The Curse of the Shadow Walkers (freestyle RP)

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Re: We move!

Unread postby wkz » Mon May 10, 2004 10:44 am

"The shoulder's healed. Lets go." Klaus said

"The shoulder's NOT healed" Meryle said, annoyed. This is the third time. She pinched Klaus's shoulder slightly to prove her point.

"Ouch! Ok.. ok...." Klaus said.

(OOC: Sorry about hijacking Meryle, but I felt there's more effect this way.)

Celeste of Elvenhame

Re: We move!

Unread postby Celeste of Elvenhame » Mon May 10, 2004 2:24 pm

"Meryle and Klaus are outside. She is is taking care of Klaus's injury." Sybil walked towards Dovev and offered her shoulder as support.

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Bah, this is nothing. Why, I remember back in the old days..

Unread postby ChristianC » Mon May 10, 2004 4:43 pm

Dovev gracefully declined the offer from Sybil, smiling slightly at the younger woman, "No need to... nnn... worry, miss," he readjusted the brim of his hat and winced as something cracked omniously in the area of his hip, "I've been through... worse." He leaned against the wall again, looking better by the minute, the blunt trauma his body has experienced wasn't enough to break any of his bones, but it'd managed to push the air out of him pretty soundly, not to mention hurting his pride a bit. He, the great bounty hunter Dovev Jermija could barely stand by himself?

In any case, he thought things over and then stood again, looking at the others, "I'm going to alert duke Maelstrom about this, I assume there aren't any more threats accounted for?"

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Well, hm.

Unread postby Nick Shogun » Mon May 10, 2004 6:15 pm

"I think there were only four zombies... and this crispy guy," said Meryle, as she trudged through the door, supporting the injured Klaus. "Michael's feeling better, aren't you?"

She turned back to the others. "Has someone checked on Mona? I'm sure she's very frightened. She looked at the hunters at the top of the stairs.

Edited by: Nick Shogun at: 5/10/04 7:41 pm

The Duelist
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Trigger: Checking. Why? Cause I'm nice. :D

Unread postby The Duelist » Mon May 10, 2004 7:31 pm

Sighing, Trigger stepped into Mona's room. With any luck, the girl was alright. It was a stupid move, he should have asked someone to stay with her, or he should have stayed with her himself...bah, she'd be fine...

Or would she?

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Unread postby Nick Shogun » Mon May 10, 2004 7:46 pm

The room was still dark. The smoldering corpse of a zombie was on the floor, a result of Trigger's shooting and hacking. Mona was curled on the floor, crying. Trigger approached her and knelt down, and she looked up, tears in her eyes. With a loud "sob," she flung her arms around the gunman and pressed her face against his chest.

Meryle, meanwhile, had wandered over to the butler upstairs. After feeling his neck, she turned to Zakara. "He's... dead. He shouldn't have been involved in all this. I wish this hadn't happened..."

A slam of wood on wood signaled Maelstrom's revival. The short man, in a nightdress, stumbled into the hall. "What the hell?! What's going on?! Why is there smoke and broken wood?! WHERE'S MY DAUGHTER?!"

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Trigger: Its sad cause its true!!! >_<

Unread postby The Duelist » Mon May 10, 2004 8:24 pm

Trigger shook his head, "Its alright."


She was pretty screwed up. Bardent's magic had done some awful things, and now she was confused, caught between realms. Light and Darkness? Or simply truth and illusion?

In either case...she was pretty screwed up.


He felt a calm flow over him. It wasn't over. It was never over. Even if this mission was over, which he doubted, it wouldn't end. One man had called it the path of the blade. Trigger called it the way of the asshole. He knew it was his life now. He'd probably never live normally again, he was just too good at what he did. He would live, and keep killing whatever got in his way, and probably stay sane throughout. But it would all end as it always ended. Sooner or later, he'd meet someone a little quicker on the draw, with a little less honor and a lot more firepower. And then he'd die.

It was the path that every mercenary chose, sooner or later. And for people like Trigger, it was a pretty long, and eventful life. Because survival was a habit they'd never decided to break, so they'd do it for a loooong time. And now, he felt that pang, knowing full well that he'd probably never feel whatever it was that Mona had felt, as false as it was, for another person.

But for now, he simply sat there, being the shoulder for the girl to cry on. And he forced his face to remain neutral.

And that was how it went.

Edited by: The Duelist at: 5/10/04 10:31 pm



Unread postby SALSAlys » Tue May 11, 2004 9:42 am

Zakara shook her head, running lightly back to Mona's room and leaving someone else to deal with Maelstrom. She had no particular urge to exchange bellows with the man at the moment.

