Kawaii Squad (Closed Freestyle RP)

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pd Rydia
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Kawaii Squad (Closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby pd Rydia » Wed Jul 16, 2003 8:15 pm

It was a beautiful morning in Doma park that Dammasus. The sun was shining brightly on the lush green lawn, which smelled of freshly cut grass. A light breeze tickled and tossed the branches of the trees, which cast merry swaying shadows upon the ground. The sound of children laughing and playing carried across the park.

Fluffy the lapdragon sat on a park bench, grooming his claws and watching his ward, Pink, carefully. Dia-Dia, Fluffy's dearest companion, had entrusted the care of her littlest littermate, Pink, to Fluffy -- a duty the dark green lapdragon took very seriously. Still, as he lifted his muzzle into the air to enjoy the breeze, Fluffy would dearly love to have a little romp around the park on his own.

He glanced sideways at Cosette, Pink's other caretaker. The cyan-eared and tailed paladin helped Fluffy to watch the rambunctious dragonhalf, and Fluffy had to admit she did an admirable job. Surely the capable girl was able enough to allow Fluffy a short break...

With a sharp nod to himself --a gesture the lapdragon had picked up from Dia-- Fluffy stood up on the bench. After a languorous stretch, he leapt down onto the grass and begin to pad his way across the park.

If his nose did not deceive him, he smelled something curious on the air in this direction.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Kawaii Squad (Closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Jul 16, 2003 8:31 pm

This day found the dread and infamous entities known simply The Ducks patrolling the edge of their ancestral lair, a body of water older than Doma itself. What secrets lie with its murky depths, known only to it's eldritch guardians? Those that look their way are met with the four and twenty pairs of eyes, thier black and fathomless reaches unmarred by any traces of mercy or pity.

But this is not their story, rather it is the story of a small, cream-colored animal industriously digginr away at some roots in the underbrush near the pond. A curious mix between a cat and a rabbit, she meows happily to herself as she scythes through the dirt with her forepaws.

Edited by: Uncle Pervy  Image at: 7/16/03 8:54 pm

Vampire Jester Jinx

Re: Kawaii Squad (Closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Vampire Jester Jinx » Wed Jul 16, 2003 8:52 pm

"PEACHES! ............PEACHES! WHERE ARE YOU? I KNOW YOU DID THIS!" A female voice rips through the neighborhood, which in this particular neighborhood, wasn't all that peculiar.

A flash of pink slithers on it's tummy and out the window with a less than graceful flop, and proceeds to scurry down the street. Wings outstretched, and a shredded red silk slipper in it's mouth, the lap dragon Peaches had escaped again.

She skids to a halt at the corner of the street, eyes wide at some passing chocobos and attempts communication. "WARK!" comes the odd noise, eyes wide, as Peaches uses the word that a certain big blue haired guy had taught her so long ago.

The desired reaction happened, the chocobo slammed to a stop, and peered this way and that, feathers fluffing up. "WAAAARK?"

The lapdragon looked thrilled at this, and continued her bounding down the street, feeling quite proud of herself. She had used her mighty skills to scare such a big animal.

A zig, and a zag, and a few other odd turns that haven't been named yet, and Peaches stops her tour of downtown Doma to stop and take a nap at the park.

After giving the air a good sniff, mostly to make sure no one unwanted was around. (i.e. Jenna Tymisonn) Peaches made itself comfy on a large rock near the pond and went to work chewing her great prize. One of jazz's nicest slippers. The other had met it's doom already at the house, but Peaches was not a lazy warrior, she was determined to finish them both off.

Rainbow Fright

Re: Kawaii Squad (Closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Rainbow Fright » Wed Jul 16, 2003 9:31 pm

On one of the benches sat a black wicker basket festooned with lace of the same color and gauzy dark purple bows with little glass skully beads dangling from them. Macabre yet somehow *sickeningly* cute, it matched the figure sitting next to it, that of a petite nekojin garbed in a black corset and full black taffeta skirt, two-toned hair done up in flouncy pigtails. One would think that this was a woman, but one would be dead wrong. Yuzuki Hakuei was male, and cousin to the ever-bitchy Rainbow Fright at that.

