Death and Despair RP [closed]

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Uncle Pervy

Re: Now for Demon Politics.

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sun May 04, 2003 3:25 pm

"...I'm not murdering a whole crew." Zachary says. "But, I may be able to pull a favor or two. I'm the Diplomatic Envoy from Evringshal, I might be able to convince the local government to... arrange a little raid on this plantation. At least enough for us to sneak in."

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Re: Now for Demon Politics.

Unread postby Nekogami » Sun May 04, 2003 4:48 pm

Merlo scoffed. "What local government? You're looking at anarchy at it's best. The only saving grace of living here is that the mercenaries have sole policing abilities. Meaning, if you do something to wrong another, expect a call sometime in the night." She smirked and looked at the ceiling innocently, "And if they're smart and frugal, they certainly call us first."

Champagne studied Zachary,"If it means anything to you, they'll probably be all demons. I mean you don't care if you're not killing one of your own, do you?"

The Duelist
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Re: Now for Demon Politics.

Unread postby The Duelist » Sun May 04, 2003 6:32 pm

Rick's grin shrunk slightly...a Demon had just given him a friendly embrace. He had a feeling that this should scare him far more than it did.

Either way, the envoy of Evringshal needed a little perspective.

"Zachary...would it surprise you to learn that I am actually a Knight?" Rick knew that would get peoples attention, "Listen, I've seen stuff like this before. We're about to fall into a serious fracas with a set of incredibly nasty individuals. I believe in honor and fair play, but I have a feeling that the creatures we're dealing with would laugh in your face for speaking in its name. What I speak of is very distasteful...but if we intend to help these people, then we may not have a choice."

What Rick didn't say, was that it wouldn't be murder. There would be a battle, and their foes would die honorably on the field of battle...chances were, the excuse he always used for his actions would work to well in the mind of Zachary.

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Re: Now for Demon Politics.

Unread postby Nekogami » Sun May 04, 2003 6:36 pm

Merlot nodded. "I am interested in this envoy idea however. Though we hear have not leaders or government what kind of help do you think you could offer us, ambassasdor?"

Uncle Pervy

Re: Now for Demon Politics.

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sun May 04, 2003 11:47 pm

Zachary disregarded Rick's statements. He had his doubts this man was a knight. "Alright," Zachary says calmly, allow me to point out the other flaws in your plan."

He counts off on his fingers, he says, "One: We don't have enough people to crew a ship. Two: It's easier to buy a Ship, or a skiff than to steal one. Three: If we did get a ship with a full crew there, we would be noticed very quickly. Four: The crew would have to fight off the demons while waiting for us to act. Admittedly, this would be a great distraction; until the crew fled without us. And Five: If the crew did pull though and not leave us behind, they would most certainly want us dead."

He shakes his head, then says, "I'm afraid I won't be able to get much help, on reflection. Alahana is a bit selfish, Dillidan a bit insular, and Beldad a bit too laid back to help us. But, if we are lucky, we might be able to get a lone skiff and sail in. With a bit of proper magic, we should get in unseen. After that, a proper distraction should get us in and out.

And, if we do it right, I might be able to pose as an Envoy there. I would need to know just how friendly they would be, though..."

He looked to the demonic hosts in askance.


Re: Now for Demon Politics.

Unread postby AbbaTerra » Mon May 05, 2003 12:47 pm

Reia smirks and snorts air at Merlot's introductory comment of kicking her brother in the balls and sits back and listens to the conversation until she sighs and shakes her head at Zach. "I don't think demons would be all that impressed with a diplomatic emissary. And frankly where would we get the proper magic? None of us here are accomplished mages in that aspect, I'd be willing to bet. If we could find a mercenary mage willing to enchant a skiff in the middle of the night and not be sore about it, I'd be surprised. Stealth seems like our best option...." Reia groans inwardly. Now she was the one supporting the stealth plan... Before she came to serve Zach she was certain that she would have swung in there and face anything... It may only be a small step but she has to grudginly admit the elders might have been right... this is what she needed... It still didn't mean she had to like it though...

