Where the Heart Is (Closed freestyle RP)

For all RPs taking place in the world Gaera Main.

Where the Heart Is (Closed freestyle RP)

Unread postby Kotoki » Wed Jul 02, 2003 1:34 pm

(Ten Years Ago)

"Shut UP, you little BRAT!!!"

Slamming the door so hard it almost broke, a blonde teenage girl threw herself into her room. Her face was contorted into an almost insane expression of rage. Ripping two pastel pink scrunchies out of her hair, she threw them down onto the floor and stomped on them savagely.

"GODDAMMIT!" she screamed, picking up a flower vase and smashing it on the wall. "HOW COULD HE?!? I'LL KILL HIM! I SWEAR I'LL KILL HIM!!!"

Eventually, after several objects had been broken, the anger gave way to tears. Falling onto her bed, the girl buried her face in a small mountain of pillows and stuffed animals. Muffled sobs soon filled the room.

"Good evening," a woman's voice said softly from the balcony. That was when the girl noticed for the first time that she was not alone.

She scrambled up from the bed immediately, wiping her red-rimmed eyes as she tried in vain to hide that she had been crying. A cloaked figure was standing in front of the glass door. "Who the hell are you," she growled, trying at least to sound threatening, "and how did you get up here?"

"Kyoko Hanagawa, isn't it?" asked the strange woman, whose face was covered by her hood. "Would you mind letting me in? It's rather cold out here tonight."

Here an important event occurs. Under normal circumstances, Kyoko would never have let her in. These, however, were anything but normal circumstances, and her judgement was more than impaired. She gave a nod, a weak sob, and opened the door.

The woman, pulling down her hood, stepped into the room.

The first thing Kyoko noticed was her hair. It was very straight, and very black. It ended at her shoulders. Two pigtails, almost like her own had been that night, were seperated from the main body. Her skin was so white it almost seemed to glow. Her lips and eyes were both red as fresh blood.

She knew instantly that the woman was a vampire, and any other night would have reached for the nearest threatening object. Again, tonight was different. She sat down on the bed and continued to stare.

"You have a very nice room," said the woman, looking impassively at a teddy bear.

Kyoko finally looked away. "What do you want with me?" she asked sullenly, picking up the bear and throwing it half heartedly out the balcony door.

The woman sat down on the bed beside her. "I've heard about what happened to you tonight," she said, with a hint of empathy in her voice. "It's awful, isn't it? You must be feeling very betrayed right now."

"Betrayed is right," the girl replied. "I just can't believe he could do that to me! I mean, Jidai... I've loved him forever!" She broke into a fresh set of tears. "And now he... he just... oh, I can't even say it! How COULD he?!?"

With a deep sigh, the woman stroked Kyoko's back until she calmed down slightly. "I'm sorry," she said. "I've been in your situation before... well, maybe not exactly, but close enough. When you just want the pain to go away..." She raised Kyoko's chin up gently and looked her in the eyes. "And, in my experience, there's only one thing that makes it better."

Kyoko blinked back her tears with a look of surprise. "What's that?" she asked.

"Revenge," whispered the woman. Her deep red lips curved into a smile.

"Revenge?" echoed Kyoko, stunned. "Against him?"

The woman nodded. "Against him," she replied. "Against his family. Against this whole town." Her smile turned into a frown. "Because they've all betrayed you, Kyoko. It's just like your sister said. They knew, didn't they? And they said nothing."

"They let me make a fool of myself," Kyoko finished. "Laughing at me behind my back. How could he? How could they all do this to me?" She looked up at the woman. "What should I do?"

Lips turning up again, the woman took her hand. "Kyoko," she said, "make a deal with me. I can help you get your revenge. Together, we can end your pain. Maybe we can even make him love you. You can go so much farther than you ever thought possible..."

Kyoko didn't hesitate for a moment. "A deal," she said. "Tell me what to do."

Through the keyhole, her little sister watched in horror.

