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Uncle Pervy

Staying Alive with Dweezil Zappa - Ozzy Osbourne

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sat Feb 04, 2006 12:35 am

"Ah, such is the way of those things," says Marie, as she finds a seat and makes herself comfortable. As her cloak parts, the observant may notice a sword at her left hip, and a short bow at her right. Another longer scabbard seems to be placed along er back, positioned not to interfere with the cloak. "But you are enjoying it, non? I would hate to think it would be an unhappy thing."

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Re: Electric Guitar Noise - :::REDACTED:::

Unread postby Capntastic » Sun Feb 05, 2006 1:36 am

"'s the work, really, and the feeling of missing out on things while the world spins underneath you. I've still got so much I need to see and do. The ranch is Fresca's dream, and I don't want to get in the way of that or anything, but I wish I could back out. At least until, well, I've been everywhere."

Kyle paused to sip, as a look of apprehension sparked upon his face, only to be doused by the warmth of the delicious elixir.

"And that could be forever, really. I'd like to go it alone, if I could-- a man walking the land with naught but his wits and his sword; but that's selfish and Fresca probably wouldn't take me back. I wouldn't mind her coming with me at all, though, but she's gotta stick with the ranch. Especially now with some of the 'bos getting sick. Have I said too much? I've probably said too much. My apologies."

He proceeded to work at to filling his mouth with tasty food, instead of letting it wag foolishly.

Edited by: [url=>Capntastic</A]&nbsp; Image at: 2/5/06 1:42

Uncle Pervy

Village Medley - Izuho Takeuchi and Masaki Nakagaki

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sun Feb 05, 2006 7:48 pm

Marie nods. "A sticky situation. Has she said anything about it? You are helping her dream, she helps yours, non?"

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Re: Village Medley - Izuho Takeuchi and Masaki Nakagaki

Unread postby Endesu » Mon Feb 06, 2006 12:17 pm

The food was rather delicious. Any cooking errors that End may have made last time, Kyle may have observed, were fixed... especially the mochi, which caused no dream hallucinations as it had the last time. The cocoa was notably creamy and delicious. So much so, in fact, that it tasted outright expensive. No matter, though, as this was all free.

The Moogle had taken to sitting in the trees. His fluffy wings noticably brushed against the tree that he sat against, a few feathers parting and falling here and there. The Moogle's ears, meanwhile, were flicking about here and there. Those who were used to his odd habit of his could likely tell that he was reading into or attempting to passively read into their minds. He retained a somewhat nervous expression on his face as he watched the proceedings, well aware that they knew something was up.

Attempting to put them off the topic as long as possible, he looked to Kelne. "So, Kelne. What's been up with you? Last I saw ya, you were heading off for a vacation with a few Minions... you know, after the end of the War." He paused, and added, as if an afterthought: "Also, have you seen Asty? I kinda tried to find him, but he didn't seem to be around anywhere... not even at his place in Nekonia."
He would have chatted with Kyle, but he was busy with the bunny person, and he intended to catch up with him later... and Kumo had stated that he would only explain more about himself after End explained the situation. This was something he was reluctant to do at the moment.

Those who looked would note that he still appeared to have his armor on. However, he reached a paw around to scratch himself near the belly. His paw passed directly through what appeared to be his armor, and came out, as if he had done nothing more than force his appendage through a projected image. He didn't seem to note the significance of this, and continued sitting on in the same fashion.


"Workin' with weapons." Ninurta responded, his drunken slur disappearing notably fast. Apparently, his drunkenness disappeared quickly. "Guns and the like. Play hell on the hands when you work with 'em too much." He used a hand to indicate a holster at his side, which contained a revolver of sorts. "My personal companion 'a sorts. Then again, I probably like it so much because it's easier to take care of than the heavier stuff." He shrugged, and pushed his mug away. "'ve had enough gut rot for now."