"I frankly wouldn't know the best course of action... I don't know anything about ships and only slightly more about demons... So you guys decide on the plan and I'll help in any way possible..."

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Did I mention that....

Unread postby Nekogami » Mon May 05, 2003 12:58 pm

Merlot took of her glasses and shined them on her robes. "As a matter of fact....." She replaced them on her face. "I am a mastermage. You find the boat and I'll make it and you disappear. Usually I charge a leg and a firstborn child for that kind of service but well... you know."

Champagne gave Merlot a look. "Well, that's no fun. All in favor of busting skulls say Aye! All in favor of being invisibe say Boo."

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Re: Did I mention that....

Unread postby WillBaseton » Mon May 05, 2003 1:22 pm

Ignes smirked and looked at his palm, thinking.

"I think we should try and sneak in. So, I say boo."

The Duelist
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Re: Did I mention that....

Unread postby The Duelist » Tue May 06, 2003 7:22 am

Thank the gods...

"Boo." Rick said with a new smile.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Re: Did I mention that....

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Tue May 06, 2003 5:46 pm

Zachary looked to Rick, very curious to hear his thoughts.

The Duelist
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Go figure.

Unread postby The Duelist » Wed May 07, 2003 12:33 pm

Rick noticed Zachary looking at him after a moment.

"Just because I advocated the bloody plan, doesn't mean I like it, morally, or practically. 'sides, no matter which plan we choose, we'll end up being outnumbered at minimum 5 to 1 by whatever is on that island. I personally don't trust stealth worth a damn to get us through the entire situation unscathed, sh-t happens, no matter how good you are. You can't plan for everything. But assuming that we can create a working distraction that keeps their eyes focused elsewhere, we should be able to catch them with their pants down when we DO bust some heads."

He sighed, "The big problem with any plan, as said, is that we'll be outnumbered the whole way, and with this particular plan, that any distraction we could perform would have to fit on the boat, while simeltaneously being good enough to keep them busy..."

He suddenly smiled, "Actually, I think I know someone who could help us with that, if you guys don't have any ideas."

Uncle Pervy

Heh heh

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed May 07, 2003 12:44 pm

"By all means," Zachary prompts, "If it can trump our hostess' magic, then it's worth considering."

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Re: Heh heh

Unread postby Nekogami » Wed May 07, 2003 2:21 pm

Champagne shrugged. "I'm interested. I can be stealthy when the time comes for it too though."

Merlot nodded."I'm interested in anything that might potentially try to be better than me."

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Re: Heh heh

Unread postby WillBaseton » Wed May 07, 2003 5:55 pm

Ignes sighed, thinking of how this plan could fail.

"We're gonna be in trouble either way...but the stealth will still work the best. We may end up taking more than we asked for if we try and barge in..."

The Duelist
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Re: Heh heh

Unread postby The Duelist » Wed May 07, 2003 7:21 pm

Rick shook his head.

"I never said it could top our hostess's magic. I doubt it could even come close. I was just thinking that maybe we could do something to keep them guessing. The thing is, getting to the island in an invisible boat is great, and takes a lot of trouble off our hands...but we're still going to have to walk to wherever their secret location is, and they'll probably have a decent sized guard to keep watch. So...if something else is happening on a different part of the island, it might thin out the amount of people we'll have to go through."

Rick continued, "I can get a couple friends of mine to cause a small...ruckus. Basically, we point to a place on the island, and they shoot at it. after a while, they leave. I don't have enough friends around here to make much more than that happen. So while they're pretending to be the cavalry, we sneak in around back and make our way to our destination...does anyone have any maps of this island? Any idea of where these guys would set up camp?...that would probably help this some..."

Uncle Pervy


Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Wed May 07, 2003 8:11 pm

"Your associates," Zachary ponders, "They might create more trouble than they relieve. If an unknown force appears from nowhere and starts to fire at you, would you not be suspicious as to what reason they have for doing it?"

He glances to Merlot, and smiles a little. "But, should our hosts be able to provide us with some good information on our enemies, Rick, we can make your friends look like thier enemies."


