The Curse of the Shadow Walkers (freestyle RP)

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Nick Shogun
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Pah! Eat my metal fork!

Unread postby Nick Shogun » Sun May 30, 2004 12:19 am

Cro-magnum stopped for a moment. He may have been a massive stitch man of various body parts and gears and metals, but he was not stupid (at least in the classical sense). He could see that Sybil was, on some level, being sneaky. So he stopped moving. And sat. If he could think, he would think "What do I do now?" but since he lived his life through action (and inaction), all he could really do was continue towards her, even though it was probably a bad idea.

He threw his arms out in a movement to grab Sybil, but she ducked beneath him, slipping between his legs (one being a shorter, less whole leg) and Cro-magnum slammed into the iron frame of the door. He grunted, as if, once again, to say "Ouch."

The Duelist
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Re: Pah! Eat my metal fork!

Unread postby The Duelist » Sun May 30, 2004 12:46 pm

Trigger had since gotten up, and saw Cro-Magnum slam his head against the door frame. Trigger ran forward.

His plan was Simple, jump and rebound, bouncing off the big bastard's back while simeltaneously pushing him back into the door and put a hole through what was left of its brain with a revolver slug, and hopefully, it would STAY DEAD...

Edited by: The Duelist at: 5/31/04 8:20 pm


Re: Where the freak have I been?!

Unread postby SALSAlys » Mon May 31, 2004 12:37 pm

Zakara nodded slowly, before turning to untie the ropes. She occasionally glanced up at Meryle and Klaus worriedly, afraid of untying them too quickly for Meryle' magic to kick in, but she continued methodically.


Re: Re:

Unread postby wkz » Mon May 31, 2004 10:48 pm

"Meryle.....Just be ready, ok?" Klaus said, a little bit of apprehension in his voice. After all, if the anti-gravity spell fails, he would be taking most of the falling damage. On his head....

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Unread postby ChristianC » Wed Jun 02, 2004 7:30 am

Dovev had been staying out of the fight, still having some trouble standing, and as he saw what Sybil was planning he grinned under the wide brim of his hat... How lucky that the plating around his whip was of steel, and with the distractions the rest of the group was hailing the giant with, it wouldn't be a problem repeating the same thing he did before, catch the creatures' legs with the whip...

Celeste of Elvenhame

Re: :<

Unread postby Celeste of Elvenhame » Thu Jun 03, 2004 3:43 pm

'Damn' Sybil thought. She had hoped grounding the thing would have short circuited it. No mater, at least she might be able to get it to batter itself into pieces.

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Unread postby Nick Shogun » Sun Jun 06, 2004 11:13 am

OOC: Sorry for the delay, I am now a free man! Eighteen and graduated from High School, ready to go to California in the fall! After long years, the time is NOW!!!

IC: Cro-magnum was a fierce warrior. He had been built from the corpses of deadly warriors who were not quite deadly enough to avoid their own deaths. Maybe he had inherited this trait. The gunman flipped through the air in a complex twist, the rain weighing down his cloak, his legs slamming against the beast’s back and spinning him in the mud. Cro-magnum desperately tried to stand on both legs. The hunter landed and pointed his weapon.

Trigger’s bullet ripped through the tough skin on the back of Cro-magnum’s skull, and exploded out the other side. The Frankenstein howled in pain as green ooze pussed out of the hole, and stopped moving, standing in the silence of the gorge.

He breathed heavily. The days of countless dead… soaring through his mind.


Then he turned back to Trigger. A bullet didn’t stop the living dead. Maybe those pathetic zombies could be defeated by guns, but Cro-magnum was different. Not so easily. Never. He let out a roar, an earth-splitting roar, as he charged the gunman, colliding at full speed, like a train, with Trigger. There was a ‘crack’ in the cold, wet air. Trigger fell to the ground, in the swirling mud. His body ached. The impact had sent pain surging through his body.

