Darkness Envisioned (Serious RP revived)

For all RPs taking place in other settings.
Just Damn Evil

Darkness Envisioned (Serious RP revived)

Unread postby Just Damn Evil » Sat Jul 27, 2002 4:19 am


It was everywhere. All was aflame. Across the world, bolts of light rained down, destroying all they touched. Only one building on the face of the planet remained unharmed... "The Tower of Babel".

That is the future.


He had an overall slender build. 3 belts were wrapped around his waist, and two around his left arm. He walked slowly down the set of stairs, extremely damaged by recent battling, with his cape draped around his body. Concealed beneath this garment were 4 rings, each on a finger of his right hand. One of them was acquired just a few minutes ago.

Without warning, a soldier jumped from behind a pile of debris and slashed at the intruder with his blade... the cape-wearer expertly drew a scythe and parried the attack - he then sent a wave of dark energies through his left hand into the soldier, sending him flying into a nearby stone wall. Laughing, the intruder continued down the steps.

Exiting through a gaping hole in the wall, he looked back at the castle from which he had just left. It would take a while to fix. Laughing, he walked though the nearby town until he stopped to look at a poster that caught his eye...

"Wanted, Dead or Alive:
Macabre the Demon-Born

for Acts of Anarchy and of Heathenism.
Bring his body as well as his 3 rings to the State Prison for reward."

He laughed maniacly, and ripped the poster off the wall from which it hung. "So, they've resorted to this, have they? 'Demon-Born'. I like that. I suppose that's what they're calling me now." Taking a piece of charcoal from his pockets, Macabre crossed out the number "3" and wrote in "4". "Just a small update."

He took his right hand out from underneath his cape and examined his rings. "co, es, la, and pa...all that remains is the py character ring. Then shall this world be bathed in ruin!" He laughed insanely, then shouted out "Someone! Stop my quest! Show me pain!"

Can the future be changed? It's all up to you.

Edited by: Just Damn Evil  Image at: 12/9/02 9:17:54 pm

Lord McBastard

I declare this the RP of weird characters! (Serious RP)

Unread postby Lord McBastard » Sat Jul 27, 2002 5:43 am

Out of the shadows of an alley, flitted a blurr of darkness, it landed a few feet to the shouting belt strapped man. Though she was clad head to toe in burnished steel armour, the curves about it made it painfully obvious that the wearer was female. In one hand she held a giant battle axe, lighting faintly played across the mirror like surface of the blade. She had the stance of a warrior, very light on her feet, but prepared for a second of explosive action, her axe was clentched tightly in her fingers, she was ready to kill.

"Macabre! I am Elanshianorani of the White Grove! I've been sent to stop your evil! Too long you have used the rings to bring ruin upon Mother Gaia! I will stop your quest, by returning you to the hell you were spawned!" she said in her hauntingly melodious voice. Raising one hand over her head she chanted "Doe kiera granuz ishakona!". With that fire exploded from her fingers, blanketing the area the Demon-Born stood with a white hot heat.

Just Damn Evil

There are other kinds of characters? (Serious RP)

Unread postby Just Damn Evil » Sat Jul 27, 2002 1:37 pm

Macabre quickly charged Dark Energies onto the ground on which he stood - a cylindrical wall of stone burst from the ground, surrounding Macabre completely. The white fire smashed through parts of the wall, melting others. Seemingly unphased, he walked through the melting gap in his protective fortress.

"Ruin? I bring change. What do we have now? Feudal societies based on the blood of many and the profit of a few. All that needs to be done is for these people to rebel... then our society will crumble. War and Anarchy shall be all that we have.

Only I can prevent this. By controlling the destruction of the systems, I can control the world from there. I shall guide the humans to become greater through the Chaos that is inevitable!"

He threw his cape behind him so that it no longer covered any part of him save for his back, and pulled a long, dark-colored scythe from its sheath.

"I hope now you can at least remind yourself that you have been killed by one as great as me."

The scythe seemed to turn into a shadow. Macabre swung it as to slightly knick the stone ground - a chain of Shadow Energy burst forth, and carried itself as a wave, cutting through the ground as it shot towards Elan.

