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Re: And combt begins!

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Mon Sep 08, 2003 11:48 pm

Ree pulled himself back and a pace and gathered up his voice for a second, then addressed the room at large in his most authoritative voice. "Alright, enough!" He announced, "We've got you bastards beat. Even if you get away from us, there are more of our people outside." He let the fact that this appeared to be only Saen at the moment go unspoken. "So give up! Drop your weapons and we'll go easy. Otherwise it's the gallows and graveyard for the lot of ya!"

((Ree is attempting to bluff as many of the drow as is possible, starting with the one closest to him.))

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Re: And combt begins!

Unread postby Kelne » Tue Sep 09, 2003 12:15 am

Larak didn't let the drow get too far, following up quickly with a chop to the legs. "Can dish it out, but ye can't take it, can ye?" His wound was painful, but nothing he wouldn't survive.

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Re: And combt begins!

Unread postby pd Rydia » Tue Sep 09, 2003 6:48 pm

Brandon turned away from the injured crossbowman, glancing around the chaotic inn quickly to size up the situation. Seeing Saen's situation, he quickly crossed over to where she was and took a quick slash at the men's legs.

Dark Xia

Re: And combt begins!

Unread postby Dark Xia » Tue Sep 09, 2003 7:15 pm

Saen's eyes opened wide, eying the missing knife for a moment. That knife had DEFIENTLY come too close for comfort. But having dodge it, she couldn't help but feel happy. Her whip lashing out to catch what aprt of the man it could.

(Disarm, target: de' drow)

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Re: And combt begins!

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Wed Sep 10, 2003 6:12 pm

Ratch smirked, and brought his guns together, both pointing at the unfortunate fleeing bowman. It seemed that Ree wanted some prisoners to interogate, such, the gunman dropped his aim only slightly, and pulled the triggers.

(Both at the same target, fleeing crossbowman's legs.)

Edited by: [url=>FlamingDeth</A] at: 9/10/03 6:18 pm

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Re: And combt begins!

Unread postby Jak Snide » Wed Sep 10, 2003 8:10 pm

Saen's whip lashed at the drow's hand, wrapping itself around his wrist. Scowling, the would-be escapee yanked himself free. Right before he let out a cry of absolute agony, and collapsed onto the floor, clutching at his now mangled left knee, which had been all but destroyed by Ratch's gunplay. Brandon, noting the sudden change of the situation, stopped his swing and quickly checked the drow. He wasn't going to be putting up a fight, but blood loss may prevent him from becoming a captive.

Among the now dying chaos of combat, Ree spotted something out of the corner of his eye. The drow who'd previously been taken down by Brandon was pressing a small vial to his lips. Although he couldn't make out what was in the vial, it was a safe bet that it was a healing potion.

At that very moment, Larak felt the pain in his side die down. While he was too busy being engaged in melee to notice what'd happened, the elven mage lowered his hands, the white glow around them fading away.

Then, Boreas spoke his proposal. He didn't a chance to check how well it'd gone down, since a moment later he was staggering backwards, his right shoulder screaming in agony. The sword wielding drow had not taken kindly to his offer, and instead had made a wreck of poor Ree.

However, his attacker had about a third of a second to gloat before his legs were taken out from under him. Quite literally. Larak's axe cleaved through bone and flesh alike, turning the unfortunate dark elf into three, very dead, pieces.

Slowly, the drow Ree had spotted drinking rose to his feet, arms raised above his head. The fight was over, it seemed.

<span style="font-size:xx-small;">(Status: Larak is up to 78 HP, and Boreas was twocked down to 24, and now being in no small deal of pain. The battle, however, is over. Both swordsmen are dead, and you have one standing captive, and another who needs his wounds tended to on risk of death, although it's only apparent to Saen and Brandon right now.)</span>


Re: And combt begins!

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Wed Sep 10, 2003 8:16 pm

Ree cursed vicously, clutching at his wounded shoulder. "Larak," he barked, "take that bastard and clap him in irons. We'll turn him over Saen's tender care later. Brandon, what's your situation?" The last sentance was shouted to where the swordsman stood a short distance off.

