Jiya's Secret (Re-re-re I don't know HOW many times revived)

For all RPs taking place in other settings.

Re: But we can't just leave it like this

Unread postby GreywolfImmortal » Wed Aug 21, 2002 2:50 pm

Bane slowly pushed himself up into a sitting position as Jackal came over. "I don't suppose anyone... can heal my ribs at least? Breathing hurts."

Jackal knelt beside his brother with an approving smile. "You came through for us you demented son of a bitch. Shadow would be proud." Draping one of his brother's arms over his broad shoulders, Jackal lifted Bane up and looked around. "Can anyone who isn't exhausted patch him up a bit?"

Greywolf walked shakily to Pearl and rwapped his arms around her, as much out of affection as the need to steady himself. "That was too close for comfort. I'm just glad to know you're safe."

The elf kissed her forehead and looked to the others. "We have to figure out what we're going to do fast. We're all a little spent from that fight. I can barely stand as it is."


You got THAT right.

Unread postby SALSAlys » Wed Aug 21, 2002 3:22 pm

Katyana turned away from the beast, ears flattened tight against her head as her tail lashed agitatedly.

"I can help," she said softly, taking a deep breath through her nose as she looked at Bane's chest. "Just relax a little..." Her breathing became a slow, steady cadence as her eyes shut, gently speeding the healing on his chest and setting things right.

Sekor went down to Wulfric, the tiger and the werewolf seeming almost brotherly in a shared moment of weariness.


Re: You got THAT right.

Unread postby GreywolfImmortal » Sat Aug 24, 2002 12:10 am



To seal...on what to seal, that is the qestion.

Unread postby Kadina » Sun Aug 25, 2002 7:59 am

(Ooc: No worries Scyla. I have the same problems with my computer and the fact that I have five people who want to use the computer at the same time don't help really. I just came on early; 7:53 AM on a Sunday before anyone else, it's been days since I saw this screen light up with out seeing someone's head in the way.)
"A different world..." Kadina repeated in her head, the words of what Wulfric said echoed.
She mentally shook feriously at herself at the thought of what she wished she could do; sent it to a different world and let them deal with it.
It was very tempting she had to addmit, but it was wrong!
"It's not the right thing to do..." she thought, but jumped when she heard the word right sound like a curse in her mind.
Yun, Hime, and Jerec jumped in shock at the same time seeming to get the same thoughts in their heads.
Hime bit her lip and looked up like gulitly "There's no way we could banish it to another-"
"No!" chorused the three others knowing the question.
"We..could...seal it though?" asked Yun slowly as if that might be just as worse as banishing it somewhere else.
"I...I guess." said Kadina, "It will be alot of work, but it can be done if it was once sealed it can be again."
"We'll need to find something to seal it in. Something no one would suspect..." stated Jerec quickly, "Nothing that would be of much importantce or worth."
"Like what?" asked Hime, "A stone?"
"He said something no one would suspect." said Yun, "Lots of fairytales have stones with magic in it or is sealing something."
Kadina sighed and looked at the others, "Anyone have a seggestion?...."


Re: To seal... on what to seal, that is the question

Unread postby GreywolfImmortal » Sun Aug 25, 2002 3:29 pm

Bane winced slightly at the uncomfortable feel of accelerated healing. He shook his head to clear it and made no move to push aside the long locks of dark hiar that fell into his face. "Thanks," he whispered hoarsely. Though most of the injuries were gone, the lingering memories of pain and suffering were not so easily dispelled.

Greywolf closed his eyes in thought. Nearly anything concievable that could be used to bind magical creatures had been covered in the story books and children's tales.

He remembered his youth, his training in magic. His mother explaining to him how the power he draws is in everything, though even spellcasters take it for granted. The trees, the animals, the rocks, and even the ground we all walk on.

"The ground," he whispered. He turned to the others. "The ground, that's it! We'll go deep into the bowels of the city, and bind the creature to a floor tile or something similar. Everyone takes the ground we walk upon for granted. Who would think a single, unremarkable floor tile exactly like all other in a ruined city would be anything except what it looks like?"


the lower levels!

