After Darkness Becomes Light (Freestyle M&M8 RP)

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After Darkness Becomes Light (Freestyle M&M8 RP)

Unread postby Deeum » Thu Sep 26, 2002 12:09 pm

OOC: PLEASE note that this RP is closed, and I've already recruited everyone I needed. So please don't post in this if your not one of the 5 chosen.
Upon coming into a new region, I'll explain the layout and sometimes post a map so you know where your are. Please dismiss the purple circles on the map shown below-- I couldn't really help them being there... ^^;;;

BTW, forgive any crappy writing.. I'm more of an artist then a writer.. >.>;;


(Introduction to your first area)
D agger Wound Island. (Click the link to see map)
A cluster of islands in the southeastern regions of Jadame. Mainly inhabited by lizard folk. And has been raided by Pirates of Regena as of late.
Each island is connected by transporters and is where more if not all heroes start out in their training before going out and taking on bigger challenges. There are 4 main islands within the cluster of 14. One, the central island that is the home to most of the inhabitants of Dagger wound. Two yet more people live isolated on this island. 3, The abandon Temple can be found here. Filled with a mass amount of serpent men and winged snakes. To the east of the temple. Last but not least the forth section. The exit from the abandon temple, also the only boat to go in or out of this region.

A Door flew open and a lizard warrior with leather jerkin, a rusty cutlass and small minute injuries across his arms and face rushes into the room, barely being stopped by a huge desk laying in the middle. He faces another like him, but dons plain cloth tunic with a leather belt that’s bound around his waist.
'Clan leader, We cannot hold them back much longer!' hissed the soldier towards the chef.
Putting down the glass of brandy* in his hands, the leader walked silently around the table and glances out the door placing his scaled hand around the edge.
Moments pass and the warrior began to get slightly annoyed.
'Clan leader did you He--'

'Do we have any men left?' The chieftain interrupted the young warrior.

'No, al our able-bodied soldiers have been wounded, or are still fighting on the battlefield. Which makes matters worse, The Pirates are increasing in number! We will loose the island for sure!'

The leader stood there and thought about the situation for a few seconds before facing the lone warrior face to face.
'We have no other choice but to hire outsiders to come and help up. *Sigh* damn, I never thought we have to stoop as low as to hire Freelance adventurers to help.'

'Clan leader' the warrior stepped forward with his hands balled up tightly. ' Sir, I know it’s a hard blow to our clan’s pride, but we really need the help! Our forces cannot hold out against the Pirates of Regena much more...' He paused watching the leader take another sip of his brandy. 'We have no time to sip and enjoy the fruits of pleasure right now!'

This time, the leader face became more serious then before as he reached next to himself untying a small burlap sack filled with a decent amount of golden coins.
'Use this and go to the inn to hire the best that is staying their now. Then tell them to come here for more information.'

'But sir, we need them to fight more then anything right now!'

'Do what I say, I have no time to explain what I have in mind at the moment, just go to the inn and come back!' He growled slapping his hand against the wooden table.


The bar itself didn't seem like there was any war going on. The drunkards laughing and pushing each other in a hearty manner. Waters cleaning up glass from broken brandy bottles or glasses seemed never ending, and the bartender doing his best to keep the drunks full up on ale and the remaining solders whom are too crippled to fight drunk themselves to ease the pain.

Edited by: DragonMistressSCV  Image at: 9/27/02 12:05:08 am


Here comes Ashikka!

Unread postby SALSAlys » Thu Sep 26, 2002 7:35 pm

The doors burst open loudly, and a tall troll woman swaggered in. She was ten feet tall, and muscular, even for her size. The light green tone of her skin gave a foresty contrast with her leather armor, and the shape of her breastplate eliminated any doubts that she was female. The handle of a morningstar was stuck into her belt casually, and the spiked ball of destruction dangled by her side on a chain.

"Ale!" she called cheerfully, dark braids swinging loosely behind her. The smooth lines of the many braids ran down her scalp, then swung freely before being secured with small bones. A small triad of white horns grew from each of her temples.

Edited by: [url=>SALSAlys</A] at: 9/27/02 12:10:02 am

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Re: Here comes Ashikka!

Unread postby Deeum » Thu Sep 26, 2002 8:07 pm

The bar pub didn't even notice the large figure enter the room. all their cares were directed to getting drunk and trying to forget the war at hand.
The bartender though heard the troll's booming voice. setting aside his dirty rage, he lurched over to the side of the bar, with a empty glass awaiting to greet her.

'My, itss not every day we get sssuch a large vissitor.' he lisped filling the glass full of ale.
'If you don't mind, what bringss you to thisss neck of the woodsss?'


