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Re: To get the ball rolling...

Unread postby Idran1701 » Sun Oct 19, 2003 2:48 am

Idran watches the series of events while wating for the drow sage to continue. He pays special attention to the...forced departure of Gren.

IM: Hmph. Good riddance, I say. Now I can concentrate more on what this man has to say, without having to worry about being stabbed for saying the wrong thing.

Idran then waits, allowing the man the chance to continue in his tale.

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A Minor Change of Face

Unread postby WillBaseton » Mon Oct 20, 2003 9:50 am

After making his statement on Lolth, Ignes stood quietly and looked around. It was quite evident that the young demon was out of his element. He was never one for the tavern scene, and this proved it. With a nod to Elan, then one to the bartender, Ignes tensed for a moment and appeared to explode in a tiny burst of harmless flame that left a scent of burnt toast.

As per usual, Amana's "old friend" and once-fatal rival took the distraction of another's exit to sneak in, appearing almost immediately after Ignes' exit.

How odd. I just missed him. Hn, demons. Always troublesome, they are.

The flame-haired, silver winged man known to many, including Elan, as Will Baseton, surveyed the inn's current customers and slowly made his way over to the younger brother of his first enemy on the world of Gaera. That is to say, they had eventually reconciled.

"...well, look who it is. Still doing your studies in bars, I see. You should know by now that a place as loud as this isn't often used to study white magic..."

Edited by: [url=>WillBaseton</A]&nbsp; Image at: 10/20/03 12:21 pm

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Re: A Minor Change of Face

Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon Oct 20, 2003 5:19 pm

At that moment the door to the inn opened again, to quickly shut behind a black-furred nekojin. The figure might have been slight underneath all that armor, but one would have to wonder how. Two katana made an X in their sheathes hooked to her back, and a row of colorful bracelets nearly covered the nekojin's left arm.

Bright green eyes, shimmering with happiness and good cheer, quickly swept the interior of the inn. They halted over the small group that had congregated around Elan, and the nekojin blinked once...twice...and then skipped over to the group, curiousity in each alert whisker.

"Hi!" she greeted cheerfully. "My name's Migi. Is something interesting going on over here? I just came in and was wondering, cuz you know, everyone's gathered here and stuff!"

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Re: A Minor Change of Face

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Mon Oct 20, 2003 5:36 pm

Kumiko almost visibly sank. Fate had it out for her tonight, it seemed, for as soon as they lost one young, undisciplined nekojin, they gained another. Not only that, but as these things always worked out, some do-gooder would decide that taking the catgirl along to foil whatever it was that Amana was plotting would be a good learning experience or somesuch, and they'd end up getting into no end of trouble. It was almost enough to make the high elf just wander out the door.

But no, she couldn't do that, not when the situation pertained to that drow witch. The infernal creature was just be left to her own devices. As such, after her recovery from her slight drop in morale, Kumiko simply nodded to the newcomers, and returned to listening to what was being said.


Re: A Minor Change of Face

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Wed Oct 22, 2003 3:33 pm

Durron sat patiently through all the chaos of the next few ensuing minutes. His thoughts were wandering over what the Drow Elan had told him. If his sister did have some sort of plan in store, it would be best to try and stoper her, but would these people who were gathering to 'help' him be willing to do it while still attempting to save this Anama? He doubted it. He could see no other alternative: He felt he was obligated to go with Elan, and help him both stop his sister, and attempt to save her soul. This decided, he turned his attention back to the situation at hand. His hearing had picked up on several people coming and going, but he wasn't sure who was still there...

He'd just have to pay attention to get a good idea.

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Why am I not logged in?

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Tue Oct 28, 2003 1:36 am

He walked through the city with a sense of purpose. He walked with a sense of worth. He walked like a man on a mission. He walked....Like he wanted a sandwich. And by god, he'd have it. Although the rain bothered him alot more than he let on, those who knew him well knew he had a deep seeded fear of it- He always chalked it up to being part nekojin, as it came with the territory of the ears and tail he accidentally aquired months ago. No, the rain wasn't bothering him directly. It was the childs voice in his head panicking about it that was getting to him.

"Kristoph, I want to get out of the rain! Pleeeasseee!! I don't wanna be wet!"