Unread postby Scyla001 » Tue Aug 27, 2002 12:30 pm

Bowidine stood up quickly. He was aware that the creature was slow turning ghost-like again, soon it would recover and assault them again.
"If you want to go to the lower levels of the city we had better get going soon, before this thing decides to attack again. I'll lead the way, but it isn’t going to be easy."


Re: the lower levels!

Unread postby Kadina » Wed Aug 28, 2002 9:42 pm

(Ooc: 'Bowidine'? I thought his name was Bowie, or is that the shortened version of his name Scyla?)
Hime, Yun, and Jerec climbed down all agreeing with the plan of sealing it to the ground.
"Right." Kadina thought and slowly nodded in agreement to the idea before joining the others.
"I have one question though," said Jerec "how are we going to seal it down there when it's way up here?"
"It's going to follow us, duh." stated Hime as if it was the most obivous thing in the world.
"It wants our souls," explained Yun seeing Jerec still looked confused "so it's going to follow naturally to where we all are, right?"
"Right. So let's get to the bottom level now!" Prearl said in her ordering tone then turned to Bowie "Lead the way."



Unread postby Scyla001 » Thu Aug 29, 2002 11:25 am

(Yeah sorry I forgot to tell you that his name is Bowidine and that Bowie is the shorter version.)

Bowidine lead everyone down though the passages of Jiya until they reached the room where they had meet with Daughter. The mesh bridge still remained, but across from there, where the daughter computer had been was just a smoldering hole of wires and circuits. Bowidine stood still for a moment, a tear almost coming to his glowing silver eyes.
"There is an enterence to the lower levels over to the right." he said pulling his self togeather. "It's quite well hidden so may take sometime to find."


Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/uscyla001.showPublicProfile?language=EN>Scyla001</A] at: 8/31/02 10:30:40 am



Unread postby GreywolfImmortal » Sun Sep 01, 2002 11:37 am

Greywolf strode over to the area Bowie gestured toward and began sniffing and feeling his way around the walls. Finally, he stopped at one specific point and took a deep whif of the section of wall. "I think it's here. The air seems more stale around it."

Jackal followed after Greywolf, still supporting his weakened brother. "We have to get in there soon," Bane said. "That thing will be after us soon."



Unread postby SALSAlys » Sun Sep 01, 2002 11:44 am

"Then what are we waiting for?" snapped Sekor, obviously on edge. "Let's GO." Without waiting for a further answer, the tiger ran ahead. Kat sprinted after him, yanking at his tail.

"Sekor, at least wait for the rest. What if there are more of those machines?"

Wulfric nodded, hanging back with the main party. Sekor glanced from him to Katyana, then spat on the floor, ears flicking back and sending the red feather on his earring twirling as it dangled.


Setting the way...

Unread postby Kadina » Sun Sep 01, 2002 8:34 pm

"Isn't this..." started Pearl sending a quizical glance at Bowie, but left the sentence hanging and shook her head. "So we'll have to be on the look out just incase..." she said to herself and nodded to the rest to go.
"That man must have came here to finish the job after he left..." Kadina thought following Pearl and inwardly winced. "Where is he anyway?...Oh God..what if he was killed in the bast that happened after Gam..." A sick feeling took over just thinking about the events. "He didn't know about Gam's plan...Wait then the creature could get him if he's still alive!...Unless it already-"
"That thing can be already up and sneaking around..." mummbled Hime right beside her apparently trying to lessen the tension in the air. "You know what I mean?"
"Uh...y-yes..." replied Kadina still alittle shocked from being taking out of her thoughts. "But we're a-all on are g-gaurds for it."
Hime just nodded before turning her attention to Yun and started a conversation with him.
"She is very strange." whispered Jerec passing by. "She seems to be warming up to everyone though..."
"Have you found a clue as to what you were sent here to search for?" Kadina asked Wulfric as she jogged/ran.
Soon a long set of stairs was shown the end of it couldn't be seen in the darkness.
A torch to the side of them and it was obivous it hadn't been used in quite a time.