Sybil sighed. This should be working! People shouldn’t just keep fighting back like this… thing. Cro-magnum was a monster, most certainly. Trigger was down, and now the beast turned to Sybil. Could she defeat a towering mammoth of a man like him? The rain created a silhouette of water and skin, lurching forward with a limp and groaning in anger.

Dovev’s whip spun out, and Cro-magnum spun with it. The steel-plated whip wrapped itself around Cro-magnum’s antennae and snapped it off in one clean motion, and…

…Cro-magnum collapsed in a heap, in the rain.


A gloved fist slammed against a wooden desk. “NO! And he was doing so well, too!”

“They cut off the flow of electricity. He was like a giant wind up doll. Without power, he’s useless.”

“Doesn’t matter, really. I want them to come in. They’d make excellent… toys. And I have plenty of tricks up my sleeve.”


The rope ripped out of Zakara’s hand, slick in the rain. She staggered backward as the net dropped, and Meryle completed her incantation. She and Klaus floated in midair, the rain falling past them and hitting the ground beneath them. She smiled.

Well, I was almost sure it was work, so I’m glad it did, she thought as the two hunters touched the wet ground. Her boots began to sink in the mud.

“Damn rain,” she said, aloud, as she began to head toward the ever-glowing torches. “We’ve got no time to waste! This has taken so long!”


Dovev cocked his head toward the iron doors as they swung open once more, a strong blue light radiating from within. Sybil was fine, but Trigger was laid out on the ground. There was another sharp noise, and a blue butterfly appeared in the sky…

The Duelist
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Unread postby The Duelist » Sun Jun 06, 2004 6:08 pm

Trigger simply lay there for a moment, forcing air back into his lungs.

Another moment.

And another moment.

And another moment.

He slowly began forcing himself off the ground...


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Unread postby Nick Shogun » Mon Jun 07, 2004 12:45 am

Meryle was running through the mud once more. Her determination had gotten the better of her. Hearts raced. She sweat blood. And she saw the Keep. And Sybil. And Dovev. And Trigger.

Whether the others noticed her or not, she dashed toward the fallen gunman. She knelt in the mud, rain matting her hair on her face.

"Trigger...? Can you hear me?"


*Shower**Love**Finally out of the Net!!*

Unread postby wkz » Mon Jun 07, 2004 1:02 am

Klaus would also have worried about the fallen gunman, except he spotted something else lying in the mud first. He was now climbing all over the body of the fallen patchwork monster...

"This does this.. and that. Hmmm... seems like a kind of magical power-grid, except there's no power... where's the power source?" Klaus looked around for a while, and finally spotted the antennae lying in the wet mud.

Klaus walked over and picked it up. He eyed the top of Cro-magnum’s head speculatively, hefting the antennae in his hand....

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Unread postby Nick Shogun » Mon Jun 07, 2004 2:58 am

There was a quick crackle of lightening through the antennae and Klaus' hand, and Cro-magnum's body shuddered in the rain, startling the hunters. Then the lightening ended, and the body went back to rest.


Meryle grabbed Klaus' shoulder. "Maybe you should back far... far away, Klaus. That antennae... is still dangerous."


She looked up at the Keep. The doors were open now, blue light radiating at them. She sighed. "Where are we, Dovev? What is this place? What the hell is in there?"

The Duelist
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Re: Ka-pling!

Unread postby The Duelist » Mon Jun 07, 2004 1:12 pm

Trigger slowly forced himself to stand.

he mumbled a curse, and then said, "I didn't think he could hit THAT least two ribs broken...ugh...and I'm gonna feel that in the morning."

He coughed, "I'll be fine."

Broken ribs always felt like crap, but they had to heal on their own, or you needed a good white mage. Which probably meant he'd have to suck it up for the rest of the job. Just wonderful.

Edited by: The Duelist at: 6/7/04 1:14 pm

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Re: Ka-pling!

