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Jak Snide
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A practical test.

Unread postby Jak Snide » Thu Aug 29, 2002 1:31 pm

Dane came to a halt, crouching as he came up behind Stahl, the instructor motionless.

"Take point, and lead us to the crash site. Avoid engaging the enemy, our priority is to search for and secure any survivors."

He paused a split second.

"And remember, this is still an exam."


Up on the hill, the students watched over the area, scouting for movement. It didn't take long for some to show up.

Deeum was the first to see it. A glint of sunlight off a polished surface, and the rustle of grass as something moved through it. Whether or not it was friend or foe was something unknown to her.

Edited by: Jak Snide  Image at: 8/30/02 10:43:10 am


Probably get - rolls in this area O-o;;

Unread postby Choark » Thu Aug 29, 2002 2:04 pm

Dane hadn't forgotten this was a test but he hardly cared really. Even so, creeping was not his strongest point at all. Years of just charging in head first into battle certainly restrain the hide and seek instints.

However, he obeyed the instructor wordlessly. for now.

Crouching down, Dane checked the area for a while, looking out for good spots soilders would hide in, or there standing points.

After a while, and his legs feeling like they cramped into postion, Dane went as silently and low as he could through the undergrowth.

' I'm like some damn coward! Damn this is more frustrating then... '

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Sneaking. Woo.

Unread postby Jak Snide » Thu Aug 29, 2002 2:17 pm

Dane crept forward, eyes moving back and forth, looking for the tell tale metallic green of a rebel trooper, but to no avail. The area around him was empty for all he knew, save for Stahl, who followed behind him without a word.

(OOC: Sorry, but I can't move any further on until someone from Beta or Gamma squad posts, or Ash gets his rear end in here and does something. ^_^;; )


Oh, joy.

Unread postby SALSAlys » Thu Aug 29, 2002 6:50 pm

(OOC: Who's Sarah? Bleah, I'll just poke along... pretend I know...)

When the girl gave a slight gasp in surprise, Anjelai automatically tracked her own eyes over. Then she also saw the glint, and then, in one smooth movement, had her rifle out and trained on it.

...Friend, or foe? Safer to keep on target...

"Hey, Shast? Think you see what I see?" the centaur asked in a low voice.

Red Seph

Leave no man behind.

Unread postby Red Seph » Thu Aug 29, 2002 7:16 pm

Rudolf crouched on the hill and scanned the green hill around them, trying not to focus on the gruesome image of the downed chopper. His grip tightened on the hilt of his sword as he caught something out of the corner of his eye.


Faye Alkaline


Unread postby Faye Alkaline » Fri Aug 30, 2002 8:12 am

(bit of a spelling error jak, Sheens in the infirmry, not reium ^^Image

Reium began to pace about the cafeteria..growing impatient with the cafeteria service. "whatstaking them so long?" he grumbled and restarted pacing.He should be lying down in his own bed..but no..Slyph had to take material form and doze oiff in it.. Knowing her she'd be out for hours. And he still couldn't erase the fact that he was not to become a SeeD yet. Around the nextwall he slammed his fist into it as hard as he could.
Sheen, already awoken. began to sit up and felt the sting of his injury with a vengence. He ignored the pain and flapped back down. Wondering why and how such a thing like this happended to him. -Now I'm not even going to become a SeeD..I can't go back with my tail between my legs..I have to become a SeeD!-



Unread postby Choark » Fri Aug 30, 2002 9:01 am

Shasti shook herself out of the "daze" she was feeling and concentrated. She had to remember she was still in danger here.

"You spot something Anjelai?" She asked, suddenly scanning the area. What she wouldn't give for some computer termal, she might be able to lacate the guards using there own equipment if they have such things set up around here. Certainly eaiser then peering into the growth.



Unread postby SALSAlys » Fri Aug 30, 2002 9:40 am

"Shast? See a glint of light?" murmured Anjelai, still aiming her rifle at the movement. "And you can sort of see the grass rustling..."

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Now....who to kill off...

