The Curse of the Shadow Walkers (freestyle RP)

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The Curse of the Shadow Walkers (freestyle RP)

Unread postby Nick Shogun » Thu Apr 01, 2004 7:30 pm

OOC: If you aren't already admitted, see the OOC Forum for more details on getting involved.


In the backwoods of Baron, near the desert that stretches for miles and miles between the western coast and the Shuman Mountains, there is a forest. It is dense, full of thick, strong trees, and inhabited by the outdoor animals you would expect in such a locale. However, travel deep enough into this forest, and follow the beaten path that grows ever fainter, and you will find something out of place: a mansion, perched upon a hill, in a small clearing.

This is the home of Sir Harris Malstrom the Third, former knight of Baron's royal army, now wealthy duke retreating to his mansion in the forest to wait out a sweltering summer. He left two weeks ago, and with him came three hand-servants, a pair of maids, six butlers, three cooks, and a coachman. Also, his daughter Mona, a dainty girl of seventeen.

As the sun breaks the wall of pine that surrounds this quaint little mansion, a group of travelers from across Igala gather to acheive a common goal, summoned by Malstrom himself.

OOC: And from now on, I'm writing in past-tense.


Sir Harris Malstrom the Third stood in the center of a large common room, a hand-servant on either side of him, his daughter locked safely in her room on the second floor. He was less than five feet tall, with thick, curly brown hair and a long, brown mustache. His eyes rested on the single figure in front of him, a skinny, youthful-looking elf girl named Meryle. She gazed back at him, smiling nervously.

"You know why you're here! I've called for the best mercenaries in all of Igala and they have answered the call!"

Meryle looked to either side. There were four chairs set up, besides her own. They were empty.

"RSVP, the poster said! Best mercenaries required, it said! I got... ONE LETTER! I expected a hundred!"

Meryle coughed. "Well... maybe the other mercenaries can't write. I myself," the elf noted touching her right index finger to her chest, "am a bounty hunter. And I'm sure there are other people coming."

"HOW?! HOW CAN YOU BE SURE?!" the stumpy man shouted, his face so hot that it could melt iron.

"Mercenaries aren't the type to carry about pen and paper. Besides, your monetary offer was a bit low. Can't hook the big fish that way. Maybe if you raised it--"


Meryle sighed. "Well... maybe if we're patient, some other people will show up.

Edited by: Nick Shogun at: 4/1/04 7:32 pm

The Duelist
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Re: The Curse of the Shadow Walkers (freestyle RP)

Unread postby The Duelist » Thu Apr 01, 2004 8:05 pm

Moments later, the manservant heard a knock at the door. He opened it, geting a small cloud of smoke in his face.

There stood an average heighted man, smoking a cigar. Most of his clothes covered by a tattered, poncho-like cloak. At his side was a revolver, and his face was a measure of relaxed intensity, for lack of a better term.

"Iyas. I'm 'ere 'bout da job."

The servant showed him in, and told him where the room was...The man nodded and headed that way.

Edited by: The Duelist at: 4/1/04 8:21 pm


Oh boy... this is going to be ....

Unread postby wkz » Thu Apr 01, 2004 8:29 pm

"Stop walking through this woods" Michael Klaus said to himself. "I have neither experience nor skills, and this might be suicide! Not to mention the betraying of the Code of Honor father always held dear!"

However, both his stomach and his aching feet disagreed. The audible growling was only offset by the wincing Klaus gave out every time he stepped on a pebble through soles worn thin.

Klaus sighed again. Wandering free around the world sounds good in theory, but it sure does cost a lot. At least he did see his first airship in the nearby city, and that was where he had seen the poster with more zeros than he have seen for a "bodyguard" job. Others he had overheard may think its a paltry token, but for Klaus, it represented a sum beyond imagination.

"Ah, finally" Klaus thought to himself, as he winced at another pebble. "The rich sure build their homes in strange places." Klaus rearranged his backpack, then walked up to the door and knocked.

