Come one Come all (Closed Freestyle RP)

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Come one Come all (Closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Deeum » Mon Apr 21, 2003 4:24 am

((OK, lets hope this one doesn't Die.))

Morning arose within the outskirts of the Kingdom.The sky was filled with hues of orange and pink with stray clouds silhouetted infront of the sun.
A gentle breeze blew through the dew-kissed fields causing the tall grass look like rippling waves of an ocean.
a rather large caravan galloped their way down the moist beaten path that spring morn.
The large group of travelers carried along large carts and carriages full of supplies, cages, and small buildings behind them. There were right many people along for the ride. All of which were lugging around a respectable amount of baggage themselves. Everyone had a worn look about them as if they have been doing it for some time. Others looked bright eyes and gazed around the landscapes with a gleam of innocence in their eyes. Mostlikly new to their life on the road.
"Doma is just a few miles ahead, SIR" Called out one of the trawlers leaning back using the reigns on his chocobo to keep balance as he to the back of the caravan.
An elderly figure leaned out from a one of the back carriages His face long and very grey looking with obvious signs of aging. Without a word he waved his hand onward and went back into his carriage.
Taking a deep breath the man adjusted his black robes and leaned back against his seat taking in a deep breath.
"Doma? You think they have what we are looking for?" he exhaled in a non-enthusiastic tone towards the right of himself.

There sitting next to him in a very uncomfortable way(which he doesn't seem to mind) a jester donned in black and blue sits there grinning wickedly and nodding his head.
He sat like a frog swayed his head from side to side letting the one bell on his hat jingle and jangle.

The old man sighed in annoyance and rubbed his forehand.
"We will see.."

Half a day later that following day. The citizens of the kingdom were more energetic then usual. Everyone seems to be crowing around a specific area this time.
Much of the population were crowded around the caravan setting up their business. Which surprisingly they were just about finished. just a few more booths to set up as well as the main tent.
The sound of people talking among themselves in half confusion and half curiosity.

"What do you suppose they are here for?" one person muttered.
"I have no idea, but I think it has something to do with those flyers around the square." the other replied.
"Well, whatever this is. it looks interesting to say the least."
"Right you are"


Re: Come one Come all (Closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Mon Apr 21, 2003 10:46 am

Argus yawned as he walked along the streets. He looked about the area rubbing his eyes. "Hmmmm......" He paused as he noticed a crowd gathering around something. He slowly walked up to the crowd and tried to see what everyone was looking at.

"What's this...? A ... um... caravan of some sort?"

(( Rawr shortness... ))

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Re: Come one Come all (Closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby WillBaseton » Tue Apr 22, 2003 3:49 pm

Doma's favorite dimension-jumping, gender-bending ryuujin walked down the streets of Doma, hands in his pockets.

"Another day in Doma...wonder what's gonna happen today...huh?"

It was at that point that Will walked headlong into a low-hanging sign, stumbling and falling flat on his face.

"I really need to watch where I'm going...huh? What's this...?

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Re: Come one Come all (Closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Deeum » Tue Apr 22, 2003 6:55 pm

One of the random people crowded around the set up over heard Argus' comment and did his best to reply.
"It seems to be that way. Not that i can say forsure. This kind of thing doesn't happen too often.."

Will rubed his sore face and cocked his head up spotting one of the many signs/flyers hanging about city's square.
"Come one come all to the newest preformance to ever hit The Kingdom of Doma!
The Ka'zar Company proudly presents:

<center>The GREATEST show on Gaera.</center>

Watch feats of wonder unfold infront of your very eyes~!
Dragons, Griffins, Cockatrice, and many more exotic animals can be found!
Not in the mood to only watch animals?
We also have Games, Rides, Special performances just for your viewing pleasure.
Want to see more? Please Attend!
don't miss out on the fun.
--Ka'zar Company

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Re: Come one Come all (Closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Tue Apr 22, 2003 6:56 pm

Of course...not everything lasts forever...and same for Will being by himself...soon, a young red-haired female lancer pounces at Will cheerfully, shouting "HIIII!!!!" in the process...


Re: Come one Come all (Closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Tue Apr 22, 2003 7:45 pm

(( HAR HAR I like the flyer XD ))

Argus blinked as the person answered him. "Hmm....." He tried to push his way through the crowd a bit to get a better view of what was going on. Upon doing so he paused when he got close enough to the front of the gathering crowd to see the people setting up.