Unread postby ChristianC » Mon Jun 07, 2004 4:55 pm

Me shuddered, the act of stopping the giant behemoth had been mostly luck, but he had other things on his mind than who brought it down, hadn't Trigger pushed enough lead into it to kill a freaking dragon, Dovev was sure that it'd be busy pounding them into mush right now.

He glanced at the large gate, eyes barely visible under his brim as he clenched his jaw, "This is where that girl was brought, I'm sure of it..." he looked over at trigger slowly, "You going to be alright?"

Things were looking grim, but the arrival of these three was good, they'd need all the people they had...

He looked down at the dead beasts... whoever had made him was either a complete genius or a madman, it's funny how thin the border was between the two... "I'm going inside," he said finally, coiling up his whip with a grim look, "anyone who wants to come do so, this is way beyond what we first agreed to do, and if anyone wants to back out, do it... as far as I'm considered..." *he lowered the brim of his hat and readjusted his glasses, "...there's no turning back for my part."

The Duelist
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Re: Ka-pling!

Unread postby The Duelist » Mon Jun 07, 2004 9:53 pm

Trigger nodded, "Yeah, I said I was fine, didn't I?"

He turned to Meryle, "Thanks for caring. Not many people do."

He turned to the big Keep door, and started walking forward.


Re: Ka-pling!

Unread postby wkz » Tue Jun 08, 2004 12:26 am

"Hmmm..." Klaus thought to himself. "So, this thing's the power source.... Better keep it far from the flesh golem then....". With that, Klaus pocketed the antannae.

He turned towards the steel doors, and started walking into the tower without any prompting. There was a girl to save. More importantly, the person who created this magical work of art (the Golem) might be inside.....

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WKZ... Whackable King of Zort

Unread postby Nick Shogun » Tue Jun 08, 2004 2:56 am

Meryle followed Dovev and Klaus into the massive Keep, Trigger and the other trailing behind her. The doors led straight into a huge main chamber, stone walls, torches on the walls, cobwebs in the corners. Very evil doctor-esque. The dim shadows created a feeling in Meryle's mind that made her very uncomfortable.

A chandelier in the middle of the chamber gleamed with blue candles. There were three doors at the other side of the chamber. One on the right, one on the left, and one in the center. The left and right were both bolted shut, but the middle door was slightly ajar. Color glowed on the floor, in the slit of open door, indicating the room within was very well lit.

Meryle groaned. "This is so... creepy."


Zort? Where's that?

Unread postby wkz » Tue Jun 08, 2004 5:08 am

Once inside the keep, Klaus started moving cautiously. After all, the owner of the keep had made that golem, who knows what trickery he might bring up next?

He heard Meryle say "This is so... creepy.", but Klaus ignored her and said nothing. Instead, he approached the 3 doors.

About a metre away from the doors, Klaus paused. He examined the doors from that distance, looking for traps, spells glyphs, anything at all.

If he found nothing of note, Klaus would then try and nudge the middle door open with his broadsword.

Celeste of Elvenhame

Re: Zort? Where's that?

Unread postby Celeste of Elvenhame » Tue Jun 08, 2004 11:02 am

Sybil followed the others keeping alert and watching the shadows. She broght up the rear as she considered herself best able to see into the shadows and move with a deadly silence. Also staying back kept the light from messing with her night vision and her ability to both see and blend into the darkness and shadows.

The Duelist
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What're you lookin at?

Unread postby The Duelist » Wed Jun 09, 2004 11:52 am


The noise was awfully loud, on second thought, but Trigger didn't really care. He tapped the side of the detached gun-barrel twice, dropping a pair of spent shells onto the ground, which landed on the stone floor with a pair of almost "dink" noises. He loaded in two fresh bullets.

He jerked his wrist to the side, putting the barrel back into the gun, then locking it in. He then replaced the gun in its holster.

If anyone was looking at him as he did this, he might look up at them, and say,


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Your fat ass, FATASS!!!

Unread postby Nick Shogun » Wed Jun 09, 2004 1:40 pm

"Err..." Meryle moaned as she looked at Trigger's weapon. Well, they were armed. Surely there wouldn't be anymore frankensteins in the Keep... right?

