The beast of Darroch(freestyle)

For all RPs taking place in other settings.

Re: Tempers runnin high...

Unread postby CaptainCommando » Wed Feb 05, 2003 5:10 pm

Yrati sighed heavily and cast a quick glance at Dante before answering the dwarf, "Thank you kindly for your invitation to share your fire, and... no thanks for the ale, my order forbids drinking."

The priest looked from side to side again, the tension in the area was still terribly high, and he had no intention of watching another fight this night, "Please, Dante, put the sword away, there is no need to be so aggressive towards this man, he has been generous enough to share his camp, do you not think that you should spare some courtesy of your own?"


Re: Tempers runnin high...

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Wed Feb 05, 2003 7:38 pm

"I'll sheath it. I know this man's limits now and a bit about his talents in battle. He poses no threat to us, in fact he could help. I don't know how much but he could. Have no fear I am not your enemy and bar any insults to me you shall never again see the tip of my blade in your face."

Dante laughed a little and sheathed his sword. He took off the sheath and set it down behind the dwarf.

Dalin Rifthome

Re: Tempers runnin high...

Unread postby Dalin Rifthome » Thu Feb 06, 2003 4:35 am

Setting down his mace Durin mutterd something incoherent about "Kids these days"


Re: Tempers runnin high...

Unread postby Kyton » Thu Feb 06, 2003 6:50 pm

(Not to worry Dalin, I was just wondering. I know how things happen like that. ... Real life and all LOL!)


The storm had picked up some of it's pace as everyone once again started getting comfortable, and within an hour it had turned to stones of hail. The icy spheres were not large, but they constantly bounced at odd angles from the improvised shelter, making a constant drumming noise on the stone. The lightning had ceased however, fading into the forest and becoming little more than the tail end of a distant flash. If it wasn't for the noise any casual listener would have heard the scratch of bronze talons on wet stone. Now voices had to be raised slightly just for one person to hear another across the struggling fire, and it would go unnoticed.

Slitted eyes narrowed on the slightly fishbowled view below of strangers gathered. A long, serpentine tail slid from side to side scuffing the soaked moss from the surface of the rock as the creature watched. More invaders, more prey.

OOC: one of you can glance up and see -something- on the rock above, though it will be a half-detail at best. A dark shape of some kind. The only people facing the right direction are Yrati and Durin. All you know is that it looks menacing, then is suddenly gone without a trace (until/unless you go investigate)


Re: Tempers runnin high...

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Sun Feb 09, 2003 3:29 am

Dante sat back and relaxed.

[OOC: I can't see anything so POST people.]


Re: Tempers runnin high...

Unread postby CaptainCommando » Mon Feb 10, 2003 5:08 pm

This isn't too bad... I've had worse actually. Yrati thought to himself as he looked at his surroundings. The fire was warm, and the crashing of the hailstones against the rock was somewhat soothing. The priest was just about to ask some questions of those around him when something caught his eye for a brief moment before vanishing from view.

Yrati blinked, then looked to the others, who hadn't seemed to notice it. A bad feeling began to cause his skin to prickle.

"He... hey," Yrati called out loud enough to be heard, "I think I saw something..."


Re: Tempers runnin high...

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Mon Feb 10, 2003 5:16 pm

"Eyes playing tricks on you again," Dante said, "No one would rightly wonder around in a storm like this."


a scream in the darkness

Unread postby Kyton » Wed Feb 12, 2003 1:19 am

Just after Dante spoke a shadow flitted across the opening of the sheltering rock. It was only a short distance away, but the motion was lightning quick and little more than a shadowy flash among the darkness. The four foot tall outline could be separated easily from the landscape thanks to the hail. It had to be almost twelve feet long, half of which being a wickedly tipped tail. Then it was gone again, disappeared into the trees towards the northeast.