Edited by: Crawling Reshiki at: 2/6/06 12:39

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Re: Village Medley - Izuho Takeuchi and Masaki Nakagaki

Unread postby Kelne » Mon Feb 06, 2006 7:12 pm

"Life's been reasonably quiet for me, actually," Kelne said, "The vacation went well, aside from a couple of little disturbances." Knowing Kelne, those little disturbances had been dealt with in a rather final fashion. "I spent some time in Baron, then took the coastal route back. Since then, I've been spending my time working on a few projects."

He frowned slightly, "I haven't heard from Astrynax in a while either. I'd assumed he was simply being his usual reclusive self."

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Re: Village Medley - Izuho Takeuchi and Masaki Nakagaki

Unread postby Idran1701 » Mon Feb 06, 2006 9:01 pm

"Ah. Tha' why yer day's bad, then, wha' tha' gun did t' yer hand?"

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Re: Village Medley - Izuho Takeuchi and Masaki Nakagaki

Unread postby Endesu » Tue Feb 07, 2006 1:57 pm

End blinked. "What sort of projects do you mean?" While the rest of what Kelne had said surprised him little, he wasn't exactly sure what sort of 'projects' someone like Kelne would work on.

"And, hell, I saw him when I was going... uh... away, and he was hanging out at his place in Nekonia. Bummer, I guess he's still dead." The Moogle sighed and looked at the others, hoping to see that they were enjoying their meals. He also checked on the Minion, to see if he was sampling anything in particular!


"Nah, I've had this shit for years." Ninurta responded. "Comes from too much practice on the ranges, I guess. I call 'em love wounds, simply 'cause they come from my love of the weapon." He shrugged and ordered yet another drink, this time a simple glass of water. "So... who're you, then? What's your story, and why're you hangin out at a tavern when life is passing by? I got my reasons, but I dunno yours. And hell, I might as well ask the guy who's been payin' for my drinks."

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Electric Guitar Noise - :::REDACTED:::

Unread postby Capntastic » Tue Feb 07, 2006 10:18 pm

"Well, I don't think she'd mind if I made a short trip once in a while, but that's just a 'vacation'. We'll have to see, though, how she feels once things at the ranch pick up speed. Anyways, how are things with you? Been keeping up with your practice?"

Hopefully, Kyle thought, this turnaround of conversation would let him get by with nodding and smiling, to allow for more sampling of End's mysteriously delicious meal.

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Re: Electric Guitar Noise - :::REDACTED:::

Unread postby Idran1701 » Wed Feb 08, 2006 4:41 am

"'Me? Eh, 'm a dockworker, from ove' in Kohlingen. Came up t' visit some family, go' a bit lucky in th' gamblin' house. 'cided t' come in here, celebrate m' winnings 'fore I head ba' home. Saw y' were down, thought I'd spread m' luck 'round some. Wha' goes 'round comes 'round, eh? Still curious, though. Wha's wrong if it's no' just tha'? Have a bit of ba' luck yerself?"

Uncle Pervy

Orgo Demelia - Koichi Sugiyama

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Feb 08, 2006 6:30 am

"But of course," says Marie. "One does not become the best without dedication. Of late, I have been thinking it may be time to range out a bit further in search of, ah, a proper venue, non?"

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Random Song - Random Guy

Unread postby Endesu » Wed Feb 08, 2006 1:11 pm

Naturally, Kyle's hopes were foiled as Marie continued to talk with him. He could attempt to talk with his mouth full, but that was obviously impolite and thus a no-no.

End continued to swing in the tree, somewhat nervous yet clearly content to be here amidst friends. Well, friends and some sort of rabbit fencer beggar thing. Whatever.


Ninurta quirked an eye. He didn't seem as if he fully believed Greg's story, but he didn't bring up the point. "Well, money's money, and I'm still glad for any charities. And, ehhh... nothing for you to worry about, really. One of the guys I work with is workin' ahead of schedule and doing shit he wasn't told to do. Breakin' basic regulations. Boss is pissed, but can't do jack to the guy since he's disappeared for a bit. So I'm supposed to track him down before the really high-ups come down on our heads."
He sighed. "Like I said, nothin' for you to worry about. Just a lotta shit."

