Death and Despair RP [closed]

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The Duelist
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Re: Day Two

Unread postby The Duelist » Thu May 22, 2003 7:27 pm

Rick cracked his knuckles. Last night's mess had sincerely made him wish he had stayed in bed...however, duty called. Rubbing his tired eyes, he made his way toward the others. He was dressed in what was usually his normal attire. The incident last night with the serpent ended the life of the fine tunic he had been wearing...oh well. The thing had been a pain.

A simple crimson cloak was draped about him, and simple, gray traveling clothes underneath. As simple as these clothes might seem, Rick had carefully placed several daggers and tools in them. He was ready for war.

He muttered a light oath. He was going to be late...well, some things were unavoidable. Briefing his men, chastising Andre, grabbing a hunk of bread as he ran out the door...ah, he'd be there any minute now. Best not to worry.

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Re: Day Two

Unread postby Nekogami » Fri May 23, 2003 12:07 pm

Champagne pushed off of the wall he was leaning on and go to his feet. "Glad you all came. The ship is on the Honda Bay, pretty easy to pick out if you know what to look for. Iggy is still prettying up so after he gets around we'll go."

The Duelist
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Re: Day Two

Unread postby The Duelist » Sat May 24, 2003 2:41 pm

Rick rounded the corner, spotting Champagne, Reia, and Zach.

Good, he hadn't missed the show. Walking forward, he got into range and said,

"Sorry I'm late...there was something I had to deal everything set?"

Uncle Pervy

Re: Day Two

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sat May 24, 2003 4:18 pm

"I believe so," Zachary says. "Once Merlot perpares the Skiff to move in undetected, we should be ready. Provided that your associates are ready to do their end of things."

The Duelist
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Re: Day Two

Unread postby The Duelist » Sat May 24, 2003 6:01 pm

Rick nodded, "They're ready. They are most definetely ready."

Rick made a note that he needed find ways to keep anyone who went with him on a trip occupied, so as to keep them from creating a fiasco such as last nights. Too much free time was dangerous in anyone's hands...

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Re: Day Two

Unread postby WillBaseton » Mon May 26, 2003 12:11 am

Ignes stepped up from behind his cousins, dressed and ready, then grinned.

"It is time."

He produced his Water Spear from its compartment on his back, then replaced it.

"Let's go, everyone."

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Re: Day Two

Unread postby Nekogami » Tue May 27, 2003 10:34 am

Champagne and Merlot started walking. The scenery the party passed as they headed to the marina was as tropical and as colorful as any festival in Igala, only instead of being in the shape of posters and and confetti it was in the form of flowers and foliage.

Champagne pointed to a small ship made of black wood, when they came into view of the marina and her hundreds of ships and boats. "That's it. That's boat we'll need to follow."

Then demon fey then altered the course and took a small back road to a lagoon. There were a few small skiffs their. Merlot approached one and began an incantation. The boat and herself glowed a faint blue. The skiff faded from view after a few moments but they could clearly see it from the dent in the water.

"All things and people in the boat will become invisible but as you can see the water can betray you if you aren't careful," Merlot warned.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Day Two

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Tue May 27, 2003 1:13 pm

"We will be able to see the boat itself, I hope?" Zachary asks. "Otherwise, we may not be able to get out of the harbor, let alone to the isle."

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Re: Day Two

Unread postby Nekogami » Tue May 27, 2003 3:28 pm

"Just will yourself to see it," she looked at the skiff. "Think of it clearly and it will appear to you. Be warned if any enemy should say, shoot and arrow at you and it hits the boat, the enemy by sheer willing alone will also be able to see the boat."

Uncle Pervy

Breathing is good

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed May 28, 2003 12:46 pm

"Well then," Zachary says, as he devotes his attention to the indentation in the water.

He never had any talent in magic, something he was quite certain of after the tests he was given in his father's court, years ago. The study of it fascinated him, and it was one of his private shames that he could not draw upon it at all. It was also a lesson that royalty did not afford one's every desire, something he took to heart.

So he is not sure how exactly one broke through this spell, so he simply tried to imagine the skiff was there.

This was made easier by the fact that Reia had just vanished into the invisible gloom, her statement of, "Let's get moving, before they see us!"

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Re: Breathing is good

Unread postby WillBaseton » Wed May 28, 2003 2:57 pm

Ignes sighed, shrugging his shoulders. He looked around at the others, thinking.

"I'm not one for water travel, being a fire demon, but if I have to, I'll do it. Just make sure the boat stays INTACT."

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Re: Breathing is good

Unread postby Nekogami » Wed May 28, 2003 4:05 pm

Zachary did in fact manage to see the skiff once his mind locked into it's existence.