Lord McBastard

I hope this isn't one big duel...(Serious RP)

Unread postby Lord McBastard » Sat Jul 27, 2002 9:28 pm

Elan moved like a fleating ray of light as she dodged away from the chain of reaping dark power. Her feet danced across the ground and true to her nymph heritage they barely touched as she moved. Despite the encasing of armour about her body she was moving completely unhampered. As she bounded off a wall she skipped off the ground and pounced at a blinding speed.

Her giant double bladed axe glittered in the sunlight as she brought it down in an executioners arc. Shouting the name of her patron god, an aura of briliant radiance flared to life about her. Her armour shone like a mirror, her axe was a blur of silver, and her aura was like a miniture sun. Through clentched teeth she whispered "Die defiler" as she moved to kill.


I will add to weirdness!

Unread postby XIIIRedXIII » Sat Jul 27, 2002 9:51 pm

Pale skinned, a girl crept down the corridor, suddenly before the two battling titans. Her hair was a whispy lavender, covering the sides and back of her head, halfway down her back; her skin a chalky white. She looked no more than seven years old, and only gripped an orb, held for protection. A human child in a purple dress.

Her eyes widened in terror at the two warring beings. "St-stop it!" She cried out, rushing toward the "Demon-Born" in absolute terror. "STOP IT!!"

(Random? No, actually)

Just Damn Evil

One big duel? Nah, haven't even explained half of the plot.

Unread postby Just Damn Evil » Sat Jul 27, 2002 11:43 pm

Macabre was holding his scythe in a defensive position, when just for that moment he was distracted... he looked into the eyes of the child, and he got the feeling that there was something important that he had forgotten....

Elan's axe came at his chest. There was the sound of ripping clothe, a sharp clang of metal, and Macabre was tossed back a few feet.

He stood back up, coughed a little, and held his left arm... it was bleeding. The wound wasn't severe, just a long cut. Macabre's cape had been ripped in half. Without it, he didn't seem nearly as big as he used to... in fact, his size inferred that he hadn't even become an adult yet. He dropped the handle of his scythe... the rod had snapped in half.

"D-damnit... I don't have time for this." Macabre threw his energy at a nearby building marked as a Dragon Stable. As the building began to collapse, all assortment of Tame Dragons (OOC: like the kind the Acacian Dragoons rode in Chrono Cross) ran out through the opening. They continued to stampede past Elan, Macabre, and the child.

Macabre jumped onto one of the passing dragons and rode it away, as he yelled back "You've done well! You might just have what it takes to stop me. The final ring lies in the Jurean Temple to the East. I hope that I'll see you there!"

By the time the stampede cleared, Macabre was nowhere in sight.


Re: One big duel? Nah, haven't even explained half of the p

Unread postby XIIIRedXIII » Sun Jul 28, 2002 12:57 am

The child walked along toward the woman, her eyes blinking owlishly. Slowly, she reached out and touched her.

"So..." There was a soft grunt as the sound of ripping fabric echoed through the room.

The child now had two, leathery, lavender-grey wings sprouting from her back, horns and tail of the same color, claws, and the orb was now floating at the end of a lavender tail.

"To the east?"

Just Damn Evil

Meanwhile... (/w spooky music)

Unread postby Just Damn Evil » Sun Jul 28, 2002 1:26 am

The king sat alone in his throneroom. The candle lights were dimmed out. Not a sound could be heard. And then - one by one they walked into the room. They were adorned in grey robes, concealing their faces and bodies completely. They moved fluidly, almost as though they were floating rather than walking. There were 5 in all. They moved to stand before the king.

"You have summoned us?" the one in the center asked.

"The ring you've entrusted me with has been stolen. Now he has 3 of them." The king rubbed his brow in thought.

"Four. You haven't heard yet, but he has stolen one from the castle of Rugelia."

"What!? When?"

"It has just happened. Now he travels East, where the final ring lies."

"And then he'll have the Key. Damnit!"