(The Present)

The brown-haired woman with grey eyes checked her bag again for the third time, making sure she had in it everything she might possibly need for the trip. It still looked fine. She glanced nervously in the mirror and retied her ponytail tighter than before.

She had given Deen the keys to the cellar, and he had instructions about what to do if a fight started or if someone damaged the walls. She had traded her usual apron and working outfit for her usual adventuring gear, which had served her well even if it was a bit skimpy. She was convinced that the Inn would be fine while she was gone.

For the first time since she had arrived in Doma City ten years ago, Kotoki Michiyasu was going to go home.

Picking up her bag and hefting it over her shoulder, taking a last look around the room, she walked away and headed downstairs to the common room on the first floor. Hopefully her travelling companions would have gathered there already.


It's next to the Liver isn't it?

Unread postby Choark » Wed Jul 02, 2003 3:29 pm

Jenna Tymisonn sat in the corner of the Inn, though sat was just a sweeping comment of someone who glanced by instead of actually looking at what she was doing.

At the moment she was playing with a small rat. She had pinned its tail down with her finger and watching it trying to run away from a small magic flame she was throwing back and forth around it.

She looked up as she saw Kotoki come into the main room and loosened her grip enough for the rat to run away to freedom.

"Aww Poo!" She huffed and flicked the hanging bell on her green jester suit, making it tingle quietly.

Well that was one play thing down but she had a feeling there was going to be a lot more games tonight as she looked around the room at the assembled group.

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Re: Where the Heart Is (Closed freestyle RP)

Unread postby Jak Snide » Wed Jul 02, 2003 4:48 pm

Jak was beginning to regret his decision.

When Kotoki had first said she wanted to journey back home, and showed him where it was on a map, he warmed to the idea. Getting out of Doma City always made him feel better, and getting out for a reason other than business would probably make him feel even better. Of course, about five minutes later, he'd remembered the half bandit ridden state of the Doma outside the city, as well as the number of prowling humanoids that were even worse. Thus, he'd decided to assemble a mercenary band to make sure he and his beloved weren't turned into fleshy pincushions 3 miles from the city gates.

That was the decisions he was beginning to regret.

With his usual associates out of town, probably on another bloody epic quest, he was forced to take any competent looking person that applied. While some of those that applied didn't give him any cause to grumble, a few did. Most notably "that infernal bitch of a child." Jenna, of course. Before he could tell her to turn her vampiric arse around and get the hell out of the inn, Kotoki had shown up. One thing led to another, the fact both Jenna and Kotoki were half vampiric was revealed, and Jak stalked off to the Jade Dragon to try and forget about what was happening. That was a couple of days ago.

And now she was sitting less than 10 feet away from him, about to accompany them on a long journey.

"Next time I'll remember to put a "No Brats" clause in any advertisement."

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Re: Where the Heart Is (Closed freestyle RP)

Unread postby Endesu » Wed Jul 02, 2003 6:10 pm

He honestly didn't know what he had gotten himself into.

Certainly, the Infinity Corporationad had been defeated. A few other threats had come and gone, but they had been nothing he couldn't handle. But he had almost certainly been planning on returning to Nekonia - his former vacation spot.

Most of this reasoning was because he typically wasn't interested in the makings of any sort of quest that didn't absolutely require his presence. Necessity outweighted everything else that supposedly came as a 'benefit' of adventuring - money was really no option, experience he had enough of, and ancient treasures did not excite him in the least.

That is, before this offer of a new job came up. He did not know of the town that was mentioned, nor of why journeying to this town was so bloody important. What did interest him was the hint of an undead presence there. For some time, he had had a spite for the undead, their often voracious natures and their disregard for the balance of life on Gaera. A chance to possibly dispose of these monstrosities made him curious.

This was a chance to further both his desire to deal with some of the Undead that infested the world.. and to get away from Doma. Once this quest was finished, he would return, and then be off to Nekonia. He swore that to himself.

