Forgotten Legends (Full Modified Philsys RP)

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Forgotten Legends (Full Modified Philsys RP)

Unread postby Nakibe » Mon Dec 23, 2002 6:55 pm

It's so dark here... so very dark...

Why am I here? What did I do wrong? Why am I.... AIIIIEEEEE NO. PLEASE... STOP THAT.... STOP IT NOW!!!!

Our story begins in the village of Lohan. Normally a quiet little place, this winter everyone is hurrying and scurring about trying to prepare themselves for the coming celebration. You see, the nobleman that owned much of the land in the village, one Krane Selondor by name, was having a fancy party, and he'd actually decided it was worth inviting some of the more prominent locals to this party. The whole town was feeling the excitement as a result. Even if they weren't invited to the party proper, villagers were definitely ready to get into a festive mood in any case.

Sir Selondor found himself spending time trying to perfect his poker face in time for the party. Being the main landholder of those parts, he was considered by some to be almost the Lord of these people. Unfortunately this also meant he had to put up with their petty requests and pleas day in and day out. Their mindless drivel was, simply put, as boring as possible for him. However, he'd decided to announce his party for two reasons. One of which was to reward these peasants for what seemed to have actually been a fruitful year for him. And the second was to impress them. As much as he'd hate to admit it, he actually liked their adoration of him... and his prize jewel collection would do just nicely for that.

This is where our story begins.

(OOC: Intro = Suck. IF I get a better one it gets rewritten. >:\ )

Edited by: [url=>Nakibe</A] at: 12/23/02 8:21:56 pm

Squintz Altec
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Re: Forgotten Legends (Full Modified Philsys RP)

Unread postby Squintz Altec » Mon Dec 23, 2002 9:57 pm

He awoke. The sun was in his eyes, so he decided it was morning. He had always hated mornings, as he was much more of a night person. Ah, well. Not much he could do about the sun. What is my name again? he thought., that's not right. Dreckard. Yes. That's right. Dreckard Forsheeth. Dreckard had to remind himself daily, as he could probably never again use his real one. He kind of did wish he could use it, though. It was easier to remember than Dreckard. Ah, well. What's done is done. Well, time for his morning prayers. He closed his eyes, and prayed, humming in different languages. When he was done, he got out of the bed at the inn. He was a human, with short, brown hair and blue eyes. Not very muscular, he was thin, and appeared weak. In this case, the appearance was true, as he was very weak. His main strength lied in magic, and not even that was very useful, as he did not use his best spells. Ah, well. Choices are choices. Dreckard got dressed, paid his bill, and walked outside. Something was troubling him. A bad dream...odd. He almost never dreamed. He looked up at the sun, and scratched an itch on his leg. What should he do today?

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post thingy

Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon Dec 23, 2002 10:19 pm

As chance may have it, a stranger found herself meandering the bustling streets of Lohan that wintery day. Short and lean, she was wrapped up tightly in folds of heavy robes, whose ragged edges trailed along the ground. A light cloak laid over top of these robes, its hood draw over her face. Nothing but the pale white tip of a chin was visible beneath the hood -- it was a wonder that she avoided running into anyone.

As she walked, Chiere absently noted the sounds around her...neighbors gossiping, the wind rustling, birds calling in the distance. Her full concentration, however, seemed to be on her in front of the other, in front of the other, in front of the other -- in an endless pattern that stretched on as long as her mind could imagine.

Dark Xia

Re: Forgotten Legends (Full Modified Philsys RP)

Unread postby Dark Xia » Mon Dec 23, 2002 10:22 pm

"Agghhhhhhh!!!!!" Ethra woke up sweating and panting.

What... what the #@!% was that.. how could I of been falling...I never fall... unless I want to.. well that..

She sighed, trying just to get over it.

Eth, be quiet, not so much noise, noise isn't the smartest thing to make unless you want to make it. It was just a bad dream, and not the first one you've had, so GET OVER IT.