The robed figure shook its head in disagreement. "Macabre is not someone you have to worry about. He's just trying to run away from his own fate; he'll cause his own death eventually. There are others who are infinitely more important to the grand scheme of things. We have seen them."

"Who are they?"

"That is not important. They are not yet at the stage that the manipulation should begin. When they are, we shall handle everything."

One step at a time, the present walks its way to the future.

Edited by: Just Damn Evil  Image at: 7/28/02 9:50:13 pm



Unread postby viator22 » Sun Jul 28, 2002 2:28 am

He sat still as a ghost by the eastern road. Nary a "muscle" moved on any part of his "body", save his fingers which twitched to some unheard lunatic rhythm of their own.

His stillness was appropriate, since any traveler would probably have looked through the wraith as it was, his "body" nearly translucent in it's unmovement. He could have been thinking of anything by the guess of those who looked closely enough at that little flicker, that brief haze beside the path.

But there were travelers coming. They approached from the west, two of them. That much his senses told him before they even came over the rise. A wraith's vision is poor, unsuitable for the purposes of the fully alive, but itself grants an awareness of the things that go unknown to most of the fully alive.

Stirring himself up enough, Vas, for that was the name he'd given himself, drew and knocked his bow. Few travelers simply left the wraith to his thinking once they saw him. And over the many long years Vas had decided that it was good to unencourage those types.

(Edit: hundredth post!)

Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/uviator22.showPublicProfile?language=EN>viator22</A] at: 7/28/02 4:16:36 pm

Lord McBastard

Re: Darkness Envisioned (Serious RP)

Unread postby Lord McBastard » Sun Jul 28, 2002 4:12 am

Elan cursed as Macabre disappeared amongst the riding dragons. She drove the point of her axe into the ground and began to swear in a language not meant for human tounge, but fortunatly, she wasn't even a little human. She pulled her helm off her head and let her soft green hair spill over her shoulders, the masterly worked steel of her helm fell to the ground with a clank. She was about to go into another ranting spread of curses when she felt a faint touch on her gauntleted hand. Looking over she saw the small girl that had interjected in amongst the combat.

Her transformation startled Elan for a moment, but she quickly gathered her wits. Before the Druid Paladin could refuse that a young girl go on a perilous quest to stop an evil mad man, she realized that this small girl could quite possibly be older than the hundred year old Elan herself. With a slight smile she bent and picked up her helm and slid it back over her head. Though she had no need of wearing it now, she had inherited the nymph beauty of her mother and had a tendancy to dazzle most of the male population when they saw her. She nodded to the now transformed girl and said simply "Yes, to the east".

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Nick Shogun
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Hm... how... lovely.

Unread postby Nick Shogun » Sun Jul 28, 2002 8:03 pm

"Do I spy two young, nubile girls, alone and abandoned in this great night, who have just been frightened beyond their wits' end? Quite... mysterious. And oh, how I love a good mystery."

Dragons swarmed through the streets, and a shadow of a man could figure that it would strike up some commotion. His, actually. He had been asleep on the roof of a building, quite comfortable, he thought, only to be interrupted by loud explosions. Not nice.

"Ah. It has been quite a bit since I have felt the cool, smooth touch I enjoy ever so much. Perhaps one of those young females would be free for a meal. Maybe both."

He remained at his position, standing lightly on the edge of the building, overlooking the duo in the street. He read the smaller one's lips.

"The east? Nothing fun there."

Tossing back blonde wisps of soft hair blown about by the wind, he ran his fingers across his long white shirt, tied down by a single belt and covering a pair of gray pants. The final touch to his illuminating fashion statement was a pair of crude brown sandels, from which his toes sprouted out and felt the cool stone of the building rooftop.

"I so enjoy a good hunt. So, to the shadows I shall stick, until the oppertunity to feast presents itself. This will be so much more fun than my other plans."


Re: Hm... how... lovely.

Unread postby XIIIRedXIII » Mon Jul 29, 2002 6:07 pm

The girl smiled at Elan, revealing in the moonlight her teeth to be almost crystaline. "My name's Hebishia," she giggled with a smile. "But you can call me Hebi."

