Monsters, Bandits and a Forest (Semi-Serious Rp )

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Re: Monsters, Bandits and a Forest (Semi-Serious Rp )

Unread postby Koneko » Sat Aug 24, 2002 8:07 pm

Shal sized up the warrior with the bags. He looked pretty strong and between sword callouses and old scars, she could tell he was an experienced fighter, but other than that she didn't see anything that worried her.

OV: He's scary.

IM: No, he's not. How is he scary?

OV: I don't know... an aura perhaps? He seems... coated... with unholiness.

IM: What kind of crap is that?

OV: I'm SERIOUS! I've seen it before; one thing I know is that to give the sense off like that, he's one of two things: a demon or a demon hunter.

IM: Or both.

OV: Like master.

Shal explained to Argus, "This old man is here to make sure the bandits are dead before giving us a REWARD," glancing suspiciously over at the sillylookinggreenrobedstaffcarrier.

IM: I suppose I can't argue with that. He IS a sillylookinggreenrobedstaffcarrier.

OV: I like our narrator now, even IF he didn't mention my red hair and orange eyes.

Gee... thanks girls...

Edited by: [url=>Koneko</A] at: 8/25/02 2:50:57 pm

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Re: Monsters, Bandits and a Forest (Semi-Serious Rp )

Unread postby ChristianC » Sun Aug 25, 2002 10:34 am

((OOC: Well, how does one respond to that... Hmm))

Christian, in lack of anything better to do, attempted to strike up a conversation with the newcomer.

"So," he said, looking at the man, "Came to try your luck with the bandits too, I guess?"


Re: Monsters, Bandits and a Forest (Semi-Serious Rp )

Unread postby CaptainCommando » Sun Aug 25, 2002 11:20 am

Kendrick had remained fairly silent during the trip down the road, and his silence had remained even when they met up with the people he had fought beside earlier, until mention of reward came up.

"Reward for killing bandits, hmph, they weren't worth a single coin if you measured their worth in fighting skill," The monk smiled to himself, "I don't see how anyone could have even had trouble with those weaklings."


Re: Monsters, Bandits and a Forest (Semi-Serious Rp )

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Sun Aug 25, 2002 11:35 am

Argus grumbled to himself.

"Considering it was a waste since the demon that was making them so aggressive didn't show up...."

He shook his head and looked around.

"Well shouldn't we be heading back...? I mean I have the towns stuff right here and the bandits are laid all over.... Well not right here but um.. back uh.. there..."

Argus sighed and waited for someone to change the subject.

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Re: Monsters, Bandits and a Forest (Semi-Serious Rp )

Unread postby ChristianC » Sun Aug 25, 2002 12:28 pm

"So, you're a demon hunter then?" Christian frowned. He didn't like demons, but hunters were usually worse. At least demon held profit in high regards, you could make deals with them. a demon hunter was usually so zealous that it was impossible to even sell them a weapon.


Re: Monsters, Bandits and a Forest (Semi-Serious Rp )

Unread postby Koneko » Sun Aug 25, 2002 12:44 pm

Shal glanced around her. Something was wrong; what?

Her ears perked up, and in a split second thanking Pelm for her enhanced hearing, kicked Argus hard in the chest, knocking him back.

Before the warrior could react, an arrow buried itself in the tree right where his head would have been.

"Get down," she whispered to the group, "I'm going to have a look around."

Drawing her dagger, Shal crept silently away in the direction of the arrow.


Re: Monsters, Bandits and a Forest (Semi-Serious Rp )

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Sun Aug 25, 2002 12:56 pm

Argus fidgeted a bit after she whispered.

"I uh.. er.....thanks i think..."

Argus rubbed where he just got kicked and looked around.

"So I guess you either missed some of the bandits or somebody wants me dead. Probably the second one.... I have pissed off quite a few demons in my time."