Hold a light high, to guide the way...

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sun Sep 01, 2002 10:53 pm

Sekor lifted the torch, sniffing at it. Then he held it out to Kat, who shook her head.

"It's easier to alter or meld scents than to create a new one... like making fire," she explained softly. "I could make us see in the dark, though."

Wulfric, meanwhile, was looking at Kadina, and shrugged. "I think... I do. Tears of the Mooncat. There seems to be more of it here than on the Plains... or at least something similar to it."

Katyana glanced over. "Tears of the Mooncat?" She thought a little, then nodded. "Makes sense."


Onward and Downward

Unread postby GreywolfImmortal » Wed Sep 04, 2002 7:02 am

Greywolf licked his lips nervously and started toward the lower levels. He tried to stay in control of his claustrophobia, and it was easier considering his only option was this or the creature. He kept his eyes ahead of him and remained, though his hold on Pearl's hand became like a vice. It didn't hurt, he could never do that to her, even unconsciously. But his hand was like iron, nonetheless.

Forcing himself to continue forward the elf swallowed audibly. "When this is over," he whispered, "I'm never going indoors again unless the roof is as high as the trees outside. An entire night of running through narrow corridors and ventilation ducts. I didn't mind quite so much at first, but how can you people stand it?"

"We get by," Bane said weakly. "Jackal and I do this sort of thing for fun. You could stuff me in a treasure chest for a day and all I'd ask for is a bath afterward to wash off the sweat."

Greywolf shuddered at the very thought and glared briefly at Bane before turning his eyes forward again. "Bane, Bowie. Can either of you give us an idea of whether or nto that thing is following us? How much time do we have."

"Give me a second," Bane whispered. He closed his eyes and reached out, the mystic sense forced into him through twisted magical experiments seeking out the creature.


Were going deeper underground

Unread postby Scyla001 » Thu Sep 05, 2002 4:58 am

"It's following us." Bowie said calmly. "I can see though it's eyes as though they were mine own. There's no chance of it attacking us though, a full on assault would cause it far too much pain a second time. I have no idea how much time we have though, maybe, 2 hours if it regenerates at this rate constantly."
Bowie walked further ahead, catching up with kadina. He wanted to speak to her, but found it hard to find the right words to do so. Now that his body was different, he wondered if she would she him the same way she did before. 'Arrh human emotions suck big time!' Bowie thought, forgetting for that moment that kadina could read his mind.


Looking insane...

Unread postby Kadina » Sat Sep 07, 2002 1:16 pm

"Well I agree somewhat with you Greywolf." said Pearl squeezing his hand for reassurence. "Though staying out side would probably be bad too considering your hair..." She chuckled inwardly at the irony of it that elotheans favorit hair color was silver, people who didn't frequent in the Silver Moon house would stare at him if he didn't cover it up. "People outside are going to come to you like a magnet in Ichigo...I think I'd rather be in the castal even if the roof isn't as high as trees."
"What are these 'Tears of the Mooncat?' And what are they used for?" asked Jerec listening to them with interest.
Sliently Kadina rolled her eyes at Jerec who mostly if not always listened in, but then turned her attention to the figure she felt come to walk beside her.
"You don't really believe that do you?" Kadina asked turning Bowidine with a quizical look. "Being half human and all I should feel insulted by that..." She said trying to keep her face from cracking a grin which would make her look insane if (anyone cared to listen) when she already was crarrying a one sided conversation with Bowie. "But I can understand and relate to what you say, it does suck sometimes doesn't it?"
Stalking behind the group with a good distance it listened to the little murmurs it could make out.
It cursed to it's self knowing that they had the upper hand at the situation and knew that they intended to keep it that way as long as they could.
It heard little of the conversation the group had back when it was down, of course it knew it couldn't die, but sealing it was another thing and they figured it out.
Of course it could be unsealed later, but that would take years.
Of course it didn't cared to be around, lacking much emotions if any, having no soul, and having only one purpose in it's existence; to eat souls just doesn't sound very appealing.