And she speaks! Yes!

Unread postby SALSAlys » Thu Sep 26, 2002 8:13 pm

Ashikka took a long swig of the ale before replying, grinning cheerfully. Sharpened canines became apparent.

"Y'could call me a sellsword... merc. With the stuff going on here, I might be useful. And besides, I never saw any of you lizard-types before." The way she said the last sentence was said more in a tone of friendly curiousity than trying to make any racial slurs.


The time is not right... yet.

Unread postby Koneko » Thu Sep 26, 2002 9:17 pm

Lizards. Odd company. But he had had stranger. And money was money.

Verin Alinar strode down the street. The stark contrast of his tar-black skin and snow-white hair seemed an affront to nature. Clad in black cloth under black leather armor, all he would have to do would be find a large black hood and he could pass for a wraith or shadow. Strapped to his back was an immense claymore, easily six feet long, which hung loosely from its leather sheath. His grey eyes reeked of arrogance.

He was a wizard hunter, trained in secret circles of the ways of infusing an enemy's magic into his sword, absorbing it into his body, or reflecting it entirely. A most dangerous man.

And he looked it.

Thalakos Weatherlight

Re: The time is not right... yet.

Unread postby Thalakos Weatherlight » Thu Sep 26, 2002 11:08 pm

Picking the bones of the cow eaten for dinner, Myst rolled onto his back. His thirst was in need of moisture. Getting up from his roost in the back of the bar he moves slowly to the front. A keg of ale if yah dont mind. Yawning as he awaited for his ale he took a look around the room."Mercenaries eh? Ill show you what a real mercenary looks like." Stretching his wings to their full length they stretched half the bar. His deep blue scales flickered in the candle lights, his muscles rippling. His wings flicked some of the drunkards in the back of the head but drunk out of their minds they ignored him. "Now, wheres my ale!?"

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Re: The time is not right... yet.

Unread postby Deeum » Fri Sep 27, 2002 12:31 pm

'A merc ahh?' He lisped once again, rubbings his hands against one another. 'I think itss fair to ssay that we don't see many Trollss here.' The bartender grined before spinning tonthe side at the dragon, making a mess of things in his bar.

'Do you mine?! How many times must i want you to NOT do that!'
He growled walking over, pouring the dragon another pitcure of ale.
'With thiss war going on. Ssseemsss we are getting man a new travler.' then turned and walked to Ashikka. 'that iss why you came here, correct?'


Outside, just a few feet away, a man wrapped up in brown robes which was very dirt and covered with sand and blood. he kept his eyes consealed from light, and keeps himself busy with cleaning up the bodies from the battle field.
He did not speak, only looked upon the Darkelven travler.
'A troll, a Dragon, and now a Dark elf..'

((I can't do much till more post. ))


Re: The time is not right... yet.

Unread postby Koneko » Fri Sep 27, 2002 3:21 pm

The brown-clad man seemed... strange to him. It wasn't any of Verin's senses, just something made the hair on the back of his neck stand on end.

After a moment's deliberation, he passed by and strode into the tavern. Saying nothing, he sat down on a bar stool.

Looking around, he saw the two biggest creatures in the tavern: the troll and the dragon.

IM: Strange visitors to a strange land.

Thalakos Weatherlight

Re: The time is not right... yet.

Unread postby Thalakos Weatherlight » Fri Sep 27, 2002 4:30 pm

Sitting down to drink his small ale. Myst thought of how his ale seemed like a pint of a humans normal drink. "Nasty, its warm!" Taking a deep breath the deep blue dragon blows a cold wind freezing his drink and the bar. "Much better." Pulling out his frozen ale he puts it in his mouth to be sucked on.


Let's all get the pahty stahted!

Unread postby SALSAlys » Fri Sep 27, 2002 6:57 pm

Ashikka grinned, nodding at the barkeep. Then she glanced at Myst. Carefully, she crunched an ice cube of ale.


"Interesting talent there," she said conversationally to the dragon. "What's your name?"

Thalakos Weatherlight

Re: Let's all get the pahty stahted!

Unread postby Thalakos Weatherlight » Fri Sep 27, 2002 7:28 pm

"Humph, A meer mortal wants to know my name? If you must i am Myst the ice dragon. As i just prove. I thrive on war so i am here to hire my skills out for fun. I take no alliance to any one. If one offers me more for my services i trade my alliance to the highest payer."


Re: Let's all get the pahty stahted!

Unread postby SALSAlys » Fri Sep 27, 2002 8:02 pm

Ashikka snorted, crunching another cube of ale. "Y'don't have to sound so high and mighty, Myst. I'm Ashikka. Ikka for short."


