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Uncle Pervy

The Venerable Forest - Motoi Sakaruba

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Fri Mar 03, 2006 11:16 pm

Marie is indeed content to walk with Kyle for the time being.


The Guard will get no response at the house itself, but he may well find that the barn door is open.

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Re: The Venerable Forest - Motoi Sakaruba

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Sat Mar 04, 2006 11:25 am

Kumo, on the other hand, was worried enough about the white mages running off somewhere, and decided to follow them...and was almost sick when he arrived where they did. Poor fellow.

But he was more interested in stopping this than in just standing by. And while Kumo was thinking, Greg might notice the intensely thinking Moogle...maybe not, though. He was pretty small, y'know.

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Re: The Venerable Forest - Motoi Sakaruba

Unread postby Idran1701 » Mon Mar 06, 2006 5:37 am

Not in the slightest! Rather, he continues to watch the crime scene from a distance, acting like a normal hanger-about, and wandering to a further distance though still in sight of the alley entrance if the crowd disperses. He stays here doing such until something major happens, anyone familiar looking in the crowd is spied, or the guards thin or leave.

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Re: The Venerable Forest - Motoi Sakaruba

Unread postby Endesu » Mon Mar 06, 2006 1:15 pm

The guard, noting this, would head for and walk into said barn.

Kyle and Marie would soon arrive upon the scene of said guard entering the barn.


It wasn't long before End and Kelne would arrive back at the clearing.

As soon as they came back, Kelne would immediately notice a horrible tentacle monster of some sort writhing where one of the tables apparently used to sit. He would also note that said t-monster appeared to be... very, very small. About the size of a kitten.

"Yeah, I left my pet tentacle demon here." End noted, quickly rushing over to it and scooping it up. The small beast simply squiggled about and seemed to be growling about something or other. "Last time I left it behind, it tried to do something bad to a bunch of hoboes around here. Just tryin' to make sure it doesn't do the same to any squirrels or birds or anything.

... well, that's it!" The Moogle cheerily noted.


The figure continued to rush forward into the forest, even as Inana continued to chase him. The figure finally looked back to Inana and gave her the coldest look she had ever received. Thoroughly chilled, she stopped in her tracks as the figure continued to make haste.

"That wasn't Asty after all..."

Heeding the natural intutiton that legendary heroes and RPG characters alike share, she decided to follow said figure, anyhow... well, follow as well as she could, given how quickly he had blown into the forest...


Kumo would arrive on the scene not only to find an occurrence of horrible violence, but also a very large crowd of folks. Not only had a wide assortment of guards and mages shown up for an apparent announcement, but a wide variety of Domans were milling about the outer reaches, each trying to get a better look at the stiff. Some had already run out to all ends of Doma, announcing that yet another death had occurred.

Being so small, Kumo would find that he was being shoved about at an alarming rate! It was truly disheartening for one of such small stature to be treasted with such callousness, but given the scene, it wasn't surprising.

Greg, meanwhile, would find that the scene seemed to be fairly bustling for the moment being, and likely wouldn't disperse for some time. It wasn't hard for him to blend into the crowd, given the number of people.

Given a quick lookover of the scene, Greg would note that there appeared to be at least twenty guards, ten mages, far too many Doman citizens, and a Moogle that appeared to be doing its best to think but was busy being shoved about. Note that these numbers should not be counted as canon given that more people seemed to be arriving by the moment!

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Unread postby Capntastic » Tue Mar 07, 2006 1:36 am

"Oh, uh, hello there!" Kyle would call out to him. "What're you doing?"


Paper shifted about nervously on End's head, at the mention of the t-monster doing things to birds.

Edited by: [url=>Capntastic</A]&nbsp; Image at: 3/7/06 1:38

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Re: The Venerable Forest - Motoi Sakaruba

Unread postby Kelne » Tue Mar 07, 2006 3:02 am

"There are times, End, when you worry me," Kelne remarked. It was, of course, an understatement. Hardly a day of their acquaintance had passed without End worrying him in some way.

Thus far, unless one counted possible random murders and small tentacle demons, nothing that warranted a sense of impending doom had materialised. It was only a matter of time, though.

