Love, Life, and Highschool (now asleep)

For all RPs taking place in other settings.

Love, Life, and Highschool (now asleep)

Unread postby SALSAlys » Fri Sep 20, 2002 9:32 am

(OOC note: This is a closed RP. If you're not signed up from the OOC RP forum, please do not post. And to my RPers: feel free to write your own entrance, and please also write your description as part of the post, but not separate... like I did with mine.)

August 22, at Magyan High School
7:50 a.m.

It's a slightly cloudy morning, with a faint chill of moisture from the earliness. Not that it's affecting the cheerleaders in the gym.

"Who's the best?! MAGYAN MAGYAN! Above the rest?! MAGYAN MAGYAN! Goooo MAGYAN!" chorused a troupe of the girls, all wearing the carefully pressed dark blue skirts with gold edging, and tops which have the same color scheme, save with chevrons of light blue and gold across the chest. They were on a set of mats, proudly standing in a pyramid, with a petite girl on top, who could be barely five feet.

This girl appeared younger than the rest of the cheerleaders, with light brown hair which had gilt sunstreaks running through it, neatly tied into two pigtails which bounced when she did. Her eyes, if the observer was close enough, could be seen as a clear, bright blue, and her features were delicate and pixie-like, although she was human. A sprinkling of gold-dust freckles went across the bridge of her nose.

"'Kay then girls, looks good!" called the coach at bottom. She was a young woman who could've passed for any of the students she was instructing, except for the dark blue sweatpants she wore, with a blue and gold windbreaker on top. Her curly red hair was tied into a loose ponytail.

Carefully, the girl at top descended, then the pyramid broke up, each girl separating.

"Remember, class starts at 8, but show that Magyan spirit!" yelled the coach.

"Yes Ms. Ringel!" replied all the cheerleaders present. Satisfied, Ms. Ringel began helping them clean away the mats.

"Hey, Krysta! You did GREAT up there!" exclaimed a girl who topped the diminutive cheerleader by two heads. This girl had blonde hair and green eyes, with her hair tied into a high ponytail.

"Thanks, Stacy," replied the freckled girl who had just served as the topping at the pyramid. She gave a quick smile to the head cheerleader, who then hugged her enthusiastically.

"What class d'you have first?" Stacy chirped.

"P.E., right here."

"Great! That's what I have too! We can just drop off our backpacks and then walk around the school, 'kay? Since it's your first day here and all, since you moved, I can introduce you to people! You already know the cheerleaders, but I can help you meet a lot of the others!"

Stacy wasn't giving Krysta much opportunity to refuse, so it was just as well that the sophomore nodded eagerly. "Sounds good!"

The mats were now cleared away, and Ms. Ringel walked out the gym, toting a large bag, and the cheerleaders started dispersing. Krysta and Stacy waved to one who was walking out the girl, a slender, tan girl with short dark hair which had blue and green streaks to it.

"Seeya Terri!" called Stacy, and the girl with the dyed hair gave a short wave before leaving. Stacy and Krysta deposited their backpacks on one of the benches lining the gym, then went out, Krysta trailing behind the junior.

* * *

Meanwhile, at the other end of the school, a wiry black girl with intercrossing cornrows was talking avidly to a pudgy Asian woman with large glasses. The girl had high cheekbones and a thin face, with a delicately pointing chin. Her ears were slightly pointed, and her canine teeth a bit sharper than most when she smiled. Not too surprising; Although from the waist-up, she was human, below that, she was a giant black spider. The body of her lower half was smooth and hairless, with a faint glossy sheen and thin legs. Her torso wore a lime-green tanktop, but she didn't bother with anything for her lower body.

"Good job on the summer work, Nan'tulla," the teacher said, eyeing a thick sheaf of binder paper critically as she flipped through it. "You're going to do well in calculus."

"Thanks Mrs. Yamamoto," the spider replied politely, handing a yellow book to her teacher. "And here's the textbook I borrowed."

"You're welcome. See you at second period then. And you have ten minutes until first period, so you might want to get moving."

