House of Shattered Dreams (closed Freestyle RP)

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House of Shattered Dreams (closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby NebulaQueen » Tue Jul 08, 2003 2:14 pm

It was a warm day in the city of Nekonia, and the temperature was further accentuated by heat of the crowd milling about the streets. As anyone in the area would notice, today the crowd seemed to be concentrated around a new, rather impressive looking building. It was painted mostly a vivid, regal purple, arranged with triangles of sunny yellow, forming a design reminiscent of a harlequin. However, most of the building’s looks were hard to differ, as the crowd of mostly Nekojin blocked out the view.

The reason for the crowds is quite obvious to most people, even if they had just arrived in the city recently. For this building was none other than The Land of Mirrors, a funhouse straight out of the imagination of the famed illusionist, Lucinda Simone. Years have gone into renovating the old building into its current state, and the fruits of labor were finally being displayed today, its Grand Opening.

However, the building wouldn’t open until 2:00 in the afternoon, and-while it would be opened soon enough-there was still some time to kill. Meanwhile, the people were being entertained by illusionists and other street performers on a stage that was built in front of the building, while vendors sold trinkets and food amongst the crowd, as well as raffle tickets to see who would be the first to go inside...


Re: House of Shattered Dreams (closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Tue Jul 08, 2003 2:28 pm

The crowd of bigger people was not something unusual to a certain winged kobold within the crowds. Seeing bigger people was quite inevitable, as he was half the size of most humans.

This, of course, was only problematic for Banlix. The large crowd, coupled with his unusually small size, made it nearly impossible for him to see the building at all. He realized that he could have timed his vacation better, so as to avoid crowds like this.

Still, Banlix was intrigued by all of this. The vendors in particular drew his attention the most. Thus, trying to fight his way through crowds the best he could, he decided to approach one of the vendors.

Man, these crowds can't get any worse, can they?

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Re: House of Shattered Dreams (closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Zemyla » Tue Jul 08, 2003 2:52 pm

Deinera slowly made her way through the crowd. She looked around, taking in all the sights. She was especially intrigued by the shows of magic, as she had no experience with it before.

She saw a man in a tuxedo, cape and top hat make small objects disappear and reappear. Hmm... I wonder if I could figure out how that works....

She continued onward as she thought about the problem.


Re: House of Shattered Dreams (closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby MissArsenic » Tue Jul 08, 2003 3:25 pm

"Watch it!"

Achaelie frowned at a fat, balding nekojin as he elbowed her hard in the ribs. She continued to try to push her way through the crowd to see what all the fuss was about. The place was even more chaotic then Curatori Faiyar had been when the fair came around! She shoved her way past some patchy furred children and even glimpsed what seemed to be a...a kobald? in her peripheral view. A Nekojin with his face painted white was hawking tickets for what seemed to be a decent price. She managed to force her way through to him.

"What are those for?"

The white faced solicitor gave Achaelie a huge smile, showing every jagged tooth in his face, and shouted at her...
"Raffle tickets! BUY ONE! be the first into the house! GET EM' WHILE THEY'RE HOT!"

Achaelie winced at the volume and scoured through the pocket of her orange duster for currency. She pushed the monies into his palm and snatched a ticket.
This house...must be something else. So much commotion over such an attraction. She glanced around cautiously and listened to the chaos around her. I certainly hope I'm not wasting my time on some ridiculous ad campaign...

Edited by: [url=>MissArsenic</A] at: 7/8/03 4:00 pm

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Re: House of Shattered Dreams (closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Tue Jul 08, 2003 4:01 pm

Frederick made his way through the crowd as quickly as possible. He was hot as Hell with his jacket on, and he needed a place to sit down and take it off for awhile. He looked over the people and chuckled, thinking to himself how badly Jaeko would freak out in this situation. Looking over the preformers, he decided that he take the heat long enough to see a few tricks. After all he WAS suppposed to be on 'vacation'. Making his way over to watch one of the preformances, a thought ran through his head-

Cervant would have loved this....Griff, you'd better find her soon, or so help me, we'll have to cut my boots out of your ass...

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Re: House of Shattered Dreams (closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby NebulaQueen » Tue Jul 08, 2003 4:08 pm

The vendor Banlix came across was a tall, middle-aged Nekojin with grey fur. He stood near his cart casually, as the last customers-a mother and her two children-left. The vendor seemed to be off the kind that specialised in drinks and junk food, as well as balloons, toys, and trinkets for children. He looked down at Banlix and smiled, and said, in a deep, robust voice, "What can I do for you today, good sir?"