Aren't we all?

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sat Sep 07, 2002 4:40 pm

"They're... metal, of the same color as my hair," Wulfric said tentatively. Katyana nodded, flicking her ears thoughtfully.

"The word in your language... the closest I can come to... is 'silver'? In our world, they are found only where the Mooncat has wept," the catgirl said softly.


I'm pleading the 5th

Unread postby Scyla001 » Sun Sep 08, 2002 4:26 pm

"Oh, er yes. Especially love. Creating an emence feeling of well being and happiness, and yet, it can hurt someone so very much at the same time. But hey, without them we wouldn't be who we are. Who want's to be a machine with no feeling? Oh! That would be why....., nevermind." Bowidine finished, shaking his head.


Small talk

Unread postby GreywolfImmortal » Sun Sep 08, 2002 8:22 pm

Greywolf arched a slender brow and looked at Pearl oddly. "What's wrong with my hair?" He picked up a shimmering silver lock and looked over it.

Jackal chuckled behind him. "Bane and I stopped in Ichigo once to resupply. We found out while we were there that elotheans have a thing for silver-colored hair. You may want to be careful about showing those tresses in public moon-boy, else Pearl might meet with some competition."

Greywolf glanced back at the twins with a small frown. "When this is over, it won't matter who notices my hair because I'm going to make it crystal clear that while in Ichigo the only one allowed within three paces of me is Pearl." The elf then smirked. "If that isn't enough, I'm just going to acquaint them with some of my people's customs. Having cloistered outselves in the mountains, we're the only ones who remember some of the ancient elven traditions."

He looked back to Pearl. "The truth is, when I swore to be your guardian, that was only half the ritual. I had to make that oath and then prove myself worthy of it. If we make it out of here in one piece, the oath can be completed one of two ways. Either I can pledge my life to you as your bodygaurd, or I can become your champion and at the same time lay my heart in your hands forever. Whether or not you choose to return my feelings is irrelevant as I will remain yours regardless.

"I'll need to regain my strength to use my magic of course, but it will be done. My people are the only ones who remember this custom. Once I explain the concept to your people, I'll make sure they understand the significance of my oath and that I am no one to be trifled with.

"The only question that remains is what we're going to do about your lycanthropy. I promised to teach you to control it, but are we going to do this with your people aware of it, or are we going to keep it a secret. If the latter, how?"

Bane shook his head. "And people worry about me. The wolf up there worries too much. I'm still not sure he has a sense of humor."


Re: Small talk

Unread postby Scyla001 » Mon Sep 09, 2002 5:09 pm

"Well." Bowidine replyed. "It's too late to use wolfsbane on her. I heard tell that either a cure disease or restoration spell should still be able to work, seeing it's been less then three days since greywolf infected you."

(Ooc: Bumpage, comon ppl)

Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/uscyla001.showPublicProfile?language=EN>Scyla001</A] at: 9/11/02 3:36:48 pm