"Yes ma'am." Slinging her backpack across her shoulders, Nan'tulla began walking away, checking her schedule.

P.E. first thing in the morning.... what fun, she thought resignedly.

* * *

Another girl walking across the middle of the school quad was thinking the same thing, trudging away from the cafeteria where the drama teacher held rehearsal and meetings. This girl had loose brown hair of a mousy shade, and her large brown eyes were behind thin blue-rimmed glasses. Pale of skin and face, she seemed an unlikely candidate for acting.

* * *

A few blocks away from the school, coming from near Wilson Park, two foreign exchange students were walking to the highschool.

One of them was a small, slightly built catgirl, under four feet in height... maybe around 4'8". However, she wasn't like most of the nekojin; she resembled a human, save for the catlike paws on her feet and the golden tail. Her ears were long and pointed, more like very large elf ears than cat ears, and were set with rows of small golden hoop earrings which gave a musical jingle as she walked. Her eyes were large, but pure black, with only white slits for pupils. Her hair went down to her knees, and was tied into a ponytail, which was then divided into three braids. Though her hair was black, the center braids was a pure shock of white.

Her companion was built more along the lines of a tiger, at 6'4". Though muscular, he had a feline grace as he walked, looking protectively over at the girl. His tail was brilliant orange with black stripes, and he had the same type of body as she did, although from his left ear he had an intricately carved wood chain which lead to a red feather which danced beside his jaw. His hair was also long, but tapered out at the lower back, tied into a loose tail with a strip of leather.

The two of them were talking in a language which was most likely to be unknown to all the students and faculty at the highschool.

"=Sekor? What do you think it'll be like?=" asked the catgirl, her voice having a musical, lilting purr to it, although the language was composed of rolling, growling or hissing words.

"=We'll find out, Kat.=" he replied indifferently. "=At least we've got our first class together=."


Edited by: [url=>SALSAlys</A] at: 12/14/02 4:14:03 pm

Legend of 8

Love, Life, and Highschool

Unread postby Legend of 8 » Fri Sep 20, 2002 10:56 am

"Yay.... gym. I hate gym."

Jason sat on the bleachers in the gym, watched the cheerleaders and the setup. He really DID hate gym. It annoyed him.

"Hmm, looks like Ms. Ringel is still here... man. Hey, who's the new girl..... oh well. Class starts in 10 minutes.. geez. I don't feel like changing today...."

So, he stayed in his clothes and waited for the bell to ring. He did get into tennis shoes, though.

*edit* (I apologize for my stupidity. I didn't describe Jason. I'll do that now.)

Jason's black cloak settled down as he sat again. His jeans and red shirt seemed very comfortable. Setting his black boots down, and running his hands through his black hair, he sat back and watched the action unfold around him from behind his sporty sunglasses.

"Dontcha just looooooooove gym....." he said aloud to himself.

Edited by: Legend of 8 at: 9/20/02 9:02:46 pm


Re: Love, Life, and Highschool

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Fri Sep 20, 2002 2:37 pm

Leon smiled to his sister as he walked along besides her in the gym with his robe dragging along behind him. Smiling at her through a strand of dark brown hair which had fallen in his face. He stayed close to her avoiding the other students. It rather obvious that he didnt want to get involved with anyone else.

"Sis, do you think that the other students will make fun of me this year? I mean they usally do...."

Katrina smirked then looked down at her little brother, little in more than one sense though. She was a whole foot taller than him after all. She glanced around the gym shaking her head, in disapproval.

"Of course not. I'm the only one who can do that! C'mon lets get a move on!"

Saying so, she put him in a head lock and started dragging him over to the bleachers.


Re: Love, Life, and Highschool

Unread postby BlackBobTheMage » Fri Sep 20, 2002 4:09 pm

"Ah! I'm gonna be laaate!" Bob rushed down the stairs as fast as he could, stuffing books and pens in his bag as he went. He reached the bottom of the stairs using the banister to do a complete 180 towards his front door. Holding onto his huge hat he made a break for the door, almost forgetting to stop and open it.