Slowly she got out of her fur sleeping bag, and shivered a bit. It was getting cold. She mgiht have to rent a room for part of this winter. Slowly she got up and sniffed herself a bit. She really needed to take a bath, and such a thing wasn't the easist thing to do when it was cold outside. Her stomach started growling right then.

Breakfast first....

She went to check her traps, she didn't want to dig into her supply of smoked meat just yet.

Better eat it before something else gets to it first though

I want to have enough to survive the hard times though. Have to remember that.

Elementalist Daien

Re: Forgotten Legends (Full Modified Philsys RP)

Unread postby Elementalist Daien » Mon Dec 23, 2002 11:20 pm

From the edge of the town, a female figure walked in, draped in normal peasant clothes, protected from the cold by just her clothes and a piece of cloth way too small, judging by the fact she kept on pulling it around her from time to time. She shivered as she walked along the town, searching for a fireplace and a warm meal.

So cold... I wish I was back- No, what am I saying..? But it's so cold I can't stand it... When I get my hands on some money, I'm going to buy some new clothes, I'm freezing... Brrr.... she thought as she pulled at the cloth for the millionth time, as far as she was concerned.

Holding it down with one hand, she looked around the town she just walked in, noting the air of festivity.

That's odd... Wonder what's going on... She shrugged and walked on, deciding taking care of getting warm was far more important..

Dark Xia

Re: Forgotten Legends (Full Modified Philsys RP)

Unread postby Dark Xia » Mon Dec 23, 2002 11:42 pm

Ethra trudged through the forest, a smelly sack in her right hand tossed over her shoulder. She slowly made her way into town, trying to ignore anyone looking at her, she hated how people just looked at strangers like they were going to rob them right then and there.

Which is stupid, since I would wait until they were asleep or busy to try to steal anything.

It had been a few months since she had last been here, and things hadn't changed all too much. There WAS something new going on, some festivity, not that Ethra cared. She just wanted to find some place where she could sell these furs, and then try to find some palce where she could take a bath.

Edited by: Dark Xia at: 12/24/02 12:37:56 pm

Dark Xia

Re: Forgotten Legends (Full Modified Philsys RP)

Unread postby Dark Xia » Tue Dec 24, 2002 1:54 pm

Dammit, I can't even rmemeber where I sold furs last time. Stupid nightmare... what's wrong with me today!

Ethra stopped walking, yawned, and carelessly stretched her wings for a bit. "Damn whatever gods still exist." She cursed again, not paying any attention to the people who she had hit ith her outstretched wings.

(anyone want to get feathers in their face, ear, ect or wherever you want Image )

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Re: Forgotten Legends (Full Modified Philsys RP)

Unread postby pd Rydia » Tue Dec 24, 2002 6:53 pm


Ethra could feel a light hand brushing her wings out of the way, and if she turned around, she could see that her stretching knocked back the hood of a fellow traveller. Spitting out a loose feather, the small woman shaded her eyes with a white hand, and squinted at Ethra, wordlessly.

Squintz Altec
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Re: Forgotten Legends (Full Modified Philsys RP)

Unread postby Squintz Altec » Tue Dec 24, 2002 7:24 pm

Dreckard walked out to the main markets. He had some wares to trade, but he didn't expect much. That's how he was. Living off the fat of the land, pretty much. He only stopped in villages to trade, get a nice room for a night, and go on his way. He was a hermit, he reflected. Though he did occasionally like to talk to others, but still a hermit. I wonder how much I'll get? He thought absently as he walked.

Dark Xia

Re: Forgotten Legends (Full Modified Philsys RP)

Unread postby Dark Xia » Tue Dec 24, 2002 10:18 pm

After opening her eyes again Ethra finally noticed that something was touching one of her wings. She gave the person a passing glance and said, "If you wanted some of my feathers you didn't have to stick your face into my..." Her voice faded as she gave the traveler a closer look. Something wasn't.... wasn't normal about this person. She stared into the woman's squinting eyes, not sure what to say.