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Re: Village Medley - Izuho Takeuchi and Masaki Nakagaki

Unread postby Kelne » Wed Feb 08, 2006 6:32 pm

"Why, the betterment of my fellow man, of course," Kelne said, letting the irony in his voice speak for itself, "I've been working on a few magic items and doing some writing." Among other things. Kelne also had a rather larger plan in the works, but that was liable to take time.

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What's For Dinna' - Fuzzy D and the Penquinauts

Unread postby Capntastic » Wed Feb 08, 2006 9:33 pm

"Proper venue? You mean like, tournaments and stuff?"

He drummed on the edge of the canteen a bit with his fingers.

"Well, Doma doesn't seem to be too big on fencing-- magic is more 'entertaining'. But I'm sure you can find something, maybe East where swords are more respected?"

Paper, having contented himself on some stray grains of rice, now made to flutter up to End and bother him by landing heavily onto his head, as was custom.

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Re: What's For Dinna' - Fuzzy D and the Penquinauts

Unread postby Endesu » Thu Feb 09, 2006 1:12 pm

End quirked an eye in response to Kelne's answer. Although Kelne had been known to work towards the benefit of other people, it usually hadn't been on purpose. Or, if it was, Kelne tended to distance himself from the fact. He was mired between the thought camps of confusion and realization of the concept called 'sarcasm' for a bit of time before he shrugged. "Just make sure your Minions don't kill ya in the process. Or, you know, dig a hole that you'll accidentally fall in."

End may have said more, but the arrival of Paper upon his head shushed him. He remembered many a time where the curious bird of glow would land on him or fly about him for one reason or another. Those reasons being mysterious bird reasons he couldn't interpret.

"Yo, Paper." The Moogle addressed the bird. "You keepin' Kyle and Fresca in line on the ranch? Liking the food? Getting to know your fellow birds and alla that?"


The setting was a Kaidosian village. Dementia had taken care to cordon off a general area, warning the lizard people to stay back and not respond to the small ship that was coming to swiftly land.

It landed exactly in the cordoned off area, and after a moment passed for the settling of the craft, a side door opened. An Infinity soldier with a rather thick cigar in his mouth jumped out. It only took him a moment to seek out Dementia, and he nodded to her. "Hey, kid."

Dementia gave a look back to the Kaidosians, reassuring them with a nod, before running to the soldier and giving him a brief hug. "It's so good to see you, Galc! In all of the things that have happened in the past few years, I had forgotten about all of you at the third branch! How has it been?"

"Oh, same old, same old. Cleaning up the messes of the other two, keeping the peace, dealing with the various unholy demons they bring up and about." He shrugged. "Same as we've always been used to. Only thing that's changed is that those other two branchs're gone. Good riddance."

Dementia nodded. "... yes. Let's not dwell on this, however." She motioned for him to follow to her hut, giving a last look to the Kaidosians, who had surrounded the ship and were studying it somewhat suspiciously. She had already set a seat out for Galc, next to hers. He peered about the hut, taking in the rather simple composition: computer here, bed there, random stack of books, papers and files spilling out from under the bed, overly phallic assortment of dangerous assault weapons hanging from the ceiling.

"Don't mind the mess." She chuckled slightly, looking about slowly.
"Yeah, I know. You've always been the same way." Galc chuckled as well, before shaking his cigar a bit. "But, yeah... no time to dwell on what we already know. I'm here to talk to you about your buddies on Gaera."

"Yes, you did mention that something was going their way. What exactly were you referring to?"

Galc carefully looked about, and began to explain...

Edited by: Crawling Reshiki at: 2/9/06 18:15

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Just so I can say I've posted...

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Thu Feb 09, 2006 7:21 pm

Kumo finished his food, looking into the trees somewhat...wistfully. How strange for the little Moogle to be so quiet.

It could be that he just didn't have anything to say, of course. Silly grown-up conversations. And it could just be that he was worried...

Uncle Pervy

Re: Just so I can say I've posted...

