Daring, or Stupid? (Freestyle Gaera rp)

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Re: ..

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Thu Feb 12, 2004 11:07 am

Duile finished up the cleaning, "No problem." he replied, wondering who or what is making this Usagijin feel this way. But all his questions and guesses eventually went to one place... Belvoken.

"Well... try to block it out if you can." he added, getting up and turning to the others.

"Everyone ok?" he asked, looking at Kilisha and Astrynax.

Edited by: Ash Fanrico  Image at: 2/12/04 11:08 am

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Re: ..

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Thu Feb 12, 2004 11:51 am

She sighed.

"Don't know," she said looking at him. "I feel weird, like someone is hurting somewhere or something is wanting something." She sighed. "Its angry and scared at the same time I think. Its making me feel strange and I don't like it."

"Thank you Dulie," she said.


Re: ..

Unread postby Seethe347 » Thu Feb 12, 2004 4:26 pm

Kilisha nodded.

"I'm okay."

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Re: ..

Unread postby Endesu » Thu Feb 12, 2004 4:44 pm

"No. Now, are we going to get moving again? I believe we've wasted enough time mulling around these sacks of rotting flesh."

Asty said this as he lightly fawned himself with a burst of flame. This was done in an attempt to dry himself so he wouldn't fall victim to colds. Truly fierce colds..

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Re: ..

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Fri Feb 13, 2004 1:37 am

"You're right mage... we've got a job to finish." said Duile as he turned around, looking down at the latest kills.

"I have a feeling our battles have just begun." he muttered while kicking at the rotting (not to mention half headless) bag of flesh down near his feet.

The group got back on track, after being so rudely interupted, and soon... Belvoken was in plain view. A looming shadow against the fog, which gave the impression that even the mist was afraid of this place.

"Stick together, and if something seems out of place... don't be afraid to speak up." ordered Duile, a bit amused at how he sounded, like he was the group's leader.

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Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Fri Feb 13, 2004 5:34 pm

Bunny nodded pointing her ears forward, straining to hear anything that may be out of sorts.


Re: re

Unread postby Seethe347 » Fri Feb 13, 2004 6:01 pm

Lisha was anxious to get away from these corpses, because they really stank. But, she imagined that Belvoken would smell even worse.

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Re: re

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Sat Feb 14, 2004 1:02 am

The Four strode into town, the fog accenting every step. Washing around them, like demons' fingers... like it had sentience.

Suddenly, without warning, the surroundings changed. The fog disappeared, the town around them seemed alive... rebuilding itself. The darkness gave way to bright morning, and soon... people were walking around them. Normal, ordinary people. Merchants, Farmers, Bankers, Tradesmen, Husbands, Wives, Children... they were all there.

Duile looked about... having a bad feeling about this. He kept his spear-scythe close to him.

Then... the whole bustling town stopped... and each villager looked right at the group. Not a sound could be heard...


A voice ripped through each of their minds... a rough voice... a menacing voice. Like the sound of breaking glass.

It's been so long... since we've had visitors.

(OOC: I'll take a break... to allow each character a chance to react to this scene, before continuing)

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Re: re

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Sat Feb 14, 2004 2:18 am

Bunny felt something rip at her as the voice spoke in her mind, she shuddered and hid behind Duile. She could see the people, they were staring at them. She bit her lower lip.

"Not there, but they are there." She said. The horn on her head glowed softly as she stared at them. Her hand griped her flute tight. She felt sick, but didn't know why. She began to wonder if her animal side would take over. She shook her head and grabbed Duile's arm.

"Can you feel that?" She said shakily. "Can you all feel it?"

The glow of her horn softened and dulled as she stared at the villagers.

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Re: re

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Sun Feb 15, 2004 3:59 am

Duile could sense fear and growing panic in the usagijin... mother's side of the mixture never ceased to amaze him even to this day.

"Yes." was all that came as a reply... he had felt the voice and was obviously staring at the menacing glares from the "villagers".

He gripped onto her hand tightly, not hurting her... but meant to be reassuring. "Don't be afraid... the worst thing that can happen now... is giving into your fear." he said, trying to calm her.