Unread postby Jak Snide » Fri Aug 30, 2002 12:15 pm

Shasti saw quite clearly what the glint was coming from. A glazed green helmet, and a distinctive sight after their first encounter with the rebel troopers.


Dane meanwhile crawled further through the long grass, wandering how much further it was to the chopper.

Then he caught sight of something, a flicker of silvery metal several feet away, before it disappeared. He didn't know what it was, but it'd probably be more exciting than all this sneaking.


At the sound of Reium's fist hitting the wall, one of the catering staff rushed out of the kitchen to investigate what the hell had made the noise.

" A student? Why aren't you taking part in the exam?"

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Ash Fanrico
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Re: Danger!

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Fri Aug 30, 2002 4:55 pm

-(Jak rolled a dice for these actions)-

Ash knelt in the long grass. His sweat beading down his head as he felt the tension in the area. He could make the image of his student near there, wounded and in need of medical attention. But it wouldn't help him if they're dead.

He had to do something... he felt worthless just sitting out there in the middle of a field of long grass. He then heard a noise not too far from him.

He looked over his shoulder, he could barely make out the look of it, but it was definately not one of his students or any one from the Garden... mainly cause he had no pink hair. The stranger was heading, on his hands and knees, towards their position.

IM: Must have been sent up here to check on us... see if we're alive. Gotta give them one hell of an answer.

He grabbed his gunblade off the ground and got back onto his knees.

He waited like a silent predator, waiting till it was too late for the sorry sap to escape. His chance didn't take long to arrive.

What everyone heard, who was in the tall grass, was a sickening *THUNK* and a sound that could only be described as a Melon sliding down the blade of a knife.

This was of course followed by a loud scream as two figures rose up from bottom of the tall grass.

From the look of it, Ash had his adversary impaled through the stomach. He was also literally lifting his opponent up into the air, increasing the screaming.

Ash knew the enemy wouldn't be too far from shooting on them.

He didn't have to wait long....

- Jak's GMing through AIM:
A single burst of fire from the people on the hill, hitting the man in front of Ash right in the back. The soldier had also revealed his position to both the Beta and Gamma squads.

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Re: Whee!

Unread postby Banjooie » Sat Aug 31, 2002 9:36 am

Navin spotted the soldier, and decided it was time for a little subterfuge. He carefully (As if carefully mattered) snuck through the grass, hoping (Oh, against hope) that the soldier wouldn't notice him.

Finally. _My_ chance to show off. Even Dane couldn't pull this kind of stuff off.

Faye Alkaline


Unread postby Faye Alkaline » Sat Aug 31, 2002 8:56 pm

Reium turned his cold glare to the cafeteria staff. "My GF thought it'd be nice to have my ass stranded in the heart of the training center and leave me there with only her help and my wits. THAT a good enough reason?!" he pounds his fist agianst the wall agian. If it hurt his hand then he didn't show it

Sheen relaxed in the bed.."times are tough.." he though ..knowing that stand would shoot pain into his whole body, such as would sitting up


RPing me doing badilt in the test...

Unread postby Choark » Sun Sep 01, 2002 4:55 am

As soon as the fighting started, with instructors Ash syden appearance and making some of the enemies giving there postion away, Dane mostly forgot about stealth. His blood bopiled and his desire to fight took over.

Half standing, Dane headed over to where he saw that flicker of silver metal, hoping it was some guard.


Shasti gasped as she saw instructor Ash impale a man through the stomach. The face the soilder was pulling was horrible. His face was twisted and his eyes was filled with horror as he slowly relised that h was about to die.

The sight of the two soldiers that gave there postion away was also startling. They were shooting at instrutor Ash however and so, reading her twin staff, each side suddenly filled with magic Fire and Ice, she headed into battle.

'I have to backup Intructor Ash!'

She had of course forgotten about Navin, who had tried to stealthy sneak up on the guards...

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The first casualty.

Unread postby Jak Snide » Sun Sep 01, 2002 11:35 am

Navin crept forward, making use of his GFs passive power to remain unseen.

Unfortunately, the spooked soldier appeared to be expecting a sneak attack, his head turning as the grass nearby his rustled as Navin moved through. And as the man looked, the student came into view.

