on that floor instead of pants hung shirts. The next floor jackets, cloaks, and other realated clothing. The last floor was filled with weapons, think of a weapon and if it's not up there it doesn't exisit.

Thalamus looks at Jou and says, "First floor first."

[OOC:Write your everything until you're done in the room. You can make it several posts if you like.]


Re: hrm...

Unread postby Kyton » Fri Feb 14, 2003 7:56 pm

Jou all but gawked at the array of clothings and weaponry around him, and after a glance at the man that led him in, he began going through the first floor.

Jou had no idea what he was supposed to take, but he cared little for the fancy clothes that he saw first. They were too impractical. Some offered even less protection that what he wore already. In the end he found a pair of heavy leather breeches that looked to fit, and put them on. The second floor was alike in shirts, loaded with every imagineable look and fabric. Jou took longer here, scanning each and trying to find something that would work with the bands of leather and shoulder-piece he already wore. He couldn't help but smirk at the thought of keeping his 'costume'. It was meant to make him seem more imposing than he was already, which he liked. It set his opponents off balance, and seemed to work for other people as well. Finally he pulled a two-piece shirt and vest from the rack. It looked similar to what some of the tradesmen wore. The shirt was loose and made of a smooth but strong fabric, while the black-dyed deerskin vest had a few decorative studs on it to make it look like armor. It plainly wasn't, but the man liked the look of it.

Jou undud the clasp that held his shoulder-piece, and it fell to the ground with a dull >thunk<. After a moment of consideration he pulled the shirt from the vest, looked it up and down, then dropped it to the floor as well. He pulled the armor-esque vest on over his near over-developed muscles, and settled it on his broad shoulders. It seemed to fit in nicely with the leather bands that were still wrapped around his chest. He left the vest open for now, and bent down to retrief the shoulderpiece. Once it was again resting on his shoulder he moved on to the next level.



Unread postby Daylos » Mon Mar 17, 2003 8:55 pm

(OOC is it possible to join now,or should I wait for later?)


Re: joining

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Tue Mar 18, 2003 1:52 am

[OOC: SOO possible, I hope people start posting again. I'll open up an ooc thread in the ooc forum, give me your sheet there.]


Into the madness

Unread postby WhiteWerefox » Wed Mar 19, 2003 4:15 am

Ensifer smoothly strode through town. It was not pride that reassured him the elegance of his gait, but learned fact.

Two things smooth a mans gait: Ballet and fencing.

Dad had grilled footwork into him for a year before he even let Ensifer pick up a blade. Two years, before he handled a sharp one.

Of course, his dad would have been livid at the thought of taking a job like a common mercneary. But Ensifer didn't have much choice in that respect... starving and begging were far less gentlemanly options.

Each refined step took him closer to the guardhouse. Estelle said that he glided more than he walked. She was leagues away by now, he'd been "gliding" for nearly two months. His cape would have flowed smoothly, if it were more than a foot and a half long. As it was, it merely hung off his shoulder.

He arrived at the guardhouse, and addressed the officer there. "I've seen notices posted calling for skilled men to embark on a mission in the name of our King: I proffer my services for this venture."


Re: Into the madness

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Wed Mar 19, 2003 1:08 pm

The guard looked up at the man.

"Okay...Umm... Please enter the castle. Someone will help you there."

The guard looked back down at his paper. The news was boring as always then he spotted a grat article. The pub was getting a new chair to replace the really old one.

"Wow..." was all the guard, and the mercenary could hear. Mostly because the mercenary had left on his way to the castle.

Kuro Kodomo

Re: Into the madness

Unread postby Kuro Kodomo » Wed Mar 19, 2003 7:35 pm

Marissa was halfway home from the market when she noticed a flyer on a nearby stall. She read it over, tore it off the stall, and smiled. She headed strsight to the castle, it was maybe a ten minute walk from where she was.

She approached the guard at the entrance. "Have the positions been filled yet?" She demanded as she handed him the flyer.


Re: Into the madness

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Wed Mar 19, 2003 8:44 pm

The guard tossed the flyer in an already large heap of flyers.