Re: Let's all get the pahty stahted!

Unread postby Koneko » Fri Sep 27, 2002 11:55 pm

Verin snorted at the talk of "mere mortals." Mere mortals that could probably carve her in half.

Ah well; ones like that didn't last long in the mercenary business. It rooted out the weak and arrogant with amazing speed.

Thalakos Weatherlight

Re: Let's all get the pahty stahted!

Unread postby Thalakos Weatherlight » Sat Sep 28, 2002 1:19 pm

Turning back around, Myst orders another ale. " I want my glass filled every time i empty it! And make sure its cold this time!"

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Re: Let's all get the pahty stahted!

Unread postby Deeum » Sat Sep 28, 2002 1:50 pm

'asss you wissh' the bartender hissed and eased to the ack of the tavern to get the coldest batch of ale he had.
meanwhile, The young Lizard warrior dressed in leather runs into the bar, and stops to a dead halt upon looking at the mass amount of people. but.. but three people stood out in his mind.
'They seem strong..' he thought slowly walking up to the area which the Dragon and the Troll were bickering.
laying his thin scaly hands onto one of the members of said group, he took a big gulp, hoping not to have startled them.

((i'll fix some typos later. And I guess we can hold off on the other two till we get deeper into the RP. which is hopefully not going to take much longer.))


Whoo. ^_^

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sat Sep 28, 2002 3:11 pm

The troll glanced down, almost instinctively reaching for her morningstar before Ashikka realized he meant no harm.

"Ah. Hello." She smiled cheerfully. "Sorry, but you're not really my type. I like 'em taller."


Re: Whoo. ^_^

Unread postby SuperRube » Sun Sep 29, 2002 1:19 am

Just then, a Minitoaur entered the bar. He was large and muscular, like many of his race. He wore very little, save a loin cloth and a few scraps of leather armor. In his hand, was a large battle axe. If you were to examine his cloathing closely, you would find that he had no were to carry this axe, save his own hand.

The minitoars name, was Zrack.

He looked over the bar with contempt. To be honest, Zrack hated bars. He saw alcahol as a crutch, something weaklings used to drown their sorrows. And Zrack found no honor in that.

However, over his carrer, Zrack found bars to be a bit of a neccecary evil, for that was were he found most of his work. He slowly made his way over to the bar and took a seat. Leaning his axe on the bar with the head towards the floor, he pacently waited for the bar keep to make his way over to him.

(OOC: Bear with me on the spelling, folks. The spell checker doesn't seem to be working.)

Thalakos Weatherlight

Re: Whoo. ^_^

Unread postby Thalakos Weatherlight » Sun Sep 29, 2002 1:47 am

Myst looked at the crudley dressed minotaur. "Think you could come in here any less clothed?" Looking back into his mug he swirled it a bit and finished off his ale. "Thats enough im what you mortals would call water loged."


Re: Whoo. ^_^

Unread postby Koneko » Sun Sep 29, 2002 2:32 am

Verin raised an eyebrow and spoke for the first time, a somewhat musical voice with a very dry tone, "Forgive me for asking, dragon, but why are we all 'mortals' and you are somehow different? It seems to me that dragons can be killed as easily as anyone else."


Re: Whoo. ^_^

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sun Sep 29, 2002 2:57 am

Before Myst could answer, Ashikka cut in with a large grin.

"Because he's the Grand Poohbah of Darjeeling."

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Re: Whoo. ^_^

Unread postby Deeum » Sun Sep 29, 2002 3:24 am

((ooc: yeah.. Spellchecker hasn't been working for a while Image:"> / ))
Backing up abit the Lizard Warrior shook his head and tried to summon the courage to talk towards.. the very large troll.
'Ex-excuse me, um.. brave traveler. But I I wish to speak with you and the people your with...'

About that time, the bartender comes back, with the frosty mug and gives it to the ice dragon with slamming it down firmly onto the top of the bar. still slightly aggravated by the sheer rudeness of the dragon he made his way over through the massive orders. Finally getting to the Minotaur, he tapped his fingers lightly against hte top. 'My, Darrger wound isss a popular ssspot for travelerss today.' the barkeep noted while reaching for a spare mug. ' Be wanting the sssame asss the ressst?'

((ooc: I'll get to the good GMing once everyone gets somemore IC conversations underway))


Re: Whoo. ^_^

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sun Sep 29, 2002 4:09 am

Ashikka chuckled at the stammering of the lizard warrior. "Don't worry, I ain't gonna eat ya. Can't vouch for the dragon, though. You'd need to talk to the others for anything else. Whatcha need?" Although she apparently had a quirky sense of humor, she still acted fairly chatty.