Slamming the door behind him Bob turned and took a step down, catching his robe under his foot. He fell sideways onto the walkway with a small grunt. "Ow" he said in a monotone voice. He layed there for a moment, and again the relization that he was late snapped in his brain. He shot up and continued running toward the school, being more careful of his robes, "The teacher is going to kill me" he whined, again holding onto his hat incase a large gust came to knock it off.

While running, Bob turned his attention to different matters. "I wonder if there will be any babes in this school?" He thought to himself, grinning under the shadow cast by his hat. He screeched to a halt and stood infront of the schools main entrance, "Well, we'll see, another year of school begins".

Edited by: [url=>BlackBobTheMage</A] at: 9/20/02 8:12:24 pm


Re: Love, Life, and Highschool

Unread postby SALSAlys » Fri Sep 20, 2002 6:16 pm

Sekor and Katyana continued their walk, the catgirl bouncing slightly as she began skipping ahead of the tiger, who growled at her affectionately.

"=Kat, we're not going to be late.="

"=Better two hours early than one minute late!=" she replied, the solemnity of her expression broken when she turned around to stick her tongue out at Sekor.

"=Fine, you can get here at 6 in the morning tomorrow if you want. I'm sleeping in.="

Katyana giggled, then gave the tiger a quick hug. By now they had gone another block, and were near the entrance to the school. They could both see the robed and hatted—

Is that even a word? Katyana wondered idly.

— figure of Bob. Sekor was glancing at their schedules.

"=We've got to go to the gym first, Kat.="

"=We can ask him, then,=" she replied, and began walking over to the tall boy. Then, switching over to slightly accented, stilted Common, she began asking directions.

"Hello... where is the gym, please?"

* * *

Amie entered the gym, and sat on the edge of one of the bleachers, looking too shy to actually talk to anybody.

Faye Alkaline

Re: Love, Life, and Highschool

Unread postby Faye Alkaline » Fri Sep 20, 2002 7:09 pm

Faye was begining her long run to school, she lived quite a bit away and didn't know what time it was, she just didn't want to be late. She kept a steady pace and wondered why she never joined any track, or maybe soccer, but alas she already knew the answer. She wasn't sure how long it'd take to get there, but she knew she'd be close when she spotted the mall that was only a short distance away. She stopped and reajusted the straps of her backpack, then she plucked the small barrette from her red head and kept it at hand. She was pretty sure nobody would see her run, and if they did they'd probily be too far away to see her face. She looked down at herself and regretably was wearing clothes that revealed more skin then she'd wanted to. She sighed and went back to running. Half hoping half pray that "..this won't be as bad as last year"
((can't think of anything 'Sheen-ish' to put down ^^Image )


Re: Love, Life, and Highschool

Unread postby BlackBobTheMage » Fri Sep 20, 2002 7:46 pm

Bob turned his head, and glanced down at Katyana. He then turned full around and looked at the girl while saying "You know, I really have no idea. I just started comming here myself". He glanced over at Sekor, who was still facinated by the scheduals. Not ever seeing many people as tall as him he was quite glad the he wouldn't be the only one to tower over most people at school.

He looked back down at Katyana who was obviously thinking about something else. He broke the silence by saying, "Well, we might as well find out together, i got here faster than i thought, so i'm sure we'll still have time to get to P.E. before the bell". He grinned under his hat and hoisted his bag back onto his shoulder.


Re: Love, Life, and Highschool

Unread postby SALSAlys » Fri Sep 20, 2002 8:05 pm

"Good," Katyana replied. She hugged Bob, although the gesture seemed to be something that she did naturally, rather than any romantic interest. "I'm Katyana. What's your name?"

"And I'm Sekor," muttered the tiger, glancing up from his schedule, then flipping to a small map as he tried to place where they were.


Re: Love, Life, and Highschool

Unread postby BlackBobTheMage » Fri Sep 20, 2002 9:42 pm

Bob, a bit startled by the hug at first, stepping back a bit. He then looked down and answered, "My names Bob, hello Katyana" Bob glances over to Sekor, "Hello Sekor". Bob streaches himself out, looking around the campus. He waits for Sekor to finish what he is doing on his map.

