Into the Parlor (Full PS RP)

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Unread postby NebulaQueen » Tue Nov 14, 2006 8:26 pm

This was not what Alonso had in mind. However, he only had himself to blame for what happened.

When the drow said he had the best way of finding answers, Alonso looked puzzled. Then, the drow stood up, and began his announcement.

Alonso's jaw dropped.

Then he mentioned the Nikumians. Alonso's faced turned pale.

Then Elliss asked if anyone was working for him. Alonso's knuckles tightened, and he felt like he was going to explode...

...but the tavern beat him to it, after that final accusation. Alonso muttered some of his homeland's more colorful phrases under his breath, and began rushing towards the escaping drow.

If nothing else, he had found his lead.

Edited by: [url=>NebulaQueen</A] at: 11/14/06 20:26

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Unread postby Idran1701 » Thu Nov 16, 2006 12:04 am

IM: ...Hmm. Bit more dangerous than I like, but that still wasn't bad for him.

Not even sparing a glance for what his drinking companions are doing, he remains seated, waiting to see how things pan out for this Paratiikas fellow. Those outsiders are closer, but he might be quick. However, he does give a minor contribution, as he sends out a telepathic dispatch to the quicker-looking of the two unnamed running drow, giving a bit of a deepening and a rasp to his "words".

T: =There's an alleyway down the street to the left. Hide there before the crowd spots you and wait for my arrival.=

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Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Mon Nov 20, 2006 6:17 am

Nezetta, upon seeing the target dart, immediately runs after him. HOpefully, she should be in a good position to do so, having never seated herself in the first place- After all, only filth would sit in those chairs.

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Unread postby Kelne » Mon Nov 20, 2006 6:55 am

All is chaos and confusion, but one thing is clear - the target drow isn't going to make it to the door. The angle is good enough that the group can intercept him midway there. While Nezetta does indeed have a slight head-start, it swiftly becomes apparent to her that Thurimar's building up too much momentum to stop, driven as he is by a righteous rage which has finally found an outlet.

The prudent thing to do is to let him go barrelling into Paratiikas, rather than risk getting tangled up. And Nezetta is nothing if not prudent. Mostly.

She has an excellent view as Thurimar goes crashing into Paratiikas shield-first, sending the lighter drow flying into a table, scattering drinks and overturning it. The drow at this table do no look amused. Paratiikas looks stunned.

Nezetta, meanwhile, manages to get in front of the other two runners. One of them sidesteps, darting through the gap between her and Alonso. The other, less agile, skids to a halt, eyes darting about like a cornered animal. One hand darts inside his coat. Reaching for a weapon, perhaps?

Alonso, bringing up the rear, is faced with a choice. He can either aid his colleagues in subduing the two drow, or try and stop the third from escaping.

Our mystery drow, it seems, has bet on the right horse, as the runner he telepathed is the closest to the door thus far. On the other hand, he seems to have lost his drink thanks to a certain overzealous dwarf. How very vexing.

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Unread postby Jak Snide » Sun Nov 26, 2006 8:47 pm

Ignoring the other drow around his mark, Thurimar makes to subdue the dazed dark elf with a combination of pinning him beneath his bulk and, if needed, smacking him about a bit with his shield.

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Unread postby Idran1701 » Sun Nov 26, 2006 10:29 pm

Frowning at the wasted gil, our as yet unnamed drow steps away from the table, putting some distance between himself and the dwarf's fascinating interrogation methods. He mills into the crowd some, moving closer to the group of outsiders, so as to better overhear whatever comments they may soon make.

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Unread postby NebulaQueen » Mon Dec 04, 2006 6:07 am

Alonso's eyes darted frantically between the drow and his companions. If they didn't take care of this quickly, this could very well end in disaster, especially with the bartender reaching down below for storm knows what. On the plus side, it seemed that nobody liked the Llothites, which might work in their favor...

Deciding to test his luck, Alonso grabs a spare mug and chases towards the rogue drow. While he can't reunite the mug with its owner, he can certainly unite it with that coward's head.