Edited by: [url=>wkz</A] at: 4/1/04 8:43 pm

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Re: The Curse of the Shadow Walkers (freestyle RP)

Unread postby ChristianC » Thu Apr 01, 2004 8:40 pm

Dovev Jermija frowned as he walked through the clearing and towards the mansion. He didn't like taking these odd-jobs, especially not jobs with posters put up publicly. As he approached the large door he released a deep sigh, drew a hand through his silver gray hair and knocked on the door, putting on his wide-brimmed, darkbrown hat before it was opened.

"Is this the Malstrom Estate?" He asked in a surprisingly calm voice as a manservant answered the door. He was answered with a quick nod and a stuttered "y-yes... m-may I ask you t-to state your buh-business?"

Dovev wasn't surprised by the reaction and put on a professional "Don't-mess-with-me" look.

"I saw your posters." That was enough for him to be led inside and into the room with the others.


X-ray eyes?

Unread postby wkz » Thu Apr 01, 2004 10:02 pm

(OCC: forgot the character description: he's not dressed as a mage, just a traveller's cloak together with shirt/pants. All the spellbooks are behind in the backpack, together with a broardsword. That butler has unholy sharp X-ray eyes....)

"Oh, ok" Klaus replied to the butler's statement. (**Edit, ignore this part: "actually glad he is thought of as a mage"**) "Left is it?"

He walked pass the butler, his eyes busy taking in the fine fixtures and furniture of the mansion, while wondering what is burning ahead to cause all these smoke...

Edited by: [url=>wkz</A] at: 4/2/04 1:29 am

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Nick Shogun
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Going to be what?

Unread postby Nick Shogun » Thu Apr 01, 2004 10:43 pm

After a few moments, a butler opened the double doors and looked critically at the young mage.

"Ah... you must be here for Master Malstrom. If you'll take the first door on your left..."

He stood aside so Klaus could join the others.


Meryle's head cocked to the right as a man entered the room. He looked old yet firm, and carried an air of dignity with him. A minute later, another man entered, this one almost engulfed in cigar smoke. She coughed again. Force-of-habit.

Celeste of Elvenhame

Re: X-ray eyes?

Unread postby Celeste of Elvenhame » Thu Apr 01, 2004 11:56 pm

Sybil glided silently out of the woods and towards the Mansion doors, keeping in the shadows. Dressed in grey she slid towards the door and knocked. As the job offered a decent cover and some pay to get her where she next needed to go, she had decided a bit of showmanship would be most wise.Immediately after knocking, she hid in the shadows and waited for the door to be answered.

When the door was opened, she tossed a small smoke grenade at in front of the door and used the distraction to leap silently into the center. To the startled servant answering, it would appear as though she appeared out of thin air. She smiled smugly and waited for the servant to speak....

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Re: X-ray eyes?

Unread postby Nick Shogun » Fri Apr 02, 2004 1:00 am

OOC: Well, I know you're a mage, wkz... but the butler never actually said anything to indicate he knew you were a mage. I'll remember though, 'civilian attire.'


The butler coughed sharply as the entrance hall filled with smoke. A girl popped up, seemingly out of nowhere, and the butler (in his middle years) gasped for breaths.

"I'm holding down a seizure," he thought. "I think I hate my job."

He looked at the strange new arrival and tried to smile. "Pleasure, miss... please go through the first door on the left."

Edited by: Nick Shogun at: 4/2/04 2:32 pm

Celeste of Elvenhame

Re: X-ray eyes?

Unread postby Celeste of Elvenhame » Fri Apr 02, 2004 3:04 am

"Thank You." Sybil grinned and sketched a florid bow to the man and then walked through the door she was directed to.

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Re: X-ray eyes?

Unread postby ChristianC » Fri Apr 02, 2004 3:13 am

Dovev sat down in one of the chairs, nodding to Malstrom but practically ignoring everyone else. There'd probably be some kind of test to see who was most fit to do this mission, how bothersome.

With nothing better to do, he began to finger slightly on the whip attached to his belt, keeping his eyes on Malstrom.

The Duelist
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Re: X-ray eyes?

Unread postby The Duelist » Fri Apr 02, 2004 8:04 am

"H'eyy...Name's Trigger, howyadoin?" He said to Malstrom.