Chamapagne hopped in and looked to Ignes. "This coming from the same fire demon that's wielding a WATER spear. Shut up and get in here you big baby."

Uncle Pervy

Re: Breathing is good

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed May 28, 2003 4:18 pm

Climbing aboard, Zachary lamented that this may be a very long trip.

"You ready?" Reia asks Rick, "Otherwise we're leaving without you."

The Duelist
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Re: Breathing is good

Unread postby The Duelist » Wed May 28, 2003 7:04 pm

Rick hopped onto the skiff, his brow covered with lines of worry.

" Max, and trust the others. The old Knights told you about this, about how you would feel when you had to commit troops to the field and leave them on their own. Make no mistake, you will do them no good by going back, so quit worrying and get on the damn boat."

He took a deep breath in, then released.

"Its either that, or you make a total ass out of yourself...its kind of funny. They call you 'Lord of Wind and Saber', 'The Undefeated Duelist of Vraina'...and you just nearly got your ass kicked by worry. Heh"

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Re: Breathing is good

Unread postby Nekogami » Thu May 29, 2003 1:43 pm

Ignes hopped in the skiff with a grumble about teasing and Champagne pushed them off.

"See ya later, Merl. Love ya."

"Yeah yeah. Just get the antidote." The were about 3 miles from the shore when the black demon ship passed them. They could see the silver cerbie perched on the edge looking back at the shoreline.

Carefully, Champagne got close to the ship. He took out one of his chakruns and tied some rope to it. He wedged the ring between two planks and tied the rope securely to the skiff.

He motioned for everyone to be quiet as the cerbie was just above them.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Breathing is good

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Thu May 29, 2003 9:23 pm

"What in Ishtar's name are we doing?" Zachary mouths to Champagne, being extra careful not to actually speak.

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Re: Breathing is good

Unread postby Nekogami » Thu May 29, 2003 11:44 pm

The cerbie moves off and Champagne moves closer to Zachary. "Trying to keep up with the boat. I can't possibly row as fast as it sails. We'll separate when we get close enough. For now we'll wait. Shouldn't be more thant 2 hours," he whispered.

The Duelist
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Re: Breathing is good

Unread postby The Duelist » Fri May 30, 2003 8:16 pm

Rick nodded, wry grin on his face, "Champagne," he whispered, "This is a pretty ballsy maneuver...are you sure you know what you're doing?"

Uncle Pervy

Re: Breathing is good

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Fri May 30, 2003 10:10 pm

And equally foolish that he didn't see it fit to inform us. Zachary adds in his own thoughts He's already proven that he isn't the best stragetist out there. The last thing we need his him making the plans without running them by anyone...

Reia, foe her part, seemed impatient. She was quiet, and keeping an eye on the ship itself.

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Re: Breathing is good

Unread postby WillBaseton » Sat May 31, 2003 12:58 am

The incubus-half sat cross-legged in the boat, eyes closed. It was hard to tell whether he was meditating, sleeping, or just ignoring the others. However, it was plain to see that Ignes was quite tense. His hands were clenched into fists and his fangs were showing through his tight smirk.

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Re: Breathing is good

Unread postby Nekogami » Sat May 31, 2003 11:52 pm

Champagne shrugged. "It's ballsy and quick. Just how I like my campaigns." The incubus stretched. "Hey, human," he said as he looked to Zach, "I hope you aren't that stiff when we get to fightin'. I'd hate to have to put you in a bag and ship you back to wherever. Loosen up."

They had traveled uneventfully for almost the entired duration of the trip. The silver cerbie often return for tense periods of time but was most concerned with the immediate distance than their faint ripples though he did appear to glance at them one or two times.

"We're close enough. We can row from here."

Uncle Pervy

Re: Breathing is good

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sun Jun 01, 2003 1:25 pm

Zachary didn't answer Champagne, but it was becoming more and more clear that the Incubus didn't alter his original plan of rush in and kill everything very much.

As they near the isle, the monarch waits until it is safe to speak, then looks at Rick and asks, "When do your friends arrive? I'd like to wait until the distraction has actually come before we try to break in."

It would not have surprised him at all if Champagne had managed to forget the distraction entirely.

Reia was quiet still, and maintaining a most unmaid-like vigilance.

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Re: Breathing is good

Unread postby WillBaseton » Sun Jun 01, 2003 2:15 pm

Ignes, upon hearing Champagne's last remark, opened his eyes.

"Row, eh? All right, but how DO we know that thing wasn't watching us?"

He whispered quietly, then returned to his meditation/napping/contemplation.