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Re: Forgotten Legends (Full Modified Philsys RP)

Unread postby pd Rydia » Tue Dec 24, 2002 10:45 pm

The woman looked back at Ethra -- or, rather, looked through her. As her eyes adjusted to the light, she squinted less and less, until her pale pink eyes finally blinked and focused on Ethra.

Two lumps on her back shifted under her cloak, as she stared at Ethra silently. After what seemed like ages, she spoke up.

"You should be more careful when stretching...your wings taste like time."

Edited by: pd Rydia&nbsp; Image at: 12/24/02 9:50:18 pm

Dark Xia

Re: Forgotten Legends (Full Modified Philsys RP)

Unread postby Dark Xia » Tue Dec 24, 2002 10:52 pm

Ethra frowned at those words, "And yours taste like honey I suppose?" She decided to take a step back.

Those ARE a pair of wings under there right? No tentecles or other apendages...

"You-you're a Tilan, right?" It was obvious that EThra hadn't spoken to anyone in a long time.

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Re: Forgotten Legends (Full Modified Philsys RP)

Unread postby pd Rydia » Tue Dec 24, 2002 11:01 pm

"I've never tasted my wings, but I'd suppose they taste like song...why do you ask?" She blinked at Ethra again, her hand still shading her eyes. "Tilan? Yes, I'm a Tilan...that's right. It is, yes." She smiled, and offered Ethra her free hand. "My name is Chiere. A pleasure, it is."

Edited by: pd Rydia&nbsp; Image at: 12/24/02 10:02:11 pm

Dark Xia

Re: Forgotten Legends (Full Modified Philsys RP)

Unread postby Dark Xia » Wed Dec 25, 2002 12:10 am

"S-song? I..." She took the offered hand without eally thinking, "I don't think that's... a flavor... usually, that is. I'm E-Ethra. Are you... always..." She almost felt dizzy, looking at this person. There was just something.... unsettling about her "Er, you wouldn't know where I could find a fur trader here would you?"

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Re: Forgotten Legends (Full Modified Philsys RP)

Unread postby pd Rydia » Wed Dec 25, 2002 1:56 am

Chiere shook her head, eyes clouding slightly. "No, I'm afraid that I can't know. I'm not from around here, you see...I'm wandering through, is all..." Her eyes once again focused clearly on Ethra. "Have you not been here before, traveller? Maybe a resident will know who trades in fur. Perhaps you should ask?"

Dark Xia

Re: Forgotten Legends (Full Modified Philsys RP)

Unread postby Dark Xia » Wed Dec 25, 2002 2:36 am

Thank you queen of the obvious... should of known nothing would come of a conversation with this... person.

Ethra sighed a bit and nodded, "Yes, I suppose I should... Um, Excuse me Miss! Could I ask you something?" Ethra shouted out to a woman she saw walking by. While she was waiting for the other person's repsonseshe turned to Cheire for a moment, "Where are you wandering too? Here for whatever festivities are going on?"

Edited by: Dark Xia at: 12/25/02 3:14:30 pm

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Re: Forgotten Legends (Full Modified Philsys RP)

Unread postby pd Rydia » Wed Dec 25, 2002 3:58 pm

"Festivities? No, no...I'm just passing through...the wind brought me here." Chiere continued talking, apparently to herself. "Perhaps something...interesting is going on...perhaps I should ask..."

Edited by: pd Rydia&nbsp; Image at: 12/25/02 2:58:19 pm

Yari Koneko

Re: Forgotten Legends (Full Modified Philsys RP)

Unread postby Yari Koneko » Thu Dec 26, 2002 2:37 pm

Lohan. A thousand odors wafted on the wind. The blending of many races, many walks of life, and many many unwashed peasants.

On the crest of a hill stood a man, tall, hooded and cloaked. His bright blue eyes sparkled in the sun like sapphires. His face was long and thin, with high cheekbones, and locked into a very grim expression indeed.