It was obvious now, as the room cleared out, that the smoke that once engulfed him was not cigar smoke. A thin film was still coming off the cigar, but that was it. He was relaxed, and didn't seem very serious.

"Ah'm 'ere bout da job that ya offered."

It wasn't the best paying job he'd ever seen...but work was slow, and there wasn't much else going on. He released the smoke from his lungs, his smile becoming rather thin.

"So watts de deal."

Edited by: The Duelist at: 4/2/04 8:07 am

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Unread postby Nick Shogun » Fri Apr 02, 2004 12:55 pm

Malstrom glared intently at the man. he had little or no tolerance for those with no devotion to their homeland, but the wandering miscriants that were bounty hunters, adventurers, pirates, and brigands were the only type of people that could do this job. He had already requested formally for the empire of Baron to send him a small army to defend his home; the empire politely gave its refusal.

"Well, four is better than none, I suppose." His man-servant tapped him on the shoulder and he caught sight of a small, long-haired girl. She seemed very... unnoticable.

"Oh, excuse me, I didn't notice you there. You're quite the spy," Malstrom said, adjusting his tie. How a young girl like that was a sword for hire, he'd never understand.

He looked directly at Dovev and grimaced. Not the most respectable types. He'd have to watch his back with this bunch.

"If you'll excuse me for just one moment," he started, then sauntered out of the room, his two man-servants trailing behind.

Meryle sat in her chair uncomfortably, next to Dovev. Trying to be polite, she stuck her hand out toward him. "Ah... hi? My name is... Meryle Goldskin?"

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Re: Ergh?

Unread postby ChristianC » Fri Apr 02, 2004 2:05 pm

(Forgot a small detail of my character... >_> He's got a thick, but fairly short, beard which still has some strands of brown left in it, sorry.)

Dovev took the stare calmly, looking back into the count's eyes until the duke turned his attention otherwhere. He glanced at the young girl who'd sitten down next to him.

"Dovev," he replied as she introduced herself taking her much smaller hand in his, "you don't seem like the bounty hunter type."

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Oh, my.... *blush*

Unread postby Nick Shogun » Fri Apr 02, 2004 3:30 pm

Meryle smiled warmly. "Well, I'm not a bounty hunter per se... I'm more of an adventurer... a 'sorceress for hire,' if you will."

She paused to brush a strand of hair out of his eyes. "Say you need to raid an ancient temple, or need some cargo magically levitated out of a hole, that's more of my field. The duke's poster said 'bodyguards needed' and that sounded right up my alley!"


The Duelist
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Re: Oh, my.... *blush*

Unread postby The Duelist » Fri Apr 02, 2004 7:33 pm

Trigger let out another small cloud of smoke. He liked to chain-smoke right before a job, as he usually couldn't let himself smoke in almost any real combat situation.

"Women." He thought to himself. " I know I'm not going to like this."

Oh well, a job WAS a job. Besides, it probably wasn't going to be too difficult...on the other hand, whatever made this guy, who obviously knew next to nothing about mercenaries, post a flyer like that for bodyguards, must have been pretty desperate for firepower.

Taking another long drag, he spoke again, revealing teeth that somehow managed to stay normal despite his smoking habit.

"m'I de only one 'ere wondrin why dis fella needs soooo much fiahpowa waaay out 'ere?" He asked the group.

He let out another small cloud of smoke.

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My lungs, people... please, think of the children.

Unread postby Nick Shogun » Fri Apr 02, 2004 8:47 pm

Meryle looked at the somewhat gruff traveler. As she examined his clothes, she also noticed a gun of some sort on his right hip. Of course, the type of gun was a mystery, seeing as Meryle knew nothing firearms.

"Well, I was here first, but before you all came he was just complaining and complaining to me about how no one showed up! I didn't know what to say..."

She looked at the door leading into the entrance hall.

"When he comes back, I'm sure he'll explain his problem to us."


Finally, he arrives.

Unread postby wkz » Sat Apr 03, 2004 2:35 am

Buried in smoke, apprehensive in strange surroundings, and eyeing all the furnishing had led Klaus to the 2nd door on the left: a restroom.

after <span style="font-size:xx-small;"> *ahem* answering the call of nature...</span>, he retraced his steps to the meeting room, just missing the exiting Lord Malstrom.