"Uh.... woah... they sure are busy..."

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Re: Come one Come all (Closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby WillBaseton » Wed Apr 23, 2003 2:58 pm

Pushing Amelia off of him, Will smirked.

"...they have DRAGONS on display?!? What kind of freaks are these people? I'll have to speak to their manager..."

And so, the ryuujin set off, looking for the manager's tent/cart/place of hiding.

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Re: Come one Come all (Closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Deeum » Thu Apr 24, 2003 1:16 am

Will stomped around a good length of the crowd till it was of no use, the crowd circling around the caravan was too thick and was damn near impossible to squeeze through without excissive force.
MEanwhile, Argus had managed to get himself rather close to the front of the swarming crowd to see many of the travelers setting up shop and practicing their acts.
One act in particular was giving the crowing a taste of what's to come.
Two slightly slender figures dressed up in jester's outfits made of black gold and red.
They were jiggling various items that included the following: A cat, cream pie, hatches, and a rather large trout.

Jugglers one whistles and shifted his hips from left to right as he caught each item with perfect ease as where juggler two was having the hardest time keeping up with the pace. His movements were jerky and trying not to grab the wrong end of the hatchet or even the wrong end of the pie! The slightest startle would surely cost him his hand or hygiene!


Re: Come one Come all (Closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Thu Apr 24, 2003 7:07 pm

Argus blinked as he watched the jugglers, or more the objects they were juggling.

"Ooooo...... That looks complicated...." He paused for a moment and smiled to himself, backing a bit into the crowd. He then took in a deep breath, and yelled at them from a angle so as to hopefully not be noted as the source of the yell.....


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Re: Come one Come all (Closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Thu Apr 24, 2003 9:00 pm

Meanwhile, Amelia, not to be discouraged so easily, well, chases after Will.....almost tripping once, and slowing down, before following him more.

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Re: Come one Come all (Closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Deeum » Thu Apr 24, 2003 9:26 pm

the juggler that was pure jitters was startled by Argus' voice.
Staggering forward, he tossed the trout outward at the wrong angle causing the other juggler to step onto it by accident. Trying to regain his balance the proper juggler leaned forward quickly jerking his arms out infront of him to do so. But sadly he had the pie in his left hand not to mention the cat in the other.
The crowd stood back in fear of getting impaled by one of those object
Argus noticed the lone pie hurtling towards his very face!
using his half demon reflexes, argus managed to dodge the pie, but not the cat which was also tossed at his direction.

The nervous juggler took a sight of relief that he himself had not been hurt. But.. something seemed missing.. something.. didn't feel right.. The hatchet? where could that have gone?
the jugglers looked around the area to see if he had either dropped it or hit someone with it.

A girls scream broke the confusion.
Everyone that was paying attention spun around to see Ameila with her eyes as wide as she could make them staring directly down at the hatchet mere inches from her person.


Re: Come one Come all (Closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Thu Apr 24, 2003 9:37 pm

Argus turned his head after the pie went flying by just in time to get a face full of kitty, so to speak. He fell back onto his ass and grabbed the cat by the sides prying it off his face before any scratching occurred to his face. Well his face at least, he was still managed to get scratched on the arm as he dropped the cat to the ground.

"Ow.... ow.." He blew on the cat scratch before standing up and looking over to where the scream had come from. He walked over to the girl and looked at the hatchet from his place in the crowd.

"Hrm..... Maybe that wasn't such a good idea after all..."

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Re: Come one Come all (Closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Sat Apr 26, 2003 12:44 am

I....I almost died.....if that hatchet were only a few....

Amelia stared at the hatchet that landed in front of her. The wide-eyed girl takes a deep breath, releases, and does this a few times to calm herself of the shock...

Hm...I wonder if there's anything special about this that it landed in front of me.....

Amelia then picked up the hatchet and turned it around, looking at it.

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Re: Come one Come all (Closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby WillBaseton » Mon Apr 28, 2003 8:07 am

After much fruitless searching, Will sighed and realized that there apparently was no manager's cart.

"Damn...this is a joke. What else could happen?"