While Deinera was walking through the crowd, something bumped into her. It was a fourteen year old neko girl, with ginger fur and matching hair, kept in a long braid. "Er...sorry," she muttered, sounding embarassed.

Meanwhile, the harlequinesque soliciter walked off, and found someone in the crowd to sell tickets to.

The number on Achaelie's ticket was "0170".

A human woman in her mid twenties was standing next to Frederick, holding the hand of an eight year old girl. She chuckled, and said, "Well, it's nice to see some other tourists here."

Edited by: [url=>NebulaQueen</A]&nbsp; Image at: 7/8/03 4:24 pm

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Re: House of Shattered Dreams (closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Tue Jul 08, 2003 4:27 pm

Fred turned to the woman and smiled. "You're a tourest too, huh? Where from?". He then leaned forward to look the girl in the face and gave her a smile and a little wave.

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Re: House of Shattered Dreams (closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby NebulaQueen » Tue Jul 08, 2003 5:27 pm

The girl smiled back, and looked up at him with warm brown eyes. She said cheerfully, "Hiya, my names Claris." She was somewhat short for her age, and was dressed in a cream colored tunic style dress. She had vivid red hair, which were kept in two ponytails. Her mom chuckled, and said, "We're from Stockton, a town in southern Doma. We had some relatives who were going to Nekonia on business, and they invited us along. We needed a vacation, so we came along. We were rather surprised to hear about the funhouse, though, but my daughter loves these things."

The woman was tall, and had the same red hair as the girl did, only hers was cut rather short, to her chin. Her eyes were a deep grey, and seemed kind, but if one were to look close enough, they'd see that they had an almost tired, worn look to them. She turned to Frederick, and said, "My name's Mina, by the way."

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Re: House of Shattered Dreams (closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Tue Jul 08, 2003 5:44 pm

Fred stood up straight and looked Mina in the face. "Mina? Thats a pretty name. Suits a woman like you. I'm Frederick, but you can call me Fred." Sticking his hands in his pockets, he rifled through his thoughts to find a good way to continue the conversation. "Daughter? You look too young to have a daughter that old! Beauty, though. Kinda reminds me of my little girl, back when she was that age. I'm sure someday the boys'll be falling over themselves to get a chance to talk to 'er...Anyway, I was wondering if you could tell me just what's going on here? I've never seen anything like this place before. Looks fascinating, though."

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Re: House of Shattered Dreams (closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Zemyla » Tue Jul 08, 2003 5:52 pm

Deinera looked at the nekojin that bumped into her. "It is okay. I was not watching where I was going."

Then, she smiled and said, "My name is Deinera. And you are?"

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Re: House of Shattered Dreams (closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby NebulaQueen » Tue Jul 08, 2003 6:43 pm

Mina didn't respond to his comment on her daughter's age. She looked rather distant, until he asked about what was going on. "It's the grand opening of a new funhouse," she said. "House of Mirrors, I believe it's called. Apparently, the owner is quite a talented illusion mage."

While saying this, she seemed almost...relieved that the topic had changed....

The youth smiled back, and said, "My name is-"


The girl winced, and turned around to see a tall nekojin woman, holding a young boy in her hands. Both the woman and the boy had black fur, although they shared some of the same traits as the girl.

"Er...hi mom..."

The woman, however, glared daggers at her. Eventually, she spoke, in a voice similar to ice, using the tone only an angry mother trying to keep her calm could use. "Where were you?" she asked. "Your uncle, your father-


The woman glared again, but continued. "We have been looking all over for you, young lady."

Yuriko shrugged, and said, "I was just exploring on my own, it wasn't that big a deal."

"You mean you stomped off in a huff-and don't you roll your eyes at me-after I reprimanded you for telling that awful story, and then caused me to worry so much that my hair almost fell out?"

Yuriko was quiet, and scowling and blushing slightly."

"Anyways, now that I've found you, we better go and tell the others where you were."

Being surprisingly compliant, Yuriko went to her mother's side...and said in a low, ghastly voice, "my little chiiiiiild..."

"MOMMA!" The small boy was now clinging to his mother's arm tightly. The woman glared at Yuriko's prank, and grabbed her arm and started dragging her towards the stage, presumably where the others were. All that could be heard from their conversation was "...I don't care if he's your second cousin twice removed..."

The mother didn't appear to have noticed Deinera.