Edited by: [url=>BlackBobTheMage</A] at: 9/21/02 3:25:44 am


Re: Love, Life, and Highschool

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sat Sep 21, 2002 12:07 am

Sekor finally finished checking the map, then raised his nose to the air, sniffing slightly. Katyana did so as well, then flicked her ears, tail wiggling behind her happily.

"That way," pointed Sekor, tucking the map into a pocket as he gestured toward a large, gray building to the left. A pair of painted blue doors with metal bars were open.

Oz 200

Re: Love, Life, and Highschool

Unread postby Oz 200 » Sat Sep 21, 2002 12:47 am

A figure dressed in black was sitting on a bench, His flaming red hair slowly moving in the wind. He looked lick a normal guy if you didn’t count the fact that he hade a tail and a pair of cat ears on top of his head, but that didn’t disturb him. But the thing that did disturb him was the big paw looking feats that made it imposable to wear shoes.

Then he heard a familiar voice, he looked up a saw Stacy with some new kid. He ran up to the girls and a smile crept over his face.

“ Hey Stacy, watts up”


Re: Love, Life, and Highschool

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sat Sep 21, 2002 12:55 am

"Oh hey!" squealed Stacy, twirling Krysta to the front. "Just showing the new girl around! She just transferred, and she's a sophomore, on the cheerleading team! Krysta, this is Sam! Sam, this is Krysta!"

"Hello," Krysta said shyly, looking up— WAY up— to look up at Sam.

* * *

Amie glanced at the clock. Only a few minutes had passed. She glanced over at Jason, then Leon and Katrina, feeling very akward.

Why am I able to act on a stage, but not really talk to people in real life? she wondered.

Briefly, she debated over whether or not to go and say hi to one of them. She glanced at Jason, who didn't seem to be paying too much attention to her, then to Katrina and Leon. Katrina intimidated her, and Leon seemed as shy as she was; the most they could say to eachother might be just monosyllables.

Amie sank back again onto the bench.

Eight minutes to go.

Edited by: [url=>SALSAlys</A] at: 9/21/02 5:08:08 am

Oz 200

Re: Love, Life, and Highschool

Unread postby Oz 200 » Sat Sep 21, 2002 1:27 am

”Hello to you to.” he looked at his watch. “On no we better get moving or Sarge will kill me. I swear he have made me run so many times that if i put it al together i have been to the moon and back.” He smiled and started to walk to the gym.


Re: Love, Life, and Highschool

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Sat Sep 21, 2002 2:08 am

Katrina stopped at the bleacher releasing Leon from the head lock. Leon getting some much needed air he coughed.Then straightened himself out looking up at his sister.

"Katrina dont do that! Your embarassing me..."

Leon brushed himself off and looked around the gym at the cheerleaders, new students and old ones. Katrina glanced over at the cheerleaders as well letting out a huff.

"Who in their right mind would want to do that kind of thing. It makes them look like complete idiots...."

Leon looked back to his sister then sat down on a end of the bench. Katrina plopping down beside him.

"Well Katrina....Your gonna help me with my studies again this year right?"

Katrina chuckled a bit then nodded to him pushing a stray hair from her face.

"Of course, I dont want to you to fall behind."


Re: Love, Life, and Highschool

Unread postby BlackBobTheMage » Sat Sep 21, 2002 2:31 am

Bob glanced over to the grey ominous building. "Okay then, thanks for the help Sekor, you to Katyana". He began making his way to the building, passing a lot of greenery on the path. He glanced back up from his feet at the looming building, sighing to himself.

He was halfway down the walk when he relized Sekor and Katyana weren't directly behind him. He looked up into the corner of his eye, at the sky thinking to himself. "That cat-chick was pretty hot, to young though, i guess". He glanced back at her, "still, who knows how old she really is? Seven years for every one human year, right? Heh". He chuckled at his own bad joke, grinning as he reached the Gym doors.

Legend of 8

Re: Love, Life, and Highschool

Unread postby Legend of 8 » Sat Sep 21, 2002 5:02 am

Sitting there, he noticed Amie glancing at him a few times. What was up with this??

