Jiya's Secret (Re-re-re I don't know HOW many times revived)

For all RPs taking place in other settings.

Re: ... wow.

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sat Jul 06, 2002 5:45 pm

"I can't promise. I can't work miracles." Katyana's delicate facial features made her seem almost like she was about to break, despite the strong set to her jaw. "But I can try. I did the best I could. Hope is all we have left... and I hope it's enough."


Re: ...wow

Unread postby GreywolImmortal » Sat Jul 06, 2002 10:22 pm

Jackal growled and forcefully dragged Hime away. "He'll live, but if we don't give him some air and space it'll be anybody's guess how much longer."

Greywolf growled at the light from Bowie's eyes. He was even more convinced now that he had seen this stranger before. "I don't know Pearl! But we're in trouble! Bane only managed to give them the equivalent of a kick in that thing's head. It's still going strong,though they may have the upper hand this time!"

Bane could only hang limply, still unconscious. Katyana's healing managed to repair some of hte minor burnsand slowed most of the bleeding, but he still looked as if he had been pulled off a roastin spit.


Re: ...wow

Unread postby Kadina » Sun Jul 07, 2002 8:30 pm

"I won't be able to keep this up much longer..." thought Kadina sweat running down from her forhead.
The creature's 'body' was sparking with energy and almost completely red when it started to ooze dark substance.
"Is it bleeding, or is my mind playing tricks on me?" Kadina carefully started walking toward the creature throwing her magic at it.
"Ow...ok. I just wanted to check on him." said Hime trying to ring herself out of his grip.


Re: ...wow

Unread postby SALSAlys » Mon Jul 08, 2002 10:54 am

Katyana looked towards the shadow, sniffing. Then she gave a small smile.

We might pull through after all...

(OOC: Sorry, going to be gone until August 15! Kat, Wulfric, and Sekor probably won't have much to do until then... just keep their roles minimal. Kadina, I think you can handle controlling them for me. Pretty please?)


Re: ...wow

Unread postby GreywolfImmortal » Mon Jul 08, 2002 1:57 pm

Jackal forced Hime to sit down and sat Yun down beside her. "You," he said pointing at Hime, "stay put." He then rounded on Yun. "You, watch her and keep her there." He then moved to the opposite side of thier hiding place as the battle raged on. The scarred twin folded his arms in front of his chest and heaved a sigh, looking at Bane and then the others. "Since there's nothing else e can do, I suppose you all deserve an explanation. It started three years ago. When Shadow was still alive.
"We were wonderingaround aimlessly looking for trouble. We were just a trio of young inexperienced punks at the time. When we came across a powerful necromancer, we thught we could take him." Jackal shook his head ruefully. "That tops the lift of the stupidest we've ever done. It was Shadow's last. The wizard held Bane and me with chains of dark magic he wove on the spot, but when Shadow got loose and tried t put a knife in the bastard's heart... He never stood a chance...
"Five ghouls leaped out of nowhere while Shadow was in mid-leap. They tore him apart and ate him alive. I'll never forget his dying screams." Jackal paused and shivered lightly. It was odd to see him do any such thing. He always appeared so stoic and composed, if not slightly disgruntled when things were going wrong.
The scarred twin tok a second to check on the progress of the battle. He then turned back to the others. "Anyway, the necromancer decided to keep us around for a while to experiment on us. Bane was his first subject. It took four days before my brother's torture was over, but in the end he gained new power. The wizard intended to enslave him and gave him the power to sense, communicate, and merge with unholy or dark magic creatures. The fool didn't take into account Bane's sense of vengeance. My brother used his new power to turn the necromancer's own creations on him, letting him die slowly and seeing to it personally that our captor suffered an hour of pain and anguish for every second our brother had to go through before he died."
Jackal looked down at Bane, stil mercifully unconscious. "After that, Bane came to realize what he wsa capable of and it scared the hell out of him. He stopped using his new power and it started to atrophy, though it never went away. This is the first time he's used it since that night. Can't say I blame him for being reluctant to use it and trying to hide it, but now you know the story."


Re: ...wow

Unread postby Kadina » Mon Jul 08, 2002 8:56 pm

(Ooc: Sure I'll control your group until you get back, Lysa. ::marks calendar:Image
"After all that happened to you both...why'd you both keep looking for trills after your brother's demise?..." asked Hime, "Why'd you come here for 'fun and excitment'? A city doesn't fly in the dead of night for nothing and you both knew that..."


