Castles in the Sky: Closed Freestyle RP.

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Re: Chow MEIN!

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sun Nov 21, 2004 11:37 pm

Damian grunted slightly as he stood on his feet, somewhat uneasily. His legs felt rather shaky due to the blood returning, but functional.

With that....

He turned to Win, giving a small nod as he went to unfasten the man, hooking his arm under his shoulders to prevent an ignominous thump to the floor of the crash pod.

He also managed to ignore Molokidan, though the slight curve of his mouth as he faced away from the boy seemed to indicate that he didn't give a rat's ass about the boy's discomfort.

The Great Nevareh

Re: Chow MEIN!

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Mon Nov 22, 2004 2:27 pm

After cutting through a couple of the straps holding him up, the remaining ones don't seem to be able to hold Michael Klaus' weight and promptly click and open, landing him squarely on the floor.

Winfred is aided in his escape from the straps by Damian, but due to Damian's discomfort and still unsure balance, he only has moderate success preventing Winfred from falling on the floor.

Warren, in the meantime, has managed to unstrap himself without anyone else's help, and also prevents his own fall onto the ground. It's not too clear how he did this, though, since he didn't use any magic and he is hardly as athletic than some of the stronger members of the party.

The chamber itself appears wholly undamaged, just upside-down. Since it wasn't high-ceilinged in the first place, the party should have no trouble exploring the small area that they're in. However, the one obvious way out is still stuck and locked, and no others are readily apparent.

Edited by: The Great Nevareh at: 11/22/04 2:30 pm

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Re: Chow MEIN!

Unread postby Molokidan » Mon Nov 22, 2004 6:24 pm

"Can we open the door or something?" Molokidan's voice piped up again. "The air smells funny in here, don't you think?"

He had been watching the others unlock themselves, particularly becoming interested in the way Michael had worked his way out from his straps. Despite this, though, the boy had seemingly forgotten about his own plight.


Re: Chow MEIN!

Unread postby SALSAlys » Mon Nov 22, 2004 7:21 pm

Damian gave an apologetic grunt to Win as the man was released, then glanced at Molokidan, rolling his eyes.

"Figure we either need to blast our way out or see if we can rock this over," he said with his clipped accent. "We could do a rush against the wall, see if it tips, but I would not recommend it. For all we know, we may end up dropping ourselves off somewhere, and certainly fall on our faces if we succeeded. I doubt machetes would work, but... does anyone know how to use some spell that would help? A SAFE one, mind you?"

His voice was cutting as he emphasized the 'safety' of the spell; obviously he was a bit prejudiced against magic.


Time to say "Uh oh", if you know what's good for y

Unread postby wkz » Mon Nov 22, 2004 7:36 pm

"A safe spell??" Michael Klaus said from where he was picking himself up from the ground "I think I know one. A shotgunned-windsphere will do nicely for any situation requiring 'push' "

Unfortunately for the rest, he failed to mention the fact that he needed very high concentration to be able to succeed, soemthing he only managed to do about two-thirds of the time...

Then again, he also failed to mention what high-powered jets of wind can do in an enclosed area...

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Re: Chow MEIN!

Unread postby Zemyla » Mon Nov 22, 2004 7:38 pm

Chantelle was recovering from dropping on her head. "Well, I could do a spell. I don't know how safe it would be, though. Or there could be an emergency exit. Which do you want to try first?"

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Re: Chow MEIN!

Unread postby GC130A » Mon Nov 22, 2004 8:25 pm

Win collapsed on the ground and struggled to a sitting position, spouting a very quiet, constant stream of curses that just might make a sailor blush if fully heard.

Because the compartment was hard and falling hurt, dammit! ...though not quite as much as falling on one's head; he was somewhat surprised that Chantelle's skull wasn't in two pieces.


Re: Chow MEIN!

Unread postby SALSAlys » Mon Nov 22, 2004 11:38 pm

"We'll try searching for the exit first, then," Damian replied to Chantelle's suggestion. "I doubt we'll have one, but it's an option.

"As for you and your wind sphere...."

Damian gave Michael a dubious look. If Chantelle and Klaus were both magic users...

I'd take the woman over that man any day, he thought, restraining a frown from reaching his lips.

"We'll see."

He turned away, making his way to one corner of the compartment where he began a slow, methodical sweep of the area, including checking the ceiling.

"You others, take other segments."

The Great Nevareh

Re: Chow MEIN!

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Tue Nov 23, 2004 1:35 am

The "cieling," or the compartment's natural floor, doesn't seem to have any opening mechanisms. It's generally a bad idea to put trap-doors on the floors of airborne vehicles. It is uniformly not carpeted, probably a wise decision in case anyone gets airsick. The compartment itself appears to be in pretty good interior shape- no dents, cracks, holes, or the like. However, air must be getting in from somewhere, or the group either would have suffocated already or would be in the process of suffocating right now- the entire timeline is rather hazy since everyone was unconscious.