Re: *Plottery*

Unread postby AbbaTerra » Thu May 08, 2003 4:28 pm

Reia just wanted everyone to shut up and go, but Zach kept on planning and planning... she sighs and keeps her mouth shut, letting the King do his planning. It was pretty much unanimous for stealth anyway, she didn't need to cast a vote either way.

The ninja-handmaid glanced around at everyone and eyed Zach. Leaning up against the wall with her arms crossed, it never really occured to her that she was acting like she normally would and not like a maid to a king would. She was really getting impatient to get this over with, but even she knew it was stupid to go alone. And she didn't have anything to gain going alone either. It wasn't her fight.

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Re: *Plottery*

Unread postby Nekogami » Sat May 10, 2003 7:21 pm

Champagne nodded. "Shadows are basically humanoid for the most part...They're shadows of what they used to be but have incredible influence over the living. The cerbies are vicious and swift. They have an alternate form's best to keep them from using it."

"That is all I know about what we will probably face. If there are other kinds of demons, and I have no reason to believe their won't be, then they'll probably be stronger than the Shadows and Cerbies."

"Either way," Merlot interjected. "It is best to be prepared for the worst. I also think that given the nature of our friend's distraction that it will work just fine."

"I have to stay here to protect Chardonnay so whatever happens on the island I won't be able to help. So make all requests of me now."


Re: *Plottery*

Unread postby AbbaTerra » Sat May 10, 2003 7:36 pm

Reia looks at the female demon-fae. "Will normal weapons work well on these demons we're facing? If not, could you possibly enchant them to increase their effectiveness?" She glances at Zach. She didn't think his sword was enchanted, and she needed to keep it secret with getting her Kunai enchanted.

Reia thought some more. She needed to find a way to be useful without needing to blow her cover and she got an idea. "And do you think you could make vials of useful things like acid or something explosive too? I'm going along and I want to be able to do SOMETHING to help..." Reia grimaced. This was killing her... she really wanted to just get in their and kick some demon butt. And she would if Zach weren't around...

Uncle Pervy


Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sat May 10, 2003 7:42 pm

"You... intend to come, Reia?" Zachary asks.

Now, we see what she lets slip.

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Unread postby Nekogami » Sat May 10, 2003 11:35 pm

Merlot tilted her head at Reia's request and slipped away to her room. When she returned she handed Reia a leather satchel. "This should come in handy. Just make sure you throw these vials of holy water at the right demons." She jerked her head in Champagne's direction. Her brother promptly pulled his lower eyelid down and razzed her. "Or maybe you could spill a few drops on him."

"By anymeasure, normal weapons should be effective enough on what you will face."

The Duelist
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Unread postby The Duelist » Mon May 12, 2003 6:56 pm

Rick blinked as he watched the exchange...

Two things became readily obvious. The Maidservant was definetely not an ordinary maidservant, and the Envoy was by no means an ordinary envoy. Why he hadn't noticed it before, he wasn't quite sure...but it really was pretty obvious.

First off, Envoys were negotiators, plain and simple, and unless this man's country was talking of war, he SHOULDN'T be the type of person who would feel that comfortable with a sword...while simeltaneously being uncomfortable with killing...while simeltaneously being able to match wits with Sir Richard the Dire in a scheming session.

Second off, the maidservant was most definetely not acting like a maidservant. She was acting more like a Grunt. A front-line soldier. A maidservant would not have asked for grenade weapons. A maidservant would be begging for for her nobleman not to go on a mission that would likely get him killed...either that, or if she was used to this sort of thing she'd have a more resigned look on her face. This "servant" seemed awfully bloodthirsty...even her posture during the discussions gave the impression of a warrior.

Rick's face gave away nothing as he analyzed his comrades...



Unread postby AbbaTerra » Mon May 12, 2003 8:06 pm

Reia grins as she accepts the sachel. "Only if he makes a pass at me." She turns to Zach. "Of course I'm coming. Someone has to make sure that you don't get yourself killed. Who knows where we'd be if that happens?" Turns back to Merlot. "You know healing potions would also be a good idea..."