The Duelist
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Re: Breathing is good

Unread postby The Duelist » Sun Jun 01, 2003 5:56 pm

Rick's wry grin had since changed to a very unhappy, thin, line.

"*t. Where's my head at."

He rubbed his eyes, wishing for a moment that he was better rested for the occasion.

"I don't know. We got here much faster than I believed possible...hmmm..." He held up his hand, half opened, with index finger fully extended: He was thinking it over.

Rick looked out at the ocean for a moment, his mind running through a series of ideas and calculations.

After a long pause, he decided to run his thoughts by Zachary.

"Well, fun's over. As good as it was to see Champagne pull that last stunt, I have a feeling that besides the fact that any good captain would notice something tagging along onto his ship...Cerbies seem to be a lot like dogs, and if they're anything like them, they at least heard us. Not the answer to your question, but it ties into this."

He leaned on the side of the ship, looking out into the distance...after another pause, he spoke again.

"I was late getting to Mercenary Bottles because I wanted to make sure that my friends got a slight head start on us...mostly so we could slip in during the confusion, because my friends are very, very good at destroying things and it would be very easy to mistake their feint for an extended military bombardment."

he massaged his tired eyelids again, "However, we're a bit early. I don't actually know how fast we were going while we were being towed on that ship..."

His hand left his eyes, and he turned his head to look at Zachary.

"but I'm guessing we have something like two to three hours. The ship they're in is larger than ours, and has larger sails...but then again, I asked the captain to go at a lower pace so that he wouldn't overtake us by TOO much...I'm not a sailor, and I don't do knots, so I can't really be exact...but for right now, we should be more worried about the reaction of the demons if they *did* notice us. Because if they did, and that ship gets into harbor, chances are that that island becomes a beehive of activity...and that makes things very dicey for all of us."

Edited by: The Duelist at: 6/1/03 8:28:43 pm

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Re: Breathing is good

Unread postby Nekogami » Mon Jun 02, 2003 12:08 pm

Champagne rolled up the rope and attached this chakrun loosely to his hip. "Oh, the cerbie knew we were there." He could feel everyone's blood run cold. "But I'm almost dead certain Tsahassrala wants us. Well, me and Ignes anyway. But she doesn't know about Rick's distraction and after we disappear," he looked back at the ship already quickly sailing away. "She'll be preoccupied."

He picked up the oars, his behaviour, unworried. "We've been tagging along for about, oh, hour and a half, 2 hours." He began rowing. "It'll takes us a while to get to shore so I'll take my time for your friends, Rick-o."

(Whenever Rick's ready, you guys won't encounter anything on the sea.)

The Duelist
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The Magnificent Seven...or Eight...

Unread postby The Duelist » Mon Jun 02, 2003 8:15 pm

Rick gave Champagne a light smile, "You're insane. Nobody calls me Rick-o and lives."

With any luck, the others would see the humor in that statement, derived from the fact that he had completely ignored the fact that Champagne had decided to pull a straight balls-to-the-walls maneuver of this caliber with all his eggs in the basket of a group of knights he had never met.

Rick however, knew that this was the correct choice to make, as worried as anyone else might be.

And with any luck, it would be a true test of mettle for Sir Marcus. Rick was very nervous for the young commander...but he had a feeling that they would very easily send a large group of demons back to the pits that spawned them...


Some time later, the said knight would find himself nearing the position Rick had been as he had thought this, and would be thinking:

"This was not what I signed up for."

Marcus paced on the deck of the ship. They had come here to deal with a trade situation, to improve the standing of the little known Vrainen refugee camp...oh sure, Marcus had known that Sir Richard would manage to find some sort of trouble. The boss always did. But he hadn't expected to be placed into the position of command like THIS.

He adjusted his leather armor. Not the heavily enchanted plate mail he was used too. (god bless the dwarven smith at the camp.) After all, if you were stupid enough to wear metal armor, then it was your own damn fault if you got knocked overboard and sank into the briny deep. Running a hand through his short, black hair, he couldn't help but sigh. At least the music matched his feelings.

Yes, Behind his back, a constant brooding melody was playing. That would be the psychic. Max Payneinear HAD to be some sort of psychic, at least, that was the Consenus amongst the others. After all, the Silver Eyes? The strange ability to pick out liars and enemies? The way Sir Richard always seemed to ask him about people? No doubt about it. The man was something decidedly inhuman. Rick had explained Max's participation in the mission very simply. He was insurance, and described as a "Commander's Godsend". The glorified Psychic was hard for Marcus to equate the two in his mind.

He stopped pacing, and turned to Max, "Could you quit that? I'm trying to think."