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Re: Chow MEIN!

Unread postby Molokidan » Tue Nov 23, 2004 5:05 am

Molokidan watched as the others dispersed and began exploring the room. The boy was becoming impatient, and began to jerk violently in his bonds, trying to rip himself out from the clasps and safety mechanisms. His short attention-span can only go so far. . .

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Crunchy and nummy. n.n

Unread postby GC130A » Tue Nov 23, 2004 11:40 am

Winfred sighed, looking around and offering his thoughts, "Say so if you find an exit. We can't have been quiet crashing down here, and if anything's watching us, I don't want to crack it open without guns trained on the door."

Looking to Molokidan, he motioned to Michael. "You there, Klaus, wasn't it? Give the kid a hand before he strangles himself."


Re: Crunchy and nummy. n.n

Unread postby wkz » Wed Nov 24, 2004 12:25 am

"Ok, whatever" Klaus replied, another triangular magical blade appearing in his hand. He then grabbed a strap at random, while taking to Molokidan "Now hold still for a bit.... these magic blades are kind of sharp...."

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Re: Crunchy and nummy. n.n

Unread postby Molokidan » Wed Nov 24, 2004 4:35 am

"Auuuugh!!" Molokidan shouted. "What are you doing, you crazy person!! You could kill someone with that thing!! Ahhhhh!!!"

Although he wasn't moving, he was still making a hell of a lot of noise.


Re: Crunchy and nummy. n.n

Unread postby wkz » Wed Nov 24, 2004 4:56 am

"Come'on, this wouldn't hurt.... keep quiet...." Michael Klaus said. "Keep QuiET~....."

He picked up the pace of sawing through those straps, wanting to be anywhere where his ears doesn't hurt as much....

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Re: Crunchy and nummy. n.n

Unread postby Molokidan » Wed Nov 24, 2004 5:00 am

After a few more seconds of panting and screaming, it finally sunk into Molokidan's head what Klaus was doing to him.

"OH!!" he said, as Michael continued cutting through the millions of straps that Molokidan had somehow bound himself in. "You're letting me out!! Wow!! You're such a nice guy! After this I have to repay the favor somehow, okay!?"

The Great Nevareh

Re: Crunchy and nummy. n.n

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Wed Nov 24, 2004 7:11 pm

After a couple of cuts to a few straps, the others decide that they cannot support the weight and thus unlock themselves. At that point, Warren's attention is drawn.
"Erm... we might need this stuff again. I mean, how do we know we won't just crash back down on the ground?"

GC on Vacation


Unread postby GC on Vacation » Wed Nov 24, 2004 10:17 pm

To that, Winfred gave his sweetest smile. "That's why they're the only two getting cut out, of course."



Unread postby wkz » Wed Nov 24, 2004 10:53 pm

"You know" Michael Klaus said seriously, a mirror from what he was before the crash "Short of us falling off this floating island, we wouldn't need these harnesses anymore. And..." he looked around at the cabin almost everyone was searching through at the moment, "...and I think there's no way this tin-can-of-death will survive another crash, harness or not..."

"Lets just find our way out of here. I really hate enclosed, dark places...."

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Re: -

Unread postby Molokidan » Wed Nov 24, 2004 11:42 pm

"Yay!" Molokidan said, hopping to his feet and falling in line behind his new best friend, Michael Klaus. "Good idea! Let's go exploring!!"

Reverend Jeesi


Unread postby Reverend Jeesi » Thu Nov 25, 2004 5:00 pm

"Hold up, kids, we're not going anywhere yet," Winfred sighed, turning to the appropriate people he was ordering around, "First, Chantelle, if you've got some magic, can you give us an astral look around? Second, Michael, you're tall enough, unstrap our packs, would you? Without slicing through things. Fourth, Warren... unless I'm sorely mistaken, I think you're the only one of us that understood -any- of the contract... could you tell us more of what it said?"

Finally, he asked of the compartment as a whole, "Fifth... anyone have a shotglass handy?"

The Great Nevareh

Re: (

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Thu Nov 25, 2004 8:45 pm

"Well, you'll have to be more specific. What part of the contract didn't you understand? I don't have a perfect memory, but I might be able to recall the gist of all seventeen articles of the contract."
The man clearly doesn't seem to think that any one part of the contract is any more important than any other- asking him for some highlights might get him to be more succinct, but he looks like the kind of guy who'd take that term as a query to the more brilliantly crafted parts of the contract.