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Re: And combt begins!

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Wed Sep 10, 2003 8:51 pm

With a fanciful twirl and twist, Ratch's guns were out of sight, back in their holsters. He surveyed the scene as he descended the staircase, taking in the situation.

"'ey, chief..." he said, trying to remember if there were any healers amongst the lot of them. "You gonna be alright there?"

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And it's all over!

Unread postby Jak Snide » Wed Sep 10, 2003 9:09 pm

Exclaiming "Oh!", the elven mage hurried over to Ree, placing his hands over his wounded shoulder, and muttering a few words in high elven. The bleeding stopped, and the wound closed somewhat, but pain still remained.

<span style="font-size:xx-small;">(Boreas is healed up to 42 HP, and has a -1 penalty for all actions with his right arm until it's fully healed.)</span>

"On ya knees, fucker!"

For those that looked, the rogue had advanced on the now only slightly injured drow, and forced him down onto the ground, hand crossbow trained on his head.

"I'll 'ave no trick'ry from you!"

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Re: And it's all over!

Unread postby Kelne » Wed Sep 10, 2003 10:00 pm

Seeing that the rogue had the captive in hand, Larak decided to keep an eye on the street, crossing to the door and looking out. "There'll be more o' that lot stirrin' up mischief, ye mark my words," he said, to noone in particular.

It seemed he had the elf to thank for his wound being healed. Didn't seem to be much good in a fight, but very handy for dealing with the aftermath.

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Re: And it's all over!

Unread postby Jak Snide » Wed Sep 10, 2003 10:14 pm

Larak didn't see anyone in the immediate vicinity of the inn, but he could hear the sounds of combat echoing through the night. Across town, he saw an orange flame slowly rise above the rather low "sky line" of the town. Clearly, someone was having fun with fire.

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Re: And it's all over!

Unread postby pd Rydia » Wed Sep 10, 2003 10:40 pm

Brandon stretched his arms, a few cracks resounding from the exercise. "Doing alright over here. This bloody bastard--" Brandon let out a happy sounding chuckle, despite the blood and carnage around him, "--might not be with us very long without seeing a healing mage, however."

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Re: And it's all over!

Unread postby Kelne » Wed Sep 10, 2003 11:02 pm

"We got bigger problems," Larak said, "Sounds like there's a lot o' fightin' going on out there. And some o' their friends've decided to play with matches."


Re: And it's all over!

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Thu Sep 11, 2003 12:14 pm

"Thanks," Ree muttered to the elf, despite the natural racial dislike he had for him. "See to that other one over there. These guys are good for information, at least. We might be able to use them as hostages as well." He was thinking out lound now, but quickly brought himself back to the subject at hand. "Tie up that one, nice and tight. We'll use this place as a base of opperations for now. What we need to do is try and find the regular guard. Any ideas?"

Dark Xia

Re: And it's all over!

Unread postby Dark Xia » Thu Sep 11, 2003 4:06 pm

"Well we should probably head to their normal headquarters? Also... I'll be tying up these two if you don't mind.. oh and has that guy been healed yet?" Saen was busy cutting a ten foot length of rope for each one of their captives. "Eh.. just that one? Why not both?"

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Re: And it's all over!

Unread postby Jak Snide » Thu Sep 11, 2003 9:45 pm

The elf stuttered something in response to Saen's first query, and hurried over to the legshot drow, his hands glowing softly white again as he sealed the wound just enough to halt the bleeding.

Meanwhile, the un-crippled dark elf chuckled to himself, muttering something in his native tongue. This prompted a quick kick to the stomach from the crossbow weilding human, causing the captive to double over.

Saen finished tying up the captives a minute or two later, making sure the ropes were nice and tight. The drow weren't going anywhere.

Edited by: Jak Snide&nbsp; Image at: 9/13/03 3:04 pm

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Re: And it's all over!