This coming from someone who was feeling a bit edgey himself. He may be half-elf, but even elves (though some would say differently) have the emotion of fear. That very same feeling was beginning to wrap it's hold around his mind.

Duile hadtold Bunny that not only to calm her... but reassure himself as well.



Unread postby Seethe347 » Sun Feb 15, 2004 6:20 pm

Lisha didn't like this situation at all. She didn't like the stares from the villagers and she really didn't like the voice that was invading her mind. It was all far too reminiscent of what she had been through before. She was afraid, but mostly, she was pissed.

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Re: ...

Unread postby Endesu » Mon Feb 16, 2004 6:19 pm

Astrynax stared at them for a moment.

His first response was one of contempt. "Kh!"

It was an utterance he hadn't made in a while.. but he felt it suited the situation. He felt no real fear here - he had been undead at least twice. He could understand any feelings of hostility or contempt undead could feel.

.. not that he cared, now.

Once that was done, he strode a few steps before the others, directly confronting the 'town' and gave everything a quick 'power scan'. He was interested in seeing if there was anything of relative power here. Everything looked dead, but one could never be completely certain.

He would have tried an astral check, but he rather bad at that - he had never been able to do it as well as Enlil had. Not that he reflected on that for long - back to the scanning!

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Re: ...

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Tue Feb 17, 2004 1:59 am

It's been a long time... oh yes... it has.

The voice's tone was more of an anxious one now... as the scene started back up again. The villagers returned to their then daily routines. The members of the group could swear they were being shown a flashback.

Soon... the sun was eclipsed, and a violent rumble could be heard, as well as felt. The village was a scene of sheer chaos, people running around, blinded by panic. Suddenly, the ground about ten feet away from the group cracked apart, dark green gas spewing forth.

The villagers stopped in their screaming and the whole town was eerily quiet.

A long time since then... since we arrived...

From out of those cracks shot forth a large obelisk, like a dark crystal... Astrynax could sense menacing energy flowing forth from it. It was glowing... a light almost harmless glow.

Darkness filled the group's vision... then they were shown the town once more... a few days afterwards. A light fog beginning to form around parts of the buildings. The obelisk was still standing there, like a beacon of pure evil.

The scene before their very eyes changed, as if time and space had been rearranged around them. It was in the town's meeting house. Huddled together like frightened mice. There was talk of leaving, talk of taking action, talk of seeking help from the Doman Army. Talk of strange events around town, noises in the middle of the night, noises inches away from peoples' bed room windows. Cries of pain, of menace, and of torment. They spoke of the few missing persons that were not in attendance... fear that whatever had taken these unfortunates was coming for them next. There was occasional stops in talking, shakingly stopping at any type of "suspicious" noise from outside. Paranoia was deep. They all knew what had caused this... that obelisk that appeared "two days ago".

Yes, indeed they were being shown the origins of this hell hole.

The mist snaked forward, from out of the alleys and corners that they had previously inhabited. Creature soon walked amongst the shadows, covered in this fog. Screams from within the homes echoed through the group's minds.

So many came... so many have failed... what do you think your chances are?

Now the voice was taunting them... mocking the group. The flashback ended on laughter, as the town crumbled again before their eyes, years of neglect and decay appearing as they watched. The fog grew more dense, and the sky grew more darker. They were back in the present.

Though I'm sure you're here for something... I have no doubt of it... we'd love to hunt them down... but you four make a more interesting catch. We'll see how far you can go before you join our ranks of dead.

It grew quiet again, the presence left their minds, and they were left standing there... at the entrance to Belvoken.

Duile looked over at Astrynax, "Sense anything mage?" he asked, trying to put the thoughts of fear behind him.


You sense a strange aura of power within the center of the town, throbbing like a hearbeat. You also can sense the presences of various things within the town, too many at times to count... it was always varying. Confusing.

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Re: ...

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Tue Feb 17, 2004 4:07 pm

Duile sighed, he looked around as best as the fog would allow. "Anyone here get the same feeling as I do?" he asked, before walking a little bit further, before stopping.

"I mean... look at this place! It's pretty shadowy and foreboding... very menacing. Why would these kids... in any rational mind set... have come here of their own will? It... it just doesn't fit... doesn't... seem right. Anyone else get this feeling too?" he asked the others, as they stood there amongst the decrepit and decaying buildings.