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Fri Feb 10, 2006 6:09 am

"Perhaps, perhaps," says Marie, between mouthfuls of stuff whose names she cannot recall. "Spob mentioned something in Inustan, once. Perhaps I shall grace them with my skill."

She glances about the table, and quietly adds, "Is there any wine?"

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Re: Just so I can say I've posted...

Unread postby Endesu » Fri Feb 10, 2006 12:46 pm

End interjected. "There's a bit of sake, since that apparently goes with this kind of stuff. Beyond that, there's water. And cocoa, but that's for Kyle."

End continued to sit in the trees, savoring the moment. Typically, when the Moogle and a few of his friends had gotten together, something horrible had happened. Thus far, everything was fine, with only the contented munching of food disturbing the otherwise quiet scene.

"Oh, Kyle... after we're all done here, what say we take a walk to your place? You've still got my lance and armor, right?"

Kumo, as he wasn't involved in the conversations, was allowed to let his mind wander and take in more of the surrounding environment. As he did, he might take notice of a small teddy bear that appeared to be watching the group at one edge of the clearing.

It was only there for a moment, but it appeared to leave behind a trail that could... tentatively... be followed.

Edited by: Crawling Reshiki at: 2/10/06 16:46

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Re: Just so I can say I've posted...

Unread postby Capntastic » Fri Feb 10, 2006 7:19 pm

"Oh, for sure. I'm sure Fresca would be glad to meet you; and it's a pretty short walk. I've kept your stuff polished and neat, right up on the mantle."

Uncle Pervy

Lufia 2 Of Sinistrals and Men OC Remix - mp

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Fri Feb 10, 2006 10:22 pm

"Ah good," says Marie, as she stands and goes to get some sake. "I wouldn't think you'd like what I have to offer." After pouring a bit, she sniffs it for a moment, then takes a small taste, almost as though she were wine tasting.

Which is precisely what she is doing, something that she has developed a skill for after growing up a vinter's family. But few knew this, given what her current predilections seem to angle toward.

"She does not mind if you drag a bunch of people home with you?" Fresca asks her self-declared rival.

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OONTS OONTS OONTS OONTS - Guy across the street with boombox

Unread postby Capntastic » Fri Feb 10, 2006 11:09 pm

"So long as we all wipe our feet outside, she shouldn't."

He turned to End, and his expression became a bit less cheerful.

"Do you need a place to stay? I can fix up a spare room; it's the least I could do, considering that I, uh, ... considering how much you've done for me in the past!"

Were End scanning Kyle's mind, he would note Kyle was trying very hard to keep something from coming to the top levels of thought.

Paper, meanwhile, was content to encroach upon the privacy of the Moogle's head in an entirely different fashion; finding it an excellent place to nestle in for a nap.

Edited by: [url=>Capntastic</A]&nbsp; Image at: 2/10/06 23:14

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Re: OONTS OONTS OONTS OONTS - Guy across the street with boo

Unread postby Idran1701 » Sat Feb 11, 2006 12:19 am

"Oh? Maybe 've seen 'im 'round. Been makin' my way 'cross the bars lately. Wha's he look like?"

As he continues his con, Greg uses a Detect Strong Feelings. This man's wording seems suspicious, and even if he turns out not to be involved, heck, why not get some help with the conning.

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Re: OONTS OONTS OONTS OONTS - Guy across the street with boo

Unread postby Kelne » Sat Feb 11, 2006 6:46 am

If Kelne was less than thrilled with the idea of relocating things to a ranch full of those infernal devil birds, he hid it well. He wasn't a particularly frequent visitor, even if he encouraged the minions to pop by and lend a hand from time to time. A hand, he had been quick to stress, did not include digging pits without specific instructions, or in fact doing anything around the ranch without Kyle or Fresca's say-so.

He'd decided not to mention the statue. End would no doubt run across it sooner or later if he spent much time in the city. Let it be a surprise.

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I'm hungry.