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Re: The Venerable Forest - Motoi Sakaruba

Unread postby Idran1701 » Tue Mar 07, 2006 9:19 am

He glances about the gathered crowd, trying to pick out anyone who appears suspicious, pleased, or otherwise incongruous with the sudden violence.

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Re: The Venerable Forest - Motoi Sakaruba

Unread postby Endesu » Tue Mar 07, 2006 1:32 pm

The t-monster seemed to note Paper's presence and seemed to growl ever more... that is, until End apparently opened up a hole in the sky and dropped the monster through it.

"Well, it's not all bad. I made a deal with some guy in Limbo while I was dead, where I could have him take the monster off my hands every now and then. Seemed all right about it, though he was kinda pale..."

Suddenly, there came the sound of feet... rushing right towards the two. Given the sound of the feet, it seemed as if someone was very aggressively trying to reach that particular spot. Who could it be?!


The guard nervously looked up to Kyle as he approached. "Yes, sir, this is the residence of Fresca Dantir, is it not? I've arrived to give her some important information... if she's home, that is. I don't want to be a bother..."


From what Greg could tell...

The guards looked suitably annoyed and/or shocked by this new development. The mages were keeping themselves under composure, though a few seemed to be a bit stressed by the recent development. Most of the citizens also looked shocked, a few disgusted, and a few rather blank. No one seemed especially suspicious here...

However, he would soon notice someone resembling the man who had rushed into the Roasted Chocobo earlier, yelling out about the most recent murder. He seemed to be standing fairly close to the guards, and appeared to be maintaining a neutral stance and position...

Kumo, given his short stature, would find himself pushed about... perhaps he should step a bit further away from the general scene?

Uncle Pervy

Moroccan Sunset - Joe Satriani

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Tue Mar 07, 2006 8:00 pm

"Who's there?" comes a feminine voice from inside the barn. "What do you need?" A moment later, a rather tired-looking woman in simple, loose homespun clothing emerges from the barn. She glances toward Kyle and smiles, then gives Marie a quick appraising look. Then she turns her attention to the guardman. "Hey, did I qualify for pension already?"

Marie seems to be observing this all quietly.

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Re: The Venerable Forest - Motoi Sakaruba

Unread postby Kelne » Tue Mar 07, 2006 8:02 pm

All things considered, it was probably best not to ask for further details. He might get answers. In any case, the sound of running feet interrupted Kelne's musings. He took this interruption more or less in stride, turning to face the sound, and absently checking that his sword was close to hand.

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Re: The Venerable Forest - Motoi Sakaruba

Unread postby Idran1701 » Tue Mar 07, 2006 8:51 pm

Greg keeps an eye on this person, unable to approach him at the moment and at a loss for anything else to do in this situation.

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Welshman Competition Finals

Unread postby Capntastic » Wed Mar 08, 2006 1:37 am

The T-monster being removed from his presence, Paper settles right back down on End's head after a few chirps of approval.


Kyle smiled back and then waited for the Guard to speak up. His own awesome news could wait.

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Kumo was trampled to death and turned into moogle jerky.

Unread postby Endesu » Wed Mar 08, 2006 1:10 pm

End looked up. He appeared to lack a lance to draw. He instead took a stance.

Both he and Kelne would bear witness to Inana running into their midst. A woman, done up as a succubus might have done, dressed in a tightly fitting white mage robe.

Now, neither End nor Kelne had never met Inana, given that they likely didn't scope the seedier districts of town... but she knew them, given that she had once been a part of Astrynax's mind.

"Oh! End! Kelne!" She smiled a bit too brightly. "It's so nice to finally meet you!" "My name is Inana. I've heard so much about the Moogle and the... handsome former tyrant."
She said this as she brushed up against Kelne... perhaps a bit too closely. Kelne would likely receive flashbacks of a certain woman in Barius who had acted much the same after a transportation mishap planted him there.

"Can you boys tell me if you've seen a red cloaked man pass through here? Hmmm?"

End dropped out of his stance almost immediately and seemed to have a very... surprised look on his face. "Uh... no."


