Splintered Faction (Look alive, you fucks)

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Splintered Faction (Look alive, you fucks)

Unread postby Endesu » Tue Nov 04, 2003 5:04 pm

The group stood before the apartment building. It, like the rest of the city around it, bled of impoverishment and dirtiness.

They were currently somewhere on the tarnished surface of 'Gurakku'. This was a world still under limited Infinity rule... despite the fact that the Corporation had already been toppled.

Stephen had gotten word of this situation from an old ally in the form of an elder Dragon by the name of Daervis. Acting on his word, Stephen gathered a group of Enlil, Intemera, Argus, James, Griff, and Keir. Utilizing James' airship the 'Lightning Bolt' they have come to this planet, and despite some stumbles in landing the ship and passing through the city, they are near the purported Infinity base - the splinter faction. But first they must meet with Daervis, to learn more of the situation.

As luck would have it, he resides in an apartment building only a mile or so from the base...

That was all before.. this is now..


Stephen scowled at the apartment building as it was. It was plainly obvious to the group, from their observations before, that the building was in a bad state. None of them necessarily needed to comment.

Rather, the issue came to actually entering the apartment building or not. Stephen gave each of his companions a brief moment of thought before giving each of them an eye.

"So. Does anyone wish to wait out here? I can easily meet Daervis by myself, you should realize."

Edited by: Crawling Reshiki at: 10/18/04 6:09 pm

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Re: Splintered Faction (Closed Freestyle, sucka)

Unread postby Zemyla » Tue Nov 04, 2003 5:34 pm

Intemera looked at Stephen. "I can wait out here and stand guard, if you want."


Re: Splintered Faction (Closed Freestyle, sucka)

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Tue Nov 04, 2003 6:10 pm

Argus looked over at Stephan as well. "I'd like to meet this guy. If I'm risking my life here I would like to know all the details." Saying this he waited for the rest of the group to make their decision's

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Re: Splintered Faction (Closed Freestyle, sucka)

Unread postby Endesu » Wed Nov 05, 2003 12:35 pm

Stephen nodded to Intemera. "As you wish."

He turned to Argus and paused slightly for thought. "Fine. Just don't do anything explicitly stupid."

He then turned to Enlil, Griff, James, and Keir. "Well?"

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Re: Splintered Faction (Closed Freestyle, sucka)

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Wed Nov 05, 2003 1:13 pm

Griff crossed his arms and gave the building another look-over. He didn't trust old, delapidated buildings, but at the same time, he didn't trust a damned thing on this world. Thinking about it a minute, he finally responded.

"I think I'll go in, too."

Uncle Pervy

Re: Splintered Faction (Closed Freestyle, sucka)

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Nov 05, 2003 9:39 pm

"I would like to come as well," says Enlil. She really didn't want to stay out here for too long as it was.

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A nice city

Unread postby Endesu » Thu Nov 06, 2003 1:36 pm

As if to further press upon the assembled party, a few random gunshots echoed out through the night, followed by what sounded suspiciously like a dying scream.

Stephen gave the hint of a smile as he nodded to Griff before returning to his typically cold state, nodding to Enlil as well.

He finally turned to the last two, Keir and James, to see what they would decide to do.

Uncle Pervy

Re: A nice city

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Nov 06, 2003 3:29 pm

Enlil's first instinct was to chase after the scream. But she could tell from it that it would be too late to do anything. The goal now was to serve the greater good. But...

She shook her head, praying that the people here would remember their dignity in the meantime.

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so like, I put in a relevant subject here? Oh, okay.

Unread postby Capntastic » Thu Nov 06, 2003 8:11 pm

Keir merely stood there, semi-cautiously scanning their surroundings. He nodded.

"Ready when you all are."


Re: so like, I put in a relevant subject here? Oh, okay.

Unread postby CronoLuminaire » Sun Nov 09, 2003 1:24 am

James looked to Stephen. "It seems to be unanimous, I will go in as well."

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Now starring in title bars: Hobos

Unread postby Endesu » Tue Nov 11, 2003 1:33 pm

Stephen glanced at Keir and James as they spoke, respectively, before nodding silently and turning to the apartment building.

"Don't hesitate to enter.. if you should need us." The dragonoid informed Intemera.. before stepping towards the front door, opening it, and leading the others inward.

Well, the door didn't quite 'open' so much as 'fall off of its hinges'. A slight sigh and Stephen led them into what one may describe as the 'lobby'.

Said lobby was a dank, dark room. Sure, one could see various decals* about the room that were most likely intended to give the room a comfortable image: a plush red rug that covered the entirety of the room, engraved wooden walls and ceiling, a delicately refined chandelier hanging from the ceiling, and various furniture of sorts set here and there, for comfort of any potential visitors.