Re: House of Shattered Dreams (closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby MissArsenic » Tue Jul 08, 2003 7:36 pm

Achaelie looked down at her ticket. 0170 I wonder when they're going to do the drawing... Achaelie looked around at all the Nekojin. There was the occasional human here and there, and if one watched closely they could see other species lurking within the urban menagerie of people. She didn't see anyone who looked particularly friendly, so she made her way to a park bench off to the side of the festivities. I wish someone would tell me what all the hell is going on...


Re: House of Shattered Dreams (closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Tue Jul 08, 2003 9:11 pm

Banlix looked up at what the vendor had to sell.

Let's see.... what to get from here..... something to remember this by can wait. I'm thirsty. But what drink....

"Just a moment, I'm trying to decide." With this, Banlix glanced towards the drinks, unsure what to get.


Re: House of Shattered Dreams (closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby AnronTagutsi1987 » Tue Jul 08, 2003 9:44 pm

Anron didn't like crowds. He didn't like people in general, but he couldn't resist taking a little vacation, the chance to get to go to this "house of illusions" on the first day had been to much for him to just wander around aimlessly like he usually did. Besides, everyone deserves a vacation, right? He bought his raffle ticket for the house earlier in the morning, and was making his way toward a vendor for some food. As he approached the vendor he nearly swalked into a three foot tall half dragon. He recognized it immediately as a Kobold.

" I'm very sorry, sir. I didn't even realize you were standing there. Please let me buy you a drink. By the way, my name is Anron."

Edited by: [url=>AnronTagutsi1987</A]&nbsp; Image at: 7/8/03 9:48 pm

Angel of Fire

Re: House of Shattered Dreams (closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Angel of Fire » Tue Jul 08, 2003 11:34 pm

"Stupid crowds... oh well. At least there's a decent chance of August being here, but where?"

Autumn Canselus was searching without success for her sister. As usual. If only that had... She stared at the ground.
What is this "house of illusions" supposed to be? I bet I'm the only one that didn't come to see it. I might as well try to enjoy myself... hah!

Everyone seemed to carry raffle tickets... so she got one herself with the limited funds that she had. Autumn looked around the crowd once more, this time spotting not her sister, but a human like herself and some sort of minature red creature.
What a relief. Seriously, there are too many nekojinn around here...
Autumn walked over to them cautiously.

"Um... hello. I'm Autumn. Have you seen anyone else that looks like me here?"

Edited by: Angel of Fire&nbsp; Image at: 7/9/03 12:22 am

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Re: House of Shattered Dreams (closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Wed Jul 09, 2003 1:23 am

Frederick noticed the womans reluctance to speak about the girl, and decided not to press it further. "Illusion magic, huh? Should be an interesting little...uh...thing, then....Any idea when its set to open?"

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Re: House of Shattered Dreams (closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby NebulaQueen » Wed Jul 09, 2003 7:07 pm

Upon Anron's ticket were the numbers "0303".

On Autumns ticket were the numbers "0214".

Mina nodded, and said, "It should open at around 2:00....about ten minutes from now."


Re: House of Shattered Dreams (closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Wed Jul 09, 2003 7:16 pm

Eventually, Banlix decided against buying anything to drink just yet. He turned to Autumn first, looking at her carefully.

"....can't say I have."

Then he turned to Anron.

"No thanks, I'm having trouble deciding what I want. I'll be back in a moment, and hopefully by then I'll be able to decide."

With this, Banlix moved away from the vendor, because the raffle ticket seller had drawn his attention. Normally, Banlix wasn't too interested in raffles, as the odds of winning from them were usually too small to Banlix. However, this one he felt he couldn't pass up.

To be the first to enter the Land of Mirrors.... Banlix decided to go ahead and purchase his own raffle ticket. Being first for rare opportunities like this was always what Banlix had wanted.

With this, Banlix returned back to the drink vendor, again pondering what to buy.

Edited by: [url=>Divinegon2130</A]&nbsp; Image at: 7/9/03 7:23 pm


Re: House of Shattered Dreams (closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby AnronTagutsi1987 » Wed Jul 09, 2003 7:35 pm

"Thats fine. There are a few choices."

Anron bought a drink and looked at Autumn.

" No, I haven't seen anyone who looks like you. Your actually the first human I've talked to today. I can help you look for her a little later, but for now I'm going to go see if I won this raffle. You should come with me, they are going to announce the winners in about 5 minutes. Maybe between te two of us we can spot her while we are waiting for the announcement."

