Fury of the Storm (PS, Closed)

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Re: Fury of the Storm (PS, Closed)

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Thu Nov 27, 2003 10:15 pm

That night, the group slept well, despite the rain beating down, and the threat that they might follow in Chancellor Vinces footsteps. Those who DID sleep awoke to the smell of food being cooked upstairs- Eggs and some sort of meat, it seemed. As the group was called for breakfast, the Innkeeper made his plans known-

"Alright, this is who the Children are dealing with it- We've only got a couple chances to do this...Vaniyakna is going to be watching the Games at the City of Storms arena from his own private seating area. The Knights will be at his side- As many that are free, anyway. Some will be commanding the troops at the arenas, others will be participating. Anyway, we plan on getting a gunman as close as possible to Vaniyakna, and taking him out from a distance. Should that fail, our men will begin rioting, and we'll try and get him in the confusion. WHat we need you to do- Those participating need to put on as good a show as possible. Those watching will have to help us position- It'll take a bit of corridination. We'd do it at the Opening Cerimony, but he'll be too well guarded...Speaking of that, it starts in about an hour or two. Anette and I will acompany you there- Hell, we're participating, too. For now, just eat up and ask whatever you need to. Oh, and as for that Knight...She was begining to get a bit loud, so we had to knock her out. She'll be down for awhile, yet."

Uncle Pervy

Re: Fury of the Storm (PS, Closed)

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Nov 27, 2003 10:20 pm

"I'll not be appearing in the arena if I can help it," Inverse says. "Quite frankly, I'm too easy to recognize and will give you all away in a heartbeat."

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Re: Fury of the Storm (PS, Closed)

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Thu Nov 27, 2003 11:00 pm

The innkeeper nodded. "Totally understandable. Do what you wish, then."

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Posting is hard when notepad does not work.

Unread postby Capntastic » Fri Nov 28, 2003 12:32 am

Kyle too had found his way to the front room, and was working to keep himself warm. He had ordered some stew. Seeing Reako, he smiled and waved.

"Hello there."

Uncle Pervy

Re: Posting is hard when notepad does not work.

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Fri Nov 28, 2003 12:43 am

"My intention is to take advantage of the guards concentrated there to go elsewhere, and seek some other friends." Inverse says to the innkeep and the rest of the group. "I still have a few things I need to find out about."

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Re: Posting is hard when notepad does not work.

Unread postby Kelne » Fri Nov 28, 2003 5:30 am

Kelne looked up from his breakfast, "The first thing we do is work out an exit strategy. Even assuming everything goes well, we're going to have an awful lot of people extremely pissed at us."

From everything he'd gathered from the knight's mind, Vaniyakna was far more popular than he'd thought. Then again, he'd been dealing primarily with the people most opposed to him thus far. Still, that sort of blind faith to the point of immunity to common sense wasn't something he'd counted on.

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Re: Posting is hard when notepad does not work.

Unread postby Reako Somner » Fri Nov 28, 2003 4:12 pm

Reako sat quietly at the table

"Well, I guess the most I can do is 'put on a good show' and make my matches last longer... I've never had to do anything like this before..."

Reako began wondering if he'd truly be all that useful in this matter, or if he should even be here.

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Blaze at breakfast

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Sat Nov 29, 2003 7:18 pm

Blaze had let the others talk while he ate. No sense in ruining a good meal by concentrating on anything else but the food. Finally he swallowed his last mouthful, and leaned back in his chair.

'Apparently there'll be some wardens in the crowds today. I'm supposed to meet them outside the arena, if we want their help. Should be an interesting experience locating them in the crowds.'

Uncle Pervy

Re: Blaze at breakfast

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Mon Dec 01, 2003 4:05 am

Inverse nodded, listening to all this. However, there was one final thing he had to confirm. One rumor that bothered him to his core. One that he dared not bring up with Kireah. But, it was one he would have to investigate on his own. No one got near it save the Knights, and rumor has it that even then they only could get limited access.

It was almost impossible to resist, now that he could slip away. Thus, he plotted.

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Re: Blaze at breakfast

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Mon Dec 01, 2003 5:38 pm

The Innkeeper nodded at Blaze, then turned to Kelne.

"Hate to say it, but every arena is designed more or less the same way, with four entrances- North, south, east, and west. The minuite someone attacks Vaniyakna, those'll be swarming with soldiers, so if you've got access to teleportation magic or something like that, that would be the best idea. If not, make your way into the stands, and one of the Children will find you and help get you out, one way or another."

