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Re: The End???

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Sun Nov 19, 2006 11:22 pm

Bunny's eyes opened slowly.

Her body ached so badly that she could not hardly lift her head. She forced herself to use her arms. Slowly she pushed herself up.

Her lips moved as she sat back on her knees.

". . . please. ..do. . .n't . . do this . ." Bunny's voice was soft and weak. She reached forward trying to craw her way to the outer ring. "I'm. . .not dead. . ." she said so softly it was most likely no one heard her. "I. .will keep. . .fighting you." She closed her eyes as she fell forward still far from where she wished she was. Her hand fell to the ground gathering a handful of dirt she closed her eyes.

"Please. . . .stop. . ."

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Re: The End???

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Mon Nov 20, 2006 4:51 am

Coppermirth slowly eased up onto his feet, and spotted his trusty spear-scythe, and limped as quickly as he could towards it. Only one more villain remained.

Drakhurn scoffed at his adversaries, and ignored them. They were non-factors now.

"This is destiny, to go against this is to go against the cosmic force of creation itself. Now Krelgoth shall be released from his centuries long prison. And in turn... so shall WE." he hissed and brought down his blade, upon the young boy's chest.

A sickening sound could be heard, like the puncturing of a melon, the young boy gasped out loud, and Drakhurn's eyes narrowed in triumphant glory. This was what he had been waiting for, for almost half a century.

But then... a disgusting howl escaped forth from within the crystal, and a low rumble soon followed. The energy levels were rising... something was wrong.

Only then did Drakhurn see it, as the boy oozed forth dark green blood...

"No... " he gasped, as he then saw that very same child curled up behind the altar. And the boy he had stabbed shifted back into his real form... it was Gabbagi. He had managed to switch places with the child... obviously during one of the many times Drakhurn had his back throughout the battle.

"No.... impossible..." hissed Drakhurn, seeing his dreams being crushed before him. It had to be pure blood, not the blood of a corrupted being... this ruined everything. Through pained breaths, Gabbagi chuckled up at his former-leader.

"Whose... a fool now... asshole?" laughed the crimson shapeshifter even as he choked on his own blood. Drakhurn roared in unimaginable fury, seemingly losing all self control at this point.

"YOU MISERABLE LITTLE CRETIN!!! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU'VE DONE!?!?!" asked the shadowy being, thoroughly enraged. His body seemed to reflect this emotion, as his form became highly erractic and unstable.

Not giving the wounded and dying Gabbagi a chance to respond, the living darkness grabbed the shapeshifter, and proceeded in throwing him towards Duile and his fellow commrades. "This... this is.... nothing.... nothing at all." said Drakhurn, stuttering and nervous, as his eyes fell upon the child lying next to the altar.

"I... I... I can still fix this. Yes. Yes I can." he gasped, reaching for the small boy, who, under a trance, could put up no fight at all.

Not even missing a beat, the wounded Duile looked at his fellow warriors, his compatriots... his friends. "That's our cue!!" he said as he picked up his spear-scythe.

"Let's put an end to this nightmare." he ordered to those who could still move, as he began to rush forward, as fast as he could, despite his pain.

Gabbagi, in the mean time, laid there in a heap. Despite the blood pouring forth from the corners of his mouth... he had on a triumphant smile.

Edited by: Ash Fanrico  Image at: 11/20/06 4:52


Re: The End???

Unread postby Seethe347 » Mon Nov 20, 2006 2:24 pm

At the sight of the blade falling toward the boy's chest, Kilisha closed her eyes and looked away, unable to watch. She began to sob as the knowledge that she had failed the child sank in. But then, Drakhurn's sudden outburst of confusion and rage caught her attention.

Looking back up, she saw that Gabbagi had replaced the boy. Apparently, he had sacrificed himself.

Though she didn't feel any better about the shapeshifter being stabbed, she realized that this meant that the ritual had not yet succeeded. At least there was still more time to stop the demon, so she started cutting Tileesha's vines again until she was free.