(( Short post again @.@ ))

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Re: Monsters, Bandits and a Forest (Semi-Serious Rp )

Unread postby ChristianC » Sun Aug 25, 2002 1:01 pm

Christian drew his gun and clicked off the safety. The gun began humming lightly. It would take some time until it was on standby.
"That makes two of us." Christian whispered to Argus. "Listen, my gun won't be ready for use in a while. So I won't be of much help in this battle..." He crouched and walked slowly towards a nearby tree. A arrow zipped past his head and burrowed itself in the tree trunk. "I think they're not just after you..." He pointed out to Argus.


Re: Monsters, Bandits and a Forest (Semi-Serious Rp )

Unread postby Koneko » Sun Aug 25, 2002 1:17 pm

The bowman was changing position. If she hadn't been sneaking around, Shal would've snickered. He was obviously an ameteur at sniping, but even so, that was a skilled shot. As she crept up behind him, he began to aim. He gasped with surprise as he found a knife point under his throat.

"Put down the bow." He complied. "Now walk."

A short while later, Shal emerged from the underbrush, the bowman in her custody. He was dressed in green cloth and brown leather, with long blond hair and blue eyes. (OOC: and posessed the Sword of Light and was dumb as a rock... j/k) His eyes widened at the sight of the sillylookinggreenrobedstaffcarrier.

"McArgus! I..." he managed to say before Shal prodded his throat with her dagger.

"Friend of yours?" she questioned the mage.

Edited by: [url=>Koneko</A] at: 8/25/02 5:26:45 pm

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Re: Monsters, Bandits and a Forest (Semi-Serious Rp )

Unread postby ChristianC » Sun Aug 25, 2002 1:48 pm

((OOC: Eep, what to do... Help, what if I write wrong... eep))

McArgus frowned. He stepped up to the young man.
"Daniel? You stupid, stupid boy. I should've known that the robbers would have hired a mage on their own. But someone as incompetent as you..."

"You know him?" Christian asked.

"Yes, he's my old... pupil." McArgus frowned even deeper.

"Right, so your old pupil goes trying to kill me, and that guy *points to Argus*" Christian scowled.

"He was a disgrace and I had to force him away. He had nearly no affinity for magic, and he didn't care about my teachings."

"M-Master! Please, I promise, I will devote my soul to your teaching. P-Please!" The young man screamed out in panic.

"Silence! I will not give you another chance. You are lucky that I simply won't just kill you." The mage shone up. He turned to Christian and Argus. "It is really up to you two. He attacked both of you, you decide his destiny..."

Christian frowned. "Me? No way, I'm used to it. I'm not deciding anything."


Re: Monsters, Bandits and a Forest (Semi-Serious Rp )

Unread postby Koneko » Sun Aug 25, 2002 1:54 pm

Shal decided that, even though the mage wasn't giving her any say in the matter,

OV: The nerve of that geezer!

she should at least say something.

"I don't know about his magical skills, but he's pretty good with his longbow. This guy here," pointing to Argus, "did mention something about a demon; we're going to need all the help we can get. I say he comes with us. And if he doesn't, 'I' get the bow."

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Re: Monsters, Bandits and a Forest (Semi-Serious Rp )

Unread postby ChristianC » Sun Aug 25, 2002 2:12 pm

Daniel jumped at the word demon.
"No, no way," He whispered, "I-I'm not going ba... I mean... I." He trailed off. McArgus stared at him.

"Daniel, don't tell me you've..." He moaned. He walked up to the freightened boy and touched his forehead. He stood still for a moment and Daniel seemed paralyzed. Then finally McArgus took away his hand and shook his head. "Daniel have been in contact with demons, not recently but for an extended period of time. I can't really say where it was but I'm amazed I didn't notice it earlier." He shook his head again. "Daniel, you stupid boy. Why did you have to meddle in those things..."

Christian stared at the two. He knew that if the old man would do the same thing on him it would reek demon off him even worse. Sure, he hadn't made any deals that he hadn't gained from yet, but he knew how edgy people were about demons.