Edited by: Ash Fanrico  Image at: 2/17/04 4:09 pm

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Re: ...

Unread postby Endesu » Tue Feb 17, 2004 4:54 pm

The mage watched the events, nonplussed. He was no stranger to 'forced flashbacks'. He was also quite familiar with the 'you stand no chance' threat. However, the presence of the crystal intrigued him, as well as whatever that source of throbbing power was.

Hmhm. Interesting.

He extended a brief bit of telepathy to the town before him, aiming to strike at that annoying voice. Your attempt to be menacing isn't quite up to the par of other villains. I'd rate you at about a 4 out of 10. Possibly 5, if you work on the raspiness.

He eventually turned back to the others, looking towards the half-elf. "Oh, yes. Not only did we just see an evil crystal of impending doom, there also seems to be some sort of core in this town. As well as possibly other mysterious, evil entities." He nodded, looking back to the town again.

I know it's your phrase, Kelne, but I couldn't resist..

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Re: ...

Unread postby Endesu » Tue Feb 17, 2004 5:27 pm

Asty shrugged. "Right. We were well aware that we were going into a dangerous area back in Doma. We became well aware that this area was dangerous some miles back. And we are now well aware that this town is quite possibly evil and might just have a taste for small, prepubescent children. I think any suspicions that we may have had concerning the job should have been obvious enough to bring up earlier.

As such, we may as well head into this."

He lapsed into thought for a moment.

You know, you're no better, considering it didn't completely dawn on you until just now.
Oh, quiet. Last thing I need is to have my mind read me my list of faults.
That's good, because I have at least ten pages.
Fine. Go tell them to someone who cares. Wait, you can't.


Re: ...

Unread postby Seethe347 » Tue Feb 17, 2004 7:10 pm

Lisha was fuming. Some kind of... thing had invaded her mind just to gloat about how it had destroyed a town, just trying to intimidate her. This kind of mental abuse was nothing new to her either, but she had never become used to it. The demons that had put her through it before had seen to that.

She wanted to storm into that town and kill everything there. She almost did storm in, just leaving the group behind if they didn't follow. Fortunately for her, before she took her first step, the rational part of her mind reminded her that, if she did, she would probably be the one to find death, and one that would be as horrible is it would be empty at that. So, she just stood there glaring and waiting for the others to decide when they were ready to go in.

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Re: ...

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Tue Feb 17, 2004 11:20 pm

Bunny let go of Dullies hand and walked forward scanning the seance that lay before them. It was there, but it wasn't. She lowered her head.

"Tricked," she said sadly. "I think that what ever is here tricked the children. Perhaps a grand illusion." She said turning to them.

She looked at her flute, perhaps for comfort. She looked up and smiled at the rest of them, her eyes narrowed. "I say if this thing wants a challenge we give it to it." She turned and put her hands on her hips. "Besides the forests around hear need to be cleansed, so the animals can come back."

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Re: ...

Unread postby Endesu » Tue Feb 17, 2004 11:24 pm

Astrynax was already beginning to head in, regardless of the group. He had decided there was no point in standing around, and was moving forward..

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Bad Move End... really bad move...

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Wed Feb 18, 2004 2:31 am

"Astrynax!!!" called out Duile, trying to stop the mage from leaving the group... but the choice had been made. It was obvious that Astrynax was not in the mood for formulating any kind of plan.

The fog around the mage's steps seemed to pulsate around him... and move with every step he took. There was something hidden underneath the mist. Before the mage could react, a black tendril wrapped around his left leg.

Within mere seconds, the mage found himself back on the ground... and being pulled by some unseen force from within the darkness of Belvoken.

Fortunately, the others had heard the noise of Astrynax's fall, the hard thump onto the dry ground. Duile already had his crossbow out and his scythe popped into place as he rushed forward.

IM:Damned fool... liable to get himself killed!

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Re: Bad Move End... really bad move...

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Wed Feb 18, 2004 4:12 pm

Bunny dashed forward using her speed. She stoped next to Antsy and reached down to help him.


Re: Bad Move End... really bad move...