In the silent wake of the creature's passing, the familiar sounds of distant combat could be heard carried through the storm. They were faint, barely discernable from the pounding hail as the force of the falling ice rose and fell. When the hail lessoned for a moment the sounds were more clear, along with the deep base thrumm of drums and an inhuman roar that cut the night more savagely than the jagged bolts of lightning that once passed overhead.

OOC: enough getting to know eachother LOL! ^_^


Re: a scream in the darkness

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Wed Feb 12, 2003 1:43 am

"I herd that though."

Dante got up and grabbed his sword.

"We're in a corner we have to move or we might get boxed in." Dante put up his hood and started walking with the sword in one hand.

Dalin Rifthome


Unread postby Dalin Rifthome » Wed Feb 12, 2003 4:09 am

"Great, Jus when I was gettin set in too..."

Seizeing his Mace and Sheild, Durin slowly made his way, with his new found comrads, towards the sounds...

OOC: Btw peeps, please check the OOC topic for this rp..I had bad news, Image It explains in there, happy hunting! ^^


Sorry to hear about your problems Dalin

Unread postby CaptainCommando » Wed Feb 12, 2003 10:14 am

Yrati stood quickly, straightening his robes out and wishing that it had a hood.

That must be the creature... he thought to himself as he followed behind Dante, It seems like someone found it before us.


To the butuchers work then

Unread postby Scyla001 » Wed Feb 12, 2003 3:34 pm

Tweek stood in almost imediatly when he had heard the sounds in the distence. Drawing the two long sword that hung by his side, he stood up stright. 'It's times like this I wish I had a pair of Weeping blades' he thought to himself.

Following behind everyone else, now slighly crouched, He tried to figure out which way all the sounds round them were coming from. "Are we's gonna attack what ever seems to be agressing here?" Tweek asked the rest of the group.


Re: To the butuchers work then

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Wed Feb 12, 2003 7:09 pm

"We kill anything that looks like it might be able to kill us," Dante said to Tweek.



Unread postby Scyla001 » Thu Feb 13, 2003 5:00 am

A smile crept over Tweeks face, although no one would have seen it due to the hooded cloak he was warring. He ran the edges of his blade over one another, so as to sharpen them, then Image , ran ahead of the group so as to get to the fighting as soon as possible and assess the situation.

(Ooc: Tweek can move a lot faster then his allies. His race, Skaven, generally move about 50% faster then humans can at top speed.)


Re: Goodie

Unread postby Kyton » Fri Feb 14, 2003 7:40 pm

The sounds of booted feet on the wet ground sounded through the lightening storm as the new comrades ran through the forest. Tweek managed to gain some ground on the others, though no more than a few seconds worth because of the wet, uneven ground. Taking up the rear was the mace-wielding dwarf as he huffed hard, trying to keep up with the pace of his new long-legged friends.

The dark path they followed meandered along the base of a stony, moss-covered ridge. Immediately Tweek could sense the familiar scent of blood. There were two pools of it at the ridge... one at the very base in a dark red pool, the other partway up and half-congealed as it ran in globs down the face.


Re: Goodie

Unread postby Ajil6 » Sat Feb 15, 2003 1:49 am

Ajil was lost, again. Great, fabulous. He knew he should have brought a map. But he hadn't. He was taking a beating from the storm, "Night of nights and day of days!" He swore, "Why does it have to be like this tonight?" He held his hat down against his head, trying to shield his face as he stood behind an enourmous rockface.

He swore, there wouldn't be any fire tonight, he was standing by the rock at the wrong angle, and thusly the wind was blowing at him.. the shielding being useless.

He sighed, it was another one of those nights.