Re: Monsters, Bandits and a Forest (Semi-Serious Rp )

Unread postby Koneko » Sun Aug 25, 2002 2:23 pm

Still holding the young Daniel captive, Shal and Pelm were doing some quick thinking/conversation.

IM: Demons having anything to do with THIS kid? Hah!

OV: Here's what I'm confused about&#058; this "Christian" guy had some experiences with demons; he was going to tell me about it. Evidently this Daniel has too: so why did I only smell it on the warrior?

IM: Stronger scent?

OV: Or more familiar... hold on!

IM: What?

OV: Look at the scar on his neck. I never noticed but...

Shal collapsed to the ground briefly. Getting up and sheathing her dagger, Pelm demanded of Argus, "When did you fight him?! And WHY did he transform?"

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Re: Monsters, Bandits and a Forest (Semi-Serious Rp )

Unread postby ChristianC » Sun Aug 25, 2002 3:10 pm

((OOC: Who's got the scar? That post was pretty hard to understand...))


Re: Monsters, Bandits and a Forest (Semi-Serious Rp )

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Sun Aug 25, 2002 3:15 pm

Argus arched a brow and rubbed his neck after standing up.

IM: Oh crap.... which one was it... dont remember... have to find out what one shes tlaking about...

"Him? Lady I'm not sure what your talking about... I've fought plenty of demons and frankly I don't keep track of their names and frankly I only remember what they look like.Also if this 'boy' has any direct connection to the demon that was controlling the bandits. He'll either to have him tell me where he is, or I'll have to kill him so he doesn't tell them I'm around."

With that he drew his sword from his back. The sword was double edged,decorated with runes and was blood red. He pointed it at the boy his eyes locked onto the boy.

"Well boy what will it be?"

( A little off topic but, what program you use to make your comics Christian? I'm having trouble fitting text >_< )

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Re: Monsters, Bandits and a Forest (Semi-Serious Rp )

Unread postby ChristianC » Sun Aug 25, 2002 3:41 pm

((OOC: Well, I'm usually using Paint Shop Pro 7.0, ´cause it's got custom speech bubbles. It's also very nifty that where you click when writing text, that will be considered the center. So that there are equal letters on both sides... Other than that, use Paint, arial and write in size 7 or 6. 7 is readable with 100% and works fine and dandy. A hint, I use ctrl+z very much T_l, but really. My comics aren't that special *false modesty*. I mean, uhh... *goes to check out comics* I'll find someone that's better than me... All are... *sweats*... I should stop writing in OOC. ^,^ *typical evil anime girl laughter* I ALWAYS use Arial for my comics.))

"Woah, slow down." Christian jumped up between Daniel and Argus ((OOC:who I just realized shares name with McArgus... gomen, gomen!)) Daniel, however, whimpered and tried to make himself as small as possible.

"P-Please, duh-don't hurt muh-me! I uh cuh-can't tuh-tell you!? Huh-He'll kuh-kill me!!"


Re: Monsters, Bandits and a Forest (Semi-Serious Rp )

Unread postby Koneko » Sun Aug 25, 2002 3:58 pm

Trying to take Argus' attention off the boy, Pelm began to describe:

"Ok, he was about 10 feet tall, with really huge red bat-like wings and red skin. He looked like he wore black crystalline armor all over his body, and had a warblade made of shadow and laced with fire... eto... about 6 feet long I would say, 6 inches thick... really huge. That scar," she said, pointing to an extremely old, but very wide one on the side of Argus' neck, actually running from his right shoulder all the way up the side of his head, stopping at his temple, "came from the warblade: I'd recognize it anywhere."

Pelm thought for a moment, as if remembering something.

"There've been only two demon-lords in history capable of using that thing. You must've met him!"