With these thoughts in mind, Astrynax entered the relatively foreign environment of Kotoki's Inn and Bar, having grown used to the Jade Dragon Inn, and looked around for a place to sit...

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Where the Heart Is... wasn't that a song by N*Sync?

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Wed Jul 02, 2003 7:35 pm

<span style="font-family:comic sans ms; color:green;">Jenna may have heard the large footfalls behind her. She may have even smelled the smell of Baronian cologne. But the one thing she must have noticed coming from behind her was the large, LARGE shadow.

In his hand he held the little mouse she had tortured. It crawled about his green palm and squeaked as he used his steel gauntlet and fingers as a makeshift cage. Kobakk and his tusks smiled down on little Jenna and said with the roughness of his accented voice, "Will you be coming with us, young one? Because if you are, I sincerely hope you won't be aggravating the little creatures we meet on the way. It surely wouldn't be nice..."


Maybe we should ask where the soul is...

Unread postby Choark » Wed Jul 02, 2003 7:54 pm

She turned her red eyes upward to see the well spoken ork. Her feelings were mixed about such a creature, it was true they had as much horror stories surrounding them as her kind did so she didn't think they could be that bad, but they were still just mortals so maybe she'll make them her lackeys of somesort.

She mentally kicked herself and remembered technically so was she a mortal, but she was special.

"So you're the brains of this journey are you?" She said looking over the huge grunt and giving him her lovely fang filled smile. "Nice to know we're all in good green hands then. Careful not to accidently crush the little squeaker now."

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Re: Maybe we should ask where the soul is...

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Wed Jul 02, 2003 9:33 pm

<span style="font-family:comic sans ms; color:green;">Kobakk leaned down, grinning his best "I am going to eat you" grin, and said, "I know how to take care of things smaller than me..."</span>


Perhaps it is nearer the left knee

Unread postby Choark » Wed Jul 02, 2003 10:21 pm

Jenna grinned back with her "You're about as frightening as a baby kitten" smile and nodded her head causing her bell to jingle again.

"Then I'm sure we're going to have lots of fun together... my big green tusked friend."

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Re: Perhaps it is nearer the left knee

Unread postby KingOfDoma » Wed Jul 02, 2003 10:26 pm

<span style="font-family:comic sans ms; color:green;">Kobakk was impressed at the little lady's fearlessness, and smirked. He rubbed her vampiric little noggin, and said, "I'm sure." He placed the little mouse on his shoulder, and sat at a table, waiting for the others to be ready...</span>


I was told once my heart was in my left toes

Unread postby Choark » Thu Jul 03, 2003 5:24 am

Jenna re-adjusted her jester hat and hid a rather evil glance below it. Normally she wouldn't have bothered to hide her indignity but even she knew not to bother her fellow questers too much before setting off.

Least that's what she told herself.

In truth, as soon as she finished sorting her hat out she looked around. There were three reasons why she was going. One was that Kotoki was a vampire-half. Jenna had very little contact with her own kind, and had never run into another vampire half again so was very curious as to what mischief and plans this girl had.

The second was a cute guy. True he had married like she knew he was going to (even after she went to all the trouble of trying to split him and his dope of a would-be wife up) but a whole journey with him would be fun.

The third and main reason was the fact she was deeply bored at the moment and needed something to have fun with.

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DOH @_@ *gets to posting*

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Thu Jul 03, 2003 9:48 am

...well... this is it.

The young man looked up, shielding his blue eyes to read the sign of the building before him. Sure enough, he was outside the (in)famous Kotoki's Inn, a place the man had been a frequent customer of for several years. While part of it was obviously the good food and service, Kotoki was also one of the first people the young man had come to know very well after arriving in Doma for the first time.

I hope Kyra will be alright with the kids... Daniel thought to himself, sighing slightly and adjusting his tan overcoat and blue armor with off-white trim, I mean... she has the whole castle to help her, right? And Gerald and the others at home too... I'm sure she'll be Ok without me for a little while...