Kristoph rolled his eyes. As much as he liked the kid, he could be a real pain in the ass at times. Responding without meaning to, Kristoph immediatly regretted having what should have been a private thought.

"Then you'll really throw a fit when I throw you in the lak-"

The mental screaming made Kristoph flinch. It was times like this he wanted a stiff drink and a sandwich, but he had given up drinking for the kids sake long ago, although he'd be damned if he couldn't at least get his hands on a nice tuna sandwich. Quickly entering the Inn, Kristoph quickly forgot his plans to get himself a bit of fishy goodness, instead Bee-lining for Will, standing behind him, and waiting for just the right moment....


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Re: Why am I not logged in?

Unread postby WillBaseton » Tue Oct 28, 2003 1:48 am

Will stood silently after Kristoph yelled at him, unmoving for several seconds. After what seemed like an eternity, the ryuujin turned around and stared right into the nekomage's eyes.


He then chuckled, his furious expression changing to a grin as he gave his acquaintance a heavy slap on the back.

"What can I do for you, Kristoph?"

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Re: Why am I not logged in?

Unread postby Idran1701 » Tue Oct 28, 2003 2:16 am

The sudden exchange draws Idran's attention as he waits for the sage's exposition to continue. He turns to the pair involved, recognizing them as he does so.

"Well, at least there are a couple familiar faces, even if not that familiar. Greetings, Will, Kris."

He turns to Kristoph after this brief comment.

"I'm glad to see you in good health."

Edited by: [url=>Idran1701</A] at: 10/28/03 1:32 pm


Re: Why am I not logged in?

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Tue Oct 28, 2003 12:48 pm

Old man Durron turned on hearing a sudden outburst, surmising that someone new had arrived on the scene. Although he could not see, he could hear, and he knew that the voices were not familiar. "Well," he asked curiously, "who do we have here?"

Vampire Jester Jinx

And at bloody last, MOVE PLOT HO!

Unread postby Vampire Jester Jinx » Tue Oct 28, 2003 8:22 pm

Out in the slums, Amana grew impatient explaining once again to the old warrior what her orders were. But it was worth making Anat cringe at the sight of Amana switching to her true gender. They had been talking and arguing for at least half an hour, and this rain was about to drive the lady Ill Bast mad.

"Oh don't be such a worry wart Anat. Just headback back. Give my newest... words of advice. See that the news is spread sufficiently."

The older woman spat, and glared at the freak before her. She didn't intend to run all of her errands like a damn puppy.

Amana watched all this with calm eyes, then sighed dramatically. "Oh Anat dear, you are such a horrid little beast." Then the chaos priestess patted the other woman's cheek, like she was talking to a saucy child. But in an entirely different voice, one laced with venom, she made her next demand.

"I would run along, Pet, I'll return to Qu'ellar d'lil Elghinyrr Anulo later tonight."

And with that the two figures parted ways, the warrior pulling her hood down over her face, and back into the muddy streets and dismal weather.

The priestess lingered a moment however, pulling on a lavish velvet hood lined with fur, then made her way to the kitchen drawer. Most of the good spoons went missing that moment.
Then she daintly skipped out of the house, leaving the dead woman the merrily lit kitchen, and stood pondering in the rain a moment, staring at the small home.

A certain Inujin with a strange accent would be able to see her, standing in the street quietly peering at a house, getting completely drenched by the downpour.


Thankfully for Elan's sanity, it has seemed to have calmed down, and although people were crowded about him, it wasn't as panic enducing as before. So he sat down at a table, and ordered a little wine, motioning for Will to join him, and then nodded for Kris and the adorable black nekojin to have a seat as well.

He had given up on having the slightest bit of privacy. So in an even tone, every so often sipping his wine, he told Will and the other newcomers what he had already said. He also explained, for those who seemed not to know, who his sister was. He hoped that perhaps the repetition of this story, might bore Kumiko, and that terrifying woman might leave. Eliminating another source of stress.

After he had finished his tail, he pushed his chair back and waited for the inevitable questions and chatter that would follow all this remarkable information.

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Re: And at bloody last, MOVE PLOT HO!

Unread postby WillBaseton » Tue Oct 28, 2003 8:32 pm

Will simply nodded.

"I...see. I'm not sure what to say, Elan."