Unread postby Endesu » Mon Feb 13, 2006 1:18 pm

End nodded and smiled a bit to Kyle's response, glad that his buddy had kept his stuff. Bad things could happen if his stuff had been lost... but it hadn't been lost, so everything was okay. "It'd be nice to see Fresca again, too."

He jumped to the ground as Marie sampled the sake. This sudden jump had a high chance of startling the unaware bird napping on his head. As far as the sake went, there was a fruity fragrance with a somewhat mellow, soft taste. Although this clearly wasn't the highest-grade sake around, its fine flavor indicated a degree of brewing that wasn't a part of the making of lower-grade sake.

The Moogle became somewhat curious about Kyle's sudden dip in mood. "Well, to tell the truth, I came here not that long ago, so I guess I haven't had the time to arrange a place to stay just yet." He rubbed the back of his head and smiled a bit. "I tried to swing by the Jade Dragon and cajole Dia into getting me a room, but apparently something happened to the Inn, so that's not really an option."

His ears were flicking about a bit as he nodded. "So... yeah, any hospitality that can be offered would be 'ppreciated!"

He had clearly noted Kyle's break in words, and although his ears were flicking and he had a bit of a concerned look on his face, he didn't bring it up.

End briefly looked back to Kelne for a moment. "Oh, yeah, Kelne. Since you were around during that thing with Malachias, lemme ask you... how'd the rest of the battle go? I know you guys beat him, obviously, but I wanna know what happened after I was kinda pitched out." He spoke about the experience with a bit of detachment. Apparently his most recent 'death' hadn't had that much of an impact on him.


"Like I said, don' worry about it." Ninurta groused, sipping at the water. "Too much shit to get involved in, 'specially someone like you who's givin free drinks around. Don' wanna punish you for your charity, ya know."

Although his words sounded suspicious, Greg would find that the man was feeling very calm. His tone may have been annoyed, but he exhibited no feelings of annoyance, aggression, or anything of the like.

A few more customers proceeded to stream into the tavern. One of them appeared to be talking about a jester's convention of some sort taking place tomorrow, and was in fact, advertising this fact to the entire domicile. If Greg cared to, he could listen to the entire spiel.

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Re: The sounds of silence (Not the creepy ones)

Unread postby Capntastic » Tue Feb 14, 2006 1:44 am

"Anything for you, End. Just ask." The young fencer said, and began dishing himself up another serving. Before he continued stuffing his face, he locked back on Marie.

"Oh hey, maybe you could arrange a small tournament with some of the guys from Rondeau's Tavern. A lot of 'em pack blades, and they always tell me they could destroy me any day of the week. I wouldn't want to embarrass them, save for pool, but I'm sure you could get an elimination-ring going. I could even convince Rondeau's son to put up a cash prize. Even if it's not the type of venue you want, you could use the cash to get yourself East."

Hopefully, she'd think on that for a bit before asking anything else of him; so he could get in some quality eating time.

Meanwhile, End would find that Paper is not so hard to shake-- after all, his usual perch was Kyle.

Uncle Pervy

Ocean Waves - Koichi Sugiyama

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Tue Feb 14, 2006 1:51 am

Marie instead finds herself drawn to the moogle's sudden leap. "Ah, the stories have not been exaggerated, monsieur," she says with a grin. "Very well done."

She raises her cup to him, then drains a significant portion of it. Then she looks to Kyle. "Are they professionals? I have no need for beating down thugs for their money."

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Unread postby Capntastic » Tue Feb 14, 2006 2:47 am

"A few mercs, I believe. One used to work for the guard up until things got too distrustful."

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Re: Silencio.

Unread postby Idran1701 » Tue Feb 14, 2006 3:36 am

"Eh, suit y'self. Thin's just seem t' be ba' all 'round f' now. Y' hear there wa' a murder no' two blocks from here th' othe' day?"

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Re: I'm hungry.

Unread postby Kelne » Tue Feb 14, 2006 8:10 am

"Not much to tell, really," Kelne said, "Everybody and his cousin took a shot at him at one point or another, even if there were precious few willing or able to get in his face." Kelne, of course, had been one of those people, as had Vaniyakna, though he was damned if he'd give the tyrant any credit for it.