Unread postby pd Rydia » Sat Sep 13, 2003 8:03 pm

"Well, what about the sounds of battle we hear elsewhere?" Brandon asked, sword still drawn and resting lazily in his hands. "Shouldn't we go fight the other blighters in the town?"

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Re: And it's all over!

Unread postby Kelne » Sun Sep 14, 2003 7:09 pm

"The barracks'd be the place to start," Larak said, "If there's anyone organised, they'll be there." From the sounds of combat in the streets, however, they'd have their work cut out for them even getting to the barracks.


Over. Hah, yeah right.

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Mon Sep 15, 2003 12:18 pm

Ree nodded to Larak. "You're probably right. OK, we should start heading there in an orderly fashion. At least one of us should keep an eye on the prisoners, while the rest of us keep an eye out for other people like our 'friends here." Ree jerked a thumb at one of drow to emphasize his point then continued, "No engaging the enemy needlessly. We're just the mercinary guards. This isn't really our problem, and we're not really equipped to handle it yet."

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Re: Over. Hah, yeah right.

Unread postby Jak Snide » Mon Sep 15, 2003 12:52 pm

The hand crossbow wielding human looked over to Ree.

"I'll watch 'em. They ain't gonna go nowhere."

"I..I'll st..stay as well." stuttered the elf, who'd been straightening out his robes a few moments previous.

Ree and Saen noticed the sounds of battle were getting quieter. Either the fighting was dying down, or getting further away from then. Larak was quick to note, however, that the fire wasn't putting itself out.


Re: Over. Hah, yeah right.

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Mon Sep 15, 2003 4:57 pm

Ree nodded. "That'll work fine. The rest of us will make a break for it. It sounds like things have gotten a little more quiet out there, hopefully the regular guard has cleaned the situation up a bit. In any event, Brandon, take point, Ratch, you have the rear. Let's go."

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Re: Over. Hah, yeah right.

Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon Sep 15, 2003 5:13 pm

"Righto," Brandon said briskly --almost too cheerfully-- before swinging around and striding out the door of the inn, headed for wherever the barracks might be.

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Re: Over. Hah, yeah right.

Unread postby Jak Snide » Mon Sep 15, 2003 6:39 pm

The group made their ways as quickly as possible into town, and towards the barracks. It seemed that the rest of the troops stationed on the East side of town had been alerted, given how the drow hadn't gotten too far into town. From the sounds of things, most of the combat had shifted Northwards, which meant more mercs would have been drawn into the combat. After a few minutes they arrived at the barracks, having encountered no trouble on the way, with a panicked shopkeep firing a poorly aimed shot at Boreas being the exception.

Once inside, it became apparent that the militia had been alerted to the threat, with a dozen or so men wriggling into their armour as quickly as possible, grabbing weapons from racks and being organised into small groups by Captain Briggins, who stood at the center of this all, his voice booming out, ordering people left and right. Nearby, however, was someone who didn't fit the scene at all.

A man stood near the captain, garbed in ornate and concealing red robes, black hair running down almost to his shoulders, and with possibly the tallest wide brimmed hat any of them had seen on his head. Right now, he didn't seem to be doing anything besides observing the goings on.

"Hey, you lot! What in the blazes are you doing here?!"

The group was immediately aware that Briggins was talking to them, and didn't look too pleased that they weren't out fighting the attackers.

Ghastly Knight

Enter the Red mage...

Unread postby Ghastly Knight » Mon Sep 15, 2003 7:30 pm

The man in red simply looked over, wordlessly, at the group, seeming to size them up and decide in his own head if these people would be a match against the drow invaders. The Dwarf seems like an able bodied fighter… He thought… as does the man wielding that large blade. He looked at Ratch, noting the Valthi style of clothing and pistols at his side. The Valthi are known to be competent shooters… but those two? Obviously in reference to Saen and Ree… I should hope that woman has more than just a body to show off… and that drow fellow had better not be a double-edged blade…we don’t need spies amongst us. Though he was a bit wary of Ree, he saw no reason to judge someone he had not yet met. The man then welcomed the small mercenary squad to the main battle in his own way…

“Come on… let’s get in there and stir things up… I have a few new incantations to play with.”