The guard looked to Fresca and appeared to stumble over his words for a moment before finally speaking up. "N-no, this is just to let you know that a second murder has occurred, and... and, and... uh... could you excuse me for a moment?"

He stepped off the scene for a bit, away from the eyes of the trio, and appeared to be trying to practice his words. Perhaps he had forgotten them? Perhaps he was a new recruit? After a few moments of this, he turned to Fresca.

"Uh, listen, there's basically going to be a higher state of security in Doma, and the guard wanted all Mages within the kingdom's service to know that they would be on call if and when it's necessary. At least, I think that's what they said." The guard smiled nervously, almost tripping over his words again.


The person appeared to stay in a similar position for a moment longer.

Now, given that he was in the midst of a crowd that was more focused on the immediate scene and not any particular person, he was able to do something unusual.

That is, he seemed to step into a random civilian next to him. For but a moment he was there. The next, he was gone. The civilian he had stepped into did not move or react in any visible way.

Greg had a focus on the man, so he was able to see all of this.

By this time, the flow of people had begun to cease, and a few onlookers were beginning to head off, either to spread the news, get a drink, or go back to work.

Kumo would find that he was able to move a bit freer. Greg could attempt to move through the crowds again, or wait for them to thin out a bit more.

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Re: Kumo was trampled to death and turned into moogle jerky.

Unread postby Idran1701 » Wed Mar 08, 2006 4:10 pm

IM: ...Huh. That's...unusual.

He scans the civilian astrally while giving a quick once-over to his thoughts, trying to get a handle on what just happened. Either way, he'll keep an eye on this person and try to get nearer unobtrusively, following him if he starts to leave the area.

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Re: Kumo was trampled to death and turned into moogle jerky.

Unread postby Endesu » Wed Mar 08, 2006 4:17 pm

The civilian appears normal on the outside...

But astrally, there appears to be a very unusual swarm of energies within him. The civilian stood in a similar fashion to the other civilian who had just... stepped into him. He did take a brief look around, but appeared to carefully avoid looking towards Greg.

Greg would find that moving through some of the crowd was easy enough, given the fact that the number was lessening, but there was still a good deal of people about. One person, once brushed past, nearly struck out at Greg. It was obvious that Greg hadn't touched the man at all, but the guy seemed to react just the same.

"Hey, jerkoff! Why not watch where the hell you're going, huh?!"

And as if in reaction to this, the mystery civilian seemed to shuffle a bit further way from Greg.

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Re: Kumo was trampled to death and turned into moogle jerky.

Unread postby Idran1701 » Wed Mar 08, 2006 5:43 pm

(OOC: Does his aura suggest spellcasting abilities?)

"Oh, so sorry, my mistake. Won't happen again."

He gives a brief glance back to the person, making sure he's not about to get punched or the like, before turning back and continuing to slowly follow the possibly-possessed man. If he manages to catch up to the person...well, he'll cross that bridge when he comes to it.

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Re: Kumo was trampled to death and turned into moogle jerky.

Unread postby Endesu » Wed Mar 08, 2006 5:51 pm

The damndest thing was... something seemed to be jamming Greg's astral sense, to a point. While he could definitely read on some odd energies, he couldn't identify any spellcasting abilities or anything of the like. How this was being done was uncertain, but it certainly made the issue more troubling.

The annoyed random civlian looked at Greg grumpily, almost daring him to step by him again, but didn't seem to do much more, thus leaving Greg free to try to follow the mystery civilian further.

He was getting closer, but again an obstacle. This time, there appeared to be a circle of people, joined tightly by the arms, discussing something rather quietly. Greg would have to move through them somehow, because there were too many people on either side of the circle to take a side route.

Or he could look around for an alternate approach away from the crowd, though by the time he did such, he might find that he had lost the mystery civilian entirely...

Meanwhile, the mystery man proceeded to move further away...

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Re: Kumo was trampled to death and turned into moogle jerky.

Unread postby Idran1701 » Wed Mar 08, 2006 6:46 pm

IM: Hmph. You can block astral, let's see if you can block mental...

All but giving up for now, Greg does a Browse Mental Spellbook on the mystery man for any random spell. If nothing else, it'll serve to allow him to ID this odd incorporeal being beyond any doubt should he switch bodies. And hey, maybe he'll get lucky on what he picks up.