He really didn't matter at the moment though. What *did* was the fact that the lid of the basket was inching open bit by bit, and a pair of big, round emerald eyes peered out of the darkness within, followed by a little pink nose and two fluffy black paws. The lid creaked up a little further and the head of a longhaired feline was now fully visible, fur completely black in color save for two splotches of white above his eyes. Encircling his throat was a dark purple collar with little spikes and a kittybell dangling off it, a smaller version of that which both Yuzuki and his cousin wore.

Toshiya glanced over at Yuzuki, finding him completely occupied by *something* that he was reading, and oblivious to the actions of his pampered little kitty. Perfect. Time to get out and have some FUN. It was comfortable in the basket considering that this spoiled feline had a nice, thick blanket to lay down on in there, but he didn't feel like sleeping all day. Not when there was mischief to be made, trees to climb, people to coerce into petting him via his all-encompassing wainess! Oh yes. Maybe a treat or two to be begged too. The wai was a powerful weapon, and he'd learned to use it to get everything he could possibly want out of the various people he came in contact with. Totchi was a manipulative kitty, yes indeed.

He'd be gone and back again before the overpretty flirt who fed and pet him even noticed he'd left. Thus with a kitty version of a grin, the cat leapt out of the basket, landing easily on all fours. He was a CAT, after all. Grace and agility came naturally to him. Not like some drooling, ungainly canine who tripped over their own four paws. Ugh, stupid things. He was *so* glad he hadn't been born one. Tail held high and trotting along at a jaunty pace, bell jingling merrily, Totchi took off across the grass, a black spot amid the green.

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Re: Kawaii Squad (Closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Endesu » Thu Jul 17, 2003 1:15 am

Bah. Fuggin bah.

Near the edge of this very pond, and obviously not in the same happy mood as the other fluffy (and not-so-fluffy) critters sat a little lapdragon, a mix of white and green in scale color. His snout trailed to the ground as he muttered, and his little tail flickered about near the water as he tried to figure something.. anything out.

End(-o) Reshiki had had some access to a lapdragon form for some time after increased training. At certain moments, it had come in handy (and at one particular moment, he had used it to smack down on a certain Doman guard).. but..

He had earlier seen a good potential target for a quick pickpocketing by this very lake. He had utilized his lapdragon form to make a grab for a pocket... but missed. As his target left, he had attempted to turn back.

No dice. He was stuck as a wai wai critter.

And he was as miserable as could be.

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Re: Kawaii Squad (Closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby pd Rydia » Thu Jul 17, 2003 1:43 am


Fluffy blinked and checked the scent again. There was no doubting it, he recognized that smell!

Putting his snout to the ground, Fluffy began winding his way over to the pond. He stopped to give a nearby duck a deep growl before continuing on his quest, following his nose toward a thicket of wild grasses near the water.

This route brought him straight in front of End Reshiki.

"Griao?" he uttered, staring in surprise and confusion at the green-and-white lapdragon in front of him. Last time he had checked, End was a short, furry critter in dragoon armor. What had happened?

'Dia-dia friend?' he telepathed End tentatively.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Kawaii Squad (Closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Jul 17, 2003 1:52 am

There was a lot of dragon in the air today. Ushyu smelled it clean as day in the air. It wasn't familiar dragons, like Aya or Elle or Dia, either.

Curious, she forgets all about the carrot that may or may not be hiding in the dirt, and bounces her way to the lakeside, merry as a cabbit could be.

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Re: Kawaii Squad (Closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Endesu » Thu Jul 17, 2003 2:28 am

End's little snout looked up to Fluffy with some annoyance.

Just what I need. Fluffy.

The former Moogle examined Dia's pet lapdragon briefly, only clarifying the truth, further, of who this was. The same lil lapdragon that had bitten him on the way to Blahrg.

He always remembered that bite. No matter what happened afterwards, that bite stayed with him. Stupid thing.

But, regardless, he responded.

.. yes. I'm a friend of Dia, Fluffy. My name is End Reshiki. Happy?

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Enter the tressym

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Thu Jul 17, 2003 10:52 am

The beating of small wings signalled the arrival of everyone's favourite tressym. In truth, there isn't much competition, but that's somewhat beside the point. The orange-furred, feather-winged cat landed near the edge of the water and sniffed the air curiously.

Just as I thought. The Ducks.

Tressym didn't share the fear so many had of the ducks. He considered himself superior to them, and if they ever did become a threat he could easily evade them.