Re: Small talk

Unread postby Kadina » Wed Sep 11, 2002 2:32 pm

"Yes I think I agree. Love is the most confusing emotion there is. It's right up there with hate." Kadina said to Bowidine shaking her head. "I find it very confusing that you can learn to hate faster then to love. And the only reason I can think of that explains it is you can't feel as much pain by a person if they hurt you when you hate them, but...it's when they have nothing left to hate is when you fall into nothing, void of most emotion then you become like a walking emotionless machine."
"Silver?" said Jerec thoughtfully. "What is it that your people need silver for? Do you use it to make weapons, shields, and jewelry? Or do you use it for something totally different from here?"
"And the sense of humor you both have lead you here..." mummbled Hime.
"Are you saying that you aren't the slightest bit worried that we not might make it out alive?" Yun asked the twins.
"You didn't cause any trouble there for the girls eh? Jackal and Bane?" asked Pearl as she scowled at the idea of meeting 'competition' as Jackal put it when Greywolf had his head turned, jelousy was not one of her strong points.
"I have already told you which path I'd take..." She told Greywolf turning to him with a blush and whispered. "I already have enough gaurds to protect the place...do you really think I'd need another?"
"Yes it has it has been less then three days...." replied Pearl turning her head to Bowie giving him another curious look then turned back to Greywolf. "But I've thought it over and it would be better to stay this way. I think it would help to tell too, cause it's my duty to be honest and show that I have nothing to hide, so they don't either. I have a number of other reasons why too.
1: I would be able to help if a war suddenly comes up. (Not being protected in one of the hidden rooms.)
2: It gives me a reason to get out...(I don't like having to sneak out just to enjoy the outdoors.)
3: Gives people something to think about if they try to defy the rulings.
4: It will prove useful for researchers to know the information on werewolf there (like I said no one has really seen anything unless they traveled)...and..." She chuckled. "5: I'll surely make the history books: Laive, Pearl; the first werewolf ruler."


Re: Small Talk

Unread postby GreywolfImmortal » Fri Sep 13, 2002 6:32 am

Bane grinned at Hime. "Well, gorgeous, after you go through what my brother and I did, you get jaded really fast."

Jackal simply chuckled. "Of coures we're worried. That's what makes this whole ordeal fun. If we knew we'd come out alive for certain than we wouldn't have bothered with this place."

Meanwhile, Greywolf smiled at Pearl. He leaned in and spoke softly to her, his lip tickling her cheek and his voice becoming like a caress to her ears. "You must admit there is a romantic feel to it. The beautiful young ruler sitting proudly upon her throne and by her side a mysterious elf. Some say he is her bodyguard, others say he is her personal advisor. Another man says he is her lover, and another says he is her spymaster. Only a handful know the truth, that he is all those at once. It sounds like some great romantic saga mothers will tell their daughters at their bedside years from now."

Bane peered over his shoulder behind him. "That thing's on its way. We better get where we're going soon."


Mothers' sugar coat...well everything.

Unread postby Kadina » Mon Sep 16, 2002 6:20 pm

"I'll be sure to remember the influence you inflict upon people with your presence...but please don't confuse my name with 'Gorgeous', it sounds more like the boys name; Gorge." Hime said jokingly. "It's Hime and it be most liked if you call me so Bane, thank you very much."
"I should have expected that response. Shouldn't have I?" grouned Yun. "After all, from what I've known so far is you both are actually willing risk your lives for a great trill....you two obivously need a new hobby." whispering the last part to himself.
A hand had to cover Pearl's mouth to surpress the giggling that wanted to escape.
It was likely for mothers to do that there just as he had said, she had known many women to know every romanic story passed from generation to generation.
"I'd trust many madiens would start with some sappy begining like; once upon a time. And of coruse for the young girls they'd always make it covered sugaringly sweet, and other things mothers often tell their innocent little daughters." she whispered back cheeks flaring red.
A small narrow passage showed from the bottom, a wooden door lay at the end of it.
The wood was rotted and the side looked rusted off, it would be a wonder if it didn't just crumble to one of either ones thouch.


Where is everybody?

Unread postby GreywolfImmortal » Tue Sep 24, 2002 5:48 am

(ooc: Come on people! Where are you?)

Bane put on a very vulpine grin and winked at Hime. "Whatever, you say, beautiful. Sorry. Hime." Jackal merely shook his head with a smirk.

Greywolf immediately became serious again as they approached the door. "What's a wooden door doing in a metal city," he wondered aloud. "Oh, well. Not my place to complain." He thrust a hard kick out, causing the door to fall apart before the full force of the impact even hit it.

The elf gazed inside, hoping that their was just enough light in their for him to see before they brought a torch in. "This is it."