The ryuujin stared at Elan's wine, thinking.

I thought she said she'd lay off the evil shit...

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Re: And at bloody last, MOVE PLOT HO!

Unread postby pd Rydia » Tue Oct 28, 2003 9:07 pm

Migi listened with emerald eyes wide, her body perfectly still except for her ears, which swivelled back and forth and back and forth, and her tail, which swished jerkily from side to side. After Elan finished his narrative, she looked down at her lap and played with the bracelets on her arm without speaking a word.

This moment of unusual silence, however, lasted all of a fraction of a minute, before Migi raised shining eyes to Elan once more.

"I'd like to help!" she announced, bobbing her head and sending earrings jangling. "I'm-sure-I-can-be-of-help-to-you," she gushed. "I'm-a-trained-fighter-after-all."

She beamed at Elan, waiting eagerly for his response.

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Re: And at bloody last, MOVE PLOT HO!

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Tue Oct 28, 2003 9:10 pm

Kristoph sat for a moment, taking it all in, then clenched his eyes, tight.

"Waaaaiiiit, wait, wait, wait...So, she's got a brother?.....Wow. I never knew that."

Deep down, Kristoph was thinking far different things. People like Amana gave people like him a bad name. If need be, he'd track her down and show her how she should act. By force, if nessessary. But that would come later. Right now, he'd see if there was anything else to add to this. His business with Will forgotten, he simply flicked his ears in thought, rubbing his temples lazily.

Vampire Jester Jinx

Re: And at bloody last, MOVE PLOT HO!

Unread postby Vampire Jester Jinx » Tue Oct 28, 2003 10:18 pm

Elan looked taken aback at the Migi's outburst. After a few seconds of sorting it all out, he looked at her with bewildered eyes and said, "Buh..whuh, help with what? I just wanted advice. It's not like I was going to track her down and give her a talking too. I'm....not...even entirely sure what is going on." He cast an oddly comical look around the table, assessing how the different people had absorbed the information.

In his mind a few thoughts raced about, like "Oh dear what have I done? Probably started a mob to hunt her down. I knew this was a bad idea. Bad bad Elan. We should have kept that a secret."

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Re: And at bloody last, MOVE PLOT HO!

Unread postby pd Rydia » Tue Oct 28, 2003 10:24 pm

"Well," Migi said, in a slow and drawn out manner for her. "My advice is that you should go talk to her. And I can go along and help you." She nodded. "Surely she'll stop doing mean stuff if you ask really nicely."

Migi blinked and smiled, convinced in the fool-proofness of her plan.

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Meeting Amana Already?

Unread postby Besyanteo » Tue Oct 28, 2003 10:41 pm

Derek did see Amana, and he approached. He also flinched breifly, as a casual sniff brought the faint smell of fresh blood to his nose, not only from the Drow, but from the house as well.
Rather than immediately assuming the worst, he approached at an even pace. He offered a bit of his cloak as a shield from the rain, and with some concern in his voice, he asked:

"Are you injured Miss?"

Vampire Jester Jinx


Unread postby Vampire Jester Jinx » Tue Oct 28, 2003 10:48 pm

The drow woman's eyes shifted onto the Inujin, and in a lazy and a somewhat cold way, looked him up and down, taking in everything from his spots to the make of his clothes. Although what she thought of all this wasn't apparant as her facial expression didn't change.

"Thank you for your concern, but I am quite well. Very well if I might add. But I shouldn't think you will be, if you dally about longer."

With that she adjusted her hood, some of her brilliant white waist length hair spilling out. She then patted her sides, as if worried she might not have everything she brought with her. The pouring rain pelting her head and shoulders affected her in not the least way. Easily making her appear somewhat mad.

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Amana has teh PMS

Unread postby Besyanteo » Tue Oct 28, 2003 10:56 pm

Derek let his cloak fall back as it had originally been. For him to smell blood through all this, and for her to both want him to leave AND be uninjured, there were only a few explanations.
Derek was also very good at preserving his hide. He walked on towards the Ivory Horn after giving Amana a look, having decided the guard could sort it out. He'd only get paid back in bruises and stab wounds to bring this woman down, and he didn't feel like reciving either without a very good reason.

Oh the Irony.