"I do not know. Enter the castle."

Kuro Kodomo

Re: Into the madness

Unread postby Kuro Kodomo » Wed Mar 19, 2003 10:43 pm

Marissa scowled and with her hands in her hips, she entered the castle. She headed down the left corridor.

"You would think that the king would hire smart guards. Sheesh." She shook her head as she walked.


More walking...

Unread postby WhiteWerefox » Wed Mar 19, 2003 11:04 pm

Ensifer left the guardhouse, but went to the inn he was currently residing in.

Court garb. Such as it is.

He kept his white tunic and black jerkin, but wore his long black cloak and over it his white short cape. Both were light for the season. The over cape had his families coat of arms removed long ago, and he missed it's authority. His flourid Rapier was strapped to his side, rather than his far plainer and lighter foil, and his longer dagger remained concealed in his jerkin. He kept his white pants, with their loose fit, but traded his leather shoes in for a pair of tall black boots.

He also hid his coin purse in his jerkin, next to the blade. Dressing rich tended to get you robbed.

Change complete, he made his way to the Palace and entered to inquire within.

((Does the pallace have a name? Pallace Everstine? Pallace Releshan?))

Edited by: [url=>WhiteWerefox</A] at: 3/20/03 8:06:05 pm


Re: More walking...

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Wed Mar 19, 2003 11:14 pm

[OOC: I have a question myself. Is the rapier visible to the passer by? And it's called The Pallace. The citizens know of no other kingdom so there is no need to distinguish between pallaces.]

Marissa walks down the first half of the corridor just fine. Many lovely pictures can be seen on the sides, and the carpet looks as if no one has ever tred upon it. But when she reachs about half way she falls through a trap door. After a couple seconds of sliding she lands on the ground only to find herself in a dark room. Two strangers stand next to what seems to be a door. But then again it's rather dark.

Edited by: [url=>Geocsuppi</A] at: 3/19/03 10:17:47 pm

Kuro Kodomo

Re: More walking...

Unread postby Kuro Kodomo » Wed Mar 19, 2003 11:25 pm

She growls as she stands, rubbing her behind. "Shizah. The first step's a doozy." She muttered as she peered thought the darkness. She thought she could see the outline of two figures but her eyes could be playing tricks on her, it was afully dark.

"Hello over there! Can someone please explain to me why I fell through the floor?" Her short fuse was lit and it would be only a short while before she went off.


Re: More walking...

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Wed Mar 19, 2003 11:41 pm

[OOC:Sadely, I don't know how long it will be for them to respond. People just kind of stopped posting.]

Kuro Kodomo

In the basement

Unread postby Kuro Kodomo » Wed Mar 19, 2003 11:46 pm

((OOC: Grrrr....people who have lives should not be on this site. It should only be for those people who have nothing better to do than to sit on their butts and stare at a computer screen.))Image

Posts: 1245
Joined: Fri Jul 26, 2002 11:36 pm

Re: In the basement

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Thu Mar 20, 2003 2:55 am

It had been a long road, each step taking its toll on the young runaway.

She had come to town, hoping to find some work. She leaned on the wall of an inn as she yawned.

"I need to do something," she said standing. She wore short pants and a long baggy tunic, and on her head an old orange bandana. "I need to make some money."

She walked on looking around with interest at the many buildings.

The wind blew, causing her short brown hair to fly across her face. She wiped it away as a scrap of paper blew onto her leg.

"Huh?" she said reading. "Oh how terrible." She said as she read. "Killing. . random people? But it dose say something about working. . .maybe someone would hire me to take care of the Palace horses." She said with a smile and walked on.

She soon came to the Palace, and as she stared up at it, she was awe struck.

"Wow," she said her green eyes wide.

"You there!" Shouted a guard. She jumped as he grabbed her by the arm. "What are you doing sneaking around?"

"I .. came. . to." The mans eyes fell on the flyer she was holding. He laughed loudly as another soldier came up.

"What's so funny?" The other asked. The man pointed to the flyer and soon they were both laughing.

"She. ..wants to. . .ha ha ha fight? Look at her. She's just a twerp of a girl."