Uncle Pervy

Digging, oh yes.

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Tue May 13, 2003 2:22 am

"So, where are you from?" Zachary asks, looking at Rick whiling adjusting his hat. "I recall Knighthood being mentioned. Where at, may I ask?"

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Unread postby WillBaseton » Tue May 13, 2003 2:50 pm

"Normal weapons...even with what we have, this could get real ugly. I hope we're gonna make it through this..."

Ignes sighed and looked down at the ground.

"Arnast. I'm going to make it back."

The Duelist
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Re: Digging, oh yes.

Unread postby The Duelist » Tue May 13, 2003 2:57 pm

From Rick's experience, telling people that you were a knight in exile from a country that had experienced about a hundred years in an isolationist period, then had gotten conquered by a Necromantic wizard...well...

Adjusting the hilt of his sword so that the decorated pommel-stone of the Knights was visible, he said, "Vraina."

Uncle Pervy


Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Tue May 13, 2003 3:13 pm

"I have never heard of it," Zachary says, rubbing his chin. "What continent is it on?"

(Duelist. IM on me AIM so we can bang this out, aye?Name's Songstress Enlil)

The Duelist
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Re: Hn

Unread postby The Duelist » Wed May 14, 2003 5:32 pm

(With my computer in the shop, I won't have access to anything with AIM on it until friday at nearest...umm...this feels a bit awkward...)

The Duelist
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Re: Hn

Unread postby The Duelist » Sat May 17, 2003 12:48 pm

(sorry...its official, I won't be able to use AIM until my computer gets back...)

Rick's head snapped toward the window, as though he had heard someone yell his name from a distance...turning back to face the group, he shook his head lightly. Whatever he had felt had blocked out what Zachary had said.

"So...are we set? Just give me a place to meet you guys tomorrow, and a direction to point my little distraction, and I'll be there."

Rick hoped this would end soon. It was damnably annoying that Max would call him in the middle of something like this...but the guy probably had a good reason. Oh well...

Edited by: The Duelist at: 5/17/03 12:49:02 pm

Uncle Pervy

Re: Hn

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sat May 17, 2003 12:59 pm

(It's okay. We still love you.)

"Procuring some healing magicks as Reia suggested would be nice," Zachary says. "Aside from that, I can't think of much else. The attack will likely ruin any chance of us having a decent cover story, but I'll see if I can't come up with one regardless."

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Re: Hn

Unread postby Nekogami » Sun May 18, 2003 1:57 pm

Merlot and Champagne looked a little guilty.

"Well...the thing about healing potions is...."Champagne started. "We....usually just suck the life-"

Merlot slapped a hand over Champagne's mouth. "Let's just say holy magic doesn't work the same on us. Let me check the cellar to see if I have any in stock."

With that the swept away and went downstairs. They could here her shifting things around and talking to herself but within 5 minutes she returned with a small, dusty box.

"I only have five of these Red Potions. They're the best we've got. Full revitalization so use them wisely."

Uncle Pervy

Re: Hn

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Sun May 18, 2003 2:31 pm

"It's better than none at all," Zachary says as he claims one of the potions.

"If there is nothing else, I shall be going back to the inn. Shall we meet back here in the morning?"

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Re: Hn

Unread postby WillBaseton » Sun May 18, 2003 5:09 pm

Ignes nodded, pocketing his potion.

"Tomorrow morning...we'll be ready. Get as much rest as you can, we have a long trip ahead of us."

The Duelist
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Re: Hn

Unread postby The Duelist » Sun May 18, 2003 6:29 pm

Rick nodded, "I'll be here."

He turned, and walked to the door.


Re: Hn

Unread postby AbbaTerra » Sun May 18, 2003 7:16 pm

Reia takes another of the potions, nodding in thanks. "Morning isn't that far off, so we just have a few hours to rest, which is better than nothing, though."

Walking over to Zach, she rests and hand on his shoulder as they prepare to leave together.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Hn

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Mon May 19, 2003 11:16 pm

Zachary noted the overly friendly gesture from his maid, rather unprofessional given the circumstances.