Pulling a yo-yo out of his bag, he began to toy with it.

'Hmm....' he thought. He looked over at Amie. She was by herself. "wonder what her story is..." he muttered. "Ah, what the hell. Why not?"

Walking over to Amie, he continued to play with the yo-yo.



Re: Love, Life, and Highschool

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sat Sep 21, 2002 9:20 am

Amie blinked in surprise at Jason's question, then felt her face heating up. "Um... not much...." she mumbled.

I feel like an idiot, she thought, hanging her head so that her brown hair hid her face and glasses.

"You?" she replied indistinctly.

* * *

Giggling, Stacy poked Sam teasingly. "Sure then, but there's like, no way we're gonna be late! We're still pretty close, and it's only five minutes!"

Krysta followed behind the two, smiling. They seemed pretty nice, and she thought that the first day of school was starting off pretty well.

* * *

Nan'tulla stopped by the restroom, then drank a little from the waterfountain before checking her watch.

7:55, she noted. She began hurrying up, moving past the other students who were starting to go about their way to school. Jostled in a thick crowd, a sudden bump from the side sent her tumbling onto a boy. Thankfully, he caught her.

"Thanks, Mik," Nan'tulla said, flushing slightly.

"No problem," the ogre replied. setting her onto her feet. He was eight feet tall, burly and looking like he had stepped off the front cover of a muscle magazine. He had two small, stubby white horns at the corners of his forehead, and his ears were slightly pointed. His features, like the rest of him, were blunt and square, and his china-blue eyes appeared slightly too small for his face. His hair was a furry, muddy-brown color. "What class do you have next?"

"P.E.," replied Nan'tulla.

"Eh. My sympathy. You got the calculus course you wanted?"

"Yeah, thanks for asking."

"No problem. Maybe see you around later," the ogre said, moving off into the crowd once more.

* * *

Katyana and Sekor started moving behind Bob, after one more glance at the school. They caught up with him, but Sekor seemed taciturn, not speaking at all. Katyana felt it was up to her to provide a conversation.

"What year are you in?" she asked Bob conversationally. "I'm a sophomore, and Sekor's senior."

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Re: Love, Life, and Highschool

Unread postby PriamNevhausten » Sat Sep 21, 2002 11:40 am

Many of the students entering the gymnasium groaned as they passed through it on the way to the locker room--Tendra was already there. Not that she'd ever been absent, as much as everyone wishes she would get sick or take a vacation or SOMETHING. Sarge was bad enough on his own, but with Tendra around, he had something completely unrealistic to compare everyone else to. And Tendra loved every second of it.

All these pitiful sacks...I'll bet they hate PE just because they know they'll never be as good as me. If they REALLY wanted to have an easier time here, they'd work out more instead of complaining!

Legend of 8

Re: Love, Life, and Highschool

Unread postby Legend of 8 » Sat Sep 21, 2002 12:08 pm

"Not much, really. New here?" Noticing Tendra, he groaned. "Aw, dammit... not HER. Great. This is going to be a peachy year for me... I might actually have to do some work." Turning his attention back to Amie, he sat beside her.

"Hey, are you blushing??"


Re: Love, Life, and Highschool

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sat Sep 21, 2002 3:18 pm


How are you supposed to respond to a question like that? And I think I am... eek. Ring, bell, RING... Amie thought furiously.

"...I'm a soph'more. You prob'ly don't see me much, 'less you go to the school plays," she mumbled.

Faye Alkaline


Unread postby Faye Alkaline » Sat Sep 21, 2002 4:58 pm

Faye was at the mall as the bells rang, she heard them faintly and picked up pace.. knowing that no way in hell was she going to make it on time..and to make it worse she was sure that she forgot her scehdule. She was out of breath, but kept running towards the school as to not be any more late then she already was "this..*pant* isn't *huff* my..*gasp* DAY!"

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: Love, Life, and Highschool

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Sat Sep 21, 2002 5:13 pm

Blaze looked up at the grey building with some distate.

PE...when will I need it?