"It all added up after a while, and I hear a bunch of people he swallowed stabbed their way out from the inside. Of course, he had his revenge by flattening half the city when he fell over." The Jade Dragon had been one of the places squashed, come to think of it. Which just went to show that one or another of the gods had it in for the place.

"Thankfully, he went back to normal size after that. We'd have had a hell of a time hauling him off if he hadn't. Someone or other lopped off his head and got rid of it, and that was that. With him gone, the rest off his lot scurried off back to where they came from. That blasted portal was sealed behind them a dozen different ways. I made sure of that much before I left." He'd left his own nasty little surprise for anyone trying to use it, come to that.

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Re: I'm hungry.

Unread postby Dragon Sage007 » Tue Feb 14, 2006 7:44 pm

Kumo's ears would perk up at 'flung off.' But other than that, he just sort of picked at his food, listening to the conversation around him. None too talkative.

Uncle Pervy

Balloon's Flight - Sea Breeze - Koichi Sugiyama

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Tue Feb 14, 2006 10:28 pm

"Mercenaries? I'll pass challenging them," says Marie.

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Re: Balloon's Flight - Sea Breeze - Koichi Sugiyama

Unread postby Endesu » Wed Feb 15, 2006 3:34 pm

The Moogle still wondered, but as before, didn't bother to bring up that little bit of oddity he had encountered upon checking Kyle's brainspan.

He looked to Marie briefly, somewhat confused to what she was toasting, before remembering the bird on his head. He quickly went to check and see if Paper had fallen from his original perch or had still managed to hang on. Paper was, after all, Kyle's birdo buddy, and nothing good would be gained from an accidental harming.

As he was checking about for Paper, End listened to Kelne. "Heh, yeah, sounds about right. I was at least able to pop one of the bastard's eyes... maybe it didn't beat him, but I'm sure it hurt like hell!

... he ate people, though? And they stabbed their way out of his stomach? And then he smushed Doma... and then shrank?" End scratched his chin. "Well, I did sorta know about his crushing the city, but I didn't know about any of that other stuff. I just thought he was your standard demonic bad guy. Not that he... ate people, or anything like that. I guess I'll have to read up on it somewhere. See if they got statues or something of the heroes.

... do you know if my place was crushed? And if my stuff is still safe?" He showed an increased level of concern upon wonderment concerning his little hovel. He had forgotten entirely about it!

By this time, the plates were beginning to diminish in terms of food. At the current rate of consumption, half of the serving trays would soon be emptied.


Ninurta nodded. "Yeah, I heard. Makes you wonder what people are coming to these days, murdering people who're just tryin' to make a dime. 's like the one time this co-worker 'a mine tries to put the boss down so he can do whatever the hell he wants. Naturally, he was put in his place. He was bitter as hell about the whole thing, but he couldn't do anything."

The man in the bar appeared to be advertising some sort of jester convention to took place in Doma, detailing a specific time and place. However, since Greg was chatting with and listening to Ninurta, he couldn't hear the spiel too clearly.

"That murder, though... it's pretty funny, the way the Guard's been treating it. Makes me wonder if they're hiding something, you know?"

Ninurta checked a watch-type item on his wrist for a moment before proceeding with his water sipping.

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Re: Balloon's Flight - Sea Breeze - Koichi Sugiyama

Unread postby Idran1701 » Wed Feb 15, 2006 4:37 pm

"Eh, maybe th've ju' go' a lead, dun wanna tip off th' guy wha' did i'? Can' think o' wha' else they'd have t' hide, a' least. An' people like tha' guy you worked wi'...y' wonder why they dun just fine another place t' work. No shortage 'f 'em."

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Re: Balloon's Flight - Sea Breeze - Koichi Sugiyama

Unread postby Endesu » Wed Feb 15, 2006 5:00 pm

Ninurta shrugged. "Who knows? Maybe they've got some info that'd really upset the people around here. Wanna keep it under wraps so as to not cause a panic or an uproar."

