A series of unfortunate events. (Philsys RP, full)

For all RPs taking place in the world Gaera Main.

Re: Ma, I dun Hitchcock proud!

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Sun Feb 02, 2003 3:23 pm

Richard was a little unnerved by the crows. Sure, they may have been birds, but they did not seem to be natural to him, especially their eyes. In addition, the sheer number was causing him a little panic.

Richard tried to remember what kind of circumstances would bring this many crows together, especially when something as big as a dragon was nearby.

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Re: Ma, I dun Hitchcock proud!

Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Sun Feb 02, 2003 3:52 pm

Bah, shutup and buzz off... Aya swiped a massive claw at a nearby group of the birds, growling.

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Unread postby FlamingDeth » Tue Feb 04, 2003 5:28 pm

The creatures hopped out of the way, easily avoiding the swipe. They looked curiously towards Aya.

"Hmph...such insolence is not appreciated, peon." the same voice said, apparently just to irritate the golden ryuuzoku, the birds then turning to Dhargun. "...hm. Yes, but since this should all prove quite amusing for me, I will answer only five questions, and they must all have a 'yes' or a 'no' answer. Consider your questions wisely..."

Squintz Altec
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Unread postby Squintz Altec » Tue Feb 04, 2003 5:37 pm

Dhargun closed his eyes. He was probably going to waste his question, he could tell. So he waited to see what the others were going to ask. If theirs were stupid, he'd have to take up the slack, and ask something smart. Otherwise, he'd bug them all, by sounding concieted, and smug. That was his job, after all. If they wanted warm and cuddly...well, they could have always invited a nekojin along.

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Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Tue Feb 04, 2003 6:29 pm

The dragon let out an annoyed hiss I don't like playing games...but fine, are you aware of what our missing is, Annoyance? Deep inside she couldn't help but be reminded of the mazoku of her native world, which only annoyed her further.

Kurt Dunniehue


Unread postby Kurt Dunniehue » Tue Feb 04, 2003 11:27 pm

Cuimacc shifted his jaw, and lowerd his brow slightly as he peered across the crows, attempting to watch how they moved in a group, and not focusing on any one. He looked at all of their eyes, what they were looking at, and noted that in the whole, they were acting in unison. Large groups of these birds were split, each paying attention specifically to each member of Cuimacc's party.

He even moved back and forth, watching as a large group of birds moved with him, keeping their heads cocked to keep an eye directly on Cuimacc, specifically into his eyes.



Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Tue Feb 04, 2003 11:45 pm

Richard, hearing that they were given five questions, kept silent. He knew that he wasn't into serious question asking, especially fearing he'd waste a question that could be considered critical to their mission.

So he figured he'd let the queen and the others ask for him.

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Unread postby FlamingDeth » Wed Feb 05, 2003 12:02 am

"Your mission?" the voice said, once again unnervingly, yet cheerfully, coming from sperate crows. "That would most certainly be a yes. Now you others, don't be shy about this. You still have four questions left!"

Kurt Dunniehue

I am jack's wasted space.

Unread postby Kurt Dunniehue » Wed Feb 05, 2003 12:08 am

Cuimacc stepped forward, and asked, his voice booming, "Does our mission and your involvment with us have any direct relationship?"

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*uses soap fervently*

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Wed Feb 05, 2003 3:20 am

The brids looked quizically at Cuimacc. "Oh, of course, leave it to someone so...mundane...to ask the difficult questions." The voice said, continuing it's previous trends. "Yes and no. I'd explain further, of course, except that would be no fun at all. You see, I fully expect you to find that out on your own later, provided you don't get yourselves killed early on."

"...the probabilities of which keep looking more and more likely." added the voice.


Re: *uses soap fervently*

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Wed Feb 05, 2003 10:37 am

Ayri turned to the Queen and asked, "If I may?"

She didn't want to use a question without first checking to see if the Queen had anything she wanted to ask.

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Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Wed Feb 05, 2003 1:41 pm

Aya nodded Go ahead...



Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Wed Feb 05, 2003 3:51 pm

Ayri turned back to the crows and asked, "Would you, perhaps, know where the ninja we are trying to find is?"

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Unread postby FlamingDeth » Wed Feb 05, 2003 4:31 pm

"Oh, but of course!" the overly upbeat voice responded. "Not that it'll help you. It will be so much more amusing to watch you skitter about the countryside searching..."

"Two more questions! I should certainly hope that they'll be worthwile ones..."

Dark Xia


Unread postby Dark Xia » Wed Feb 05, 2003 7:22 pm

"Do you wish our mission to fail?" Xia's cold green eyes stared at the birds.

You want to destroy them right now don't you?

shut up, only when it becomes necessary....

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Unread postby FlamingDeth » Wed Feb 05, 2003 9:42 pm

"Hmph, wish it to fail?" the voice retorted. "You don't even know the full grandeur of what your mission involves. No, I don't wish your mission to fail, but it will nonetheless."

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Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Wed Feb 05, 2003 9:48 pm

You're a real uppity bastard to think we're going to fail, you just wait, Annoyance.

Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=ladydragonclawsedw>LadyDragonClawsEDW</A]&nbsp; Image at: 2/5/03 9:04:42 pm

Squintz Altec
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Unread postby Squintz Altec » Wed Feb 05, 2003 9:56 pm

"Okay, last question. Are you a demon, or some other entity of darkness?" This was important, as it would dictate his tactics.

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Unread postby FlamingDeth » Wed Feb 05, 2003 11:39 pm

"Am I a demon, or some other entity of darkness?" responded the voice. "Well, I would think the answer to that question would be fairly obvious. If I were, one as lowly as you would have very little reign over me anyways. And alas, you have run out of questions!"

The crows suddenly poised themselves for flight, and took off in seemingly random directions, a mess of black feathers fluttering about.

"You've all been such good sports about this. It will be such a shame when I have to mercilessly slaughter you all..." the voice rang out, as the dark creatures departed. "But be assured, you may rest safely tonight."

With that, the birds were out of sight. The party looked about, now having to decide whether or not to trust the words of the unknown entity and just set up camp...

Squintz Altec
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Unread postby Squintz Altec » Wed Feb 05, 2003 11:51 pm

Dhargun sat down once again. Now that he knew what this thing wasn't, he knew how to fight him.

He would love making his skeleton dance for him.

Kurt Dunniehue


Unread postby Kurt Dunniehue » Thu Feb 06, 2003 12:29 am

Cuimacc sheathed his sword and said, "I could have told you that," very clearly, directed towards Dhargun as he walked over to the Chocobos.

He then turned around and asked, "... No one brought a tent, did they?"

Dark Xia


Unread postby Dark Xia » Thu Feb 06, 2003 12:39 am

I don't think any of us really realized how bad this trip was going to be or how long it would take. We knew... but safe and sonud in Doma none of us really really thought about it. Great, no Tent, well it wouldn't b my first time sleeping out under the stars... where a wolf can come and eat you in the night.

"Also shall we keep moving? Or simply set up camp and assign watches. We can do without a tent for now I believe. If worse comes to worse we can huddle together for warmth."



Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Thu Feb 06, 2003 12:46 am

Ayri kicked he small bag, which she had grabbed before leaving Doma. "I've got a few blankets in here, but not much else." She was still fingering her music rod nervously, not liking the way the crows had left.

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Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Thu Feb 06, 2003 1:41 am

The ryuuzoku emitted a hiss, flicking her tail irrtitatedly, If that was a mazoku I wouldn't be surprised...then agian this is Gaera, you guys are lucky enough not to get mazoku... Aya stretched out, yawning If you want to set up camp here, that's fine, I'll make sure nothing happens... The large golden dragon shifted, curling up upon the ground Sleep where my body protects you if you want to... She nodded her head, indicating the circular space protected by her neck, tail, and body.

Dark Xia


Unread postby Dark Xia » Thu Feb 06, 2003 7:45 am

And so the half drow laid next to the dragon's wings, wondering if she'd get squawshed by some tossing and turning in the night.