With a brief scream, the soldier brought his gun to bear, firing a burst wildly. Navin, untouched, leapt forward, a single blow from his weapon ending the soldiers life.

Suddenly the air was alive with fire again, and he hit the dirt, the remaining soldiers opening fire on him.

"Look! On the hill! one of them yelled, pointing at the rest of Beta and Gamma squad. And the others, responding to this, opened fire.


Shasti had a split second before the ground around her exploded outwards, torn asunder by the incoming fire. Then she crumpled, a sharp pain in her right thigh, the girl loosing her footing and rolling down the hill, coming to a halt on her back in the long grass, bleeding, but alive.


Dane walked forward, coming right up behind a man crouched low in the grass, hand on shoulder, the clothing around the area stained red with blood. He was a student, a little to Dane's disappointment.


The cook looked at Reium with an expression that screamed "O...kaaaaay....", the student's story not being the most believable one ever.

"Well...would you like something to eat?"



Unread postby SALSAlys » Sun Sep 01, 2002 11:42 am

Anjelai reared onto her back legs, giving a shout which was halfway between a defiant horse-like neigh and an angry scream.


With that, she kicked her own rifle into play, firing at the enemy soldiers and keeping an eye on her friend, to cover her. Slowly, she began edging down the hill, advancing to her friend.

Faye Alkaline

BLACK MAGE stahl! (just noticed it from 'Kuro')

Unread postby Faye Alkaline » Sun Sep 01, 2002 11:50 am

Reium noted the wayward look and almost lost composure. " I mean,Yes I want something to eat but when I ment by GF i meant guardian Forces,espers,eidolons,summons WHATEVER their called" he reacted quite nervously, a rarity for Reium, but quickly regained composure. "when are the students getting back..?"
The slyph in Reium's bed had the convienence of having a very human apperance, so sleeping in his bed wasn't a problem. Reium being lucky that not many students were here to see a lady in his bed, which would give people something to talk about
Sheen looked up at the cealing and peeled oopen his badanges..looking at the injury crusted-with blood. He examined it closely and nodded, his thoughts confirmed "It was a precise was a blade that did this, not some wild beast"

(Woo! long post >.>; Good morning everybody)

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Someone knows Final Fighting Fantasy, eh?

Unread postby Jak Snide » Sun Sep 01, 2002 1:15 pm

Anjelai's sang a song of death, one of the soldiers dancing to the rythm of lead as he took hit after hit, the enraged centaur demanding vengeance.

The other three hit the dirt, morale shattered by the grisly demise of their brother in arms, allowing Aljeai to canter quickly down the hill, to where Shasti lay.


" your bed?" O_o the cook said, not going off to get the food just yet. While the catering staff knew about Guardian Forces, they figured them as distant, spiritual beings. Not finicky creatures which walked out on their "masters."

"Oh, and the others should be back in a few hours."

Edited by: Jak Snide  Image at: 9/1/02 5:17:24 pm

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Re: Eek!

Unread postby Banjooie » Sun Sep 01, 2002 3:30 pm coulda gone better...but.....
Navin continued to creep around, almost squatting, but ready to lunge out with his trident whenever necessary.
Dane never coulda done thing I'll always have on him is the ability not to be a bull in a china shop...

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Sneaky sneaky.

Unread postby Jak Snide » Sun Sep 01, 2002 3:55 pm

Navin crept forward towards where he had last seen the enemy, moving unseen by all who may have looked in his direction. He was guessing he wouldn't be able to sneak right up in front of them, but from behind, he would have a good chance of getting close enough to put three holes in each of their backs.


Fantasy rules. Real life sucks.

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sun Sep 01, 2002 4:00 pm

Anjelai knew she'd have to move quickly. Switching the rifle to rest on her left shoulder, she used her right arm to pick up Shasti, easily slinging the girl over her back before she began backing up again, trying to move back with the group so she could examine Shasti more easily.

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She's going to get a medal for this.