Lately, he had been second guessing anything that required him to be away from Doma for a long time. It was for that reason Daniel had decided not to accompany his brother on a trip to Nekonia recently, even though he had always been fond of the culture and people there. His mother assured him it was a normal feeling, especially since this was Daniel's first time being a father. And with twins, no less. However, part of him still wasn't so certain.

...it doesn't really matter how I feel, though. he thought, tightening his fists and nodding briefly, I always promised Kotoki I'd help her out if she ever needed it, and I'm bloody well going to keep that promise.

Taking another deep breath, Daniel started forward, pushing the door open and entering the Inn.

"...hello? Is Kotoki here?" Daniel asked, taking a look around the room.


And I bet Daniel inwardly curses =D

Unread postby Choark » Thu Jul 03, 2003 12:04 pm

Quicker then Daniel could even blink, the young half vampire had ran up, adjusting her hair to look as perfect as she did and smiled up to him.

"Well hello there Cutie pie." The words seemed odd coming from a ten year old. Though now she was only ten physically, as she had been trapped in the past for a fair while now, longer then she thought she would be. for some odd reason though her body didn't grow up as it should have. Probably some backwash effect from being in the past.

"You're coming on this trip to? Well what a happy coincidence!" The explanation mark was doubled with a clap of her hands. She of course knew full well Daniel was coming on this "outing".

Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=choark>Choark</A]&nbsp; Image at: 7/3/03 12:07 pm

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Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Thu Jul 03, 2003 12:19 pm

Daniel's jaw hung open a moment, what the young (and often annoying) vampire-half had just said trying to sink in. He made the motions to speak by moving his mouth a few times, but no words would come out. The Pseudo-Paladin tried desperately to think of something polite to say, but sadly only one word kept coming to mind.




Unread postby Kotoki » Thu Jul 03, 2003 1:49 pm

Kotoki walked over to Jenna and Dan, laughing nervously. "Hi!" she said. "Um... I guess you two know each other? I hope it's okay that you're here together."

As she spoke, she was mentally counting the number of people in the room. There were several more to arrive, and then they could head off.

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Unread postby Endesu » Thu Jul 03, 2003 2:12 pm

Astrynax sat nearby, silently adjusting his hood. The 'Paladin' looked familiar, but the rest were unknown to him. Though the child looked rather suspicious.. he especially didn't like her eyes. Red.

Even his eyes weren't really red.. it was just a side effect of his hood. He muttered to himself as he thought over this..

But his main concerns were the trip ahead. "How much time are we going to be wasting here, then?"

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He's sure got the hang of dramatic entrances

Unread postby ChristianC » Thu Jul 03, 2003 5:30 pm

Suddenly the door to the inn was slammed open. Standing in the doorframe, only the silhuette visible against the bright light, was a thin, very thin human-shaped person.

"<span style="color:#929200;">I am terribly sorry, I do not seem to have learned the concept of opening doors...</span> A voice, dry, calm but very soft, came from the shape. The figure took a step inside, and finally one could discern how it really looked.

It was a scarecrow. The clothes it worn was tattered and torn, but every rip and hole had been carefully sewn together and small pieces of cloth sown over the holes. The shirt could maybe once had been green, but it was now brown, nearly gray in color, and straws were sticking out through the fabric. The pants were much the same, except for a lighter color. The ends of the clothes were all bound by thin rope, obviously to hold the hay from falling out.

On those places not covered in clothing, sticks were connected by same thin rope at generally those places you expect joints. The "hands" were adorned with old working gloves and tied too. The "feet" were wearing new-looking boots, much a difference against the rest of the body.

Finally, the head was a old bag, it too with some stitched over holes, with two small dots and a x for the mouth. Atop the head was a old straw-hat.

"<span style="color:#929200;">I really hope I'm not too late to apply for the job you were offering.</span> The scarecrow took off his straw-hat and bowed, rather jerkily, towards the room in general. "<span style="color:#929200;">My name is Straw, and I wish to accompany this group to whatever place you are heading... Of course, I am assuming we will return.</span>"


You're telling me.