Re: ...wow

Unread postby GreywolfImmortal » Tue Jul 09, 2002 4:27 am

"I guess we didn't want it to scare us away," Jackal said with a shrug. "Bane and I just couldn't bring ourselves to quit. We live for this kind of stuff."

"You're both insane," Greywolf said with a shake of his head. He folded his arms over his bare chest much like Jackal and frowned thoughtfully. The elf looked up at Pearl, violet eyes softening. "Though our chances seem significantly better than they did before, there's still a possibility we won't win. In case that happens, there is one loose end I want to make sure I have tied."

Without waiting for response, Greywolf puts his hands on Pearl's shoulders and kissed her passionately. Jackal simply cleared his throat and looked over at the others. He respected the werewolf too much too gawk at a personal moment.

When Greywolf finally broke the kiss, he smiled softly to Pearl in spite of htedanger he knew they were all in. "For showing me the way back into the sun, that I did not have to run a lone wolf my whole life."


Re: ...wow

Unread postby Kadina » Tue Jul 09, 2002 9:01 pm

"....Wow!..I...that was...wow..." thought Pearl's reaction with blush streaked across her face.
"Well...you also showed me the way too. I thought I'd have to live my whole life alone, but you proved me wrong..." she said.
"I refuse that, I'm not insane...." mumbbled Hime to herself.
"I don't think he was talking about you." whispered Yun.
"Though if he were he'd be right on the spot."
"Hmhp, if I'm insane your totally out of touch."
The creature threw Bowie off, sending him crashing to the floor.
Then it hit back Kadina some distance back to where she originally stood at the start of battle.
"Ahhh!" screamed Kadina skidding down on the ground.


Damn it!

Unread postby Scyla001 » Wed Jul 10, 2002 9:05 am

(Ooc: sorry i took so long replying.)

Bowie jumped to his feet imediatly, running over to kadina.
"Are you alright?" He asked in a mixed tone of worry and compassion. He crouched down too see if she was ok, giving Kadina his hand to get her back onto her feet again. "I have an idea about this thing. If I discharge a large Psionic attack against it, then the Physic energy will make it coporeal for a while, meaning we can all attack it togeather."


Re: Damn it!

Unread postby GreywolfImmortal » Wed Jul 10, 2002 10:22 am

"Sounds good to me," Jackal said, drawing his sword that had no crossguards at the hilt. "Anything's better than sitting here." He lowered his visor which glowed faintly red when he turned it on. With a twist of the hilt, the blade of his needle-like blade began to glow faintly as white arcs of electricity danced over it.

Greywolf nodded and stuffed his hands in those deadly bladed gauntlets of his. "I wish Edge were here now. I can't believe I just said that." The elf shook his head and turned to Pearl. "Whatever it takes I'll get you out of here."

Greywolf and Jackal stood side by side, ready to springout as soon as Bowie and Kadina gave the word. "I'm not too hot about leaving Bane here, but beating this thing will take everything we've got. If all of us combined can't beat that thing even when it is corporeal, it won't really matter if nobody's watching him."

"I just wish I had my magic," Greywolf muttered under his breath. Though he did not appear outwardly tired, the werewolf had been drained by the overusage of his magic. All he had left was speed and agility. And a few minutes of time in a hybrid form. He had to wait until they could attack to make full use of every precious second in case maintaining the transformed state was too taxing on him. "Of all the things a full moon can't do..."


Ready get set...

Unread postby Kadina » Thu Jul 11, 2002 12:12 pm

(Ooc: I'm going to my sister's house for a day so I'll be back tomorrow or Saturday. So no biggy, just wanted to tell you guys. And if you read Akuih BM Fanart, the new comic will probably be up late into the day tomorrow or Saturday morning.)
Kadina nodded at Bowie's concern, "As long as I can move, I'll fight." she then took his hand, "Psionic, so that was what was coming out of your eyes...let's get it on cue."
(Tell me if I got your chara out of character.)
Sekor and Wulfric also jumped into the battlefield knowing it would take all the hand they could get and waited for the signal, in a ready stance.
Katyana and the others stayed to watch over Bane and make sure his condition didn't get any worse.
"Alright, on the count of three....1...2..."