Re: (

Unread postby wkz » Thu Nov 25, 2004 10:53 pm

"Ok, so we now have a self-appointed leader... I hope he's experienced..." Klaus thought to himself, reaching up to fiddle with the straps that held the party's straps.

"Ok, this goes here, and that goes ....WOah! Watch out." He said a little belatedly as his own backpack came free.

Edited by: [url=>wkz</A] at: 11/25/04 10:54 pm

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Re: (

Unread postby Zemyla » Fri Nov 26, 2004 12:21 pm

It's a good thing we do have an experienced leader... Chantelle thought. Out loud, she said, "Very well," and switched to astral vision to look around.

The Great Nevareh

Re: (

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Fri Nov 26, 2004 9:09 pm

As Chantelle attempts Astral Vision, her sight fades to black, then is replaced with a strobing kaleidoscope of color that pulses in a way that is confusing to the eye. She is unable to see anything beyond this apparently endless flashing light, and continuous viewing of this light is liable to give a headache or, at worst, a seizure.

Though it is quite pretty.

Klaus, in the meantime, has no trouble at all grabbing the equipment from the floor-for-a-cieling. The straps are undone easily from the outside, and the contents of each package appear unmolested.

Warren, while awaiting a response, begins tapping at various surfaces, and reveals that a small compartment can be found under each of the benches, each one containing non-perishible food and tightly sealed containers of spring water. Also, some emergency supplies are in the cupboard-compartment that Warren opened. He non-chalantly opens one of the wrappers on a kind of wafer and begins to eat it while continuing to poke around the room. How he can stand to eat anything after that stomach-churning fall followed by hanging upside-down for who knows how long is anyone's guess.

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We really should wait for Lys. o_o;

Unread postby GC130A » Sat Nov 27, 2004 8:41 pm

Winfred took his pack and opened it up to reveal three things of real significance. The first was a fair-sized stash of ammunition. The second was a stash of provisions, some of which looked pretty tasty!

The third was the most important at the moment, as it was a massive stash of paper, quills and ink bottles. Apparently Win had his mind on taking notes when he packed for the trip.

The appropriate implements were offered to Warren, as Winfred gave a polite nod, "Tell you what. Write the whole thing out for us in Common."

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Re: We really should wait for Lys. o_o;

Unread postby Molokidan » Sat Nov 27, 2004 11:47 pm

Molokidan grabbed a small rucksack from the compartment, after Klaus, and grabbed a ripe-looking pear from it.

He sat and watched the others do their thing, content to just sit and eat his fruit. He was especially interested in Chantelle, who looked like she was having a lot of fun with whatever sort of spell she had just casted.


Re: We really should wait for Lys. o_o;

Unread postby wkz » Sun Nov 28, 2004 9:58 pm

Michael Klaus picked up his backpack too, intending to check the contents, but he forgot the straps was open due to taking out a book (and stuffing it hastely back) earlier. It was perhaps lucky the webbing holding the packs had also held the cover of the backpack closed.... who knows what kind of damage the contents would have done during the crash.

And as the Murphy of an alternate world stated, something that could, would. This time, it applied to the entire contents of the backpack spilling out onto the deck/ceiling of the small compartment. One look would immediately identify the items: Books. Lots of books... and ONLY books.

Klaus sighed, and knelt down. "Intricacies of Aura Reading", "Well-known Creatures of the Wilderness", "Properties of Common Reagents", "Channeling Tips: How to Maximize Mana Usage" and other such beginner/intemediate books were carefully, although speedily, put back into a space only just big enough...

He then stood up, already starting to wear that backpack despite the cramped space in the cabin. "Anyone found the way out yet?" he asked. "And does anyone have anything to drink?"

Edited by: [url=>wkz</A] at: 11/28/04 10:02 pm

The Great Nevareh

You aren't going anywhere until we have a Lys. Don't worry.

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Mon Nov 29, 2004 4:40 am

"Uhh.. okay, though I don't think we'll be in here long enough for me to finish. Unless we plan on some kind of creative waste management... Hmm, that gives me an idea..."

Warren takes the implements offered to him by Winfred and starts wri-... drawing. And doing some math.

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Oooh, colors...

Unread postby Zemyla » Mon Nov 29, 2004 1:36 pm

Chantelle was surprised, but soon was somewhat entranced by the flashing colors. She felt she could watch them all day...

She was brought back to reality by the clunking of the books onto the floor. She opened her eyes and looked around. She was still a little dazed by the strange Astral vision here. Remembering that she had to tell them what had happened, she said, "Umm, I couldn't tell anything. All I saw were some pretty flashing colors."

She then seemed to snap out of it. "Anyone found an exit yet, or do you want me to try and blast us out?" She didn't spend any time wondering what effect the strange flashing colors would have on her already unpredictable magic.