Max rolled his eyes, "You've been thinking for the past hour. Give your brain a rest, call the others up, and give them your damn speech."

Marcus felt the intense urge to walk over and smack him. Chances were though, that this would be a very bad idea, so he restrained himself.

"Fine." He looked up at the figure standing on the wooden support for the sails, a good distance higher than him.

"Andre, get down here, time to set up."

Vrainen Knights had always been considered oddballs by their peers in the Vrainen army, and Andre was the oddball knight of oddballs. The thing was, at one time Vrainen Knights had served their individual lords, and acted as all other ancient knights did...however, over time, their number diminished until they became the true, if unofficial, elite troops for the king. A knight required a vast array of skills, or magic...Thus, Andre was the weirdest of the knights. Unlike the others, who usually specialized in Fire, Ice, and Light based spells, or Guard and Holy spells, or the other usual suspects, Andre was pathetic in all of these areas. There was only one area of magic which was a capable performer, and in this area he truly excelled.


Andre climbed down. He was a short, stocky sort of man. Only five feet, four inches in height. His golden hair was wild and seemingly orderless. He and Marcus were young, and decidedly green.

Marcus quickly decided to try out this whole "Command" thing.

"What've you got that could help with a surface bombardment? These are demons, so..."

Andre finished for him, "Nothing that shoots fire. I know, Rick gave us that speech at least fifty times. Use Ice, Use Light, Use Holy, but don't use the f--king fireballs. I got it."

Marcus nodded, “So what’ve you got?”

Andre said, “Okay. Ice Serpent. Don’t give me that look, its only got ONE head and I’ve worked with it before. It likes me. I give it a call and it’ll give us some good old fashioned heavy duty freeze blast support.”

Marcus smiled, “Now you’re speaking my language.”

He turned to see the others slowly file up. He wasn’t too worried about the others, for the most part they were rank-and-file Vrainen Knights, well trained and equipped, knowledgeable in the arcane as well as martial arts.

Then came the seventh knight. Sir “Franky”, the Alchemist-Knight. Like Rick, he didn’t have any magical talent, but he made up for it with sheer efficiency and awesome skills with the blade and the beaker. There was nothing Franky couldn’t mix up, assuming he had the right ingredients. Franky was getting old though, nearing his fifty-fifth birthday. Flecks of gray were finally showing in his brown beard, and even he was noticing that he wasn’t quite as quick as he used to be…but that didn’t stop him from mixing his stuff.

Franky nodded to Marcus as he walked up, “Lets get this show started.”

Marcus motioned for them all to gather round. Max listened from his position, leaning against the main-mast.

“Okay guys, final preparations. Our target, is over there. Glad no one disagrees.”

One of the knights laughed, but the rest were deadly serious.

“Anyway, we’ve all heard the speech. No fireballs, go for holy, light, and ice. Andre’s got an Ice Serpent type creature, and thankfully it only has one head.”

Andre sighed. He already knew he’d be getting this for the next few months.

Marcus continued, “Now. You remember your positions. One guy will always have his guard spell working. If we hit hard enough, and leave at the right time, we won’t have to worry about a well organized resistance…but I’m sure the guy we rented this boat from would want the thing back intact.”

He paused for a moment.

“Now…right, Andre will be running his quick and lethal serpent around the shore, blasting away and generally being a pain in the ass. Myself and the other three of us will be on blasting duty. Lets give em hell…and Franky gets to be medic and swing position. I know you can do a buncha things with those bottles of yours, so help out where you see fit.”

Franky nodded in compliance.

Marcus suddenly remembered…what about Max?

“Max…” he thought for a moment. What exactly could he order Max to do?
Max helped him out, “I’ll do that thing I do.”

Marcus nodded, spotting the easy way out, “Right, you’ll do that thing you do. Okay everybody, strap your shields and ready your swords. Remember what Rick said, ‘No heroics. Just get in, destroy what you can when you can, and then get out.’ So if we end up sticking around…chances our, we’ll be in trouble…but I’m not too worried.” Suddenly, he realized…he didn’t quite know how to end his speech. “Okay…uh…Everybody…get in position.”

The Duelist
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Re: The Magnificent Seven...or Eight...

Unread postby The Duelist » Tue Jun 03, 2003 2:52 pm


Rick called over to Champagne after a time.

"Okay...They should be in position by now."

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Re: The Magnificent Seven...or Eight...

Unread postby Nekogami » Wed Jun 04, 2003 4:20 pm

Champagne gave Rick the thumbs up. "Now or never." Champagne increased his speed and pulled over to a rocky out cropping several yards from the dock. He jumped out and moored the skiff on a rock, tying the knot tightly.