He let his gaze wander, every slight motion of his head sending ripples through his long blonde ponytail.

Maybe I cold skip it...nah. I suppose I should at least make an effort.

He strode forward through the double doors, his red trenchcoat billowing around him. Once inside he looked around for someone to talk to - he'd be happy for any excuse to miss a few minutes of his most disliked class.


Re: Love, Life, and Highschool

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sat Sep 21, 2002 11:25 pm

(OOC: Don't mean to sound cranky, Faye, but I'd kind of like to control the way the bells ring. ^^;; Don't edit what you wrote, though; at my school, there's a warning bell two minutes before the REAL bell that marks your being tardy.)

Stacy gave a yelp of surprise as she heard the bell ring, then glanced at her watch. "Wait, still two minutes... better get going. C'mon, Krysta! Sam!" She sped up her walking, and Krysta went beside her, swinging the door open for the junior and the nekojin. After the two went through, she saw the spider-girl coming as well, and kept the door open for her.

"Thanks," mumbled Nan'tulla, moving past and then into the center of the gym.

The teacher was nowhere to be seen. Raising a foreleg tentatively, Nan'tulla turned to Blaze.

"You have any idea where Sutter is?"


Re: Love, Life, and Highschool

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Sat Sep 21, 2002 11:58 pm

Leon looked on as the late students came pouring in. Katrina looking at the interesting ones.

"Uhhh Sis why is there a spider girl...?"

Katrina looked over at her shrugging. Having not seen her before.

"Got me transfer student maybe?"

Leon and Katrina both looked at each other and continued talking about various things waiting for the gym teacher and or bell.

Edited by: [url=>ArgusDevilmen</A]&nbsp; Image at: 9/22/02 3:59:53 am

Legend of 8

Re: Love, Life, and Highschool

Unread postby Legend of 8 » Sun Sep 22, 2002 12:00 am

'Hmm... wonder why she's so nervous....'

"Plays? I've gone to one or two... nothing spectacular, really. Course, then again, culture has never been my big thing." The bell rang. "Oh, that would be the two minute warning. Gotta go." Jason left, playing with the Yo-Yo, and grabbed his stuff, preparing for another year of first period hell.

Oz 200

Re: Love, Life, and Highschool

Unread postby Oz 200 » Sun Sep 22, 2002 12:27 am

“ O nuts i swear Sarge will make run just for showing up” he sat down on one of the benches. “Is some one going to the park over lunch” he seed to no one special just waiting for some on to answer.


Re: Love, Life, and Highschool

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sun Sep 22, 2002 12:56 am

Amie also moved, going into the locker room, where she quickly changed into a pair of shorts and a loose grey T-shirt.

I hate morning P.E., she thought grouchily.

* * *

"Nuh-uh. Not the cheerleaders," said Stacy to Sam. "We've gotta be running around at lunch and talking to new people. Show school spirit, y'know?"

Krysta looked about curiously. "Do we have to change now?"

"Nuh-uh. On the first day, Sarge goes easy on ya."


"It's his nickname, 'cuz he used to be in the army. You don't have to go and change 'til he comes in, or until the period starts. Later, though, he's going to want you in here when the bell rings, in a P.E. uniform."

"Thanks." Leon had caught her attention, one of the few people shorter than she was. "I'm going over to say hi to him, alright?"

"Sure. He's Leon, and that girl over with him is his sister, Katrina. He's kinda shy, though."

"Okay." Krysta went over to the pair, smiling brightly. "Hello."


Re: Love, Life, and Highschool

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Sun Sep 22, 2002 1:11 am

Leon stopped talking looking over at the cheerleader already a blush coming to his face. Panicing he looked over to Katrina whom was smirking.

"Hello there, you new this year? Dont mind Leon, he acts this way whenever he meets a girl. Don't be rude Leon! Say hello!"

Katrina put her arm over his shoulder facing him back in the cheerleaders direction. Leon still flustered started to studder.

"H-h-hello....N-nice to meet.. y-you..."