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Re: Blaze at breakfast

Unread postby Kelne » Mon Dec 01, 2003 6:17 pm

"It'll have to do, I suppose," Kelne said, though he didn't sound too happy about the arrangements. Unfortunately, even aside from the storm, an exit by carpet would make him a target. Save that for the last resort, then.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Blaze at breakfast

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Mon Dec 01, 2003 9:27 pm

"Take this," Inverse says, producing and handing a vial of greenish liquid to Kelne. "It's Aqua regia. Suffice it to say this is a particularly strong acid. Do with it what you will. The tube is enchanted to withstand a few hundred pounds of pressure, so you will probably have to take the stopper off and splash or pour it."

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Re: Blaze at breakfast

Unread postby Kelne » Mon Dec 01, 2003 11:41 pm

"Much appreciated," Kelne said, pocketing it. Quite aside from the obvious combat applications, there were any number of circumstances in which a vial of acid would come in handy.

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Re: Blaze at breakfast

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Tue Dec 02, 2003 12:13 am

Rising later than the others, Kumiko eventually wandered in to join the others, a note prewritten. Her companions didn't seem to like to savor the simple pleasures of life...which would be quite a shame in the event that they all died this day. She ripped out the note and handed it to Kelne, and sat to consume breakfast.

"I shall not be participating in the tournament." read the note. "Rather, I shall assist in getting the gunman where he needs to be unnoticed. Invisibility will no doubt be useful in both entry and exit."

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Re: Blaze at breakfast

Unread postby Kelne » Tue Dec 02, 2003 12:51 am

Kelne nodded, "Fair enough. He'll certainly be the one who needs it most." The fate of any sniper caught shooting at Vaniyakna didn't bear thinking about.

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Re: Blaze at breakfast

Unread postby Jak Snide » Wed Dec 03, 2003 8:24 am

Jak sat and listened as the conversation moved around the table, choosing to fill his stomach rather than say anything. He was uneasy about the prospect of several dozen guards going after him and him alone, especially since the escape route was far from fool proof.

"Well, no getting out of this now" he told himself as he finished off his morning meal, and looked to the others, waiting for them to move off.

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Re: Blaze at breakfast

Unread postby Kelne » Wed Dec 03, 2003 4:31 pm

"Now then," Kelne said, "Before we head off, a few notes on the Knights. I've got a basic idea of some of their abilities out of Kireah. The big names that came up were Nezetta, Giovani, Aleksei, and someone she thought of as 'Mask Boy'. I'm sure that the first three, at least, will be participating in the tournament. Nezetta's a barehanded fighter, using mainly her feet, and is quite good at ice magic." A pity he hadn't managed to figure out how to shield against that yet. His main affinity had always been fire.

"Kireah thinks she might be some kind of construct, so be especially wary around her. Giovani's a grappler, and uses brass knuckles. He's also into torture, though I shouldn't think we'll experience that firsthand. Aleksei's a gunman, but he's terrible with moving targets. He's also extremely loyal. As for Mask Boy, he's something of an enigma. Assassin type who's fond of the shadows, by the sounds."

Kelne gave the others some time to digest this information, before moving onto a new subject, "I've sketched out a basic map of the castle and the guard postings within, should we decide to go down that road." He laid the map out on the table for general perusal, pointing out each guard station in turn - Four outside the main entrance, two inside by the main entrance, two on every floor of the Grand Staircase, two Knights outside the throne room, and at least two on the inside. "And of course, there are many Knights in the castle," he added, paraphrasing the old saying, "So we can count on the guards having quite a bit of backup."

"Should anyone run into Frederick, they can inform him that I'd like to go over the map with him - find out if there's anything else that the Knights don't know about."

So far, the prospect of infiltrating the castle didn't look too promising, but there was always the chance that one of the others would have a suggestion he hadn't thought of.

Blaze Yamato Spirit


Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Sun Dec 07, 2003 12:37 pm

Blaze did his best to memorise the map of the castle and sat considering alternative methods of entry.

'Probably a fool's errand, that.' He murmured. 'On the other hand, if we went for it at least we'd have surprise on our side, for what little that matters.'

As for the Knights that thay knew would be participating, Blaze hoped he wouldn't come across Nezetta in the opening rounds, especially if Kireah was right in her guess about Nezetta being a construct. He wasn't entirely sure how effective he could be in combat with her. He had the range advantage over Giovanni, and should be well matched against Aleksei, especially if he kept moving. This was all theoretically correct, at least, but Blaze knew from experience that in practice things never went the way you expected them to.