Re: Where is everybody?

Unread postby SALSAlys » Tue Sep 24, 2002 8:36 am

Katyana sniffed the air cautiously, but Sekor moved into the room before she could. She glared at him, and he gave her a sardonic expression. Then they subsided.


Re: Where is everybody?

Unread postby GreywolfImmortal » Fri Sep 27, 2002 6:24 am

(ooc: Bump. Come on people!)



Unread postby Kadina » Tue Oct 01, 2002 12:07 am

(Ooc: To your question of "Where is everybody?": I have no idea about the others Image but I've been busy with two jobs. Got to save money for Christmas! I know three months are left, but I don't want to be accidently injured by a bunch of grown men and women trying to get the same gift that I want to buy at the same time. Believe me I've seen two fully grown women wrestle for a 'Tickle-Me-Elmo Doll' and that isn't the holiday cheer I want to ever exprience.)
It was dark, but not as dark as it was just climbing the stairs down here.
The walls were a different color then the stones outside the room.
Then again who knew if the walls weren't stained with things they'd rather not know?
Like blood or slime from years of abuse from the rats and other creatures.
Whatever was left of the door that stood in their was crushed to dust as the stepped on it absentmindedly.
Air was heavy from not been cycled around in so long that when breath you could just taste if not choke on the dust and if that didn't stop you the smell did.
It smelt of rust, slime, mold,and other a sorted things that weren't very pleasent to think about, like the walls.
Yun crinkled his nose in distant. "God did somebody die?"
Hime weezed half from the heavy air to the smell, "Probably did magic here." she muttered to herself.
"Smells like the libary..." thought Kadina taken in the dust then sputtered when she could actually taste the paticals in the air, tasted like rotted wood.
"Doubt anyone's been here for a dacade." said Jerec squinting at darkness.
"Yes well I see where many went after the content." Pearl said gesturing at the room. "Not many would wanrt to end up dead."
The creature squeeked with joy.
They were in that room covered mostly shadow.
His place, not theirs.
It came ever closer lookin near a a few pases, but enough.
I'd knew haven't he'v ever dimmed.
(Tired 12:00 am; have to go to bed.)


It Ends Now

Unread postby GreywolfImmortal » Tue Oct 01, 2002 6:36 am

Greywolf was still reeling from the smell and heaviness of the air. Having a powerful sense of smell could be a burden sometimes. He shook his head to clear it when he felt the shadowy presence slip in. He quirked a brow and nodded slightly at Bane, Kadina, and Bowie and silently formed the word "now" with his lips.

Bane wheeled around and took hold of the creature. It may have became incorporeal again, but his hands held onto the shadows, small wisps of smoke rising whereever he touch the thing. "This ends now, demon!"


Re: It Ends Now

Unread postby Kadina » Tue Oct 08, 2002 3:22 am

Kadina's eyes widened at the quick tip with an brow thought just beofre getting the drift of everything.
Swirling around she was thankful for the groups' strong reflexs seeing Bane appearing to hold the creature.
Though it wasn't like before since it had been more solid then now it seemed.
Pearl let all the alarms going off in her mind, at in everu direction, cringe a the moment the with sotiy.
"Stone?"asked Kadina curious, looking at the floor tiles of dark gray until seeing one that looked to stand more out. "This one!....Hang on to it, Bane!"
Slowly and steady to chant, well....okay more like a paraying. The words didn't ever really matter as long as the feelings were mutual about sealing it up.


The final battle ><

Unread postby Scyla001 » Thu Oct 10, 2002 6:25 am

(Ooc: Ack, sorry bout not posting for ages. My mother board on my computer died, so I'm having to post from my computers at collage!)

Bowie spun around violently, the tails of his leather coat following with delayed reaction. His eyes shone brightly in a single flash, lighting up the darknes of the coridoor for a split second, returning to a lowlight silver shine.

He gazed at the creature, attemping eye contact (or something similar).