Unread postby Seethe347 » Wed Feb 18, 2004 4:48 pm

Everyone was finally going in. Kilisha took the bow off of her back, loaded an arrow, and followed Duile and Bunny.

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Re: Bad Move End... really bad move...

Unread postby Endesu » Wed Feb 18, 2004 5:53 pm


Astrynax had to admit, he had been caught unaware, once again. Apparently, the forces within this town were content on making him eat his words.

"I would be afraid if I hadn't died twice already," the Mage mumbled as he tried to pull himself away. The pull was a hard one, yes it was..

So, then, regardless of what the others did, he took matters into his hands. Whether dragged or not, he swiftly gathered energy into his body.. and let out an emnation, an explusion, close to an explosion of elemental mixed with holy energy all around him.

He knew that this would bring about some damage to his form.. and he already felt a slight tinge of mana burn. He knew he needed to recharge..

But he wasn't about to let this typical town of doom take him in. He didn't want to have to die until he had a good reason..

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Re: Bad Move End... really bad move...

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Wed Feb 18, 2004 7:15 pm

(GMing Action: d20 roll: 12)

The expulsion (right?) worked, whatever was pulling him let go, and Astrynax was free.

But now the whole group was there, and soon the sound of multiple slithering tendrils could heard. A hiss from within the fog keyed the group into the source of these slimy appendages.

"GRARRRRRRR!!!" a roar echoed through the fog, expelled air blowing away the surrounding mist... revealing a large mouth covered in vines. Another charming resident within the shadows of Belvoken. It had claimed a large hole in a nearby shop's wall as it's home, from which this massive maw of teeth was currently stationed in.

"Awww shit..." cursed Duile, as they were being surrounded by this monster's tendrils. About six tendrils in all, and the gaping mouth of teeth within the "cave".

(Battle Situation soon... I'll take one or two more reactions from the others before the Order of Initiative is chosen.)

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Re: Bad Move End... really bad move...

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Wed Feb 18, 2004 9:54 pm

Bunnies eyes widened at the mention of a monster, and her heart gave a small leap of hope.

"Monster or daemon?" She shouted. "What do you think it is? If its a monster then I can help with that!"

she closed her eyes and focused, the horn on her head began to glow softly. She opened her eyes and peared forward, her eyes glowing green.

(ooc: requesting to use my monster empathy to see if this is a monster or daemon.)

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Re: Bad Move End... really bad move...

Unread postby Endesu » Thu Feb 19, 2004 12:12 am

Astrynax slowly gathered himself together, took note of the impending battle, and let out a slight snort, once more. "Is nothing ever simple?"

He slowly gathered himself together.. the way he had been using his magic had drained at him, a bit, and he wanted to rest for a bit. But, no.. he had to fight. He had to fight whatever the hell was facing them at the moment.

Why? Just because.

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Re: Bad Move End... really bad move...

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Thu Feb 19, 2004 1:40 am

The creature, whatever it was, let out another roar, as the group stood in the midst of it's appendages.

The Usagijin's glowing gaze surprised Duile. He had seriously underestimated Bunny since he laid eyes on her back at DeMalo's place. Ever since, she's proven to be a worthy asset to the group.

"What are you doing?" he asked her, not taking his eyes completely off the tentacles.

(GM: Request granted, though it's not a monster... more of a demonic hellspawn. But Bunny doesn't know that...)

Order of Initiative:
-Tentacle #1- (Closest to Astrynax)
-Tentacle #2- (Closest to Kilisha)
-Tentacle #3- (Closest to Duile)
-Tentacle #4- (Closest to Bunny)
-Tentacle #5- (2nd Closest to Astrynax)
-Tentacle #6- (2nd Closest to Kilisha)

"Back Row"
-Hellspawn- (Gotta destroy half the tentacles to get closer to it)

(Your turn End)

Edited by: Ash Fanrico  Image at: 2/19/04 2:51 pm

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Re: Bad Move End... really bad move...

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Thu Feb 19, 2004 9:48 am

"If. . .it. . ..is a monster.. . .I might be abel to control it a bit. But only if it is." She had to strain to get that out, but she held her gaze.

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Big Blast Attack!