She took the mixedbreed's hand, closing her eyes, allowing her draconic features to recede somewhat, the orb floating next to her now instead of at the tip of a tail she did not have. "Let's go!"

Suddenly, a voice filled Elan's head:

Someone's watching us...no bother...won't he have a surprise.

(OOC: Hebishia's a psychictype thingie...)

Lord McBastard

A wraith and a crazy person, great.

Unread postby Lord McBastard » Tue Jul 30, 2002 4:29 am

Elan let out one of her sunburst smiles, though it was obscured by her helm. "I'm Elanshianorani Winterthorn, from the White Grove, but you can call me Elan. And yes I know someone is following us, I can feel his dark magic pressing at my mind, but he is of no matter, not when a greater task is at hand" she said melodiously but with a passion that was unmistakable. With a yank, she pulled her axe from the ground and hung it over one shoulder as she began to walk with Hebi to the east.

As they crested a rise, an evil precense slid into Elan's awareness, it was a spirit and it had malicious intent, beyond that she wasn't sure. She grasped her axe with both hands and instinctively fell into defensive stance, she sharp elven eyes granted to her by her father looked about, trying to find the thing she had sensed.


Re: A wraith and a crazy person, great.

Unread postby viator22 » Tue Jul 30, 2002 1:13 pm

They were closer now, the wraith's fine tuned sense told him. Two females with another being following but to far away to get details. Both the first two's signatures were strange, the first was mixed up between two races. Half was elven, the other half something intimately tied to nature. The other female... dragon. How long had it been since he'd seen one of the high dragons here? The land dragons the locals used were mounts and beasts of burden, merely a shadow of their great relatives.

And a new twist, the mixed one was looking around for him. Those eyes were sharp, she might even see him. Vas held himself completely still, even his usually bouncy fingers. He would not enjoy discouraging a dragon and a half-elf. But maybe they could help him? He would find out soon.

Just Damn Evil

Debatably pointless character developement...

Unread postby Just Damn Evil » Wed Jul 31, 2002 12:57 am

Macabre looked out at the scenery... it was truly beautiful. The sun's light reflected off of the calming lake before him, trees to either side... it calmed him. And... he hated it. There was something on the tip of his mind... where did it come from?

That girl... it was her... was it her? No... it was something about her... something he couldn't remember.

It wasn't that he had amnesia... he could remember what had happened to him. All that pain... and then, hope. The ring, it had fallen from the sky. Macabre had been hiding - even with all the archaic power he had, there he was on the streets, afraid and alone. And then, he had the ring... he had a purpose.

Macabre smiled, and looked up towards the sky, as if expecting another present. "Nothing is as beautiful as revenge."

But there was something still engraved in his mind... it wasn't as though he couldn't remember something he should... but that he was recalling something he shouldn't. And for a slight moment - there it was. Concrete. Glass. The world was a grey monotone. Huge buildings everywhere gleamed in the sun.

And that was it. Just one image that had somehow found it's way into Macabre's head. He was puzzled for just a second... and then he came to a conclusion. "It is the world I shall create."

The ones with grand dreams are always the ones who never awaken.

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Nick Shogun
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Actions speak louder than words...

Unread postby Nick Shogun » Wed Jul 31, 2002 11:56 pm

The man chuckled. "Ha, amusing. So they know I'm here. Or at least one of them. They can try to hide it all they like. Their body language indicates that they have noticed a presence beyond their own. I'm not so easily fooled. But it seems that if I were to continue this now meaningless charade, it would only help to fuel the indication that I'm a criminal."

Leaping into the air, the shadow of a man bent himself into a ball and hurled himself to the ground, landing in a blast of dust that glazed his shadow to the edge of surprise. He bent into a bow.

"Greetings, fair maidens. Permit me to introduce myself. I'm Vesper Aves."

He looked up from his bowing stature, grinning.

IM: Your move, pretty girl...


Hebishia gets to be SCAAARY!

Unread postby XIIIRedXIII » Fri Aug 02, 2002 1:14 pm

Hebishia stared at this "Vesper" for a few moments, looking rather uncomfortable and a bit embarassed.