Then, physic static flowed over Bowies head. It thrashed wildly over his skull, slowly moving closer to his frontal lobe. Finally the power collected at a point in the centre of his forehead, and eminated outward stright into the creature. He could feel it's thoughts, read it's mind and weaken it's senses. He attacked the creatures inner core, it's black soul, holding it, weakening it, probing it's weaknesses.

An aray of Electric energy thrashed between the creature and bowie as they compeated in mental conflict.


Re: The final battle ><

Unread postby Kadina » Tue Oct 15, 2002 5:28 am

Jerec and Yun automatically took a step back in surprise from Bowie's attack.
The girls paid no heed though, Hime, Pearl, and Kadina were staring hard at the stone as if it held all the secrets in the world.
In a minute Jerec and Yun had join them to try and seal by following the slow pace they started out.
Growing speed with what appeared to be each sentence, their murmmers grew distorted and unorderly as it turned to more like a slight soft buzzing noise or hum depending on who heard.
It's head felt like it had worms wiggling in it.
Trying to dig deeper and deeper.
The feeling of it was like a cold icy blast that rippled though to it's brain!
It clawed at what could only be where it's head rested and tried fighting back while resisting the urge to decapitate itself.


Re: The Final Battle

Unread postby GreywolfImmortal » Tue Oct 15, 2002 2:38 pm

Greywolf, who had been standing by in awe shook himself out of it and joined in with the others to seal the creature away, as did Jackal. Jackal really had no idea how he could help, though it was better than standing around. Greywolf, on the other hand, knew that although his magic was exhausted, his body was still able to contain it and act as a capacitor.

Bane continued to hold onto the creature, though he was ready to relinquish it the instant the spell took its final hold. "Almost there," he growled through clenched teeth.


Physic feedback!

Unread postby Scyla001 » Wed Oct 16, 2002 6:30 am

Bowie could feel that the creature was aware of what was happing. While it was trying to regain compleat control over it's self, it was causing the energy used against it as a wepon back to where it came from.

Bowie strained under the shock of the feedback, the whites of his eyes now blood shot. He had no experience of these kind of battles so he wasn't really sure what to do.

He now tried to force the creature over to the tile that was soon to be it's prision. Pushing himself as far as he could, his brain aching and his nose slowly started to trickle with blood.


Re: Physic feedback!

Unread postby SALSAlys » Wed Oct 16, 2002 9:16 am

Katyana blinked slowly, white slashes pupils fixated upon the creature. Sekor seemed inclined to step forward and try to distract it via more physical tactics, but a slight growl in his direction changed that. Wulfric prudently hung well back, since their catgirl seemed unwilling for her comrades to try to engage in anything more.

Feel the scent... in your heart, in your blood, filling everything... everything relies on scent...

Almost giddy with the smell of the beast concentrated around her, Katyana joined forces with Bowie in his mental battle.


Rightful wrong...

Unread postby Kadina » Mon Oct 21, 2002 6:16 pm

(Ooc: Sorry for not responding so long! *grins* I can't wait for Halloween! All the fun and candy! Oh and all the halloween themed or scary movies to watch!)
Pearl felt her lips tug to a small smile hearing Greywolf join in the sealing, she should have known that he'd give his all weather or not fighting.
Though she had almost stoped in shock to hear Jackal start chanting, but what was she expecting him to do, just sit back and watch?
Even if he thought more of fighting physically then use magic she should have known he'd try to seal it if he couldn't fight it head on.
Yun sliently shook as he felt the shadowed creature fight the battle it would lose.
He felt a sudden coldness sweep through him knowing the thing was looking at him, but didn't even think to chance a look back at it.
When it finially glared elsewhere he relax somewhat, but fear still griped apart of him inside.
He knew it was right to seal it and yet some horrible way he knew it was wrong himself to take part in it.


Re: Rightful wrong...

Unread postby GreywolfImmortal » Fri Oct 25, 2002 9:23 pm

OOC: Halloween is my favorite holiday! Free food, costumes, and parties. A night dedicated to hedonism. I just hope I can get my phantom of the opera costume ready in time.