Unread postby Kotoki » Thu Jul 03, 2003 9:45 pm

A living scarecrow was definately out of the ordinary, but it wasn't the oddest thing that Kotoki had ever seen. After several moments, she nodded and smiled at him. "Of course," she said cheerfully. "And you're very welcome to take the job... As you can see, we have a fairly big group, but... the more the merrier, right?"

She moved over to the bar. "We'll be leaving as soon as everyone's here. Would you like a drink while we wait?" She scanned the room. "That goes for everyone else, too."

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Re: You're telling me.

Unread postby Jak Snide » Fri Jul 04, 2003 8:46 am

"This just keeps getting better and better...."

Nervous Baronian paladins, animated scarecrows and mysterious cloaked figures. He shook his head and kept to himself. He didn't have any real desire to converse with this people yet.

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Weee, insanity =D

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Fri Jul 04, 2003 10:01 am

Daniel was just about to ask the mysterious cloaked man why he was being so rude, when a man walked through the door. He blinked a few times, amazed at the cloth and straw creation, walking of its own free will. While he had seen his fair share of unusual things, this individual definitely ranked up there on the list.

...is it some kind of magical creation? he wondered to himself.

Daniel turned toward the bar, hearing Kotoki's offer for a drink. As he did so, he noticed that Jenna was still standing a bit too close for his own comfort. While everyone continued to look at the straw man, he slipped around the vampire-half toward the bar.

"Hmmm... I guess tea would be out of the question if we're leaving soon, huh?" Daniel asked Kotoki, smiling nervously, "Have any fruit juice, maybe?"

Out of the corner of his eye, Daniel noticed a rather large patch of green. Turning to look for a brief moment, he saw the rather large Orc waiting neary. He had seen Orcs before, as they lived rather close to Baron. However, he had never seen one in Baronian armor before, which seemed very odd to Daniel.

...wait... something seems very familiar about him... was it something mom was telling me about...? Daniel wondered as he turned back toward Kotoki, trying hard to place where he had heard of a Orc Warrior in Baronian armor before.


Alack! I is late! Gomenasaigomenasaigomenasai!

Unread postby Koneko » Fri Jul 04, 2003 1:04 pm

Coming up to the inn, she wondered why she was doing this? A simple mercenary escort to some town... first of all, there had to be a catch, besides the "undead" that were spoken of. They had to be powerful undead, or was there something else entirely? Was it a plot, by some merc-hating noble to lead them all into a trap and exterminate them? She had read of such things happening...

She shook her doubts out of her head, and opened the door. Immediately, she was assaulted with the sight of a strangely... and even frighteningly assorted crew. You had some sort of unholy animated voodoo icon, a large orc, a mysterious gender-unspecified entity in a cloak, a small child, a pretty typical sorcerer, and a variety of others. She wasn't sure she'd fit in there... not that she cared.

And at the same time, they were assaulted by the sight of her. She was short, coming only about three or four inches above the shortest person in the room, Jenna. Her long blond hair was lovingly combed, and fell down below her waist. She pulled a strand of it back behind her ear. Her eyes were a dark brown, and would've been extremely striking... if they hadn't been looking every which way as though she was expecting an assassination attempt... and perhaps she was. She wore a thin headband, with a round blue jewel in the front, as well as a long white robe that came down to her ankles, tied in the middle with a sash of similar color. Straight on the front of her robe was a black cat's paw, and she also wore brown sandals of humble make. Her hands, if anyone bothered to notice, were fairly worn, and her nails were very long, and painted black.

Kisera Rivers stood in the doorway, looking around, unsure of whether to come in or not.


Ohh you'll be sorry alright =D

Unread postby Choark » Fri Jul 04, 2003 1:25 pm

"Well?!" Jenna snapped at the new comer. "Come in or go out don't just stand there gorking like a moron! Or is that all you can do?"