When she entered, she saw Mona holding onto Trigger, but had no reaction, walking in. As far as she knew, this was a normal reaction; certainly seemed normal enough. She could understand needing comfort...

Zakara's eyes slowly blinked, their lights briefly flashing.

"Mona? Are you all right?" she asked cautiously.

Celeste of Elvenhame


Unread postby Celeste of Elvenhame » Tue May 11, 2004 11:17 am

Sybil turned and eyed the Baron. "We are doing what you paid us to do." The chill coolness of her voice cut through the noise more effectively than shouting ever would have. "Your daughter is upstairs. Be careful not to trip over Bardent's body on the way up." She stood there and arched a brow at the Baron, daring him to shout once more.

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Unread postby Nick Shogun » Tue May 11, 2004 3:31 pm

Maelstrom stared at Bardent’s corpse, and his lips trembled. “Who… who was he? The man after my daughter?” He looked up, and then rushed back upstairs to his daughter’s room. She looked up slightly, saw his frame in the doorway, and ran to him.

“Daddy! Ahhh…” she began to cry again. Harris held her close. “Poor baby. It’s all right, I’m here now. You’re okay.” Harris looked at Zakara, for once, with respect. “Thank you for saving her.”

Meryle stood next to Klaus on the first floor, checking the corpse. Klaus sat at the foot of the stairs, watching her. “He’s so cold,” she started, “for someone who was just electrocuted to death. And he’s full of liquid metal. How did he survive when it was in his blood?”

Trigger and Zakara stood in Mona’s room. Dovev leaned against the wall near Klaus. Celeste stood beside him. The silence was almost deadly. But what was perhaps more deadly was the strange shadow growing on the wall beside Meryle, that no one had noticed…


…it had eyes. It drifted upstairs, without alerting any of the hunters, and into Mona’s room, which was so bathed in shadow that the eyes were as invisible as the thing itself. It watched Mona, and breathed heavily. Time was up, now things could get serious.

A cold wind blew.

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I begin searching for hidden passages

Unread postby ChristianC » Tue May 11, 2004 3:43 pm

Dovev cocked an eyebrow at the counts outburst, but gave a smug smile as Sybil countered it.

"Yes, Bardent is dead," he said after a pause, "and your daughter is safe, as per contract." he smiled slightly at the duke, "I will take my share of the "salary" tomorrow morning when I leave for Baron, have it ready at dawn."

((OOC - EDIT : Apparantly Nick and I posted almost at the same time. :o, just assume Dovev does something similar to that))

Edited by: [url=>ChristianC</A]&nbsp; Image at: 5/11/04 5:24 pm


Re: I begin searching for hidden passages

Unread postby wkz » Tue May 11, 2004 8:36 pm

Klaus, meanwhile, began to examine Bardent's body. "Curious....."

At the same time, Klaus felt something, but in his diminished state, that feeling was like a whisper in the forest...

The Duelist
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Re: I begin searching for hidden passages

Unread postby The Duelist » Tue May 11, 2004 9:29 pm

Trigger shook his head. And then began the ritual after any successful job, a lone cigar was drawn from his pocket. He twirled it in his hand, making it perform several difficult acrobatic maneuvers by way of his fingers. Normally, he'd end this by just sticking it in his mouth, but he stopped. It wasn't polite to leave Cigar smoke in a lady's room.

He stepped outside of Mona's room, "Well. That was fun. I actually enjoyed that..."

He lit the cigar, taking one long, smooth drag.

He let out a small cloud of smoke, and twirled the cigar in his hand once more. The ritual of the first cigar after a successful job was now complete. In this one moment, he could discard all his feelings in the poisonous, yet relaxing power of the tobacco, releasing the stress with the small cloud. It didn't work as well this time, what, after THAT influx of emotions. But still, it had its effect. He would now give his professional, almost clinical summation.

"Well, dat was intrestin, worth every one o' dem tiny coins yer givin me...Ah'm guessin dat Bahdent's gone 'n dead...but Ah'm not going ta relax 'til you burn dat body...So, do we have any kinda rooms fer da night, or do you want us to keep watch a while longa?"

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Unread postby Nick Shogun » Wed May 12, 2004 12:42 am

Maelstrom sighed. "No, no... it looks like it's all over." He glanced at the dead butler, then at the charred body of Bardent. "Would you be so kind as to help me bury Francois?"