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Re: Amana has teh PMS

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Tue Oct 28, 2003 11:13 pm

Kristoph sat a moment longer, thinking, before adding his two cents.

"The only advice I could give...Is to track her down and get her to stop before she pulls off whatever stunt she's got planned. Failing that, you may have to knock some sense into her....And from what I've seen and heard, that woman could use some sense being knocked into her."

Vampire Jester Jinx

>:{ Not when she's a guy.

Unread postby Vampire Jester Jinx » Tue Oct 28, 2003 11:30 pm

Derek hear's a single word called out to him as he leaves, said very softly in Amana's odd silky voice, "Aluve'." Then a soft chuckle, followed by a loud crack, if he were to turn now, no trace of the woman would be there. Save for the tiniest trace of brimstone in the air.


Elan raised a skeptical eyebrow. "Yes I believe I should talk to her at some point, but I don't see the need in anyone else coming along. What purpose would it all serve?"

<span style="color:fuchsia;font-family:verdana;font-size:x-small;">(und now we wait for FD, Joshua Durron and Idran. :D)</span>

Edited by: Vampire Jester Jinx&nbsp; Image at: 10/28/03 11:32 pm

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Re: >:{ Not when she's a guy.

Unread postby Idran1701 » Wed Oct 29, 2003 12:07 am

After his greeting to two of the more recent arrivals, Idran sat quietly. He continued to listen as Elan and others spoke, digesting the conversation around him. However, he speaks up when Elan makes his request.

"Our talking to her may serve no purpose. However, although it was not your original thought in speaking on this matter, you have expressed the danger in whatever it is she may be planning. Thus, it seems that if worse comes to worse you would benefit more with multiple allies willing to help you prevent whatever schemes she may have."

Edited by: [url=>Idran1701</A] at: 10/29/03 12:09 am


Appologies for the delay...

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Wed Oct 29, 2003 12:18 am

Durron nodded his agreement with Idran. "Not only this, but I beleive it would be safer for you as well. It seems that your sister would not be the type to take interference lightly. You should be prepared."

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Re: >:{ Not when she's a guy.

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Wed Oct 29, 2003 12:23 am

Oh, a 'good talking to'. That, Kumiko knew, would merely prompt the drow wench to put on the most convincing show she could of innocence, and if they persisted, perhaps a cleverly concieved lie about how she changed her had happened before, and it would most certainly happen again. No, they would have to actively thwart whatever it is Amana was planning. It was doubtful that the lot gathered here would allow her to eliminate the nuisance once and for all, but she would at least make sure that the chaos priestess could do no harm any time soon.

The high elven priestess snapped back to attention, ruining Elan's hopes of her leaving. Any of her suggestions would have to wait, as they would certainly be met with...opposition...from the gathered crowd.

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Re: >:{ Not when she's a guy.

Unread postby WillBaseton » Wed Oct 29, 2003 12:43 am

Will smirked and placed his hands down on the table. As tempted as he was to join in the "KILL AMANA" group, the ryuujin restrained himself and began to speak.

"Now, now. We shouldn't make this into a witch hunt. Even though Elan is technically going to be looking for a witch, he shouldn't go out there with intent to maim or kill. As weird as Amana is, there's probably SOME logical reason behind her actions. And if so, I'd like to go with you, Elan. As you know, Amana and I have a...history. Perhaps I'll be of some assistance. Of course, this is only if you wish it."

With that, he leaned back in his chair and was silent again.

Vampire Jester Jinx


Unread postby Vampire Jester Jinx » Wed Oct 29, 2003 12:52 am

The corner of his mouth twitched. How utterly frusterating. His mind wandered until he plucked a few verses from his memory, that he began to recite in his mind, sweet words about the loving Ashura. He closed his eyes and exhaled, and as he went through the sacred verse in his mind, he forced each segment of his body to relax starting with his neck and working his way down. After about a minute of silence he opened his eyes and picked up his wine glass, giving it a swish so that the frangrance would waft up.

After taking a sip, he said in a calm and patient voice, "Fine, it seems you all have your heart set on coming with me to see my sister. But I am going to enforce a few rules. When we go to her tower, unless she makes any move against us, we will NOT attack her. I detest violence and I want this to be as peaceful as possible. When we are there, we will talk to her, and try to sort out what is going on. You will please be on your best behaviour. Also, I require a promise from you, lady elf." He indicated Kumiko with a slim finger.