Edited by: [url=>Koneko</A] at: 8/25/02 8:00:34 pm

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Re: Monsters, Bandits and a Forest (Semi-Serious Rp )

Unread postby ChristianC » Sun Aug 25, 2002 4:39 pm

Christian raised an eyebrow scepically. "How come you know so much about this, all of a sudden? Don't bother to answer that." He shrugged it off. "Anyway, I can't say I'd recognize a demon by the scar he's made I know some names in their heirarchy, though I can't say I know many." He stopped as he realized that the old wizard was listening. He looked over at him and saw a sign of pure disgust in his face.

"Deamenologists..." The old man hissed, holding up his staff. "I knew there was something about you..." He closed his eyes for a second. "I see you've been shielding yourself like Daniel had... And you stink even more of it." The trees around them started rustling. "I will not tolerate your dark presence in this forest!!" He pointed his staff at Christian who started fretting.

"Hey, hold on." He said nervously. "It's not like I've sold my soul or somethi..."

" Quiet!!" The wizard boomed. " By nature and all things holy, I shall strike you down!!" A green light emitted from the old mans eyes.

"Oh, shi-!" Christian yelled, but was cut off as leaves surrounded him completely, cutting into his flesh and leaving dozens of small, bleeding wounds. He tried desperately to reach for his gun, but realized he'd dropped it.

"Damnit, there's no... other... way..." He tried to focus and started mumbling something in a language that sent chill up the others' spines. A dark red light emitted from the whirlwind of leaves. McArgus' eyes widened as he realized what the young man was doing.

"FOOL!" He screamed. "Without an Arra you ca-" Complete silence enveloped them, but sank into a high-pitched tone. As it pitched down it sounded more and more like what it was, a scream of pain. The leaves burst into flame and Christian could be seen again, red glow in his eyes.

" Again..." He growled with a way too dark voice. " Again I am set upon this world... The price has been paid and the service shall be done..." He turned to look over at the others and a horrible smile filled his face. " Hmm... Shall I not make them suffer?" He seemed to be listening to something and then growled. " Very well then. It is your memory, and I will do what you say... for now." He turned towards McArgus, who was staring at "Christian" with wide, terror-struck eyes.

"D-Demon! By the forces of light, I banish thee..." He started mumbling.

" Old fool, your hedgemagick does not work... He invited me into his body, you cannot banish creatures of this plane..." Christian skin seemed to change from normal to an oily, watery color and back again. His entire body bulged in different places, as if something too big for the body was trying to come out. He laughed insanely. " For once, I think I perhaps should break our contract. He have no real powers, and tearing the flesh of this one *points to Pelm* Would prove highly amusing..." Another moment of silence, listening to what one could guess was Christian, and then another laugh from the demon. Too late he noticed the staff pointed at him and a green lightning bolt striking him in the chest. "Christian" frowned and rose from the ground. The wound, a gaping hole in the side of the chest dripped of blood. The demon, however, didn't seem mildly touched by this. Instead he was laughing. " That's good old man, kill this body and there will be no one to contain me. I will be free upon this realm! No... It is not time yet. Very well, Christian. I will do as you wish, but remember our agreement. however, you have to chose between the death of this old man or your life. I hardly think you'll feel so well with a hole in your chest... It is decided then." With that the gaping wound sealed and the young man collapsed to the ground, breathing heavily.


Re: Monsters, Bandits and a Forest (Semi-Serious Rp )

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Sun Aug 25, 2002 6:26 pm

Argus's eye twitched after all this transpired. He slowly walks over and looked down at the man lying there. Then glances over at the others.

"Well this was a rather awkward development...Well now I gotta kill him too...."

Glances down at him.

"And that demon you described. Yes I fought him, and if I remember I killed him. Unless he slipped away with just his upper torso...."

Looks down at him again.

"The question is, should I kill him now or wait till he explains himself..."