Jenna looked this short girl over. A paranoid type if ever she saw one, which meant she'd be very easy to make jump out of her skin should Jenna get bored enough for a very quick laugh. Probably just hired as an extra hand to make numbers.

The scarecrow Jenna thought nothing of. She had once had a babysitter who was a skeleton and many other "dark creatures" had been used to give her a bath when she was unwilling to do so. This was a sight she was quite used to indeed.

"Come on then!" She said bobbing her head forward with a lean and tapping her foot impatiently. "You're letting in the air!"

Edited by: [url=http://pub30.ezboard.com/brpgww60462.showUserPublicProfile?gid=choark>Choark</A]&nbsp; Image at: 7/4/03 1:26 pm


Re: Ohh you'll be sorry alright =D

Unread postby Kotoki » Fri Jul 04, 2003 1:54 pm

Kotoki thought for a moment, then nodded to Dan. "I think I have some orange juice in the kitchen," she said with a smile. "I'll go get that for you, okay?"

When she came back, holding a glass, she noticed the lastest addition to the room. "Hello!" she said cheerfully, putting down the drink in front of Dan. "I think you're the last one who signed up for the job. That offer of a drink's still good, if anyone wants one. If not, I'll explain a bit, and then we'll leave!"

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*EEPS* @_@

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Fri Jul 04, 2003 2:19 pm

"Thanks Kotoki." Daniel said with a smile, taking a sip of the orange liquid, "I am kinda curious what's going on. I mean, if you're asking this many people to help you, it must be something big."

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There's a death curse, there! A death curse!

Unread postby Endesu » Fri Jul 04, 2003 4:49 pm

Asty glanced briefly at the newcomers, taking the sight of them in briefly before turning back and muttering incomprehensibly.

A Scarecrow and some woman who oddly resembled the God damned Moogle to him. All he could really remark on was how idiotic they both looked in reflection of the others there, but he kept this to himself.

Rather, he responded to Kotoki's offer rather simply. "If we'll all be spending a bit more time gawking at each other and chattering on, I would like a glass of water, please."

Edited by: Crawling Reshiki at: 7/5/03 8:43 pm


Moogle height? She's taller than Jenna; maybe you 2 misread.

Unread postby Koneko » Fri Jul 04, 2003 7:30 pm

"Thank you..." Kisera said curtly to Kotoki, as she took a seat away from the others. "Nothing for me, please."

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Re: Weee, insanity =D

Unread postby ChristianC » Sat Jul 05, 2003 6:37 am

Straw looked around at the assorted crowd with, if he could actually change his face, curiousity.

He looked around a bit until he noticed the big orc, the strangest being around in his oppinion.

"<span style="color:#929200;">Hello being.</span>" Straw said in what he hoped was a friendly tone. "<span style="color:#929200;">May I inquire what your name is. I am Straw.</span>"


you did say she was taller then Jen , I know

Unread postby Choark » Sat Jul 05, 2003 10:15 am

Roling her eyes as the lady as she had finally let herself in Jenna looked around again, mentally sorting out which ones she would play what tricks on if she grew bored enough, and which ones she might have to leave alone.

There was one thing that was bugging her though and, Jenna being Jenna, decided to solve this problem her own way. Marching up to the figure cloaked in a hood and glared at him.

"Take it off!" She said pointnig at the item of clothing known as the "Dark Forboding Hood", her red eyes borring into his. "One thing I can't stand is someone trying to be cool under those stupid things! Take it off or I burn it off!"

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OMG Trouble ={{{

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Sat Jul 05, 2003 11:23 am

Daniel took another sip of the orange liquid, getting another good look at everyone who had gathered for the trip. It was definitely a mixed bag of people, something he hoped would be more to their advantage than their disadvantage. The last time he had been in such a diverse group was several years ago, during one of his first adventures in Doma. Strangely enough, it was how he came to know a great deal of people, including Kotoki and Jak. If they had managed to succeed then, surely they could succeed now, right?

...then he saw Jenna approaching the somewhat foreboding looking man, and promptly facepalmed with his free hand.