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Re: Oooh, colors...

Unread postby Molokidan » Mon Nov 29, 2004 6:08 pm

"Yeah! Do it! Do it!" Molokidan hopped to his feet, cheering and clapping for Chantelle. "I want to see sparkly lights and watch things explode!!"


Thank'oo. =D

Unread postby SALSAlys » Tue Nov 30, 2004 12:46 am

Damian kept silent about his small bottle of whiskey, which he discreetly felt for within his coat.

Not broken. Huh, he thought with mild surprise. He didn't offer any to Klaus though; he had his own suspicions about tipsy mages.

"Colors? So we're surrounded by... magic?" he asked Chantelle, looking up to the ceiling/floor. "Might be safer to break out a machete, then."

With that resigned comment, he glanced back to Winfred.

"Need a... shotglass? To drink, or you have some need of a cup?" he asked, one dark brow rising as he went to examine the wall for any potential weak points.

The Great Nevareh

Re: Thank'oo. =D

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Tue Nov 30, 2004 1:26 am

"We're surrounded by magic!!!????!!!? Oh, my! Please don't blow anything up!" says the man who is currently drawing what seems to be a plan for setting up a plumbing system from inside of the cabin that they're all in.


Re: Thank'oo. =D

Unread postby wkz » Tue Nov 30, 2004 3:00 am

With all the talk about magic, its not surprising to see Michael Klaus resume his "candy stare". At least this time, he has multi-colored auras to look at....

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Re: Thank'oo. =D

Unread postby Molokidan » Tue Nov 30, 2004 4:10 am

"What do you mean, don't blow anything up??" Molokidan said, making his way over to Warren, looking a little bit dissapointed. "Why can't we blow stuff up? It's fun! And it makes pretty lights! Do have something against blowing stuff up, mister? Did you get blowed up when you were a kid or something?!?"

Edited by: [url=>Molokidan</A]&nbsp; Image at: 11/30/04 4:31 am

The Great Nevareh

Re: Thank'oo. =D

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Tue Nov 30, 2004 5:17 am

"I'm rather partial to not being blown up. Especially since we don't know things like what we're sitting in. What if we landed in a big vat of lamp oil, and blowing open the door would cause us all to erupt in flame? Now it would look neat, for sure, but I don't like writhing in burning agony. I do it often enough as it is. Though I guess it's my fault for experimenting with acids. Really!"

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Re: Thank'oo. =D

Unread postby Molokidan » Tue Nov 30, 2004 5:27 am

Molokidan frowned, and turned back to Chantelle, with big large puppy eyes on his face. "Well, I guess we can't blow stuff up now. . ." he sniffed, trying to cry and coming off as ridiculously overdramatic. "Then how do we get out here safely without breaking anything?!"


Re: Thank'oo. =D

Unread postby SALSAlys » Tue Nov 30, 2004 10:03 am

"Machete, kid. Hatchets are wonderful things," Damian replied with a growl.

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Extra exclamation marks = drama!!!!!!!!!

Unread postby GC130A » Tue Nov 30, 2004 1:33 pm

Winfred jerked his thumb to the door of the compartment that they had entered to get into it in the first place. "There's the door, now figure out how to get it open" was unspoken, but hopefully understood. He had other things on his mind.

Nodding to Damian, he explained, "Need a cup. Put your ear against it and the wall and you can get a good bearing on the sounds outside. Might tell us if we, say, landed in flowing lamp oil."

He leaned an arm on Warren's shoulder. "Look, I'm sure that's going to be a fascinating exercise in engineering, but we need information, not toilets and... hey, that's pretty ingenious!" Clever little monkey, he's going to come in damn handy, acids and burning stone aside.

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Re: Extra exclamation marks = drama!!!!!!!!!

Unread postby Zemyla » Tue Nov 30, 2004 2:26 pm

At Damian's suggestion, Chantelle reached for one of her hand axes. "Well, as it so happens, I have one. So how do you want to get this done?"

The Great Nevareh

Re: Extra exclamation marks = drama!!!!!!!!!

Unread postby The Great Nevareh » Tue Nov 30, 2004 5:50 pm

"If you're going to knock out the door, go for the hinge side. It's embedded in the compartment wall, but once you make it to the hinges beating them enough ought to make the door fall open. And don't worry about doing too much damage. I'm pretty sure I can fix it once you're done. Tall guy? Could you get my tools for me? Breaking the wall ought to be harder to fix, since pressurized wood is harder to make with the materials I have than crafted iron."

Warren swiftly loses interest in what he's working on, his assistants can flesh it out (despite his not having any assistants here with him) and starts drawing some other diagrams, these a little less understandable. He also continues to snack on the wafer, oblivious to Winfred watching him.


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