Well, all of these items were now covered with a fair coating of grime and dirt. The rug was oddly.. squishy to step on. The walls and ceiling were filled with various small holes. Several of these holes could presumably have been bullet holes. Others were larger..
The chandelier appeared to be silently shedding glass on each passing moment. The furniture.. well, it looked dirty, but it looked fine beyond that.

There was a flight of stairs leading upward at the very back of the room. Next to this flight of stairs was a counter on which a humanoid of some sort had its head slumped. Behind this humanoid was a series of compartments, most closed, a few opened. Presumably for mail. All covered in the same layer of grime.

Next to the counter, finally, was a closed door. It, oddly, had none of the dirtiness of the rest of the room -it was very clean. Almost sparkling, in spite of the rest of the room.

Stephen hmmed and looked around the room briefly. "Feel free to explore around here for a moment." He seemed to be looking towards the compartments behind the humanoid. "I have something to check on."

And so he walked towards said counter, leaving Enlil, Griff, Argus, James, and Keir room to explore and get into shenanigans!

* items if you prefer

Edited by: Crawling Reshiki at: 11/11/03 8:41 pm

Uncle Pervy

Re: Now starring in title bars: Hobos

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Tue Nov 11, 2003 2:45 pm

Enlil wanted to talk with the person at the counter, but she wasn't sure if that was a good idea, given that Stephen was eyeing the mail slots. It may be best to simple let the man rest until Stephen was done.

So until then, she simply waited, and made sure that no one else was doing something that endangered anything particularly.

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Hobos :D?

Unread postby Capntastic » Tue Nov 11, 2003 9:00 pm

Keir was thinking to himself many comments on this place. This is neither the time nor the place to go into detail, but I assure you, he was not overly thrilled with the grime.

Making a few precise steps inwards, Keir made to look at the chandelier for no particular reason. Or so it would seem. Perhaps he was going to admire its well-craftedness? Only time will tell.

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Re: Hobos :D?

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Tue Nov 11, 2003 9:08 pm

Griff simply looked over the room, walking around a bit to get a feel for things and adjust himself suitably to its feel. Taking it all in slowly, he finally eyed the counter, and the person slumped on it, as a single thought ran through his head....

...Wonder what kinda wood that is?


Re: Hobos :D?

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Tue Nov 11, 2003 9:31 pm

Argus looked over the room quickly, his eyes stopped on the shiny door. Of course usually he would walk right on over to it and peek in, but he wasn't alone so he didn't want to get the group in trouble. He walked over to one of the various chairs, and sat himself down. However he couldn't keep it to himself, so he calmly asked his companions the question.

"Soo..... What do you think is with the shiny door?"

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Yes, hobos! Here comes Mister Scratchface.

Unread postby Endesu » Tue Nov 11, 2003 9:36 pm

As Argus sat down on one of the chairs, he heard a bit of skittering. A close bit of examination would reveal a number of bugs escaping their once untrifled place of rest.. the chair that he had been sitting on.. and off to dominate another piece of vile upholstery. Those wacky bugs.

Stephen went to work investigating the mail slots, paying little mind to the humanoid, Griff's comment, or anything else. He seemed to be pulling out multiple envelopes.. and tearing them all open. Not one for privacy, this Stephen! Not even as he read each and every letter, notice, bill.. tossing each to the ground as he finished reading each.

Edited by: Crawling Reshiki at: 11/11/03 9:40 pm


Re: Yes, hobos! Here comes Mister Scratchface.

Unread postby CronoLuminaire » Tue Nov 11, 2003 10:31 pm

James looked to Argus. Upon seeing the result of his sitting down, a little exchange took place most likely unnoticed by anyone other than the participants.

Jacob: Hmph... I did'nt think anyone ever used those chairs... Well, aside from those insects... I'll bet he regrets his eagerness to get off of his feet

James: I am certain that the people who live here may use those chairs

Jacob: I'll bet that the people who live here know enough not too.

James: Hmm...

Jacob: Shiney door? Oh great... just like the moogle...

The silent exchange concluded when James spoke.

"Argus, I do not believe that that is why we are here. And... Are you okay with the company you have in that chair?"


Re: Yes, hobos! Here comes Mister Scratchface.

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Tue Nov 11, 2003 10:47 pm

Argus looked down as the bugs skittered off. He stood up getting off the chair. "Sheesh.... didn't expect anything to live in a chair like that..." He shrugged before crossing his arms over his chest and letting out a huff. He didn't say anything else, although he glanced at the Shiny door every now and then.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Yes, hobos! Here comes Mister Scratchface.