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Re: Hmm

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Sun Dec 07, 2003 3:32 pm

The Innkeeper stood, polishing off his breakfast. "I'm going to go get ready. When the rest of you are ready to go, we'll set off for the Arena and the opening cerimony. Just let me know." And with that, he set off upstairs to prepare himself.

Edited by: Shinigori V2  Image at: 12/7/03 3:33 pm

Uncle Pervy

Re: Hmm

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sun Dec 07, 2003 3:51 pm

Inverse himself made preparations to leave. He didn't need to give the others any instructions, he felt. They were smart enough to deal with things on their own. And, he felt that they weren't going to try anything half as crazy as he was.

"Just remember that if this assassination fails, getting this information back to Doma is the most important thing." Is all he says as he gathers his stuff. "And if I don't come back, don't worry about me."

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: Hmm

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Fri Dec 12, 2003 5:59 pm

'Fair enough. If we're allowed to leave.'

Blaze got up and returned to their room by the sewers, gathering everything he thought he'd need together.

Pistol, rifle, ammo, holy bullets, mirror...

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Re: Hmm

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Fri Dec 12, 2003 9:48 pm

Blaze soon had everything he needed, and even found a little something left for him by the innkeeper- A small box with a few more bullets.

(Blaze gets an extra 24 ammo, if you care to keep count.)

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Re: Hmm

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Mon Dec 15, 2003 8:13 pm

As Blaze left the room, he found Kumiko casually leaning on the wall outside the door. Upon seeing him, the elf righted herself, and presented the gunman with a note.

"It seems that you're the most likely canidate for actually taking out our friendly dictator." the message began. "Thusly, when the conditions are met that Vaniyakna is clearly visible in a location with at least marginal accessibility and you have a relatively extended break from the arena, get somewhere out of sight, and I'll assist in getting you to a decent position."

She remained there for a moment, waiting for the other elf's response.

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: Hmm

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Tue Dec 16, 2003 3:40 am

Blaze noddeed in response, smiled somewhat grimly, and continued out of the room.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Hmm

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Tue Dec 16, 2003 4:45 am

Meanwhile, Inverse made his way through the streets of the city, keeping a discreet eye out for anyone following him.

Ahead lay his goal, a store dealing in liquor that he was fairly certain was not peopled by the knights or others too loyal to Vaniyakna.

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Re: Hmm

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Wed Dec 17, 2003 4:57 am

Kumiko simply returned upstairs with the others. She was in no hurry, as she wasn't obligated to participate in the tournament.

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Re: Hmm

Unread postby Kelne » Wed Dec 17, 2003 7:12 pm

Having finished his own breakfast, Kelne excused himself from the table and made his way out into the city, wandering the streets as he made his way towards the arena. Things would no doubt be getting underway soon.

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: Hmm

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Wed Dec 24, 2003 6:00 pm

Blaze made his own way to the tournament, with the intention of getting there early enough to have time to make contact with the wardens there.

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Re: Hmm

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Sat Dec 27, 2003 3:33 pm

As the group made their way to the arena in the City of Storms, a large crowd was already gathering outside. Men, women, and children, all human, stood outside, waiting to get in. They didn't seemed bothered by the rain in the least- It seemed living in this city would do that to you. One thing everyone noticed is that most everyone had a weapon of somesort- Even the children had shortswords or knives at their hips. As the line dwindled, those particpating where pulled off to their own separate area of seating, leaving Kumiko alone with the 'commoners'. From her position, she could see the entire arena pretty well, including Vaniyakna's private box- It seems the dictator himself liked living fairly lavishly. However, he had yet to arrive.

The others were closer to the arena floor, just a few rows up, in fact. The roar of the crowd and the roar of the rain merged to create a fairly indistinguishable noise, punctuated every now and then by large booms of thunder. It seems the festivities where about to begin.

(Feel free to CI a bit, we'll get underway with the main thing later tonight.)

Edited by: Shinigori V2  Image at: 12/27/03 3:33 pm

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Re: Hmm

Unread postby Jak Snide » Sun Dec 28, 2003 2:32 pm

"Wonder if any of those kids would have the nerve to use those little blades of theirs."

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Re: Hmm

Unread postby Kelne » Mon Dec 29, 2003 9:20 pm

Kelne took in the layout of the arena, comparing it to his expectations. They matched pretty well, really. Certainly the locals had gotten into the spirit of things, with all the weapons visible. Then again, it was possible that at least some of them carried the weapons all the time.