...then again... Daniel sighed to himself.

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Re: OMG Trouble ={{{

Unread postby Endesu » Sat Jul 05, 2003 3:13 pm

"... you can go to the Abyss, where I'm certain you'll be ending up some day, anyhow." Astrynax snorted, pulling his hood further down over his head in spite. "And don't try any 'burning', else I freeze you into 'iced bitch'."


Jenna only needs a hug..... riiiiight

Unread postby Choark » Sat Jul 05, 2003 7:24 pm

Jenna looked at him and his actions and laughed out loud and long. Though she did nothing with them, she started to juggle small little magical flames between her hands as she skipped in front of him.

"Well it seems someone is obviously as ugly as grace" she taunted. "I hope you have a good hold of that hood when its really windy, hell knows we wouldn't want your mysterious appearance to be ruined would we!?"

The (annoying) half-vampire girl pulled out a small jester stick with an odd looking small four spiked jester hat on it, with cute little bells that jingled.

"Hear all Hear All!" She shouted waving the stick around like it was a magic wand. "I dub this man The Angst Mysterious Bloke of the party!" As she said that she pointed it at Astrynax. "May he now and forever more been known as this! Ask not his past, for it is probably overly tragic and boring. Ask not his name for it is more mysterious not to know it! And ask not of his powers for it is hiding behind a hood cause he's too scared of what women will think of his ugly mug!"

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Asty can play, too. And my mistake on the height

Unread postby Endesu » Sat Jul 05, 2003 8:42 pm

Astrynax regarded Jenna silently for a moment, a slight twinge of resentment forming within his eyes.

This twinge faded as he calmly spoke to her. "How kind of you to bring my sense of fashion up to light, child. This cloak with all its texturous wonder, and its natural damage absorption element. If you had not brought that to light, none of these others would have ever known about how special this item is.

Or.. my past. My name? Why, how could I ever forget to bring up the name Astrynax, or its perceived notoriety? Some seem to think me vile for my attempt in the past to summon Mu and destroy the world, yet this child has seen through that. She has seen me as someone new, possibly mysterious. A fresh start, to build from mystery. How delightful!

Or my face.. yes, my face. It, too, can begin from a fresh point." He pulled his cloak down, revealing a tangle of straight dark brown hair atop a somewhat angular face that would resemble that of a certain Saiya-jin prince in another galaxy. "You see, companions, she looks past all of the vices of before.. and looks to me as if I can begin as unknown. To rebuild what was broken."

He regarded her once more as he pulled his hood back down over his face with something of a sarcastic smirk. "Truly blessed art thou, child. Truly blessed art thou."

Edited by: Crawling Reshiki at: 7/5/03 8:43 pm


Re: Asty can play, too. And my mistake on the height

Unread postby Kotoki » Sun Jul 06, 2003 3:44 pm

Kotoki winced as the two continued their sarcastic banter. She'd hoped that everyone would get along, but it looked like there would be some trouble. That had definately been one of her qualms about hiring so many people in the first place...

"Jak," she whispered, setting out a glass of water for Astrynax, "are you sure it was a good idea to put out that notice? We probably could have made the journey by ourselves..."

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Re: Asty can play, too. And my mistake on the height

Unread postby Jak Snide » Sun Jul 06, 2003 5:12 pm

"I was thinking that myself. Then again, this Astrynax seems to be a decent enough bloke. And if things do get out of hand, we simply remind any troublesome mercenaries of who's paying their wages."

He chuckled, figuring that the more irritable, sociopathic party members would have dragged themselves into this job for the money alone, rather than any ulterior motive. Thus providing him with an effective means of control.

As for Jenna, he was pretty sure that this Astrynax had established himself as her rival for the journey, and thus he and his dearest would be safe from the child's wrath.

"Besides, putting up with a few argumentative idiots is better than realising you're short of help down the road."

He paused for a split second, glancing across those assembled.