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Nov 12, 2003 12:03 am

The door didn't concern Enlil as much as the others. They would investigate it when it was time. Rather, it was the letters being cast aside that interests her. Following Stephen, she helps herself to a few of the cast off letters, looking through them.

What are you looking for? she asked Stephen telepathically

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Mister Scratchface: *Scratches his face.*

Unread postby Endesu » Wed Nov 12, 2003 12:11 am

The letters themselves were impossible to read: they were all printed in some sort of obscure language that represented the Infinity language she had seen so much a few months back. Most of the letters seemed to bear the logo of Infinity as a portion of the border. Business letter, perhaps?

Stephen continued to look through the letters briefly before looking to Enlil, throwing a few more to the ground. "I'm trying to find a letter directed towards Daervis. It seems as if there is at least one letter for every compartment, here, so the odds that I will find a letter intended for him will at least be.."

He paused upon one letter, eyeing it briefly. He turned back to the cast off envelope and inspected it as well. He seemed to nod briefly.. before setting the envelope aside again and placing the letter down on the counter to read. He pushed the humanoid out of the chair.. who fell to the ground with a slump. Apparently, the humanoid was dead.. or deep asleep. Either way, he did not mind Stephen stealing his seat.

Stephen gave Enlil the barest of glances. "Here we go." is all he said, before he began to read the letter, which looked much the same, in format, to Enlil as all of the others did.

The chandelier above Keir continued to silently shed a bit of glass every passing moment. It, of course, was dirty.. barely giving off any light for the room. It was essentially useless, and an eyesore.. yet it was their only source of light. How charming.

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Brokenglass Face?

Unread postby Capntastic » Wed Nov 12, 2003 12:24 am

Keir shakes his head a bit, and looks over to James...and then to Argus. He opens his mouth as if about to say something, before quickly closing it and turning his head. He then turns to Griff. What could be holding his attention so well? One of life's little mysteries, he supposes.

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Re: Brokenglass Face?

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Wed Nov 12, 2003 1:15 am

Griff watched as the man slumped over. Dead, or dead tired, Griff didn't care. He just wanted to get this done with as soon as he could. Looking at Argus's choice to sit, he decided he'd rather stand, and tried his best to attempt to figure out what kind of wood that counter was made of. Walking to the series of discarded letters, he simply looked over them, not expecting to be able to read them but it at least gave him something to look at for the time being, as he waited for the next move to be made.

Uncle Pervy


Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Nov 13, 2003 12:48 pm

Enlil, however, did care whether or not the man was dead. Thus, she kneed down to check him, praying that he was simply at the end of exhaustion.


Re: :O

Unread postby CronoLuminaire » Sun Nov 16, 2003 12:15 am

James looked to Enlil and asked

"Is he alright?"

before starting over towards them.

Scanning the man's vitals himself, just to be certain.

Teh Kev

Re: :O

Unread postby Teh Kev » Tue Nov 18, 2003 3:58 pm

Argus looked over at the supposedly dead man, then looked back to the shiny door. He wasn't really worried about him. He just wanted to get moving before he got the urge to bust open that shiny door.

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Scratchface, not Broken Glass Face >:|

Unread postby Endesu » Wed Nov 19, 2003 2:44 pm

Griff's observation of the letters led him to the conclusion.. that he had no fucking idea what was written on them. All were in some form of mindfucking written language that he could make neither heads nor tails of.

Enlil's observation of the man led her to the conclusion that he was dead. The fine layer of dust that had permeated his skin may have been a tipoff, but the fact that there were a bullet holes on each side of the head also gave her this hunch. James' scanning revealed.. something. A small dollop of life, within what was apparently the gut of the man. While he could not be sure what this 'dollop' was at present point, it was rather dissimilar from the rest of the man's structure.

The shiny door, meanwhile, continued to shine. Shine shine shine. It may have reminded Argus of a fine layer of oils on flesh.

As this went on, Stephen continued to read the letter, taking a few pauses to make invisible notes on the counter with a claw or two. Although it wasn't clear why he was doing this, he probably had a purpose. A mysterious purpose!


Meanwhile, Intemera was apparently keeping her stand outside, in the city with admittedly low property value. Nothing much was happening at this point.. the city was in the throws of night. Well, beyond the crime rate..

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Re: Scratchface, not Broken Glass Face >:|

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Wed Nov 19, 2003 4:15 pm

Quickly looking away from the letters, Griff decided it wasn't worth his time. After all, what good are letters you can't read?