The butler's name, apparantly. Meryle looked at the man. A poor soul, who was in the wrong place at the wrong time.


Mona was in her room, having fallen asleep in her father's arms. He had laid her carefully into his bed, and had the other butlers remove the zombie corpse from her room and sweep up the glass. He locked the door to his room as the butlers carried their friend's body down the stairs. "No one's getting in there," he murmured, putting the key in the pocket of his nightshirt and following the butlers outside.

Then there was silence. For a moment.

The shadows in Maelstrom's room twisted and contorted. A sinister and familiar face gleamed on the walls. A smile. "Oh, my dear... your friends have wounded my pride... but they don't call me a 'shadow walker' for nothing..."


There was a crash, then a scream, from within Maelstrom's room. He was no more then ten paces away, when the door exploded, spilling out wind and furniture. He slammed against a wall and screeched in pain. Meryle darted along the banister, blowing a lamp aside with a blast of magic, and entering the room, ready for anything. What she found was shocking. The windows were all shattered...

... and Mona was gone.

Another scream from outside, filled her ears. Not a girl's scream, though. It sounded like the butlers were having some trouble of their own.


This 'aint Desert Storm II

Unread postby wkz » Wed May 12, 2004 7:31 am

Between mana deprivation and his earlier exertions, Klaus was bone tired. Yet his aching shoulder would not let him sleep comfortably. So he settled for polishing his father's sword in the meeting room (which he damaged earlier).

After all, force of habit would have nagged him of this chore all day long tomorrow. Most probably he would have collected his pay and walking the long walk to Baron by then, and will be in no position to polish that sword.

Suddenly, there was a boom from above, closely followed by a scream, approximately from Maelstrom's room's direction, although Klaus cannot be certain. Klaus stared at the huge smoke cloud drifting pass the doorway, stunned by the sight.

Right about then, there were additional screams coming from outside the house. "More trouble..." Klaus thought to himself. It was now very late and he was tired, Klaus was half tempted to just stay where he was and forget the whole world outside.

But again, his father training of knightly responsibilities took over again. Slightly shakily getting to his feet, his shoulder protesting slightly, Klaus walked out of the nearest broken window, to meet what lies beyond.

Edit: trying to edit ideas while tired = bad, bad story flow. edited

Edited by: [url=>wkz</A] at: 5/13/04 10:31 pm


Re: This 'aint Desert Storm II

Unread postby SALSAlys » Wed May 12, 2004 9:09 am

Zakara growled, wild sparks of energy flying from her hair before she broke into a run, going towards where she heard the screams of the butlers. While their official duty was to guard Mona...

Meryle's competent, and so are the others— what about those men?

The sparks fizzed out lightly as they hit the carpet behind her, leaving a temporary glowing wake behind her.

Edited by: [url=>SALSAlys</A] at: 5/13/04 9:04 am

Celeste of Elvenhame

Re: This 'aint Desert Storm II

Unread postby Celeste of Elvenhame » Wed May 12, 2004 12:51 pm

Sybil darted down the corridor towards the noise and chaos, trying to determine what had happened.

The Duelist
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Re: This 'aint Desert Storm II

Unread postby The Duelist » Wed May 12, 2004 12:54 pm

Trigger made his way to the screams. You knew you had done something wrong if things got exciting. A good job was one where things were very boring, if tense, and then STAYED boring. Obviously, Bardent had left something behind just in case.

Quickly reloading his pistol as he walked, he came to an internal decision: whatever it was, if he put enough bullets in it it would probably go down.


And so he made his way to the screaming butlers...

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No, this is friggin´ Battlefield Vietnam! :o

Unread postby ChristianC » Wed May 12, 2004 2:13 pm

Dovev was just about to leave for one of the Servant Rooms to get some well-deserved rest when the screams began. He rushed after Meryle into Mona's room, and as he saw the smashed windows and heard the screams of the butlers outside he turned his heels, rushed back out again and took the stairs in a few strides. Any thoughts he had on pain quickly disappeared as he stormed out through the door, shortly after Trigger. He didn't say anything, but his expression was enough to show that he didn't like the situation, not at all.

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No, they're just pussy butlers -_-;;

Unread postby Nick Shogun » Thu May 13, 2004 2:16 pm

The two butlers had dropped their dead friend to the grass and covered their heads with their hands when they saw Zakara and Trigger running toward them. They didn't wait for anyone to ask what happened.

"A MONSTER!!" The first one shouted, waving his hands in the air, then suddenly fainting. The second butler slapped him in the face, and he groggily opened his eyes again.