Unread postby Kadina » Sat Jul 13, 2002 11:40 am

(Ooc: Hey guys I'm back! Had a good time visting my sister. Thanks for waiting...)
The creature raised up for a counter attack against the six ready defenders.
"3!" yelled Kadina.


Re: Go!

Unread postby Kadina » Sun Jul 14, 2002 5:56 pm

(Ooc: Scyla?...Greywolf?...)
Kadina threw her holy magic upon it then ran with her hammer, "Bowie, now!" she shouted.
Sekor and Wulfric imeaditly started to run toward creature.


Re: Go!

Unread postby Scyla001 » Mon Jul 15, 2002 5:41 pm

(Ooc: Oh, sorry. I'm going on holiday tomorrow and won't be able to post for 2 weeks. Can Grey wolf play my character for me cos I know you've got a lot already kadina. He's not an easy character to play and he's been through a lot.)

Bowie brought his fist back, covering it with his other hand. A strange blue light seemed to emanate from his hands, swirling with eeriness. Then he ran, fast and furiously, hitting the creature in the gut. The creature flew 10 feet back and landed awrardly on the floor, Bowie also dropped, but onto his knees. That last attack seemed to drain his stamina substansually.
“Go Now!” He cried, before curling into a ball no the floor, the creature, now surrounded by the blue light began to stand.


Re: Go!

Unread postby GreywolfImmortal » Tue Jul 16, 2002 1:48 pm

(ooc: Sure, I'll take care of Bowie. Just hope I don't screw up his character)
Greywolf sprang forward like a coiled spring the instant the creature was vulnerable. He dashed past it just as it was standing, his blades ripping through the monster's sides as he passed and rebounded off the wall into a hard shoulder rush.
Jackal was quick to follow. As soon as the creature was knocked forawrd by Greywolf's sudden attack, the scarred twin swung his sword out, catching it as it fell along the waist. With the creature balanced on his blade, Jackal put all of his strength into flipping it over his head and onto its back.
Meanwhile, Bowie ground his teeth against the lightheadedness and weariness that attack brought on. He managed to pull himself into a kneeling position with both hands on the ground and shook his head to clear it. He was determined not to stop until his friends were out of danger again.


Re: Go!

Unread postby Kadina » Wed Jul 17, 2002 4:05 pm

While the creature was still lied sprawled on the ground stunned, Wulfric and Sekor sprang upond it ripping and taring any "skin" before them.
By beating the already freshly cut "skin" with her hammer, Kadina made the wounds bigger with bruses.
"Blood" or whatever substance it was that seemed to come from the creature spilled like rivers flooding the floor in a dark crimson color.
The cat boys jumped off quickly just before the monster rose back to it's "feet". (Feet? Can a shapless shadow like creature really have feet?)


Re: Go!

Unread postby GreywolfImmortal » Wed Jul 17, 2002 6:51 pm

As soon as the creature started up, Jackal swung his sword low, wondering if he could hamstring something made of shadow.
Meanwhile Greywolf let out a savage howl as he transformed into his hybrid form. He charged the creature, poised for a head-on rush. At the last possible second, however, the werewolf leaped into the air over the creature's head and doing a half-twist in mid-air.
Upon landing Greywolf grabbed the shadow creature in a bear hug and began wildly biting and gnawing on anything he could reach, mostly what appeared to be the head, neck, and shoulders.
Bowie grabbed the nearest thing he could reach, which turned out to be a alrge piece of stone rubble the size of his head. Lifting the heavy rock above his head, Bowie threw it with all of his strength into the creature's midsection. His head finally clearing, he straightened himself up and prepared to join the fight in hand-to-hand combat.


Re: Go!

Unread postby Kadina » Fri Jul 19, 2002 10:27 am

Sekor pierced his claws deep into the "flesh" of the enemy and draged them downward making a large wound in its path.
Trying to find a weak spot on the monster Wulfric attacked feriously around, but not any where to get in the other's way.
"Why won't you die?!" thought Kadina angerly hammering a good sized chunck of "meat" off the thing.
The creature screeched in intense pain, never before had it felt this much hurt.
Then again no one had been able to find away to turn it to solid form except for it's self and even then it only lasted for so long.
"Damn these...creatures!" raged the shadow glaring at them with it's unseen "eyes".
It shook feverly to try and fling the determined wolf off, but it was impossible with him holding on with his grip on it.