(edit OOC: Sorry, i got turned around, had to re-read this thread several times before i spotted my own mistake. All of the following has been changed, slightly)

Upon entering, he looked around, and noticed an elf,a mercenary-looking smoker talking to each other in the chairs in the center of the room. He also noticed another person in a wide-brimmed hat looking out of the window and a ordinary looking fair lady with a staff standing quietly in a corner.

He shrugged, and approached Sybil.

(OOC: there, that should cover for my late appearance in that meeting room)

( (i have been using too many edits lately) OOC: Apparently, the GM used what i considered to be "wrong" for the pictures below. Post is now modified back to original)

Edited by: [url=>wkz</A] at: 4/4/04 4:57 am


Dang, Klaus sure looks "blur" in the picture above

Unread postby wkz » Sun Apr 04, 2004 5:10 am

"Aye, mate, is dis where we is supposed ta be sittin'?"

Klaus turned around just to come eye-to-eye with the newest person's chest. Not used to being shorter than the people in his surroundings, it took a moment before he realized what he was seeing, and arched his neck upwards.

(Both OOC and IC:) IM: "Woah... who's this, another participant? " (OOC off)

IM: "I have never seen any human remotely this big! Is he really a..."

"Er ya listening, buffoon?! Is dis where I sits?" The big guy said, waving his hand dangerously close to Klaus's face. Instinctively flinching from the waving hand, Klas took two steps to the side, then gathered his wits.

"Yes, if you are looking for the bodyguard job, this is where you sit." Klaus said. Then he noticed something.

IM :"Man, he smells and ........ A chicken???"

(OOC: poor chicken, stuck in the armpit of a smelly man)

Edited by: [url=>wkz</A] at: 4/4/04 5:13 am

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Unread postby Nick Shogun » Sun Apr 04, 2004 5:49 am


As Meryle tried to start a pleasant conversation with the gun-toting Terrance, Dovev stood by one of the six-foot, victorian-style windows, gazing into the endless wood outside. Sybil stood where she had for the past three minutes, her black attire and cold stare giving her an imposing presence. In the doorframe, Micheal Klaus took a good look at his surroundings.


Suddenly, his ears perked up and he heard a loud voice behind him. He also smelled something very, very bad.

"Aye, mate, is dis where we is supposed ta be sittin'?"

Klaus turned and was face-to-chest with an eight-foot giant, which was impressive for even a tall man like Micheal. He was hairy, and shirtless, and held a chicken under his right arm.


"Er ya listening, buffoon?! Is dis where I sits?" He waved his hand dangerously close to Klaus's face as he said it.

The Duelist
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Unfortunetely, Gaera is a giant Smoking Section.

Unread postby The Duelist » Sun Apr 04, 2004 10:14 am

Upon seeing the giant man with the chicken walk into the room, Trigger started smiling, turning away from Meryle do let out a cloud of smoke (if only for the sake of politeness.)

"Well." He said to her, "dis'll be interestin."

Trigger didn't scare easily. He had seen things far larger, and far scarier than this man. He finally tossed his poncho into the chair he decided would be his.

"So." He said to her, "What'sa gal like you doin in a job like dis?"

Celeste of Elvenhame

*glares baelfully at all the smoke*

Unread postby Celeste of Elvenhame » Sun Apr 04, 2004 11:27 am

Sybil, arms crossed, cocked an appraising eyebrow at the man approaching her and then shrugged. Silently, she waited for him to speak.

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bicycle mustache!

Unread postby Nick Shogun » Sun Apr 04, 2004 3:51 pm

Meryle sighed. "Well, I was sort of... 'kicked out' of this magic school... and you need a degree if you ever want to ake it as a professional sorceress, really--"

She was cut short as the large man sat down, shattering the chair beneath him. It took a few seconds to realize he was now sitting on the floor, and when he did, he was not happy. The chicken squawked.

"What kinda place is dis?! What a crappy chair..." he picked up a leg and threw it against a wall.

A butler who was watching the group approached quietly. "Sir," he began, trembling, "please don't throw things..."