Climbing to her feet, she joined Duile's rush against the shadowy fiend.

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Re: The End???

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Mon Nov 20, 2006 5:14 pm

Bunny pushed herself up after listing to the sound. She watched in horor as the shape shifter revealed hisself.

"Gabbagi. . . ." Bunny gasped. "Gabbagi!" She shouted forceing herself up even more. Standing on shakey legs she started to move towards Drakhurn.

"I will get revenge for what you have done." SHe shouted and started to move faster.

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Re: The End???

Unread postby Endesu » Wed Nov 22, 2006 6:36 am

Inana had paused, ever-so-briefly.

Henceforth, she continued in her charge, and let her gathered burst of magic fly towards the last standing bad guy.

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Re: The End???

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Sun Dec 03, 2006 6:09 am

A thin wall of blackness slithered up in front of Drakhurn, asorbing the young magic user's attack. All this served was to get his attention...

Drakhurn looked towards the group as it raced towards him. Breaking his usual demeanor, the living darkness snarled as he lunged towards the quartet. Lashing out at them with the fury of a crazed animal. They were on the verge of ruining his plans... and he was desprately trying to avoid that outcome.

"What's the matter Drakhurn? We spoiling your little party?" asked Duile as he dodged to the side of a flailing tendril. With that Drakhurn rocketed forward, grabbing Coppermirth around the throat, lifting him up into the air.

"As I said... half-breed... you only serve to delay the inevitable!!" growled Drakhurn as he slowly began to choke the half-elf, as the rest of him tried to keep the others busy...


Re: The End???

Unread postby Seethe347 » Sun Dec 03, 2006 9:42 pm

Kilisha was being kept busy dodging the tentacles that lashed at her. She knew she needed to get closer to Drakhurn's main body before she could do any good, though. Summoning all of her agility, she attempted to dance her way through the living obstacle course.

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Re: The End???

Unread postby Endesu » Mon Dec 04, 2006 4:08 am

Inana, desperate to not let this attempt go to waste, attempted to gather a burst of energy around her very body before charging into the midst of the tentacles, aiming to disrupt enough of them to temporarily weaken the ongoing attack.

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The End??

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Mon Dec 04, 2006 5:46 pm

"We may be delaying you," Bunny said smiling. "But you seem to be in a hurry." She thrusted her hands behind her as she broke into a sloppy run.

"All we need to do is make you LATE!" She shouted as she headed towards the monster.

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Re: The End??

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Wed Dec 13, 2006 4:23 am

The ground shook with a mighty fury, as the obelisk throbbed with chaotic energies... this only seemed to increase as the seconds passed.

Duile was fighting back against Drakhurn's vice-like grip as best as possible. The living shadow was almost snarling at the half-elf, taking no notice of Inana's actions... for which he would pay for.

The demonic shadow screamed in pain, in anger, and in frustration as he felt the familiar sting of the young mage's magic. The black inky tendrils stopped in their tracks, pulsating and quivering in pain. Dropping the half-elf, Drakhurn turned around, lunging towards Inana. "I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU... BITCH!!!" he roared, as he shot his hand forward, hitting Inana scare in the chest. Immediately, upon contact, his fingers began to ooze outward, slowly overtaking the young magic-user's body, covering her with a suffocating blanket of darkness.

Duile, meanwhile, was slowly getting to his feet, and reaching for his trusty weapon. Turning to Kilisha, the half-elf, through hand signals, (which he hoped she'd understand) to get the kids.

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Re: The End??

Unread postby Endesu » Wed Dec 13, 2006 4:29 am

Inana choked slightly, but held strong, attempting to gather enough energy within her body to hold off the encroaching wave of darkness. She hadn't been anticipating this attack, and it was already rather efficiently overtaking her.... but she'd be damned if she was about to give up now!

Her form began to shake slightly as she attempted to directly fight off Drakhurn's attempt. As she shook, an after-image of Astrynax flickered in her place every moment or so...