I suppose Cincare might be upset by that, if she could be upset. Ah well, keep showing your true colors, Reia...

He accepts her hand without a word either way, and leaves with her. It shouldn't be too hard to get back from here.

(OOC: I am ready to be time-skipped til tomorrow, lest Terra has something up her sleeve.)

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Official GM Post #1

Unread postby Nekogami » Tue May 20, 2003 12:18 am

I thought Rick had something planned to do. I was waiting on him to post that up.

The Duelist
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Man of Flesh, Wall of Sound

Unread postby The Duelist » Wed May 21, 2003 7:52 pm

(Sorry...Real Life hit me pretty hard...)

A strange tune floated through the air as Rick walked toward his inn. Well, that was unsurprising. It sounded like any other stringed instrument, and inns had yet to completely settle down.

It was a light tune. It seemed as though it flirted with existence itself as it lightly skipped back in forth down the ranges of sound a stringed instrument could make. For a moment, Rick couldn't help but stand there, taking in this strange melody. He sighed, life just didn't seem that bad when he listened to this stuff.

Suddenly, it felt as though it were getting closer to him, as though with each note were a step, and each step was flying inexhorably faster toward him.

Instantly he was on guard. His saber flew from its scabbard, and his body assumed a fighting pose. The sound came to a point where it felt as though it was standing directly in front of him...and slowed...and stopped.

For a moment, Rick stood there, confusion written on his features...then, a smile broke over his face. He closed his eyes as he replaced the sword in its proper place. There was only one man who could play music like that, and that man was also the only one who would play a joke like this. After a moment, his eyes opened, and there standing before him was the figure of the prankster.

His clothes were a source of confusion to those who came across him. Clad completely in a shade of light green, he had a strange sort of cape draped over his left shoulder. It covered the left side of his body down to his knees, easily covering the majority of the mandolin he held in his brown gloved left hand, which quietly strummed the strings. It seemed to be held in place by a piece of thread which was attached at a point on his right shoulder, coming around the front of his body, connecting to the cape with a silver, spherical device. Along the cape at various points were silver lines, all moving vertically along it. On his head, he wore a matching green, wide brimmed traveler's hat, with a single, white feather sticking out of it. A smile was written all over his seemingly normal, healthy looking face. His eyes were closed, as though he was caught up in his own private game.

If a fool had passed the two, he would have seen some damn performer confronting a swordsman. But had a wise man passed, he would have looked upon the stranger, and have seen many things. He would have heard the music, and the man's voice as he spoke.

"So, still trying to save the world?"

Then this imaginary man would have seen something which could only mean one thing. He was looking at a miracle, a phenomena which had sprung forth for all to see once in their lifetime...that they might never see again.

It opened its eyes, eyes whose irises were ringed with silver, and smiled.

Rick nodded, "Yes, but only while off duty."

The two began walking back toward the inn.

Rick asked, "You kind of caught me while I was in the middle of something. What's the deal?"

Max's nonchalant reply took him off guard, "Well, while you were busy making nice with a trio of demons..."

Rick interrupted him, "How did you, and what do you, know about that."

Max shrugged, "Do you want the convenient lie, or the sordid truth?"

Rick's face broke out into the grin that Stephan had once called "Custom built."

"What the hell, give me both."

Max nodded, "Well, the Convenient lie is that I read it off your mind...but you know I can't do that."

Rick grunted in acknowledgement. He knew that Max was probably the only part-human in the world with Muse-blood in him, but even that gave him only so much power. Max did have something though, something that was far more powerful than the ability to pick up stray thoughts. Max could read the heart and soul of any creature alive. What they dreamed, what they really believed in, where their inspiration sometimes made Rick wonder why the man hung around with HIS people.

Max continued, "The truth is that I was listening to your conversation as it happened."

Rick shook his head, "Bullsh-t. Max, I don't doubt your ability to vanish, but if I was going to create a mercenary business on an island like this, I'd have at least a dozen different traps set up for an intruder, not to mention that the Mage would have probably sensed your aura."