The sun was hot overhead. As he drew back the hood to his long grey travelling cloak, the wind blew, as his long hair flew behind him, somewhat like a flag. Dark blond hair, though beginning to be streaked with grey. He always joked about the grey streaks, telling people that he had been caught in a fire and had escaped with only a few streaks of ashes in his hair. But this simple joke, and the grim, bitter laugh that accompanied it, held more truth than one might suspect.

His cloak parted entirely, revealing sparkling chainmail over a brown shirt of simple cloth. He wore loosely-fitting black pants, and heavy boots made of leather. Two swords hung at a belt, also of leather, as well as a large quantity of throwing daggers. If one were to look at his cloak, one would find the interior practically sewn together with throwing darts, all in their respective pockets of fabric.

Maglor Saralonde stood, waited, and watched. A wise old man had once told him to "follow his nose." And for a Kimari, that saying was quite literal.

Edited by: Yari Koneko at: 12/26/02 1:40:21 pm

Elementalist Daien

Re: Forgotten Legends (Full Modified Philsys RP)

Unread postby Elementalist Daien » Thu Dec 26, 2002 3:39 pm

(Unless you have something in contrary...)

Rainne was more than a little surprised as she saw the short winged woman suddenly run to her, and was also undoubtedly rather confused as she variated her attention between her and another, unhealthily pale woman.

"Uh... yes...? What's wrong?" she asked, rather confused at the suddenness of it all, unconsciously pulling rougly on the piece of cloth.

Dark Xia

Re: Forgotten Legends (Full Modified Philsys RP)

Unread postby Dark Xia » Thu Dec 26, 2002 3:47 pm

"Would you jsut happen to know where or if there's a furtrader still in this town?" Ethra asked, hoping with whatever little or large heart she had.

Pretty please? Pretty PRETTY please?

Elementalist Daien

Re: Forgotten Legends (Full Modified Philsys RP)

Unread postby Elementalist Daien » Thu Dec 26, 2002 3:55 pm

"A fur trader...?" she thought for a short while...

"Well... I'm not from around here, you see" she said, her clothing and the pitchfork she held on one ..shoulder contradicting her, "But... well... I don't think there would be one right now, especially if there is really some sort of celebration going on"

Dark Xia

Re: Forgotten Legends (Full Modified Philsys RP)

Unread postby Dark Xia » Thu Dec 26, 2002 4:00 pm

Ethra slumped in despair,"Just my @!*% luck, stupid human festivals." Her eyes seemed to grow distant as she stared at the ground. Then suddenly she stood upright again regaining her composure. "You wouldn't be interested in some furs would you? They'll keep you nice and warm? Hell I sleep in a bag made out of them and I haven't frozen to death... yet."

Elementalist Daien

Re: Forgotten Legends (Full Modified Philsys RP)

Unread postby Elementalist Daien » Thu Dec 26, 2002 4:07 pm

Rainne raised an eyebrow, laughed a little, then replied ...

"... Well, while I'd surely prefer staying in the warm, I'm lucky to have enough money to buy myself food and residence for a week... Sorry miss."

She plucked the pitchfork in the ground, used both her hands to pull the cloth as tight as she could around her, held it with one hand and picked the pitchfork up again.

Gah... I wish I had some more money... Maybe then I wouldn't be freezing to death in this village in the middle of nowhere. Guess I'll never get out of having barely enough money to survive....

Dark Xia

Re: Forgotten Legends (Full Modified Philsys RP)

Unread postby Dark Xia » Thu Dec 26, 2002 4:17 pm

Ethra slumped again. How bad could her luck get?

Guess I could jsut resort to....

She gritted her teeth and muttered to herself, "No way in hell, not doing that... heh.. well there's always the other immorale way..." She flexed her fingers. She hadn't picked locks or tried to steal anything in general for a while, it might just be the right time to see how rusty she was.