Sobe Dragon

Re: Goodie

Unread postby Sobe Dragon » Sat Feb 15, 2003 2:01 am

Monk watched the storm with awe and wonder from under the giant tree that shielded him from most of it. 'Wow' he thought ' I have never seen anything like this' Having spent most of his life in a monestary he did not know of such things. While sitting there he noticed a bright flash in the mountains and thought to himself, ' that looked like a fire, I wonder who would be out here like me in this miserable weather?'
Monk then heard the cry of death from somewhere out in the wilderness, but couldn't pinpoint where it came from. He quickly gathered his things and looked out into the storm, he knew that those with the fire were not the ones screaming like that, for he saw their shadows jump with shock from the yell and knew they would probably need help from whatever was out in this wilderness. So, silently he walked out into the night, in search of whatever made the noise, and whatever caused it to make that noise, ready to fight.

Edited by: Sobe Dragon at: 2/20/03 2:39:02 am



Unread postby Scyla001 » Sun Feb 16, 2003 6:29 am

"Looks like the fighting's continues up the mountain." Tweek anouced to the group. He looked up at the rock face, replaced one of his blades, and started on his assention of the mount.

Clining to the rock face, tweek made it to the second pool of blood part way up with ease, useing his tail to steady himself as he climbed. He now took a look at the pool of blood and the surrounding area from this elevated position.


Re: Tracking

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Sun Feb 16, 2003 3:17 pm

Dante sheathed his blade and began the ascent.

Dalin Rifthome


Unread postby Dalin Rifthome » Sun Feb 16, 2003 10:58 pm

*Puff puff huff huff*

Arriveing at the Scene, Durin noticed the cloaked companion all ready at the top, and the Arrogent Man half way up.

"AW SHITE! I hates clime'in..."

Muttering to himself, The Stumpy Dwarf stubbornly Made his accent with the only comforting thought, Its not THA high up...

Sobe Dragon

Re: The beast of Darroch(freestyle)

Unread postby Sobe Dragon » Sun Feb 16, 2003 11:48 pm

Monk watched the four men climb the rock wall. Not knowing how to climb he could only watch, he had to find another way up. Thinking, he looked over and noticed a small trail that was leading up, but it was a lot longer of a trip. ' Well he thought, at least I'd end up behind whatever may attack them, then if they need my help I would be in an unique position to help greatly.'

Monk started his long walk towards the top, it was gonna be a long night


Re: The beast of Darroch(freestyle)

Unread postby Kyton » Mon Feb 17, 2003 12:39 am

Tweek raised himself to the second pool of blood that rested partway up the cliff face. The small cave opening was just at eye level to him.

Tweek's searching brought his gaze to the cave opening just as a scaled hand shot out, encircling a tuft of clothing and fur at the base of his neck. The hand was dripping half-congealed blood, and it's weak grip was shaking and soon fell away. In it's place was another one of the Yrrasi lizard-people. It looked similar to the one that they had fought earlier in the evening, exept it was female, and by the glazed expression and wounds, hardly a threat. It started babbling something weakly in it's native tongue, it's voice barely more than a whisper.

Ajil and Monk came to the point where their respective paths met at the top of the semi-steep slope at the same time. The thrre were fairly thin, and mostly a mix of birch and fir, but each was focused on the trail and nearly walked straight into eachother.

Dalin watched Dante as the human began his ascent up the slippery rocks. The climb was only a matter of twenty feet to the cave, and another ten to the top. In the darkness he had to pick his way but otherwise had no difficulties. He came up just in time for the hand to snake out and grab Tweek.

A sudden dark flash glanced past the corner of Dalin's vision as he looked on. Looking over he saw a figure shifting in the trees, but the darkness was deep and it seemed to blend in somewhat. It was striding in their direction though.

Sobe Dragon

Re: The beast of Darroch(freestyle)

Unread postby Sobe Dragon » Mon Feb 17, 2003 1:13 am

Monk was walking along, following the trail intensely, so intensely in fact, that he almost missed the mage walking towards him. The mage seemed to not notice him, so he stopped him his path and waited for him to notice him. Once he had he opened his hands, to show that he was unarmed except for his bow on his back, and bowed to the Mage, hopefully he would not see Monk as a threat. While he did not like mages, he understood their power and did not want it brought down on him, espically when he was as unprepaired as he was.