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Re: Kumo was trampled to death and turned into moogle jerky.

Unread postby Kelne » Wed Mar 08, 2006 6:50 pm

Kelne took a nice, solid pace backwards, leveling a glare at the newcomer. If, that glare conveyed, she persisted in invading his personal space, there would be consequences.

"No," he said, "We haven't. Now, remind me again who you are and why I should be giving you the time of day?"

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Sage was offline for a few days. Forgive him. :{

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Wed Mar 08, 2006 9:23 pm

Kumo, on the other hand, had stepped out of the crowd. And having stepped out, he was able to see a few man staring very intently at another, while the second was moving through the crowd away from him. How very strange...and which to follow? They were the only halfway suspicious ones he could pick out in the crowd, and with his luck, they'd probably lead him directly into trouble.

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Only if you give me tree fiddy.

Unread postby Endesu » Thu Mar 09, 2006 2:13 pm

"Oh, I'm sorry!" Inana cheerily stood back a bit, and did her best attempt at looking stoic and mysterious, as Astrynax often did.

"Well, let's go back a bit. I'm sure you fellas know Astrynax pretty well. Well, he decided, possibly around the time that his entire clan was wiped out, to go celibate. Since then, he's been confronted with all sorts of delicious people and delicious possibilities! But sadly, he's turned down so many of them...

So much was turned down, in fact, so very much was repressed that it culminated into... me! I'm actually the physical incarnation of Astrynax's sexual inhibitions! You can call me Inana!"

End looked somewhat confused and a bit frightened. "Uh... yeah, we haven't seen a red cloak guy." He looked to Kelne and seemed to be motioning to begin leaving the area.


As luck would have it, Greg did pick up on a random spell! This spell seemed to involve a burst of light, tinted yellow, and sent out in all directions. The name assigned to this appeared to be "Seal of the Sun".

As if on cue, the mystery civilian flashed a look towards Greg and began to move away faster.

Kumo would note this, and given his shorter stature, there was the chance that following the mystery civilian would be far easier for him than the man who was doing the staring. However, as he noted, there was some risk factor involved...

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Re: Only if you give me tree fiddy.

Unread postby Idran1701 » Thu Mar 09, 2006 4:38 pm

IM: ...Hahahahahahaha!

What luck! With this spell known, Greg finds the perfect opportunity to take a bit of advantage here. Barely supressing an audible chuckle, he attempts to trigger the spell, just 5 feet or so above the civilian's head. If his attempt fails, he leaves, to return home, pick up some supplies, and check in with his patron to update her on the situation.

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Re: Only if you give me tree fiddy.

Unread postby Endesu » Thu Mar 09, 2006 5:56 pm

And then, Greg could sense something else stemming from the civilian, as if activated as a result of the spell attempt. A barrier, or, perhaps, a reflective shield of some sort. While Greg did manage to set the spell off...

Whoever this mysterious civilian was managed to set it so that the spell triggered right over Greg's own head. Greg had no time to shield his eyes; neither did the other folk there.
The Seal of the Sun spell was essentially a blinding spell. What appeared to be a burst of sunlight formed itself over Greg and seemed to 'explode' in all directions, creating a very painful burst of golden light that caused everyone to squint and curse.

Greg, through the tears and pain that would have likely stemmed from his eyes, would barely be able to note the mystery civilian still there, within the crowd. Said civilian appeared to be flashing a grin at him with a curiously green pair of eyes. The civilian also appeared to be slowly changing its apperance, but he wasn't able to see that too clearly. Without a word, the civilian brushed its way through the blinded crowd and made its way off.

Before Greg could do anything, he would find himself accosted by a number of unfriendly looking guards and civilians alike, all who were very unhappy about the recent eye strainer. He would have to think quickly to explain himself out of this one, given that the spell did seem to come from him...

Although Kumo was similarly affected by the Seal of the Sun spell, he wasn't as affected due to his distance from Greg and the mystery civilian. Thus he was able to see the mystery civilian dashing past him! What would he do?

Edited by: Crawling Reshiki at: 3/9/06 18:06

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*Hands over a fir and a fig* Will this do?