Re: Love, Life, and Highschool

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sun Sep 22, 2002 1:36 am

"Nice to meet you too!" Krysta replied, beaming. "I'm Krysta, and yeah, I'm new... just transferred in this year."


Re: Love, Life, and Highschool

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Sun Sep 22, 2002 2:12 am

Leon fidgeted some more as his sister let go of him. Leon then promptly let out a very large breath and looked about trying to change the subject. "Um shouldn't class start soon....?"

Katrina looked around and nodded to her brother then glanced back to Krysta. "So your a cheerleader eh? No offense to you, but I dont like the cheerleaders...."


Re: Love, Life, and Highschool

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sun Sep 22, 2002 2:43 am

"I guess it should..." Krysta was clearly taken aback by Katrina's comment. Swallowing slightly, she cautiously asked "Why do you dislike cheerleaders...?"


Re: Love, Life, and Highschool

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Sun Sep 22, 2002 3:00 am

Katrina looked over at the cheerleader and made a jesture in the others cheersleaders direction. "All the school has them for is so the guys can stare at them." She shruged and looked at her skirt. "And tell me that doesn't scream out 'watch us kick high so you can see our underwear'?" Katrina smirked and looked at leon whom was looking about nervously trying not to get involved in thier conversation.

Legend of 8

Re: Love, Life, and Highschool

Unread postby Legend of 8 » Sun Sep 22, 2002 3:20 am

Ah, yes. Good ol' Sarge.... somehow, Jason had been able to withstand all of the punishment that he dealt out last year. Maybe things would be different this year.....

"Naaaah. I still owe him from LAST year!" he decided.

Oz 200

Re: Love, Life, and Highschool

Unread postby Oz 200 » Sun Sep 22, 2002 3:24 am

"Hey Kat chil out dont be so hard on the new kid"

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: Love, Life, and Highschool

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Sun Sep 22, 2002 8:47 am

'Oh, uh, hi Nan'tulla.' Though he liked Nan'tulla, Blaze had never been able to stop himself reacting slightly badly to her spider half. As far as he knew, she had never been upset by this, though. Either that or she just hadn't noticed.

'No, I haven't seen Sarge yet, thank all the gods.' He grinned. 'I'm thinking up plans for getting out of PE already. How about you?'


Re: Love, Life, and Highschool

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sun Sep 22, 2002 10:22 am

Krysta looked down at her skirt, and immediately started coloring up. "They can see our underwear?!" Then she flushed some more and mumbled something that sounded vaguely like " that's why we wear biker shorts..." When Sam interceded, she looked at him gratefully.

Nan'tulla grinned at Blaze, shifting her backpack. The sharpened canines in her smile were in plain view. "Good luck. I'd also start plotting, if I thought I could get away with it. It's not usual for Sarge to not be here before the bell..."


Re: Love, Life, and Highschool

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Sun Sep 22, 2002 1:21 pm

Katrina glared at Sam. "You may NOT call me Kat. Only my close friends and Leon here call me that." Leon looked back to his sister and blinked. "Sis.... Don't you think we are kinda attracting attention..." Leon reached with in his robes and pulled out his ocarina for a second glancing at it. He looked it over then put it away again.

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: Love, Life, and Highschool

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Sun Sep 22, 2002 2:00 pm

'Yeah.' Blaze replied. 'I suppose it'd be too much to hope he's ill... Anyway, how've you been Nan'tulla? I haven't talked to you in what seems an age. My fault really - people keep telling me I should socialise more.'

Oz 200

Re: Love, Life, and Highschool

Unread postby Oz 200 » Sun Sep 22, 2002 2:16 pm

”I hade forgotten how cute you are when your mad Kat” he smiled showing his fangs.

Legend of 8

Re: Love, Life, and Highschool

Unread postby Legend of 8 » Sun Sep 22, 2002 2:19 pm

'Gee, speaking of Sarge, where is he?' Jason wondered. 'Ah well, mebbe I don't have to put up with his crap this year.... i hope not. That would be cool if we got this new hot chick as a teacher.... yeah.....'

"Nahh. Keep dreamin', loser. Won't happen," he said aloud as he sat down again on the bleachers.


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