He could smell a lot of other creatures in the area today, some of which he didn't recognise. The winged cat decided to discover who these strange new smells belonged to, and to that end he isolated one and trotted off to find its source - namely Ushyu.

Rainbow Fright

Re: Kawaii Squad (Closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Rainbow Fright » Thu Jul 17, 2003 11:08 am

-What to do, what to do....hmmm...-

The fluffy feline dropped to his haunches pondering this, washing away a speck of imagined dirt on his face with a paw. He was a smallish animal, maybe seven pounds at most and fairly young too, only a little over a year old. His coat gave him the illusion of being bigger than he was, but if one were to pick him up they'd see he was lighter than he appeared to be. Add in the wide green eyes, delicately tapered muzzle and nicely-pointed ears and you had one bishy little kitty.

But he wasn't overly conceited, no. Not more than any cat rightfully *should* be.

Raising his dainty muzzle to the air he sniffed a few times then delicately sneezed, shaking his head and setting his collar to jingling again. Definitely an interesting bunch out today, yes indeed. Should be fun.

Picking himself up again, Toshiya padded off in the direction of the duck pond in hopes of some amusement. And if worse came to worse...well....he could always just harass the ducks.

Edited by: Rainbow Fright  Image at: 7/17/03 11:11 am

Uncle Pervy

Re: Kawaii Squad (Closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Jul 17, 2003 2:08 pm

And thus did Tressym approach a certain cabbit on an easy pace to the miniture draconic gathering at the pond. Still, she see him coming, and recalls him from when she followed Pervy into the forest to the gathering there. So she greets him with a merry: "Mya myaa!"

Those who could speak the feline tongue only find her message slightly less opaque: ="Hello *camper*!"=

(For the benefit of those not used to cabbit-speak, things in Asterisks are linguistic best fits, as Cabbit and Cat don't mesh very well)

Vampire Jester Jinx

Re: Kawaii Squad (Closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Vampire Jester Jinx » Thu Jul 17, 2003 3:14 pm

The petite pink dragon, began to hop about on her perch on the rock, the shredded remains of the red slipper clasped happily in her mouth.

Peaches flings herself from the rock, and rolls a bit, only to jump up, flutter her wings and pounce the edge of the water, making a nice little splash.

"GRRRRRRAAAAAAO!" Comes the mighty roar, of a lapdragon having a day of good sport.

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Re: Kawaii Squad (Closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby pd Rydia » Thu Jul 17, 2003 3:30 pm

Fluffy sneezed, shaking his head.

'Why...?' he began to ask End -- but he stopped, because he had no idea how to ask why End was a lapdragon like himself. Maybe he was copying Fluffy's fashion? Oh well.

The dark green lapdragon sniffed the air instead, eyes widening as he picked up a new scent.

'End! Fluffy friend! Come!' he telepathed End, before racing off across the lawn.

If End cared to follow, Fluffy was making a beeline straight for Peaches. He skidded to a halt just beyond her, slinking the last few feet to pounce upon the little pink lapdragon.

"RAWR!" he growled playfully. 'Fluffy friend Peaches!'

Blaze Yamato Spirit


Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Thu Jul 17, 2003 6:51 pm

Wait, I remember her now...

Tressym did his best to hide his confusion as to why he was being called a camper and came closer.

=Hello.= ~^o.o^~

Edited by: Blaze Yamato Spirit  Image at: 7/18/03 5:40 am

Uncle Pervy

Re: o.o

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Jul 17, 2003 8:23 pm

="Hello is *no Function* to Ushyu *Finger*"= The cabbit answers. =But it makes *Campers* happy to hear it. So *finger* say it. Hello! Now we are both *Expanding*!"=

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Re: o.o

Unread postby Endesu » Thu Jul 17, 2003 10:09 pm

End briefly took notice of the number of fluffy creatures steadily increasing in number here before looking back to the Fluffy.

He was fully expecting Fluffy to ask him why, and it seemed as if he were about to - before the lil lapdragon apparently changed its mind, a smell bigger on its mind then anything else.

With its telepathed message, it scurried off. And End groaned. He had adapted to this form and planned to use it for small-term breaking-and-entering thieving jobs. What he had here was a predicament, instead.