"Greetings... Sir Vesper," she said in her ghostly voice. "It is a pleasure to meet you--" Sounds that sounded like ogres ripping into meat began to emit from the girl "I am Hebishia. This is my friend," she nodded to the part-elf beside her, but spoke not her name.

"We were heading to the temple to the east..."

She crouched down before the bowing Vesper so that she was in his line of vision. The small "girl's" wings were visible, white and silver, protruding from her back. Claws were where fingers should be, and a long, lavender tail wrapped about her legs, The Orb hovering just by its tip, held in place by magics unseen.

But the girl -who looked like she could be no more than ten- had slanted eyes... Eyes that were glowing a searing purple, a dark purple, pupilless. She smiled; she did not have fangs, but rather every single tooth that lined her jaw was a canine, sharp and crystalline.

Hebishia then said in the soft, innocent voice of a child:

"Would you like to help us?"

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Nick Shogun
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*secretly chuckles*

Unread postby Nick Shogun » Sat Aug 03, 2002 1:55 am

"Why, of course my lady. I would never let two young women such as yourselves wander these dark and evil streets alone."

Vesper kept his smile. So confident was he in his abilities that he didn't even bother to assume these two could be robbers, rapists, murderers, or other types of shady characters. He had no fear whatsoever.

"My pleasure is to be in your company, young madam."

Lord McBastard

A Paladin and a Dragon, that just screams rapists....

Unread postby Lord McBastard » Mon Aug 05, 2002 2:21 am

"Ahh certainly! More help is always appreciated! I am Elanshianorani Winterthorn, champion of the White Grove" said Elan as she shifted the large double bladed Lochabar axe in order to bow with a grace that was difficult to achieve in a full suit of polished steel armour. "Though we go forth into grave danger, are you sure of your abilities?" she said with a tilt of her helmed head. She easily sensed the darkness in this mans heart but choose to ignore it, though she would keep a close eye on him.

Edited by: Lord McBastard&nbsp; Image at: 8/5/02 5:47:39 pm

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Nick Shogun
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Grave Danger, eh?

Unread postby Nick Shogun » Mon Aug 05, 2002 6:52 pm

"Grave danger, you say?"

Vesper stood straight and brushed through his hair with his hand. "I daresay that my powers rival even the gods of our world. Ha, what am I saying? I'm being modest."

"Should young ladies like yourselves be mixing with the underworld? I see no reason why you two should be going after grave danger."


More like danger from the grave

Unread postby viator22 » Fri Aug 09, 2002 8:40 am

The Wraiths mind jumped. The three of them coming this way... They could destroy him. That couldn't be allowed to happen. He had to get back his memory, get his revenge. They were distracted, it was time to move.

Rising like a puff of smoke from his seat on a rock Vas made a few quick gestures with his hands. Somatical gestures. He flung the burst of Malediction energy at the Half-Elf. She would be the fastest of the group. Then Vas turned and ran like hell.

(OCC: The spell acts as the cramp spell found here.)



Unread postby XIIIRedXIII » Sat Aug 10, 2002 5:09 pm

Hebishia shrugged casually, draconic features slowly receding.

"Stronger than the gods, hm? I've met a couple, you may want to watch your tongue -they have rather large egos." She giggled. "As to what interests us to the east..... Perhaps I will exchange that information for the knowledge of why one such as yourself so readily accompanies us into disaster?." The seven year old girl (or as she looked) fluttered her eyelashes. "Damsels to protect or no, there is many a great danger to the --"

With a hiss Hebishia's wings shot out of her back -only this time, they were full size, like giant parachutes, ten feet in diameter, shielding the girl and her two companions from the onslaught -or trying.

She sensed the creature making its escape. "Is everyone ok?!"

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Nick Shogun
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What?! How unexpected... only, not.

Unread postby Nick Shogun » Sun Aug 11, 2002 12:21 am

What an annoying girl. She's very suspicious.

Vesper started to reply. "I suppose to be perfectly honest, I'm just t--"

He was cut short as Hebishia's wings shot out, covering them both. Vesper realized it was no attack, lowering his guard, and having his thoughts reconginized.