Unread postby Jak Snide » Sun Sep 01, 2002 4:17 pm

As Anjelai reached the half way mark up the hill, the cowering rebels realised that something had changed. The leader, taking a peek out of the grass, saw the treat from before was currently occupied with something else.

"Her back's turned! Open fire!"

The hillside came under fire again, the area around her being torn up by gunfire, yet she herself remained unharmed in a strange turn of luck. Cantering over the top of the hill and into cover, she lay Shasti down, to take a better look at her.

It was obvious she'd taken a hit, a bloody wound on her right thigh. The lack of an exit wound told her that the bullet was still inside, meaning she'd have to get it out before healing the wound.


Stahl remained still in the grass, having watched the proceedings. Smiling slightly, he turned around and headed off towards the rebels, intent on showing the poorly trained men how a real soldier fights.


Re: Eek!

Unread postby KraKeN » Sun Sep 01, 2002 5:05 pm

Nale peered over the top of hill and saw the expanse of lush grass below him. Fighting was going on down there but as far as he new no one had made contact with any survivors from the crashed chopper. Seeing a few enemy soldiers pop-up Nale made a quick decision.

Time to do some work

Dashing over the hill he rushed through the long grass he towards the gunfire. His feet barely making any sound as the grass blurred past him, Nagi was flying above keeping a look out.

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About time! XP

Unread postby Jak Snide » Sun Sep 01, 2002 5:16 pm

Nale zeroed in on a soldier, the rebel getting a split second warning before he was upon him. His gun swung round, firing a single round which skimmed Nale's cheek, drawing a line of blood. The fact that the bullet would have killed him dead if it was an inch to the left didn't stop the shapechanger though, who leapt forward, one clean swipe with his claws raking through the mans throat, a sick gurgling sound emanating from the wound as the pitiful soldier sunk to the ground, slowly dying.


The commander of the squad, watching one of his last few men have his jugular ripped out by the inhuman Nale, turned a pale white under his mask. He knew that he'd be fighting SeeDs, but he never expected this. He turned and ran, the other man with him doing likewise.


Re: About time! XP

Unread postby KraKeN » Sun Sep 01, 2002 5:45 pm

Nales own blood dribbled down his cheek and his tongue flicked out of his mouth, he tasted it. He saw the two other soldiers turn and flee but he was to far gone to think rationally, he dashed after them.

Nales feet stopped, skidding in the dirt....

Nagi spoke soothingly into his head

"you heard what the instructor said think rationally look for and survivors".

Nale inhaled deeply trying to smell something familiar amongst the stench of blood and gore Nagi kept scanning over head.

Edited by: [url=>KraKeN</A]&nbsp; Image at: 9/1/02 9:51:00 pm


Medals are icky. I want a cookie.

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sun Sep 01, 2002 5:47 pm

Anjelai was grateful that her friend was alive, and the SeeDs around them offered a modicum of safety for her to check Shasti.

... Drat. Looking at her hands, strong and blunt, she decided that she couldn't remove the bullet on her own... not without a great deal of mess and fuss.

"Hold on, Shast, I'll just get a friend of mine..." she murmured.


I thought you'd never ask. Hold on...

The centaur could feel... something... different, the air seeming to bend slightly before Chiron stepped out of nowhere. In an odd way, it tired her, but in another way, it felt as natural as breathing. She shoved the thoughts aside, intending to examine them at a later date. For now, she could still fight... and still watch Shasti, guarding her if necessary.

Chiron was a large, regal stallion with a shaggy roan coat. His neatly-groomed beard was curly red, and his nose was slightly snub, set below two intensely blue eyes. He was even taller than Anjelai, and although not as obviously muscular, he radiated an aura of quiet strength.

"Let's see what I can do."

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How about a medal shaped cookie?

Unread postby Jak Snide » Sun Sep 01, 2002 6:08 pm

Chiron knelt down over Shasti, and began to do his work...

(OOC: I don't know how Chiron would go about this, so I'll leave it to you, Lys. I rolled a clear success, so you'll be able to get the bullet out and heal the wound fully.)