(( 7.0? Damn... I need to get my dad to upgrade our versions. @_@ And after all that thats all I can think of to say too lol ))


Re: Monsters, Bandits and a Forest (Semi-Serious Rp )

Unread postby Koneko » Sun Aug 25, 2002 10:54 pm

OV: You hear THAT? This guy did what I couldn't!

IM: Heh... master's a tricky one. This clown couldn't beat him; I'm sure of it.

Pelm lept to Christian's aid, putting herself between Argus and Christian.

Drawing a bloodstone, she cried, "You can't kill him! I won't let you!"

OV: Why are you protecting him?

IM: Because!


Re: Monsters, Bandits and a Forest (Semi-Serious Rp )

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Mon Aug 26, 2002 8:48 pm

Argus glanced at the woman taking a step back.

"Why do you protect him? Is he important to you or something?"

Argus lowered his sword and looked at her.

(( Hmmmmm guess we should actaully try and wake him up soon.... and W00t 100 posts! ))


Re: Monsters, Bandits and a Forest (Semi-Serious Rp )

Unread postby Koneko » Tue Aug 27, 2002 2:59 pm

"Understand this: if this "demon" of yours is anywhere nearby, we can't lose his help. Anyway," Pelm added with a smirk, "he seems to know more about "them" than YOU do!"

(OOC: Gomen nasai... school has returned with a vengeance, and thus I won't be able to post again until Saturday. Christian, can you control my char until then? Plz don't get her killed, be OOC, or do any major character developments, because I've got a really good one in mind. Arigatou!)


Re: Monsters, Bandits and a Forest (Semi-Serious Rp )

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Wed Aug 28, 2002 1:21 pm

Argus grimaced at the woman and shook his head.

"Who says I need to know everything about them? I just need to know how to kill them."

(( No problem, I dunno if Chris has been on or not though. Oh well guess we have to wait and see. ))

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Re: Monsters, Bandits and a Forest (Semi-Serious Rp )

Unread postby ChristianC » Thu Aug 29, 2002 5:07 am

((OOC: Whew... Okay, Koneko, I'll try to... Hmm, but From this Friday I'll be leaving for my father's house, which only have a slow modem. I can't post very much during two weeks, only in school and stuff... The only real way to solve this, I guess, is if we cut down on the posts for a while, if you guys thinks it's ok... Wait, that's bad... I just remembered I'm not the GM... Anyway, as said, I won't be able to post very much during these two weeks, and therefore... Ack, I'll just post when I have the time... Hmm *goes to study in previous Koneko posts*))

*Christian is still unconscious*


Re: Monsters, Bandits and a Forest (Semi-Serious Rp )

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Thu Aug 29, 2002 10:09 pm

(( Heh. Figures people would be cutting back since school is coming around and such. Well it's no big deal really. Not like there were 10 people posting on this board. So its no big deal.
Anyway ill be waiting for a post I can reply too IC. o_o *wait* ))


Re: Monsters, Bandits and a Forest (Semi-Serious Rp )

Unread postby Koneko » Fri Aug 30, 2002 3:24 pm

(OOC: Yay, I'm back, tho a day early. I have happily found a little time to spare, though I probably won't be able to post tuesday/thursday.)

Pelm raised an eyebrow.

"At any rate, we'll probably need his help... the more you know, the better you do!" Pelm said, "Try anything and you'll find yourself frozen in a block of ice and thrown into the sea." she added, a slightly condescending smile crossing her face.

After a moment's thought, she put the bloodstone back in her belt and went about finding some water to awaken Christian.


Re: Monsters, Bandits and a Forest (Semi-Serious Rp )

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Sat Aug 31, 2002 3:33 pm

(( hmmmmm I wanted in that sprite rp o.o


Re: Monsters, Bandits and a Forest (Semi-Serious Rp )

Unread postby Koneko » Sat Aug 31, 2002 4:14 pm

Finding a small pool nearby, Pelm suddenly realized she didn't have anything to carry it with.

IM: Well, let's see if this works for water...

OV: Or if you can do it at all...