Uncle Pervy

Re: Scratchface, not Broken Glass Face >:|

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Nov 19, 2003 4:16 pm

The angel sighed, pondering who might have done this. Though the sight of murder was no longer as shocking to her as it was in her younger days, it still hurt deeply to think of the potential that had been wasted, and the darkness that had been perpetuated through it. She offered a silent prayer to the departed's soul, then stood again

"Perhaps it would be best just to leave his mail alone find whom we seek now, before something else awful happens."

Teh Kev

Re: Scratchface, not Broken Glass Face >:|

Unread postby Teh Kev » Wed Nov 19, 2003 4:21 pm

Argus continued to stare at the shiny door, fighting the urge to open it. After all, shiny things aren't always good. There could be something bad behind there!

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Mr Scratchface likes 'Super Sonic Racing'

Unread postby Endesu » Sat Nov 22, 2003 12:30 pm

Stephen cleared his throat. "Not so fast. This letter is proving quite helpful. Give me a moment to finish it, will you?" And so he went back to the business of reading.


Meanwhile, Intemera would begin to hear the noises of movement growing from somewhere around her.. footsteps crunching into the various trash-laden streets.. and growing louder.

Though she couldn't be sure where they were coming from, she could begin to become suspicious..!

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Re: Mr Scratchface likes 'Super Sonic Racing'

Unread postby Zemyla » Tue Nov 25, 2003 6:49 pm

Intemera hoisted up her trident into ready position, and backed up to the door. If there were too many of them, she would retreat through it.

She then shouted, "Who's there?"

Uncle Pervy

Re: Mr Scratchface likes 'Super Sonic Racing'

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Fri Nov 28, 2003 2:20 am

Enlil waited. It would just be a bit longer, she told herself.

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Mr Scratchface takes a nap!

Unread postby Endesu » Wed Dec 03, 2003 6:52 pm

There was no immediate reply to Intemera's raised voice. Rather, there was a momentual pausing of footsteps.

... a slight moment passed before a deep 'fsssssshhhhhttt' sound filled the air of the city, and while the area had not changed visually, Intemera could definitely smell a rather.. inoffensive odor wafting into the air around her. Odd..


Stephen finished, setting the letter down. "Well, then. According to this letter.. Daervis has had some form of Infinity chip installed into his form. Making it better, its malfunctioning is what is causing his apparent ailment.

But.. this letter is addressed to a Room '1266A'. Shall we go?"

He waited expectantly for the most likely unanimous 'yes' response.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Mr Scratchface takes a nap!

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Dec 03, 2003 8:19 pm

"Then let us go," Enlil said. She assumed that the address referred to floor 12, room 66A, but she would let Stephen lead, presuming he is a little more familiar with the place.

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Re: Mr Scratchface takes a nap!

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Wed Dec 03, 2003 9:53 pm

Griff also nodded, allowing Stephan to take the lead.

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It begins

Unread postby Endesu » Thu Dec 04, 2003 3:45 pm

Stephen nodded... and swiftly began to walk toward the stairs, apparently ignoring Keir, James, Argus, and the Intemera that was still outside.

An odd sort of determination took him as he began to climb upward. It was the discretion of the others as to what they were to do from this point on.


Further observation of the 'gas' outside would reveal it to be somewhat thick in spite of the air of the city. There was something about it that seemed to combat at Intemera's strength as she stood there, still.

As this happened, she would bear witness to some sort of.. smallish figure, bearing what seemed to be a combustive grenade of sorts, running off from her right to the apparent direction of the Infinity Corporation.

It moved quickly..

Edited by: Crawling Reshiki at: 12/4/03 4:29 pm


Re: It begins

Unread postby CronoLuminaire » Sat Dec 06, 2003 5:08 pm

"I suppose we should follow the others,"
James said as he looked to Keir, then Argus. But he waited for a reply before he started upstairs himself.

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Re: It begins

Unread postby Zemyla » Mon Dec 08, 2003 5:28 pm

Intemera felt herself growing weaker. She knew she wouldn't be able to stand it much longer. So she slipped open the door (which she had so presciently gone towards before), let herself in, and closed it hurriedly.

Teh Kev

Re: It begins

Unread postby Teh Kev » Mon Dec 08, 2003 5:40 pm

Argus looked over those still around, "Well I want to know what the whole deal is, so I'm heading up." With this stated, he carefully followed after Stephen.

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Unread postby Endesu » Tue Dec 09, 2003 11:10 am

Stephen paused briefly as Intemera reentered. "Hold on," he said to those following him, pausing halfway up the stairs.

As he did, the light in the room seemed to grow dimmer. While this was potentially ominous, the undead dragonoid paid it no mind, instead speaking to Intemera directly.

"What is it? Did you see something outside?"


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