Unread postby SALSAlys » Sun Sep 01, 2002 6:19 pm

Long, delicately tapered fingers reached towards the bullet's entry as Anjelai watched. Then the healer seemed to radiate a soft, luminous white energy from the tips of his fingers, making the view of what he was doing a bit hazy, although Anjelai could see the bullet seem to go into his hand almost on its own volition. Setting the piece of lead aside, Chiron then gently rubbed his fingers over the injury, the glow from his hand settling into the wound and dissipating, leaving behind fresh, healed skin.


Sorry, far to drained to do a post for Dane....

Unread postby Choark » Sun Sep 01, 2002 6:34 pm

Shasti jerked with a small start and saw her friend look over her. Then saw the GF. She wasn't terrified, she had learned all about GF's and there many forms, however if wasn't the most pleasant thing to wake up to.

Giving a weak smile as she forced some words out. "Thanks... Jei" Then returned to the world of unconisuous for a while, to fully recover.


Part from now I'm not.

Unread postby Choark » Sun Sep 01, 2002 6:40 pm

Dane cursed through his teeth when he heard that horse bitch call out his sisters name. He KNEW the daft whore should have stayed out of this whole mess. What did she need to become a SeeD for anyway?!?

'Damn You Father!'

However Dane was not in the mood to think of his father right now, though it did serve to fuel his anger.

Using the shouting and fighing as an extra cover, he continued on his mission and headed over to where instructor Ash was...

though he went the long way about it and made sure to check that he ran into some soldiers who were firing on the teams...

(OOC: That is if there are any around where Dane are, which i think there should be... >> Heck with all this noise and shouting even Dane could sneak up on someone : ) )

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Where ya been?

Unread postby Jak Snide » Sun Sep 01, 2002 6:49 pm

Dane soon made his way to Ash's squad, the remaining soldiers having fled the area. Stahl seemed to have noticed this as well.

"Beta and Gamma, regroup. Dane, what've you got?"



Unread postby Choark » Sun Sep 01, 2002 6:56 pm

OOC : Sorry for missing all the action man, but I spent the entire day with my family, as I hadn't seen them in 3 months and all... So i missed everything. On the plus side, maybe now people have caught up with me in post numbers.. So post quality will probably be down for the rest of the night too...

Dane stood and pointed back to the team he had found.

"The Team's been found!" He also pointed to intructor Ash. "And so has this old geezer"

Faye Alkaline

<-- Kuro

Unread postby Faye Alkaline » Sun Sep 01, 2002 7:01 pm

Reium raises an eyebrow. "Your not very educated on Guardians are you? Well..lemme educate you. Ya see. GFs can be found just about everywere. They are actual organisums. Though its not quite proven were they come from. It is rumored not to even be THIS dimension..My Gf is a..*Long winded explenation of G/F types and abilities.*

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Ash Fanrico
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Re: Where ya been?

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Sun Sep 01, 2002 7:26 pm

Ash flung the already dead man off his gunblade. He looked over at Dane with menace in his eyes. Even with the ground around him exploding with gun fire, he still stood there.

IM: Young punk...

He had just done a huge feat with his idea and this young ass won't even acknowledge his accomplishment. He felt his anger rise, how did this punk even make it here? He was supposed to have been detained back at the Garden. He ducked down and ran over to Stahl.

"What the hell is Dane doing here Stahl? Young brash idiots like him are better for scrubbing the mess hall floors than being in a tactical REAL mission." he growled, obviously showing his displeasure in the fact that Dane was basically being rewarded for wounding his fellow students.


Dane the MAN!... >> << yeah... right...

Unread postby Choark » Mon Sep 02, 2002 4:59 am

Dane grinned meanchingly as he watched Ash peer at him witrh obiovous discontentment about him being on the mission.

He was very glad it was him who had found that team.

"Looks like you needed your ass saving old man.... guess us young punks have to take our time out and help you. Though that could be annoying in a real battle, so you should probably stay in the guarden with the rest of the retired old men..."

It was , of course, bait to be bitten on. He was doing it on purpose. The fact he said it a loud while not even bothering to look directly at Ash proved that.