"And him... well, he admittedly does a good job. He's got problems, some serious problems, but he's an integral part of the group, ya know?"

Ninurta looked off for a bit. "It's gettin' close to half-past. I gotta get goin' soon, buddy."

Uncle Pervy

Final Battle - Breath of Fire II OST

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Feb 15, 2006 9:30 pm

Marie leans in toward Kyle. "The young moogle with the odd color, why is he so sullen?" she asks in a quiet voice.

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Re: Final Battle - Breath of Fire II OST

Unread postby Capntastic » Wed Feb 15, 2006 10:44 pm

Kyle thought back a few years, and felt the best way to sum events up as: "He's had a pretty tough life. Orphan, and all."

This thinking melted away any repressed bad vibes in place of feelings of sadness for Kumo's condition. End still had Paper on his head, at least!

Edited by: [url=>Capntastic</A]&nbsp; Image at: 2/16/06 0:43

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Re: Final Battle - Breath of Fire II OST

Unread postby Idran1701 » Thu Feb 16, 2006 1:02 am

"Eh, n' problem. Goo' talkin' t' y'. Maybe I'll see y' 'round later, bu' I doubt tha'. Headin' ba' soon 'n' all."

IM: Eh, it wasn't a total bust, at least. Though if they're covering anything up, it's probably that...brain...thing.

Uncle Pervy

Cwynfan Pryderi/Pryderi's Lament - Ceredwen

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Feb 16, 2006 2:56 am

"Ah, this is no good," Says Marie, trying not to look back toward Kumo.

She then looks to End. "Monsieur! Why are you not eating with the rest of us?"

Edited by: Uncle Pervy&nbsp; Image at: 2/17/06 23:49

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Re: Balloon's Flight - Sea Breeze - Koichi Sugiyama

Unread postby Kelne » Thu Feb 16, 2006 6:41 am

"Can't say I paid it much mind," Kelne said, "Probably scattered across the continent by now." He was mildly curious to see how much effort End would put into dodging Marie's question.

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Re: Balloon's Flight - Sea Breeze - Koichi Sugiyama

Unread postby Endesu » Thu Feb 16, 2006 12:47 pm

(Pervy should note that End is on the ground, and has been since a few posts ago. Clearly his rum is past its expiration date.)

End factored in the simple equation: Unstable Perch + Wind Speed = Things Fall Off.
Yet Paper managed to hold on. Clearly, Paper was some sort of super bird. The Moogle tentatively poked it.

"... you serious? Damn, other people lootin' me when my back is turned. Why, I oughta shiv' em." The Moogle muttered to Kelne's reply. Clearly, while he was used to looting, he was not as well adapted to the looter being looted. The fact that he also had a bit of draconic blood meant that his personal pile of shinies and collectibles had been an important thing to him.

He would've had more time to deliberate over this if Marie hadn't questioned him with the question he was trying to avoid. "Well, ya see, when I left, uh, port, I was already stuffed full of their food! Lots of good stuff. Don' need any of this, you know what I mean?"

He grinned, doing his best to appear honest. And since he was a Moogle, he looked cute as he did such. Which would obviously add to his attempt to convince Marie.


Ninurta nodded to Greg, patted him on the shoulder, and got up from his stool, leaving about five gil as a tip for the bartender. He wasted no time in leaving.

Based on what the man had said, it was only half-past noon. Apparently, there was still a half hour before Greg's 'buddy' at the crime scene was due to take a break. One would wonder what to do next.

By now, the man advertising the jester convention had finished his spiel, leaving behind a number of cards on each table. He had left shortly before Ninurta.

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Re: Balloon's Flight - Sea Breeze - Koichi Sugiyama

Unread postby Capntastic » Fri Feb 17, 2006 2:17 am

Paper replied to the pokage with a drowsy chirp.

Having finished his own meal, Kyle began to dish up an extra plate of tasty treats; for Fresca, logically.

"I'm ready to go whenever, but you all take your time. I'm just so excited, is all."


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