Unread postby Endesu » Thu Feb 19, 2004 3:58 pm

Astrynax deftly strode forward, raised a hand, and swiftly concentrated a ball of energy within the folds of his palm once again.

He strained a bit with the energy, having become just a bit fatigued.. but stuck with it, and made a full-on blast of lightning, something he hadn't touched in a while.

This done, Asty stretched his palm out towards the tentacle closest to him.. and released the blast.

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Five turns i gotta do...

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Fri Feb 20, 2004 3:04 pm

(GMing Action: d20 Roll: 18 *lucky shot*)

The blast streaked forward, hitting the vine-like tentacle with devastating force. Green-ish blood squirted forth, all over the left side of Astrynax's robes. But what lay at his feet now, was a writhing tentacle... freshly severed.

The hellish maw of teeth screamed it's pain, as it retracted it's wounded appendage. A trail of green blood following it.

-Tentacle #1(Closest to Astrynax)- *Destroyed*

-Tentacle #2(Closest to Kilisha)-

With newly fueled rage, the creature lashed it tentacle out at Kilisha... intent on getting rid of some of it's opponents.

(GMing Action: d20 Roll: 14)

Kilisha felt a vice-like grip around her neck as the tendril coiled itself around her throat. Slowly squeezing the life out of her.


"Kilisha!!!" shouted Duile as he went to his team mate's aid, spear-scythe ready to strike at the tentacle that had it's grip on the succubus' neck.

(GMing Action: d20 Roll: 17 *What's with these rolls all of a sudden?*)

*Chunk* came the sound as the Half-elf buried the scythe end of his spear into the tentacle. Another howl as the gaping mouth from hell screamed in pain, and loosened it's grip on the succubus' neck.

-Tentacle #3(Closest to Duile)-

Now it's attention was aimed at Coppermirth, as another one of it's tentacles quickly went into action.

(GMing Action: d20 Roll: 11)

Before Duile could react, he had a tendril wrapped around his right leg. A powerful tug and the half-elf merc found himself flat on the ground... and being slowly pulled away from the others.

-Tentacle #4(Closest to Bunny)-

With the Half-Elf being currently taken care of, the Hellspawn turned it's attention to the least threatening (or so it seemed) of it's opponents. The Usagijin was currently trying to determine, through her empathy trick, wether or not this creature was a demon or a monster. Which left her sorta open to the abomination's attack.

A tendril whipped out towards the bunny-creature, with hostile intent.

(GMing Action: d20 Roll: 6)

a crash right next to her cued Bunny into the close call she just had, as the tendril smashed a decayed barrel right next to her.


(Your turn Seethe)


Re: Five turns i gotta do...

Unread postby Seethe347 » Fri Feb 20, 2004 5:47 pm

Kilisha saw Duile as he struck the tentacle that was wrapped around her throat with his spear-scythe, making it loosen its grip. Then, as a result of the strangling that the tentacle had given her, she broke into a fit of coughs and her eyes teared up, making her sense of sight usless. She dropped her bow and slashed wildly at the tentacle that was still around her throat with her claws.

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Re: Five turns i gotta do...

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Sat Feb 21, 2004 8:47 pm

Bunny didn't flinch, instead she raised her flute, her eyes staring forward.

"Now now," she said taking out her flute. "That is no way to act." She walked forward. "Calm down, I have a song for you."

She slowly began to play, her eyes and horn glowing even more strongly. The flute lifted around her and as it did her green eyes produced an aura around her.

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Five turns again (GM catchup)

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Sun Feb 22, 2004 4:44 am

-Kilisha's turn-
(GMing Action: d20 Roll: 9)

The claws slashed across the slimy hide of the tendril, but had little to now effect.

-Bunny's Turn-
(GMing Action: d20 Roll: 7 *is suddenly not so lucky with the rolls*)

The hellspawned abomination paid no heed to the flute's music, whatever vile machinations that created it, evidently protected the thing from mind control.

-Tentacle #5 (2nd closest to Astrynax)-

While it paid no heed to Bunny's music, the twisted hellish maw had it's attention span occupied by the Mage.

A twirling sound ripped through the air as another tentacle sped towards the master of the dark arts.