OOC:Should be interesting, lol, way to run us into each other.


Re: The beast of Darroch(freestyle)

Unread postby Ajil6 » Mon Feb 17, 2003 2:23 am

A huge gust of wind sent a broken branch flying into Ajil's face, he swore loudly, his voice carrying on the wind.

"For God's sake! Can this get anyworse?" He threw the branch on the ground, and sneezed as a sudden gust of wind sent his hat flying off his head towards the man behind him.

"Oh for the love of all that is--"

His voice silenced as he saw the man bow behind him, his hat landing at his feet, "Er.. excuse me sir!" He yelled out over the wind, "Would you be so kind as to give me back my hat?"

Sobe Dragon

Re: The beast of Darroch(freestyle)

Unread postby Sobe Dragon » Mon Feb 17, 2003 3:49 am

Monk laughed slightly at himself, he picked up the mans hat and handed it to him. Doing so he also grabbed hold of the mans hand "I am Monk, do not be alarmed I am mute and a telepath." He knew the mage heard him as clear as day, despite the storm and was probably alarmed, for he pulled his hand out of his grasp. Monk was not used to these types of introductions, being that he had lived in a Monastery all of his life, so he only hoped that he had introduced himself correctly.

Sobe Dragon

Re: The beast of Darroch(freestyle)

Unread postby Sobe Dragon » Mon Feb 17, 2003 4:05 am

(This message was left blank)

Edited by: Sobe Dragon at: 2/20/03 2:40:45 am


Re: The beast of Darroch(freestyle)

Unread postby Ajil6 » Mon Feb 17, 2003 6:36 am

((ooc: XD You're in the wrong thread for that man.))

Ajil put his hat back onto his head, smiling. "Er.. I see?" He said aloud, "I'm Shek. Nice to meet you Monk." She smiled a bit, shaking the mans hand.

"I see you're stuck out in this storm as well, if you don't mind pairing up, I think we should seek shelter."


Re: The beast of Darroch(freestyle)

Unread postby CaptainCommando » Mon Feb 17, 2003 9:31 am

"Hey," Yrati called up the slope that his companions had climbed up, cupping one hand around his mouth, and keeping the other up to block the elements out of his eyes, "did you two find anything!?"

The priest himself had no intention of climbing the ridge, and prefered to stay on the safe, safe ground whenever possible. After all, if the greater good had wanted him to climb all over the place then it would have made him a mountain goat, or something or another...

Sobe Dragon

Re: The beast of Darroch(freestyle)

Unread postby Sobe Dragon » Mon Feb 17, 2003 3:38 pm

Monk looked down at the Mage, for once someone did make some sense to him. He touched his shoulder and said " There was a place, with a fire that we could go to, if you wish it is down this path. " At this Monk started walking down the path, silently watching the sides, he did not like this. The foliage did not allow him to watch around him, if something decided to attack.... He removed his Bow from his pack, and walked slowly down. If something did attack he wanted to be prepared. He looked back at the Mage, Monk was waiting to see if the Mage would join him or not, he did not want to leave him here alone.

Dalin Rifthome

KNEW I shoulda bought a rope!

Unread postby Dalin Rifthome » Mon Feb 17, 2003 6:24 pm

*huff huff*

"Ill....hoo...Ill be fine In a minit... !!!, Eh? Whasis?"

*looking at Lizzard thing*

"Might you be why Im out here missy?"

*Hefting his mace and Sheild"

"Heh, t'wernt so hard after all....Image "

*Slowly walks towards barely Alive Lizzard thing*

OOC: you know, In case the GM needed her more still.


Re: KNEW I shoulda bought a rope!

Unread postby Ajil6 » Tue Feb 18, 2003 3:46 pm

Ajil began following Monk, eager to have an extra pair of eyes in looking for shelter.

After taking a moment to tie the straps on his hat, he stole a casual glance at the mute he was travelling with.