Back for a bit. Not much, though...

Unread postby SALSAlys » Fri Jul 19, 2002 1:15 pm

(OOC: Back for just a day or two. Kadina can keep controlling my guys until August 15. ^_^ Thankies!)

Sekor and Wulfric continued their fight in tandem, Sekor continuing his full-frontal assault while Wulfric tried working around it.


Re: Back for a bit

Unread postby GreywolfImmortal » Sat Jul 20, 2002 4:11 pm

Bowie and Jackal worked together, mercilessly pounding at the creature's chest and midsection. Greywolf clamped his jaws as he hard as he could on what looked like the monster's neck and began jerking his head violently, just like a real wolf would trying to take down prey.
Bane stirred and his eyes slowly fluttered open. "The burning..." he whispered hoarsely as he gingerly touched the burns on his chest made by Kadina's holy magic. "I can sense the creature.... feel its rage.... frustration.... fear.... The burning. I can't feel anything else." With that he started sobbing, probing his body as he tried to feel anything but pain.


The pain of sharing...

Unread postby Kadina » Sun Jul 21, 2002 5:16 pm

The others looked shocked by Bane's sudden outburst.
"What's happening? Why can he feel that thing's feelings?!" asked Pearl looking to the others.
"When he got possesed, he must have linked himself accidently to it." said Yun.
"If he's connected to it, so he can feel it's pain then....won't he die if they really do manage to kill it?" asked Hime looking at the fight that went on then back to the others.
"It...might be possible..." answered Jerec grimly.
"Isn't there anything we could do? Katyana?"
"I could try..." said Katyana ready to help.
"Wait! What if it work the other way around too? Then we'd put the advanted back to that creature." stated Pearl.
"What are you saying? We'd have to let him die?!" Hime crossed her arms, "Can't we just try to help?"
"That's not what I said...but if we have to." She turned to Katyana and nodded, "Of coruse right now we'll help."
Katyana went on trying to help block or subdue the pain Bane felt.


Re: The pain of sharing

Unread postby GreywolfImmortal » Sun Jul 21, 2002 9:48 pm

Bane curled up tighter. "No... Not linked. I can feel what it feels, but I'm not linked... The burning won't stop!... I don't know, though.... if I'll survive the shock.... argh!!... Survive the shock when the thing dies."

After a while, the tears stopped flowing. He was still in pain, but Bane had run out of tears. "I can feel it. I know the thing is in pain.... but I don't hurt like it does. When it dies, though.... It will be a powerful shock. It may kill me."



Unread postby GreywolfImmortal » Wed Jul 24, 2002 12:25 pm



Re: The pain of sharing

Unread postby Kadina » Wed Jul 24, 2002 2:41 pm

"I need.....I need souls....." the creature thought painfully.
It could just feel the bits of energy it relied on escaping.
Thoughts raced through it mind trying to figure out a plan of it's own.
These people were smart, but it was well thousands of years older with expierence?
How would it break them....
Katyana did her best to block what ever pain Bane felt from the thing.
"How can we stop the pain?..." asked Pearl to, she hoped he knew if not then how would he get out of this?
He was powerful, but even this was too much for any person to bear.
"Don't speak..." said Hime shaking her head at him, "You don't want to waste your energy...."


Re: The pain of sharing

Unread postby GreywolfImmortal » Wed Jul 24, 2002 7:23 pm

"It... It's trying to think of an escape..." Bane muttered. "They have to kill it.... Now!!" The last word came out as nearly a shout, his voice straining to raise itself so he would be heard.

Meanwhile Greywolf struggled even harder with the creature's neck. Part of him didn't understand why he couldn't taste blood, why he didn't feel bones breaking in his jaws.

Jackal and Bowie continued their relentless assault, creating a rhythm of striking immediately after the other to create a flurry of blows in rapid succession.


No comfort in news...

Unread postby Kadina » Sat Jul 27, 2002 12:48 pm

Wulfric scrunched in anger, he'd serch almost ever point along he could reach, but with no success.
The work Sekor did seemed to be working out more gashs towering across in large lines.
The others winced at Bane's news of the creauture trying to find a way to escape.
They knew they heard him utter something they were all not happy to hear, but also this would be a benifit if they knew how to stop it.
"How will they kill it, when it took something so darastic as to almost kill Bane to hurt it?" thought Pearl.
"Do you think they-fighting with the monster heard him?" asked Hime.
Warily they all looked at eachother worried and then to the six out from the little-to no comfort of the rubble.


help is here, (but not for long).