"Dun ya be callin' me sir! My name's Burke, and I is the fiercest blacklist hunter this side of the Barren Desert! You dun have the right to address me!"

With the palm of his left hand, he smacked the butler with inhuman strength, knocking the servant over a couch and onto the floor.

"No respec', honestly," Burke grunted. He turned to Sybil and smiled. "Well... whas yer name, pretty?" He moved uncomfortably close to her and grinned. His teeth were a mess.

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Layin down the law?

Unread postby The Duelist » Sun Apr 04, 2004 6:15 pm

Trigger had a code of ethics...of a sort. You don't f--k with women. You don't f--k with children. And you don't f--k with your employer unless they f--k first. He carefully placed his cigar by his poncho so that it wouldn't possibly burn either the poncho or the wood. It was a good one, and he wanted to finish it before the job started.

"Eyyy..." he said to Burke, "Chickensh-t."

He knew that'd get a reaction. he carefully pocketed a small set of brass knuckles into his right hand.

"We're 'ere ta do a bodygaad job. An somehow I don't think our client's a'gonna like you f--kin wit' da help. So ye'd best sit yer ass down on that busted chair o' yers, and act reeel nice..."

If Trigger managed to get to this point, then, calculating Burke's stride, and the man's need to act tough, he'd be performing a menacing stride right into Trigger's face. And oh yes, Trigger was in the mood for trouble. With his brass knuckles, he'd taken people a lot bigger, and meaning, and one rising upper later to the jaw, and this puke'd be on the floor.

Inwardly, he said, "Come on dammit, give me a reason."


Re: Layin down the law?

Unread postby wkz » Sun Apr 04, 2004 8:07 pm

Klaus, on the other hand, does not seem to need a reason. The rules and laws of both gentlemanly and knightly conduct his father crammed into his brain more than suggested this is wrong.

"Hey you!" he almost started shouting, when he noticed Trigger moving into position.

IM: "Ah well, this brute IS big. Although i think i better help him". And with that, while Trigger is insulting Burke, Klaus took off his backpack and approached Trigger's side

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The First Fight

Unread postby Nick Shogun » Mon Apr 05, 2004 1:26 pm


Trigger and Klaus watched Burke cautiously. The large man with the bicycle mustache did seem off his rocker, but he also looked like a force to be reckoned with. Plus, he smelled. The bald man growled menacingly. “You two… dare ye challenge me with yer fancy shirts and capes? I ain’t afraid of ye!”

Klaus’ eyes widened as Burke screamed and hurled the chicken. It bounced off Klaus’ head, clucking as it fell behind a sofa. It didn’t hurt; but Klaus picked a feather out of his hair.

OOC: Okay, for anyone who has fought a freestyle battle in my RPs before (Duelist, I’m looking at you), you know the rules. For everyone else, your post should contain a description of the attack you are performing on your opponent (you can attack your friends, but why would you want to?). Since I'm the GM, I’ll use an intricate-but-secret method to decide how much damage your enemy sustains, or if you even hit him. Remember: you only write an attack post, you do not write yourself doing any damage to the opponent, that’s my job.

Example of a Freestyle Battle Post from Master of the Scroll:

Geoc looked up at the man in shiny armor, and he raised one eyebrow.

"Has that ever worked? Have you ever come up to anyone and said that, and they just said, "Okay please kill us professional bounty hunter man." 'Cause I can assure you it won’t work on us." Geoc said in an overly sarcastic tone of voice.

Geoc then launched himself at the shield. He seemed to just go from standing to flying through the air. Geoc flew through the air with his sword over his head. With all the might he could muster he brought his sword down on the shield. It would either break the shield or bounce off vibrating more than a tuning fork.

If you need to see more, check out my old freestyle RP:

Nick Shogun at: 4/5/04 1:30 pm


Poor chicken

Unread postby wkz » Mon Apr 05, 2004 9:15 pm

"Here we go" thought Klaus, as he pick out the feather from his hair. "This is going too far. But no spells i guess, I do not intend to hurt him, at least not too much..... There goes all my other options..."