She sensed the creature making its escape. "Is everyone ok?!"

He scratched his chin. Why would he be hurt? Was something going on? Vesper had no sort of affinity for sensing magic powers or auras without aid of spells, so he had no idea of the wraith running away. He merely thought Hebishia was a little edgy.

"What's the problem?" he questioned.

Just Damn Evil

Well, this plot is going nowhere fast...

Unread postby Just Damn Evil » Thu Aug 15, 2002 2:40 pm

He was running through the town. He was tall, broad-shouldered, and adorned with expensive-looking clothing. His hair was a slightly-more-gold-than-blonde hue, and hung down below his waste. And he had heard noises - explosions, loud yelling. He would have gotten there sooner, had it not been for the stampede of Riding Dragons.

He stopped when he saw the Wraith coming his way. He stood in place, blocking the Wraith's path. "Well now," he said, "where might you be going in such a hurry?"


Re: Well, this plot is going nowhere fast...

Unread postby viator22 » Thu Aug 15, 2002 7:59 pm

((OCC: Red, LMB, and Nick are between Vas and the town. If whatshisface met him it would be in the country.))

Nononononono. Everything was going wrong. The sharp-eyed one would have come this way. He had to use the spell. And now there was some one in front of him. It would come to .

He stopped and, reaching out a hand as if to grab something, the Wraith suddenly pulled a longbow from mid-air. In a flash it was knocked with an arrow from his quiver, an arrow that had a dangerously glowing black tip.

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Nick Shogun
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Unread postby Nick Shogun » Fri Aug 16, 2002 12:18 am

Vesper finally spotted the problem that had made Hebishia so jittery. Two men, bathed in shadows, (as most strangers were,) were arguing a bit farther down the road. One held a bow and was drawing an arrow from his pack.

Vesper's eyesight, though perfect for the average man, could not distinguish the two mens' features from such a distance.

"Looks like a fight has broken out, young mistresses."

He realized that Hebishia's wings still blocked a good deal of their bodies. He wondered if the other girl could even see what was happening.


Just Damn Evil

Small town.

Unread postby Just Damn Evil » Fri Aug 16, 2002 2:07 am

The blonde knight drew his sword, a crooked oddly shaped blade, and forcefully swung it towards the wraith - a shockwave of golden light shot through the air, slicing straight through the black-tipped arrow, and exploding in front of Vas.

"Now, now. We mus'n't resort to violence." He smiled. "The two of us should try working together. We should also try to ally ourselves with the three over there. Fighting solves nothing, my friend, especially when a common enemy is about."

Vizzint Morthoth


Unread postby Vizzint Morthoth » Thu Aug 29, 2002 12:14 am

hello, I would like to join this RP, but, I want to make sure it's ok with all of you.
I noticed you had a decent amount of players, so I thought I'd ask first...

Thanks for your time

Just Damn Evil


Unread postby Just Damn Evil » Fri Aug 30, 2002 11:39 pm

((sure, dude. btw, no one needs to ask to join this RP. Just work yourself into the plot, and in return, I'll attempt to work you in as well))

"You're Macabre, aren't you?"

Macabre grinned. He turned around to face the person behind him, drawing his Scythe at the same time, when he abruptly fell onto the dirt ground. Macabre's nose now bled the same blood that now occupied the stranger's fist.

"Give me the rings."

"@#%$ you."

The stranger kicked him in the stomach and then grabbed his right arm - Macabre yelled out in pain as his arm was broken by the sheer strength of the assailent, whom then took the rings off of Macabre's hand.

Macabre was breathing erratically, but still found strength to speak. "Bastard... *gasp* I'll never die!!"

The stranger found this amusing. "Then I'll show you how", and he then stabbed Macabre through the heart. He put one of the rings on each finger, and looked up at the sky. "I have them, Lord."

Hundreds of miles away, five beings smiled in unison.


Re: Revive!!

Unread postby viator22 » Sat Aug 31, 2002 11:03 am

Everything that could possibly be bad seemed to be happening. Firstly there were 3 people behind him that would probably have a few choice ways of dealing with him. Secondly, there was what seemed to be a paladin in front of.
This was just too much.