(GMing Action: d20 Roll: 12)

Astrynax, to add to his headache and other bodily woes he has recieved lately, felt a sharp slap across his upper back region. Tearing a good sized rip through the cloak's fabric, and sending the mage flying onto the ground.

-Tentacle #6 (2nd Closest to Kilisha)-

With the mage currently taken care of for the moment, the disgusting demon mouth brought it's attention, and it's tendrils, back to the succubus. The half-elf's earlier attack had weakened it's grip on the woman's neck... which it chose to rectify.

Kilisha could feel a cold sensation creeping up her back, like water pouring in reverse.

(GMing Action: d20 Roll: 5 *grumbles about the low numbers*)

To the fortunate luck of the succubus, the gaping demon maw had shot it's tentacle up through her hair... missing her neck completely. It wrapped it's tentacle in midair, what would have been the neck crushing squeeze had it worked, dropping harmlessly onto Kilisha's shoulder.

-Hellspawn (Back Row)-

The demonic toothy jaws from hell began to convulse, like one about to vomit. Which in this case, was sorta true... like a snake coughing up the remains of an egg shell or an owl spitting up undigested parts of food... this abomination shot out what remained of one of it's previous meals... mainly the skeleton. Shot it right in the direction of Bunny.

(GMing Action: 12)

The airborn skeletal projectile, what looked to be the remains of an orcish nomad, streaked towards Bunny... putrid saliva dripping off it.

The attack was a success, and it managed to knock the usagijin over onto the ground... breaking off the trance she was in. What could only be described as a chuckle could be heard from within the demonic mouth.


(Your Turn End)

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Unread postby Endesu » Tue Feb 24, 2004 4:22 pm

Astrynax fell, assfirst, onto the ground.

That hurt. Sure, everything else had hurt, too. But this thing had just slapped him. Seriously, honestly, slapped him. As if the headache and the slight burn wasn't enough, he had been slapped by that viscous pile of crap.

Astrynax did two things, here. First, he handily threw down his cloak and hood. This was done in a single fling of the arm. Almost immediately, his rage increased, and a sparking red aura developed around him. His power was rising, and he knew what he wanted to use it on..

He swiftly focused on the tentacle that had attacked him, swung two palms forward, and charged. A moment later, he was ready.. and released a stream of sparking fire (with some light) energy streaming towards the tentacle.

(Asty's power has been raised for the remainder of the time that he is conscious. If the battle goes on for too long, he will suffer some physical damage from this 'power up'.)

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Re: .

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Tue Feb 24, 2004 5:05 pm

(GMing Action: d20 Roll: 20! *is surprised*)

The stream of sparkling fire energy tore into it's intended target, not to mention some of the surrounding environment as well.

When it was all said and done, the only thing left of the tentacle was a writhing, burnt stump... which was still smoking. Any bleeding wound that would have been a result of this attack, was immediately burnt shut by the heat from the fiery energies.

The demonic mouth screamed it's agony as what was left of it's appendage wriggled to and fro along the foggy ground.

-Tentacle #2 (closest to Kilisha)-

In it's anger, the abomination tightened it's hold on Kilisha, more pressure being exerted onto her neck. Which in turn caused more pain from the wound it had recieved earlier from Duile.

(GMing Action: d20 Roll: 10)

It tried to lift the succubus up, but the wound seemed to cause it too much pain, so the attempt was in vain. But the pain only made this hellspawn more angrier.


The half-elf was trying his best to cling to whatever surface he could get ahold of, but nothing was seemingly working. As the tentacle dragged him closer each second towards the snarling mouth.

"Sorry pal! But I got different plans!" Coppermirth yelled as he raised his spear-scythe into the air.

(GMing Action: d20 Roll: 15)

The spear end came down hard upon the slimy tendril, impaling it immediately. The hellish creature let out a loud scream as it relinquished it's hold on the half-elf. Rising to his feet, Duile pulled the spear-scythe out of the writhing tendril.

-Tentacle #3 (Closest to Duile)-

In a rage-filled response, the gaping maw shot the wounded tentacle out towards Duile, fully intent on making the half-elf pay dearly.

(GMing Action: d20 Roll: 2)

The tendril didn't even graze Coppermirth as it passed harmlessly by him.