And then there was a rush of cool air... like sudden horror, and Meryle froze in her boots. There was something behind the middle door. Did she want to know what that something was?

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Unread postby Nick Shogun » Wed Jun 09, 2004 1:42 pm


Edited by: Nick Shogun at: 6/9/04 1:44 pm


Re: Oops!

Unread postby wkz » Wed Jun 09, 2004 9:56 pm

(OOC: I'm assuming Klaus found the door plain and otherwise harmless looking. If not, just tell me, and I'll edit out the mistakes, if any. Either way, Klaus will still try to open that door...)

Klaus froze for a moment, almost in the act of nudging the door open with the broadsword. There was something behind that door! It might be a large beast! Or a mechanical trap! Or maybe another magical beast.... hmmm....

Curiosity getting the better of him, Klaus started nudging the middle door open...

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Unread postby Nick Shogun » Thu Jun 10, 2004 3:18 am


Klaus nudged the door open and stepped cautiously inside, followed by Meryle and the others.

What he found was a large, rectangle-shaped room, built of gray stone like the outside of the castle, with another chandelier at the ceiling, this one red. At the other end of the room were iron doors, and on either side of the doors were huge stone tablets.

"Runes," Meryle thought aloud.

In the middle of the vast hallway stood a little girl, who could hardly have been older than thirteen. Her long black hair covered most of her head, but her thin, penetrating eyes stared at the gun-toting Trigger, and a strange symbol was painted on her forehead. She didn't move when they entered.

"Err... what now?" Meryle whispered to Klaus.


Re: *kick*

Unread postby wkz » Thu Jun 10, 2004 5:06 am

"I have no idea..." Klaus whispered back. And he took the time to look around a bit.

The runes could be for decoration, for all he could see. So was the chandelier. The girl seems to be human, but with the symbol on her forehead and the flesh monstrosity outside, she might not be what she seemed.

Klaus was just too inexperienced, and he knew it. He approached the girl very slowly, while waving his unoccupied left hand and saying "Hi, little girl..."

The Duelist
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Re: *kick*

Unread postby The Duelist » Thu Jun 10, 2004 8:46 am

"That's no little girl" Trigger said softly.

He continued, "Its her eyes...they're too old, and too cunning for a little girl..."

He did not move his gun an inch...but his hand WAS off the trigger...

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You're in TROUB... EL, Klaus.

Unread postby Nick Shogun » Thu Jun 10, 2004 3:40 pm

The little girl stared at Klaus as he stepped forward.

"Don't move." Her voice stabbed him like icicles. Then he stopped. Not of his own free will, of course, but by some other strength, holding him in place. He couldn't move.

"My name is Mona," she began, trotting toward the circular rune to her right. "The doctor asked me to play with you..." She touched the rune softly and then turned to glare at Trigger. "DO you want to play?"


Aww. can't someone else be in trou... *ouff*

Unread postby wkz » Fri Jun 11, 2004 11:05 pm

Klaus was suddenly stopped in his tracks. Something was holding him back, something all encompassing. He felt as if he was buried in dirt, and his breathing quickened just at the thought of that.

"There is no way such a little girl would be able to control such powerful magicks." Klaus thought. "Well, at least not with a spell which requires lots of concentration..... "

"Something is boosting her, helping her with her magic, I think....." Klaus grunted at his collegues.

Then he overheard the little girl saying something. "Wait a minute...... did she say her name's Mona??"

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Klaus, you're just the guinea pig, that's all.

Unread postby Nick Shogun » Sat Jun 12, 2004 1:01 am

"It's not what you think," she replied, releasing Klaus. He fell to his knees, and she sat, crosslegged, on the cold, stone floor. "My name is Mona, and I am one of the doctor's three bodyguards. You beat Cro-magnum, did you?"