.. somewhat reluctantly, and hoping that Fluffy could eventually lead End to Dia or someone else who could help out, the 'Lapdragon' followed. And came to a halt a few feet away from the crashing of dwagon and kitty.


Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: o.o

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Fri Jul 18, 2003 5:56 am

Tressym sat back, his tail curling around him, his wings folding, and his head tilted to one side.

=I'm having a little trouble understanding you... I think I got the gist of that, though.=

Rainbow Fright

Re: o.o

Unread postby Rainbow Fright » Fri Jul 18, 2003 10:50 am

Approaching the duck pond, Toshiya quickly noted that the ducks were much bigger than he'd thought they were from a distance. Maybe it *wouldn't* be a good idea to tease the ducks, no. Not at all. Plus they'd likely start flailing those wings of theirs about and getting water splashed all over him...not good. Totchi had *no* desire to be a wet kitty anytime soon. Yuzuki'd given him a bath a couple times when he'd gotten himself mussed up, and he could safely say that it was the most horrifying experience he'd *ever* had.

Never mind that Yuzuki'd ended up with at least twenty scratches and bites on each hand. That was *beside* the point, and if he didn't want them he shouldn't have given him a bath. So there.

-They'd probably end up taking big chunks of fur off me too, and I *really* would not like to be snatched bald. Not only would I look silly, but that'd *hurt*..-

Teasing ducks was definitely NOT an option.

With that in mind, Toshiya trotted off along the bank, unwittingly heading off towards the grouping of mini-dragons.

Uncle Pervy

Re: o.o

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Fri Jul 18, 2003 3:03 pm

="You're such a silly *Bubble*,"= Ushyu answers, "=Ushyu *spit* words to *Campers* for *Alliance Party!*. Then we play many fun *games* for *bubbles* and *fingers*!"=

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: o.o

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Fri Jul 18, 2003 4:47 pm

=...okay?= Tressym replied, not entirely sure what he was agreeing to but curious as to what this creature ACTUALLY intended to do.

Uncle Pervy

Re: o.o

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Fri Jul 18, 2003 11:01 pm

Ushyu mewed, the cabbit equilivant of a chuckle, started toward the lapdragon gathering.

Vampire Jester Jinx

nippy nippy?

Unread postby Vampire Jester Jinx » Sat Jul 19, 2003 12:35 am

And suddenly the prancing pink dragon got a face full of dark green scale, as her friend fluffy collided with her. With a little growl that was more greeting than threat, Peaches wiggles out from under her friend and prances about next to her, shoe still in mouth.

And in a somewhat garbled fashion tries to have a bit of a talk with him. "Hi hi fluffy. I beat the white ladies stuff! Mighty warrior Peaches."

Then it noted the dejected lap dragon botch, End. Peaches slithered towards this new thing, never having seen it before and gives it a tentative sniffing.

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griao! :D

Unread postby pd Rydia » Sat Jul 19, 2003 12:44 am

'Mighty warrior Peaches!' Fluffy repeated, puffing out his little chest in pride. What a wonderful little lapdragon Peaches was! Fluffy sidled over to Peaches and nudged End with his muzzle. 'Fluffy friend, End, Dia-dia friend Fluffy friend' he rambled. Sitting his rump on the ground, Fluffy gave his neck a good scratch with a hind leg, before sticking his nose in the air.

'Good smells...cat smells...kinda cat smells...' he telepathed, noting the curious smells on the air to the other two lapdragons. He pulled himself up onto his haunches, raising his body up like a little scaled prairie dog. This brought him in full view of Toshiya, Tressym, and Ushyu.

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Grh. ~_~

Unread postby Endesu » Sat Jul 19, 2003 1:20 pm

End looked at Peaches. She was pink. ... what a weird color for a lapdragon. He was about to ask her if she had been dumped into a can of paint at an early age (and rather rudely, I might add. :D) before attempting to understand the brief bit of dialogue.

IM: .. geez, I feel lonely. It's like I'm the only one who knows how to speak in complete sentences o_o;

Yesss... my name is End Reshiki. You can see what I 'm. And if someone could just point me to where Dia is, I'd love to-

He was interrupted again by Fluffy's interjection, and looked... two cats and Ushyu. Eh?