-Tentacle #4 (Closest to Bunny)-

The simple mind of the living jaws from hell was getting infuriated, it had never gotten this much trouble from any of it's previous meals. It chose to take out it's frustration on a small target... namely Bunny. Who was still on the ground from it's earlier attack.

The tentacle that had previously tried to attack her wriggled it's way back to the Usagijin. The Hellspawn was going to have a meal... one way or another.

(GMing Action: d20 Roll: 11)

It silently grabbed ahold of the small rabbit creature and began to pull her towards itself. Towards the waiting jaws...


(Your turn Seethe)


Re: .

Unread postby Seethe347 » Tue Feb 24, 2004 6:08 pm

Lisha felt the cold tentacle around her neck tighten again, but not hard enough this time to choke her. She could tell, though, that her wild slashing wasn't doing any good, so she tried something else. She placed the ends of her claws against the tentacle's skin and tried to force them deep into the muscle underneath.

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Ash Fanrico
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Re: .

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Tue Feb 24, 2004 10:03 pm

(GMing Action: d20 Roll: 16)

Her claws pierced the cold slimy tissue as planned. The Hellspawn creamed in animalistic pain as the tentacle was now caught by the succubus. All it could do was sit there writhing madly in her grasp. Green ooze seeping through the puncture wounds.


(Your turn Bunnygirle.

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Re: .

Unread postby bunnygirle78 » Tue Feb 24, 2004 11:08 pm

She had nearly been knocked unconscious by the skeleton, and struggled to escape from the tentacle. Now panicked she did the only thing she could think of. She opened her mouth as wide as it could go and bite down on the tentacle that held her.

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Re: .

Unread postby Ash Fanrico » Wed Feb 25, 2004 1:29 am

(GMing Action: d20 Roll: 13)

With quick speed, Bunny bit down on the slimy appendage, which was slowly but surely dragging her to a toothy doom.

With an almost dog-like yelp... the Hellspawn relinquished it's grasp... if only for a moment.

-Tentacle #6 (2nd Closest to Kilisha)-

The succubus' actions brought forth quick reprisal from the other tentacle that was bothering her. It tries it's best to pull her off from the other tendril currently in her grasp.

(GMing Action: d20 Roll: 13)

With a sharp tug, the tentacle pulled on Kilisha's mid section. Pulling her... but also taking along with the succubus the fellow tentacle in her claws. Which in turn caused her said claws to not only burrow deeper into the besieged tendril, but pull the imbedded dagger-like objects further down the slimy skin of the appendage... thus causing more bleeding from freshly cut tissue.

The Hellspawn screamed in it's agony again.

"Back Row"

The pain was becoming unbearable. Multiple lesions all over it's body... pain it has never felt before. Very few of it's meals have ever had the time to mount such a resistance to it. For once, getting something to eat didn't seem so rewarding to it.

Nonetheless, the toothy leviathan would continue it's assault. Aiming this time at the Half-Elf that had escaped it grasp, the demon mouth opened up it's gaping maw. Giving those who were watching a full glimpse of it's rows and rows of teeth. Like the of a shark, only with more rows going towards it's pulsating throat. Whatever was to be caught between those jaws would undoubtedly be mashed to bits well before being swallowed.

Taking in a deep breath of air, the demon mouth heaved it's massive jaws forward, pursing it's slimey lips. From out of it's twisted aperture came a slimey, sticky wad of spit. Streaking towards its intended target... Duile.

(GMing Action: d20 Roll: 14)

Duile couldn't react quick enough, as the slimey mucus hit him, covering him completely. Acting like an adhesive, the spit now held Coppermirth in place. It wasn't a sure-fire solution... as it was already slowly losing some of it's strength from the Half-Elf's struggling.

*Duile is stuck for one turn*


(OOC: Remember, you have only one more tentacle to go before you can take some shots at the Demon Mouth.)

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Re: .

Unread postby Endesu » Thu Feb 26, 2004 3:17 pm

Astrynax turned, now, to the tentacle that had just been on the furry bunny person. Once again, a palm was faced outwards, towards the targeted appendage.

And once again, energy was concentrated.

This time, it was a burst of ice (with light attached). Successfully freezing a tentacle could mean its shattering.. at least.. that's what he was aiming for.


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