"Cro-magnum? That was what you called that thing?" Meryle asked. "Yeah, he's done for. But... we're looking for someone named Mona, too. It's a strange coin--"

"Silence!" she shouted, in a shrill voice that sent shivers down Trigger's back. "I know what you're thinking. Is this Mona? No. Not the one you want. And hey, am I really a little girl, no more than thirteen? Yes, even though I am outspoken."

Meryle grimaced. This girl was a strange one, alright.

"The doctor found me when I was younger, and raised me to appreciate my powers. They are hard to control, you see... the powers that come with being a psychic."

A psychic, Meryle thought. What the hell is that?


Magical Hyper Brainwave Attack!!!

Unread postby wkz » Sat Jun 12, 2004 1:15 am

"A psychic... where have I heard that? " Klaus thought to himself.

Almost instantly, one of the (magic) textbook answers appeared in his mind:

*Of, relating to, affecting, or influenced by the human mind or psyche; mental.
*Capable of extraordinary mental processes, such as extrasensory perception and mental telepathy.
*A person apparently responsive to psychic forces............ OH!!@!

(OOC: Oh~~ Boy, here we go again...... Apologies)
"You are a pysic!! Really? Imean,Truely?WOW!" Klaus started. "Itmustbe cooltobeableto readthoughts,don'tyouthink? whatdoesitfeellike?tobeabletodowhatyou do? canyouteachme?isiteven learnable??", and so on, and so forth...

Klaus, by then had stood up from where he was. He approached Psychic_Mona, if he was allowed to, and both his spoken words and his thoughts stumbled in their attempts to express ideas of interest and adoration...

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Deflected! Eat FISH!!!

Unread postby Nick Shogun » Sat Jun 12, 2004 11:52 am

"Okay, shut up," Mona replied harshly as Klaus babbled on. "I'm choosing not to listen to your thoughts, as they are most likely useless to me."

Her eyes focused next at Zakara and Sybil, who were standing beside each other. "We're going to play a game, okay? No violence, I hate violence... but I'd like to see if you're worthy of meeting the doctor. Don't worry, he said it was okay."

Meryle coughed and raised her hand slightly. "What... kind of game?"

Mona chuckled. "A guessing game. Or... a trivia contest. I'll ask you each a question, and if you answer it correctly, you can pass into the next room. If not, you will be... punished."

Punished, thought Meryle. Well, that sounds like a nice way of saying goodbye to your life. I wonder... it's too much of a coincidence for them both to be named Mona... why would they have the same name?

The young girl glared at Dovev. "So, how would you like to go first, sir?"

Celeste of Elvenhame

Re: Deflected! Eat FISH!!!

Unread postby Celeste of Elvenhame » Sat Jun 12, 2004 12:05 pm

Sybil eyed the girl curiously. She shrugged in agreement, it would be best to go along now, but damned if she wasn't going out with a fight...

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And Dovev snaps out of Status : Zombie! Cast no Cure on him!

Unread postby ChristianC » Sun Jun 13, 2004 7:33 am

Dovev stared at the little girl from under the brim of his hat.

"Games?" he frowned, he didn't have time for this. But somehow it felt like he didn't have much of a choice...

"Alright, I'll play your... game" he whispered to the little girl... "But make it quick, I don't have... we don't have time for this."


I no lurky. Really.

Unread postby SALSAlys » Sun Jun 13, 2004 9:52 am

Zakara looked at Mona, eyes glowing steadily and unblinking. She wasn't too terribly impressed by... 'psychic' powers.

They are really nothing more than other terms for telepathy, mindreading, and so forth... though I pity her if she had to receive training HERE.

The Duelist
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Re: I no lurky. Really.

Unread postby The Duelist » Sun Jun 13, 2004 1:16 pm

Trigger however, was simply watching and evaluating.

In his mind, he decided, "The only fair game you can play with a psychic...who incidentally has the same name as the kidnappee, is Valthi Roulette. One bullet in the revolver, both people pass it back in forth, pulling the trigger until one is dead. IF she's trained, she can read minds, and deal with surface clutter, attempts to cloud the mind, and quite possibly any really painful memories I could dredge up for the sake of the moment. The only game you can win in such a situation, is one where neither player has a frigging clue whath appnes next."