Just kind of dumb struck the wraith sat down in the road and burried his head in his hands, waiting for the stroke to come and end all his hopes.

Vizzint Morthoth

Re: sneaky intro thingy...

Unread postby Vizzint Morthoth » Sat Aug 31, 2002 4:53 pm

(Thanks, i just don't feel comfortable entering without promting someone... My charactor is not the kind that needs to be "Worked in" per se... You'll understand...)

The entire spectacle was too much... It confused the cloaked man. He stood only meters away, his inherent stealth and magic shieldsing (a complicated spell that lasted him many years) was keeping him from being discovered. However, his curiosity, and sanity for that matter, may just take over his actions, as he could only make out a few of the words, he had learned verry little of the common toungue from observing. It disturbed him greatly for he knew poweful magics were afoot.
"I can only pray that I shall avoid any hostile encounters..." he whispered to himself
he watched the strange groupe of three acend upon the wraith, whom seemed verry unhappy... Raising his quarterstaff, he chanted a slow, short song calling upon the energy of the earth to create a magical tag, to mark his location and find his way home. his hands were almost invisible to even himself, yet unmistakably colored. he rose his face to look to the tree's...
"I must be insane..." he spoke, nearly smiling

He silently cursed himself for being so weak, he was, after all, a drow, and could have no room for weakness

(yayyyy! mysterious cloaked figure! well, so you know his family may come after him for deserting their deity...it's Lloth, by the way, not Lolth... Image )

Just Damn Evil


Unread postby Just Damn Evil » Sun Sep 08, 2002 12:05 am

The paladin watched as the 3 drew close enough to commune with. He decided to take advantage of this fact.

"You all probably have your own priorities... but would you mind joining me in a quest? The kind that will put your very lives in jeopardy for the sake of millions?"

It was quite obvious how the frank look of disbelief was supposed to be taken, but he decided to take it as a "yes" regardlessly.

"I suppose you've all heard of the legends surrounding the Tower of Babel?"

This was typically a safe thing to assume. They were widely spread and all-too-often taught as historical fact. The legends stated that when the universe was without existance, there was an all-supreme God. He was soon to die, and wished for creatures to carry on his legacy. So saying, he created the humans.

However, his powers were weak in his near-death state, and he had made them flawed. And so, they rebelled against him and ruined the world he had made for them, and so the God was forced to destroy that world and start anew. Eventually, this world too was ruined, and a new one was created. This happened again and again as the God attempted to create a world that would last the humans forever.

His efforts were in vain. Having only the power to create one last world before his demise, he put on it a Holy Creation, the Tower of Babel. It could be activated by any human to end the world after its ruination.

The Paladin smiled. "The key to the gates of the Tower of Babel has been found. The end of this world's existance is now within walking distance. In essence, we're all doomed... unless you want to help me to stop it."

Any normal person should fear that saying the above would have him dubbed as a madman, but the Paladin had high hopes. As for the reason, well, time tells all.

Vizzint Morthoth

Re: Insanity is not a good thing

Unread postby Vizzint Morthoth » Mon Sep 09, 2002 8:59 pm

The drow stared at the continued spectacle. His brow creased low. He had been following this strange little girl for some time. It seemed like it should be wrong, yet, he couldn't help it. He seemed to be drawn to her, like she was some lost pert of himself. But that was impossible.
And then his gaze shifted to the elf. He knew she was an elf all along, Vizzint's family shared a certain trait of empathy. He knew that if she found him she would in all likely-hood spare him no mercy, of course, this meant death-or worse- depending on the nature of this particular elf, he could only guess. However if his hunch that she were a halfbreed was correct, he may just survive... Surely one who wrought racism from her own people for being a halfbreed could understand his predicament. He stifled a tear remembering how warm her smile had been. he had never seen such kindness in his whole life. It tore him apart to think someone with such a pleasant smile could ever kill. At this point he lost his balance and fell face-first towards the ground. He cursed in his native language, reaching for a handhold, to no avail.
He collapsed to the ground with a moan.

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