Then in one smooth motion, he ducked low, jumped forward and hooked out his right arm, charging pass Trigger and fully intent on tripping one of Burke's legs. "Gunman!!" Klaus shouted "Follow up!", expecting the better-built Trigger to follow up with an attack that will actually hurt.

OOC: i think Klaus have not been introduced to the rest of the bunch yet. That's why he didn't shout Trigger's name.
Also: What the..... server maintanence??


Drastic apologies for being so late! >.<;

Unread postby SALSAlys » Mon Apr 05, 2004 10:58 pm

A faint crackling sound could be heard in the air, and then a luminescent face peered into the room, sparks of electricity zapping from short, spiky hair over a delicate face with sharp features.

Empty-looking white eyes glowed, then blinked in confusion.

"Ah.... am I late?" she asked confusedly, cocking her head to one side as she looked over the beginnings of the fight.

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Unread postby Nick Shogun » Tue Apr 06, 2004 1:09 am

Klaus hurled himself at Burke's legs, flinging his arms around the left and holding tight. The large bounty hunter was built like a small tower of tree trunks, but Klaus was a tall, well-built man, and wouldn't let up so easily. "Ay! Leggo, ya stupid freak!"

Burke, raising his left arm, brought his elbow down around the annoying young fellow who was keeping him from walking. The elbow struck Klaus in the back with a powerful intensity, but Klaus did not let go.

[Trigger's turn.]


Meryle was somewhat startled to see a small, lightning-covered figure peeking through the archway. Klaus and Burke were about five feet from it, and therefore had effectively sealed the exit. There was a door, however, in the other corner of the room, but for all Meryle knew it led to a closet. She shouted to Zakara, hoping the large buffoon nearby wouldn't notice her. He was too busy swearing at Klaus. "Hey, if I were you," Meryle started, "I wouldn't come in here right now."

OOC: Order of the fight is changed due to Zakara's appearance. The fight order now goes:

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Edited by: Nick Shogun at: 4/6/04 1:10 am



Unread postby wkz » Tue Apr 06, 2004 3:48 am

The two bodies collided, but despite the momentum, Klaus was not able to trip the bigger man. He settled for entangling Burke's left leg instead, leaving Trigger to approach from the right.

For all his troubles, he got a powerful punch to the back that almost knocked the wind out of him. How he held on, even he did not know.

"Hey, Gunman!!, what are you waiting for!" Klaus shouted between gasps and grunts, still trying to push Burke off balance, "It STINKS down here!"

The Duelist
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He's a reeeeal nasty SOB

Unread postby The Duelist » Tue Apr 06, 2004 8:05 am

Trigger just shook his head as he went forward. He could end this fight right now just by drawing his weapon. Buuuut, where'd the fun in that be?

There was no hope for Burke. He had failed as both a man and a mercenary, and was about to have to look for a new path in life. Trigger had learned all about career ending injuries, and how to cause them from the best in the business, and that meant something. did if this guy didn't have any masterfully good surgeons and white mages at beck and call...

Pulling a mean looking dirk from a sheath on his left side. he ran straight toward the knee opposite the one Klaus was holding onto. The blow was designed to go straight through, the knee and then the dirk would be twisted. Hard.

Edited by: The Duelist at: 4/6/04 8:07 am

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Trigger scares me now. -_-

Unread postby Nick Shogun » Tue Apr 06, 2004 8:46 pm

OOC: The google ad at the top of the page is tempting me with gay love spells. 0_0;;


Trigger presented a dangerous presence as he launched himself toward Burke, with the aim of disabling the hulking brute's other leg. The hunter, distracted with the constant and uncomfortable hugging of Klaus, almost didn't notice the gunman coming.

With a lightning fast twirl (lightning fast for a 250 lb man, that is), Burke spun to the right, losing his balance but dodging Trigger's sweeping knife. He collided with the fireplace behind him, knocking several vases onto the floor and shattering them, and then joining them on the hardwood floor. Klaus gasped and yanked his arms from Burke's leg. Otherwise, they might have been crushed under the giant's tremendous weight.