Unread postby Scyla001 » Sat Jul 27, 2002 2:59 pm

Bowie could hear Kadinas thoughts as clear as she could hear his. He knew of one way in which he could help bane survive, however he would have to create a temp mind link with him for this to happen.
"I'm gonna help your brother." He called to his companion. "cover this will ya" and he went back to the rest.


Re: help is here, (but not for long).

Unread postby Kadina » Thu Aug 01, 2002 12:40 pm

Sekor strained to hear what Bowie had said over the other sounds that the creature made after all 'still had to stay alert even with it alittle down.'
"Don't get any ideas..." warned Kadina silently to the creature, "he'll be back."
Wulfric almost paused when he saw Bowie running passed him, but continued when he reallized where he was headed.
The group made room for Bowie as he ran over, but didn't know what he could do to help Bane's condition.
Hime and Pearl even with their consent dislikeness of eachother were whispering about what Bowie could do to help.
"What are you going to do?" asked Yun surprised by Bowie comming over.


Back at last

Unread postby GreywolfImortal » Fri Aug 02, 2002 12:05 pm

Jackal took Bowie's absence as an opportunity to get closer. Pulling out a wicked serrated knife, he began plunging it into the creature's body over and over again.

Greywolf shifted his grip to the creature's arms and pushed his massive paw against its back, causing it to arch forwrd with its arms behind as the werewolf tried tear them off.

With Greywolf's change in tactics, Jackal grabbed the monster's head and began stabbing his knife into its "face" quickly and mercilessly.

Bane looked around at the group around him. "It's weakening... You need to help them.... My chest!" He curled up into a fetal position once again, lifting up his shirt to reveal the massive bruises Bowie had given him when he merged with the creature.


Re: Back at last

Unread postby Scyla001 » Sun Aug 04, 2002 2:14 pm

(Ooc: Ok, I'm back so we should be able to get moving again.)

Bowie stood with his feet together, his arms raised to shoulder height and his head bowed.
"Earlier in my life I discovered that I was powerful telepath, hence the potent psionic attacks I used against the creature. I believe that if I make a forced mind link with Bane, I should be able to share this pain or take it completely; severing the link when the creature is destroyed and Bane is in a more stable condition. Just give me a minute and Arrh!!?" Bowie grit his teeth together as he felt the creatures pain. He only remained standing due to his pain resistance, which still surpassed that of a normal human.


Help from others...

Unread postby Kadina » Wed Aug 07, 2002 9:49 pm

Katyana looked from Bane to Bowie.
It was evident that the pain was being lifted by Bane not trashing about or looking as if he were near the brink of death.
Bowie on the other hand looked in great pain, but kept his composer.
"Why don't you sit down? It will make the pain easier." Pearl said in more of a command then a question to Bowie then turned to the others shaking her head, "I'll stay here..."
"For Greywolf's sake..." she thought.
"Alright..." said Jerec getting up looking over to the others, "Let's go before we change our minds..."
Hesitantly the rest got up and proceeded off to fight.
It came as a good surprise to see Katyana, Jerec, Hime, and Yun come and join.
Katyana went quickly helping Wulfric and Sekor on their rampage with a small smile knowing she could help in situation.
Yun, Hime, and Jerec ripped whatever they could at the open wounds the others created.
Creature's POV:
The world spun around the creature with blood, voices, and images of long past, but it couldn't help staring straight ahead.
Sounds of slices, tearing, and smashing rung through the air seeming to echo off the walls until they became dull to it's ears.
A mixture of emotions blured in it.


Re: Help from others

Unread postby GreywolfImmortal » Thu Aug 08, 2002 5:08 am

Jackal jammedin his knife and used all of his strength to cut a vertical line down what would be the creature's torso. Had it been actualy flesh, chances are he would have not only eviscerated it, but also disemboweled it. "Good to see you all here," he snarled as he worked at opening the new wound further. "I think I speak for all of us when I say, WHY WON'T THIS #@^%& THING DIE??!!!"

Greywol could feel his strength fading. He only had a little time left in his transformed state. Making the most of what was left, he let go of the creature's arms only to whip his gauntleted hands around, grab hold of the edges of the giant gash Jackal created and ripped it open with all the strength he could muster.