With that, a slight grin came across the man’s face. He was looking forward to icing a few drow. Literally.

Edited by: Ghastly Knight&nbsp; Image at: 9/15/03 7:37 pm

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Re: Over. Hah, yeah right.

Unread postby Kelne » Mon Sep 15, 2003 7:42 pm

"Findin' out where we're most needed," Larak said simply, "No sense in just rushin' about at random." Charging in without a plan had gotten countless people killed through the ages.

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Re: Over. Hah, yeah right.

Unread postby Jak Snide » Mon Sep 15, 2003 8:21 pm

The captain did not look pleased with Larak's logic.

"Well, you're bloody needed Northside, aren't you! Blagards faked an Eastern, I bet, then hit from another direction! Besides, if you want to live, you take a healer with you."

He turned to the mage at his side.

"Oi, go with them, and make sure you get these bloody drow out of my town!"

He reverted his attention to the group, or rather, their leader.

"As for you," he began, pointing at Ree, "I expect a full report and explanation after this is all over. Understand?"

Ghastly Knight

Re: Over. Hah, yeah right.

Unread postby Ghastly Knight » Mon Sep 15, 2003 8:41 pm

The man peered at the captain from under the wide-brimmed hat, nodding.

"Alright then... let's get going shall we?" He said to the group, "we should make haste, and reinforce the main forces as soon as possible, there is no sense in trying to create an orderly plan within chaos..."

He then added, "Oh... and seeing as we will be working together... my name is Aodhfin Calhoun. I should hope you all learn to pronounce it correctly within a fair allotment of time."

Grinning, he pushed up his hat a bit with his cane, looking towards the sounds of the raging battle.

"And what might your names be?"

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Re: Over. Hah, yeah right.

Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon Sep 15, 2003 9:17 pm

"Brandon Ralhi," the Baronian mercenary said. "A pleasure." He nodded respectfully to Aodhfin, but turned around on his heel and set off at a lively pace, headed towards the sounds of battle.

The thought occurred to him that that's where they should have gone in the first place, but he didn't stay upset about that for very long. Not very much time was lost, anyway, and the battle was still, apparently, raging on. He'd get a little more time fighting in, if all went well!

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Re: Over. Hah, yeah right.

Unread postby Kelne » Mon Sep 15, 2003 9:27 pm

"Larak Stonestrike," Larak said, nodding to Aodhfin before setting off for the sounds of fighting. In hindsight, it might have been better to have headed there to begin with, but he had only himself to blame.


How DO you pronounce it?

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Tue Sep 16, 2003 12:52 pm

"Boreas Nethen, currently in charge of this motley crew. A red mage, I assume?" Ree didn't wait for an answer as he turned from Aodhfin to address the captain. "I think it would intrest you, sir, to know that we currently have two drow prisoners under guard back at the inn. I think you'll get a clearer picture of what happened from them than you will from any of us. Also, I'm sure you can find better ways of employing the guards once you have the drow under lock and key." Back to the man in the hat. "Calhoun, you can get everyone else's names on the move. Take point up with Brandon."

Ghastly Knight

Re: How DO you pronounce it?

Unread postby Ghastly Knight » Tue Sep 16, 2003 6:32 pm

Calhoun cocked a brow at the drow, not entirely used to taking orders, as he had usually been the one giving them within merc crews. But he decided to go along with it for now.

"Firstly... a pleasure to meet you all. Second... I am indeed a red mage... should you need a quick heal or a blast of cold, I shall be your savior. Now then... let us go." He started off with the rest of the group, his cane clicking on the ground every so often, though the cane itself was seemingly purely there for style, not any readily apparent practical use.

Hmmm... I'd really rather be reading a book right now...

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Re: How DO you pronounce it?

Unread postby Jak Snide » Tue Sep 16, 2003 7:13 pm

As per Briggin's orders, the group made it's way towards the North side of town. The five that'd trekked to the barracks a few minutes ago noted that the night was far more peaceful now than before. The fire in the North East still burned, although it had died down somewhat. As for Calhoun, the night air seemed comparatively buzzing with sound compared the the tranquil peace he'd fallen asleep to a few hours previous.