"It was the moon, blotted out by a black shape..." continued the first butler.

"...and we heard this pounding..." said the second butler.

"...and then the windows broke, and another shape came out the window, and..."

"...mixed with the one in the moonlight, and..."

"...then another shape, a small one, but not that small, actually quite big..."

"...but not as big as the other two, and not as transparent..."

"...with the young master Mona in its arms!"

"It's eyes glowed red..."

"...and it took off into the forest!"

By now, Sybil, Klaus, Meryle, Dovev, and Maelstrom had arrived. Both butlers pointed north. "It went THAT way," they shouted in fearful unison. Meryle looked. She could, surprisingly, see torchlight. What kind of shadowy shape needed a torch?

“We need to hurry, before these guys can extinguish their tor—“ Meryle stopped as Maelstrom fell to his knees.

“NO! Why do they want her? What has she ever done to anyone?” he looked up at the hunters. Tears were streaming down his eyes. Now, more than ever, the elf sorceress was convinced that Maelstrom was a True Father. He stood up, shakily, clad in a nightshirt, picked up one of the butlers’ lamps, and started walking toward the forest. Meryle grabbed his left wrist.

“You’re not going anywhere. You’d just get killed. Let us handle this, sir.”

“Please, save her, I beg you! I’ll pay whatever you want! Anything! Everything!” he sobbed, falling to his knees, again. Meryle turned to the others.

“I know we didn’t sign up for this,” she started, “but I have this weird disease called a Conscience. Who’s going to help me save her?”

Celeste of Elvenhame

Re: No, they're just pussy butlers -_-;;

Unread postby Celeste of Elvenhame » Thu May 13, 2004 2:42 pm

Sybil sighed. She hated being an assassin with conscience..."I will help." One of these days, I really need to find a new line of work. She grumbled inwardly.

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Hehe, you said butt. :3

Unread postby ChristianC » Thu May 13, 2004 3:57 pm

Dovev looked at the light that was disappearing northwards, then turned to the others and looked especially at Maelstrom.

"I'm not going to do any more work than what I signed up with," he smiled slightly under the brim of his hat, "which was to protect your daughter, am I right?"

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Re: Hehe, you said butt. :3

Unread postby The Duelist » Thu May 13, 2004 4:29 pm

Trigger sighed, "Fine, give me double pay and It'll be fine."

He immediately started after the torchlight. Something had wanted Mona, and now It would also get a set of lead slugs in the bargain. Fine by him.

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Dovev... Vevod...

Unread postby Nick Shogun » Thu May 13, 2004 8:34 pm

Meryle looked at Maelstrom. "Stay here. Go back inside. We'll get your daughter back safely."

She knew what Zakara was thinking. You didn't just talk to a nice person for an hour and then leave them to die. Then she looked at Klaus, nursing his wounds. He had done a lot already. She grabbed his shoulder. "You've done so much, Klaus, if you're tired, I understand... but I'd appreciate it if you came."



Unread postby SALSAlys » Thu May 13, 2004 8:47 pm

Zakara crossed her arms, resisting the urge to glare at Klaus... though not very well.

Honestly. That Trigger, she fumed. Whether or not this is actually part of our JOBS... that girl NEEDS our help! How... MERCENARY!

She nearly snorted at the irony of that.

I signed on for this as well, but if doing this kind of work for pay makes you so hardened....

True, the others had already volunteered, but she couldn't help associating Trigger with them still.

With those thoughts running through her head and her glowing eyes narrowed at Klaus, she probably gave the impression that she intended to zap him if he didn't agree to help.


Huh? HEY, what did i do wrong?!?

Unread postby wkz » Thu May 13, 2004 9:53 pm

(OOC: there goes the post about me shouting from up ahead "There are here!")

"No problem" Klaus said, contantly resisting the urge to start staring at Zakara. "Don't worry about me, it is the right thing to do..."

"After all," Klaus added, "Someone out there started this whole mess that got me injured, and I have this big, sharp, heavy blade here just for him...."

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You did EVERYTHING wrong.

Unread postby Nick Shogun » Fri May 14, 2004 1:57 pm

Deep in the forest, there was a groan. A shape sat down on a log and rested its “head” on its “shoulders.” The thing wasn’t exactly human; to be more precise, it was trying very hard to become human. Wisps of darkness were twirling like a smoky gust around its body.