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Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Mon Dec 04, 2006 6:36 am

Nezetta almost paused for a minute to figure out what the drow was doing- But pauses on the battlefield lead to casualties. Instead, she stepped up onto a chair, then jumped off- Thrusting out her toe to connect with his face.

(The debut of Shining Wizard!)

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Unread postby Kelne » Mon Dec 04, 2006 7:19 am

Thurimar's target seems rather thoroughly subdued. Elves of any kindred tend to come off worse when facing off against dwarves in any contest involving strength.

Alonso, finding himself easily outpaced by the nimble drow, hurls the mug at his head out of sheer frustration. He never even saw it coming. The mug shatters, coving the drow's head in booze and causing him to stagger in his flight. By the time he's recovered, Alonso has closed the distance, and there's a drow with a cudgel blocking the door. He has the look of bouncers the world over.

Nezetta has less luck, her foe managing to sidestep out of the way of her kick. As one might suspect, the item he pulls from his coat is a weapon. A pistol, to be precise. Those damn things are getting more common by the day.

Even as the drow takes aim, he is interrupted by a loud thunk. A crossbow bolt sticks quiverring in the wall, and eyes are inevitably drawn to the bartender, who is already dropping a fresh bolt into place from the rack atop his weapon.

"That's enough," he says, in tones that brook no argument. "Everybody take a few deep breaths and calm the frazz down."

Unfortunately, the drow with the pistol looks anything but calm. He hasn't fired yet, but he's awfully twitchy, and the certainty of retribution will be of scant comfort to Nezetta if she's been shot. Then again, retribution would probably cut the other way if she tried anything...

Edited by: [url=>Kelne</A]&nbsp; Image at: 12/4/06 7:21

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Unread postby Jak Snide » Mon Dec 04, 2006 7:35 am

Thurimar didn't make any further moves, though he certainly wasn't letting the pinned elf get up. Hopefully the nature of the situation would be illuminated to all involved before he was force to apply further restraining measures.

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Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Tue Dec 05, 2006 4:18 am

Nezetta spun backwards, though those looking would notice she was standing oddly straight..Almost as if she were ready to go limp and catch herself. Rather than even acknowledge the bartender, she glared daggers at the gunman.

Where are those even coming from?

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Unread postby Idran1701 » Tue Dec 05, 2006 11:45 am

Not especially wanting to get shot himself, our hopefully-someday-named drow tosses a quick glance to the failed escapee, before returning his eyes to the gunman. Putting the same rasp into his mental voice, he opens contact with Alonso's quarry once more.

T: I see you're unable to perform even a simple task as this. Your ineptitude will go unnoticed, however, if you get your friend to drop his weapon. These heathens will be even more inclined to tear you apart if one of you kills one of them, and I'm not especially inclined to have to fix the results of your own stupidity.

Before he attempts to reply, our subject closes the mental link, not eager to have his attempt at deception questioned.

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Unread postby Kelne » Wed Dec 06, 2006 8:29 pm

"Put it down, Mirv. You want to get us all killed?"

The drow identified as Mirv looks around at a generally hostile room and apparently decides that it's a lost cause. He slowly lowers the pistol, though he doesn't look like he's going to put it away just yet.

"Better," says the bartender, "As for you lot," he turns his attention to the three non-drow in the room, "If you think you can just barge in and haul off my patrons without so much as a by-your-leave, you can damned well think again. I came here to get away from that sort of thing." Man, does he look angry.

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Does a wall of text make up for the near-week?

Unread postby Idran1701 » Tue Dec 12, 2006 8:32 am

Lowering his voice some, the largely-silent observer brings himself closer to the bartender.

"...=Ah, now, sir, though I hate to intervene against one of my own kin, perhaps I should remind you, it was one of our own that caused the...minor chaos here. Though, of course, from what I could overhear of the questioning, chaos is the key word here.="

Throwing a glance towards the previously-interrogated priest of Nakibe, should he still be present, the drow pauses briefly, to craft a quick telepathic message. He soon continues...though he splits his attention some, broadcasting that pre-composed method to his speedy target in that same harsh voice and again cutting the connection as soon as it is completed, sending such as he speaks to the bartender.