Edited by: [url=>AnronTagutsi1987</A]&nbsp; Image at: 7/9/03 7:58 pm

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Re: House of Shattered Dreams (closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Zemyla » Wed Jul 09, 2003 7:51 pm

Deinera looks at the beleaguered catgirl, and ponders going after her, but she chooses not to.

Instead, she goes to a bench and sits down.

"Raffle tickets! Get your raffle tickets here! Be the first to see the Land of Mirrors!"

She looked at the vendor. "No thanks." I have the patience of the inanimate. The Land of Mirrors will still be here after the first people enter.



Unread postby MissArsenic » Wed Jul 09, 2003 8:43 pm

Bored, Achaelie noticed some humans and a kobold at a nearby table...God this is boring...maybe they'll know what the hell is going on... She made her way over to the table.

"I'm Achaelie*."


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Re: .

Unread postby Shinigori V2 » Fri Jul 11, 2003 3:31 am

Frederick sighed at the news that it would another ten minutes. "Come on, I'm old..I don't have all day!" Fred chuckled to himself before continuing."So, are you excited about the funhouse, Claris? I'm sure theres alot of fun stuff inside for you to check out." Fred chuckled again and thought to himself- "Seeing a happy girl like that makes me miss Cervant even more...Griff better hurry the @!$# up and find a damned celestial that can get 'er back for me...."

Looking up from his stupor, he heard the call of a raffle ticket vendor. Pointing the vender out, he turned to Claris and Mina. "It seems that guy over there is giving away tickets to see who goes first...I don't know about you, but I'm going to get myself one...Wan't me to get you ladies a ticket, too?"

Edited by: Shinigori V2&nbsp; Image at: 7/11/03 1:42 pm


Re: .

Unread postby AnronTagutsi1987 » Fri Jul 11, 2003 1:31 pm

Anron looked over to Archaelie.

" Hello. My name is Anron. Are you here for the Land of Mirrors, or do you have an underlying quest like Ms. Autumn here?"

Anron eyed this new girl, wondering if he could trust her. He wondered if he was losing his touch normally he wouldn't have given either of this two young ladies a second glance.

IM: I guess its the uplifting atmosphere that surrounding everyone today....yea thats it.

"Anyway I'm about to leave to go see if I managed to win this raffle. your welcome to come along if you've got a ticket."

Angel of Fire

Re: .

Unread postby Angel of Fire » Fri Jul 11, 2003 11:58 pm

Autumn wished that she had come with her brother. It was strange not knowing anyone in the whole crowd.

"Um... can I come with you guys? I have a ticket too... and I really don't know anyone here."

She could hardly believe what she was saying. Ever since that... night, she had always mistrusted men. But Anron didn't seem too bad.

IM: I swear, I'm losing my mind. I just said that I'd go somewhere with two people that I hardly know. Oh well... at least if they are... well, like him I can easily lose them in the crowds. I hope August got a ticket...

"Archaelie, have you seen anyone that looks like me around here? I need to find my sister."


Re: .

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Sat Jul 12, 2003 10:59 am

Ah, I definitely can't decide anymore.

With this, Banlix started to walk away from the drink vendor, before turning to look to Achaelie.

I would never greet anyone that way...... but I can't boss her around and reprimand that, seeing how she isn't an employee of mine.....

"...umm... hello, Achaelie. The name's Banlix, and I was wondering just how you're feeling about this place right now."

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Re: .

Unread postby Zemyla » Sat Jul 12, 2003 11:49 am

Deinera sat and waited for the Land of Mirrors to open. She seemed like the perfect vision of patience...

<pre>Alert: Fuel level is at 15%.</pre>
...until she realized she was low on fuel.

She got up from her seated position and started walking to a nearby food vendor which was coincidentally near where Achaelie, Anron, Autumn and Banlix were talking.

Once again, I see the wisdom in refueling using standard food. I would hate to have to scrounge up some plutonium in this place.


Re: .

Unread postby AnronTagutsi1987 » Sun Jul 13, 2003 8:17 pm

Anron was dumbfounded. He was trusting not one, but two total strangers. At least he could get lost in the crowds if the need emerged.

"Okay, but we should leave now so that we don't miss the announcements."


Re: .

Unread postby MissArsenic » Mon Jul 14, 2003 6:31 pm

"Anron, nice to meet you. I don't have much of a quest just....wandering I suppose..."

Achaelie managed a small smile, and mentally drowned out a wince at the mispronunciation of her name. She could deal with it.

She turned a bit and looked at Autumn.