Edited by: Crawling Reshiki at: 7/20/03 4:09 pm

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: Grh. ~_~

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Sun Jul 20, 2003 2:28 pm

Tressym followed after Ushyu towards the lapdragons, looking ahead at Fluffy and the other lapdragons curiously.

=You want to play with them?= He asked Ushyu.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Grh. ~_~

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sun Jul 20, 2003 2:46 pm

"=Visit their *house*,=" Ushyu answers. ="*Relatives* for *Bubbles*"=

With that, she bounces over to the gathering of lapdragons and happily says, "Mya mew!"

To those who could comprehend feline heard: "=*Campers* *spit* words with *finger*?'="

Rainbow Fright

Nyu. =-_-=

Unread postby Rainbow Fright » Sun Jul 20, 2003 4:04 pm

-Wait, haven't I seen one of those things before...?-

Toshiya stopped a moment as Fluffy stood up on his haunches, pondering the small green dragon from a distance. Looked much like something he'd seen before, only it was a different color...

He HAD seen one of them before! Yes he had! And he'd had a lot of fun playing with it too...maybe this one would be fun to play with as well. Toshiya began bounding towards the other animals, the bell on his collar jingling merrily. As he was doing so, his ears twitched at Ushyu's mewing. Frankly, after that, if he had eyebrows he would have raised one quizzically.

-Okay.... I think someone's been in the bad catnip..-

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Re: Nyu. =-_-=

Unread postby Endesu » Sun Jul 20, 2003 4:14 pm

IM: I'm being surrounded!

Endo lifted his haunches into the air and took a few tentative steps back, attempting to look idly threatening in case this was actually some sort of a.. fluffy.. trap.

Ushyu an Fluffy an.. Peaches an someone else.. are you in league with the ducks? Are you?

End buttered up this daring line with.. a rather small growl.


Uncle Pervy

Re: Nyu. =-_-=

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sun Jul 20, 2003 5:32 pm

Ushyu looked over the rather pretty feline, then says. "=Catnip is *no function* to Ushyu *finger*. It's so silly! Will kitty *Bubble* come to the *Alliance Party* and *Enjoy the Sauce*?="

She sits down perks up her rather large rabbit ears, waiting for a reply.

Rainbow Fright

Enjoy the sauce! XD

Unread postby Rainbow Fright » Sun Jul 20, 2003 8:05 pm

[OOC: Don't mind me. I just find that funny. ::snicker, laugh, hee::]

Again, Toshiya got that urge to quirk an eyebrow that he didn't have. Either that, or emit what was the feline version of laughter. He'd never seen a cabbit before so he didn't know quite what to make of Ushyu and her garbled speech. It seemed like an invitation of some sort, so he didn't want to be impolite. He *could* make out what she was saying. Well, partway. If he thought it over a minute.

=Sure, why not? I'm up for it.=

The growl caught his attention, and ears flicking back a bit, Toshiya looked towards End with a skeptical gaze. =By the way...what's wrong with him?=, he asked, inclining his head towards the apparently paranoid, growling lapdragon.

Those who *didn't* understand feline would have just heard a "Nyaaa...nyao nyu?".

Uncle Pervy

Re: Enjoy the sauce! XD

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Mon Jul 21, 2003 12:18 am

="I *smell* you, *Bubbles*!"= Ushyu adds to the lapdragons, though Tressym and Toshiya hear it and comprehend as well as expected. =It spends many *pieces* here? *Campers* are happy everyday?"=

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Re: Enjoy the sauce! XD

Unread postby pd Rydia » Mon Jul 21, 2003 6:49 pm

"Griao?" Fluffy chirped. This was quite the gathering today. Seeing as how he couldn't understand a word any of the feline and partially feline critters spoke, Fluffy instead turned to answer End.

'Ducks? What ducks? They fun to play with?' he telepathed globally, in images and feelings comprehensible to all. He cocked his head to the side, watching End, when suddenly...a cry was heard.

'What's that?' Fluffy pondered, sitting up on his haunches again and looking for the source of the sound.