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Thu Mar 09, 2006 6:35 pm

Kumo would be...not doing a damned thing. Yet. Too many other people around and all that. Instead, he'd let the man go past him, and with a little wind-magic assistance, follow at a distance. When in doubt, chase the one that's running.

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Re: Only if you give me tree fiddy.

Unread postby Kelne » Thu Mar 09, 2006 7:31 pm

There were two possibilities here. One, more likely and certainly more preferable, was that the woman was stark raving mad. Secondly, she could be telling the truth. Either which way, he wanted absolutely nothing to do with her. And even now, an incredibly disturbing third possibility was insinuating itself into his mind...

All things considered, he was more than happy to follow End's suggestion, "Now, if you'll excuse us. Places to go, people to see, things to do and so forth." With that, he began walking off.

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Re: Only if you give me tree fiddy.

Unread postby Endesu » Fri Mar 10, 2006 12:25 pm

Inana wringed her hands a bit. "Wait! Let me come with you, please? I know Astrynax hangs around with you guys every now and then, and I've been looking for him for the last year or so! He's why I bought all of this! If I had him to latch onto, I wouldn't bother either of you! At least, not for a bit."

End looked back to her, even though he had gotten a good distance away already due to the intense creepiness factor, and scratched his head. "Well, uh... he's been kinda dead."

"Whaaaaat?!" Inana nearly teared up over this startling news flash. After a moment of consideration, she shrugged. "Well, he'll come back, right? And when he does, he'll probably see one of you. So take me with you! Pleeeaaasssseee!"

She kneeled on the ground and appeared to be begging in a rather exaggerated manner. One would wonder what she could possibly be up to...


The civilian had cleared the scene by a good distance, having taken advantage of the blinding effect on everyone who had been there.

Kumo would soon begin to follow from said distance, and it fortunately seemed the civilian was too busy to notice the little Moogle.

Kumo would soon find, however, that said civilian appeared to be jumping onto roofs and hopping from one roof to another... and distancing him very quickly due to his slow speed.

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Damn that Moogle and his lack of long legs.

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Fri Mar 10, 2006 6:01 pm

Kumo would swear softly, doing another quick two-step shuffle...anyone willing to run that well was obviously running from something, and it was entirely likely it was a crime. The light could've just been a distraction.

So he did a little dance, and with an entirely experimental spell, leaped up. He gave himself 50/50 odds of actually being able to get on top of the building, let alone follow the possible crook.

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Re: Damn that Moogle and his lack of long legs.

Unread postby Endesu » Fri Mar 10, 2006 6:10 pm

As luck would have it, Kumo was able to leap right up and onto the building!

By then, the mysterious civilian had already bounded ahead onto a few rooftops ahead of the Moogle.

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Re: Damn that Moogle and his lack of long legs.

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Fri Mar 10, 2006 6:39 pm

Bless Kumo's heart, he was going to try and follow from rooftop to rooftop. Fortunately, he would have an easier time with the training, build-up of speed, that sort of thing. Besides, he was blamed curious to know if this man was behind it all...

Uncle Pervy

Super Metroid Braving the Flames OC Remix - Adhesive Boy

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sat Mar 11, 2006 4:50 am

"Really now," says Fresca, arching an eyebrow. "Things are so bad they're calling in the retired lists? Tell me about these murders?"

For someone who's pretty much been draftd again, she seems to be taking it well. If nothing else, she doesn't look like she's going to hit the messanger.

Marie leans over and quietly says to Kyle, "Are you going toget drawn into this? It seems serious, non?"

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Re: Super Metroid Braving the Flames OC Remix - Adhesive Boy

Unread postby Capntastic » Sat Mar 11, 2006 5:13 am

"Nah, they want Fresca for this, and I'd end up having to do paperwork or something. Besides, End's back in town, and we've got a lot of catching up to do. Catching some fish too, maybe."

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Re: Only if you give me tree fiddy.

Unread postby Kelne » Sat Mar 11, 2006 5:57 am

"After careful consideration, no," Kelne said, the lack of a pause indicating that if he had given the matter careful consideration, he had done so extremely quickly indeed. More likely, he was simply utilising sarcasm.