Greywolf took Pearl's hand and squeezed it softly. His touch sent a tingle up her arm at first. With his body opened up to the magic of the circle, he was like lightning encased in flesh. Arcs of lightning danced behind his pupils and his hair started to ripple as if in an ethereal wind. Greywolf never did anything half-way.

Jackal, meanwhile was trying to the entirely foreign feeling of being involved in a spell this powerful. Or rather, in a spell, period. Bane continue to cling to the creature through his macabre powers, refusing to let go until necessary. "Hurry! My arms are going numb!"


a test of loyalty

Unread postby Scyla001 » Mon Oct 28, 2002 6:46 pm

(Ooc:Ok everyone. I'm back, I have a new motherboard, a cable modem and 2.2ghz of athlon behind me now Image )

"Just hold on a while longer!" Bowie shouted though gritted teeth. "I've almost got it under my thumb."

Almost stright afterwards, Kataynna felt a strong physic force flow from bowidine. Because she was using her smell sence in conjunction with bowie telepathy, a small link had been created between the trio. From the creature, she fellt both emence dread and the worst feeling of undying evil imaginable. From bowie however, she felt very little, as if he was hiding something. All she could get from him was the mopst strangest feeling of fimiliarity, but even stranger, was she could see that this person had the same understand as she did in both her language and smell sence.

"Got him!" Bowie yelled. The creature now had almost no control as it was mentally forced to move towards the square. "Where do you want it?"

( *BUMP* )

Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=scyla001>Scyla001</A] at: 10/30/02 11:03:33 am


Feel The Magic...(LOL)

Unread postby Kadina » Wed Oct 30, 2002 10:06 am

(Ooc: Ohh Scyla you lucky bloke! Wish I could get a new motherboard. *grins wildly* Yes one more day til Halloween! *holds out calander with many X on it* I really love this holiday! I wish I could go on the ghost tour though. I've only been to one once, but had to leave in the middle of it! *siffles, but then sighs in defeat* I'm probably in charge to give out candy this year...no trick or treating for me....*pouts*)
Pearl shivered slightly at the feel of magic litterly corsing back and forth when Greywolf took her hand.
She squeezed his hand back as an answer to the unspoken comforting he had gave.
A small smile went inwardly to Yun when he felt Jackal's unusualness of preforming the spell, atlest he wasn't the only one feeling unusual.
Each one chanting felt their fingers warm up with a slow prickle sensation at the very tips.
When pulling the monster's energy into the stone their fingers insantly cooled down and the tip felt as if being boiled in cold oil.
Jerec stopped chanting the instant he felt sparks between his fingers and clasped the persons hands to the people next to him.
Suddenly Hime looked up from her chanting, "Let go now Bane!" she yelled before grabing the others hands.
"Get it directly on it!" screamed Kadina as the rest moved to let it in the middle as the magic stream circled around in the air violently.


Re: Feel the Magic

Unread postby GreywolfImmortal » Sun Nov 03, 2002 8:25 am

Bane flung the creature as hard as he could onto the stone. The timing was just right that it wouldn't be able to escape in time to avoid the sealing. Just in case, though, he stood ready to grab hold of it again. "Let's end this now!"


Re: Feel the Magic

Unread postby Scyla001 » Wed Nov 06, 2002 2:51 pm

Bowie grit his teeth togeather once more, a slight trickle of blood still runing from his nose, and made one last forcive push with his mind to keep the creature in place. His eyes now heavly blood shot, he muscles quaking under the emence metal strain, ready to buckle at any moment.


It feels velvety. o.o

Unread postby SALSAlys » Wed Nov 06, 2002 8:35 pm

Katyana 'heaved' with her own powers as Bowie made his own move, and stepped forward slightly, towards Bowie.

And... WHO are you really? she wondered, sweat trickling down the side of her cheek. Who are you really, hrinn Bowie?


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