T: ...The discussion of this fool may provide the chance you require. If this attempt at...diplomacy...succeeds, follow my earlier instructions, and as I claimed before, you shall be well-rewarded. Though not quite as well as you could have been otherwise.

"=While perhaps their specific handling of the situation was...ill-advised, you must admit that they are not to blame for the problem here. Further, as I said, I do hate to sell out my own kin, but they were far from the only ones targeting this trio. Now, given what I can see of the goals of your religious customer, I believe poetic justice would be well served here, solving chaos with order as it were. As...abhorrent as the concept is to me, perhaps letting this trio of Lolthites depart of their own will, in honor of the peaceful concepts this town was founded upon.="

Leaning in, he lowers his voice just a touch further, offering a not-so-private message to the bartender and the customers of the bar.

"=Besides, I am sure everyone here well-remembers the faces of these three. Such knowledge has a tendency to spread quickly, so I would think those here at risk from others of her faith need fear little of any reprisal from this group in the future.="

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Re: Does a wall of text make up for the near-week?

Unread postby NebulaQueen » Sat Dec 16, 2006 9:32 pm

Well...this was a disaster, there was no denying that. But what do they do about it ... ?

Alonso sighed, and stepped away from the drow he was chasing. He then turned towards the bartender, and swallowing his pride, said, "You won't be worrying about us for much longer. We'll be taking our leave now."

After that, he walked towards Nezetta, and whispered in Barian, =I'll catch up to you and Thurimar a short ways from here. There's one loose end I need to tie up in this wretched place before I leave. With any luck, we should be able to catch up to those three soon enough.=

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Re: Does a wall of text make up for the near-week?

Unread postby Kelne » Mon Dec 18, 2006 9:16 pm

The bartender slowly lowers his weapon, then nods. "Very well," his glare swept across the room, "I trust nobody has any objections to that?"

There was a small degree of discontented muttering, but after the earlier speech, any real drive to take action had been lost.

"You three can follow in a few minutes," he continues, "And you, priest," he turns to Elliss, "Can go with them. I don't want to see you in here again."

Elliss grins and raises his glass in mock salute. The supposed Llothites slowly and nervously make their way out, picking up speed as nobody moves to stop them. At least, assuming Thurimar is willing to let his captive go.

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Re: Does a wall of text make up for the near-week?

Unread postby Jak Snide » Mon Dec 18, 2006 9:37 pm

Thurimar had remained silent through all of this, secretly hoping hostilities would break out again. Thinking about it as he reluctantly let his captive go, though, that would have probably have resulted in one of his allies getting shot. He sighed as he watched their lead depart, mouthing a prayer to Falis to illuminate the path they should take next.

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Re: Does a wall of text make up for the near-week?

Unread postby Idran1701 » Mon Dec 18, 2006 9:56 pm

Giving a slight smile to the bartender and nodding, he turns back to his previous drinking companions, still speaking Drow.

"=Well...that's a bit more excitement than I prefer in my taverns. It has been enjoyable speaking with you lot, but I think I'll be taking my leave as well. Perhaps we shall meet again at another pub.="

And that said, he steps out before the surfacers get a chance to, waiting outside the bar, out of sight of any windows.

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Re: Does a wall of text make up for the near-week?

Unread postby Kelne » Thu Dec 28, 2006 5:54 am

With little more to be gained, various people take their leave of the establishment, their departure observed by various staff and patrons. Though the threat of violence seems to have been forestalled, the group's leads have undoubtedly scarpered.

Once clear of the bar, they gather in the street outside to discuss their next move. Though it seems they have a couple of hangers-on: Elliss, leaning against the wall and grinning that cocky grin, and another, unknown drow loitering nearby.

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Unread postby Idran1701 » Fri Feb 23, 2007 7:15 pm

Watching the group leave the tavern, the still-nameless drow keeps an ear open, listening in while trying not to draw attention to himself.


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