It leaned toward a tall stick that had been plunged into the ground. There was a box of matches at the shadow’s feet, and it lit one, striking it on the stick and lighting the rags at the top. A torch. Another figure stepped into the clearing. This one was much larger, perhaps almost eight feet tall, and had glowing red eyes. In its arms it cradled a young, unconscious girl in a nightdress. The shadow looked at it.

“Good, you’ve got her. I’m having trouble maintaining shape, as you can see,” it said, cracking its “knuckles.” It looked in the direction of the house. “They might try to follow us… take her to the keep, quickly. I’ll be along eventually.”

The towering beast nodded and plodded off into the night.


Meryle looked at the torchlight extinguish. The group was already in the forest, darting over logs and pushing aside branches. With the light extinguished, they were running blind. Meryle sent a blue orb of light in the direction of the torch, and it exploded, briefly lighting the woods. She saw two shapes—a large shape on one side, and a smaller, quicker shape on the other. She shouted to the others:

“I see two of them! Klaus, Zakara, come with me! Everyone else, go right, toward the forest edge! Find the big one!” She spun to her left and darted in the direction of the smaller figure, not waiting to see who was following her, if anybody.

Edited by: Nick Shogun at: 5/15/04 7:20 pm

The Duelist
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not EVERYTHING...well...maybe...

Unread postby The Duelist » Fri May 14, 2004 5:39 pm

Trigger sighed, he was really wishing he had thought to bring the rifle out with him. But no, he'd put it down for a moment, and now he was going against an eight foot tall giant using a revolver, and an assortment of close combat weapons.

It would be fun, anyway.

He picked up the pace, quickly and efficiently moving to the large creature...


Re: not EVERYTHING...well...maybe...

Unread postby SALSAlys » Fri May 14, 2004 6:33 pm

Zakara, for her part, was heading after Meryle already— trying to run, then biting back some swearing as she stumbled over a fallen log.

"Think I could take to the air instead?" she asked Meryle, diffident despite her annoyance at her own clumsiness. "I could move more rapidly in that fashion."

Of course, it could also make her more of a target, but she thought Meryle would have more experience with this sort of thing.


Re: not EVERYTHING...well...maybe...

Unread postby wkz » Fri May 14, 2004 8:16 pm

Klaus was just following along behind Trigger and Dovan. There was a bright flash of light, and he heard Meryle giving instructions.

"Ah well, might as well try it... If we stumble into it in total darkness..." Klaus thought to himself. He concentrated for a bit, and lifted his hand in front of him. A flickering dim light appeared in his palm, a light only just bright enough to see shapes and nothing else. At least it was better than nothing.

"I must be really drained..." Klaus thought to himself, struggling between trying to maintain the spell and trying not to collapse from spellcasting induced fatigue. "Only this pitiful light..." After all, the full strength of the spell will make people think entire suns had appeared in Klaus's palm.

Celeste of Elvenhame

Re: not EVERYTHING...well...maybe...

Unread postby Celeste of Elvenhame » Fri May 14, 2004 8:58 pm

Sybil darted to the right, sliding from tree to tree, keeping under cover as she searched for the other thing that had taken Mona.

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Re: not EVERYTHING...well...maybe...

Unread postby ChristianC » Sat May 15, 2004 5:22 pm

Dovev nodded as Meryle gave her command. He rushed off to the right, doing his best to look out for whatever large thing he was hunting. Damn, he'd been inside so long his nightvision was completely ruined. He wasn't exactly sure about going against this creature with his whip, in fact, after this night he was seriously reconsidering learning some more to the point weaponry, knives perhaps...

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Hug the Evil!

Unread postby Nick Shogun » Sat May 15, 2004 7:32 pm


Sybil, Trigger, and Dovev were now deeper into the forest. Tall, shading trees had severed the moonlight, and only thin openings in the branches allowed the warriors to find their way.

A hulking shape crashed through the brush a hundred feet ahead, and snapped off a few branches on a nearby tree. The heroes pursued, pushing through the weeds and flowers, until they reached the forest edge--and discovered a huge gulch.

Here the trees ended, and about a length of ten feet stood between them and a long drop into the deep ravine. It was about fifty feet deep, and seemed to run parallel to the forest. Dovev looked to his left and saw the figure running through the ravine, north. The drop was fifty feet... how did he get down there so quickly?


Meryle, Zakara, and Klaus were meanwhile in pursuit of the smaller figure. They'd seen him dart from between some trees and into a patch of swamp. Now they stood near a babbling brook, thin and dark within the forest's shadow.

"Darn... where did he go?" Meryle wondered aloud, waving her magical orb of light from side to side. Klaus did the same. Zakara's crackling electricity provided its own light.