Re: Help from the others

Unread postby GreywolfImmortal » Tue Aug 13, 2002 5:07 pm



Finally got it down...

Unread postby Kadina » Wed Aug 14, 2002 3:57 pm

(Ooc: *whimpers* Summer's gone!!! Why?! I hardly got a break and now I'm back to studying and learning! *heavily sighs* I hope you all are having a better time then me...)
The creature wipped backwards letting it's self fall to the floor making it rumble under the groups feet.
It didn't move at all afterwards, but you could steadily see the raise and fall of where it's chest would have been if it could have actually been seen.
Kadina let out a breath she didn't know she was holding and turned to the others questioningly. (Is that even a word?)
Katyana raised an eye brow as if to say 'what', but turned her attention back to the creature thinking it might be just playing with their minds.
"What's the matter?" sighed Hime looking back while gripping to it's side and ripped more flesh.
"Can we just get this over with..." stated Kadina stalking up to creature plunging the holding of her hammer to climb.
"Hey we finally got it down." Jerec willed to the others trying to bring a lighter atmosphere and climbed after Kadina.
"Just hold on..." reassured Pearl looking at the two boys infront of her.


Finally back.

Unread postby SALSAlys » Fri Aug 16, 2002 2:14 am

Sekor and Wulfric edged forward, then the tiger bounded after Kadina and Jerec while the werewolf stayed below, sniffing cautiously. Katyana also backed up, looking thoughtful.


Re: Finally Back

Unread postby GreywolfImmortal » Sat Aug 17, 2002 12:22 pm

Jackal cautiously backed way before sheathing his knife and going off to his brother.

Greywolf feel to his knees as he reverted to his elven form. Breathing heavily, he tossed back his long silver hair and slipped off his gauntlets. "Right now, I think I could sleep on a bed of nails. Where's Pearl?"


Re: Finally back

Unread postby GreywolfImmortal » Tue Aug 20, 2002 6:50 pm



Can't be killed...

Unread postby Kadina » Tue Aug 20, 2002 10:31 pm

"Over there..." said Yun pointing to Pearl waving a hand in the air for Greywolf's attention as she moved to the side for Jackal when she saw him comming over.
A nuge from the side by Hime and Yun went to climb with her after the others.
Looking from atop Kadina smiled weakly at Sekor, Jerec, Hime, and Yun feeling weary of the situation.
She then looked at Katyana and Wulfric seeing caution in them, and turned around to ignore the sudden panic that settled in, "Everything IS fine, NOTHING is WRONG...." she told herself plunging the handle down in the creatures chest.
Jerec mentally shook his head feeling the uneasiness, and took to pushing the hammer already there further making a numerous cracking sounds which threatened to make him sick hearing it.
Even Pearl who was a little ways heard it and made a face at this while turning a slight green tone.
A roar of pain went forth at that and stired lightly, but not enough to make any of them fall.
"We came here to kill it not torture it even if it is tempting!" hissed Hime steadying herself, "Do you're magic....you know 'light' or something!"
"I've done it one too many times. If it could be killed that easy don't you think I would have done it with out regaurd?" Kadina shook her head as if to clear unnesisary thoughts and stated firmly as she could, "It can't be killed..."



Unread postby SALSAlys » Wed Aug 21, 2002 12:08 am

"That's impossible. NOTHING can't be killed," Sekor said vehemently, dark eyes flashing as the eerie white slits flickered over the creature. "That's part of what defines life; eventual death. Even the Mooncat died..."

Wulfric shook his head. "This is a different world, hrinn."

"It's not right."

Katyana kept her own opinion to herself, trying not to be sick.


But we can't just leave it like this

Unread postby Scyla001 » Wed Aug 21, 2002 8:02 am

(Ooc: Sorry It took me so long to reply, I tried to yesterday but me connection died on me and I lost what I was going to say Image )

Bowie buckled under the pain of the forcive hammer blow to the creatures chest. He was gradually taking more of the pain away from bane until it was possible to sever the mind link between him and the creature.

"Claw. Don't forget this creature was incorporeal to begin with, which means it was already dead or some kind of daemon which doesn’t use the very same laws of physics as we do." Bowie whispered to Sekor in a winded tone, his brow covered by cold clammy sweat.


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