I could just sneak into somewhere and hide myself... that isn't really immorale...

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Re: Forgotten Legends (Full Modified Philsys RP)

Unread postby pd Rydia » Thu Dec 26, 2002 10:26 pm

Ethra wasn't the only one muttering to herself.

"Sneaking darkness creeping in light, but darkness turned light during the bustle of the day...darkness turned light turned darkness again, when timely circumstance inconvenienced darkness..."

Chiere uttered these words, rocking slightly in place, seemingly oblivious to both Ethra and Rainne and yet content to stay put in their shadow. She began to shiver uncontrollably, eyes wide and fixated on the ground.

Dark Xia

Re: Forgotten Legends (Full Modified Philsys RP)

Unread postby Dark Xia » Thu Dec 26, 2002 10:46 pm

Ethra flicked her eyes at Chiere. Giving the other Tilan an odd look she took a step back. "What's THAT supposed to-" She paused at the shivering "Are you... all right?"

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Re: Forgotten Legends (Full Modified Philsys RP)

Unread postby pd Rydia » Thu Dec 26, 2002 10:49 pm

"Coldness seeping, creeping, creeping like the darkness into the light -- chilling, willing..."

The thin Tilan shook her head and looked up, eyes clearing and focusing on Ethra once again. "It's cold. I should go in somewhere...excuse me..."

Quietly, Chiere bowed her head and went off in search of an inn or restaurant wherein she could warm herself.

Elementalist Daien

Re: Forgotten Legends (Full Modified Philsys RP)

Unread postby Elementalist Daien » Thu Dec 26, 2002 10:50 pm

Rainne was talking to Ethra when she heard Chiere's talking:

"Well, if that's all, then I'll ju-..."

She looked at Chiere and blinked. Twice. Three times.

"Uh... Are you all right...?" she asked her, in a rather low tone

What is she saying...? And... how come is she so pale? she thought, as she paid more attention to the cloaked figure..

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Re: Forgotten Legends (Full Modified Philsys RP)

Unread postby pd Rydia » Thu Dec 26, 2002 10:53 pm

Chiere turned around, blinking rapidly as the light of the sun glared into her eyes.

"I'm...fine. I need to go, move somewhere, someplace that is is too cold, too cold out here."

Elementalist Daien

Re: Forgotten Legends (Full Modified Philsys RP)

Unread postby Elementalist Daien » Thu Dec 26, 2002 11:23 pm

Rainne nodded at Chiere as she told her that:

"Right, right... But... um... Does anyone know where we can stay for the night? It's my first time here, probably you two's as well, from what I've heard..."

Dark Xia

Re: Forgotten Legends (Full Modified Philsys RP)

Unread postby Dark Xia » Thu Dec 26, 2002 11:29 pm

"Well... not exactly my first time... but it's been... a while... I think... unless this isn't the same town as I've gone too before and I got my directions mixed up..."

In which case I'm a total idiot.

Now who's "Queen of the Obvious?"

Shut up.

Make me.

Why am I talking to myself!?

Ethra slumped again, and then regained her composure once more, this time smiling. "Mayhap we can convince some kind soul to talk us in for the night?"

Elementalist Daien

Re: Forgotten Legends (Full Modified Philsys RP)

Unread postby Elementalist Daien » Thu Dec 26, 2002 11:52 pm

Rainne looked at Ethra for a while, then shrugged

"Well, good luck on that. I'd expect people to be rather paranoid of strangers, especially those not coming from their village like we are... Well, let's do it this way, we'll go searching for some place or other and discuss what to do then. At least we'll be moving, and we may find somewhere, who knows?"

Dark Xia

Re: Forgotten Legends (Full Modified Philsys RP)

Unread postby Dark Xia » Fri Dec 27, 2002 12:01 am

"Hmm.. you're probably right... my charm might be enough if we get desperate enough."

"We?" What are you talking about? You're going to help them?

It's been a while since I've had company, they're as good as any.