Max agreed, "Yes, she would have spotted me, if nothing else did. Actually I borrowed a...telescope I think its called...yes, a telescope...well, I borrowed one from your knight, Marcus I believed. I only need to see them to know them, I simply read the conversation of you as you heard it. Probably the only real mind trick I know."

Rick sighed. Was nothing secret? "And how exactly did you find them?"

Max nodded, "Well, when I went to find you, the first place I checked was the nearest bar. When I couldn't find you, I immediately knew what had happened."

Rick rolled his eyes, "Please inform me of your *new* psychic talents."

Max shrugged, "Nothing like that, although I could have asked for help from a muse that was a few realms higher at the time. No, it was a bit more mundane. I immediately knew that you had gotten another quest to deal with, because you always seem to meet your partners in bar fights."

Rick's voice seemed slightly sheepish, "Not *always*."

Max stopped to think for a moment, "No...sorry, actually I *am* wrong. There've been a couple times where you've met a suitably pretty damsel in distress as you were *leaving* the bar."

Rick immediately snapped back, "Get to the point."

Max grinned, "Very well, Oh Highest and Mightiest among the high and mighty. Demonic beasts are easy to track, and I found your little war-party. Three demons, an envoy who is decidedly *much* more than an envoy, and a maidservant who is *definetely* not a maidservant...but wait, you knew that already."

Rick's reply sounded rather surly, "And of course, you won't tell me what exactly they are, because you want me to find out on my own."

Max said, "Bingo. Glad you have me figured out at this point. I'm guessing that I get the lovely job of helping your boys run interference while you get to be Rick the Mighty: Master of Disaster?"

Rick massaged his eyelids...he didn't know what was worse, the fact that he put up with this, or the fact that Max was right.

"I won't ask how you learned THAT. Frankly, I don't think I want to know. But yes, you are. And I *know* what will happen if they find out that I've agreed to help demons, so you aren't going to breathe a word about *that*. They’re just a couple of *normal* people who need our help. Got it?"

Max replied with a series of mocking salutes, "Yes sir. Right away sir. Three bags full sir."

Rick, ignoring the last sentence, moved on.

"Now, WHAT was it that needed my immediate attention?"

Max nodded, the tempo of his song speeding up, "Right then. Andre summoned a pissed off serpent."

Rick's head slowly turned in the direction of Max, "...What?"

Max continued on, as though he had simply remarked upon the weather, "They've barracaded it in the basement of the inn, but they aren't quite sure how long they can hold it down there..."

Rick was already running.

Max yelled back to him as he disappeared off into the distance, "You gotta lighten up! You got a big day tomorrow, and...aww screw it."

Max couldn’t help but grin. They were fine. If they weren’t, he probably would have had to run into that place where Rick had been and physically pull him out. Now, all that was left for him to do, was get some sleep, and prepare to make a serious pain in the ass out of himself when the time came to deal with the enemy.

As for Rick? Well, Max knew that after dealing with THIS incident, he would probably spend most of his time of the skiff asleep. Oh well. He’d manage. He always did.

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Day Two

Unread postby Nekogami » Thu May 22, 2003 12:08 am

The next day came as any other day. Champagne was waiting in front of his business with Merlot. She was dressed in casual clothing as she was not going but Champagne was dressed in a leather vest, pants, boots, with his full moons at each side. He was leant against the wall, muscular arms crossed.

"This is the day, Merlot. I hope to be done by nightfall or early morning."

"Don't tire yourself out, sweet brother."

Champagne simply nodded and waited for Ignes and the others.

Uncle Pervy

Re: Day Two

Unread postby Uncle Pervy » Thu May 22, 2003 2:26 pm

(OOC: Terra pulled a runner, I'll be controlling Reia with our Neko for a week til she gets back)

Zachary comes relatively early, dressed in a dark green kimono, and still wearing the same beat-up hat as before: his wooden-handled Katana is still at his side. Reia follows closely behind, not dressed too much differently than before.

Adjusting his glasses as he approaches, he looks to Merlot and asks, "Has everything been arranged?" Reia stays quite behind him.


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