His appraisal of the arena complete, Kelne directed an eye towards Vaniyakna. Although this was the first time he'd seen him in the flesh, the sight was a familiar one from images gained from Kireah. The questions he wanted answered would not be resolved by casual observation, however.

If anyone expected him to engage in conversation, they would be disappointed. He'd said what he had to say back at the inn, and few new subjects had presented themselves in the meantime.

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Re: Hmm

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Mon Dec 29, 2003 9:29 pm

Kumiko refrained from smalltalk, mainly on the reasons of being mute and being nowhere near those she would hazard a conversation with. In the meantime, she looked about at the arena, taking in all of the obvious entrances and exits, and trying to search out the less-than-obvious ones.

She also kept an eye out for guards...it was likely that in such a high profile event such as this, a paranoid dictator like Vaniyakna would have an unparalleled amount of guards, both in uniform and out of uniform, and it would be nice to know where they all were before attempting an assassination. Those that were not in uniform, however...they would be difficult to spot, especially with so many people carrying weapons...

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: Hmm

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Tue Dec 30, 2003 5:31 pm

On the face of it, Blaze mused, everything was pretty much going how he'd expected. He'd made the mistake of getting into the competitor's queue early on, however, and the general flow had kept him from making an attempt at hooking up with the warden. It was probably all for the best - Vani seemed a little too well informed about their presence to make involving anybody else anything less than a dangerously risky prospect.

Blaze kept a close eye on his surroundings, memorising as many details as he could. He didn't want to be caught in a tight spot with no knowledge of his situation. He also made friendly conversation with some of the other competitors, wondering if any of those he talked to would be his opponents, and therefore attempting to learn anything about them that he could.

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Holy shit, I'm GMing! :O!

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Mon Jan 26, 2004 5:31 pm

As the rain continued to pour into the stadium, the stands continued to fill. Soon, nearly every seat in the building was occupied- It seemed the entire city had come to see the opening cerimony, and likely others from other cities around Barius. Between the roar of the crowd, the roar of the rain, and the boom of the thunder, those unused to hearing the mixture of noises could soon find themselves with a rather bad headache. And, as if on cue with a bolt of lightning streaking across the sky, the crowd began to silence itself...

..As he appeared.

Flanked by his knights, he looked quite dignified and proud. His long royal blue coat billowed behind him in the wind just a bit, although he kept it buttoned higher up so that it could still serve it's purpose. Beneath that, he wore royal blue pants, matching his jacket, and armored combat boots. Those with better sight could also see just a bit of armor just under where his coat closed. Brushing some white hair out of his eyes, he looked over the crowd as they silenced. He began walking forward, twards a part of his private box that appeared to serve as a podium of sorts, as the rest of his Knights took their seats. As he stood tall, overlooking all his subjects...A slight cheer began. It soon grew, and Vaniyakna simply opened his arms, as if to accept his peoples praise and applaud. Soon enough, he began beconing them to become silent again, as he began his speech. His voice was cold and harsh, as if he knew that there were people listening that shouldn't.

"My people, I welcome you to the first Clzisytch Meet. Total we celebrate the completion of the new flagship of the Barian Armada, Clzisytch. This new ship shall allow us to usher in a new era of Barian history, when we may finally obtain what's been kept from us for so long: A new land to call our own. To our particpants- I wish you all luck, and remember- To the winner goes whatever his heart desires. My fellow countrymen- Let the games begin!"

Vaniyakna simply turned and walked twards his sheltered seat within his box as the people's cheering began anew. Kumiko had the choice of staying around for awhile and watching the few extra festivities the opening cerimony would yeild, or leaving with the main crowd. As for the participtants in the tournament, they where being ushered down to the field and were sectioned off to their brackets, and given their first opponents. Kelne was the first of the group to fight- He'd be in the Blitz Arena later on in the day, fighting with a man named Indy. Reako was next, against a man simply known as "The Executioner" in the Zone Desert arena. Jak was against someone going by the name of Wendy in Blizzardia at the same time Kyle was schedualed to take on a man named Cruz in Hailon. Finally, the last match of the group's for the day- Blaze Vs. Nezetta in Blizzardia, after Jak's match. However...Those who had looked for Nezetta in the stadium came up empty handed. It seems she had not come for one reason or another.

Those in need of transportation to their arena didn't have far to search- Small groups were gathering to take public transport, and nearby, a couple mages were offering to teleport those in need for a small fee- 200 Kurlens, roughly 100 Gil. Of course, for those wanting to travel and see the sights alone, there was a place or two to be found where one could easily rent out a chocobo.