Of course, being deep in thought, Will completely ignored the scream, thinking it to be nothing but his imagination.

Edited by: [url=>WillBaseton</A]&nbsp; Image at: 4/28/03 8:07:49 am

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Re: Come one Come all (Closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Deeum » Mon Apr 28, 2003 9:53 pm

Ameila Looked at the hatchet carfully. to only see nothing special about it other then it was beginning to rust and the wooden handle splinting due to lack of care.
On of the jugglers ran over to Ameila.
"You ok? Did you get cut?" he askes alittle conserned about the girl and his job while offering his hand.
Will walked about a while untill bumping into another sign which reads "Manager's tent" carved into its wodden planks along with an arrow pointing off to the left.

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Re: Come one Come all (Closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby WillBaseton » Mon Apr 28, 2003 10:00 pm

Clonking his elbow on the sign, Will stopped to make a comment, then read the sign's message.


He began to follow the arrow, looking for the manager.


Re: Come one Come all (Closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Thu May 01, 2003 6:32 pm

Argus looked around quietly and walked over to Amelia as well. "Yeah you okay?"

(( Yay shortness. ))

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Re: Come one Come all (Closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Sun May 04, 2003 2:24 pm

Amelia nodded, and then smiled. "I'm okay! Just a little frightened!" She never seems to lose that cheerful happy demeanor about her...

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Re: Come one Come all (Closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Deeum » Sun May 04, 2003 2:51 pm

The nervous juggler near Ameila nodded and helped her off the ground.
"I I don't know how i can apologize t to you. But at least let me take you to the managers tent to see if there is anything We can do." the man stuttered.
The other one which seemed to be amused by the incident and looked at Argus whom had cat scratches all over his face.
"Since you were caught up in this mess.. and where the one that caused it Please come with us aswell."
Will soon arrived at the managers tent. But was quickly met by a LARGE burly Minotaur clad in rusted halfplate towered over Will glaring to him..
"What do you want?" The Minotaur growled clutches his battle axe.

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Re: Come one Come all (Closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby WillBaseton » Sun May 04, 2003 2:54 pm

Will looked up at the minotaur.

"Are you this circus' manager, by any chance? I need to speak to the manager."


Re: Come one Come all (Closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Sun May 04, 2003 4:23 pm

Argus chuckled and nodded. "Yeah sure, lead the way. Not like I got anything better to do with my time."

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Re: Come one Come all (Closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby NamagomiMk0 » Sun May 04, 2003 6:38 pm

Amelia looked at the man, nodding, never breaking from her smile. She wondered if she could possibly get something from this..what appears to be a circus...for free. Maybe a free showing.

She still smiled, making her face look contrasted with what she was wearing (leather armor and helmet)

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Re: Come one Come all (Closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby Deeum » Sun May 18, 2003 4:23 am

(( I LIVE!!111one))

The minotaur glares deeply into Will, with obvious sights of him not budging from that particular spot.
"Sorry, but you can't pass without good reason, or a request to see the manager."
Mean while one of the circus staff nervously showed Ameila and Argus to the very same tent.
"p please one moment while I tell him w what happened." the man studdered as hesprinted his way to the Minotaur.
The two stood and taked for a quick momment and was let through into the tent.


Re: Come one Come all (Closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby ArgusDevilmen » Sun May 18, 2003 3:00 pm

Argus glanced over at Will and raised a eyebrow. "Well of all the places in Doma this was the last I expected to find you. Come to join the circus Will?" Argus smirked not really concerned with the minotaur.

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Re: Come one Come all (Closed Freestyle RP)

Unread postby WillBaseton » Sun May 18, 2003 5:03 pm

Will growled and turned to Argus.

"I'm here to speak to the manager about some of his 'attractions'. It's not right to hold dragons and other creatures against their will like he does, so I'm here to set things right."

The ryuujin turned back to the minotaur.

"Can I please speak to the manager, or could you put in a request for me? I need to talk to him."

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Unread postby Deeum » Sat May 31, 2003 7:13 am

The minotaur snorted and stopped ookinh straight forward plainly ignoring Will's polite request.
"No one can see him unless asked for."' he grunted.

Shortly after, a the tent opened wider, and a hand was seen waving them inward.
"Come on in, and the other guy aswell!" a voice commanded from inside.

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