Drawing the bloodstone from her belt, she placed it in the water, chanting over it. The bloodstone began to suck water into itself like a sponge. In short order the bloodstone was "filled."

IM: Wahoo!!!

Pelm carried the now-purple bloodstone over to Christian. With a single word, the gem broke and water poured out, soaking Christian.


Re: Monsters, Bandits and a Forest (Semi-Serious Rp )

Unread postby Koneko » Sun Sep 01, 2002 8:39 am

Far, far away, to the south of Baron, there were endless mountain ranges. But if one explored those ranges and ended up in the exact right place, one would find a hidden valley of civilization.

In this valley, in a simple wooden house, there was a man. Clad in black, he was tall and thin. His white hair seemed stirred by a wind, and he was sitting cross-legged on the floor, eyes closed. An outside observer might say he was meditating. They couldn't be more wrong.

In truth, he was, you might say, a spectator to this group, watching them. He was with them in spirit, and in spirit only. Invisible he was. Invisible and inaudible, the perfect observer.

Sensing another, similar projection, radiating energies almost totally opposite his own, he "smiled." (If a projection can smile.) He needed merely think with energy, and the other presence understood.

K: Hello, Celestil.

C: Zixon! What are you...

K: Hold, celestial. I am not the Demon-lord Zixon.

C: Then why...

K: I am Koneko, the demon-sired.

C: Ah... Koneko! I have heard much of you.

K: And I of you. But what brings you to this little band?

C: I am checking on a former pupil, you might say.

K: Pelm took instruction from you? How long ago?

C: Three years, maybe more. She didn't stay long.

K: As I would've expected. But, didn't you recognize your sword?

C: I did.

K: Why did you let her keep it?

C: You know that as well as I. The blade is... corrupted. It is of no use to me.

K: Do you think she can free Anaya?

C: I don't know. With her... abilities with blood, I wouldn't be surprised.

K: We shall see.

Both Koneko and Celestil watched.


Re: Monsters, Bandits and a Forest (Semi-Serious Rp )

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Sun Sep 01, 2002 12:23 pm

(( Bah! my last post got devoured. well guess I have to change it since chris got soaked already. ))

Argus looked at Chris and began to ponder something.

IM: Hmmm if we do need the help of this man i need to find a way to get rid of,kill, or seal the demon up. This might be a problem considering my recent lack of resources. Perhaps the girl can help with that... she seem to have a abundance of magical items.

Argus shook his head back to reality.

"So how long does this guy take to wake up?"


Re: Monsters, Bandits and a Forest (Semi-Serious Rp )

Unread postby Koneko » Sun Sep 01, 2002 12:51 pm

Pelm cocked her head.

"I don't know... the water should have done it!"

She bent over Christian, and screamed in his ear.


Re: Monsters, Bandits and a Forest (Semi-Serious Rp )

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Sun Sep 01, 2002 4:50 pm

(( lol I just realized I haven't introduced myself IC.... May as well do so.. ))

Argus looked at her and blinked.

"Well ... heres a odd time to bring this up, but may I ask you name?"

He sat down on a nearby rock pulling out his bag.

"Mine is Argus... Argus Devilmen. As for him I doubt we will get his name any time soon...."

Argus looked at Her, the the man whom was still not waking up. He then started rummaging around in his bag for something.


Re: Monsters, Bandits and a Forest (Semi-Serious Rp )

Unread postby Koneko » Sun Sep 01, 2002 4:59 pm

Pelm thought for a moment.

"It's probably soul-shock or the like. He won't wake up for a while."

She looked up.

"Oh! Sorry! I'm Pelm Finan. This guy," gesturing toward the fallen demonologist, "is called Christian, I think. Pleased to meecha, Argus!"

At this, McArgus, apparently also having fallen unconscious

IM: Probably fainted. Heh.

began to awaken.

"Oh dear... we may have a problem."

(OOC: question... where's Kendrick?)