Meanwhile, in the alley where Chancellor Smartz's dead body lay, a dark figure crouched, inspecting the wounds, while muttering to themselves.

"It will not be easy...However, I must try."

And with a sigh, the figure began channeling energy into themselves, working them into a spell for healing the most grevious of wounds- A reviving spell for the recently deceased.


Inverse quickly found the liquor store he was looking for. Making the exchange with the clerk short and sweet, he quickly began heading southbound, out of the city and twards the marshy regions south of the City of Storms...And a rather notorious set of ruins.

(Edit: You'd think I'd remember to include everything, after taking a damned month to post.)

Edited by: Shinigori V2  Image at: 1/27/04 12:32 am

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Holy shit, I'm posting! :O!

Unread postby FlamingDeth » Mon Jan 26, 2004 7:12 pm

Kumiko assumed that this was the arena that Vaniyakna was going to be staying in most of the time. However, if everyone was going to be fighting in different arenas, that would pose a problem as far as taking the dictator down goes...and if he knew they were here, then the entire tournement setup was being used to seperate them.

However, Kumiko was confident that she could escape if the situation became to difficult. As such, she decided to stay to observe the festivities. After all, any slight scrap of information concerning the tournament had at least the possibility of being useful.

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: Holy shit, I'm posting! :O!

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Tue Jan 27, 2004 5:50 pm

Blaze wasn't very happy with this. Not very happy at all. For three reasons; the splitting of the group; the difficulties this presented with regards to their plans; and the risk to himself.

The first two can be taken together. Vaniyakna and his lackeys had obviously known the group weren't legitimate from the start, and this was a further indicator of just exactly how deep in the shit they were. Not only that, both Jak and himself - in his opinion the two most obvious potential risks to Vaniyakna's personal security out of the group, had been allocated matches in Blizzardia, the furthest city away from the capital, where Vani would no doubt remain.

As for the latter, if he remembered correctly Inverse had mentioned previously that Nezetta had once bested a man with her arms bound. Not a particularly comforting thought.

Nothing for it but to go to Blizzardia now, though. He might as well get there as quickly as possible, and scope things out.

Blaze approached one of the mages offering their services.

'I'm afraid I only have gil on my person. Would you be prepared to accept it?'

Edited by: Blaze Yamato Spirit at: 1/27/04 6:16 pm

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Re: Holy shit, I'm posting! :O!

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Tue Jan 27, 2004 6:23 pm

One of the mages, seemingly the husband in a husband and wife team, looked Blaze up and down a few times, as if sizing him up, before responding in an accent quite obviously from western Barius. "Dah, camrad. We'll take your..."Gil"...But just this once."

(Edit: Shini needs to fucking not look at IMs while GMing.)

Edited by: Shinigori V2  Image at: 1/27/04 6:32 pm

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: Holy shit, I'm posting! :O!

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Tue Jan 27, 2004 7:35 pm

Blaze thanked him and got out the appropriate coinage.

'I need to get to Blizzardia, sir.'

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Re: Holy shit, I'm posting! :O!

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Tue Jan 27, 2004 10:31 pm

The mage took the money and grinned to his wife, who simply returned the look, knowingly. "Dah, camrad, we can do that." And without another word, the two began channeling, working together to create a single spell- And Blaze's vision went white.

Before his vision even began returning, Blaze felt an icy cold wind blowing around him, and could hear it through tall grass, and a nearby tree. Strong wind, with a bit of snow falling on him...He could also hear the mages words in his head- "Next time, comrad, take the time to get the correct currency, and we make take the time to send you to the correct location". As his sight returned, Blaze saw that he was in the middle of a field, tall grass surrounding him, and a single tree to serve as a landmark. He could just barely see a light snow falling, one that just moderately dusted the field. About 20 feet to the west stood the remains of a very small church- Over grown by weeds and forgotten for quite some time. Only the basic stone structure remained. To the north, he could see the outskirts of Blizzardia. He'd have to hurry a bit, but he could still make it on time to his match, it seemed.

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Re: Holy shit, I'm posting! :O!

Unread postby Jak Snide » Tue Jan 27, 2004 11:14 pm

Jak cast the pair of mages a quick glance, before making his way over to the public transport. In his eyes the magically gifted were superior, of course, but he'd never been at ease with teleportation magic.

Seeking out the person who seemed to be running the transportation, pushing through whatever crowd was in his way, and addressed them.

"How much will it cost me to get to Blizzardia, and how long will it take?"

He kept how much time he had until his match in mind. He wasn't going to miss his match due to his simple dislike for being magicked from one place to another a few hundred miles away.


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