She frowned.

"Actually sir. ." she said slowly. "I was hoping to. . "

"GO on in kid." He said. "The king will get a laugh out of you. . .before he sends you packing."

She walked past them, angry at their rude behavior. As she walked into Palace, she gaped at the finery and the wonderful tapestries that hung on the walls. She stopped and then sighed.

"Great, now wich way do I go?" She said and then headed towards the center corridor. "I wish they would have told me more about this place." She said as she walked on.


Re: In the basement

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Thu Mar 20, 2003 3:08 am

Though no one in the entire city saw it. Just after she had left the guards were killed, pioson darts in the head. They slumped to the ground and the needles disapeered. It was finally decided that they had died of a heart attack. But again no one in the city saw it happen.

Bunny walks and walks, being a runaway all of the grogious artwork, and statues just filled her with awe for the kingdom. She had noticed as she had walked that the guards seemed to be the only mean people in the whole kingdom.

All of these thoughts are overshadowed by what was infront of her.

A very thick looking wall. But that wasn't the bad part. The bad part was that there was now one behind her also. This greatly confused Bunny as she would have had to walk through the wall to get in. Despite all of this, none of it was the bad part. I lied yes. The real bad part was that the floor seemed to be falling away. Bunny saw a chunk of the floor at the oposite wall fall down. Several seconds later she herd it hit the ground. A couple more peices fell away.

Posts: 1245
Joined: Fri Jul 26, 2002 11:36 pm

Re: In the basement

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Thu Mar 20, 2003 3:12 am

"Aiiiiieeeee!" Bunny screamed and ran to one side of the wall.

"HElP!" She shouted. She flatened herself against the wall. "HELP!" She shouted again.

(ooc. This is fun.)


Re: In the basement

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Thu Mar 20, 2003 3:14 am

And nothing happened. No one herd her screams but one small ant that had came in on her staff.

Posts: 1245
Joined: Fri Jul 26, 2002 11:36 pm

Re: In the basement

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Thu Mar 20, 2003 3:24 am

Bunny closed her eyes and then opened them.

"Ok. . this is nuts." She said and raised her staf to hit the wall. She stoped sudenly.

"Hay," she said puting her finger to the ant. "Sorry littel guy, but I don't want to squish you." She alowed it to crawl onto her finger. Afterwords she began to hit the wal.

"Maybe. . .theres some kinda week point. . .this is crazy. ." She said as she struk. "I need to get out of here. .."


Re: In the basement

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Thu Mar 20, 2003 3:35 am

Had the wall actually carred that Bunny was hitting it it might have broken or something. I can't say that nothing happened because more of the floor did fall away. Bunny could now see down. Where spikes laid, half painted in blood. About half of the floor had fallen away by this time.


Ack.......DA chikens

Unread postby chickendestwoyer » Thu Mar 20, 2003 5:46 am

Image :MWAH HA HA HA!!!!!! Feel my power!

the huge lord momoko toto yakamoto,
A worthy adversery of any creature of light.
Bunny saw that the blood soaked spikes were now flaming a dark blood red color, and there was an over whelming stech of death in the air

BOOM! Image : I AM THE Chicken DeStwOyEr!!!!!

The chicken destwoyer, a fighter secluded in legend and mystery, supposedly the strongest of the
lengendary assasins, his holy darkness attack will immediatley destroy all dark beings in his view.

Image : Go or face my mercilus mastery of mind control!!!!!!

Image : HA HA! your mastery onomatopoeia Is nothing compared is nothing compared to my poetry SKILLS!!!!

Image : *clears throat* the spiders web shone,
It shone, It sparkled, It shined, it tinkled
and the sparkle, the shine, the tinkles
they danced, danced like tiny fairys sparkling
shining, tinkling............the web it shone.

Image : AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Weez.....Weez....
I'll get YOU!.........

Kuro Kodomo

Basement time

Unread postby Kuro Kodomo » Thu Mar 20, 2003 1:35 pm

Marissa growled and stomped over to where she "thought" she saw people.

"Hello?! Why the hell are you two just standing around?!"


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