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Re: Monsters, Bandits and a Forest (Semi-Serious Rp )

Unread postby ChristianC » Mon Sep 02, 2002 4:45 am

As the two spoke Christians eyes opened and he shuddered. He laid still for a while and looked around. When he saw the wakening wizard he moaned.
"Damn, stupid demon, getting careless..." He tried to rise from the ground, but his legs felt like jelly and he could only get up in a sitting position. He wiped a irritating strand of hair from his face and looked over at the other two.
"Listen," He said, "Could you guys do me a favor and knock that guy unconscious again? I DON'T think he'd been in a favorable disposition against me..." He looked around and found his gun discarded a bit away, the online button was not glowing.
"Oh spoon." He growled.

((OOC: Gomen, gomen, I've been gone over the weekend at my dad's house, and I'll only be able to post on monday-fridays...))


Re: Monsters, Bandits and a Forest (Semi-Serious Rp )

Unread postby Koneko » Mon Sep 02, 2002 7:56 am

"I don't think it's really necessary," Pelm said, "but if you say so..."

A light konk on the head from Pelm and the wizard, who was just starting to get up again, fell to the ground once more.

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Re: Monsters, Bandits and a Forest (Semi-Serious Rp )

Unread postby ChristianC » Mon Sep 02, 2002 9:43 am

Christian breathed out.
"Whew, if there are some people I just can't cope with, it's demon-hunte... Oh." He noticed Argus. "I think I just... Well, damn... Anyways, guess you know stuff about me I'd rather keep hidden now..." He frowned. "At least he didn't request a big memory this time."


Re: Monsters, Bandits and a Forest (Semi-Serious Rp )

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Mon Sep 02, 2002 12:13 pm

Argus looked at him and rubbed the back of his neck. "Well then I guess you wouldn't mind explaining why you are possessed by a from the looks of it high ranking demon? Surely your not a necromancer. So you couldn't have summoned him to inhabit you." Argus then pulled out a dark blue helmet from his bag. "Well care to tell me?"

(( s'okay Chris not like we could really get any where without you =) ))

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Re: Monsters, Bandits and a Forest (Semi-Serious Rp )

Unread postby ChristianC » Tue Sep 03, 2002 2:20 am

"Hmm..." Christian looked at the hunter. "Very well, no point in hiding it..." He leaned back against the tree and sighed. "It all started about two hundred years ago. My family carried great status and wealth, being loyal servants to the king of Doma himself. However, due to a screwup (don't know whose, though) we fell in grace and were removed from power. For some years we tried to regain our honor in the right way, it failed. I have no idea how it started, but soon my family were doing business with that demon you saw. The price was cheap, a bit of memory for every service. Memories fade anyway, so who needs them? Well, time went on and I'm the last in my family. Seems my ancestors wound up in hell, to which I'm not surprised, and they're dead set on me getting revenge on Doma. I tried it for some time, but since I can't seem to be able to do it, I've put it on ice for a while. And that's basically it."

((OOC: Crappy backstory, but I'm out of ideas))


Re: Monsters, Bandits and a Forest (Semi-Serious Rp )

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Tue Sep 03, 2002 3:00 pm

(( Nah thats not crappy.At least I don't think so =/ ))

Argus listened to Chris nodding occasionally. Pulling out pieces of purple armor from his bag. Looking them over throughly, then glancing back over to the other 2.

"So perhaps we should wake up the old man now? He seemed to have something to comment on. And frankly I'd prefer not to have wait for someone else to wake up on their own. Waiting for you Chris, was long enough."


Re: Monsters, Bandits and a Forest (Semi-Serious Rp )

Unread postby Koneko » Tue Sep 03, 2002 3:50 pm

Looking around her, Pelm noticed something.

"Heh. That Daniel kid ran off. We'll catch up with him later, though."

Looking at the unconscious wizard, a thought occured to Pelm.

"So how do you propose waking him up?"


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