"Monk, you said your name was?" He had to raise his voice to keep it heard over the wind. "Do you know this area well?" Between the roar of the storm, and his own irritation, he had already forgotten some of what he had been thoughtspoken too.

He winced as the wind made another grab for his hat.

Sobe Dragon

Re: KNEW I shoulda bought a rope!

Unread postby Sobe Dragon » Tue Feb 18, 2003 4:22 pm

Monk saw that the man was following him, he was asking Monk questions, but Monk did not have time to answer them. He walked down the path, watching all the sides and wary, he did not like this

Continuing down the path, he spotted the area where he first saw the flash of flames, to see that one of the men, a man wearing white robes, was still there. At this, rather than letting him take point he turned to his newfound travelling companion and grabbed his shoulder, "Could you lead the way, it might be better if he saw you first, you can speak to him about me." At this he pointed into the direction of the white mage, and the box cavern they were headed for.


Re: KNEW I shoulda bought a rope!

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Tue Feb 18, 2003 4:49 pm

Dante soon got to the to where the female lizard lay. "Hmm... she looks a lot stronger than the one I fought. I wonder what killed her. I would hope it would be damaged. Hmm..." Dante thought as he examined the fallen body.

He turned around and looked over the forest.

"Okay let's search here for any signs of the struggle. The thing that killed her won't get far tonight."

Edited by: [url=>Geocsuppi</A] at: 2/19/03 2:07:54 am

Dalin Rifthome


Unread postby Dalin Rifthome » Tue Feb 18, 2003 7:22 pm

"Ok laddy, lead the way, I got yer scraggly back."


Re: Aye.

Unread postby Geocsuppi » Wed Feb 19, 2003 3:09 am

"You can watch your mouth while you're at it."

Dante peered into the darkness of the cave trying to see anything.

'Anyone got a light?"

Dalin Rifthome


Unread postby Dalin Rifthome » Wed Feb 19, 2003 3:21 am

"Out O' me way, unlike yer self, I can accually be of some use, I take it I dont have to tell ye to be ready?"

Dalin Slowly walks into the cave Sheild rasied and mace at ready, not in a threatining postion, just...ready.

[OOC] Dark Vision should take care of this, Anything of intrest?


Re: Wh,

Unread postby Ajil6 » Wed Feb 19, 2003 3:20 pm

Ajil blinked as Monk grabbed his shoulder, "Er.. yes." He said aloud. "Of course." He smiled and adjusted his hat before stepping out into the area where he could be seen.

"Hello!" He said cheerily, "Just passing through, say, you don't have any spare room in there do you? It's rather dismal out here, and I keep losing my hat." He smiled reassuringly, keeping his hands away from the long scissorblade strapped to his back as a sign of peace, but a spell in his mind, just in case.

Sobe Dragon

Re: Wh,

Unread postby Sobe Dragon » Wed Feb 19, 2003 3:46 pm

Monk stepped in behind the Mage and stood silently watching their backs, something did not feel right to him, he was still very nervous.


Ack, many postes!

Unread postby Scyla001 » Thu Feb 20, 2003 10:24 am

(Ooc: Sorry, been in amsterdam the last 3 dyas so haven't posted :S)

Tweek looked up. Day light hurt his eyes, but the storm, had mabe his sight much easier.

He now looked out to see the aera they were now in, turning bac to see the Lizard creature. He looked down injured female lying on the ground. Taking one of the pots tweek had on his belt, and mixing the liquid with a ground power from another pot, tweek smothered the substance on the inside of the creatures lips, making sure It didn't bite him.

"It's there anything you two's have to heal dis creature?" Tweek asked his his companions.

(The two poisions tweek mixed to give the lizard will instead help to blood to clot easier so any wounds it has will heal quickly, or aleast stop bleeding.)

Dalin Rifthome


Unread postby Dalin Rifthome » Thu Feb 20, 2003 1:20 pm

*Blink blink*

"Are Ye Daft boye? Why in the nine hells would ye want this thing ALIVE?"


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