Re: The End??

Unread postby Seethe347 » Wed Dec 13, 2006 10:40 pm

Kilisha was quick enough in figuring out the meaning of the hand signals. Dodging her past the tentacles, she made her way to the altar where she had seen the male child. She hoped the female child was nearby as well. She also looked at Gabbagi to see what condition he was in.

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Re: The End??

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Wed Dec 13, 2006 11:26 pm

Bunny watched what was going on. She knew that Kilisha could save the children. She limped onward, slowly making her way towards the others.

She took out her flute and lifted it to her lips.

"This is all. . .I can do now." She said and began to play her healing melody. Her mind focused on Duile. Her eyes glowed and she immediately felt the strain on her mind. She pushed through it. Even if it was a small amount, she had to give him some strength

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Almost there...

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Wed Jan 03, 2007 7:28 am

The tremors increased, as cracks began to form upon the surface of the Obelisk.

-Kilisha: The children were, for the most part, fine. They were just currently under a slight trance, undoubtedly Drakhurn's doing.

Gabbagi on the other hand, as he lay there at the bottom of the alter's footsteps, was not doing so well. The wound he had recieved was quite fatal, and he was fading with each passing moment.

Duile was taken back as he felt a small measure of his strength returning to him. He looked over at Bunny, knowing that she had had a hand in this. Grinning, he winked at her, a sign of quiet thanks. The half-elf then resolved to ensure that her efforts did not go to waste, it was time to finish this.

Rearing back, spear-scythe firmly in hand, Duile gathered all the available strength he could, all the strength his body had left after this entire ordeal. With that, he swung forward with all his might, the blade cutting through the very air, streaking down towards his foe. The feeling of impact, and the resulting ungodly shriek of pain were what awarded him.

Drakhurn was taken completely by surprise by Coppermirth's actions, having obviously over-exerted himself. To this end, the living shadow writhed in agony as he tried to dislodge the scythe-blade from his body. A wave, an explosion, of tendrils oozed down the spear's shaft... towards Duile, focusing almost all of Drakhurn's attention upon Coppermirth. Groaning in pain and frustration, the half-elf stood firm as the slithering extensions lashed at his hands and face. "It's OVER." groaned Duile, trying to push himself further, despite his fading strength. His muscles screaming for him to stop, his body aching all over, the half-elf slowly and steadily began to lean back, lifting his embedded weapon as he went and taking the shadowy demon with it.

"Inana!!" he gasped, feeling this last ditch effort, this last burst of strength... quickly fading.

(Sorry for the lateness again.)


Re: Almost there...

Unread postby Seethe347 » Thu Jan 04, 2007 1:13 am

Seeing Gabaggi's condition, Kilisha wished there was something she could do. Unfortunately, she couldn't move the two children and the shapeshifter at the same time. Even if she could move him, there wouldn't be much else she could do for him beyond that and it might even cause more damage.

Focusing herself on what she could do, she lifted the two children up, one under each arm. Hoping Drakhurn would be too preoccupied with her friends to stop her, Kilisha carried the two children away from the altar as quickly as she could.

Edited by: [url=http://p068.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=seethe347>Seethe347</A] at: 1/5/07 2:03

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Re: Almost there...

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Fri Jan 05, 2007 1:18 am

Bunny smiled as she stumbeled forward and contiued to play.

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Re: Almost there...

Unread postby Endesu » Sun Jan 07, 2007 6:21 pm

A moment passed as Inana forced herself to regain composure... despite what may come, she had to charge her energy one last time - given the circumstances, she was having some difficulty focusing - and a desperate moment seemed to pass as she effectively floundered...

Until the afterimage of Astrynax seemed to solidify entirely, just behind her, regardless of her position, and steadied her arms and stance.

"Calm yourself, and you'll be capable."

Inana's breath froze for just a moment before she firmly nodded. She swiftly gathered a bubble of energy around herself, her eyes focusing on Drakhurn as she did so. Once the bubble of energy had completed, she thrusted her hands out towards him... laying both hands on the shadowy being at once and discharging as much of the energy she had both in the bubble and her own body into him.