"and walking helps warm you up anyway, if you're relaly cold Chiere then maybe you could line the inside of your cloak with one of these furs? I'll want it back sometime though." She held out 2 small furs and one medium sized one.

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Re: Forgotten Legends (Full Modified Philsys RP)

Unread postby pd Rydia » Fri Dec 27, 2002 12:19 am

"Th, thank you..." Chiere mumbled, taking the furs with a shaking hand.

A cloak of death, warm and soft, kept dear at heart... She shuddered again. "Shall we, should we start looking now? Together or separate..." She bit down on a lip -- it would appear that she was struggling in her conversation.

Elementalist Daien

Re: Forgotten Legends (Full Modified Philsys RP)

Unread postby Elementalist Daien » Fri Dec 27, 2002 12:38 am

"Yes... We should search for a place to sleep, and quick, too" Rainne said, looking absentmindedly at the sky

"But no getting separated. We'll just get lost then, or someone will find somewhere and wouldn't be able to find the others... So I think going our own way is a bad idea, definetely..."

Dark Xia

Re: Forgotten Legends (Full Modified Philsys RP)

Unread postby Dark Xia » Fri Dec 27, 2002 12:41 am

Ethra took a step forward this time. She extended her arm and touched Chiere's forward, trying to see how cold or warm she was, or maybe if she had a fever.

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Re: Forgotten Legends (Full Modified Philsys RP)

Unread postby pd Rydia » Fri Dec 27, 2002 12:46 am

Chiere's forehead was chill to the touch, but not unusually so, considering the weather. She didn't even react to the touch, however...she was once again staring off into space.

Together or separate, together or separate, together or seprate, echoed inside her mind. A little bit of blood trickled from her lips as she bit down, trying to keep the words from bubbling out of her mind and spilling out of her mouth.

(OOC: Should we wait on teh GM, jes?)

Dark Xia

Re: Forgotten Legends (Full Modified Philsys RP)

Unread postby Dark Xia » Fri Dec 27, 2002 12:51 am

(Ya, I'll be heading to bed anyway)

"You.. seem.... all right, I guess, since it's cold." Ethra stared into the eyes of the other Tilan, yet it seemed that Chiere's eys, though oepn didn't stare back. Without thinking she asked "What are you looking at?"

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Re: Forgotten Legends (Full Modified Philsys RP)

Unread postby Nakibe » Fri Dec 27, 2002 11:30 pm


Dreckard's feet eventually led him to a wooden stall a ways down the main road. The stall looked as if it was sturdy enough, despite the obviously cheap cut of wood it was made out of. Dreckard almost swore that anything touching the wood would come away with a thousand splinters and more. And behind the stall, a somewhat chubby merchant looked up from counting money.

"We have a customer, Parship," said the man to his bewildered-looking associate.
"Oh, Oh. Sorry, sir. What can I do for you", Parship asked, the merchant eyeing Dreckard warily the whole time.


Standing at the edge of town, Maglor's nose caught a whiff of various smells, a bit of excitement along with sweetmeats, Some sort of sour sauce and a sweet cream, hickory wood, and assorted other cooking smells and such.

All in all it was making him a tad hungry, if only just a tad.

Chiere, Rainne, Ethra:

It just so happened that Chiere was looking in the direction of one of the town's many inns (many in this case being about 2). The inn itself seemed allright, aside from the "No Vacancy" sign right out front in the window. Another "feature" of said inn at this point seemed to be two men who were having some sort of heated discussion or another, presumably about a room. One could hope that there might be some rooms open at this place... but perhaps that was hoping for too much.

Dark Xia

Re: Forgotten Legends (Full Modified Philsys RP)

Unread postby Dark Xia » Fri Dec 27, 2002 11:41 pm

"Hey maybe we can convince the owner to let us slep on the floor or something? Anything.. well.. not exactly anything... but whatchagonnado? Shall we go?" Ethra tugged on Chiere gently.


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