"Of course, if you've got a real problem with any of them, you can just ask them to leave. Or I could for you, if you'd rather not be the bearer of bad news."


Re: Asty can play, too. And my mistake on the height

Unread postby Kotoki » Sun Jul 06, 2003 6:40 pm

Kotoki looked around the room at the assembled mercs. Most of them she knew, and the ones she didn't know she was sure were decent people who deserved a job if they wanted one. Even if the job was a small one, she really couldn't see any reason to let them go.

"No," she whispered back, "it's fine. Thanks anyway."

Giving Jak a quick hug, she walked to the centre of the room. "Can I have everyone's attention, please?"

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Re: Asty can play, too. And my mistake on the height

Unread postby Jak Snide » Sun Jul 06, 2003 8:12 pm

Jak sat back in his chair, pleased with himself, but more so with Kotoki. It looked like she was going to be leading a party of her own. Of course, it was unlikely that anything would happen, but all the same, he reveled in watching his beloved undertaking the task.


Re: Asty can play, too. And my mistake on the height

Unread postby Choark » Sun Jul 06, 2003 8:17 pm

Jenna stopped the taunts and insults and turned to Kotoki. Though she normally would never partake in following someones requests or orders, she wanted to get moving.

She did manage to flick a silly face as "Asty" however before Kotkoi got her sortof full attention.

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Wee =D

Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Mon Jul 07, 2003 12:37 pm

Daniel set his glass down, turning in his stool to face Kotoki as she addressed everyone. As he waited for her to speak, he wondered what exactly they were going to be going up against. Had something horrible happened in her village? Was someone she knew in trouble? Perhaps there is something she lost long ago. Whatever the case was, there was one thing Daniel was certain of.

This is going to be a long, loooooooong journey... he sighed to himself, as he saw Jenna making faces at the Angsty Mysterious Bloke.

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Re: Wee =D

Unread postby Endesu » Tue Jul 08, 2003 1:23 am

Astrynax took his glass of water and began to drink. This stuff was true refreshment, not the alcoholic piss they so often served.. and he moved to ignore Jenna, now, instead turning to Kotoki to see what she would have to say about this trip.

Perhaps she could explain what the point of this trip was..


Kisera would be a conspiracy theorist, it seems.

Unread postby Koneko » Thu Jul 10, 2003 7:12 pm

Kisera turned to listen to Kotoki, a hint of a smile on her face.

Yes, do tell what you're plotting for us... Kisera stopped herself mid-thought. She was being paranoid again. The woman seemed a fairly respectable sort, and not one to intentionally lead them all into very grisly deaths.

She was, however, not quite so sure about the green-robed one, who seemed to be somehow involved in this. Perhaps he had planned this whole expedition and was simply using the other one as a pawn to give it some legitimacy... yes! Why else would a cursed voodoo object and a man who had once tried to destroy the world be in on this?

Kisera gave her ears to hear clues of what the coming plot would be, such that she could most cleverly thwart it... it was already beginning to show that it would somehow involve rabid undead monkeys who may or may not have had rainbow-colored sock fetishes when they were living.

Yes... it was all becoming clear now, even before her employer began to speak.

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Unread postby FF Fanatic 80 » Sat Jul 12, 2003 1:20 pm

You know... I don't think Kotoki mentioned exactly how far off we're going... I hope I brought enough supplies. Daniel thought idly, patting at the sachel hanging from his shoulder. As he did so, one of the ties holding it shut gave way. A few books fell out onto the floor, landing with a few audible thud. One of them was thin with pictures of various lances on the cover, another had a silouette of a man and woman embracing (rather intimately), another had an outline of the continent of Igalia on the front. On top of them all was a worn leather-bound journal, with red embrossed lettering on the front.

"Ack, scume me Kotoki!" Daniel said nervously, hopping down off the stool and attempting to quickly pick up all the books, the leather-bound one most carefully.

For the love of Ishtar I hope no one notced the 'couples' book... Daniel though, sweating a bit as he gathered them all up.


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