He released his weapons and looked over everyone. "No turning back after this, humans. You can take the skiff and spare your necks but I'd sure appreciate you sticking around." He rubbed the back of his head and looked at Reia. "Funny creatures humans. You guys are a million of surprises."

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Re: The Magnificent Seven...or Eight...

Unread postby WillBaseton » Wed Jun 04, 2003 6:49 pm

Ignes stood up and walked to his cousin's side.

"I am ready. Once the others are prepared, we can go."

His hands were clenched into fists, but his face was perfectly calm.

Uncle Pervy

Re: The Magnificent Seven...or Eight...

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed Jun 04, 2003 8:54 pm

"Where precisely is our goal?" Zachary asks, as he scans the landing point and the area beyond it.


Re: The Magnificent Seven...or Eight...

Unread postby AbbaTerra » Wed Jun 04, 2003 9:11 pm

Reia kept watchful, noting the comment of sending Zch back to Evringshal in a body bag. Not if I have any say in the matter, she thought.

"We go in, get this antidote, then high-tail it outta there. I think that's pretty simple, Zach."

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Re: The Magnificent Seven...or Eight...

Unread postby Nekogami » Wed Jun 04, 2003 11:47 pm

Champagne nodded at Reia. "I'm not opposed to kicking some ass but I'll not put Char's life on the line. Tsahassrala's minion won't be hiding. He'll take us head on and in the mansion of the mayor. We head straight there." He started to climb the rocks, trying to keep low. "Follow me, I know this town."

The Duelist
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Re: The Magnificent Seven...or Eight...

Unread postby The Duelist » Thu Jun 05, 2003 6:57 pm

Rick accepted Champagne's plan. After all, the incubus had more knowledge of these people.

He quickly followed him up the slope.

Uncle Pervy

Re: The Magnificent Seven...or Eight...

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Thu Jun 05, 2003 8:00 pm

Zachary was much less sure. It was clear to him that Champagne had little knowledge of actual subterfuge, and if the incubus was intending to simply charge in... Zachary was content to let him die a fool's death.

Still, he did trust the Incubus' knowledge of the town. Although him knowing the enemy town well was a bit dodgy, to the monarch's mind.

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Re: The Magnificent Seven...or Eight...

Unread postby WillBaseton » Thu Jun 05, 2003 8:52 pm

Ignes walked close to his cousin, sure that if anyone could come up with a working plan, Champagne could.

If he spends all his time planning instead of being horny, he could be a GENIUS...

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Cue the Music

Unread postby Nekogami » Thu Jun 05, 2003 9:38 pm

The village was laid out in a grid manner with a large house in the middle that was several stories above the other houses. It could be assumed that this was the mayor's residence.

As the party approached the limits of the city from the cover of tropical foliage, they would notice the stench of death and decay. All of the buildings were darkened and there were no signs of livestock from the buildings the seemed to house pens or roosts.

Champagne leaned against a tree and seemed to study the surroundings. "No one move forward... There are bloodwraiths about..." He looked back at the humans and sighed realizing their lore in demons was limited. "They're demons. They're what we're smelling and if we aren't careful we'll be just as apparent to them as they are to us."

The Duelist
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Re: Cue the Music

Unread postby The Duelist » Fri Jun 06, 2003 9:30 pm

Rick raised an eyebrow, "Really?"

Bloodwraith? That was a new one.

"How exactly would one of those things be armed?"

Uncle Pervy

Re: Cue the Music

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Fri Jun 06, 2003 10:10 pm

"I assume that wraith implies incorporeal?" Zachary asks quietly. The though of such foes filled him with no little dread, for he had no way to hurt the insubstantial

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Re: Cue the Music

Unread postby WillBaseton » Sat Jun 07, 2003 12:28 pm

Ignes simply raised a single finger, making the "shh" gesture.

If they have bloodwraiths, we may be in for some real trouble. Perhaps bringing the humans along wasn't such a grand idea...

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Re: Cue the Music

Unread postby Nekogami » Mon Jun 09, 2003 12:45 am

Champagne hunched down was they saw something many yards away shuffle past two buildings. It stood about 7 feet tall as far as they could make of it and was somewhat skeletal in the arms and hands though it dripped and oozed all over it's body. It dragged a scimitar behind itself as it seemingly patrolled the town.

Champagne waited for a few more moments. "That was a bloodwraith... underneath all that blood you may find a ghost or specter but usually its hell to even get that close. In the UnderRealm, they stayed to themselves and no one really bothered their territory. Not worth the trouble...We have to stay up wind of them...If they smell our living flesh they'll hunt us down like wolves. They can't see but they can feel and smell."


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