"That you will especially behave, and not attempt harm on my sister unless she herself is being violent towards you."

The wind gusted hard against the walls of the bar, sending the windows to shaking for a second, the drops seeming to be attacking the surface of the wood and glass.



Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Wed Oct 29, 2003 12:59 am

Durron nodded once. "That seems very reasonable. I assure you that I desire violence no more than you do, and I hope that we will be able to find a peaceful solution to this."

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Unread postby FlamingDeth » Wed Oct 29, 2003 1:02 am

Kumiko offered a grin and a slight bow, or at least as much of one as could be mustered without standing up, attempting to indicate that she agreed to those terms, so to speak. If that's what it took to stop the drow witch's plans, then that's what was going to happen...this certainly didn't limit violence in future dealings, after all.

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Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Wed Oct 29, 2003 1:09 am

Kristoph suddenly look stunned. Not just surprised, but outright stunned. "How'd I get dragged into this?!" Before his sentance even finished, he heard what he knew would come from the moment Elan said that the others would go-

"Kristoph! I wanna go, too! C'mon, let's go!

Kristoph simply sighed in defeat. He was damned if he did, and damned if he didn't. However, going along was the type of damned that would be far less annoying. "I guess I'll come along, too. After all, I've got a few things to say to her, myself."

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Unread postby Idran1701 » Wed Oct 29, 2003 1:16 am

Idran nods after Elan finishes laying down his rules for the meeting.

"Sounds perfectly reasonable to me. I'd prefer if violence was only a last resort as well, given that she is your sister and all."

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Unread postby WillBaseton » Wed Oct 29, 2003 1:19 am

Will nodded solemnly to Elan, somewhat disturbed at the young drow's anger over the situation. He then quickly turned to Kristoph and grinned.

"So, what do you need me for, Kristoph? Or were you just trying to scare me?"

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Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Wed Oct 29, 2003 1:45 am

Kristoph thought for a minute, even longer than most to ask his 'other self' if he recalled...But neither did.

"I honestly don't remember. Though when it comes to me, I'll let you know."

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Unread postby pd Rydia » Wed Oct 29, 2003 11:39 am

"Violence?" Migi asked, blinking in innocence. Her expression begged ignorance of the very word, even with the two katana strapped to her back. Scratching an ear idly, she further said, "I agree!"

Vampire Jester Jinx

*insert something witty here*

Unread postby Vampire Jester Jinx » Wed Oct 29, 2003 10:14 pm

Who knew all this would come out of just wanting a piece of advice? Ah well, at least I will have some people going along, I can't chicken out this time.

Elan cast a glance around the table, then leaned back, so that he could see the Ivory Horn's famous tree. "I guess there's no help for it then. You can all accompany me to my sister's place. But you'll want to be completely ready, while I'll be allowed in with no problems, she usually sets up traps and guardians of some sort. So any sort of defense you can take with you is probably wise."

He then turned and looked out of one of the windows of the bar. It was still raining hard outside. "If it's alright with everyone, we'll leave out when the rain lets up a little."

<span style="color:fuchsia;font-family:verdana;font-size:x-small;">(GM: alright guys, basically the rain let's up early early in the morning, so have your characters go rest for the evening, whereever that may be, get whatever supplies their taking, tell family etc, then come back to the Ivory horn in the morning.)</span>

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Re: *insert something witty here*

Unread postby Idran1701 » Thu Oct 30, 2003 12:21 am

Idran gets up, heading back to his room at the Jade Dragon, and thinking about the various magical possibilites he has heard of this night. He lets them roll through his mind while walking through the rain to the other inn. Eventually, he reaches it, and heads up to sleep for the night, hanging his coat and hat on the bedpost to dry. He then goes to sleep for the night, intending to return to the Ivory Horn the next morning, weather willing.

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::inserts a panty shot:: ... what's witty? o.o

Unread postby Besyanteo » Thu Oct 30, 2003 12:36 am

Before long, a weather weary inujin entered the IH. After closing the door behind himself, he pulled his hoodback, and resisted the urge to shake off while soaked.
He moved to a table, opening his cloak as his did so, so it fell back like a cape. He ordered himself a strong drink and a good sandwich, and sat back to relax...
To lay eyes on the bishy drow. Not the best looking guy in the world Derek mentally conceded, atleast according to his own tastes, but still cute. He offered the man a wink he may or may not notice while waiting for his food.