When they reached the North side of they were not greeted with a raging conflict between cave dwelling elves and a hastily assembled mercenary force. Instead, they were greeted by the sight of said mercenaries scouring the area, checking inside houses, weapons drawn, and counting the dead of both sides. A few of the less scrupulous ones were going about looting, seeing as the recently deceased didn't have any claim over their belongings until the proper authorities got to them.

Judging from the number of drow corpses, as well the fact that their fellow mercs were poking around, Calhoun, Larak and Boreas figured that the aggressors must have withdrawn. They might also notice a strange lack of screaming, terrified townsfolk.

"Hey, we've got some in here!"

A few of the mercs ran towards the currently hidden speaker, over towards a small, single story house...and promptly hit the dirt as a crossbow bolt sped past them, embedding itself in the ground around 10 feet behind the intended targets. Clearly, not all the drow had made a clean escape.

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Re: How DO you pronounce it?

Unread postby pd Rydia » Tue Sep 16, 2003 7:18 pm

Brandon made his way over to the single story house and skulked around towards the back, taking care to duck under windows while looking for a back entrance.

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Re: How DO you pronounce it?

Unread postby Jak Snide » Tue Sep 16, 2003 7:29 pm

Whoever was holed up inside the house was apparently too occupied shooting at the group of mercenaries outside, who'd quickly made for cover after evading the first shot. Brandon did well enough keeping his little scouting activity a secret, but noted to his dismay that there was no back door to the place, and few windows, for that matter. The house was a pretty bog standard affair, probably for a manual laborer who couldn't afford anything better.

Ghastly Knight

It's Ay-fin, wanker.

Unread postby Ghastly Knight » Tue Sep 16, 2003 7:31 pm


Calhoun slid up to the front wall of the house, and peeked inside any near-by window to get a better idea of the numbers they may be facing. As he did this, a slight 'click' was heard, as the red mage drew a rapier-style blade from the cane he held.

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Re: It's Ay-fin, wanker.

Unread postby Jak Snide » Tue Sep 16, 2003 7:38 pm

The red mage barely got a glimpse of inside before a crossbow bolt whizzed mere centimeters past his face and, even worse, his hat. Quickly pulling his head back behind cover, he realised that the click of his weapon may have given him away.

Although it was more likely that his hate had given the defenders ample time to notice him.

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Re: How DO you pronounce it?

Unread postby Kelne » Tue Sep 16, 2003 7:47 pm

"I'll handle this," Larak said, seeing Calhoun's near escape. "Drow bastards won't know what hit 'em." Taking cover to one side of the window, he extracted a small tube from a pouch at his side. A malicious grin on his face, Larak struck a match and ignited the stick of dynamite's short fuse, lobbing it in through the window.

Ghastly Knight

Re: It's Ay-fin, wanker.

Unread postby Ghastly Knight » Tue Sep 16, 2003 7:52 pm

The mage sighed, making sure they hadn't, in fact, gotten his hat.

Then plugged his ears.

"Very nice work, sir. Very nice." He said, nodding from under his hat at Larak.

Edited by: Ghastly Knight&nbsp; Image at: 9/16/03 7:59 pm

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Re: How DO you pronounce it?

Unread postby Jak Snide » Tue Sep 16, 2003 7:56 pm

Larak very much doubted that anyone expected him to do that, especially the poor drow inside the house, judging from the brief cry of terror before the near-deafening explosion.

After a few moments, the dwarf peeked inside the house, not having heard any more noises from inside. Two corpses lay sprawled near the back wall, although it'd be hard to identify them as dark elves now. They'd obviously been caught near the center of the blast, and thus, were very, very dead.

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Re: How DO you pronounce it?

Unread postby pd Rydia » Tue Sep 16, 2003 7:58 pm

Hearing the explosion, Brandon hurried back out to the front of the house. Seeing Larak's satisfied expression, he asked, "What happened?"


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