"Oh yeah... and what's your name?" she asked Verin.


Re: Whoo. ^_^

Unread postby SuperRube » Sun Sep 29, 2002 4:20 am

After ignoring the comment made by dragon, Zrack looked at the Barkeep and snorted. "Zrack not here for drink. Zrack look for work." He said in a some what crude manner. "Zrack notice lots of scaley men fighting. Zrack wonder if scaley men look to hire great warrior to help them. Zrack know that barkeeps like you often know about these things, yes?"


Re: Whoo. ^_^

Unread postby Koneko » Sun Sep 29, 2002 11:15 am

Verin smiled. For a minotaur, this one was remarkably intelligent; drink dulled the senses and often got one killed.

IM: Not like a drunk dragon could be killed by one of us mere mortals *snicker*.

Thalakos Weatherlight

Re: Whoo. ^_^

Unread postby Thalakos Weatherlight » Sun Sep 29, 2002 11:48 am

"Such a weak ale doesnt taste good at all." Myst leaned back against the bar and yawned with boredom. If only there was something to do around here but watch the drunk get drunker and look at half naked minotaurs and troll women. "Ill be going out for a bit if anyone has any use for me ill be outside."

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Re: Whoo. ^_^

Unread postby Deeum » Sun Sep 29, 2002 4:03 pm

The bartender nods then snears to the dragon, getting ovely annoied with him. 'if he thought the ale was sso weak, he sshould go ssomewhere elsse' he thought waking over to tend to more paying custumors.
The Lizard warrior walked back and tried to think of how he is going to put his words for the request.
he stepped to the side and glanced around to see if there was anyone else that coulld possibly be of use to him and his leader.
'Ok, I've been sent here by the Clan leader to recruit the best this tavern has to offer' he pust slowly upon setting the heft bag of cold onto the bar then raising his voice for any other whom might be intrested.
'I Need Some able-bodies Warriors to come with me to visit the Chief. He is wiling to pay For your services. We need STRONG warriors to help out in his cause.'



Unread postby SALSAlys » Sun Sep 29, 2002 4:24 pm

Ashikka grinned, baring her fangs again, and then tapped her morningstar's handle. "I'm game, sir lizard. What's your name, anyways?" Since the dark elf had ignored her question, she decided to forget about him.

Besides, fighting's more interesting, she thought, a playful smile on her lips.

Edited by: [url=>SALSAlys</A] at: 9/30/02 1:08:49 pm


Re: Yay!

Unread postby Koneko » Sun Sep 29, 2002 6:07 pm

(Sorry! I didn't see the question!)

Turning toward the troll, he gave a polite half bow. "Forgive me, miss, I was lost in my own thoughts. I am Verin Alinar."

Facing the lizard, the smile on Verin's face became grimmer, and he said, "Strong and able warriors, you have in plenty. What's your real problem?"

IM: Probably wizards; my specialty.

Edited by: [url=>Koneko</A] at: 9/29/02 10:09:18 pm

Thalakos Weatherlight

Re: Yay!

Unread postby Thalakos Weatherlight » Mon Sep 30, 2002 4:44 pm

Myst had just walked outside when he heard someone looking for mercenarys. Going back inside he looked for the one whom looked for the hired hands. "Whos looking for the mercenarys?"

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Re: Yay!

Unread postby Deeum » Fri Oct 04, 2002 1:06 am

(*bumps for other people to reply*)

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Re: Yay!

Unread postby Deeum » Sun Oct 06, 2002 6:08 pm

((ah screw it all *GMS*))
The lizardly warrior steps up gingerly to the group who had cared about his request.
'Yes, YES The chief hath requested upon some wel-bodied adventruers to come with me to his hut..'


Re: Yay!

Unread postby Koneko » Sun Oct 06, 2002 6:26 pm

(*Post moved to OOC forum.*)

Edited by: [url=>Koneko</A] at: 10/6/02 10:29:52 pm


Re: Yay!

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sun Oct 06, 2002 7:03 pm

Ashikka grinned. "I'm good to go then. When are we leaving?"

Thalakos Weatherlight

Re: Yay!

Unread postby Thalakos Weatherlight » Sun Oct 06, 2002 7:05 pm

(Sorry but i think this rp is dead really wish itda stayed alive)

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Re: Yay!

Unread postby Deeum » Sun Oct 06, 2002 7:11 pm

(( its only dead if people don't friggin post in it actualy. Its stil good if people weren't so lazy about posting in it. *sigh* ohwell.))


Re: Yay!

Unread postby Koneko » Sun Oct 06, 2002 8:08 pm

Verin got up. "I shall come too." was all he said.

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