Vampire Jester Jinx


Unread postby Vampire Jester Jinx » Thu Oct 30, 2003 12:49 am

Elan peered into his wine glass, the little golden beads that adorned his braids clinked together every so often. He idly twirled his glass, intent on the dark red of his glass, and the rising bouqet that greeted his nose. However, he soon smelled something else besides the rich smell of a good wine. It was the rather unmistakeable smell of wet canine.

He turned to see the source, half hoping it was a stray that had wandered in. He liked playing with dogs. However he happened to catch a glimpse of the Inujin just in time to see the wink. And his face turned a darker shade of blue, and he was suddenly very interested in the tree next to his table.

I'll never get used to that. I bet he's mistaken me for a woman. That'll be the third time this month.

What looks like an aging Doman guard is seated next to Derek, and is chatting with a comrade over a mug of ale. He's talking very loudly in the raspy way that leads one to believe he's already had a few mugs already. "I'll tell ya 'Gibs. I think the ol' king, and that loud mouthed guard captain have some shapin' up to do. Ought to enforce some sorta watch in th' slums. Nasty part o' town. Always something shady goin on about there."

The older man to whom he was talking nods, "Aye, heard many rumors about some of the shenanigans that happen there. Glad I have me a nice room at a bording house nearer to the market I do. Well worth the price. At least ye know someone's not waitin' to slit yer throat!"

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Yes, Hot wet puppy whose on his way to getting drunk. ;D

Unread postby Besyanteo » Thu Oct 30, 2003 1:07 am

Derek grimaced. He didn't care for the conversation, or the knowledge that he had likely spoken to to woman responsible for the scene they were talking about.

On the other hand, the Drow boy was still cute, and defnitely looked like better company.

He got his order, and promptly moved himself, so he was at Elan's table, and away from the surlier humans.

"Hello there. You don't mind me moving myself here, do you?" He offered as winning a smile as an inu could, before taking a sip of his drink.

Vampire Jester Jinx


Unread postby Vampire Jester Jinx » Thu Oct 30, 2003 1:19 am

The younger Ill Bast's eyes popped open and he turned to look at the Inujin.

What is it with everyone coming over to my table tonight?
The young man gave a polite smile, his cheeks still slightly flushed, and motioned to a chair. "You are welcome to join the table."

He rubbed one of his long sensitive ears and looked apologetic, "My name is Elan Ill Bast. These are my are... well... a bunch of strangers mostly." He shrugged good naturedly.

<span style="color:fuchsia;font-family:verdana;font-size:x-small;">(GM: i'm just getting jason's character pulled into the plot. you're characters can stick about a bit, or can do what you need to do to get ready for the journey or write out your post until i gm it into the morning.)</span>

Edited by: Vampire Jester Jinx&nbsp; Image at: 10/30/03 1:20 am

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Re: Yes, Hot wet puppy whose on his way to getting drunk. ;D

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Thu Oct 30, 2003 1:20 am

Kristoph lingered in the Ivory Horn a bit longer, thinking to himself and conversing with his 'inner child'. It didn't last long, as soon he too picked up the smell of wet dog, and following his nose, saw Derek. Normally, Kristoph wouldn't be bothered by an inujin...However, Kris, being deathly afraid of dogs of any sort (Partially due to kittyness, also partially due to another incident he didn't care to speak of) wouldn't let him have a peaceful thought to himself until they left the premisis of the dog. Deciding that maybe they should probably go tell Karin that they'd be leaving for awhile. Standing quickly, Kristoph beelined for the door and made his way to the residance of one of his better friends, who just happened to be Kris' mother, to alert them to the situation and to hopefully stay the night- Kristoph didn't feel like paying inn fees at the moment.


Blargle- short post

Unread postby JoshuaDurron » Thu Oct 30, 2003 12:46 pm

Durron, as chance would have it, had excused himself before the Inujin had arrived. Having lost track of his guide in the confusion of the night, he resolved to simply stay the night at the in. Being an older gentleman, he chose to retire early, and slept peacefully that night.


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