Well, Dovev was up? Maybe the old guy had a plan? Well, better him than Trigger, on second thought.

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LURK>>>> -_-;;

Unread postby Nick Shogun » Tue Jun 15, 2004 1:20 pm

OOC: Sorry, I'd planned to draw something, but the scanner... IT IZ BROKE. Seriously, I'm sad at this revelation. Anyhoo, no worries. I just won't have any visuals for a while.


Mona took a few steps forward, bare feet pattering down the stone floor toward Dovev. He stood alert, as did Meryle and the others, as she neared.

"Zakara, Sybil, Trigger," Meryle whispered to the others. Klaus was to Dovev's right, out of earshot, unfortunetely. "What sort of powers to psychics have? The ability to stop people moving? How dangerous is she?"

"Gentleman, answer me this," shouted Mona, pointing her index finger at Dovev, "What are the names of the SEVEN DRAGOON FACTIONS?!"

Meryle stopped talking and turned to look at Mona. "WHAT?"

Mona smirked. "It's a trivia game, you see. Fun, huh? If you answer the question right, I'll let you go. Let's see how much you guys know about our Igala."


I take "DRAGOON FACTIONS" for 100 points.

Unread postby wkz » Tue Jun 15, 2004 11:58 pm

"Okay, shut up," Mona replied harshly as Klaus babbled on. "I'm choosing not to listen to your thoughts, as they are most likely useless to me."

That stopped Klaus in his tracks, and silenced his mouth. If Mona had looked at him right then (which she didn't) (OOC:I think), she would have clearly seen Klaus's expression on his face: Shock and Sad.

Given his track record with anything of a unique nature, it was to be expected. One would wonder just when Klaus would get a clue and stop coming on so fast and hard...

But for now, he was crushed emotionally (yet again). He only recovered enough to hear the following: "....... trivia ............. the question go. ........about our Igala."

"Huh? A trivia game?" a corner of Klaus's mind thought, "Against a psychic who can read and know all we know about history? This is bad...."

Then again, there's not much to read from Klaus's mind. He had grown up in isolation, been to only Baron and Doma city, and most of his history had been based on rumors and herasy overheard by drunkards in roadside inns...

(OCC edit: Someone's going to have to re-edit the RPGWW help files. The title's "The Five Major Dragoon Factions", yet seven are listed)

Edited by: [url=>wkz</A] at: 6/16/04 12:10 am

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BLURB, OOC thing.

Unread postby Nick Shogun » Wed Jun 16, 2004 5:22 pm

OOC: Yeah, that's why I chose seven. Hehehehe.... not very tricky, I guess. -_-;;

The Duelist
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Re: BLURB, OOC thing.

Unread postby The Duelist » Wed Jun 16, 2004 7:08 pm

Trigger shook his head.

"Now who the hell knows THAT? I only remember five..."

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That'sh what your mother shaid lasht night...

Unread postby ChristianC » Wed Jun 16, 2004 8:16 pm

((OOC - Because I'm not being a total turd head, I won't go check on the RPGWW site... and thus, I will not be able to answer this. :D ))

Dovev nearly dropped his jaw by the question.

"W-What?" he asked, his eyes widening. He was going to continue, but since Meryle asked before him he instead began to think. Damn it, he'd never even bothered to learn the name of one of them.

He slowly shook his head, slightly flustered as he growled, "Enough of these games, we don't have time for this."

Oh he was going to be hearing about this forever...

Celeste of Elvenhame

Re: That'sh what your mother shaid lasht night...

Unread postby Celeste of Elvenhame » Wed Jun 16, 2004 11:07 pm

"How the hell should I know." Sybil responded to Meryle's question. She looked at the girl as she asked her trivia question. "Again, How the hell should I know." she muttered with irritation.


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