Klaus backed up to the chair Meryle stood behind, and Trigger turned around, now against the archway. Zakara stood a few feet from him, and Burke lay on the floor, dizzy. Before Trigger could even consider striking at the fallen foe, however, a loud noise came from behind the sofa.


The chicken, formerly having white feathers, now glowed with a red intensity that seeped the fires of hell. This might have been menacing, had the chicken not been a chicken. It floated for a second by haphazardly flapping its wings, then darted toward Trigger and began pecking at his legs. Trigger leapt back, and the chicken moved to protect its master.

[Sybil's turn.]

Celeste of Elvenhame

*can't breathe*

Unread postby Celeste of Elvenhame » Tue Apr 06, 2004 10:06 pm

Sybil was laughing hysterically, this was the most amusing fight she had seen ever. The pure ridiculousness of it all charmed laughter from the normally quiet sober young woman and her eyes sparkled. She pulled a dagger and took careful aim, tears still in her eyes.

"I am quite capable of taking care of myself boys." The knife sailed towards Trigger, intended to graze his cheek and whip through his hair before hitting the wall.

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Don't lose consciousness.

Unread postby Nick Shogun » Tue Apr 06, 2004 11:18 pm

Sybil's knife flew right by Trigger and embedded itself in the wall behind him. Most likely from Trigger's perspective, she had either missed, or she was a very, very good shot.

Burke was sitting upright now, scratching his head, and grunting. "Daung, that huuurt..." He noticed Sybil laughing and growled. "Was' so funny, shrimpy chit?! I'll make you laugh!" He obviously thought she was laughing at him.

Standing once again, he lumbered toward the tiny assassin, bringing back his arm and slamming his arm against the archway, knocking the wood to splinters.

"Tha' was a show of me powers... now, you gonna stop laughing, er must I break yer jaw?"

[Dovev's turn.]

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Now now, this is hardly proper behaviour...

Unread postby ChristianC » Wed Apr 07, 2004 7:41 am

Dovev had been observing for some time, but his usual calmness had come to an end when Burke had begun to smash the furniture. He'd heard of this man, it wasn't all talk, but he'd never met him until now.

Walking up to Burke from the side, Dovev had all intentions of grabbing the arm that had slammed against the archway and kick out the legs of the bounty hunter from under him.

"Burke, was it?" Dovev said as calm as he could, "I would suggest that you stop this nonsense now..."

When, and if, he managed to grab hold and kick the legs out from under the bountyhunter, he planned to continue with "...You don't..." Arm grab, "...Threaten to hurt..." Leg kick, "Women!"

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Nick Shogun
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Sorry for the delay!

Unread postby Nick Shogun » Thu Apr 08, 2004 3:19 pm


Burke was infamous in Baron. Infamous for starting bar fights, hitting on wenches, and stealing farm animals to use as weapons. If Dovev had seen him somewhere, it was probably on his wanted poster, 200 ducats for livestock crimes.

Burke flinched when he felt Dovev’s glove on his arm. The man’s grip was firm. While Dovev was perhaps not the youngest hunter, he was one of the more experienced ones. Burke, finally realizing he had started a fight in the middle of bunch of bounty hunters, ripped his arm from the hunter’s grip.


He turned to glare at the warrior, a look of shock and anger on his face. “I’ll CRUSH you,” he growled, bringing his arm up. He swung the outstretched limb at Dovev’s face, and, by instinct, the hunter ducked beneath it just in time. Meryle watched in shock.

“He’s fast,” she thought.

Burke growled. The guy with the armor looked gruff. The guy on the floor was big, too, even taller than the others. Then there was the girl in the corner. He looked at the knife in the wall. Had she really thrown that?
Time to make an escape, he thought.

“CHICKEN! TO ME!” he screamed. The chicken jumped onto his arm, perched like a hawk. He grabbed the chicken with his other hand and threw it with unrelenting fury at Trigger. The chicken, in midair, curled into a ball and slammed against Trigger’s chest, knocking him against the back wall. The gunman coughed up some feathers as the chicken scurried beneath a table. Burke laughed. “Good shot.”

EDIT: [Um... Zakara's turn?]

Edited by: Nick Shogun at: 4/8/04 9:23 pm


Re: Sorry for the delay!