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Re: Enjoy the sauce! XD

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Mon Jul 21, 2003 8:15 pm

The source of the cry was a young boy a short distance away. Curled up at the base of a tree, hugging his legs and burrying his face in his knees. From his gray hair, a neko ear poped up and turned itself twards an oncoming woman. He looked up at her, tears already rolling down his cheeks, as the concerned woman asked him if he was alright. The boy, who introduced himself when asked his name as "Kris", sobbed and gave his response: "Mr. Bear was kidnapped!" The woman gave Kris a comforting hug, and asked for details about the 'kidnapper'. Kris thought for a moment before responding, trying to get a good description. "I've seen him before...He's tall...*sob* And he looks sick...*chorkle* Black hair, like this-" Kris pulled his hair back to make it looked slicked- "He wore dark stuff and had glasses, like he couldn't see well, too....I think he might still be in the park somewhere, but he runs too fast for me to catch..."

The woman didn't seem horribly concerned. After all, kids lose things all the time and tend to blame random people. She timple shrugged it off as the boy losing his bear and blaming some random man and walked away, while Kris went back to burrying his head in his knees.

(OOC: Realised the original description could very easily be mistaken for Jaeko o_o)

Edited by: Shinigori V2  Image at: 7/21/03 8:51 pm

Uncle Pervy

Re: Enjoy the sauce! XD

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Mon Jul 21, 2003 9:07 pm

="Narrrrrrgh!"= Ushyu says, which comes out as a strained "Meeeew!" =*Heavy Space!* It is *Frumple*!=

With that, she took off toward the noise, clearly unhappy about it.

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Re: Enjoy the sauce! XD

Unread postby pd Rydia » Tue Jul 22, 2003 10:25 am

Fluffy promptly chased after Ushyu, mind running a mile a minute.

Fluffy's keen sense of hearing picked up Kris's crying and, once focused on his voice, the words spoken to the woman. However, Fluffy's repetoire of Common was limited, so that he only understood parts of what was said. "Kidnapped," "tall," and "black hair" came through, and Fluffy recognized "Mr. Bear" as a name...

Skidding to a halt in front of Kris, Fluffy looked up at the boy expectantly. 'Why sad?' he asked, a mournful expression in his eyes.

Blaze Yamato Spirit

Re: Enjoy the sauce! XD

Unread postby Blaze Yamato Spirit » Tue Jul 22, 2003 1:49 pm

Tressym took flight and landed in a branch in the tree above Kris.

What's the matter? He telepathed openly, peering down at the boy from on high.

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Re: Enjoy the sauce! XD

Unread postby Endesu » Tue Jul 22, 2003 2:55 pm

End snorted briefly but turned to gnawing his tail, stubbornly refusing to answer any more questions until he got to someone who could help.. before the scream went out.

His ears twitched, his jaw dropped, and his tail hit the ground as he saw.. Kris.

Kris! The kid! Someone! A person! He was crying about "Mr. Bear", whoever that was.. whatever the problem was, Endo hoped that this kid could do something. Anything. Even if it involved some sort of quest for a toy.

End attached himself to Kris' leg and looked up at him frantically as the others asked their questions...

Rainbow Fright

Re: Enjoy the sauce! XD

Unread postby Rainbow Fright » Thu Jul 24, 2003 2:48 pm

Ever the curious little kitty, Toshiya followed the others over to the crying child, peering up at him with a faintly confused mien. Normally children tended to do things like pull his tail or squeeze him too tightly, but this one didn't look inclined to do either at the time.


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*Insert witty/funny title here*

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Thu Jul 24, 2003 6:56 pm

Kris' ears once again popped up and did a quick sweep, prompting the young nekochibi to look up from his knees. Surprised to suddenly be surrounded by such small creatures, some of which he recognised, some of which where completely foreign, he took a minute to think about what he would say before responding to Tresyms question.

"...Uh....Mr Bear...Got kidnapped....By a man....I've seen him before, he's wearing dark green, and wears glasses, and has hair like this..." Kris once again pulled his hair back to make it look slicked. "He looked sick, too..Like his tummy hurt real bad....I tried to catch him, but he runs alot faster then I do, and my magic doesn't wanna work..."

Not knowing what else to do, Kris simply grabbed his own tail and held it to his chest, holding back more tears. "If something happens to Mr. Bear, I don't know what I'm gonna do..."

Uncle Pervy


Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Jul 24, 2003 9:18 pm

Ushyu had lived around people for five years, now had picked up an understanding of the common tongue from them. Looking to Toshiya and Tressym, she says, "=*Sad Animal* miss *relative*. It is *frumple* to *fingers*.="


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