Astrynax, now solidified and separate from Inana himself, calmly regarded the scene between Duile, Drakhurn, and Inana before adding a final contribution to the scene - a single blast. He honestly didn't expect to have to put anything else into this attack.

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Been long overdue.

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Fri May 11, 2007 12:33 am

(Time to finally get around to ending this f'n story. I mean seriously...)

The combined efforts of both Inana and Astrynax tore into Drakhurn's shadowy body with enough magic force that almost rivaled what was being put forth by the Obelisk, shaking the very altar upon which they all stood. The only thing that could be heard was the monster's unholy demonic scream.

Dark purple blood oozed from Drakhurn's body as he slowly began to slide off Coppermirth's spear-scythe. Upon hitting the ground, a great deal of his body crumpled off like ashes. Yet, despite this, the shadowy demon was still alive, moaning and gurgling as he slowly crawled down the altar, each movement brought more and more blood from his body.

Duile, in the meantime, collapsed onto one knee, feeling quite drained after that.

Near the foot of the altar stood Bouregard, clutching at the many wounds he had recieved during the battle. Strung over his shoulder was the dead body of Tileesha. Drakhurn looked up at his commrade, his eyes pleading, as the ground rumbled and shook all around them.

"Help... me..." he begged, holding a weakened arm out towards his friend.

Bouregard just stood there and glared, seeing all that their efforts had brought, and seeing all what was left. He looked over to Tileesha's body, as if expecting her to say something, as if hoping there was still some measure of life within her. There was none, and he looked back towards Drakhurn, that glare transfixed upon his former leader.

"Go ta hell Drakhurn. I'm throo whicha." grumbled Bouregard as he turned his back on his now former friend, and disappeared into the shadows of Belvoken.

Drakhurn seemed to be on the edge of tears, as he held that pose, hoping that his teammate would still come rescue him from his fate. But deep down, he knew Bouregard wasn't going to come back...

"Won't this sonuvabitch die?!?" asked Duile as he tried to pick himself up again, to go finish off his opponent once and for all, to finally end this sick game...

Suddenly large cracks raced across the surface of the altar, attention was instantly turned towards the Obelisk. "Oh shit." gasped Duile before a surge of energy erupted forth from the Obelisk, hitting the altar with almost gale force-like power, nearly knocking everyone off in the process. Things were only getting worse, as very ground at the foot of the Obelisk began to crack apart like egg-shells, and spiraled outwards.

"We gotta get out of here." muttered Duile as he tried to pull himself up... looking to the others. "C'mon!!!" he bellowed, struggling like mad to move his exhausted body, as all hell continued to break loose around them...

(please post your characters' reactions. ^^)

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Unread postby Seethe » Sat May 12, 2007 4:09 pm

Kilisha had at least gotten the kids away from the altar, but she didn't intend to get too far away. She doubted that she would have much of getting the children out of this demon-infested town by herself.

At the sound of Inana and Astrynax' blast and the shadow demon's subsequent scream, Lisha turned around and saw that Drakhurn had apparently been defeated. It looked like Bouregard was up again, though. Luckily, the hulking demon didn't seem interested in helping its boss anymore.

Just when Kilisha was starting to feel the relief of a crisis ended, a blast of energy suddenly surged from the obelisk. Kilisha backed away from the spreading cracks. Then, hearing hearing Duile's call to escape, she bolted away, still carrying the children and not intending to let them come to harm.

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Unread postby Endesu » Mon May 14, 2007 2:52 pm

Contact was made, and the combined attack dealt its intended damage. Inana let out a sigh of relief, while Asty simply looked upon the defeated Drakhurn with a somewhat smug glance.

However, there wasn't much time to sit around and gloat - everything was going up in flames, so to speak. Inana was already taking off, attempting to find a position towards the front in order to clear out a safe path for escape for the group.