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<- Jak, damnit! >.<

Unread postby Jak Snide » Mon Sep 02, 2002 3:40 pm

The cook nodded along, hardly understanding any of Reium's explanation.

"Um...I'll just get you your food now..." he muttered, scooting away and into the kitchen to fetch a dish for the angry student.


Kuro Stahl looked as cool as ever as he turned to face Fanrico, lowering his voice so that only his fellow instructor could hear him.

"Leaving him at the Garden scrubbing floors would do him no good. He'd simply get angrier and more rebellious. By bringing him along and not exacting punitive measures he's followed orders and performed well so far. Leave him to me, Ash. And I believe you have a wounded man." he finished, jerking his head towards the injured student, who was staggering to his feet, still clutching his shoulder.

His head then turned towards Dane, his expression not changing a bit, and raised his voice.

"Dane, remember who the enemy are. Settle your personal matters later, not during a field exercise. Now, rally squads Beta and Gamma, and prepare to move out."

And with that, he turned away, pulling out his com link and flicking it on, talking into it as he walked towards Ash's squad.


Re: Where ya been?

Unread postby KraKeN » Mon Sep 02, 2002 4:25 pm

Nale's nostriles enhanced by his lycanthropic state soon picked up Ash as well as Stahl and he headed off in their direction. Experiencing a strange joy as he raced through the long grass, his shoeless feet seemed barely to touch the ground, he soon arrived in the clearing where Ash and his squad was.

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Re: Dane the MAN!... >> << yeah... right...

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Mon Sep 02, 2002 6:06 pm

Ash looked pissed as he heard Stahl's reply. "But you're basically REWARDING that little @#%$ for injuring others! What about them? Huh? Don't they matter?" he said as he looked over at the battlefield. He sighed as he looked back over at his wounded student.

He turned back to Stahl. "Fine. You want to play Freebie-Giver... go right ahead. You go let that punk drag you to your grave. *turns around* I got wounded to take care of right now." Ash said as he walked towards the wounded student.

IM: Getting tired of this.

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Unread postby Banjooie » Mon Sep 02, 2002 6:24 pm

Navin was actually starting to get bored.

You snuck around, you stabbed a soldier in the back, you wiped off the blood, and you continued. Navin wondered if this was really all there was to being a SeeD. Because it was getting rather boring, and....oh, was that Dane? He seemed to want everyone. Perhaps he'd had orders from Stahl or Ash to gather people. He didn't see where Jelai and Shasti were, but hey...orders were orders, were they not?

Navin generally walked normally, hoping Dane would notice him before Navin was in reach of his gunblade.
That'd cause some problems.


Fun fun fun in the sun sun sun *BOOM*

Unread postby Choark » Mon Sep 02, 2002 7:33 pm

Dane even saluted to Stahl, perfectly, though with an evil gin on his face. Seeing instructor Ash get pissed over him being there was worthwhile.

Dane then had the bother of rounding up everyone. He generally used waved and signalled to the ones who were looking and for the ones who weren't, he threw something at them so they did then waved and signalled.

He passed Navin wordlessly though. He either completely ignored what he considered a sneaky backstabby coward or Navins GF power was in use... though it was likely Dane just hated the guy.

When he came to Anjelai and Shasti though he paused.


"Get ya ass moving and carry her to the Stahl."


Then continued to gather everyone else.


Shasti sturred a little and opened her eyes to her brothers back, walking away from her and dissapearing into the undergrowth.

"Dane" was what she managed to whisper.


After the job was done Dane returned to near Stahl and waited for further instructions, though he starred hard at instructor Ash with menace in his eyes.


Dane the MANE!

Unread postby SALSAlys » Mon Sep 02, 2002 7:40 pm

"I'm a horse, not an ass," muttered Anjelai. Chiron glanced at the centaur girl with amusement, and shook his head thoughtfully.

"As there's nothing else, shall I leave?"

"Sure," agreed Anjelai. Chiron disappeared to where he had come from, and Anjelai carefully set her friend on her back, loosely looping Shasti's arms over her shoulders.


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