"I'm sorry, I'm afraid I haven't noticed anyone who looks like you, Miss...Autumn it is? "

Achaelie's eyes narrowed a bit and she managed a smile at the kobald. He did seemed a bit displeased with her, although it could just be her imagination...

"Well Banlix, nice to meet you. It's...chaotic to say the least. But the atmosphere is interesting, any chance you could enlighten me to what this is all about?"

She waved her hand to the comaraderie, and begin walking a bit in stride with Anron, hoping the kobald would see the gesture as an invitation to come along...

Edited by: [url=>MissArsenic</A] at: 7/15/03 1:41 am


Too many "A" names.....

Unread postby Divinegon2130 » Tue Jul 15, 2003 2:18 pm

Banlix indeed took this cue to follow Anron and Achaelie. He had to walk a bit faster to keep up, due to his shorter legs, but he felt it was worth it this time.

"I don't have much of a clue either," Banlix began, "but there's supposedly some sort of funhouse opening today. That's about all I know - and I figure this can be a high point of the vacation I've been on."


Re: Too many "A" names.....

Unread postby AnronTagutsi1987 » Tue Jul 15, 2003 2:26 pm

Anron slowed down, allowing Banlix and Archaelie to move ahead a little. He wanted to speak to Autumn.

" What is the reason for the vigorous search for your sister? I am very interested in helping you out if you would allow me to. I used to have a family, but I lost them a long time ago. Now I just drift around, stopping only for the essentials, and occasionally, this kind of thing. You however have grabbed my attention. Family is a precious thing, I woul hate to see anyone else have to lose their family like I did."

Anron looked forward and waited for her response.

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Re: Too many "A" names.....

Unread postby NebulaQueen » Fri Jul 18, 2003 9:49 pm

OOC: I apologise for the lack of GMing. My real life decided to take a crap on me this week...I'll catch up tonight or tomorrow.

Angel of Fire

Re: Too many "A" names.....

Unread postby Angel of Fire » Sat Jul 19, 2003 2:13 pm

Autumn looked at the ground and sighed.

"Well... my twin August ran away six years ago after... nevermind. It was something that happened involving my mother's death. Mom told me to take care of August. Those were... her last words. August ran away the next day, and so I feel like I'm breaking my promise to Mom. Until I find August, that is."

She shook her head and said, "The last time anyone saw her was about a week ago here... that's why I need to find her soon. Before she leaves."
IM: I've never told anyone that before.


Re: Too many "A" names.....

Unread postby AnronTagutsi1987 » Sat Jul 19, 2003 5:06 pm

"I will do everything I can to help you find her. Perhaps she has obtained a ticket for the Land of Mirrors. Anyway, with any luck we will be able to reunite the two of you. I hope that you will not have to continue your search for much longer. We had better catch up to the other two now, or we're going to lose them in this crowd."

IM: Why the hell am I doing this? I know nothing about this girl... you were drawn to her, perhaps because of your past... I know that, but she is complete stranger, what if she is lying... You will have to learn to trust people again, or you will wander this world alone until you die. Remember this, she is putting her trust in you, did you ever think that she might be having the same conflict in her mind?...fine.

With that Anron began to quicken his pace so he would catch up to Banlix and Achaelie.

Edited by: [url=>AnronTagutsi1987</A]&nbsp; Image at: 7/19/03 10:20 pm


Re: Too many "A" names.....

Unread postby MissArsenic » Sat Jul 19, 2003 9:28 pm

[ooc: I realize there are a lot of A names, but just for the record, my charactors name is A C H aelie not A R CH...not to be nitpicky, but if you could be a little more careful next time, it would be much appreciated. ^-^]


Re: House of Shattered Dreams (closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby AnronTagutsi1987 » Sat Aug 02, 2003 11:19 pm


Angel of Fire

Re: House of Shattered Dreams (closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Angel of Fire » Mon Aug 11, 2003 8:54 pm

Autumn looked up quietly.
"Th..thank you. It's been a while since anyone decided to help me."
With that, she jogged after the group which was rapidly leaving.

(bump bump... where is everybody??)


Re: House of Shattered Dreams (closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby AnronTagutsi1987 » Mon Aug 18, 2003 8:12 pm

(Argghhh, We are waiting for Nebbie so we can get going.)


Re: House of Shattered Dreams (closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby AnronTagutsi1987 » Fri Aug 29, 2003 10:48 pm

(I teeny tiny last attempt to get the Rp going again perhaps...)

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