"We're so shiny... maybe one of us should have gone with the other group," reflected Meryle.

She was about to elaborate further when a shadow emerged from the brush. The figure they'd chased. It stood there, silently, taunting them, unwilling to make the first move. In many ways, it seemed as though perhaps the figure wasn't even there, but was only a ghost of a man, a wisp in the moonlight. None of the adventurers could see in the dim lighting, but the shadow wore a smile.

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Unread postby The Duelist » Sat May 15, 2004 10:22 pm

Trigger just shook his head,

"I know where dis is 'eadin."

Whatever they were after was bigger, stronger, and more agile than all of them, and had a young woman as a shield to boot. And it was also probably going to set a trap soon if it was any smart at all...


And he had left his grappling hook on the roof.

"Anybody got any ideas..."


Hug the Evil??? Dammit... this joke is wearing thin...

Unread postby wkz » Sun May 16, 2004 1:37 am

Meryle, Zakara, and Klaus stared at the shadow. It stared back.

Nothing moved.

They continued staring at each other for a while, neither wanting to make the first move...

An owl hooted.

"Great." Klaus thought, his first surprise at seeing a possible magical apparition wearing off. He was unable to sense the nature of the shadow in his weakened state. "Guess there's other ways to test a shadow."

He ran forward towards the shadow, the broadsword trailing behind and digging a line. "We do not have much time! Cover me!"

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I'm lacking ideas for titles, okay? Sue me!

Unread postby Nick Shogun » Sun May 16, 2004 5:19 am

The cliff was a long drop, sure, but it sloped in slightly as it neared the bottom. There were a few large outcroppings; the group might have been able to climb down, unless anyone had a better idea.


Meryle watched as Michael slammed his sword in a roundhouse spin at the shadow's left side. The sword passed innocently through the figure and Klaus spun for a moment as he regained his footing.

"I'm just an illusion, right now," the shadow said. "I can't hurt you, and you cant hurt me... but that will soon change."

Meryle wondered aloud, "Are you... Bardent?"

The shadow might have smiled. "Very observant. The cross-shaped scar, right? Any more questions?" He looked from one hunter to another.

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Okay, *sues you*

Unread postby ChristianC » Sun May 16, 2004 7:24 am

Dovev looked at the others, nodded slowly and then began to make his way down into the ravine, sliding and almost loosing his footing several times. This wasn't good, they were losing a lot of time doing this, but it couldn't be helped.

"Trigger," he half-yelled as they came closer to the bottom of the ravine, "when we get closer, try a aimed shot at that things legs. If you're as good as you say you are, that shouldn't be a problem..." he paused for a while, "...and try not to hit the girl."

The Duelist
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Trigger: >_< Okay, I'm not Riggs, so sue me!

Unread postby The Duelist » Sun May 16, 2004 11:31 am

Trigger snorted as he descended, "What are you, stupid? Are you familiar with the term 'shot in the dark'? I know ARCHERS use it too, so you've had to have heard it before. Well, we've got one of those, along with a good distance to said it IS a long distance by now, and the thing's got a girl on its person somewhere that I could end up hitting, and I'm going to have shoot at the thing while running, possibly stumbling. I'm the best in the biz, but this is just pushing it."

He growled, nearly missing his footing, but he recovered, "I can't take a shot until I can see her outline on the bastard, and can actually make out those legs of its, so you're going to have to find a way to get me close enough. Capiche?"

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*Sues you too* DOVEV HAS GAINED 50 MILLION GIL! :o

Unread postby ChristianC » Sun May 16, 2004 11:56 am

"I said..." Dovev growled as he continued down, "when we get CLOSER!" He glared at Trigger from underneath his brim, "Are you familiar with the term 'think before you speak'?" He was half his mind to tell the snot-nosed brat he could KICK his dumb ass over to the figure, but didn't, instead putting more focus on running.


Lawyer's Fee: 50 Million Gil.

Unread postby wkz » Sun May 16, 2004 8:02 pm

"Woah!" Klaus exclaimed as his sword passed through the shadow as if it was nothing. The momentum of the swing spun him around for a bit until he recovered his footing.

He stood to one side, listening in on the conversation. "An illusion spell, that can hurt people soon?" Klaus thought to himself " Wait, Bardent? Who's Bardent? Seems familiar enough... erm..."

At the same moment, not even noticing it, Klaus had slowly moved towards the shadow. After all, illusion spells are always a staple spell of great mages, and Klaus himself might find out how it is done...


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