Astrynax, however, lingered behind, still giving Drakhurn that same smug glance. The glance dropped... and the Mage spat at the vanquished darkling.

That done, the Mage followed after.

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Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Mon May 14, 2007 9:43 pm

Bunny's eyes widened as she watched the obelisk fall. Their goal was almost done.

She took a deep breath as she stared at the monster who had caused so much trouble.

"Drakhurn," she said in a dangerous voice. "You. . .you. . .you.” Her hands shook has she balled them into fists. “YOU HAVE LOST!”

"I'll led you my shoulder since you lent me yours." She said reaching out her hand. "Let this fool die by his own hand."

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getting close...

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Tue May 15, 2007 1:10 am

Time was running out fast, as the tremors caused by the Obelisk grew in strength, and the output of energy was rapidly increasing.

Duile leaned up against Bunny as they quickly made their way down the altar, the half-elf dragging his spear-scythe behind him, leaving Drakhurn alone at the top of the altar.

There wasn't much time, and there wasn't going to be any warning, as the built up power within the Obelisk was unleashed, shooting upwards and out, in a destructive sphere of energy. The group only had seconds to comprehend this as it overtook them...

The explosion of energy was like a cannon shot across the elemental and astral planes, and only a loud scream could be heard the entire time. An inhuman, ungodly roar of pain, frustration, and anguish. Mages, Telepaths and Priests of all kinds within 100 miles of Belvoken could feel this disturbance, this chaotic and dark power that suddenly flashed across their very being, penetrating their minds like a dagger.

Then it suddenly stopped, gone as quickly as it had come. Leaving only a still quiet.


Duile opened his eyes after what felt like an eternity, and found himself lying upon the cold, hard, ground... surrounded by almost pitch black darkness.

"What the... hell happened?" he asked, completely speechless as to this sudden turn of events. Not to mention something about this place obviously didn't sit well with him.

He glanced about his surroundings, and found that despite the fact he was in almost total darkness... he could see that his fellow teammates were there with him, lying on the ground as well.

"What... is the meaning of this?" he asked, shaking Bunny's arm, she being the closest one to him at the moment.

"Welcome... Coppermirth." came a deep voice from out of the shadows, as eerie blue torches suddenly dotted the terrain... adding a glow to the surroundings.

Standing no more than about five feet away from where the group lay, was a figure, a BIG shadowy figure... with piercing red eyes...

(post reactions, and whatnot. :D)

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Unread postby Seethe » Tue May 15, 2007 6:27 pm

Kilisha woke up a few seconds after Duile. Pushing herself from the ground, she slowly looked around, still dazed and trying to get her bearings. Total darkness surrounded her. For a second, she was afraid that this was the darkness of death. But she quickly saw that her companions were there as well, so at least she wasn't alone. Then she glanced around again to see if the children were there as well.

A moment later, she heard a voice address Duile while several blue torch-lights appeared. Jumping to her feet, she spun around to see the creature that had spoken.

"Got another... baddie... to deal with, do we?" she asked as she reached for her bow. "Last one, I hope. With... all this fighting... I'm gonna be sore for a week."

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Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Tue May 15, 2007 10:21 pm

Bunny shook her head.

"I. . .I feel something much worse than before." She said her voice shaking. Her horn and eyes glowed dimly as she stared at the landscape.

When the voice reached her ears Bunny's eyes dilated and she fell to her knees. She held on to Duiles hand as she watched the blue flames dance.

"I. . .don't know what it is." Bunny’s other hand reached for her flute. She closed her eyes and concentrated gathering her strength to fight off her primal needs to run.

"Who. . .who are you?" She asked as her horn glowed softly in the darkness.

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Unread postby Endesu » Wed May 16, 2007 3:13 am

Uh oh. Don't tell me...

Astrynax groaned slightly as he came to stand and face the being in shadow; he was still a wee bit tired from the whole "coming back to life" bit, so he wasn't exactly prepared for a potential second round.