"I make it a point to limit my exposure to lunatics, and you, madam, certainly qualify. Now kindly buzz off."

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Seiken Densetsu 3 OST: High Tension Wire

Unread postby Endesu » Mon Mar 13, 2006 3:38 pm

And so the mystery civilian and Kumo engaged on a short chase of sorts. Those who would just happen to be looking upward would see the most unusual image of a man and a Moogle jumping and bounding through the sky.

That is, until the mystery man suddenly stopped and turned to Kumo. The roof they stopped on was closer to the edge of town and far away from both the guards and the crime scene, as Kumo may have noted. Looking at the man yielded an unusual result. By now, much of the man's face had apparently shriveled away, replaced by a somewhat furrier, cat-like face, complete with a curious half-moon tattoeed onto the forehead.

The rest of the body remained on, however, and quickly moved in a series of pronounced and practiced movements that seemed to defy the speed of Kumo's eye. Almost too quickly, the figure had stepped directly in front of Kumo, then to his side, then just behind him, the feeling of a metallic blade pressing down upon his throat.

"Now, then." The voice of a woman, to be sure, and not the man that she had apparently been masquerading as. "I'm not sure how you figured out my ploy when it's been that man who's been following me... but if you fail to leave this city soon, I will break one of our cardinal rules and have little problem with flaying your little hide."

Kumo could attempt to talk to the woman... or he could attempt to do something about his position. However, given her speed and her weapon, it was likely dangerous to do such a thing. He'd have to pick carefully...


"It's a precaution..." The guard mumbled. "Just in case. I hope I didn't get their orders wrong or anything... I mean, I had this list of addresses, so I just kinda followed them... maybe I did get it wrong." For his credit, the guard didn't seem to be doing too well. He seemed somewhat relieved that Fresca was taking the news relatively well, however!

And so he explained the mysterious circumstances of the two murders. One Darko, and one guard, both killed with apparently not at all natural means.

"Given that one of them was an apparent mage and the other was a guard, they just want to be sure..."


Inana growled and stomped her feet... and then reconsidered. "Oh, wait! Please, hold on!"

She snapped her fingers, and in a moment, she was dressed in the suit of a Minion. Except for the color of the suit, which was a very deep shade of purple, she appeared exactly like one of Kelne's own minions, right down to the shovel.

"I can follow you as one of your Minions! That way it'll look natural!"

End, meanwhile, had nearly cleared the scene, possibly leaving Kelne to his doom.

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Re: Seiken Densetsu 3 OST: High Tension Wire

Unread postby Idran1701 » Mon Mar 13, 2006 8:00 pm

(OOC: Placeholder while I aska quick question: Why does it look like Greg cast the spell? I'm kind of confused on what exactly just happened, to be honest.)

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Poor, poor Kumo

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Mon Mar 13, 2006 9:48 pm

Kumo quickly-nearly instantaneously-considered his options. It's amazing what adrenaline and rock-hard fear can do for the thought process.

Either he could get chopped up-there was little hope he'd actually manage to dance his way out of this one-or he could leave the city...just long enough to fetch End, Kyle, Kelne, whoever he could really. After all, they were more battle-ready than he was.

Option three was letting Del out, but that wasn't an option so much as it was a horrible dread. Besides, he'd have to get knocked out first, and she didn't look likely to do that.

"Leaving the city. Gotcha. Any chance I can do this without a nice steel necklace? Since, y'know. I prefer to not accidently lose my neck."

As soon as he said it, he had a small realization...if he were playing the role of ruthless murderer, he wouldn't even be giving the option for the kid to leave the city. Something was ever-so-slightly amiss here. Perhaps he should try getting her to open up...

"Nice moves, by the by. You're definitely better than most people I've seen. I don't think I could take you on even if I was given a good two hundred feet distance."

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Re: Poor, poor Kumo

Unread postby Endesu » Tue Mar 14, 2006 1:02 pm

(The mystery civilian/would-be murderer of Kumo reflected the casting so that it triggered over Greg's head. Given that the spell itself triggered just over Greg and emnated outwards from there, it's not surprising that people would look to him as the source, no?)