Unread postby SALSAlys » Thu Apr 08, 2004 11:20 pm

Zakara stared at the fight before shaking her head, small sparks of electricity harmlessly fizzling out as they landed on her shoulders.

"I've definitely crashed the party," she muttered. Then she glared at Burke, deciding to ignore the rather... unusual chicken for now. She didn't like the looks of him, and from what she had heard even though she came in late...

She raised her index fingers, bringing them together in a trigger motion as she sent a large zap of electricity at Burke, intending to give him a nasty shock, though not enough to kill him.


"Chicken, to me"??

Unread postby wkz » Fri Apr 09, 2004 12:00 am

(OOC:Posting early, as my computer's on the rocks again.)

Klaus looked up from where he was lying, and surveyed the damage. Chairs have been overturned, furniture smashed, and the cause of it all is still swinging his arms all over the place.

"This has gone too far. Time to end it before someone gets hurt.". And with that, Klaus brought up his right hand from the ground, stared at it and concentrated hard. A translucent sphere slowly appeared above his upwards facing palm.

It was then the entire room got luminated by Zakara's lightning.

(OOC: Klaus is charging a wind sphere. Also, the GM has to decide whether Klaus is distracted by the "flash spell". One way or the other, Klaus will skip his next turn)

Edited by: [url=>wkz</A] at: 4/9/04 12:03 am

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Nick Shogun
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Like, come over here!

Unread postby Nick Shogun » Fri Apr 09, 2004 2:39 pm

OOC: Your choice, wkz.

Zakara released a bolt of lightning, hitting Burke in the right shoulder and scalding his flesh!

"AH! AUGH!" the lumbering giant shouted, grabbing his shoulder in pain. "Boilin' chit!"

Burke raced toward her, face covered with a mask of fury. He collided with Zakara, slamming her through the entranceway and into the hall. She fell to the floor, moving softly, as though in extreme pain. A butler, who stood by the main doors, shouted in terror as he saw the fighters. Burke towered over the sprite, growling. "E'll kill every last one o' ye," he muttered, grimacing.

[Klaus waited one turn, so Trigger goes now.]

The Duelist
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*Clickclick* *Whirrwhirr* *klatch* *KER-chuck* "Reloade

Unread postby The Duelist » Fri Apr 09, 2004 5:12 pm

Now, Trigger was angry. Between rampaging barnyard fowl, and giant eight foot tall sons-of-b--ches, he'd seen a bit more than normal today, and he was okay with that. He took a hit to the chest from a Demon chicken. But now he drew the line. Whoever the woman with the thunder had been, she'd just tried to knock the bastard out. But this guy was standing over her, and a hit like that wasn't just for fun. The punkass looked ready to kill. Trigger didn't like fact, if that bastard was willing to kill her, why not return the favor?

In one singular motion, his Single Action Revolver was out of its holster, locked, cocked, and ready to rock. To the others, who may not have seen a firearm before, it might have sounded like a dull roar, or a hammering blast of destruction. But to Trigger, it was simply what happened when stupid people made him use dangerous toys.

The bullet was aimed straight for the small of Burke's back. It probably wouldn't be to hard to hit, considering that Burke was an incredibly big bastard...

In any case, it would be so much sweeter if he survived. The fact was, that a bullet from a Revolver was bound to stay in the part it was shot into...and usually didn't come out easily. Injuries from one might never heal, and Trigger wanted it that way. This bastard was to remember HIS lesson.

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Nick Shogun
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Evil possessed gun!

Unread postby Nick Shogun » Fri Apr 09, 2004 9:21 pm

The bullet spun through the air with amazing speed, Trigger's blunt look of anger on the other end--and buried itself into Burke's back. It hit near the area where the shoulder meets the chest, in the upper right side, but it still hurt. The giant screamed and crashed to the floor beside Zakara.

The chicken, still meandering about, watched its master topple. Clucking like a psychopath, it flapped itself toward Trigger and attacked his face. Its beak collided with his head several times, enough to give him several bruises and a bloody lip, before the gunman swatted him away. He had protected his eyes, and that was the most important thing.

[Sybil's turn.]


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