He wasn't particularly surprised that something else remained, though he had to wonder - what other loose end had come up? What else would they have to deal with?

Whatever the case, the Mage was already getting back to his feet, if possible, and preparing to fight if necessary.

Inana had, for the moment, mysteriously vanished.

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and more

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Fri May 18, 2007 12:37 am

The children were there with them, asleep.

The stranger seemed to take notice of some of the group's reactions.

"Welcome travellers. Do not fear... I am not your enemy. Quite to the contrary... I'm the one who spared you from the same fate as Drakhurn." said the eyes.

"So who are you then?" asked Duile, wanting to know the name of the person who saved him.

The eyes turned to slits as a low chuckle rumbled through the room. "My name... is Kayne. You could call me... a curator... or a warden... of sorts." came the voice.

Duile was in no mood for mysteries, having had quite enough of that already. "Yeah? Of what then?" he asked.

Again, the shadowy figure chuckled, obviously bemused by the Half-Elf's attitude.

"Let's just say I'm one of those charged with watching over the place many of you mortals don't want to go to... in the next life." replied the one calling himself Kayne.

Duile's eyes widened for a moment, obviously realizing what was meant by that statement. But all it did was make him more uneasy about this situation.

(again, post reactions)

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Unread postby Seethe » Fri May 18, 2007 1:29 am

The voice claimed that it wasn't an enemy. Kilisha wasn't certain, but she let herself relax and left her bow alone for the moment. At least if the shadowy being had meant her and her friends any harm, they probably wouldn't have woken up unrestrained, if they had woken up at all. Better to be civil now.

Kayne... Kilisha knew that name. The god of demons. But that was all she knew. Still, since Kilisha was a demon, though she wasn't born one, she thought she needed to show some kind of sign of respect or submission. She didn't know what kind of sign Kayne usually expected, so she just threw herself down prostrate.

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Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Fri May 18, 2007 10:51 pm

Bunny was terified of the creature infront of them. Her animal side was frozen as she sat down and watched what was going on.

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Unread postby Endesu » Wed May 23, 2007 11:18 am

Astrynax did not kick his heels back and relax in response to this news.

Nor did he attempt to engage in an attack - given that there was no apparent need for conflict, he wasn't about to foolishly bring another battle on.

No, what he did, once he had brought himself to a standing position, was fold his arms and glare at the eyes. "Well, fine then," the Mage responded, clearly not showing too much fear of this new figure. "You helped us get out of the town in time to avoid a needlessly messy death. Much appreciated. Is that all you have to tell us?"

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More Stuff

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Sun May 27, 2007 1:57 am

Kayne's eyes took on a noticably confused appearance at Kilisha's actions. "Charmed my dear, I really am, but there's no need for such displays." he assurred, chuckling again before the mage spoke up. To this the eyes took on a slight agitated look.

"Why mage? Do you think I suddenly owe you explanations?" asked Kayne. Duile suddenly stepped forward. He was in no mood for mysteries, no mood for wordplay.

"Well I don't know about him, but I'd certainly like some answers. I almost freakin' died out there countless times, so I'd like to know some things." he replied.

Kayne's eyes turned towards him, "And what pray tell do you wish to know Coppermirth?"

"Well for starters... why are you helping us?" inquired Duile, his arms crossed.

Kayne seemed to mull that over for a second, then looked back into Duile's eye. "Why? Because... what was trapped in Belvoken I sincerely wished to NOT see unleashed." he replied.

"Wait... do you mean that Kreel... Krul... that Krelgoth guy that Drakhurn was talking about?" asked the half-elf.

The eyes of the Demon God suddenly moved down a few inches, then back up to their original position "That is the one." he said.

(Anything your characters would like to add before I go on?)