"Shush up, you little shit." The woman growled, driving in her blade just enough to draw blood, but to not slice the ever-so-vulnerable neck part of the body. Once she had satisfied the need to make the little brat bleed, she swiftly picked him up by the scruff and hoisted him into the air, shaking him just enough to assist with the bleeding. She looked around to make sure no one was observing. As if to make entirely sure that there were no passive observers, she opened a hole within the air and stepped into it, leaving the two in what appeared to be a completely dark place.

"First off: don't butter me up, don't try to talk to me, don't try to negotiate with me. If you so much as attempt it, I will skewer out both of your eyes as well as your Moogle 'bob' and force-feed you them before throwing you off the roof."

She shook him a bit as she finished this first point.

"Second off, I would kill you right off for being involved with those shits as well as having the indignity of chasing me, but since you're just a little kid, I'm supposed to spare you, load of horseshit that that is."

Her eyes seemed to dilate as she finished this second point. She then launched into her third and final point:

"I can guess what you're thinking. You'll run out of this city, try to sneak back in, get to your friends, blab about me to them, and get some sort of fucking hunt going on. Isn't that right? Well, I've got eyes on you. We've all got eyes on you. If you tell anyone about what you've seen, you will die. And I can assure you that your death will be far more traumatic than having your eyeballs fed to you."

With that note said, she flung the Moogle back onto the roof and turned back into the darkness she had opened up. She was apparently closing it. Kumo was free of the woman's grasp now... would he attempt to talk to her again, simply leave, or what? Her back was turned...

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Re: Poor, poor Kumo

Unread postby Idran1701 » Tue Mar 14, 2006 7:58 pm

Greg wipes his eyes, trying to make it obvious that he was effected as well before saying anything in his defense.

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Re: Seiken Densetsu 3 OST: High Tension Wire

Unread postby Kelne » Tue Mar 14, 2006 8:13 pm

"No. And I will not take any efforts at following me kindly." So saying, Kelne turned and headed after End. He was deliberately refraining from moving with unseemly haste, counting on his longer strides to put him level with the moogle.

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Oooh. Kumo's -boned.-

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Tue Mar 14, 2006 11:39 pm

"Gotcha." was all the poor Moogle grunted, seeing that plan A was out of commission. Not that he wouldn't be going to the forest anyway. Besides, it could always be a bluff. She would scare the shit out of any normal child, and could easily afford it. As for running? She'd probably smell his footsteps. No, he'd be a good boy and go directly to the gates, and then to the woods, and then to where the party had been...

It was a good thing he feared death less than other people, or he'd need a change of underwear right now.

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DBZ/DBZ2 OST: Only So Much Oil on the Ground

Unread postby Endesu » Wed Mar 15, 2006 12:54 pm

The ninja?/cat being/stealer of someone else's body simply gave Kumo a long, hard glare before adding one further note.

"If you screw up, I'll be sure to make a good teddy bear out of your remains, you little shit."

With that, she swiftly closed the open hole of darkness, disappearing from the spot without a trace.

This left Kumo, alone, on the roof of a building near the forest, with a bleeding neck wound. Now with the immediate threat apparently gone, Kumo was allowed to reflect on the fact that not only did this wound hurt, it was also staining his fur and his robes. It'd probably be a good idea to do something about that...


Kelne could hear Inana grumbling in frustration behind him as he made his way off... and a moment later, there was no noise at all. Hm. Oh well.

Kelne wouldn't take too long to catch up with End, who appeared to be checking his cloud holder again. "Sheesh, Kelne, you really attract all sorts of folks, don't you?"

At any rate, they were getting back to Doma, and it wouldn't take them to long to get back to Kyle's place, apparently without an Inana. Such news would likely be good news for Kelne, who wouldn't look terribly good with a purple Minion following him.


Greg's ploy worked a bit, as a few civilians mumbled around him.

"Looks like his eyes got hurt too..."

"Mages wouldn't try to hit themselves with their own spells, would they?..."

"Well, not the good ones..."

Regardless of this, a few guards approached Greg, still rubbing their eyes. "Sir, the spell in question appeared to originate from you. Care to explain?"


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