Edited by: Dark Xia at: 2/6/03 4:35:16 pm

Kurt Dunniehue

Game over man! Game over!

Unread postby Kurt Dunniehue » Thu Feb 06, 2003 12:30 pm

Cuimacc took one of the blankets, nodding gratefully as he walked directly to Aya, sitting down right beside her neck in a half loctus position. He leaned against the large dragon's neck, and covered himself with the blanket.

However, he kept his sheath clutched in both hands, holding it vertically, leaning it against his head as he nodded off to sleep quickly.


Re: Game over man! Game over!

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Thu Feb 06, 2003 12:33 pm

Ayri took a position near the dragon's belly, where it was the warmest. She then wrapped herself in her travelers cloack and began to doze off, more than used to sleeping in situations like this.


Re: Game over man! Game over!

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Thu Feb 06, 2003 6:53 pm

Once he took the time to fully understand what the others had asked and learned, Richard was certain that any initial danger he believed he was in had temporarily passed. Still, he did not trust the surrounding area.

Oddly to him, sleeping near the dragon seemed the best idea right now. He took a position on the dragon's right side, just in front of the back leg, trusting it would be the best spot.

As he drifted off to sleep, the new information he had discovered mingled with the cries from his inner self. So... not a demon... not wishing failure... but it still knows about our mission... and the ninja... Am I even sure I can believe this thing, whatever it is?

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Time passes...LIKE A FOX!

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Fri Feb 07, 2003 3:27 am

The night passed without further incident. Interestingly enough, one thing the troupe of adventurers notice upon waking is that there are no footprints of either man or bird in the area, nor are there any feathers lying about the ground, as if someone had gone about and cleaned up all the evidence of anyone passing through...

Kurt Dunniehue

Roger, calling in

Unread postby Kurt Dunniehue » Sun Feb 09, 2003 3:04 am

Cuimacc awoke first. Before the sun began to creep over the horizon. His eyes opened to the sight of his sheath obscuring waving grass directly infront of him.

He shrugged off his blanket, and stood up, unfoulding his legs as he stood straight up. He looked around, and noted the sleeping Dragon behind him. He walked out lightly, and saw the setting moon.

He held out his hands, turning his palms up and sighed.

"I hope I'll be with you soon, my friend."

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Re: Roger, calling in

Unread postby LadyDragonClawsEDW » Sun Feb 09, 2003 5:10 am

Aya gave a loud roaring yawn, her golden eyes slipping open, for a moment she felt like rolling onto her back and stretching, however, she quickly remembered the people sleeping around her. Gingerly she lifted herself up on all fours and stepped back from the group, accounting for each member to make sure none of them were beneath the next step she took. Once out of the way, Aya yawned again, stretching out her limbs much like a cat would, then shifting back to sit on her haunches.

Hmm, good morning everyone...

Dark Xia

Re: Roger, calling in

Unread postby Dark Xia » Sun Feb 09, 2003 10:43 am

Xia quickly arose and groped around for her staff, finding it rather quickly, as it was indeed a long piece of wood. Xia also noticed an emptiness surrounding her head, she soon realizing this to be her hat, she looked down on the ground again and mumbled angrily about how she should be able to control herself more in her sleep and not kick, toss and turn.


Re: Roger, calling in

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Sun Feb 09, 2003 1:09 pm

Ayri awoke the moment Aya began to move, quickly getting up and making sure none of her equipment was in a position to get stepped on. She replied to Aya's greeting with a chipper, "Morning, ma'am." Clearly, Ayri was a morning person.

Squintz Altec
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Re: Roger, calling in

Unread postby Squintz Altec » Sun Feb 09, 2003 9:34 pm

Dhargun, however, was not. He grumbled. "Just give me five more minutes. I'm trying to figure out a way to block off the sun." He covered his eyes, and groaned some more. Damn ground. Too damn hard.