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Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Sun May 27, 2007 8:44 pm

oc: (Guys I am heading out for the week and will not back until Saturday afternoon. I will posts replies when I get back of if Ash wishes he can write for me.) :nyoron:

:ghost: burp

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Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Sat Jun 02, 2007 9:21 pm

(im back from my trip

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Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Sun Jun 03, 2007 4:36 am

ooc: (cool. I'll get to work on the next part later on today then. ^^)

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Unread postby Seethe » Sun Jun 03, 2007 8:58 pm

Kilisha stood back up. At first she looked uncertain, then shrugged and relaxed.

"So... are we... actually still alive?" she asked, trying to speak softly but not really having been able to tell for sure from the cryptic conversation and wanting to hear the answer in no uncertain terms. "And... what has become of Belvoken? Is it... gone?"

(OOC: By the way, how is that Kilisha picture coming along?)

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Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Mon Jun 04, 2007 12:50 am

(ooc: slowly I'm afraid.)

Both Kayne and Duile turned towards Kilisha.

"You are indeed alive, all of you. I have ensured that, Drakhurn did not fare well though I'm afraid." replied Kayne, a sense of amusement and sarcasm in his words.

"As to your second question... Belvoken still stands, though far more worse for wear than previous." he said, arms still folded.

(OOC: Anything else, by any chance, before we continue?)

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Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Mon Jun 04, 2007 3:43 pm

"Wha. . .what about. . ." Bunny said as she lifted her head slowly and looked at the creature.

"Gabbagi?" She said sadly. "Is. . .is he. . ?" She closed her eyes. She couldn't stand the fear that was grasping her and began to shake even more.

"I hope he is ok," she said sadly.

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Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Mon Jun 11, 2007 1:44 am

Kayne sighed and looked over to Bunny, his burning red gaze belying the obvious (to her) kindness she could sense from him.

"I'm afraid he did not make it, my child. In the end though, it was your kindness and understanding that gave him the strength he needed to do what he did, and in the end, that proved to be one of the deciding factors after all." replied Kayne.

(OOC: anything else?)

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Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Mon Jun 11, 2007 6:11 pm

Bunny felt her body lighten. The intent was not a bad one. She lowered her head.

"He, wasn't bad realy." She said sadly.

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Unread postby Endesu » Wed Jun 13, 2007 12:24 am

Anything from Asty?

No. He simply stood apart, tapping a foot impatiently. Perhaps he was expecting something more of an explanation, or a quick and decisive bit o' teleportation back to Doma.

Whatever the case, he remained in that oh-so-obnoxious pose.

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Ash Fanrico
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Winding Down

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Tue Jul 10, 2007 10:39 pm

Duile stepped between Bunny and Kayne. "So... what was so special about this Krelgoth?"

Kayne chuckled, "Why do you need to know? Having him unleashed upon the world would've been bad. You all, Gabbagi included, stopped it from happening."

Duile sighed, his patience wearing thin. "Ok. Fine. But what part did Jonesy have in all this? If this was such an important ceremony to Drakhurn's crew, WHY did they have Jonesy go tell DeMalo?" he asked, looking right into those eyes.

Again, to this question Kayne only chuckled more. "What? You think the only thing I've done, this entire time, is perform a last second save?" he asked.

Duile's head titled to the side, "So it was you... back there with the Dragga..."

"Now you're getting it. Well, as much as I LOVE the company, I got things to do, and I'm sure you'd all love to get back to your lives and return those kids to their father." he said, with a kind voice that belied his apparent nature.

Duile had many more questions for Kayne, like why Jonesy was in league with Drakhurn's group, why were these children chosen, and so many more... but before they could escape his lips, the group found themselves enveloped in light once more.

Within the blink of an eye, they were back on the mortal plain, about fifty feet from what was left of Belvoken. As a parting gift, all their wounds had been healed up by Kayne.

"Dammit." cursed Duile, grumbling to himself, as he surveyed the remains of the town he had just previously been in. About twenty feet away from the entrace to Belvoken, stretching about roughly a mile or so, was a large depression within the ground. Debris was strewn about in all directions.

Coppermirth sighed, "Well we can hope those poor souls trapped within will finally get some peace." he said, as he turned towards his commrades.


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