Re: Roger, calling in

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Sun Feb 09, 2003 11:36 pm

Richard was normally a fairly heavy sleeper. However, the loss of the support Aya's leg had provided quickly made him snap awake.

Getting to his feet quickly, and rubbing his eyes, it took Richard a while to fully get his bearings - Aya's movement had only alerted him, not made him alert.

Once he was alert, he opened his mouth as if to say something, but what Dhargun had said already answered his question. Grumbling a little bit, and then sighing, Richard said, "Fine, we'll wait."

But the queen probably shouldn't travel like that, Richard refused to add.


Re: Roger, calling in

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Tue Feb 11, 2003 9:21 pm

Ayri quickly began gathering her blankets back together, folding them neatly and stowing them back in her bag. "Do you think we should keep following the direct approach, ma'am?" Ayri asked the Queen. "It seems we're expected."


Re: Roger, calling in

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Tue Feb 11, 2003 9:47 pm

Richard listened only slightly to what Ayri said. Essentially, all he caught was regarding the "direct approach".

He wasn't sure what Ayri meant, but what was certain was that he believed the queen should not be travelling as the dragon she currently was. But to voice that opinion was simply madness. He thought he'd do it anyway, seeing it as inevitable.

"I'm not sure what she thinks about it," Richard said, stepping forward slightly, "but I think we don't have much choice but to take the 'direct approach' you speak of. If they discovered us already, as I'm guessing, then there's not much we can do about it. My only gripe is whether she-" ...at this point, Richard seemed to nod his head slightly toward Aya... "should travel in her current form, in case we HAVEN'T been discovered. Even if it's up to her decision." The last line was an attempt to prevent Aya from getting too angry at her.

"In any event, there's something I feel I need to tell the rest of you before we get too far." At this point, Richard looked at Ayri and pointed at her slightly. "Remember what I told you last night about myself?"

Dark Xia

Re: Roger, calling in

Unread postby Dark Xia » Tue Feb 11, 2003 10:17 pm

Xia hadfinished fixing her hat to the best of her ability and after flexing her fingers again was awake enough to be ready to move. She was about to urge them to start to move soon and quickly but stopped and listened to Richard.

Edited by: Dark Xia at: 2/13/03 9:34:37 pm


Re: Roger, calling in

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Thu Feb 13, 2003 9:23 pm

((OOC: Sorry about not replying to this for so long... missed Div's post. Again, gomen. o.o;; ))

Ayri nodded. "Yes, of course." She smiled slightly. "Do you think it would be safer if you travelled like that, instead?"

([edit] smilies bad -Rydia-)

Edited by: pd Rydia&nbsp; Image at: 3/1/03 11:20:12 pm


Take two... and... ACTION!

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Thu Feb 13, 2003 9:43 pm

Somehow, that thought hadn't occurred to Richard before. He had to think about it for a few seconds, but he decided that maybe this would be a good idea.

Richard thus replied, "Y'know, ma'am, I never thought about that before." He then looked around to the others, taking a few steps back from the group.

Turning away from the group, and kneeling on the ground, he said, in a bold voice, "Do not be alarmed by what you're going to see. I just hope none of you are scared of lycanthropes, because you're about to witness one. Not like I'm happy about it..."

This last thought drifted off as he started to feel it. Pain... the kind rarely felt by normal mortals... seeping through his body. He closed his eyes and gritted his teeth as his body started changing...

Those observing could note that his arms were forming into wings, and his legs became more birdlike. Feathers were emerging where his hair used to be - in fact, the feathers were emerging all over his body. The most striking change, however, was his face. Not only was it becoming more sleek and bird-like, but a tough beak grew where his mouth was.

Finally, after a few minutes, his transformation finished. Standing up and opening his eyes once more, Richard now looked like a large, black raven standing about five feet tall.

This is when he turned back to the group.

(Richard went into his hybrid form here. I'm fairly certain his ranks and stats would result in an automatic success under these conditions - I would not have been at all thorough if I had no degree of certainty. Also, he can talk in his hybrid form, but it comes out all screechy.)


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